BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-06-13 2:30 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
I haven't "injured" my back, per se, but it has been aggravating me when I wake up lately. Hmm, maybe it's time for more stretching and a new mattress!

2014-06-13 3:29 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
wow, sounds like work! Can I just go bike 13 miles tomorrow instead?

Edited by el penguino 2014-06-13 3:29 PM
2014-06-13 3:36 PM
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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Originally posted by el penguino

wow, sounds like work! Can I just go bike 13 miles tomorrow instead?

Tomorrow isn't the 13th so you will have to go longer.

My weekend workout is pretty full already.

6 - 7:00 am: swim (my weekly beginners masters swim class)
8 - 9:00 am: run (3-4 miles) Mizuno sponsored Fun Run with local running store.
10-11:30am: bike 15 miles (women only training ride with local Bike Shop)
12 – 7:30pm: lacrosse tournament for 11 year old

5AM - Run 6 miles
8 – 2:30pm: lacrosse tournament for 11 year old

Shouldn't this prepare me for my duathlon in August (run 2 - bike 13 – run 2)?

Edited by Lovey 2014-06-13 3:39 PM
2014-06-13 4:51 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
wow, and I was thinking I had done well running 3.75 miles and swimming for 25 minutes. I'm duly impressed!!!

(I did just bike for 15 minutes to test out spoke repair, but I was with the slow biking 11 year old. He has a mountain bike, so he has an excuse)

Edited by el penguino 2014-06-13 4:52 PM
2014-06-14 9:44 AM
in reply to: Lovey

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
OK I did 14 miles. Is that good enough? My first ride on the new bike, and basically this spring. Great bench mark for the race- 14 miles in one hour. I have about 8 weeks until the race. Should be able to improve on that with some good rides. Was a good mix of hills and flat. I'm really pleased with it!
2014-06-14 3:53 PM
in reply to: janjan1981

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Originally posted by janjan1981

Good morning everyone!

So for the past week or so I've had a lingering, dull pain in my back right thigh. It doesn't hurt to the touch or anything, just in general a little, and especially after a work out. After spinning today I actually limped a little.

Usually when my muscles are sore because of working out, they hurt to the touch but this is more like a dull ache. Feels weird. Thoughts?

Yes stretching is a great idea. Don't be surprised if what your feeling is actually not soreness in muscles that are small and that you have not engaged or used ever. I can tell you that for me it was when I first got a bow. I shoot for around 15 minutes and the next day had dull aches and things in areas I've never felt before. You are probably fine, but if it turns to pain you need to be really careful

2014-06-14 3:55 PM
in reply to: shanehurley497

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Originally posted by shanehurley497

Question: Every night my wife and I walk somewhere between 3-5 miles together. I do not count this in my logs. I have counted a few scheduled recovery walks in my log because I feel those were apart of my "workout", but not the nightly walks. We have fitbits and she is very competitive with our friends. We have about 10 people that all have fitbits and compete on 7 day averages. Thoughts?

They are yours logs, so you just do what you think, but I can tell you that a walk of that distance is exercise and will help you!
2014-06-14 4:00 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Originally posted by el penguino

OK I did 14 miles. Is that good enough? My first ride on the new bike, and basically this spring. Great bench mark for the race- 14 miles in one hour. I have about 8 weeks until the race. Should be able to improve on that with some good rides. Was a good mix of hills and flat. I'm really pleased with it!

Great job Nancy. There is no magical distance to go in prep of a distance or race, but 2 things for this one. 1, you went over the bike distance for you race so you know what it will feel like on race day, 2 you did it 8 weeks out which created a great bench mark for you to gage your improvement. As I've said before I think the biggest thing with the bike is to know you can cover the distance without struggling, while making sure that you and your run don't suffer, while still trying to go as fast as you can. Great job again and congrats
2014-06-14 10:42 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed

I've had an interesting time in the pool just recently. On friday  our coach suggested I learn to tumbleturn...I've never been able to do it, I've either shot off into the floor, the next door lane, or just plain got seasick. But I thought I'd give it a go, and with guidance managed to get the mechanics of it fairly quickly. My problem now is getting dizzy and then seasick...I'm really hoping that will subside with a bit of practice. I'm going to just do a little more each session and see how I go. I'd be very happy if I can do it, I've always been envious of people who can. They always look like they know what they're doing!

2014-06-15 12:49 AM
in reply to: Taringa

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Originally posted by Taringa

I've had an interesting time in the pool just recently. On friday  our coach suggested I learn to tumbleturn...I've never been able to do it, I've either shot off into the floor, the next door lane, or just plain got seasick. But I thought I'd give it a go, and with guidance managed to get the mechanics of it fairly quickly. My problem now is getting dizzy and then seasick...I'm really hoping that will subside with a bit of practice. I'm going to just do a little more each session and see how I go. I'd be very happy if I can do it, I've always been envious of people who can. They always look like they know what they're doing!

My Master swim coach said the same thing to me back in October. I asked her how many flip turns I would be doing in an open water swim (triathlon)? She said Touché, and we moved on from there without another word said. I do agree that it looks great and saves time in a pool swim though
2014-06-15 12:55 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Did a hard but good 7 miles running in today (hard just because it was long) but my place was very happy making for me- averaged 12:20/mile, including the first mile being over 15 min, since boy1 joined me for that one. Which means the rest of it was better than the 12:20. yay!!

Also stayed nice and cloudy and cool the whole run. And then I blew all the calories I had burned on a pancake breakfast for Father's Day. Totally worth it.

Question of the day- bike or tri shorts? My bike ride yesterday has left me a bit sore in some not so comfortable places, so I figure it is time. Any opinions about which is better?

2014-06-15 2:39 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
For cycling only, bike shorts. If you're going to run in them, tri shorts. You may need a different saddle too. Sore seat bones is ok, but if you have soreness and chafing on the soft bits that's not so good.
2014-06-15 2:47 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
I'm not sure how much to read into it, since it was my fist long ride. My muscles are definitely not yet in mid-season form! I'm thinking tri shorts- I could in theory swim, ride and run in those, right?
2014-06-15 4:08 PM
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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Nancy get some butt shield or similar lubricant and use it liberally around any soft bits that might be in contact with the saddle! It works!

Edited by Natflute 2014-06-16 4:04 AM
2014-06-15 6:26 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Originally posted by el penguino

Did a hard but good 7 miles running in today (hard just because it was long) but my place was very happy making for me- averaged 12:20/mile, including the first mile being over 15 min, since boy1 joined me for that one. Which means the rest of it was better than the 12:20. yay!!

Also stayed nice and cloudy and cool the whole run. And then I blew all the calories I had burned on a pancake breakfast for Father's Day. Totally worth it.

Question of the day- bike or tri shorts? My bike ride yesterday has left me a bit sore in some not so comfortable places, so I figure it is time. Any opinions about which is better?

Nancy, I started out with bike shorts and then after getting use to riding regularly I switched to Tri shorts. I still have a pair of bike shorts and a pair of desoto 400 mile shorts for long group rides / training rides. I now use desoto Tri Rivera shorts because their padding sits basically between Tri and bike shorts but still very comfortable option on race day. So that may be a compromise so to speak for you and I know a lot of women feel that desoto fits their bodies better. Anna hit the nail on the head also about the seat but I don't think you can gage that right now. Your butt needs to get use to riding first.
2014-06-16 4:10 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
So, I went for my swim in the sea on Saturday! The wetsuit is fantastic, I love it! And the sea was really warm - don't know how warm but definitely warmer than the 12C I was expecting.

It was choppy though. So choppy I found it really difficult to swim - felt like I was going nowhere, and really hard to get any kind of rhythm going as I was bouncing around all over the place. Really hope it's not like that on the day of my tri...

But I got REALLY lucky with a swim buddy... the beach was a very gradual slope so I needed to go quite far out to get any depth at all. I was asking the lifeguards on the beach about it (and about other local beaches), and one of them offered to come out with me, with a surf board! So I had my own personal lifeguard out with me! Doesn't get better than that :-)

And I also had a good run on the beach. Slow as usual but it was hot for the north of England! (25C)

2014-06-16 1:16 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Biked 10 miles today (to work)/45 min- and my butt does not hurt as much already. plus bike shorts are on order (thanks for the input!) and then at lunch swam 950:
2X50 warm up
3 x (25, 50, 75, 100) with 45 sec breaks
1X100 cool down easy

I'm following the build up Kris posted, but was a little scared by the jump from 75 ladders to 100 yrds every time, so I putting in an intermediate week. Next week I'll go for the 100 yrds each set.

2014-06-16 3:01 PM
in reply to: el penguino

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Just a heads up on something I am changing but it will NOT have an effect on this group or my Mentoring it.

So here is the deal,

I have been working at triathlon for quit some while now and have always managed to make time to get in my workouts and what I needed to get done. As of late, my work and home life have been requiring much more of me and I have let both slide in lieu of training days, ie. instead of staying at work to finish or mowing the yard, I have worked out. As this began to build I sought the workouts even more to help me deal with the stress of the mounting work load at work and home. So next thing I know I am even farther behind at work and neglecting home chores (never family) more and more, which leads to even more stress. I have noticed that this pattern has become a vicious almost non-productive circle. I have come to the conclusion that I have to get caught up at work and home in order to get back the balance that I need to really enjoy this sport and my life. My plan for the next 2 months or so is to do 1 long swim, 1 long bike, and 1 long run per week (mostly in the early morning hours of the weekend) to make sure that I maintain a certain level of endurance / fitness. My next race is not until Nov. 2nd and I know that I can be ready by then as long as I'm back at it like normal on Sept. 1st. For me the work thing is the biggest issue and is something that will honestly take a good month or two of extra hours and dedication to get caught up on, but I know will be such a relief and rewarding when I am back to square one. Please do not get the wrong idea, I DO have time to Mentor this group and wish to continue to do so. I can easily pop on and off of here to reply at all hours of the day, while trying to make time for 7 - 10 workouts a week is another thing. I have also thought of the whole running / swimming really early in the morning, but this is really the time that I can go in to get extra hours of uninterupted work and not have to sacrifice time with my family. I am letting yall know this to once again state that the group is all good and I will continue to mentor and be responsive and eveything I stated that I would. I just really didn't want for anyone in the group to check my logs over the next few months and think, "what the heck, why isn't the mentor of the group working out more". Whether or not this works out I feel that it will be a learning experience for me and may be something that could help someone from this group at a later date. I am definintely not getting out of this sport, as it is a lifesytle that I truly enjoy. Just wanted to make sure yall were aware!

Let me also add that this really is shaping up to be a great group, that is extremly active, and helpful towards one another.
2014-06-16 4:44 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Good luck with your different priorities! It's seriously hard to fit everything in. We're all behind you!
2014-06-16 8:40 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Hi Todd

I think time management and prioritisation could almost be categorised is the 4th discipline for triathlon and combining training with daily activities can be a real challenge.

We’ve previously discussed that a triathlete almost has to be selfish at times given the amount of training required. The reality is that we need to find balance in our life with work, home, training and a myriad of other activities.

Recently I‘ve read that some coaches are actually promoting fewer but longer training sessions so you may not be missing out anyway. I’ll bet that once you have work and home chores under control you’ll enjoy your training more as there won’t be any distractions. As the next race isn’t until November there doesn’t seem any urgency.

I don’t know anybody who has done a triathlon so your advice and guidance based on your experiences really is appreciated.


2014-06-16 10:17 PM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Hey Todd,

Thanks for sharing. I've been putting off some chores as well because I don't want to give up my weekday training, and this is a good reminder for me not lo let things slide. Good luck catching up.

2014-06-17 5:32 AM
in reply to: cassowary

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed

Todd, I'm sure you'll catch up on all the work and life stuff and be all the better for a bit of a rest period. It's so easy to get carried away with training, and sometimes the best thing is to kick back and devote some time to all the other things. We only have 24 hours in the day, and a third goes on sleep, so we don't get a lot to play with!

And yes, I think with such an active and supportive group of turtles, everything will keep trundling along just fine .

2014-06-17 3:35 PM
in reply to: Taringa

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed
Well my little angel made it out of her surgery this morning without a problem. She is doing really good right now but I'm sure it will become more painful to her in the next couple of days. So daddy and mommy will continue to nurse our little patient. Just thankful everything went alright during the surgery.
2014-06-18 1:52 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete

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Gold Coast, Australia
Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed

Good to hear she's doing well, Todd. Sounds like she's one tough cookie!

2014-06-18 8:33 AM
in reply to: Hunting Triathlete


Subject: RE: Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed

Great to hear everything went ok.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Todd's Tri Turtles 3 (Beginner, Sprint, 5K, 10K) Basically Closed Rss Feed  
of 23
date : September 8, 2008
author : pjwalzphd
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When I told my husband that I planned to work toward completing a sprint triathlon, he smiled and was supportive, but a bit disbelieving.
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Already a cyclist and not a bad swimmer, I figured all I had to do was build up to running a few miles and I’d be ready to go. The challenge invigorated me, and I ran out to buy new running shoes.
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I couldn’t help but feel that the race had beaten me. Perhaps duathlons were more for me? No, I was more determined than ever to succeed. I was determined to get on top of my swimming.
date : October 30, 2005
author : acbadger
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First, with your upcoming 5K, I strongly advise you to check out the “Couch to 5K” training schedule. This training schedule is a GREAT way to get back into running safely and wisely.
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Overview of two walk/run routines for training for a 5K.
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This aggressive couch to 5k program will get you running from nothing and will be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.
date : August 29, 2004
author : Ron
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This couch to 5k program will get your running in seven months and can be the lead-up to any of the sprint programs.