BT Development Mentor Program Archives » medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS Rss Feed  
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2007-12-23 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
These challenges are a great idea.  They are not only a good way to help you focus on a weaker area but also introduce you to a lot of new BT folks.  When I first started ramping up my running, I wasn't into the challenges here, but I was using the challenges on my Nike Ipod plus.  I'm the competitive type and this really kept me going even on days when my motivation was lacking.

2007-12-23 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Ok group, I did really bad yesterday on eating junk from the cookie bake and I now need to snap right back into training mode. I want all of you to keep me honest. This next week will be a downfall period for a lot of people like myself. Can we do a check in here each day? Say maybe just put on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the best, how we did staying on a good eating pattern? That way we are accountable. It would help me, anybody else want to to the check in with me?

I'm a bit down right now so I need a shot in the rear, I think it is a sugar low, have to get it out of my system...ha I'm working on that today.

I will try to get my run in later, going to church and then finish up Christmas shopping...yikes!

Have a great day everyone....don't eat those goodies, I already did enough for everyone, and now I feel like crap!

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-23 8:51 AM
in reply to: #1088860

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
I will check in with you. My problem is when my mom visits, we eat out almost every meal. And not the healthy stuff either, Fast food or mexican food. My problem is, We really do not eat like that if she is not here, so it is hard to pass up. Oh, and she pays. Which makes it harder to pass up.
Yesterday was pretty good. But today we have a lot of shopping to do, so probably lunch on the fly.

Yesterday was a 9 today will probably be a negative #

2007-12-23 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Well just do your best... Trust me I know exactly what your talking about and it just taste better when your not the one paying Remember when your shopping to keep good form and control your breathing!

I will be out shopping too and then I will fit in a run later and get started on the crunches and push-ups I said I would do.

I started my eating today with yogurt, banana and granola bar... Let's see if I can maintain that healthy balance all day....hmmmm Oh, yea and water,water, and water...

I will check in with everyone later and thanks for listening

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-23 12:51 PM
in reply to: #1114844

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Well Ladies,  I made to 1:45 PM before I succumbed to the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.  Only one so far… but I don't know how long I can hold out.  My wife and daughter are filling our little condo with wonderful smells.  I had better do extra miles tomorrow!!!
2007-12-23 1:37 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Hope everyone is able to get past some of those yummy temptations! I for one have indulged in a few too many holiday treats and desserts and some I ate more then I should have...

Ok now, I feel REALLY guilty, I'm gonna go run my favorite single track trail...and hopefully stay away from all the cookies that we have received from friends/neighbors. My husband and daughter will have to eat them all......

well, most of them! ;o)

Happy Ho Ho Ho-lidays!

2007-12-23 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Ok, here the skinny(how funny) on my eating today, I did pretty good, I only had 3 pieces of my husband homemade divinity, melt in your mouth, I guess thats good considering we have four party tray heaped with goodies of every kind. Tonight I will wrap gifts and try to eat my yogurt,berries and granola for snack. hmmmm

If anyone has a chance look outside at the Moon, it is beautiful tonight.

Have a great evening where-ever you may be...

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-23 6:56 PM
in reply to: #1115108

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Chocolate. Ummmmmmmm. I ate it, and I do NOT feel guilty.

Amy, I noticed the moon too!

2007-12-23 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1115153

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

I went out to look at the moon but the Ohio River Valley is living up to its usual weather -- overcast.  Keep up the good work at keeping off of the sugar stuff.  I kept to one cookie today, I am sure tomorrow will be hopeless. 

Hope to get in a longer run tomorrow... Maybe 10 miles???  hope so.  Lets see how I feel in 35 degree weather with 40 mile an hour gusts... five days to AZ!

2007-12-23 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1115210

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

This came to me from my tri club in Tucson.  I am going to check out the beginner camps, expo, etc.  This is about 25 miles south of where I life.   If it look promising, I will let everyone know.  I know some of you are west, if it looks good.  Hope to see you there.


2007-12-23 10:34 PM
in reply to: #1115234

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Emerson, let me be the 3rd or 4th person to say "ANY!!!" running advice would be greatly appreciated!!! Seems like alot of us are coming from non-running backgrounds. So, please any advice would be great.
On that note, I got some new shoes the other day at Road Runner Sports(there's a store in the next town). They videotaped my gait and had me walk over a pad to get picture of my arch. Seems I've been using the wrong shoes for the past few years. Everytime I've made the decision to start running again I would pull out the Brooks Beasts or just get a new pair and start plugging along. Now I find out that these are the completely wrong shoes for me. I'm a pronator and these actually make this problem worse.
So the moral of this post is to get your shoes checked out and make sure you're in the right shoe. I'm finding that fit is just as important in shoes as it is in bikes.
Have a great night everyone!!! Two days till Christmas!!!! Chris

2007-12-24 5:59 AM
in reply to: #1115302

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Chris,  Glad to hear you got a proper fitting.  You just explained what was to be the first part of my series on running -- the RIGHT shoes.  Getting the recording of your stride is everything.  The big discount stores don't do that!  Good Job!!! I am off to the Christmas Eve run at Fleet Feet Cincinnati and will back on line after several family events, church, extended family dinner and all the rest. 

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday!

2007-12-24 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1088860

New user

Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
just wanted to wish everyone in this group a merry Chirtmas , and thanks for all the insiration, As soon as the holidays are over I hope to get on here a little more. Nathan
2007-12-24 3:04 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Thanks to all for the Holiday wishes... Me and the husband went out early this am to get groceries for the next two party days and we ended up buying a 46" Sony hd lcd TV with complete surround sound, wow we hadn't planned on getting ourselves anything this year because we just got a new roof, but the time and price was right so we are now setting it up for company viewing. I guess Merry Christmas to us. My Mom ordered me the Triathlon DVD I have been wanting so it is going to be great watching it on here.

Well everyone enjoy the next two days, I do plan on eating the regular holiday goodies and dishes, but will be right back into the groove on Wednesday. I hope all of you enjoy being with your loved ones, and feel joy throughout this season.

Love from Indiana...Amy

Edited by amy mutz 2007-12-24 3:05 PM
2007-12-24 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1115892

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Just got back from the first run(ok walk) with the new shoes. Man, what a huge difference. I felt gazelle like!! Ok that's a stretch but I didn't feel like the sloth that I'm used to. I walked the whole way but inside my body was daring me to run!!! Shoes make the runner!! Day 1 of the couch to 5k program was great!!! Have a Merry Christmas everyone, I hope Santa is good to you all!!!! Chris
2007-12-24 8:23 PM
in reply to: #1115892

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
amy mutz - 2007-12-24 4:04 PM
  • ... Me and the husband went out early this am to get groceries for the next two party days and we ended up buying a 46" Sony hd lcd TV with complete surround sound....

  • Amy, can I go grocery shopping with you tomorrow?

    2007-12-24 8:24 PM
    in reply to: #1115966

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    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
    erlifeguard - 2007-12-24 5:48 PM

    Just got back from the first run(ok walk) with the new shoes. Man, what a huge difference. I felt gazelle like!! Ok that's a stretch but I didn't feel like the sloth that I'm used to. I walked the whole way but inside my body was daring me to run!!! Shoes make the runner!! Day 1 of the couch to 5k program was great!!! Have a Merry Christmas everyone, I hope Santa is good to you all!!!! Chris

    Congratulations on starting the program!

    2007-12-25 4:40 PM
    in reply to: #1116083

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    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
    2007-12-25 4:42 PM
    in reply to: #1116473

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    Auburn, Wa
    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
    Merry Christmas to all!!! Hopefully Santa has stopped by and brought you all somthing to put a smile on the face. Enjoy the day with someone you love!!! Chris
    2007-12-25 7:14 PM
    in reply to: #1088860

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    Charlotte, NC
    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

    I hope all of you had a great Christmas.  I've eaten enough to justify 15 hr training weeks for the next 6 mos.  Fortunately, that fits with my goal of a HIM in 5   Now, I've got to get serious about training. I'm waiting on my coach to get my new plan to me, which I expect to start on Jan 1.

    So....Santa brought me 2 spinervals dvd's (great timing since my dvd player in my den works again now), a shadow box that my wonderfully creative wife is going to use to display the medals from my Time Trial series and my 3 half-mary' room for some hardware from this coming season , oh, and a new cycling jersey, plus a great long-sleeve running shirt to help motivate me to get my sorry sad butt outdoors.

    2007-12-26 10:01 AM
    in reply to: #1088860

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    Mishicot, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

    Hey Everyone,

    I see I have missed a lot.  But I am back!  Santa brought me a very nice gift card to my local bike shop so I can use the computrainer and buy some nice clothes to wear   I need to post my goals in my goal area.  I am back on track for eating (at least for a few days ) and back to training   So who is joining the Jan challenge?

    2007-12-26 10:51 AM
    in reply to: #1088860

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

    I'm back too. After my two day eating freenzy I'm ready to kick my butt back into my regular eating habits so my mind and body can "go the distance"... I'm also going to look over my goals and post an updated version.

    I might work in an outside bike ride today, it is sunny and 47, and doesn't look like much of a headwind, so I might go for it, I haven't been on my bike for 3 months...gee.

    So how is everyone doing today?

    Amy in Indiana
    2007-12-26 10:55 AM
    in reply to: #1116971

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    Charlotte, NC
    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
    Ride your bike?? Outdoors??  What a novel idea   I'd love to be doing that today but it's 39 and rainy here in Charlotte.
    2007-12-26 11:14 AM
    in reply to: #1088860

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    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
    Eric-such the funny guy! When are you out of the rest zone? Jan 1? At least I didn't say swim outside yikes! But I am looking forward to warm weather lake swims.

    2007-12-26 3:51 PM
    in reply to: #1116890

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    Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
    crea0029 - 2007-12-26 11:01 AM
    So who is joining the Jan challenge?

    Do I have a choice?

    Actually, organizing the challenge is cutting into my training time.

    Of course, the fix for that is to let my training cut into work time.

    Although, my boss would not be impressed with that idea. LOL

    Anyway, I have a small goal for the Jan challenge - just 24000 yds of swimming. I'd increase it, but I already know that I'll be pretty busy at work, and well, as I said - organizing the challenges takes a lot of time. (It's fun, but hectic.)

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