BT Development Mentor Program Archives » STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-24 2:20 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Birthday Report... yes toys! I got a new foot pod for my garmin 310xt so I can track my cadence... confirming what we already know... I plod. But I am picking it up a bit, so that's good!

I also got a Swimovate watch for the pool! Can't wait to try it! I'll keep you posted. Otherwise it was dinner, ice cream, cup cakes, balloons... yep my husband is VERY into birthdays!

2012-04-24 2:28 PM
in reply to: #4165337

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-04-22 11:42 AM

garylandry - 2012-04-22 7:19 AM

Any one have a Heart Rate Device they like or would suggest? I am looking at the Ant+Key and strap for the Iphone but would love some input from the group as to what everyone  likes to use.


I'm all about triathlon on a budget, so I have the garmin fr60 bundle. I watched amazon for a while and the price dropped to $104 for the watch, heart rate monitor, foot pod, and ant+ stick ( Later I added the Garmin speed and cadence sensor for my bike. I love my gadget and use it to track all of my runs and bike rides. It's definitely helped me run more efficiently as it's helped me monitor my cadence and I love knowing my heart rate and training in the right zone. My husband has an analog timex heart rate monitor, and it beeps all the time (so annoying) but it works and was only like $25 (but the data has to be transferred by hand. I love that mine is all in my Garmin Connect profile and that it goes there automatically.)

It's fine to use in water but the reviews say you don't really want to push the buttons too much, so I just use my older stopwatch to count laps in the pool.

I think the FR60 is a great deal. It's running, so it's single sport, but I think it's about the best deal out there. You did the right thing by adding new gadgets as you go. I have had my 310xt for quite a while now and when I saw what my husband spent on it, I nearly fainted. I'm going to love it for a while!!
2012-04-24 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4167009

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
making_tracks - 2012-04-23 11:24 AM

garylandry - 2012-04-22 1:19 PM

Any one have a Heart Rate Device they like or would suggest? I am looking at the Ant+Key and strap for the Iphone but would love some input from the group as to what everyone  likes to use.


I went for the Garmin 910xt, It's the Rolls Royce of heart rate monitor devices because it does so much more.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  It gives me every piece of data I need from the number of strokes I do in the pool to how my heart rate is doing on a run. It is expensive though but "I'm worth it!"


Soooooooooooooo jealous. But I'll be ok. Really.

I will.
2012-04-25 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4170361

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South East England
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-04-24 7:33 PM
making_tracks - 2012-04-23 11:24 AM
garylandry - 2012-04-22 1:19 PM

Any one have a Heart Rate Device they like or would suggest? I am looking at the Ant+Key and strap for the Iphone but would love some input from the group as to what everyone  likes to use.


I went for the Garmin 910xt, It's the Rolls Royce of heart rate monitor devices because it does so much more.  I can't recommend it highly enough.  It gives me every piece of data I need from the number of strokes I do in the pool to how my heart rate is doing on a run. It is expensive though but "I'm worth it!"


Soooooooooooooo jealous. But I'll be ok. Really. I will.


Steph, you're definitely worth it too but I promise you, whilst my Garmin 910xt is lovely, it really doesn't make me swim, ride or run any faster or stronger!


2012-04-25 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4128264

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
I did a 30 min Swim & 3 0min run today. I still struggle with breathing after four laps of swimming. When will I be able to just get in the pool and do continues laps with ease.....ugh.  I am pretty sure I have a cold which is not helping me any bit. I was reading on the website how everyone works out 6/7 days a week. I am up there with that but its hard to balance it all. I have 2 kids and I usually miss a work out do to life. How do you all balance getting everything in? Do you work out twice a day? I Feel like if i did that I would burn out really quick that way. 
2012-04-25 7:22 PM
in reply to: #4172234

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

erin1621 - 2012-04-25 12:35 PM I How do you all balance getting everything in? Do you work out twice a day? I Feel like if i did that I would burn out really quick that way. 

When I first started this I worked out twice a day two times a week and one time a day two times a week (A total of 6 workouts. The two a days had one workout before work and once after.  My gym was on my route to and from the office so it only made sense that way.  

Now I tend to workout 13 out of 14 days.  My body seems to need a rest by day 14.  The only way this works is if I workout in the morning before work.  My wife gets our daughter together in the morning and takes her to day care so that makes it possible for my morning workout.  We both prepare everything we need the day before, so it makes the morning a bit smoother. Then on the weekends we tend to run as a family one day and I go to the gym early in the day on the other. I dont think there would be a way for me to do this with out my wife's support. 

2012-04-25 7:54 PM
in reply to: #4173434

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-04-25 5:22 PM

erin1621 - 2012-04-25 12:35 PM I How do you all balance getting everything in? Do you work out twice a day? I Feel like if i did that I would burn out really quick that way. 

When I first started this I worked out twice a day two times a week and one time a day two times a week (A total of 6 workouts. The two a days had one workout before work and once after.  My gym was on my route to and from the office so it only made sense that way.  

Now I tend to workout 13 out of 14 days.  My body seems to need a rest by day 14.  The only way this works is if I workout in the morning before work.  My wife gets our daughter together in the morning and takes her to day care so that makes it possible for my morning workout.  We both prepare everything we need the day before, so it makes the morning a bit smoother. Then on the weekends we tend to run as a family one day and I go to the gym early in the day on the other. I dont think there would be a way for me to do this with out my wife's support. 

She sounds awesome!   I am happy to get in three workouts a week - have to sneak them in between work, kids and classes.


2012-04-25 8:41 PM
in reply to: #4172234

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

its hard to balance it all. I have 2 kids and I usually miss a work out do to life. How do you all balance getting everything in? Do you work out twice a day? I Feel like if i did that I would burn out really quick that way. 

I know exactly how you feel!!  I also am a mother of 2 children, and have to fit workouts around life.  I am fortunate that I work from home (mostly) so that makes it a little easier.  I tend to get my kids out the door to school in the morning and then head straight to the pool/gym for my training session, then start work after that.  If I need to fit a 2nd session in (which is usually only twice a week), I always make it a run, and I will do it close to home at the end of the work day (usually around 5pm-ish).  I don't train on Sunday, and if I do a session on Saturday, it has to be early Saturday morning before kids activities start.  It is a struggle, and it does take coordination, but it is something that I try to balance around everything else.  Without my routine, I'm not sure how I would fit it in....


2012-04-25 9:11 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
I am in a rut. My training has been run focus all year. I need to crosstrain more especially since i have my eyes set on a summer duathlon. I did my first last year (run 2-bike 26- run 4) and I thought I was going to die on that brutal bike course. The same race directors created a women's sprint on the same course that is run 2-bike 13 - run 2.
I also haven't signed up for a triathlon but want to continue swimming. I think I have backed off because I haven't signed up for one.

-find a training plan to fit my level but still challenge me
-stick to my training plan
- get 6 workouts in each week and take one day off per week.
- get 27 PEACH days on my training log!!

I can do it.
2012-04-26 3:09 AM
in reply to: #4173588

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South East England
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lovey - 2012-04-26 2:11 AM I am in a rut. My training has been run focus all year. I need to crosstrain more especially since i have my eyes set on a summer duathlon. I did my first last year (run 2-bike 26- run 4) and I thought I was going to die on that brutal bike course. The same race directors created a women's sprint on the same course that is run 2-bike 13 - run 2. I also haven't signed up for a triathlon but want to continue swimming. I think I have backed off because I haven't signed up for one. MY PERSONAL CHALLENGE FOR MAY: -find a training plan to fit my level but still challenge me -stick to my training plan - get 6 workouts in each week and take one day off per week. - get 27 PEACH days on my training log!! I can do it.


I'm using this balanced lifestyle plan.  It has 8 sessions - 2 runs, rides, swims and includes the 2 gym sessions per week.  I'm finding the level about right for me.  The rides and runs are very manageable, the swims are a challenge.  I need to do the gym sessions because I've been having back problems post my bike crash and these sessions are very focused on improving my core strength.

I work full time, have family responsibilities and live between two homes.  Life is complicated because I live half the week with my partner - we're a second time around couple - and half the week with my 19yr son who needs scaffolding support as I get him ready to survive University from September.  My partner has a 11 yr old son who lives with us at weekends so I have some step-mum responsibilities too.

I work out early in the day when my time is my own and I've tried to incorporate my mid week ride into my commute and I've done a deal with my other half that allows me to cycle/run on a Saturday morning whilst he and Joe have "Dad and Son quality time".  Then on Sunday as my partner is a "lazy once per week runner", we take it in turns to run so Joe is kept occupied.

One of the great benefits of being a busy parent that works out means you'll definitely be sewing great seeds for your children's futures.  I went from being sedentary to active when my children were 9 & 13, they saw me move from being massively overweight, sad and unhealthy to being a bit overweight, active and happy.  Now, they are motivated to keep fit too.  My son plays rugby at a high level and finds happiness on a wet muddy field with all his team mates.  My daughter knows that whenever the pounds have crept on that her adult ballet class, running, cycling and swimming will help keep them at bay.  So please don't ever feel guilty that Mum or Dad needs to go for a run/cycle/swim.

2012-04-26 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4173804

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
making_tracks - 2012-04-26 4:09 AM

Lovey - 2012-04-26 2:11 AM I am in a rut. My training has been run focus all year. I need to crosstrain more especially since i have my eyes set on a summer duathlon. I did my first last year (run 2-bike 26- run 4) and I thought I was going to die on that brutal bike course. The same race directors created a women's sprint on the same course that is run 2-bike 13 - run 2. I also haven't signed up for a triathlon but want to continue swimming. I think I have backed off because I haven't signed up for one. MY PERSONAL CHALLENGE FOR MAY: -find a training plan to fit my level but still challenge me -stick to my training plan - get 6 workouts in each week and take one day off per week. - get 27 PEACH days on my training log!! I can do it.


I'm using this balanced lifestyle plan.  It has 8 sessions - 2 runs, rides, swims and includes the 2 gym sessions per week.  I'm finding the level about right for me.  The rides and runs are very manageable, the swims are a challenge.  I need to do the gym sessions because I've been having back problems post my bike crash and these sessions are very focused on improving my core strength.

I work full time, have family responsibilities and live between two homes.  Life is complicated because I live half the week with my partner - we're a second time around couple - and half the week with my 19yr son who needs scaffolding support as I get him ready to survive University from September.  My partner has a 11 yr old son who lives with us at weekends so I have some step-mum responsibilities too.

I work out early in the day when my time is my own and I've tried to incorporate my mid week ride into my commute and I've done a deal with my other half that allows me to cycle/run on a Saturday morning whilst he and Joe have "Dad and Son quality time".  Then on Sunday as my partner is a "lazy once per week runner", we take it in turns to run so Joe is kept occupied.

One of the great benefits of being a busy parent that works out means you'll definitely be sewing great seeds for your children's futures.  I went from being sedentary to active when my children were 9 & 13, they saw me move from being massively overweight, sad and unhealthy to being a bit overweight, active and happy.  Now, they are motivated to keep fit too.  My son plays rugby at a high level and finds happiness on a wet muddy field with all his team mates.  My daughter knows that whenever the pounds have crept on that her adult ballet class, running, cycling and swimming will help keep them at bay.  So please don't ever feel guilty that Mum or Dad needs to go for a run/cycle/swim.

Thank you, sometimes the guilt does slow me down. I also work fulltime between 2 jobs while taking care of hubby and 2 kids. Sometimes my workouts don't happen when my hubby is traveling on business which is often. I really need to plan my workouts for those weeks ahead of time.
I will check out the balanced training program but I need one that has 3 workouts per sport. My swimming sucks so i need to dedicate some time swimming. 3 short swim workouts is better than 2 long ones. I run with a group and we do 3 runs per week. I do follow a training plan for my runs. i am training for a 10 miler in june that i am not doing so 2 runs per week wouldn't be enough. My friend registered and trained with me for my half this Sunday so to return the favor i will be training for the 10 miler in June. I'm not doing it because there is a conflict in my schedule.
I went from the couch to semiactive to active.

Thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciated

2012-04-26 9:39 AM
in reply to: #4173480

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Threejs - 2012-04-25 8:54 PM
otisbrown - 2012-04-25 5:22 PM

I dont think there would be a way for me to do this with out my wife's support. 

She sounds awesome!   I am happy to get in three workouts a week - have to sneak them in between work, kids and classes.


She absolutely is, makes me one lucky d00d!

2012-04-26 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4173588

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lovey - 2012-04-25 10:11 PM I am in a rut. My training has been run focus all year. I need to crosstrain more especially since i have my eyes set on a summer duathlon. I did my first last year (run 2-bike 26- run 4) and I thought I was going to die on that brutal bike course. The same race directors created a women's sprint on the same course that is run 2-bike 13 - run 2. I also haven't signed up for a triathlon but want to continue swimming. I think I have backed off because I haven't signed up for one. MY PERSONAL CHALLENGE FOR MAY: -find a training plan to fit my level but still challenge me -stick to my training plan - get 6 workouts in each week and take one day off per week. - get 27 PEACH days on my training log!! I can do it.

Yes you can, and you will.  Just keep plugging away and you will get there. 

2012-04-26 9:43 AM
in reply to: #4172234

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Medford Lakes, NJ
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

erin1621 - 2012-04-25 12:35 PM I did a 30 min Swim & 3 0min run today. I still struggle with breathing after four laps of swimming. When will I be able to just get in the pool and do continues laps with ease.....ugh.  

Hey Erin,

I meant to comment on your swimming question too.  I found this tends to get easier over time. Kinda the more you do it the easier it gets and then one day you realize you can swim further than  you thought.  I found doing ladders helped me with this as well.  IE 1x50, 1x75, 1x100, 1x125 and then back down.  You can modify that however it fits you. 



2012-04-26 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
RUN: I will contine to use my Hal Higdon plan on my running days.

CYCLE: I like the BT Beginner Cycling because it is specifically created with the overweight person in mind. Its in minutes but for cycling I am ok with that.

SWIM: I found a few swim plans I like.

-- 0-1650 Plan in 6 weeks. It doesn't really start at zero but at 700 yards.

-- ZERO TO 700 an Easy Preamble to the 0-1650 Plan to help start you off.

-- BT Beginner Swim Workouts: Endurance, Form and Speed:

-- BT Beginner Swim Program, A three month program designed to help beginning swimmers improve technique for a sprint distance race.

I think I am going to try swimming for time one week, then distances another week. I really don't know which one works best for me BUT I prefer to think in distances. The time can't be 12 mins because its too much work to get to the gym or pool and just swim for 12 mins. If a plan says 30 mins 1500 yards, knowing I can't swim that dist in 30 minutes, I could just swim for 30 mins regardless of distance and build up slowly OR I would swim the distance repeatedly until I can do it in 30 mins.

Can someone look at these swim plans tell me what they think?


Edited by Lovey 2012-04-26 1:15 PM
2012-04-26 1:19 PM
in reply to: #4174429

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-04-26 9:43 AM

erin1621 - 2012-04-25 12:35 PM I did a 30 min Swim & 3 0min run today. I still struggle with breathing after four laps of swimming. When will I be able to just get in the pool and do continues laps with ease.....ugh.  

Hey Erin,

I meant to comment on your swimming question too.  I found this tends to get easier over time. Kinda the more you do it the easier it gets and then one day you realize you can swim further than  you thought.  I found doing ladders helped me with this as well.  IE 1x50, 1x75, 1x100, 1x125 and then back down.  You can modify that however it fits you. 



Thats exactly what my plan is for tomorrow. I know I have improved from the beginning for sure! However, I feel still so weak in this area but it drives me more to do it! Thanks =)

2012-04-26 10:17 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
So on my run Tuesday, I injured my left foot...good ol plantar fasciitis, it turns out. So yesterday turned into an unplanned rest day and today I lifted. Tomorrow I'll swim, and maybe ride if it's better (pressure on it is rough and I don't want to antagonize it). But the real issue is that I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment! I've never felt like this before...I guess I really am hooked on triathlon, but if I end up like this for any length of time...well, I pity those that live with me!
2012-04-27 1:39 AM
in reply to: #4175954

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment!

Running: @amybecca: I know exactly how you feel. I strained my calf during a 5k two weeks ago and it's almost healed. I have run a total of 20 minutes since then, and I feel like a race horse at the starting gate. arrgh! Not willing to have this injury reappear by not being patient enough, though. Swim, bike, walk, lift... do other things to fill the void. Just make sure you let your injury heal.

Biking: I finally put my clipless pedals on and love, love, love how much more zoom I can get on the up-swing. And yes, I did fall. Not during the most important times like in traffic or crossroads (I prepared for that pretty well). I learned that you're more likely to fall if you don't know where you're going: being distracted and slowing down too much or trying to start on an uphill without having down-shifted (oops!).  I've started doing bridge repeats to get used to uphill climbing.

Swimming: Did my first open-water swim yesterday. I recommend everyone try it at least once before their tri. No line at the bottom to help steer you in the right direction, my progress was very wiggly! The only way to know which way to go is too look up and out of the water at the landmarks, buoys, etc. Even trying to keep the sun at an approximate angle did not help. Also, depending on where you'll be swimming, you may not see bottom (in my case there was lots of floating algae and the occasional 2 foot long fish swimming below me). If you are used to lap swimming, in open water swimming there's no ability to push off a wall, or hold on to an edge, which can be concerning to some (the swim lane was sectioned off by ropes which I crashed into a couple of times). I felt a bit anxious at first (sloppy form, ragged breathing), but finally calmed and fell into a rhythm after the first 200 yards.

Sailing: Really windy out tonight and fun! (wish there was a competition that included sailing too!).

2012-04-27 3:03 AM
in reply to: #4174951

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South East England
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Lovey - 2012-04-26 6:10 PM RUN: I will contine to use my Hal Higdon plan on my running days. CYCLE: I like the BT Beginner Cycling because it is specifically created with the overweight person in mind. Its in minutes but for cycling I am  I think I am going to try swimming for time one week, then distances another week. I really don't know which one works best for me BUT I prefer to think in distances. The time can't be 12 mins because its too much work to get to the gym or pool and just swim for 12 mins. If a plan says 30 mins 1500 yards, knowing I can't swim that dist in 30 minutes, I could just swim for 30 mins regardless of distance and build up slowly OR I would swim the distance repeatedly until I can do it in 30 mins. Can someone look at these swim plans tell me what they think? Thanks

I've been amazed at how quickly I've been able to increase my swimming distances.  I'm trying 2 sessions per week.  I've had to adapt my training plan:

I always warm up 300 yrd.  I do slow easy breaststroke

I then do sets of either 100 yrds or 50yrd freestyle with 20 or 30 sec rests between sets.

I cool down with another 100 yrds breaststroke.

I'm never more than 45 mins in the water as my parking space only lasts for an hour!

2012-04-27 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4172234

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
erin1621 - 2012-04-25 12:35 PM

I did a 30 min Swim & 3 0min run today. I still struggle with breathing after four laps of swimming. When will I be able to just get in the pool and do continues laps with ease.....ugh.  I am pretty sure I have a cold which is not helping me any bit. I was reading on the website how everyone works out 6/7 days a week. I am up there with that but its hard to balance it all. I have 2 kids and I usually miss a work out do to life. How do you all balance getting everything in? Do you work out twice a day? I Feel like if i did that I would burn out really quick that way. 

Seriously, get some fins. They make swimming easier, allow you to work on your technique, and generally help you with swim FEEL. You can swim a lot more continuous laps with them on.

I DO NOT WORKOUT EVERY DAY. I am going to try... but it never happens that way. Make your workouts count and that way you won't be upset with yourself when you miss. If you only have 15 minutes... run a mile or do some squats and lunges.... pushups too. Every bit counts.
2012-04-27 11:05 AM
in reply to: #4173434

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
otisbrown - 2012-04-25 8:22 PM

erin1621 - 2012-04-25 12:35 PM I How do you all balance getting everything in? Do you work out twice a day? I Feel like if i did that I would burn out really quick that way. 

When I first started this I worked out twice a day two times a week and one time a day two times a week (A total of 6 workouts. The two a days had one workout before work and once after.  My gym was on my route to and from the office so it only made sense that way.  

Now I tend to workout 13 out of 14 days.  My body seems to need a rest by day 14.  The only way this works is if I workout in the morning before work.  My wife gets our daughter together in the morning and takes her to day care so that makes it possible for my morning workout.  We both prepare everything we need the day before, so it makes the morning a bit smoother. Then on the weekends we tend to run as a family one day and I go to the gym early in the day on the other. I dont think there would be a way for me to do this with out my wife's support. 

Preparation, planning, support.

You got it nailed.

2012-04-27 11:06 AM
in reply to: #4173588

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lovey - 2012-04-25 10:11 PM

I am in a rut. My training has been run focus all year. I need to crosstrain more especially since i have my eyes set on a summer duathlon. I did my first last year (run 2-bike 26- run 4) and I thought I was going to die on that brutal bike course. The same race directors created a women's sprint on the same course that is run 2-bike 13 - run 2.
I also haven't signed up for a triathlon but want to continue swimming. I think I have backed off because I haven't signed up for one.

-find a training plan to fit my level but still challenge me
-stick to my training plan
- get 6 workouts in each week and take one day off per week.
- get 27 PEACH days on my training log!!

I can do it.

2012-04-27 11:10 AM
in reply to: #4173804

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
making_tracks - 2012-04-26 4:09 AM

One of the great benefits of being a busy parent that works out means you'll definitely be sewing great seeds for your children's futures.  I went from being sedentary to active when my children were 9 & 13, they saw me move from being massively overweight, sad and unhealthy to being a bit overweight, active and happy.  Now, they are motivated to keep fit too.  My son plays rugby at a high level and finds happiness on a wet muddy field with all his team mates.  My daughter knows that whenever the pounds have crept on that her adult ballet class, running, cycling and swimming will help keep them at bay.  So please don't ever feel guilty that Mum or Dad needs to go for a run/cycle/swim.


My co-workers wife (mid 40s) went into the hospital yesterday with chest pains. She had a 90% blockage, needed 2 stents. Their girls are 9 and 11.

I think things are about to change (finally) in their household. Those girls need their mother and they need her healthier.
2012-04-27 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4175954

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-04-26 11:17 PM

So on my run Tuesday, I injured my left foot...good ol plantar fasciitis, it turns out. So yesterday turned into an unplanned rest day and today I lifted. Tomorrow I'll swim, and maybe ride if it's better (pressure on it is rough and I don't want to antagonize it). But the real issue is that I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment! I've never felt like this before...I guess I really am hooked on triathlon, but if I end up like this for any length of time...well, I pity those that live with me!

uh oh.

My husband is tough to be around when he's on his taper before marathons (he's done 3 already this year).
2012-04-27 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4175954

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

amybecca - 2012-04-26 10:17 PM So on my run Tuesday, I injured my left foot...good ol plantar fasciitis, it turns out. So yesterday turned into an unplanned rest day and today I lifted. Tomorrow I'll swim, and maybe ride if it's better (pressure on it is rough and I don't want to antagonize it). But the real issue is that I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment! I've never felt like this before...I guess I really am hooked on triathlon, but if I end up like this for any length of time...well, I pity those that live with me!

I know the feeling well!  I get rather cranky when I can't run and now I not only can't run, I can't bike either!  I'm coping well with the swimming, rowing and deep water running, but it's not the same.  The boot came off last Sat. and I began PT this week, but seems that removing boot cold turkey was not the best as I am unable to do the exercises without pain. So....I'm back in the boot but only part time.  I have to wear it half the day.  Part of the issue is that I am on my feet all day.  As a preschool teacher for children with special needs I'm constantly on the go.  

Something very cool though.  The clinic where I have my PT has a new machine.  I forget the actually name, but it is an anti-gravity treadmill! Not sure how the thing works but the PT said I would get to use it.  Woo hoo! 

Edited by suzimmer 2012-04-27 5:48 PM
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