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2014-07-21 9:09 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by Jo63

I am trying to keep myself occupied since my race, I got home and was informed one of my sisters who is only 57 died this morning. I am in complete shock I just spoke with her yesterday and she was so proud of me for the whole triathalon thing.........iam going back and forth with the trying to be excited about my race but then feeling like I shouldn't be ....can't explain it.

I'm so sorry for your loss. It's an impossible situation under any circumstance. Praying for you and your entire family.

You will need to grieve your sister, and any way you need to do that is the right way. If it means being excited and knowing she would have been excited with/for you, don't feel guilty about the feelings. Your method of grieving is unique to you, and give yourself permission to do it anyway that works. Peace to you.

2014-07-21 11:44 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

I put together a quick race report of yesterday's sprint, lots of rambling though as I did it late last night after a few too many Stella's! Overall though it was a 4m PR for the course and the only real issue was the run. The time was ok at 21:35 but I am a little disappointed as I feel I checked out in the middle of the run and allowed myself to relax for awhile. My goal was to go to red-line and stay there but somehow lost focus.

     Race Report

Edited by mambos 2014-07-21 12:21 PM
2014-07-21 11:52 AM
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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by mambos

I put together a quick race report of yesterday's sprint, lots of rambling though as I did it late last night after a few too many Stella's! Overall though it was a 4m PR for the course and the only real issue was the run. The time was ok at 21:35 but I am a little disappointed as I feel I checked out in the middle of the race and allowed myself to relax for awhile. My goal was to go to red-line and stay there but somehow lost focus.

Seriously? That's a crazy time for 5k, within sniffing distance of your open times! I'll read the race report, but you can't be disappointed. And is there any such things as too many Stella's?

And I think I need to head out ther efor some races. $40 if you registered early, and $60 day of race? Is that right? Man, our sprints are closer to $100 (or more in come cases). I guess we pay for the hills! :)

Edited by wbayek 2014-07-21 12:03 PM
2014-07-21 12:36 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by wbayek
Originally posted by mambosI put together a quick race report of yesterday's sprint, lots of rambling though as I did it late last night after a few too many Stella's! Overall though it was a 4m PR for the course and the only real issue was the run. The time was ok at 21:35 but I am a little disappointed as I feel I checked out in the middle of the race and allowed myself to relax for awhile. My goal was to go to red-line and stay there but somehow lost focus.
Seriously? That's a crazy time for 5k, within sniffing distance of your open times! I'll read the race report, but you can't be disappointed. And is there any such things as too many Stella's? And I think I need to head out ther efor some races. $40 if you registered early, and $60 day of race? Is that right? Man, our sprints are closer to $100 (or more in come cases). I guess we pay for the hills!
yep, that's pretty standard for this area. The "larger" events will get up around $65 but other than that it's pretty even. We even have roughly 5 different HIM to choose from that start out at $90 and top out at $125. Fairly well organized too!

and your right! there is no such thing as too many Stella's, but they do tend to skew the thought process
2014-07-21 9:54 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Just caught up on all posts. I've been on a mission trip the past couple weeks and leave for another in Africa on the 30th.

Jo, lifting you up in prayer. For me, training and racing would probably help me clear my head and have time to reflect.

Tony, I'm also laughing at your "last one" remark... ha! I think your feeling is normal... especially for where you are in training. But I get it... it is a huge commitment. Just be ready to fight the feeling that will come as you cross that finish line. You know the one... ha. My first thought as I crossed was "I bet I could shave 30 minutes off that time"... ha. Anyway, great job shaking off the blahs. Your training is looking great, especially the bike.

Dirk, take care of that knee buddy. I'm happy that everything is going well thus far.

It definitely looks like everyone is getting in some nice training. When I'm in town, I'm avg'ing 100 miles/week on the bike and also getting in a 1 mile swim (non-stop). I'm just still maintaining with no plans... except IM Florida at the end of 2015, which is a long ways off. Being out so much on mission trips is tough. Plus, we are short staffed, so I've been having to work more. However, I am switching job roles soon and that should help me get back to regular hours.

I know I keep asking, but I have the worst memory and I dont want to have to go back and dig... can everyone please post their A race (place and date,,, and goal if you want)??? I want to make sure I dont miss any!

2014-07-22 8:23 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Will good to see you checking in and glad to hear that you've still been able to get some training in even as busy as you've been. Yeah I know exactly what you mean but seriously I am handing over my credit card to my wife before I had over to the IM village the day after the race. I don't think I can do the training for a 3rd one in a row. This one has been hard enough and I think my wife would kill me even if I wanted to do another next year. I can't tell you how much sleep she's given up on the weekend so I can get my training in. I so owe her big time for the support over the last two years doing this.

I think my next one has to be something extremely epic like Challenge Roth in Germany. 5000 people doing that race with those crazy large crowds and lot's of beer, it is Germany after all inventors of Oktoberfest! I'm thinking that might be my next one but probably not anytime soon.

So my A race is pretty obvious, Ironman Mont Tremblant on Sunday August 17th. I have ordered myathletelive tracker again for this race so if I make it out of the swim you guys will be able to track me on the bike and run if you're bored and have nothing better to do with your time that Sunday. I'll post the info as we get closer to race day. I'll also be doing the NYC marathon in Nov. but not ready to even thinking about that yet.

Matt I gotta agree with Warren that run time is fast and there is no such thing as too many Stella's or any good beer for that matter. I need to catch up and read both your's and Chris' race reports. Hoping to get some time this evening to do that.

2014-07-22 1:24 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Matt Awesome race!! Congratulations!!

Maybe Tony is on to something we could all go to Germany for the Roth Challenge!

HELP!!! so someone probably, accidentally picked up one of my bike shoes ( it wasn't there when I got my stuff at the end of the race. I have tracked down one of the people who was next to me and she didn't have it and no luck with the other suggestions on a brand to buy??

As far as life goes..... the shock is starting to wear off, there are good moments and bad and I definitely need to get back to training, no word yet on what happened so we wait and I am not sure how long it takes for an autopsy. All of your kind words are a huge support thanks for that!!
2014-07-23 8:20 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

Trip to Germany for a Race?  I am game, I wonder if I could get the wife to go for it

As for the my "A" race, that will be REV3 Cedar Point 70.3,  Still contemplating what my goal is going to be and it really depends on my swim confidence, but I think 5:30 may be reachable.  I did the 70.3 in June in 6:23 and that course was extremely difficult, I feel that I can lose 20m from the run easily and maybe another 20-25minutes on the bike which would only match last years time, obviously I am in much better shape this year..  So that just leaves the swim to deal with for the remaining time!  I have a race on 8-2 that is a 1/3 distance that I am going to test actual race pace and see how things go.  After that I should have a better idea of what my goal time will be.

2014-07-24 7:59 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
I'm very serious about doing Challenge Roth. I think there are a few others here on Long Island who are as well. It won't be next year but I'm thinking it is about as epic as you can get when it comes to a full distance triathlon. Plus did I mention the beer? We should you defnitely consider this for a future event. 5000 participants and huge, huge, huge crowds plus beer. Germany loves triathlons. What is not to like about this event? I would say it is time to start saving as many SAU's (spousal approval units) as you can if you are considering this event.
2014-07-24 8:59 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
If I were ever to do an Ironman, something like Roth would make sense in a lot of ways, though my wife would rather I do Cozumel if we're doing a destination race.

My "A" race is Rev3 Old Orchard Beach Aug 24, it's only an aquabike, but I won last year so I'm hoping to defend. If the shoulder was good I'd meet you at the Rev3 in Sandusky Matt, but I just can't risk the outlay of money required to get there and stay somewhere in case the shoulder is really bad after my August racing.
2014-07-30 7:47 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
The group has been pretty quiet this week so I'm going to give it a litle bump. I did my first weekday morning workout yesterday in the almost 8 months of my IMMT training. I ran for an hour and then followed it up with an hour on the trainer. I didn't want to wake my daughter up so I ran first and waited until she went to work to get the bike workout in. I'm definitely not a morning person and I'm not sure how anybody works out that early in the morning but I had to do it. Not a bad workout but I won't be doing that again any time soon.

I also got the bike into the LBS yesterday and was able to pick it up this evening. She is all set and ready to roll for IMMT I just hope I am as well. I took a sorely needed rest day today and this is the last big weekend. I figured Thursday to Sunday will be about 14 hours of training so I opted for some rest today. After this weekend it's on to the taper. Yay!

I hate to say it but I can't tell you how tired I am of training for this race. I just want to get up to MT, check out the course, relax some and then get to racing. I'm only hoping we have much better weather than the folks who raced at Lake Placid this past weekend. Holy cow that was unbelievable with folks getting pulled from the swim because of lightning. I had over a dozen friends racing there and even more volunteering. They had quite an eventful race but they all finished. I'm hoping to do the same, 2 1/2 weeks to go.

2014-08-01 7:27 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

I feel you tony!  I am pretty tired this week myself.  The race knocked me down a little bit and I'm still trying to recover some but my training hasn't diminished all that much since the race.  My swim volume is down but I feel like I can swim pretty well much of the time, unless I'm just thoroughly exhausted, and I feel that way today.

Today was a fairly solid brick workout that I'm not feeling like I nailed very well.  I had a 5 hour ride followed by a 30 minute run.  The ride went somewhat well but the run.......not so much!  It's not that I felt bad from the ride but the pacing on the run.  Apparently I was trying to race again today.  I set the pace a bit to high following the bike and I was never able to pull it back.

I am 38 days from my race and I envy you a little bit as you head into your taper.  My taper will be shorter than your too.  Zach has a plan to torture me longer I guess.  Actually he is planning to roll the taper for each discipline with the swim being  the last one to fall off.  That's alright!  I know when I get to Madison I'll be ready, or at least as ready as I can be.  My run is my only question mark at this point but it's coming along.  I have a 15 miler coming Sunday followed by a 90 minute ride.

2014-08-01 9:21 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Seeing your guys training time for an ironman gives me a lot of do a sprint race! . I don't think I could put that kind of time in, even if I didn't have the family commitments I'm not sure I could do it. Kudos to all you that are doing the Full distance.
2014-08-02 9:41 AM
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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Dirk I know how you feel since I've been there recently. Stay committed, you are entering your peak training phase it will go by quickly. Before you know it IMWI will be upon you. You've certainly been training very hard and it will translate to a great result for you at IMWI. You just have to get through this part of your training and you will.

Matt I'm ready to join you and get back to doing some shorter distance racing. I will say that after training for back to back IM's I'm amazed that I was able to find the time and to balance things as well as I have. It is definitely not an easy thing to do but it can be done. You'll shall see when you throw your hat into the ring and decide to do one. I definitely see that in your future.

So this is it for me, last weekend of big training. Today the weather is not being kind to us with the rain so I'm hoping to get a 2 to 3 hour ride in outdoors this afternoon and get my last long ride in tomorrow morning. The weather is looking a little more favorable to do that. I'm hoping to get 100 miles in early tomorrow morning. If I can't ride outdoors today I'll probably just get a few hours in on the trainer and follow it up with a short run. I'm just so happy to be winding the training down. Now I can focus on mentally preparing for the race.

Edited by strikyr 2014-08-02 9:42 AM
2014-08-02 6:42 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN

I have already posted this to facebook but here is my race report from New Albany last weekend.  I have been working on ity all week but trying to keep up with training, working extra hours and a few things at my mom's house is fairly challenging.

Race Report

2014-08-04 8:34 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Let the taper begin! I'm done, I've done everything I could do to get prepared for IMMT. I'm in the best shape I've ever been so nothing more I do is going to make any difference. It's funny you train for what feels like an eternity and you think the day will never get here and all of sudden it is upon you. I can't believe it! Only 12 more days to go and I'm not sure how I feel. Part of me is relieved to be done with all the big training and the other part of me now has to deal with the reality of the race to come. All I can say is I'm ready and if not now I'll never be ready to do this.

2014-08-05 10:01 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Hey tony, you going nuts yet

Dirk! I was reading your race report and was curious if you thought anymore about your stomach issues? I read Jeff's response and somewhat related that to my problems last year at Rev3. I came off the bike feeling full and within a few miles it felt as if I just had a gut full of rot. I had initially attributed it to too much gu but that may not be the case.Any thoughts on what can be done to prevent, other than going at an easier effort?
2014-08-06 2:43 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Matt to be honest not quite yet. I've been very tired this week. I took Monday off which might have been no training but it was a do everything I didn't get to do this past weekend day which translated to no day off. I swam yesterday if you want to call it swimming. It was not very good and I was actually wondering when the lifeguard was going to jump in and pull me out. He allowed me to suffer through a poor session of swimming.

I really should have just taken the day off. I was going to do my 90 minute bike/run brick but I'm going to pass today. I'm just too tired. It feels like like I've been grinding for the last two and half years without much of a break. I'd rather play it safe and not go into the race feeling beat down so I'll be very careful the rest of this week and next as to what and how much I do. No way I'm blowing my race because I'm tired or overtrained.
2014-08-09 7:58 AM
in reply to: #5000821

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Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
There's really no fitness to be gained now. Maintain and recover, great plan to listen to your body. Besides, you're the IM execution ninja, so you WILL kill this!
2014-08-11 8:47 AM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Warren I'm hoping that will be that case and I can use my ninja skills once again and execute the perfect race. We shall see.

Last workout in NY is in the books just an easy hour of running yesterday and I'm done. Leaving for Plattsburgh, NY today and will break the trip up. So today will be a long ride probably 6 hours up to Plattsburgh and then onward to Mont Tremblant on Tuesday. That's another 2.5 hours or so but I'm hoping to get in around lunch time or early afternoon.

Weather is not looking great for this week though looking like rain on Wednesday and then a good chance of rain for Thursday and Friday. I hope that is not the case though I wanted to get out and see the big park they have there and just hang out and get some R&R. Race day is looking good. I'll post the
link for myathletelive as well so if you guys are extremely bored on Sunday and have nothing better to do you see if I'm still moving or not on the course.
If I'm not moving please call the authorities I prefer that they come find me on Sunday rather then some time after the race is over.

I can't believe it 6 more days to go. I think it will start getting real once they slap the wrist band on at the athlete check in. That will be the reality check.
2014-08-12 9:41 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Well friends, I am back from Africa! Trip was amazing as usual. I'm not even going to try to explain it, bc you have to experience it to really understand (with a team of 13, we saw over 4,000 souls accept Christ). I've got a great missionary contact there if anyone wants to go!
Jet lag is killing me though... I keep waking up at 4am... ha! I went for a ride the day after I got back and it was a total bonk. It was a fast pace and my HR just jumped up and would not come down. I pulled out once I got the chills. Hopefully this is just jet lag related and I havent really lost that much fitness.

TONY! Excited to follow you in this race bro. Hope you enjoy it even more than last years.

Dirk, great to see you getting close with no big set backs. Stay smart and get to that start line healthy man... no pushing it too hard in WO's!

Isn't Brenda doing the same race? Haven't seen much from her... how's she doing?

2014-08-13 9:14 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Summer Edition - OPEN
Will welcome back and it sounds like you had a great trip and an incredible experience in Africa. Glad you made there and home safely and were able to do the Lord's work with your group. I'm sure you have some amazing stories you can share. Also nice to see you getting back on the bike. I'm sure you haven't lost any fitness.

Dirk, Brenda and JoAnne are all doing IMWI. Getting ever closer to race day.

Well, I made to Mont Tremblant yesterday and it looks beautiful up here but it's been raining. Today will be a total washout so I won't be doing any S/B/R or course previewing. There is rain in the forecast for the entire week. I'm just hoping we get a window so I can swim in Lac Tremblant and I can ride the worst section of Chemin Duplessis. I want to be able to experience Chemin Duplessis and the brutal climb you do there twice so I can gauge my efforts accordingly. I also want to get into the lake for a swim so I can get settled. That will be the hardest part of the race for me. It's totally all mental when it comes to the swim for me so getting out there before Sunday is important to me.

We are planning a group ride on Friday with the 7 other Long Islanders, my friends and training partners who are doing the race with me on Sunday. We lovingly refer to ourselves as Don Quixote triathon or the DQ gang. So NY will be well represented by this contingent on Sunday. I just hope I can get out some more and see the village and the park. There is a huge park right here, Mont Tremblant park with a bunch of trails. I was hoping to experience that with my dog Luna.

I'll also post up the myathletelive link for you guys interested or bored to death with nothing better to do and wanting to follow my progress. I think they update the site on Thursday or Friday with new events so when they update it I'll post it. With all the stuff going on and the travel the last two days I almost forgot why I came up here lol, 4 more days to go!
2014-09-16 3:23 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Columbia, TN
Subject: My 70.3
Hi everyone....
I know that facebook has been our place of activity lately, but this is too big for FB.

Swim: my time 47:21.
Fastest swim 32:25

A man I talked to after the race had his Garmin telling him it was 1.4 miles long and when he pulled up the map of the swim route he swam, the graph showed perfectly straight lines and no differentiation was visible between his first lap and 2nd lap...the lines overlayed each other. He swam dead straight.
Given my problems veering off course, I probably swam 100 yards more..perhaps 1.5 miles.

The good points of the swim though:
1) I never got gassed, not even due to excitement at the beginning.
2) In the middle I was swimming with what felt like a good stroke (and I was thinking hard about my technique)
3) I comfortably accelerated my swim effort over the last 300 meters

There was a point about 100 yards in to the swim course where a swimmer behind me started to climb up my legs. I hate that. A couple of strokes I understand, with visibility being zero and all. But this was 5 that point I kicked HARD.
Then a few moments later he was there again, but this time at my left hip and bringing his arm down on the small of my back. I looked to make sure I was swimming straight and not going left into him. I wasn't. After I'd had enough of that, I pulled my legs up to my butt, found his shoulder and shoved him backwards. That solved that problem!
I don't think that was uncalled for or particularly rude given the circumstances. I believe he was trying to bully me out of his way.

bike: 2:31:47
fastest bike split 2:29:10

Ok, so my swim time was shameful, but I hold no illusions of being a good swimmer.
I had a great transition and took off on the bike enjoying the speed.
It starts out hilly for a mile until we leave the park then gets mostly flat. But the next 5 miles were a long, gradual uphill. Probably not even a 1% grade, but perhaps 1% in places. I had to be content to see only 22-23mph.
The thing is, for a course with a claim of being 'flat' I noticed there was almost nowhere that it really was flat. It seemed to always undulate.
There were a few places on the course where the road surface was so bad I saw my speed drop by 2mph just from increased rolling resistance....
Overall this course was deceptively slow for a course that looked flat on the profile.
There were awkward, sandy turns that required a lot of slowing down.
There were un-manned intersections that required us to do a rolling stop on the way through.
turn-arounds (2 of them) were painted on the pavement with no other marker so that you would ride past at 20+mph, realize that was it, and overshoot it by 100 feet before getting turned around.

It was also easy to get confused because there was an out and back course with an out and back section off from that...taken only on the return route.
With no one manning that turn, that out and back section could be skipped by anyone that wanted to without being caught.
Or people on their way out, seeing returning riders going down that road might mistake that for the course and take that out-and-back without doing the whole course.
I felt good, and felt that I'd been riding pretty comfortably. I drank 2 large bottles during my ride, which is more than I have ever been able to drink in a race.
It's about all I drink on most 70-ish mile training rides.

But I noticed my excessive sweat rate while riding. Even 30+ miles in to the ride I was dropping sweat in never ending raindrops. And at 20+mph! It wasn't particularly hot or humid either.

So about my bike...My position is so aggressive on the bike that I literally can barely handle 1 hour and still have any hope of running afterwards.
So the week before the race I flipped my stem to lift the handlebars. The total lift looked to be around 5". I had to recable the bike because the shift cables weren't long enough now. It's internally routed and I didn't have time in my life to get it done so brought it in to the shop my daughter works at and paid them/her to do it.

I was pleased to find out when I got it back that my position felt really good even without a subsequent adjustment to my seat. And when I looked at my position in the mirror, it was actually a respectable TT position still...just goes to show how low my position has always been.
So the good news is that after 56 miles I felt better than after 1 hour the old way. I was able to relieve pressure often by fidgiting around on the seat and by actually standing up to pedal while staying in my elbow pads. That's a pretty neat trick.
So score one for the modified bike position.

I kept picking off cyclists the whole time. The last one I passed around mile 50 put me in 5th place on the course.

I got off the bike and felt good. Breathing was under control. I clicked off what felt like 7:30, but could have been anywhere between 7 and 8 frankly because you just can't tell when you first get off the bike.

By the end of the first mile I knew I was in trouble.
Every water station I lingered longer drinking more and pouring more over my head. It was truly hot, even though the thermometer only said 84 degrees, the whole run course was sun-baked and I wasn't thermoregulating very well...
So by mile 4 I had decided I wasn't going to finish. I walked-jogged through to the end of the first lap and called it a day.

The fastest run split of the race was 1:46:43 (8:08), so you can see that the run course was no easy matter. It wasn't flat anywhere...
The race winner's run split was 1:52:23 (8:34).

I fully expected to be able to do 8:00 miles so I would have been competitive.

All in all, I'm OK with the experience and the outcome. I need to find a cool weather half, or go the other way and find a 100 degree desert race where my excessive sweating will all evaporate giving me greater cooling than the other athletes!
And I will need a drinking solution on my handlebars that can be refilled from the course so I can drink more like 70+ ounces out there.

2014-09-18 7:10 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: My 70.3
Jeff thanks for taking the time to share your experience on your HIM with us. I think it was a great summary of your race. Again I'm sorry to see that you were not able to finish but it was certainly not for a lack of trying. You were killing it out there before you decided to pull out which I think was the correct decision based on how you were feeling.

I don't think your swim time was that bad but this is coming from a slow swimmer so you have to take it for what it's worth. That course was clearly longer than it should have been so that is reflected in your time. The bike course seems like it was much tougher than advertised which makes your bike split all the more impressive to me. I find it unbelievable that the intersections were not manned that to me is totally unacceptable especially for a HIM. You were right there on the run, you certainly had a chance to take more spots and be more then just competitive. All in all you had a fantastic race. I hope you can get your hydration plan squared away for future races at this distance because you can kill it at the HIM distance.
2014-10-02 6:47 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Seacoast, NH!
Subject: RE: My 70.3
What a bunch of crazy athletes.
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author : BobbyMcgee
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By gradually running for increasingly longer periods on a softer surface, you will learn the technique and come to realize the benefits in injury prevention and speed.
date : April 2, 2006
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This summer, I am planning on doing three triathlons. What should my strategy be for training, tapering and resting during, before and after each race?