Other Resources Challenge Me! » 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us? Rss Feed  
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2012-10-01 12:28 AM
in reply to: #4434363

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Muskrat37 - 2012-10-01 12:23 AM
Left Brain - 2012-09-30 7:58 PM
brigby1 - 2012-09-30 9:44 PM
Left Brain - 2012-09-30 9:17 PM
brigby1 - 2012-09-30 9:09 PM
Muskrat37 - 2012-09-30 8:37 PM

Day 17 - longest run to date - and my splits were pretty awesome too!  

7.7 miles in 59:30

7:46, 7:41, 7:40, 8:01, 7:46, 7:25, 7:27.....  I love it!!!

Just to check, is that where you should be at for pacing? It's getting to where I'll run at times, but my threshold pace is more like low 6's.

So are you saying that it's too fast?  

I'm asking because I'm trying to figure out my injury threshold, so I'm just running slow as I can and building mileage just as slow.  For instance, I've been covering the 2 mile run as my basic run pretty easily.  So I' started to move my basic run up to 2.3....and my long, done maybe once a week, to 4.4 (following the 10% rule).....I'll run that for the next month and then see where I am.

That's what I'm checking on. I don't know how fast he is, or his history too well. I don't really get hurt from one hard workout. It's more from too many in the moderate area (thinking between "easy" and below tempo or threshold areas) too close together. In fact it's most always been in something that was sort of easy, but I felt like going a touch faster after a few strong days and feeling good from it. I suspect this happens to others more than they realize as most don't know how to look over a period of time that well. And in fairness, it can be tricky to see when the training load is built up to much from too many runs in the moderate area.

That's good stuff I think.

I know that's what happened to me this year, so I'm all ears.  I'm done trying to get faster for awhile.....I'm too happy to just be running with no pain.   I'm trying the "faster by running more" routine for a bit.  

BTW - I think he's slow and fat....and maybe old....and maybe he drinks too much. LaughingLaughing

LMAO - someone has been reading my blog.  I am proud to say, I am not THAT guy anymore.  

Just so you guys know - This pace is a PR for me (for this long of a run), but I have been injured before (Achilles) for bumping up my pace and my distance to fast.  I am being very careful this time.  In preparation for this "Long Run" I did 2 easy days in a row (only 3 miles) at a slow (for me) pace (8:30 - 9:00 ish) with one being @ 7:30 p.m., and the next at 7:00 a.m. - Then I ran today's run in the evening, which was like having 1 1/2 days off.  

I have been running in the low 8's regularly, and when I push it a bit, I run in the 7:45 range.  Today I did not plan to run this fast, it just kind of happened.  I run under the philosophy of "I'll take what my body can give me today".  Today it gave me more than normal and I love it.  

@ LeftBrain - I understand (and recommend highly) sticking to the 10% rule - especially since you are just coming back from a running injury.  Better safe than sorry.  

Yeah bro.....I'm just happy, right now, to be running pain free.  This challenge has been a cool deal for me.  Without iT, I'd be tempted to go longer or faster for sure....now I'm looking at getting some miles on my legs in something that I can call consistent.  Very happy to be where I am.

Keep up the good work yourself.....I enjoy reading it. (but I DON'T go to bed thinking about it)  Laughing

2012-10-01 5:43 AM
in reply to: #4412569

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Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

Alright then, over the hump last night with 16. Sunday evening 10k in a light misty rain with the sun shining at the same time. Awesome sky over the mountain I run next to.  

2012-10-01 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4434298

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

navbtcret - 2012-09-30 10:06 PM Day number 313 in a row and I had a great 20.25 mile run today with the last 3 miles at marathon pace, 7:50 per mile. Overall pace average on the 20 miles was 8:32 per mile. I logged just over 65 miles this week and now it is time to start the taper. I have the Monster Mash marathon in Dover, DE on the 20th of October and then a 50K, my first one ever three weeks after that in Maryland. What the hell am I thinking, I just ran a marathon two weeks ago today too.

Wow! Great week of training. Good luck in the 50K, with your training  I don't think you will notice the extra miles.


2012-10-01 8:48 AM
in reply to: #4412569

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Hit 14 in a row this morning.
2012-10-01 12:10 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Hit the halfway point, then fell off the wagon yesterday.  Unless I have a race, Sunday workouts are always a weakness, so I had a feeling this might happen.  Too many family things going on, and then all of a sudden it's 11pm.  Will have to double up today to make up for it!
2012-10-01 12:25 PM
in reply to: #4434614

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Lumber Dad - 2012-10-01 9:47 AM

navbtcret - 2012-09-30 10:06 PM Day number 313 in a row and I had a great 20.25 mile run today with the last 3 miles at marathon pace, 7:50 per mile. Overall pace average on the 20 miles was 8:32 per mile. I logged just over 65 miles this week and now it is time to start the taper. I have the Monster Mash marathon in Dover, DE on the 20th of October and then a 50K, my first one ever three weeks after that in Maryland. What the hell am I thinking, I just ran a marathon two weeks ago today too.

Wow! Great week of training. Good luck in the 50K, with your training  I don't think you will notice the extra miles.




Thanks, I am hoping I recover quick enough from the marathon to not feel worn out at the start of the 50k.

2012-10-01 12:26 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 314 and I had a nice easy 5.5 recovery mile run today.

Edited by navbtcret 2012-10-01 12:27 PM
2012-10-01 1:23 PM
in reply to: #4435178

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

You guys are all doing great!! I can't wait to join the fun, although you will all be just about done when I start. My marathon Saturday put a good beating on me so I am taking a coupledays off to recover. Then I will slowly build back up to where I was hour wise per week, but I will be running everyday. Keep up the good work its all down hill for most of you now.


2012-10-01 7:36 PM
in reply to: #4435279

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 16 done, nice, easy - PAIN FREE - treadmill run. No ankle, knee, or shin pain at all, today.
Tried out my new foot pod for the Garmin - pretty cool that I can now log treadmill runs with the Garmin
2012-10-01 8:50 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Just curious if anyone intends on keeping the streak going after 30 days? I say this because I started my running streak with the thoughts of just running every day from Thanksgiving until the first of the year. The New Year came and I decided to keep going and have now run at least 1.5 miles every day since Thanksgiving. It is very addicting.
2012-10-01 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4436110

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

navbtcret - 2012-10-01 8:50 PM Just curious if anyone intends on keeping the streak going after 30 days? I say this because I started my running streak with the thoughts of just running every day from Thanksgiving until the first of the year. The New Year came and I decided to keep going and have now run at least 1.5 miles every day since Thanksgiving. It is very addicting.

Yeah, I'm with you.  I got number 22 in today and kicked my short run up to 2.3 from 2....I have no plan to stop.  This is all in preparation for an IM build that I will start the first of the year.  

I can say this.....we had to have 4 kids in 4 different places tonight.  Without the challenge I would have bagged it.  I ended up doing my run while one of my kids had basketball tryouts....ran around the parking lot until I got 2.3 on my GPS.  Good enough.

2012-10-01 10:12 PM
in reply to: #4436133

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Left Brain - 2012-10-01 7:24 PM

navbtcret - 2012-10-01 8:50 PM Just curious if anyone intends on keeping the streak going after 30 days? I say this because I started my running streak with the thoughts of just running every day from Thanksgiving until the first of the year. The New Year came and I decided to keep going and have now run at least 1.5 miles every day since Thanksgiving. It is very addicting.

Yeah, I'm with you.  I got number 22 in today and kicked my short run up to 2.3 from 2....I have no plan to stop.  This is all in preparation for an IM build that I will start the first of the year.  

I can say this.....we had to have 4 kids in 4 different places tonight.  Without the challenge I would have bagged it.  I ended up doing my run while one of my kids had basketball tryouts....ran around the parking lot until I got 2.3 on my GPS.  Good enough.

Not me - I will be switching to a 20 week Marathon training program after this streak is done.  However, the one I looked at was a 6 day per week Marathon training plan, so this seems like good prep for it.  

@LeftBrain - Way fricking cool man.  Way to stick with it.  

3 miles - 22:30 - Dreadmill run for me tonight.  I have been running right after work - but the weather was so good I went golfing with my brother instead, so had to hit the Dreadmill after golf.  

2012-10-02 12:20 AM
in reply to: #4412569

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day one down. 3.28 miles. averaged 11 min per mile, which for me is decent. DId my first Sprint on Saturday, so I am still slightly hungover from that experience.
2012-10-02 12:37 AM
in reply to: #4436234

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

amerimanyo - 2012-10-02 12:20 AM Day one down. 3.28 miles. averaged 11 min per mile, which for me is decent. DId my first Sprint on Saturday, so I am still slightly hungover from that experience.

Go dude!  Take it easy.....that's what this challenge is all about.

2012-10-02 1:56 AM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 16 for me. Had a few little sore spots (calf and achilles) after last run...... but am running tonight so may be feeling better - I HOPE !!!
Am thankful for this motivation - has set up a consistent run volume for me to go into the next phase of training.
Our tri season starting soon over here!
2012-10-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: #4436110

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

navbtcret - 2012-10-01 8:50 PM Just curious if anyone intends on keeping the streak going after 30 days? I say this because I started my running streak with the thoughts of just running every day from Thanksgiving until the first of the year. The New Year came and I decided to keep going and have now run at least 1.5 miles every day since Thanksgiving. It is very addicting.

I will probably keep it going after 30 days. My weekly miles is under 40 so I can skip the recovery day.

2012-10-02 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4436110

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
navbtcret - 2012-10-01 9:50 PM

Just curious if anyone intends on keeping the streak going after 30 days? I say this because I started my running streak with the thoughts of just running every day from Thanksgiving until the first of the year. The New Year came and I decided to keep going and have now run at least 1.5 miles every day since Thanksgiving. It is very addicting.

Undecided here.
Right at the time I hit the 30 day mark, I'll be immediately transitioning into beginning a HIM plan, and I'm using Pfitz's 18/55 marathon plan as the run portion... and pretty much, I'm thinking right now that my body is going to really want those rest days.

That could change, and I'll play it by ear, but sticking to that plan usurps any thoughts of trying to keep a streak going. Of course, what can it hurt to just work in two extra 3.5 mile easy runs per week?
2012-10-02 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4436110

Northern IL
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

navbtcret - 2012-10-01 8:50 PM Just curious if anyone intends on keeping the streak going after 30 days? I say this because I started my running streak with the thoughts of just running every day from Thanksgiving until the first of the year. The New Year came and I decided to keep going and have now run at least 1.5 miles every day since Thanksgiving. It is very addicting.

I'm going to keep doing what I think is necessary. I'll try to keep running as often as possible, but if I need a day off, I will take it. Getting out every day is not the issue for me, taking the time to recover is more likely to cause problems. Or rather, NOT taking the time necessary.

2012-10-02 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Plaquemine, Louisiana
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
4.39 miles today in beautiful weather. Love running in fall.
2012-10-02 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

I ran 6 x 1/4 mile hill repeats today ofr a total of 4 miles with warm up and cool down.

2012-10-02 5:01 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
#23.....4.5 miles

2012-10-02 5:11 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Day 18. 10.2 miles in the rain. Because I can. Best time I ever had while waiting for a car repair.
2012-10-02 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4437745

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Gig Harbor
Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?

TheClaaaw - 2012-10-02 3:11 PM Day 18. 10.2 miles in the rain. Because I can. Best time I ever had while waiting for a car repair.

That's Awesome.  

Day 19 - easy recovery 3.2 mile run.  

2012-10-02 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4412569

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Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
Trying to pysch myself up to go to the dungeon garage and run on the mill
2012-10-02 8:43 PM
in reply to: #4412569

Subject: RE: 30 runs in 30 days - who's with us?
98 days in a row
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