BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2013-03-13 11:55 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Well I'm hoping I'm not too late here to jump on the wagon, I think I could use the help.

GROUP FOCUS: Progressively longer distances, Olympic for this season

NAME: Geoff

STORY: I'm 26 years old, living outside of Vancouver BC. I got coerced into running a half marathon in 2011 (never have been a runner, let alone any kind of long distance) Then in 2012 I did my first triathlon as a way to have a goal to train for and keep myself in shape. If I don't have that goal in mind, I tend to turn into a lazy couch-potato. There's not even anything good on TV to watch as it is. I could do with less time sitting down. I'm 5'1, about 204 lbs (on a good day) and work a rotating schedule that makes it difficult to follow any kind of standard training plans.

FAMILY STATUS: Common-law, no kids

CURRENT TRAINING: fairly directionless. I started picking up the training over the past 2-3 weeks now. I try to get in a balance of 3-3-3 work-outs but the run is usually where I'll drop one if I do. Generally going out and running 30 minutes, or biking 30-60 minutes and swimming 15-30 minutes. Its not much, but i'm in the gym, which is what really counts.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2012, I did my first tri. The langley Try-it Tri. Great little event. I did it with my girlfriend and we didn't have a whole lot of training going in, but did it together in 90 minutes. (Swim 400 meters   Bike 13.05 miles Run 3.11 miles ) Not really sure on those measurements though. I don't think we were really very fast.

2013 RACES: my first race is the north shore sprint May 20. Then i'm planning a sprint/olympic (haven't decided yet) for early july. And an olympic in September out at cultus lake. Probably a half-marathon or something in there somewhere I'm sure as my girlfriend prefers the running events over the triathlons.

WEIGHT LOSS: Ideally, I'd love to get down as far as 190lbs, but I think 195 is more realistic. We'll see how the training goes. My other problem is due to weird working schedule and long shifts, I have had a tendancy to eat fast-food garbage a lot. Since I started logging my food intake again when I started getting back to the gym its been much better though.

2013-03-13 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4656633


Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Are you able to provide an example/screenshot of how you setup your spreadsheet?  Just curious as to the detail you put into it for recording times, etc...

2013-03-13 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4658562

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Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
2013-03-13 3:43 PM
in reply to: #4658648

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
I know it's a little small but hopefully it helps. I input my planned training by day and week and then input actuals. Have weekly and monthly tabs for totals and graph analysis as well for week by week. I also have a notes section to input how I felt during the training to reflect back on.
2013-03-13 5:05 PM
in reply to: #4658651


Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

That is quite similar to what I have started, to record both the schedule time and actual time.  You have a bit more depth in your schedule it appears. 

Are you able to find time to hit the gym as well?

2013-03-13 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4658750

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Yup I lift 2-3 times a week. Strength work is very important and helpful. I put in about 10-15 hours per a week then about 8-9 hours during recovery week

2013-03-13 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Well tonight was the first training crit of the year and boy was it a rough one! We did 5 laps of a 3 mile loop. There were about 15 of us that showed up. Strong crosswind to start and strong headwind at the finish. Lap 1 was fairly calm, half way through lap two the group split and about 7 guys went up the road. I tried to bridge across but couldn't do it before the windy section. 1 guy dropped back from the break and we established a chase group of 4. For the next 40 minutes it was full gas all the time rotating through. Most of the guys in the breakt were Cat 1 and 2 riders so we didn't catch them. I blew up right before the finish. Was so far in the red I was spittingup blood afterwards! Felt great. We averaged 22.7 mph with 2 crosswind sesection, 1 tailwind and 1 headwind. Winds were about 15 mph. Great workout.
2013-03-14 9:18 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Hey Jason, enjoyed the blog on moving to an Ironman distance. I whole heartedly agree! I almost feel apologetic at times when I tell people that I ran a Sprint distance tri. Most are simply not familiar with the different distances and certainly, for the most part, have no idea whatsoever of the committment it takes to compete at the IM level. For those who have done the race after a year or two or in some cases their first year I think all they want to do is to try and finish regardless of the time it takes just to say they did it. For guys like myself and I think you included, we don't want to do the race unless we can do it well. Personally before I get to much older I would really like to compete in one HIM but I doubt at this point and time whether I could ever do an IM. But for me it will be one step at a time! The only part of your blog that I couldn't quite grasp was this comment..."when you put all three together in the span of a 10-15 race you will quickly realize that your body is going to reject it." Not sure what you were trying to say here.  Your bike races are insane!! I can't help but wonder how thick the testosterone in the air must be prior to a race! LOL! You go man!

Welcome Geoff and Joshua! Lots of great training plans, advice and encouragement on this site! Geoff are you 5'1" or are you 5'10"? Just curious as most men are just not that short!  Personally I am just over 5'11" and am currently weighing in around 212-214 depending on the day and I would really like to hit 200-195 this year!          Howard  

2013-03-14 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Howard thanks for the response. I meant to say putting them together over a ..10-15 hour race (figure the avg time for Ironman race).
2013-03-14 3:17 PM
in reply to: #4658803


Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

swimmer04 - 2013-03-13 4:16 PM Yup I lift 2-3 times a week. Strength work is very important and helpful. I put in about 10-15 hours per a week then about 8-9 hours during recovery week

You put in 10-15 hrs per week?  That is total swim/bike/run/gym, correct?

What workouts do you typically do in the gym?  

2013-03-14 6:44 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Yes 10-15 hours total SBR and gym. In season my weight routine is not near as intense as during the off season. I usually do chest, back, shoulders and legs one day and biceps, triceps and legs another day. I do core on both days. I try to hit at least 2-3 exercises for each group 3x10 reps with exception of legs. I do about 4-6 leg exercises 3x20 reps. Typically I'll do that for 3 or 4 weeks then do a week of the 300 workout to confuse the muscles.

2013-03-14 11:27 PM
in reply to: #4544153

New user

Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN


Ya i'm definitely 5'10, almost 5'11 when i stretch hard lol. But ya, definitely trying to see if anybody has any plans or anything that they've put together for an 8-day week, or where i could go about finding one. I'm on a bit of a steep learning curve I think as I've never really done any regimented training for any sports. The most I've done was a weight work-out plan when I was much younger, and even then it was always basic and not varied the way most people train now.


2013-03-15 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4659921

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

swimmer04 - 2013-03-14 1:09 PM Howard thanks for the response. I meant to say putting them together over a ..10-15 hour race (figure the avg time for Ironman race).

Ahhh...gotcha...and kidding!!!

Geoff I hear what your saying in regard to a steep learning curve! Lots of information to digest. The weight training doesn't have to be to advanced. Some of the basic exercises are still some of the best. As Jason mentioned you need to switch it up now and then to "trick" your muscles as it helps with strengthening and muscle develpment. I personally do split routine because at my age I simply do not recover as fast as I used to. I think what you should do initially, is to take the time that you have to work out daily and divide that into the three disciplines. In time you will discover for yourself what it is your going to need to work on more. Some of the events we train for just come more naturally and other require more work. Remember that you need a recovery day at least once every seven days. Me I need two! As I mentioned in a prior post there is just all kinds of info on this site and others that will help you to kick start your program. Good luck!


2013-03-15 9:29 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
It is almost impossible to develop a program that will fit everyone. Like Howard said everyone has different strengths and weaknesses and even goals. I'm a strong swimmer and only need to swim twice a week to be able to manage to cone out of the water in the top 1-3. I'm also a strong biker and ride for a team, so I have to keep some focus towards biking to stay strong for bike races. Normally 6-8 hours just on the bike. Running us my weakest, but since my focus is Olympic races I work a lot at the track to develop speed. Training for me has been trial and error. I try it if it doesn't work I try something else. I don't have the time or money to spend on a coach and I have a good background in endurance sports. Plus I feel like I have done pretty well on my own. My schedule changes at the last minute due to other commitments so I need the flexibility. But most importantly I have built a solid relationship with my wife and communicate with her about my goals and expectations. A plan developed online can't do this although if you have no sense of direction it can give you an idea. For starters try 3x each sport a week. If you haven't been training then don't worry about speed and just keep the pace fairly easy. 2-3 months in add in a speed session here and there. Eventually you should aim for one speed session of each sport a week. After a race analyze how you felt and where you think you could improve. Did you struggle in the run? Did you get passed a lot on the bike. If so adjust your plan accordingly. Add another bike workout or try to concentrate your workouts more. Time is on your side. You need to accept you won't be top in your age group right off the bat, just have fun. Eventually things will start to click and workout and before you know it you will see those improvements. Remember this is just a general idea of how to go about training. I definitely recommend planning out at least a week ahead of time and don't increase mileage or time to fast, keep if gradual. No sense in hurting yourself.
2013-03-16 12:47 AM
in reply to: #4660905

New user

Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Thanks guys,

Ya I do realize everybody is different, I think its just going to take me time before I can get things sorted out the way some of you do. I'm just competitive and have limited patience when it comes to myself. If I want to be able to do something, I generally decide I should just be able to do it. Sometimes it works out alright, but.....sometimes not. With triathlon it's definitely a not. There's way too much to learn and figure out. Though I'm sure it will come.

I'm just stoked to be registered for a race, even if it is still over 2 months away. Definitely a good motivator.

Hope everybody's training is going the way they want.

2013-03-16 11:34 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Race report posted on my blog. Strasburg Road Race. Things were a little sketchy since it was cat 4/5 combined.

2013-03-16 11:08 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Hey guys,

Please don't laugh at the following! Okay, you can a little bit. ;-)

I ran a 5km fun run today. Bearing in mind, I am in an untrained state. I knew I wouldn't have a problem with the distance, I knew I would get over the line, BUT I knew it was probably going to hurt!

I'm proud to say that I did it and I was in the ballpark of my expectations. And, yes, it hurt like I thought it would. RunKeeper was telling me that, by the 4km mark, my pace was dropping off significantly and after I finished I checked my HR monitor and my avg HR for the run was 188!! I spent 10 minutes in Zone 3 (Polar brand) and the rest of the time I was way out of range!! Max HR was 201. No wonder it hurt so much.

I did it in ... don't laugh ... 32mins-ish.

I'm actually pleased with that. It gives me a great deal of hope for October's 10km. I have a platform on which to build and it's a good place to start.

(I celebrated with a chocolate Muscle Milk and lunch at Noodle Box - minus the noodles!!).

I hope everyone's weekend is ace!

Em :-)

2013-03-17 4:26 AM
in reply to: #4662891

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
emholli - 2013-03-17 4:08 PM

Hey guys,

Please don't laugh at the following! Okay, you can a little bit. ;-)

I ran a 5km fun run today. Bearing in mind, I am in an untrained state. I knew I wouldn't have a problem with the distance, I knew I would get over the line, BUT I knew it was probably going to hurt!

I'm proud to say that I did it and I was in the ballpark of my expectations. And, yes, it hurt like I thought it would. RunKeeper was telling me that, by the 4km mark, my pace was dropping off significantly and after I finished I checked my HR monitor and my avg HR for the run was 188!! I spent 10 minutes in Zone 3 (Polar brand) and the rest of the time I was way out of range!! Max HR was 201. No wonder it hurt so much.

I did it in ... don't laugh ... 32mins-ish.

I'm actually pleased with that. It gives me a great deal of hope for October's 10km. I have a platform on which to build and it's a good place to start.

(I celebrated with a chocolate Muscle Milk and lunch at Noodle Box - minus the noodles!!).

I hope everyone's weekend is ace!

Em :-)

Hey Em,great job, it is always hard to go out and give it everything! I have been using my heart rate monitor to train with for a couple of years, and have had great gains using it, BUT I am guilty of relying on it too much to guide my thinking. I am nowlearning not to look at my HR until I am knackered. Your time is great, I have just got under 30 for 5k and am not rexactly consistently under, so know your pain!fab start for the Oct 10k.cheersFelicity
2013-03-17 10:33 AM
in reply to: #4662891

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
emholli - 2013-03-17 12:08 AM

Hey guys,

Please don't laugh at the following! Okay, you can a little bit. ;-)

I ran a 5km fun run today. Bearing in mind, I am in an untrained state. I knew I wouldn't have a problem with the distance, I knew I would get over the line, BUT I knew it was probably going to hurt!

I'm proud to say that I did it and I was in the ballpark of my expectations. And, yes, it hurt like I thought it would. RunKeeper was telling me that, by the 4km mark, my pace was dropping off significantly and after I finished I checked my HR monitor and my avg HR for the run was 188!! I spent 10 minutes in Zone 3 (Polar brand) and the rest of the time I was way out of range!! Max HR was 201. No wonder it hurt so much.

I did it in ... don't laugh ... 32mins-ish.

I'm actually pleased with that. It gives me a great deal of hope for October's 10km. I have a platform on which to build and it's a good place to start.

(I celebrated with a chocolate Muscle Milk and lunch at Noodle Box - minus the noodles!!).

I hope everyone's weekend is ace!

Em :-)


Em, great run! Way to take away the positives! I agree I wouldn't worry about your HR monitor to much. It can be a good tool, but to analyze your data after the race. Your HR will fluctuate a lot during a race and it will also be delayed to what your body is currently going through. I think it is best to go based on feel. Each day is going to be different. 

2013-03-17 5:46 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it!!

That run was a good place to start. It's something to build on and I was pleased with the time, all things considered.

I was even more pleased when I read the official results! My official time was 30.35mins!!

How about that?!! I knew I was slow to hit stop on my Runkeeper app, but I didn't realise I was two minutes slow!


2013-03-18 4:27 AM
in reply to: #4663491

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
emholli - 2013-03-18 10:46 AM

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it!!

That run was a good place to start. It's something to build on and I was pleased with the time, all things considered.

I was even more pleased when I read the official results! My official time was 30.35mins!!

How about that?!! I knew I was slow to hit stop on my Runkeeper app, but I didn't realise I was two minutes slow!


2013-03-18 4:27 AM
in reply to: #4663491

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
emholli - 2013-03-18 10:46 AM

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it!!

That run was a good place to start. It's something to build on and I was pleased with the time, all things considered.

I was even more pleased when I read the official results! My official time was 30.35mins!!

How about that?!! I knew I was slow to hit stop on my Runkeeper app, but I didn't realise I was two minutes slow!



Whoo, hoo you really did deserve the treat! 

Do you have Parkrun in your area? I have been going to that on Saturday mornings at 8am (not every one but regularly). I found it great to do the same run in the same conditions each week and have had some great improvements. PLUS they have a 30min pacer, so you just run and don't have to worry too much about pacing.






Edited by flossybach 2013-03-18 4:30 AM
2013-03-20 11:39 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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, Washington
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Just checking back in.  Had internet connectivity issues this past week.  Still training though.  I enjoyed catching up on everone's posts!  Was struggling a little this past week with motivation, but catching up on all the training and racing you guys are doing is motivating!  Keep up the good work.
2013-03-21 2:02 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

I had found I was struggling with motivation....and now the mornings are get cooler here...its a cool 18c when I get up brrr!Wink

Last week was my triathlon weekend...I was down to do the womens tri (300/10/3),  on the Sat and a Team Oly with husband on the Sunday (I was doing the Swim and Run). Unfortunately my back strain meant that we had to get someone else to do the 10k run, but I was looking forward to the swim.

It wasn't meant to be my week as both the events had their swim cancelled due to debris in the water....this meant the run was increased to before and after the bike! I took it easy on the womens tri and my back seized from off the bike the week before... and the bike leg was great. Then I walked/ Jogged the run back hurt until the last 700-500Metres when I picked up the pace. All up I recovered well and this morning did my first real run since the injury...a nice slow 5k on the felt good!!! Back at work and it is just sitting that is irritating my back.

BTW our runner did a sterling job and ran the 10K in 48mins with no nutrition/hydration and after just being dragged out of bed...we have talked him into doing a marathon!!

I would be lucky to do it in 65mins flat!

Anyhow thats my update. Still on my quest for Cairns Oly although if I can't get momentum I will do the Sprint.



2013-03-21 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Felicity, keep up the work but most importantly do what you need to do to get healthy first. Take time off if you need. I don't know if this has been an ongoing issue or not but there comes a point when pushing through the pain just isnt the right thing to do. I know how tough it can be to keep motivation especially when things start to get cold. It doesn't hurt to take a break from triathlon then get back into it again in a couple weeks. 2 years ago I lost motivation at the end of my season and just started cycling. I thought I was just going to do that. Well after 2 months or so of just cycling I started to get more motivated to get back at my tri training. I knew I was a solid bike racer and placed high in my races, but also realized I was a much better triathlete and had more potential there. Bike racing was pedal for at a pace that wasn't to hard then sprint 200m. But for triathlon I love going full gas for 2 hours and seeing how far my body could go. We are a special breed of individuals and the season can be taxing. I realize that after I track all my training. So far this year I've put in 2500 miles of cycling, 500 miles or so of running and 60,000 yards in the pool. That's after about 5 months I still have 7 months to go. That is taxing both physically and mentally. We need the break every now and then. I take a mid season mini break just to help stay focused.
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