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2013-01-31 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hey all, it's quiet around here.  hope everyone is doing well.

90 mins indoor biking last night.  Decent pace, read the past few days newspapers for the first 30ish minutes, and then watched a film.  Overall, a good workout. 

Probably into the pool tonight for the never-ending attempt to develop better form, speed and efficiency.  It's a long process, but I'm still working at it.  If nothing else, I'll take another step to improve my swim endurance tonight and that's a worthwhile cause unto itself.




2013-01-31 11:35 AM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi all,


Couple of questions:

  • How much warm up should you do for a swim......I did none and jumped into 5 x 200 and some 100s today......steady pace across all.
  • At what point in base building does one start to add speed (Swim bike and run)?

57 degrees in boston....we are hoping for an outside run later today.......for our long one instead of lots of laps.

Hope everyones training is going well?  What sort of total time and mileage did people do for January?   Are you on track with your plans?



2013-01-31 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Hi Everyone,

Sounds like everyone is busy training - great to hear!

Eriq - thanks for the detailed critique and the idea to lay on the floor - that really does bring home the need to rotate. I found myself at the pool today trying to remember some of the information you said...also found myself critiquing other people's strokes in my head...which was kind of funny.

On the positive side - one of the guys in the pool today was awesome to watch. I assume he's training for a IM or Half (He was wearing a 70.3 swim cap). He had the smoothest stroke I've ever seen. He also managed to easily get around all the slow people sharing our lane (I have a hard time passing except on the wall because I am afraid of hitting someone going the other way). I wanted to say something but he was still going when I left. Maybe next time. Either way - gave me some good visuals of darned good form.

I am probably going to get some video in March when I am down in Florida training for a week. Will definitely post if I do. I'm there March 9-16th. Can't wait.

We also had amazing weather yesterday...went for a shorts/t-shirt run by the beach. I was apparently in a hurry (I tucked it in between work and a party) since I scored my second best 10k time ever - and that was with being tired from a morning strength session. Bodes well for a 10k I am doing in April. I've been kind of annoyed at how slow I feel on the TM - and then when I get outside, I am actually a lot odd.

Today - blizzard conditions and a few inches of snow. Got to love Toronto.

LarchmontTri - good job working up your endurance. Sounds like it's coming along, just needs time!

Trying2swim - Florida. I am going for a week in March and can't wait. I admit, I am so looking forward to it. I am so jealous...and that's even with a pretty warm day yesterday here!

JWMorrill - I usually do about 200 easy as a warm-up, but I also run the 1 mile to the pool - which I figure is part warm-up too.

For speed workouts...I didn't add speed sessions to my running until about six months after I started running. Now I do speed sessions once a week. For biking, I just started doing some speed work after about 3 months of base building (I didn't have any bike background though). For swimming...I am not there yet. I might do a little fast work in a set, but nothing I'd call "Speed"

January numbers...about 13 hours running (80 miles), 13 hours biking (155 miles - doesn't include spin class stuff though), and ::blush:: about 2.5 hours of swimming (5k). Also did 11 hours of strength work.

Yes, my swimming was lame...I need to get a move on with it. Not really following a "plan" - other than to get my workouts in and constantly improve. Right now I am feeling pretty good with where I am at - especially on the bike. Thanks to Eriq and LarchmontTri for the excellent and well used advice on that, by the way. I think being here has really helped me.
2013-01-31 8:06 PM
in reply to: #4602931

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

hey everyone, hope your week is going well. i've been quiet as i've been moved around at work. got temporarily placed on graveyard shift and covering for a few people at work. so i've been strugglingt to get in my workouts much less spend time on BT. 

So it's the last day of the month! Post your January totals!!! Let's see how much time/mileage you got in the first month of the year. I'm interested to see where everyone is at.

Swim warm-up will be different depending on your volume. For me, my warm-up is anywhere between 600-800yds. It'll usually look something like 200 easy, 100 kick, 100 pull, 2x50 drill 1, 2x50 drill 2. Drills for a 50 might be 25 catch up/25 free or 25 closed fists/25 free.

Speed work... some will say that it is good to include speed work even during base building. Some well known runners/coaches who promote year round speed work: Alberto Salazaar who coaches Galen Rupp (3:50.92 mile!!!) and Mo Farah (Olympic 10k gold medal) and Tirunesh Dibaba who owns the women's 5k WR at 14:11. WHAT?!

Same for swim and bike. When it's early in the season, you aren't so focused on volume. It's easier on your body to focus on intensity now rather than focusing on BOTH volume and intensity later.

Jana - I do the same thing. =P Ever since my wife was studying to be a PT and I started endurance sports, all we do is analyze people's form. Swim, bike, run, working out in the gym, walking gaits, we analyze everything, it's terrible. HAHA! Hopefully that helps you think about your own form and leads to improvement.

2013-01-31 9:29 PM
in reply to: #4549295


Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks for all the advice everyone and also Eriq for taking time to mentor us. I do read on here when I get time. Life is busy for us right now so I am not on this like I would like to be. We are dealing with some major home construction due to a water line break. So our life is really off tempo right now with workings on the house, kids activities, work, and training. It seems like I wake up early and go till I hit the sack. Hopefully soon we will be back in the house and the routine of life will get easier. Since the last time we talked I met with a swim coach who filmed my stroke from underwater and gave me some helpful advice. I will try and get it online so you all can critique my stroke. I am slowly getting faster. This month I bought Shelia Toarmina's book " Swim Speed Secrets" so I am trying hard to work on the catch phase of my stroke only. Other than that I am getting everything out of my lungs and getting back into the full swing of training. The knee is doing better, the shoes took some time to break in. It felt the arch in one was high so it was throwing my stride off as I compensated for it. Eriq, I apologize for not keeping up with the posts, life has just been hectic with my mind being pulled in to many directions. I posted my workouts so far this week, Tuesday is the start of my training week. By the way, anyone recommend a comfortable bike seat. The one on my Felt does not feel good after a couple of hours in the saddle. As far as weather, it was -12 degrees up here today and minus 30 degree windchill.
2013-01-31 10:43 PM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I made it to the pool tonight and really tried to focus on form....and by golly, I think it worked.  My areas of focus were high elbows and rotation.  Still not perfect, but my stroke felt really smooth.  I felt as if I was swimming 'downhill' and think I was going pretty fast.  (There was a Master's class in the pool at the same time, and I was keeping up or going faster than most of them.  Sure, that's an unscientific way to measure speed, but it's all I got since I lost track of my lap count.)

At the end of my 1500 (or perhaps 1600?) yard set, I also did some bilateral breathing laps.  This part has always been a weakness for me - they've always been fairly labored.  With my renewed emphasis on high elbows and rotation, even the bilateral breathing laps went smoothly.

So long story short, it was a good evening in the pool.

2013-02-01 2:29 AM
in reply to: #4603620

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

hey don't worry about it. that's the thing with triathlon, it can take up a lot of time but you have to keep your priorities in order. no reason in messing up family and work just to train. hope everything works out on the homefront.

i love my fizik saddle. i can ride in an aggressive position for hours on end without any issues. haven't ridden anything else so couldn't say. some people swear by the ism saddles, might be worth a look. many LBS have trial saddles that you can rent out and use what you pay for the saddle towards a purchase.

2013-02-01 6:08 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

January totals.  My first month back at things, may of done a little too much but I feel good and want to get another month of base building in before I start pushing on speed.  However, I have started pushing a little. 10 miles on the bike tonight and the second 5 miles was two minutes faster..and a mile cool down for 11 miles and 33 minutes total.  Feel great.   

Monthly totals:
S: 11675.53 Yd  - 3h 30m 36s
B: 125.64 Mi  - 6h 59m 22s
R: 75.68 Mi  - 13h 38m 19s


Hope everyone has a great weekend.



2013-02-01 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

January totals....not that much.  It was my first month back focused on training.  Mid-month got busy with work, so I missed a week or so of training.  But all that being said, it felt good to start more serious training again, albeit indoors.  I'm really looking to warmer weather to do some longer runs and bike rides under some blue skies.  Heck, I'll take warm weather and clouds, just warmer weather please!

Bike: 9h 30m - 180.74 miles

Run: 4h 42m 34s - 32.2 miles

Swim: 1h 13m 15s - 3600 yards

2013-02-02 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4605130

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Gilbert, AZ
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Finally figured out how to get the totals for the month on TP. Very cool!


Swim: 7:15 (13000 meters)

Bike: 14:56 (119 miles on the road; not sure how to calculate 8 spin classes)

Run: 14:52 (94 miles)

I am pretty happy with those numbers, especially since I was sick in bed last weekend, and I have complained for several years that I could NEVER get into triathlons because I wouldn't have time for all the training. Maybe it's the season of life, now that my kids are older and I'm a little more established in my (second) career, but the time seems to be there if I can plan ahead, remain flexible and adjust when needed.


While it was a beautiful morning to get in a 15 mile run in the foothills of South Mountain in Phoenix, living in this wonderful, warm place does have its dangers-I managed to catch the edge of a sidewalk and went flying! Got a nice bloody knee and elbow; glad to have gloves on so my hands were spared. After years of trail runs, Grand Canyon crossings, etc, etc, and only having one spill, I guess I can laugh that my second spill was on a neighborhood sidewalk!


Hoping to do a 35-40 bike with a local group tomorrow morning and then tag on a 5-7 mile at the end to see how that feels. The longest run I've done after a bike is 3 miles, so I'm interested to see how my legs would do with a little more.Hope all of you in the Midwest/East are encouraged that Phil didn't see his shadow today! Spring is just around the corner, right??


Edited by dfron 2013-02-03 4:45 PM
2013-02-02 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

January 1-31 Totals for me. Yikes! I've actually never looked at my totals. But here they are...

Swim: 9:57:28 - 28,500 yards (wow, seems like a lot!

Bike: 17:02:03 - 250 miles (probably short since most was done indoors)

Run: 9:08:06 - 59 miles

2013-02-03 1:39 PM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Super Bowl Sunday morning brick - 90 min bike, 30 min run.  Got up early, turned on the DVD player and started biking.  19.42 mph pace for 90 mins, I was happy with that.  Then changed into my running shoes, put on a dry shirt and fired-up the treadmill.  T2 time, approx. 3 mins.  Ran for 30 minutes, 8:48 mile/minute pace.  My legs were a bit squishy for the first few minutes, then they 'settled down'.  Overall, a pretty hard, but rewarding, workout this morning.  

Not sure I did enough bricks last season, so my plan is to do at least one long-ish brick per week this season - today was the day.

I was about half-way done with my 30 min run when my daughter came to the basement and started playing with her legos.  She was still in her pjs and said in a very matter of fact tone, "Daddy you look sweaty." I asked her if Mommy is up yet, and my daughter replied "The Mommy is still asleep."  *The* Mommy?  Who says that?  Oh well, my daughter kept me company for my last 15 minutes - it was a nice surprise.  Definitely better 'entertainment' than my ipod.

Hope everyone is having a happy sunday.

ERIQ - man, you had a big January.  congrats.

2013-02-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Nice brick and quality daughter time.

I am taking my 14 yr old shopping for new running shoes as she is on the track team.

We did a nice 8 miles today.  Inside, 160 laps......but had a 6 year old to play rock paper scissors on each lap.....that lasted for 20 laps or so but helped pass the time.  Build the base!!!!

ERiq - great month - I like comparing notes and get motivated by others progress and challenges that we all have to work through.

Long ride and swim tomorrow.

Enjoy the super bowl.

2013-02-04 12:05 AM
in reply to: #4549295

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

You guys are funny.

Friday was a huge swim at 4,000 yds. Did a nice pyramid set - 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100. With rests in 5sec increments so 5, 10, 15, 20, then back down. then 3x200 at HIM pace then 4x100 hypoxic sets so every 25 yds was breaths every 3, 5, 7, then 9 strokes. That was hard!

Saturday was a good brick session. 90 min bike with 4x12min tempo intervals with 5min RBI. Then a 30 min endurance run. That was pretty fair. But probably partied to hard after and I paid for it today. I was supposed to do a 90 min run with 4x10min steady state pace so 7:04-7:29 with 5min easy jogging in between.

I got through 1 interval. It was harder than it usually is so that 5min jogging was more like 5min walking. Pushed into the 2nd interval and about 6mins in through that I got light headed and my legs started cramping. I walked the rest of that interval and the 5mins and tried to give it a go. I got maybe 3 mins out of my body before it gave up on me.

I know how and when to push my body. Today was definitely not one of those days. I know I've posted about pushing through those walls and getting to the next level. But today was one of those times when I had to respect that barrier and take it easy. No sense in digging a huge hole that I'm going to have trouble digging myself out of so early in the season.

Hope you all have a great week!

2013-02-05 5:50 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Where is everyone?

Allie - what was your January like?

I look forward to hearing others progress.



2013-02-05 10:58 PM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

I'm around, but it does seem quiet...perhaps everybody has the flu...

Went to the pool tonight and swam for some amount of yards.  I lost track within the first 4-6 laps, so I really have no clue how far I swam.  From a time standpoint, I was in the pool for 50ish minues.  Early last season I was swimming 1:45-1:55 per 100 for long swims, so working backwards, I think I swam 2700 yards tonight.  That said, my form is better and I'm more efficient in the water, so perhaps I'm faster than 1:45, but don't know for sure.  

Overall, it was a decent swim.  Didn't feel as smooth as last time, but it was a good swim.

Tomorrow, probably interval training either on the bike or treadmill.

Happy Wednesday.

2013-02-06 11:24 AM
in reply to: #4549295

Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Anybody out there?  Just wondering. 
2013-02-06 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4611188

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Gilbert, AZ
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Definitely here, just trying to not be a forum hog, or whatever term is used to describe the over -posters I have enjoyed reading about everyone's swim workouts, probably since that is my weakest event. I only had 50 min. for my masters class last night, and it's been getting pretty crowded with 4 to a lane. But it was still good to go and I managed to get through 1650 yds, which is some progress I guess since when I started swimming last summer I could only get through 1400-1600 in an hour. I am feeling stronger in my stroke, but would still like to be faster! Takes time I guess. Still trying to find a time to have someone video my stroke so I can see what I'm doing. Got in a nice 37 mile bike ride and then did a 6 mile run Sunday. The run was at a pretty good clip which completely surprised me. My last mile ended up being a 7:04, which is my peak tempo pace-crazy! At least I'm seeing some growth here and there. I was wondering if anyone has Info on nutrition during a tri. I have had to be very careful of what I eat before I run (too many bathroom stops during races!) so I am a little nervous about trying to fuel on the bike and then run. Any suggestions? Hope everyone's training is going well, or at least just simmering on the back burner for now until spring!Danelle
2013-02-06 4:40 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I am here too. I just didn't want to take up too much space. I am always a bit worried I am asking too many questions. Want to make sure everyone gets what they need out of this.

Also had no heat at home for 3 days ( -15 degrees celcius) so was avoiding home like the plague. On the positive side, it meant I trained a lot over those few days. Nothing like swimming, biking, and running to keep you warm!

Workout wise, I think I hit 2000 meters on my swim yesterday. It might have been a bit more, but I'd rather be conservative. I apparently was pressing stop instead of the interval button on my watch (one day I'll figure it out) I reached the end of my session and it said I only swam 1200, no. It was actually the least congested pool time ever - with only 3 of us sharing the lane...and all at a pretty similar pace.

I also had a kick-butt interval session running yesterday - made it to 9 on the treadmill for the first time for 5 30 sec. intervals (this was after 5 1 min intervals of 8.5). I really have no idea how long "intervals" should be. I've been going either 1 minute on 90 seconds rest, or 30 seconds on 1 minute rest. I'd be curious to know what other people are doing on that front.

Biking is continuing along, but nothing exciting to report. Didn't have the best workout the other day...I think because I was tired and freezing cold...inside on my trainer. Yuck.

2013-02-06 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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New user
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Sounds like everyone is punching along.

Today marked my worst swim ever. even my first one. While my form was feeling good, i struggled with breathing and my times were really really slow compared to that of last week. I felt my body rotation was good and my arms were moving well. I felt confident but my times did not reflect it. about 30 seconds slower per 100 m.

On the bike I am noticing gains with strength and endurance so thanks to Eriq for providing me with those workouts in a previous post, they seem to be working.

I am focusing mostly on swim and bike since it is cold and I despise the treadmill. However i am just trying to maintain my run fitness level by running about 4-8 miles a week when able.

I got my new Shimano TR-31 shoes today and loved them on the trainer. Anxious to try the flying mount and dismount when the snow melts.

2013-02-07 1:33 AM
in reply to: #4549295

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

hey party people. i'm still on graveyard shift and it's been hard to get my workouts in but thanks for keeping active. don't EVER feel like you're posting too much or asking too many questions. that's what this group is set up for. so have at it, go crazy!

awesome to read all of your progress!!!

Brian - good work on that swim. 1:45's huh? We're kinda in the same boat. For my HIM pace intervals i'm around 1:35 and IM pace stuff around 1:41-1:45 depending on the day. anything in particular that you are working on? I'm working on stroke rate stuff and keeping that reach when i up the strokes per minute.

Danelle - awesome with the run. looks like you'll kick all of our butts on the run. as far as nutrition, i have a pretty strong stomach but i still try to get most of my nutrition in on the bike just because of the sloshing around with the run. even if that means taking a quick bathroom break coming off the bike, it's worth it in my opinion. and with anything, PRACTICE IN TRAINING! try something out in training one day and if it doesn't work out, try something the next time around. you just don't want to try something new on race day.

Jana - neg 15 degrees?! i was complaining that i was overheating on sunday's run because it was almost 80 degrees out. =P length of run intervals can be tricky. what exactly are you trying to accomplish? speed work? endurance work? my guess is speed since you were turning up the intensity. so for VO2 max type of work, 30-120 secs sounds good. recovery can be even more than the 1:2 ratio as you want to make sure that the intervals are the same across the board. you don't want to fade as the workout progresses.

Thomas - i'm wondering what's going on with your breathing. if you can nail this down, i think it will drastically improve your swim. will you try something out for me? do a length or two on your back while kicking very lightly. take note of how your body is in the water? are you staying afloat? are you having to kick hard to stay near the surface? where is the surface of the water in respect to your head/face/goggles? i'm wondering if it's a balance issue...

as for me, my bike is kinda semi broken. i was on the trainer the other day and all of a sudden the armpad on the right aero extension started swiveling. looks like one of the bolts broke. half of the bolt is stuck inside the extension so i'll have to drill it out. and that bolt is very rare. none of the local bike stores or hardware stores carry it. still trying to find a place where i can buy it instead of buying a replacement armpad kit for like $40! in the mean time, i have one armrest. i think there was a pro in kona last year or the year before that had to ride like that...

2013-02-07 10:06 AM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Hi all,

Sorry I've been quite for the last week or so, very busy at work, but have been managing to get my workouts in.

My Jan figures are:

Bike:5h 46m  - 109.27 KM
Run:1h 56m  - 19.7 KM
Swim:2h 10m  - 4680 M

Swimming is coming along, I'm trying to roll my body more, and that seems to be helping.

Bike is still my weak area, not least because I don't actually have one so I'm using a stationary bike in the gym.

I do have one question.  When I do a really hard bike session I sometimes get cramps in my calf towards the end, or even at the beginning of my run in a brick session.

Any thoughts on how I could control this.  I guess more stretching, but any other ideas would be appreciated.  Doesn't happen on the run other than if I follow a bike session.

As a total newbie it's really good reading all your tips and ideas, so thanks.



2013-02-07 1:14 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Eriq - yes. I figure since my early season races are all short (5 or 10k), I should use my one run interval session a week to work on speed. Later in the year I'll need to focus all my attention on my marathon plan (mixed with my tri plan of course) - so figure now is about the only time I'll really be able to focus on run speed. I really want to break 22 minutes - and figure the spring is the only time for me to really do that. I'll be too busy from June onwards.

Thanks for the advice on it being okay to go longer than 2:1 -- I was just feeling a bit lazy on my recovery (I almost never go that slow outside of my warm-up) figured I should keep the recovery short. I assumed I wanted to keep my HR up, but be able to breathe normally...then push it again. It definitely got harder over the I probably wasn't recovering enough - especially with the end ones. Will change it up next week.

Tony - you're doing great! When I started running (I didn't start biking until more recently) I got cramps on occassion. I got two pieces of advice. My brother told me to take magnesium and potassium supplements (and to eat more bananas). My trainer meanwhile got me using a foam roller every day (available at most running stores). Nowadays, I take the vitamins, eat 1 banana a day, and spend 10 min a day using my roller. I haven't had any running/biking cramps since about a month after I started doing both. Might be worth trying one or the other. Just my two cents though - I am sure the other more experienced people might have better advice!

Eriq - good luck finding that bolt. $40! That's insane. Maybe it's available online somewhere - or maybe post what you need...if someone swapped out something on their own bike, perhaps they have the bolt you need lying around? Might be a long shot, but you never know.
2013-02-08 1:41 AM
in reply to: #4612703

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Inland Empire, CA
Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Tony - good to hear the swim is improving. Working on body position will do wonders in improving your swim. As for cramps, could be a nutrition thing. How long are your workouts and are you taking anything in? If it's 90 mins or less, you should be fine with water and could even do without if you are properly hydrated before hand. If it's an intense 90 mins or anything longer, maybe add some electrolytes and/or maybe something more.

Or it could be position, form, etc. A lot of things can come into play. If possible, try to slide the saddle forward to mimic a tri position. This effectively makes the seat angle steeper and should save your calfs a bit. You might also want to spin out a bit before the run with an easier resistance and a cadence that matches your running cadence.

Also, just give it time and your body will get used to running off the bike.

And stretching... NO STATIC STRETCHING before or during your workout. Many studies show that static stretching before and/or during exercise can increase risk of injury and sometimes even hinder performance.

Jana - the intervals will naturally get harder as they progress, but what is important is that you complete them all equally. So if it's a distance interval, say like 200s, you cover the same distance each interval. Or speed, you can maintain the same speed for the same amount of time each interval. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

And in my broken bike news...
I tried my tried and trusted LBS for that bolt with no luck. They did however direct me to the small little hardware store 2 blocks down the street. This place had a TON of fasteners of all shapes and sizes. I was able to find the bolt I needed! Not very many places carry a wide variety of metric bolts. Not even some of the local bolt/fastener distributors in my area had them.

So 76 cents later, I had the bolt I needed. I successfully drilled out the broken bolt out of my aerobar extention, though I did break 1 drill bit when I wasn't really paying close attention and applied too much force. Just a little bit of Loctite added to the bolts and I was back in business.

2013-02-08 12:48 PM
in reply to: #4549295

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Subject: RE: Eriq's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Tried swimming on my back today and my feet are about 2 feet under the surface. When I ad my hand to provide push my feet raise up. When only using my feet to kick the sink well below the surface. My face is the only thing exposed and it feels like I am a natural sinker, not floater.

On the freestyle today I noticed I may be bobbing up and down to get a breath but it is just what I feel like. I tucked my chin in and it seemed to help. I have a long reach but it seems like my pull is really ineffective.

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