BT Development Mentor Program Archives » jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes! Rss Feed  
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2008-01-23 2:09 PM
in reply to: #1090400

New user

New Jersey
Subject: Getting Better
Damn these sick germs. Now it's moved into my nose making it hard to breath however if I get a good enough sleep tonight then I will run bright and early in the morning, 4 miles. I didn't strength train today as I felt that would only worsen what I am trying to get over. Hope everyone else is of better health at the moment.

Edited by matthewmac 2008-01-23 2:13 PM

2008-01-23 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1171611

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

gatjr33 - 2008-01-23 7:42 AM No talk about goals, training, weather, challenges, toys, etc.??? I am going to take the positive route here and think that all is quiet because everyone is out training and not posting.

(Popping you bubble)

Sadly, inside working hard, not outside training hard.    So here you go:

Training.... uh, what?  Yeah, I'll get around to that soon.

Weather.... I hate rain.  Yes, I am a wimpy Californian!  But also a female cyclist with a shockingly small wardrobe, therefore I find myself ill-prepared to deal with this wet weather.

Challenges... that goes with that whole training thing.. huh?

Toys.... yes, please!  Got some weatherproof gloves Sunday.  Gonna get some "highly-water resistant" pants tonight.  It's REI, so if I don't like 'em, I take 'em back!  Therefore, I hope to be doing a rainy ride tomorrow.  Just have to decide if I should take the full-on waterproof shell I wear every day (don't want to get it too stinky!) or the water-resistant ultra-light shell I hardly wear. 

It's really sad that doing data analysis and buying rain gear can be so exciting.  But it is!

2008-01-23 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1171657

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

gator22 - 2008-01-23 8:06 AM I have an "issue". My plan calls for long swims and runs (for me anyway) on the same day that are not bricks. However, due to the fact that I have a job and kids, etc. I usually have to do them on the same trip to the gym. The swimmin leaves me starving and i bag the run more often than not with the hope I will sneak it in later.  Any one have any suggestions??? Crack perhaps???

I get that too.  I usually attribute it to that fact I swim in the morning.... before brekkie.  So by the time I get to lab, my stomach is grumbling.  I've starting taking a Nalgene bottle with some juice (pineapple-orange is the flavor of the week), and having that about every 10 minutes.  I'm still hungry, but it seems to help.  Maybe a snack before the swim?  Throw some nuts, granola bars, a bagel into your bag and eat it on the way over?

2008-01-23 6:07 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Hi all,

For those who do not feel well, I hope that you'll get back on your feet shortly! Take good care of yourself and be well.

I've got another question (I actually have an endless list of them), which I am interested to hear your opinion about:

How do you combine multiple training programs for different type of races?

To be more specific: Let's say I am on a training plan for an Oly tri in June which is about 3 weeks after a full marathon I want to race. For each event, I have a separate training program (which completely disregards the other).

How can I effectively train for both events?

Thank you in advance.

Edited by Ronen 2008-01-23 6:08 PM
2008-01-23 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1172769

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Ronen - I'm no expert as I completely lack the ability to follow any sort of plans - even ones that I make (made one 5+ weeks ago, very detailed, haven't looked at it since).  But I'll still give you my opinion on blending 2 plans together.

First, I'm guessing the marathon plan may have you running as much as 5-6x/week.  While great for marathon training, this may not fit so well into a multi-sport schedule as it edges out time for other activities.  The most important runs of each week will be your long run, a "tempo" pace run (race pace, but not at race distance), hill run if it's for a hilly course.  Sometimes recovery runs are good, but I prefer to do active recovery with a different sport.

The approach I would use would be to pull out 3-4 runs from the marathon plan (per week) and shove them into the tri plan.  It's not super important what order workouts are in each week, so you can throw stuff around to fit your schedule a bit.  Merging the 2 plans like this you need to be careful about what run goes where - unless you want to trash yourself with a long brick, don't be putting the long ride and long run on the same day.  Figure out what days (workout wise) are most physically challenging - don't put them back to back.  I try to schedule my workouts so that I have 2 hard days, 1-2 easy, 2-3 medium, and 1 off day.  I usually place the off day after one of the hard days, and an easy day after the other hard day.

When you taper for the marathon, cut back some on the swimming and biking as well so you're not fatigued going into the race.  Look at this as a recovery period in your training cycle - they can really do wonders for performance if you have been pushing hard (yes, I keep learning that one!).

After the marathon - take the running easy.  You should have sufficient running base to not worry much about putting in the long runs and focus instead on recovering.  Also take the first few days after the mary easy on everything.  I'd put your last long bike ~1.5-2 weeks before the oly, so you should be recovered enough from the marathon by then.

Hope that helps.  If not... maybe you could post a sample week for each plan?  Or you can use the Jessi approach and just wing-it!    Geee... what do I feel like doing today?

2008-01-23 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1172868

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Thanks Jess, It definitely helps.

I guess that I need to sit down and go through the plans and see whether I can afford putting the time into the combined  plan...

Thanks again! 

2008-01-24 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Hi Ronen. Jesswah gave you OUTSTANDING advice. Point on. I too am training for a marathon and tri-training at the same time - it's freaking difficult! My suggestion is very similar to Jess's. Make sure you get your LONG RUNS in according to your plan - and your "marathon pace" runs in (which may coincide with your long run. Meaning for seven to ten miles in the middle of your long run, you run at marathon pace. The best way to simulate the marathon experience is to at marathon pace but for limited intervals as you don't wanna burn out before the marathon. Ideally, you should do at least three long runs - perhaps, (2) runs of 18 miles and (1) 20 miler! Whatever you do, in my opinion, the best long run I ever did to help me accomplish my 3:34 NYC Marathon time, was a 20 mile run in late September. You gotta prove to yourself you can go a distance 10k shy of the full distance, and you really need that experience. And believe you me - it's an experience. And VERY IMPORTANT: Treat your Long Runs for what they are: Long A$$ distances!! Carbo-load for three days before; get plenty of rest; plan to take gels every 45 minutes; make sure you have a good hydration plan in place; a plan to not be very useful the rest of the day after a long run; and for GOD'S SAKE - as painful and unconfortable as it may be -- take a 10, prerferably 15 to 20 minute, ICE BATH immediately after any run 12 miles+. It will DRAMATICALLY improve your recovery and allow you to walk and function like a normal human being the following day.

And like Jess said, taper all activities two weeks before the marathon (cut down 20% to 25% approx the second week on ALL activity; and 30-35% with one week to go. And (for me) I did no activity for 72 hours prior to my first marathon. I think maybe I did one very slow 5k 2 days before, but that was it. And after the marathon prepare for a "Reverse Taper". For four to five days you will be unable to do any activity. I had to walk down stairs backwards my legs hurt so bad!! After five days I was able to slowly shuffle for 3 miles. It was exactly 14 days until I was able to run without any soreness or discomfort. Good times!

2008-01-24 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
As far as my goals, tonight I will satisfy or exceed my Swim goals.

Tomorrow I will run another 7 mi, then just need one long run of 11 mi either Sat or Sun.

Then there is the bike ... tap... tap.... tap. Have yet to start! I love my bike but I have to motivate myself to get on the trainer. Looks like I got a lonnnnng ride coming up this weekend!

Providing Life does not throw me any surprises, I am happy and proud to say I should be exceed my stated goals.
2008-01-24 9:03 AM
in reply to: #1173023

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Jess gives good advice even if she does just wing it. I have been known to do that as well. The only other thing I would offer up is to be active in your recovery. I would start with an ice bath after the race. Then do something active, not hard, in the days following the race. A light spin, swim, walk, stretch or whatever will help you recover more quickly. Then you can get back to your tri related training.
2008-01-24 9:35 AM
in reply to: #1173587

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
I guess I should have read your post before responding to Ronen. Like Jess's comments, I agree with most of what you have posted as well. Good advice. The ice bath is key. Brutal, painful, but it truly helps. I also fully agree with the idea of running at least one 20 mile run in preparation for a marathon. I believe that you need to mentally accomplish this prior to race day. Where our philosophies differ is in the recovery phase. I find this interesting. I guess everybody is different. I have found that when I am active in my recovery that I can get back training more quickly versus when I do nothing. By active, I truly mean a light turning of the pedals on a spin bike or a couple of short walks each day. If I do nothing, it takes me longer to get back in the saddle. Oh yeah, I might add that whatever I do, it is generally a bit painful for a few days.
2008-01-24 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
It is not looking good for hitting my bike goal for the week.  Sigh.  Riding in the rain did not go as well as I had hoped, and I won't be doing it again without rain-proof booties.  I'm still holding out hope for breaks in the storm in the next 3 days though.

2008-01-25 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1173587

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Dream Chaser - 2008-01-24 6:41 AM Hi Ronen. And VERY IMPORTANT: Treat your Long Runs for what they are: Long A$$ distances!! Carbo-load for three days before; get plenty of rest; plan to take gels every 45 minutes; make sure you have a good hydration plan in place; a plan to not be very useful the rest of the day after a long run; and for GOD'S SAKE - as painful and unconfortable as it may be -- take a 10, prerferably 15 to 20 minute, ICE BATH immediately after any run 12 miles+. It will DRAMATICALLY improve your recovery and allow you to walk and function like a normal human being the following day.

I am still in the process of creating my new workout plan and while doing it, more questions come to mind on what Dream Chaser wrote (in bold above): How do you plan your race nutrition? In the upcoming half marathon I'll be racing - what should I do?

My plan was to use the hydration station's water supply and nothing else. Will I do better if I'd carry and consume extra gels (and what else?) ?

Any good article about nutrition during race?

2008-01-25 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1175796

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

You are asking a lot of good questions. The answer to this one is that it depends. There are folks that would run a 1/2 mary and be just fine with water. Then there are others that would say at the very least you should drink gatorade or the like at aid stations. Dream Chaser suggested gels every 45 minutes. This is certainly a good suggesting but yet again it depends. For me, I could probably finish 13.1 mile race without water, but my performance would be effected. I am a bigger guy and I sweat a lot. So at the very least, I need to hydrate. If I was not going to use gels or the like (bars, blocks, etc.), I would look to use gatorade or even carry something else that I like to drink. For a race such as this or even a full marathon, I am with Dream Chaser on this one. Gels work very well for me. Some people cannot use them as it effect their GI. Here is where I keep coming back to it depends. Everyone is different, and if you ask this same question to 20 people, you will likely get back 12 different answers. My suggestion is this. On your next longer run, take just water with you and hydrate often. See how you feel throughout. After that, I would take a similar run and use something like gatorade and again hydrate often. Then you might try the same run, or longer, and try taking gels or some kind of nutrition that appeals to you. Gels are easy to swallow and digest and they seem to give me instant energy. My wife cannot stand gels and uses blocks or cliff bars when she runs. My point here is that I would try using nothing and then compare it to using whatever appeals to you. I am confident that you will find something that makes a difference in your performance and that works for you.

Final thoughts: (1) practice using whatever your nutrition of choice is prior to any race and look to stick with it while racing, (2) recognize that your race effort is likely going to be harder than your training effort. Thus, what might work in training may not work while racing, and, (3) given #2, have a backup plan. For example, you might enjoy enjoy cliff bars on training runs and you find that they work for you. However, during a race, when you are going harder than in training, you might find that you have a harder time eating and digesting. So, have a plan B in case plan A does not work on race day.

I hope this helps. Oh yeah, I feel that it is important to experiment, but I generally stick to water if I am using gels. I might not mix gels and gatorade or something like that. Again, it could cause some GI issues, not something you want on race day.
2008-01-25 11:34 AM
in reply to: #1175933

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
There is a forum on the Iron distance list right now about nutrition plans for the bike leg of a HIM. The answers there are all over the place and I think it definitely comes down to what works for you. Last year, I was given a Fuel Belt by a fellow BTer (Marvarnett, Nationally ranked in 70.3). I have used it on longer runs and it is great. I would recommend something like that to anyone.
2008-01-25 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Would it be safe to assume that your hydration needs would differ for a run in February than it would in the summer? 
2008-01-25 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
The weather forcast is clearing for Sunday.  If I can get a 3 hour ride in, I will have completed my goal for the week.  Everyone hope for a clear day for me.

2008-01-25 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1176225

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Absolutely. One way to determine your hydration needs is to go by feel. I typically do this, but it is not the best approach. I think the best approach is to weigh yourself before and after you run to see if you took in enough hydration. Hydration needs would also differ due to temps during the summer. A cool 60 degree day in June versus a steamy 90 plus degree day in August would require different levels of hydration.
2008-01-25 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1176383

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Exactly - hydration needs vary a lot by season.  I drink tons in the summer, and very little in winter.

As for the gels - you really need to figure out what works best for you.  For a 1/2 mary, you probably won't need anything except water.  That being said, I personally am a big fan of carrying my own stuff.  Even for 10k-1/2 mary I'll bring a handheld bottle and a gel.  It's like having an emergency plan, and it also means I don't need to waste time stopping at possibly crowded aid stations.  It also means I can eat/drink whenever, which is how I train.

As far as the gel every 45 min, I know the packets of gel say that, but in reality for longer stuff you need 200-300 cal/hour.  1 gel packet every 45 min, at 100cal each only gives you 133 cal/hour.  Probably not an issue until you are out there for 3+ hours, but something to consider.  Also keep in mind that not all gels have much electrolyte content (Gu has close to nothing).  Summer running for me is 1 Gu every 20-30 min, and 2-3 endurolytes every hour, and all the water I can handle.

If you have a pocket, consider carrying 1 gel just in case.  As for water, use your best judgement.  If you drink lots or often during training, you may want to carry your own, otherwise you should be fine going AS to AS.

2008-01-26 7:07 AM
in reply to: #1176465

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Have a good weekend everyone! I will be tied up almost every minute with kid stuff. Looking at maybe an indoor tri the morning of the super bowl...15 m swim, bike, run with total distance determining your place. Anyone ever done one??
2008-01-26 1:05 PM
in reply to: #1177041

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

gator22 - 2008-01-26 5:07 AM Have a good weekend everyone! I will be tied up almost every minute with kid stuff. Looking at maybe an indoor tri the morning of the super bowl...15 m swim, bike, run with total distance determining your place. Anyone ever done one??

Heard of them.  Never really done one, other than a virtual tri on Runner's World last year.  We divided up (15min, or 30min), set a date, did our own thing and posted the results.  They sound fun, and I think they usually give you ample transition time.

2008-01-26 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1090400

New user

New Jersey
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
hey everyone. Finally feeling better. Ran 4 miles yesterday and am looking foward to running 4 more tomorrow morning to complete the weeks goal. Should I bump my running milage next week? I'm only looking at running a sprint on June so I dont know how important it is to run excessive. I'll have to add in biking soon. Looks like the weather is going to be nice. And when I do add in bike, what should I start at? Milage or time? I have a training guide but like to hear real world experience.

2008-01-27 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Middle Tennessee
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

I stopped by a running store yesterday that I'd heard of and had been wanting to visit.  While looking around, I overheard a conversation between an employee and a customer that has kinda got me down---

E:So what are you training for?
C:Nothing much, just the Frostbite 1/2 and the Country Music 1/2.  They moved the Frostbite this year to location B.  Is it going to be as hilly as location A?

Now I have huge doubts that I can finish this thing.  My training has been limited mostly to the indoor track (flat and soft).

2008-01-27 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
Hi everyone. I am over 100% goal on swimming. I just have to bike 10 miles today and run 18 miles -- as long as the snow holds off, I got a shot.

Hope everyone else is training!!
2008-01-27 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1177768

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Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!
In response to mattew mac: Concentrate on volume and time, but be mindful of what your distance is. A lot of tri programs focus on time and not distance, which is good and bad. IMO, when you are just starting it's good. But once you build a beginner's base after a continuos, solid three or four months of training, I think you should begin to focus more on time. Or really, do whatever you feel comfortable with. But just make sure you put honest efforts into your training. After your first riace, you can then use your times as a benchmark for what distances and at what intesity you should be training them. Also, most tri programs I've seen are waaay light on the running (and I think a lot of people will agree with me). I think the two most important things to concentrate on are: 1.) technique in swimming and 2.) running, running, running. Running will give you a level of fitness like none of the other two discplines. I'll stop rambling now.

Here are my goals for the week and the actual results. I had an 18 mile run planned for today (*cough* speaking of running ) but after 10.66 miles both of my top layers were soaked, the windchill was in the 20's, and I felt great and fine - legs felt awesome - but I wasn't about to risk pnemonia and my health, and possibly miss training next week, in order to hit my goals this week.

Bike: 30 miles --- actual bike: 38.19 mi 127% of goal

Run: 25 miles --- actual run: 17.71 mi 73% of goal

Swim: 2200m --- actual swim: 2600m 118% of goal

Not sure what the overall is. Jess, do we count the percentage over 100 we did toward the final percentage? Or is it 100% no matter how far you went over? I'll assume that's the case...

and put 91% of goal --- which is a nice turnaround from last week, but now I still have to produce the next few weeks to make up for that terrible first week.

Next weeks goals (I'll slowly raise the bar):

Bike: 40 miles

Run: 25 miles

Swim: 2800m

Normally I run 30 miles a week, but they closed down the gym in my business park, and with the Northeast weather, it ain't easy!

I hope everyone else is having success hitting their goals!
2008-01-28 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1090400

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: jesswah's group - FULL of sexy triathletes!

Hi everyone,

Here are my results:

Swim: Goal: 3500 yards; Actual: 4800 yards (137.1%)

Bike: Goal: 50 miles; Actual: 42.85 miles (85.7%)

Run: Goal: 120 min.; Actual: 146.04 min. (121.7%)


This weeks (1/28) goals:

Swim: 5750 yards

Bike: 60 miles

Run: 190 min.


Have a nice day everyone,



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