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2013-02-14 9:59 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
First off I have to extend my deepest gratitude to Handyhammer! Thank you Dave, for the time you are investing in all of us! Yesterday I did a number of swim drills (1-300, 4-75, 2-300, 1-400 (9:30) & 1-50 total of just over a mile) in 50 minutes. Then when I got home I ran 7.433 hilly miles ending with an eigth mi incline sprint in 70 min. I followed up with some stretching, I guess I overdid 1 of the stretches, my hip is Screaming hope it's temporary, planning to hit the pool then I want to ride from home if I can if not I hope to run if my body is willing. Again Thank You Dave!!! Tim

2013-02-14 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hey guys I hope your having a good day.  I had a great strength training session this morning and was happy that I made some increases in weight.


I need some help on choosing a bike.  I am in the low end market but it's hard for me to choose because I am so new to the cycling world and I dont know which component sets are better etc.  I have read some good stuff about specialized and they have some great reviews so I have specifically been looking at their sport compact model, elite mid compact model, but dont really know which one to get.  They also have a 13~1400 model that comes with some component / tire upgrades ... but like I said all of this confuses me.  I want to stay below 1400 ... So if some of you are cycle savy and wouldnt mind looking at the Trek's / Felt's / Specialized and giving me some feedback It would be much appreciated.

2013-02-14 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4622488

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

BigairT,  Thank you.    Looks like a pretty good swim workout.   

Firemedic,    on your bike.    First off I would tell you to stay away from trek.   They make some good bikes but i have heard horror stories about getting things fixed if something goes wrong. 

I like Felt bikes and specialized.   Personally I ride Giant bikes.    For the money I think you get a great bike out of felt.    Looking at components if you are dealing with Shimano try to get 105 stuff or better.   You should be able to do that on about 1100 dollars +.   I am not as familar with SRAM but all I hear are good things about them.   

Specialized Allez: it is a great endurance bike that has been time tested.   Great bike with lots of setup varitations so you can pick what you want.  

Specialized Roubaix: another classic model that can be riden competitivly or commute to work.  

Felt Z5:   I know some guys that ride this bike.  Retails for about 1700 but if you grab last years model you can get it in your price point.   

2013-02-14 9:41 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
I guess I jinxed myself > day got all messed up so no time for swim, then I came home to ride only to hit a snow storm on the way so that was out, well that leaves a run & the body was definitely not willing. I hope you all had a better day than I did. Tomorrow will be better! Tim
2013-02-15 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I had a pretty good run today.  It had its ups and downs ... literally and figuratively lol.  I ran the entire 5k non-stop which is a good accomplishment and I also ran w/o music for the first time in prob. 15 years.  The downside was my time sucked ... I clocked 5k in around 38m and change.  My PR is 35 and change; however, today was my normal steep / hilly run and the 35m was on a relatively flat run.  I really felt like I was pushing hard through most of the run but my times remained avg.  I cant seem to break that 12m+ / mile pace.


I also had a good core workout. 

2013-02-15 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4623829

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic623 - 2013-02-15 12:27 PM

I had a pretty good run today.  It had its ups and downs ... literally and figuratively lol.  I ran the entire 5k non-stop which is a good accomplishment and I also ran w/o music for the first time in prob. 15 years.  The downside was my time sucked ... I clocked 5k in around 38m and change.  My PR is 35 and change; however, today was my normal steep / hilly run and the 35m was on a relatively flat run.  I really felt like I was pushing hard through most of the run but my times remained avg.  I cant seem to break that 12m+ / mile pace.


I also had a good core workout. 

Keep grinding it out. It will all pay off.  That breakthrough run is waiting for you down the line somewhere.

2013-02-15 12:54 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

One lesson I have learned...I will have an indoor cycling option for next winter, whether it be a trainer, access to a spin class, stationary bike...something.  Missed my third straight morning ride this morning due to circumstances/weather.   The first was due to work schedule...extra night shifts, couldn't be helped, the 2nd due to rain, and this morning 30F with drizzle.  Call me unmotivated but I just couldn't make myself get out in that at 5:30 this morning.  I rationalize it by saying I don't want to end up sick again.  The weather around here should begin to generally warm in the next 3 to 4 weeks so I'm just going to stick it out, but will have a better plan for next year.

It was also a bad week for my swim.  Even though I swim in an indoor pool (temporary winter cover) the lifeguards apparently heard thunder somewhere off in the distance and made everyone get out of the water.  They said it would be a minimum of 30 minutes before we were allowed back in.  I really didn't have the time to wait, so my swim session was cut short at only 750 yards out of a planned 2600 session.  (I was in the middle of the 6 X 100's Dave recommended).

On a positive note, my run continues to improve.  Had another breakthrough today, lowering my 3 mile PR from 23:59 down to 23:24.  I think I am physically ready to run faster, just need to be ready to push a little harder, feel a little more discomfort...not everyday but now and then.

2013-02-15 8:02 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I got my bike!!!


I could not afford a full 105 setup.  I did get 105 pedals though; I plan on putting the pedals after I get used to the bike.  I am super excited but I have to work a 48 this weekend ><!!!.  

2013-02-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4624533

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic623 - 2013-02-15 9:02 PM

I got my bike!!!


I could not afford a full 105 setup.  I did get 105 pedals though; I plan on putting the pedals after I get used to the bike.  I am super excited but I have to work a 48 this weekend >


Congrats. Specialized is awesome!

2013-02-15 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Congrats Firemedic, that's awesome! Had a pretty good day today, felt run down but able to go, so I swam a total of 2250 meters in an hour this afternoon, then I went back to the gym & ran 3 miles in 24.5 followed by an hour yoga class which according to my watch said I burned 720 calories, it was tough & my quads are fried. I hope I have enough for tomorrow's Performance cycle class. Have a Great weekend!!! Tim
2013-02-15 9:21 PM
in reply to: #4624533

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I like it.   Great I think you will be very happy. 


2013-02-16 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Good day! 71 min hill climb spin class then a half marathon in 1:50, I bet if I'd of had some gu & a Gatorade or Coke I could have tied or even beat my half PR! Have a Great weekend!!! Tim
2013-02-16 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Congrates on the bike firemedic and good luck getting back into riding.

I have been battling shin splints so no running which is annoying me, I have been getting accupuncture which is helping and wearing my skins.  It feels like my shins are better so gonna try a run maybe tomorrow on the treadmill.

I have been doing lots of swimming and can't believe I enjoy swimming in the lake.  Now my aim is to swim faster.  I'm still doing 50m in 1min.

2013-02-17 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4625262

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Work on stretching your shins out really well before running.    Also when I start to feel that I like to stretch them on the bike.   If you point your toes down and hold that as you pedal it will really stretch the shins out.    I do it 3 or 4 times for about 20 seconds towards the end of a ride.   When racing I also do it to get loosened up to run.   
2013-02-17 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

This was an interval workout. The first and last 5 minutes were warm up / cool down so those were mainly walking (some light jogging / drills during warmup). I then proceded through the following interval: 2 minutes steady (6 mph avg), 1 minute slow jog (4.3 mph avg), 1:30 steady, 1 minute slow, 1 minute steady, 1 minute slow, 30 second sprint (fast), 7 minutes slow. I repeated this twice for a total of a 30 minute workout (40 with WUP / CDWN).

It may not look hard but I was giving it my all and it wore my out. With that being said I had 0 pain and never walked during the 30 minutes of intervals which is excellent for me!!!


Run ... I have 100% sympothy for your shin splints.  It has taken me over 5 months to get to where I am so dont loose hope!  A few things that helped me a long the way was I went to 2x a week on road and 1x a week on the treadmill (HIIT on treadmill).  If your having a horrible time then I personally recommend the treadmill with 0% grade until you get better.  Make sure you ice after your runs, dont cold stretch and actually do a warmup after stretching before you run.  Another thing is dont be bullheaded like I was.  If you are running and have pain stop and walk until it goes away then start back up.  The longer you run with true pain the longer it will take to subside when you finally take a break.  Also check your shoes (did you have someone fit you properly?) and look into buying some insoles ( I use good feet greens).  You may already know all of this but just trying to help out!!.  If you dont get any results within two weeks I would enlist the help of a physical therapist; my PT worked wonders for me.


I am picking up my garmin 910xt tomorrow.  I really did not want to drop 500$ on a computer but I am really sick of keeping up with what lap I'm on.  I cant concentrate on my swim because I am to busy talking to myself ... lap 8, lap 8, lap 8, halfway, lap .. what lap am I on?, Is it lap 7 or 9?  I am probably swimming 1-200m more than I list because I always loose count and end up taking the lower # just so I dont short change myself.


I think I am also going to go ahead and get my clipless shimano 105 pedals put on tomorrow also.  I have only rode a couple miles on my bike but I think I should go ahead and get used to the pedals while I am getting comfortable on the bike. I will post a picture tomorrow.  It's a sweet black / smoke color.

2013-02-17 2:08 PM
in reply to: #4625774

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic623 - 2013-02-17 2:32 PM

I am picking up my garmin 910xt tomorrow.  I really did not want to drop 500$ on a computer but I am really sick of keeping up with what lap I'm on.  I cant concentrate on my swim because I am to busy talking to myself ... lap 8, lap 8, lap 8, halfway, lap .. what lap am I on?, Is it lap 7 or 9?  I am probably swimming 1-200m more than I list because I always loose count and end up taking the lower # just so I dont short change myself. 

I breathe to the right on odd numbered laps, breathe to the left on even numbered laps.  Has done wonders for helping me keep up with what lap I am on, plus has allowed me to be comfortable no matter which side race conditions may call for.

2013-02-17 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I found this link in the main forums.  It has some great tips for running mistakes.


2013-02-17 9:09 PM
in reply to: #4625913

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Firemedic623 - 2013-02-17 4:33 PM

I found this link in the main forums.  It has some great tips for running mistakes.


. Wow, Great article! Thanks for sharing! I needed that reinforcement. I took it easy today, I just did our weekly "movie ride" spin class at mainly a zone 1 effort (I think as I left my monitor at home) felt good but felt guilty for not doing more today. Tim
2013-02-18 12:05 AM
in reply to: #4626178

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

OK lets talk nutrition:   

What do you currently take with you on your long runs and rides?   

2013-02-18 12:35 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
I could use some advice here.  I plan on riding a lot as the weather clears up ... at what point do I carry nutrition?  As far as my runs go I dont think I run long enough to carry nutrition.  The longest I have ran was around 50ish minutes when I did 4.2 miles on my last long run. 
2013-02-18 4:19 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Thanks for the advice hammer and firemedic really interesting ideas to try out.

I have been really good and not run for over a week now and looking after my shins. I think I am nearly better.  I ran on the treadmill for 3km 2% incline and wore my skins, my shins feel pretty good.  I have just gotta be careful now and take on board your advice.

Wow Firemedic ur garmin sounds great....enjoy (luv a new toy)  I always get confused with laps as well. 


2013-02-18 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

OH man my bike ride kicked my today and I only did 8 miles -_-!  The spin classes and spin bike in the gym did not prepare me at all haha.  I like it though its taking some serious effort and its a great new challenge.  I live in middle TN so there is no such thing as finding a nice flat route; everything around here is either mega hills or steady incline / declines.  


Today I was forced to fight my way up a steady incline several times straight into a damn 20 mph headwind or crosswind .... my legs were on fire!  I am happy to be on the bike though however, now that I have done some brick workouts I really feel like a slob when I only do one discipline a day.  I might go for a light swim after supper.


I have been reading the beginner stuff on but if anyone has some tips I am all eye's (get it? lol).  I was unable to get my pedals on today or get my computer because my shop is closed on sundays / mondays.  I will be able to watch RPM's when I get the computer Wed.

2013-02-18 10:26 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

You are doing so well Firemedic keep up the great work, sounds like an awesome ride.

Bad weather today so had to do spin.....I finally gt my bike back and cant use it damn. 

I tried out the stretches on the spin bike and they are great they really helped my calves and shins thanks again. 


2013-02-18 10:38 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Hammer I havn't been doing anything long yet so no nutrition to add I eat pretty healthy.  I have started taking Co-Enzyme Q10 tablets and magnesium.


2013-02-19 7:40 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
So far the only things I have used is Gu & Gatorade. I have tried the Chomps & Rocks, I don't care for the chomps & I don't think either did much. I'm thinking of freezing some half pineapple slices & maybe some orange slices & trying them. I want to order some Bonk Breaker bars to try since they will be handing them out at KS HIM. Beyond this I'm definitely open to suggestions. Tim
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