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2007-01-30 10:52 AM
in reply to: #672695

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Glad you're setting goals, too! 

The nike+iPod thing is working pretty well.  Right now, I am attaching it to my shoelaces (towards the bottom) with velcro.  I didn't have to calibrate it as the distance I ran was almost identical to the distance on the iPod; the iPod distance was 0.03 miles longer than what I thought it was.  I like it for training, although I do try to not use the music for every run.  It certainly makes the treadmill a lot more pleasant.  I hear there may be a heart rate monitor attachment for it later this year also.  

stbrrn - 2007-01-30 11:46 AM

I think that setting our February goals is a great idea, I'm in.

Run: 35 miles
Swim: 1200 meters
Bike: 2 Spin Classes
Sports: 20 hours

Jen - How's the ipod+ working out for you? Would you reccommend getting one? I'm thinking about getting one, if I comitt to a 1/2 marathon. I would also need to get an ipod nano.

2007-01-30 3:13 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I'll throw in my February goals:

Run: 40-45 miles - I've got a 1/2 mary coming up in June and it's pretty hilly, so I hope to do some hill work on the treadmill (outside is still iffy as it's a whopping 8*F outside).

Swim: 9,000 yards.

Bike: 65-70 miles.

2007-01-30 8:44 PM
in reply to: #672642

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Goals for February

Adding a third goal for February: core workouts 3x per week

I did it today and it was hard.  Definitely something I need to work on a lot more to help for biking season. 

Artemis - 2007-01-30 11:23 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm setting some goals for my training in February. Anyone want to join me? I also hope you'll all hold me to them.

Run: 40 miles
Swim: 10 miles (16,094 meters)

No bike goal for now. I'm focusing on running to get up to speed for my half mary in March.

2007-01-31 5:52 AM
in reply to: #672642

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Subject: RE: Goals for February
Artemis - 2007-01-30 11:23 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm setting some goals for my training in February.  Anyone want to join me?  I also hope you'll all hold me to them.  :)

Good idea on placing some February goals. I'll join in:

Bike: 60 miles
Run: 20 miles
Swim: Complete my swimming lessons and be able to swim 50 yards freestyle without stopping

Edited by dlvt52 2007-02-01 6:26 AM
2007-01-31 8:02 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I have been thinking about my training goals for February but I really don't have that much. To keep on my weekly schedule and to add in weights is about it for me. Until the weather breaks I guess I am in maintenance mode.
2007-01-31 10:13 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

What has everyone’s experience been with buying a road bike?  I am definitely buying one this spring and I was wondering what type of bikes we all have?  I know the common response of buy the one that fits best, but I am still in the preliminary over analyze stage of my bike research.  I currently have a Cannondale Multisport that I bought used last summer, which at the time I felt was a good fit, but know I think it is too big.  So if anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears.

2007-02-01 6:35 AM
in reply to: #674946

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
stbrrn - 2007-01-31 11:13 PM

What has everyone’s experience been with buying a road bike?  I am definitely buying one this spring and I was wondering what type of bikes we all have?  I know the common response of buy the one that fits best, but I am still in the preliminary over analyze stage of my bike research.  I currently have a Cannondale Multisport that I bought used last summer, which at the time I felt was a good fit, but know I think it is too big.  So if anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears.

I will be interested in the response to this as well. I am currently riding a Trek Hybrid (the model escapes me right now - its is like a 7500 or something), which I really enjoy, but definately is not a triathlon bike.

2007-02-01 6:59 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I have a cheap Huffy brand I found last year at a thrift store for $5.00.  I also have an old mtn bike.  I AM however, saving like crazy to buy a new one at the end of the year.  I have my eye on either an Orbea Aspin or something similar.
2007-02-01 9:32 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I was able to get a previous year's Trek 1500 for about $800 at a local bike store.  It's been a great beginner bike and I've managed to get it set up to have pretty decent aero position with some clip on aero bars.  I'm looking at getting the same bike for my husband this year. 

I think the best advice I can give you is to figure out how much you can spend and then figure out many bikes in that price range.  Then, go and ride as many of them as you can.  You'll notice a difference in fit, handling, and ride.  That should help you narrow it down and then you can focus on the more fun things like color.   

2007-02-01 7:27 PM
in reply to: #674946

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
stbrrn - 2007-01-31 10:13 PM

What has everyone’s experience been with buying a road bike? I am definitely buying one this spring and I was wondering what type of bikes we all have? I know the common response of buy the one that fits best, but I am still in the preliminary over analyze stage of my bike research. I currently have a Cannondale Multisport that I bought used last summer, which at the time I felt was a good fit, but know I think it is too big. So if anyone has recommendations, I’m all ears.

What a great question. When I first bought a road bike for myself it was a Diamondback brand. Cost about $600 regular price. I have since found out that my taste has changed from casual road bike to serious road/tri bike. (apparently there are differences) It has been my experience since the purchase that an XS boys bike does not equal a small frame women's. Personally take your experiences and list what options you want. Do you want aero bars on the bike or ones you can take off when needed? What kind of gears to you need or want... I found out that I have too many rings on mine. And DEMO DEMO DEMO!!!
2007-02-01 7:32 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Have I decided to do the 1/2 marathon yet??? I don't know yet. I am reserving the thought until I see the program. If it conflicts too much with the tri training, then no. If I can do it with the tri training and it is reasonable, then yes.

My daughter and I will be taking part in our Y's weight loss challenge. So I will be adding two more nights of workouts to my schedule. This is great for the winter because I don't usually work out at night. During the summer, I bike and run a lot after work. We will see how it goes with her.

Hope everyone is well. Thank you for the inspiring thoughts!!

2007-02-01 7:55 PM
in reply to: #676194

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

It's great that you and your daughter are doing it together!  Having the support will really help you both out.  

Personally, I've found that training for a 1/2 mary doesn't conflict too much with tri training, but my weakest area is running.  Focusing a little more on the running was really helpful in all of my training. 

celticblde05 - 2007-02-01 8:32 PM Have I decided to do the 1/2 marathon yet??? I don't know yet. I am reserving the thought until I see the program. If it conflicts too much with the tri training, then no. If I can do it with the tri training and it is reasonable, then yes. My daughter and I will be taking part in our Y's weight loss challenge. So I will be adding two more nights of workouts to my schedule. This is great for the winter because I don't usually work out at night. During the summer, I bike and run a lot after work. We will see how it goes with her. Hope everyone is well. Thank you for the inspiring thoughts!!

2007-02-01 11:26 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

At my last swim workout on Wednesday, I was talking about doing the 1/2 marathon and some other people said they were going to too.  We planned to do some longer weekend runs together, so now I cannot back out, which is good because I need that commitment. 

Kelli, it is great that you and your daughter are doing the weight loss challenge together.  I've signed up for the new challenge starting on Monday in the Tri'ing for Weight Loss forum. 

Also, thanks veryone for the advice about bikes.  I still have alot of research to do and I will keep you posted on my decisions.

Edited by stbrrn 2007-02-01 11:27 PM
2007-02-02 8:03 AM
in reply to: #676378

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I'm signed up for the new challenge, too.  Should be good.

What 1/2 marathon are you doing, Erin?

2007-02-02 8:21 AM
in reply to: #676526

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Artemis - 2007-02-02 8:03 AM

I'm signed up for the new challenge, too.  Should be good.

What 1/2 marathon are you doing, Erin?

I'm doing the Saskatchewan 1/2 Marathon on May 27th.

2007-02-03 5:15 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Guess what guys?!  I finally got the cabinets installed in our basement!  I forgot I had to work today, so I'm there, now, but when I get home, we're putting the countertops on (FINALLY!) and putting the sink in!  YAY!!!!

2007-02-03 9:51 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Great job on the cabinets!
2007-02-04 9:14 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Thanks!  We got everything done on them except the last bit of plumbing, which requires a trip to the hardware store.  Otherwise, it's done and it looks great.  I'll try to get some pictures uploaded when it's all completed.
2007-02-04 10:26 AM
in reply to: #678309

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Congrats on getting the cabinets in!  Hope you can upload pics when you're done.
2007-02-04 7:37 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Well I kept the promise to myself and worked out hard this weekend. Looking forward to a busy week next week. I have decided to change my schedule and workout in the PM. The weather has gotten much colder and I don't want my daughter walking to school in this frigid weather. So I am changing things around. I think she likes it as she can now join me at the gym (new thing with her).

Next weekend is a conference in Hershey (tons of chocolate at every session). I have scoped out the hotel for workout possibilities. The pool looks small but so instead of swimming I am going to try water running. So here's to seeing if it works out.

Great job everyone.. talk to you later.


Edited by celticblde05 2007-02-04 7:38 PM
2007-02-05 10:06 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Kelli, your conference sounds like an awful temptation!  Chocolate everywhere sounds like it might be too much to resist.  I'm impressed that you are already considering the workout possibilities and making plans for the weekend.

I didn't have a great weekend of workouts.  I did a 3 mile run on Saturday morning and had a 10 mile run planned for Sunday.  I had a cold all weekend, so I decided to sleep and rest on Sunday and not do my planned workout.  I think it was the right decision, though, and I feel a lot better today.  I'm going to try to do my swim workout tonight and see how I feel. 

I'm hoping that I can get some good workouts in this week and that everyone else can, too.


2007-02-05 9:05 PM
in reply to: #679483

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Artemis - 2007-02-05 10:06 AM

Kelli, your conference sounds like an awful temptation! Chocolate everywhere sounds like it might be too much to resist. I'm impressed that you are already considering the workout possibilities and making plans for the weekend.

I didn't have a great weekend of workouts. I did a 3 mile run on Saturday morning and had a 10 mile run planned for Sunday. I had a cold all weekend, so I decided to sleep and rest on Sunday and not do my planned workout. I think it was the right decision, though, and I feel a lot better today. I'm going to try to do my swim workout tonight and see how I feel.

I'm hoping that I can get some good workouts in this week and that everyone else can, too.

There is definitely something going around. Everyone is getting sick. I hope you feel better. This weekend part of the reason the workouts weren't the greatest is because I feel like my sinuses prevent me from breathing fully. I am getting something.

I imagine you needed the rest, your body was telling you something. I agree that it was the right decision. Swimming tends to help my sinuses. I will try that logic tomorrow for my swim.

Have a good night and day!
2007-02-06 4:29 PM
in reply to: #680476

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

It's a hard balance between deciding whether to workout or whether to take it easy and rest.  I thought I was better yesterday, but I had a rather hectic day today.  I don't think I've sat down longer than 15 minutes and that was to eat lunch.  Now I feel exhausted and tired again.  I think my current plan is to go home, eat dinner, and rest.  If I'm feeling better around 8, I'll do my run at the gym at the apartment.  If not, it will be another rest day.  It's frustrating, but I guess it's better in the long run.

Hope you don't get sick Kelli. 

2007-02-06 9:06 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Jen, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. 

2007-02-08 11:58 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Hey all!  Well, we're 8 days in to February!  How is everyone doing on their goals?  I'm looking good so far, though I do have a question about my cycling miles vs. spin class.  Since our spin class bikes do not track rpm/distance/force, etc, can I even count that as part of my bike mileage, and if I can count it, do I just pull a random number like 15 miles?  I know my cadence is faster than when I ride the other stationary bikes, so I figure I'm going farther in class.  Any suggestions?
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