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2007-03-12 3:04 PM
in reply to: #720030

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
i love the picture! she's adorable!

i notice that when i have more intense weeks, i feel a little more crabby too. i think its just the simple fact that you are working your body more, and in turn your body/mind is requiring more fuel and more rest. so hard when you are a mom, i know. but if i have a big workout day i try to make sure i get all my "stuff" done during the day so at night once th ekids are i nbed i can veg on the couch for a bit and go to bed early.


2007-03-12 3:06 PM
in reply to: #720298

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
my goal for this week is to just DO all of my workouts!! my husbands grandpa passed away and the past few weeks my workouts have been kind of hit and miss, but now i feel back on track. i'm SO excited, there is a Tri for a cure here in AZ in may that my girlfriend and i are going to do. its a sprint, but the swim is 750 (open water--lake) and the bike is 12 and run 3.1 i think. anyway, i'm excited about the open water swim, so i can get a feel for what that is like before the HIM in june. i also think it will be a good way to put my HIM training to the test on a sprint distance. i'm really excited about it.

2007-03-12 3:25 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I had a beautiful run this morning, I had no fatigue or discomfort and my HR stayed low! I'm feeling progress now finally. Anyone else notice improvement?

Now that the ice has melted I've been riding my bike outside and will set up my GPS to measure distance and speed. I can't afford a cycling computer yet. My new running shoes are feeling great and my next purchase will be a swimsuit because my tanktop and board shorts have been stretched out by the chlorine. I find my hair has become a dried up mess. Anyone else's hair completely dry? If I lift up a part of my hair and drop it, it stays partly up.

My goals for this week:

1. Remind myself before working out that I hate the first 20min and to stick with it cause it gets better.

2. Keep working on getting to sleep before 1am

3. Stick to the program a bit closer

4. Do more weight training
2007-03-12 3:39 PM
in reply to: #720339

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

francisjade - 2007-03-12 2:25 PM I find my hair has become a dried up mess. Anyone else's hair completely dry? If I lift up a part of my hair and drop it, it stays partly up.

A hint with the hair...  Wet it with shower water before you get in the pool - less chlorine will seep in if your hair has already soaked up the fresh water!  Also, if you can put conditioner on it before you get in, it helps a LOT.

2007-03-12 5:01 PM
in reply to: #720339

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
That is awesome! I have also noticed improvements (albeit small ones). I do the same run every Saturday morning (5k) and every week I can run it just a little bit faster and a little bit more solid.

I agree with Julia about rinsing your hair first and putting a little bit of conditioner on. I also have this goop that is specifically made to put in your hair before swimming in chlorine. I haven't noticed any changes in my hair at all.

My goals for the week are:

Make it to Thursday at the same intensity
Incorporate consistent strength training
Start a recovery week on Friday (going to Whistler for some skiing and some R&R)
2007-03-12 10:21 PM
in reply to: #720483

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Caycee - 2007-03-12 4:01 PM That is awesome! I have also noticed improvements (albeit small ones). I do the same run every Saturday morning (5k) and every week I can run it just a little bit faster and a little bit more solid. I agree with Julia about rinsing your hair first and putting a little bit of conditioner on. I also have this goop that is specifically made to put in your hair before swimming in chlorine. I haven't noticed any changes in my hair at all. My goals for the week are: Make it to Thursday at the same intensity Incorporate consistent strength training Start a recovery week on Friday (going to Whistler for some skiing and some R&R)

Enjoy the rrecovery week!!  I'll be in Whistler the last weekend in March - too bad not the same weekend!

2007-03-13 7:26 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
So here  I had one heck of a swim workout last night, I swam between 2000-2200 yds (I was so drained by the end I couldn't come up with a calculation off my sheet!) and was thinking I bonked.  To make a long story short, I neglected drinking water for atleast a day (I'm horrible with this!) and I managed to get through my busy night but by the time I went to bed I could hardly move. It just hurt to lay there.  So I thought I was going to die because I was so dehydrated, but come to find out I ended up getting the flu...which didn't help to that feeling that I was going to die.  Lesson of the night....drink the water out of the nasty pipes at school when you don't have your water with you.....never find out what bonking feels like....have your sub plans ready all the time!  But, atleast I got a good swim in, right?  Still recovering tonight, bummed out I missed my first day above 50, it was 70 and it is suppose to get cold tomorrow again!  Hope everyone else got in a good workout outside tonight!  
2007-03-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I'm not sure if I've ever experienced bonking but it doesn't sound great. I usually quit before I get too bad, which is a bad habit of mine.

I've been sticking to my goals quite well this week but the training program I chose, the 1/2 IM, is getting too intense for my level.
2007-03-15 9:45 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
congrats on your mega-swim! but sorry about the bonking. i'm not sure i've ever had that happen to me, but it doesn't sound very good! what does that mean exactly?
francisjade, i hear you on the 1/2 IM training! its tough, isn't it?! i'm sticking to it though, and i'm really excited to complete the HIM in june, but after that i think i'll be slowing down a bit. we just found out today that we will be moving to oregon in june. i'm SO excited!! they seem to have tons of tri's there and it won't be so beastly hot!

summer: welcome to arizona! it is MARCH and today it was 95 degrees. swam this morning early, which was fine, but then i did my run this afternoon and nearly passed out. i'm not used to working out in this kind of heat (just last week it was in the 70's) so i'm reminded of my need to carry water with me if i'm running during the hot part of the day. i had to walk off and on just to keep from getting sick.
anyway, so for those of you that actually GET a spring season, ENJOY IT!!!

2007-03-15 10:32 PM
in reply to: #724864

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
trimomfour - 2007-03-15 9:45 PM

congrats on your mega-swim! but sorry about the bonking. i'm not sure i've ever had that happen to me, but it doesn't sound very good! what does that mean exactly?
francisjade, i hear you on the 1/2 IM training! its tough, isn't it?! i'm sticking to it though, and i'm really excited to complete the HIM in june, but after that i think i'll be slowing down a bit. we just found out today that we will be moving to oregon in june. i'm SO excited!! they seem to have tons of tri's there and it won't be so beastly hot!

summer: welcome to arizona! it is MARCH and today it was 95 degrees. swam this morning early, which was fine, but then i did my run this afternoon and nearly passed out. i'm not used to working out in this kind of heat (just last week it was in the 70's) so i'm reminded of my need to carry water with me if i'm running during the hot part of the day. i had to walk off and on just to keep from getting sick.
anyway, so for those of you that actually GET a spring season, ENJOY IT!!!


If you're sticking it out then I will!!! I just won't do the crazy running portion in case I reinjure my knees, but the swimming and biking I can do! 95 is crazy, we still have winter here in Toronto. Congrats on the move to Oregon.
2007-03-17 8:52 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Nice work Ladies!!  I think you'll both be able to stick to those programs and if you do, you'll have a MUCH better race experience!!  You'll be well prepared  

So a few things I wanted to note to everyone - CONGRATS to:

Elizorbeth - finishing the LA marathon a few weeks ago and buying a new car - and another marathon in APRIL!!!

Lisa (aka elelen) for her 5k last weekend in under 27 minutes!!

Diane & Mike for sticking to the training plan and personal goals - I only see ONE day off in thier log this MONTH!!  NICE WORK

I know everyone is working hard, some on recovering from injuries, some on finding time in thier schedules.  Triathlon is a lot about balance - hope eveyone is finding it

For some people race season is starting - at least with some running races.  Some of you have done one or two, and some might be considering it.  I say GO FOR a nice 5k or 10k.  There are a lot of fun races and you can meet great people and see what a race environment is like.  For those doing their first tri this year, sometimes the race scene can be a little confusing and intimidating!!  I KNOW it was for me at my first race  

My first triathlon race for the season is one week from today!!!  YIKES.  So in preparation, I'm going through my race checklist a little early to make sure I have everything and will be ready to pack and head out of town on Thursday.   As you all start to get ready, let me know if you have questions about racing, gear, transitions etc... 

Have a great weekend

2007-03-17 4:50 PM
in reply to: #726474

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks for the great recap of everyone's accomplishments, Julia! Congratulations, Everyone!!!

And good luck on your triathlon next weekend, Julia!

Speaking of preparing... I think it's time I start looking for a wet suit. I think maybe I'll just try to find a cheapy one. I'm more worried about actually surviving in the ocean! I'm still taking swim lessons in the pool, but I'd like to at least start flopping around in the ocean to get the feel for it. Know any decent places to shop for a fairly cheap triathlon wet suit?

2007-03-18 9:50 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Well, starting to get my feet underneath me again.  Managed to still get in 2 big swim workouts this week and a light bike of 20 min and lifting while having the flu and sinus infection.   My P.T. is on vacation this week, so it gives me a chance to maybe see where I am.  It is getting really nice out and I'm itching to get out on my bike if not for a run.  I've readjusted my goals, gave up on the HIM in June, and don't think at this pace I'll get there in July, so I'm going to go for one in Sept.  Makes me sad and I know I won't do as well since I think I am going to go ahead and map a few vacations while I can get away during my off time.  I've kinda succummed to just doing at this point, I'm sure maybe once I get running I'll change that.  But my swimming is getting pretty dang good.  I'm down to breathing every 3-5 strokes and mastered the flip turn. 

I'm pretty impressed with everyone's logs.  I'll keep living through you at this point, but I'll be the first to let you know when I register for a race....just waiting to get running and biking again, kinda difficult to compete when you can't do those! 

 Someone asked about cheap wetsuits.  A couple places to check here is a website that you can rent them from.  I think it is like $30, and you can try them out for a bit before the race and then do the race, or if it is not the right one exchange it for a different one and in the end you can put what you pay to rent it for to buy it.  I think when I get there that is what I am going to do.  For the wetsuit rental program check out  Tell them that Midwest Sports Events sent you!  I think the rental place is actually based out of CA. 

Good luck in your upcoming races everyone! 


2007-03-18 2:25 PM
in reply to: #727068

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Santa Monica, CA
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Someone asked about cheap wetsuits. A couple places to check here is a website that you can rent them from. I think it is like $30, and you can try them out for a bit before the race and then do the race, or if it is not the right one exchange it for a different one and in the end you can put what you pay to rent it for to buy it. I think when I get there that is what I am going to do. For the wetsuit rental program check out Tell them that Midwest Sports Events sent you! I think the rental place is actually based out of CA.

Good luck in your upcoming races everyone!


Thanks for the great info and link! Renting sounds like a great idea to get a feel for it. Thanks!

Edited by elizorbeth 2007-03-18 2:26 PM
2007-03-20 10:37 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Ok gang - I have registered for my very first 5k( I know small potatoes) any advise/warnings?

I don't really know to much about it. It is on the 31st so should I focus on anything in particular? I don't have a clue, like I said very first, I haven't ever been around any type of evet before. Well I take that back I met my mom at the finsh line for a run she did years ago, that was 26 mile race over the colorado national monument. I'm sure this is miniscule in comparrison.
So what do you think, how where your "firsts".
2007-03-21 9:48 AM
in reply to: #731016

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

Diane&Mike - 2007-03-20 9:37 PM Ok gang - I have registered for my very first 5k( I know small potatoes) any advise/warnings? I don't really know to much about it. It is on the 31st so should I focus on anything in particular? I don't have a clue, like I said very first, I haven't ever been around any type of evet before. Well I take that back I met my mom at the finsh line for a run she did years ago, that was 26 mile race over the colorado national monument. I'm sure this is miniscule in comparrison. So what do you think, how where your "firsts".

GREAT!!!  I think you will love it   I have only run a few 5 k's and my experiences were varied.  On one of them it was VERY crowded and was hard to actually run for the first 1/2 mile or so with all the people.  The others were FAST but much smaller.   My advice would be to get there a little early and take in the scene - know where the start line is, the porta potties, and watch everyone else a little bit!  I would also say pick one small goal for the race.  Like no walking, or finish faster than you start - or even just to cross the finish line with a smile   The big key is to take everything in and enjoy the event, not just the race, but the whole experience.  I always make a point to thank people who hands me water at a water station - it makes me feel better about the whole race for some reason.  OR thank a traffic cop who is holding up traffic for you.  Or even just thank or high 5 a few spectators   They are all there for a reason and they make the event that much better!  My other advice would be to drink plenty of water before you start, but hit the porta potty before you start also!!  HAVE FUN!!!! and good luck

2007-03-21 9:48 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Thanks Julia!
I am nervous-I am not sure if it is because it is 1 1/2 weeks away or because I am going it alone. Dear husband is doing a TRI on the same day....before you get to excited for him it is a "LazyMan Triathlon". He will be bowling, shooting pool and golfing. Oh yeah and don't forget the PIzza and Beer.

It should be fun for him. I think that is why I am more nervous about this run than the sprint in June.

2007-03-21 10:02 PM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Ok the real reason for being nervous is the porta potties! Seriously I was starting to get confused at how long a 5k is. I started thinking I can go for an hour or so without having to need a bathroom, I don't wnat my first race to be THAT long that I have to run for hours what am I thinking, what did I sign up for, it wasn't that much to enter and it goes for a good cause so if I back out I can still say I made a donation.....
Ok I know I am good for a laugh and I confuse easily I have said before. I just had to get the anxiety out and now I can get excited. I swear sometimes my mind gets away from me. WOW now that my 15 yr old is laughin at me I should stop thinking and start getting excited. I CAN DO IT! (Porta potties and all)

(made you smile
2007-03-21 10:30 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
I am right there with you Diane.

I went and watched my dear hubby do a tri last year (I was 7 months pregnant and needed bathroom breaks often). There were so few porta potties at this particular tri that people were running off into the woods to relieve themselves before their heat. I don't mean to scare you, these organizers were real penny pinchers and this is definitely not the norm.

Anyway, since then the exact number and location of porta potties weighs heavily on my mind.

Thanks for the chuckle.



2007-03-21 10:37 PM
in reply to: #731016

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
Diane&Mike - 2007-03-20 10:37 PM

Ok gang - I have registered for my very first 5k( I know small potatoes) any advise/warnings?

I don't really know to much about it. It is on the 31st so should I focus on anything in particular? I don't have a clue, like I said very first, I haven't ever been around any type of evet before. Well I take that back I met my mom at the finsh line for a run she did years ago, that was 26 mile race over the colorado national monument. I'm sure this is miniscule in comparrison.
So what do you think, how where your "firsts".

My first and only half marathon was memorable, I missed the start because I thought there was no way, with so many people, it would clear out so fast. I was there early and was registered but I think I soaked up the event a bit too much and by the time I returned to the starting line they were already taking the banner down (and the start sensor). (I thought I heard a bang, but figured it was a car). What a newbie...

I passed a few people on my run but began to have knee pain which continued to worsen until I could only walk/limp along, being stupid and stubborn I didn't stop and finished the race last. I couldn't bend my legs for a week and then couldn't run for another three years without serious pain.

My first 5km was called Frosty 5km and ended up falling in the middle of a winter storm which was fabulous, I felt like an arctic explorer, I think I finished top (last) ten or something ; )
I burned myself out by trying to go fast plus running through snow wore me out a bit more I think.

My advice to you is be on time and don't start too fast. By the time I did the 1/2 marathon I kind of had a feel for my pace regardless of what all the other faster people did. and don't ignore pain. I'm so excited for you, I was soooo proud of myself for finishing the 5km, (not so much the 1/2 marathon)
2007-03-22 12:37 AM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
thanks everyone for your encouragement on my 'inspire me' place in my logs. it really means a lot to get those pats on the back!

as for the 5K, i hope its a GREAT day for you!! i ALMOST missed the start of my first 1/2 marathon because i was in a LINE for the porta potty at the beginning of the race! there were about 20 potties and each had a line the length of the parking lot. it was awful!

but potty-ing aside---i hope you have a great day. just soak up the event, like julia said. i LOVE events because for the most part, people are happy, healthy, rooting for eachother, etc. there is NOTHING like coming across a finish line, knowing you have worked hard to get to where you are and to feel that sense of accomplishment. it is such a great feeling. like i said, i just love events, i can't wait for my next tri in may. You really get a little rush when you see and hear people you don't even know and will never see again, cheering you on and clapping for you! it is such a great feeling!


2007-03-22 2:51 PM
in reply to: #661678

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Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full

See, I KNEW everyone out there had good first race/ silly mistake stories!!!  I'll share one more thing that HAUNTED me before my 1/2 IM and also before my marathon.  Before each of these races I kept going over this scenario in my head -   I'm having a really GREAT race on the virge of placing in my age group, or on the virge of qualifying for Boston, but I have to pee really badly.  Porta potty = no Boston or no podium...  Do I just grab an extra water at the next water station and pee my pants then rinse rinse it with the water???  Lucky for me I didn't have to go that badly during either race   But the thought still haunts me.  I asked my coach what he does in a full Iron Man because I KNOW you have to pit stop with that distance.  My coach laughs - he's a guy, and says something like "I don't know, I just whip it out and pee full stride - I usually don't get any on me though..."  Very encouraging...

Happy weekend to everyone!!  I'll try to check in, but I don't know what the internet situation in Lake Havasu will be. 


2007-03-22 9:20 PM
in reply to: #733571

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
juliapurr - 2007-03-22 2:51 PM

See, I KNEW everyone out there had good first race/ silly mistake stories!!!  I'll share one more thing that HAUNTED me before my 1/2 IM and also before my marathon.  Before each of these races I kept going over this scenario in my head -   I'm having a really GREAT race on the virge of placing in my age group, or on the virge of qualifying for Boston, but I have to pee really badly.  Porta potty = no Boston or no podium...  Do I just grab an extra water at the next water station and pee my pants then rinse rinse it with the water???  Lucky for me I didn't have to go that badly during either race   But the thought still haunts me.  I asked my coach what he does in a full Iron Man because I KNOW you have to pit stop with that distance.  My coach laughs - he's a guy, and says something like "I don't know, I just whip it out and pee full stride - I usually don't get any on me though..."  Very encouraging...

Happy weekend to everyone!!  I'll try to check in, but I don't know what the internet situation in Lake Havasu will be. 


Good luck on your triathlong Julia! Have a super time! I'll have questions for you when you get back, it didn't occur to me that there would be transition issues but I also have gear questions.
2007-03-23 7:21 AM
in reply to: #661678

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Grafton, WI
Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
GOOD LUCK JULIA!!  BTW:  If the peeing was standing in your way of the podium, I'd pee my pants, although yuck! 
2007-03-23 8:11 AM
in reply to: #661678

Subject: RE: Julia's Group - Full
You guys are awsome! Thanks so much for the encouragement and "horror" stories. I
I have heard that people just pee themselves and at this level I could not fatham why and how anyone could pee themselves while running or biking. Having wet pants is just gross and then the fact that you are in public and there are other people around....

But then I know I am pretty competitive and if I was in Julias place of placing or qualifying oh HECK yeah I'd pee! Someday I may be at the level where it is ok to pee my pants! You think I should make that a personal long term goal ~

On a more serious note-I want to say thanks too for the inspire me post. They are such a boost!
Difficult week for me with knowing the weekend is full with sons activities. Spending my entire weekend in a crowded gymnasium is bringing my focus down. So things like the Inspire mes and the board help. Thanks!


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