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2008-01-30 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
I wanna respond to this John...tomorrow.  gonna go nite-nite.

2008-01-30 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Lakewood, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Being comfortable in the open water is the first big key!  I have read that the swim is just a nice warmup for the bike.  If you just go out and stay smooth and within yourself, you will be fine (consider though that is coming from a BOP swimmer - on a great day I can get up to MOP).

As for motivation, maybe set up a target to do a 1000 time trial and work towards that short term goal.  Everything you do will build towards the oly. 

2008-01-30 11:17 PM
in reply to: #1185233

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
jcjsc00 - 2008-01-30 8:02 PM

Be Well all, and red wine with Brats, something just sounds inherently wrong with that (could be the cheesehead in me coming out).

My downfall would be the beer too, preferably a nice, cold, Sam Adams variety.

2008-01-31 4:56 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

There is only one way to learn to swim and that is the hard way. It takes a lot of training and the best place to learn to swim is in the water. Try to get wet 2-3 times a week and you will soon feel the progress. 10 weeks training are enough to swim 1500 meter comfortably. But you need to do the time in the pool. That’s my advice.

As for motivation, we will all be looking at your training log. If that's not enough, try to imagine how you will feel like when you cross the finish line April 12th. Then imagine how you’ll feel if you don’t even try.

I’m looking forward to read about your victory in your race report.

All the best Hans



2008-01-31 7:22 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I think Hans is right on! And I think I felt it today! After getting in the pool 3 times a week for the last month, I finally feel it! Today was my best swim ever- it is all starting to come together!

Another word of advice someone (many time Iron Man gave me) was something someone told him, "if you want to swim fast, just swim fast". hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........

2008-01-31 8:58 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
The element of people watching always gets me going!! So log and we can check you. When my schedule was completely insane last year (its why I quite my school admin position for the cushy professional dev't job) I committed to one hour a day, six days a week. I found that I could always find an hour to work out. I broke that up between the three depending on how I felt and managed to maintain decent enough fitness doing it.

In other big news, I missed my run last night due to wind and I bought a bike. After all the nonsense with the fitting I realized that my price range wasn't going to change and that my under 2K limit was going to get me an aluminum frame, carbon fork, a 105/ultegra mix, with aeorbars I didn't hate and the need for a wheel upgrade and new pedals. I started looking around, and went to ebay to get a sense of what I might find from 06 or 07 close outs (thinking I could get a better bike for my money). I found an 07 Cannondale Six13 Slice 2 for $1800 (carbon top and down tube and fork, alum else and mostly ultegra with some 105 and dura-ace shifters). Then I found an 06 Cannondale Slice 3 (alum, carbon fork, ultegra mostly with 105 mix) for $1250 or best offer. I gave them an offer and with shipping am getting my bike for $1100. Waaaaay less then my budget and it allows me to really upgrade the wheels and still be in my price range.

The sales guys were hot to sell me a carbon bike and coming from a steel bike I probably would have appreciated the ride, but the carbon fork will go a long way to helping that. Not to mention, I'm dropping 6 pounds in bike. Add the pedals and subtract for lighter wheels and I'm still going to be under 20 pounds. Sweet!!!

2008-01-31 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1185894

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
k_hase - 2008-01-31 7:58 AM

Then I found an 06 Cannondale Slice 3 (alum, carbon fork, ultegra mostly with 105 mix) for $1250 or best offer. I gave them an offer and with shipping am getting my bike for $1100. Waaaaay less then my budget and it allows me to really upgrade the wheels and still be in my price range.

Good job. Ebay has amazing deals on slightly used bikes as long as you do your homework first, and you did. I rarely buy things elsewhere. I once went on a persian rug binge but after lots and lots of rugs, my wife made me stop.
2008-01-31 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1185246

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Breckenridge, CO
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
tntexpres - 2008-01-30 8:10 PM

only about 10 weeks to go -

Ten weeks is plenty of time to get your swim in shape. Your run looks plenty good already and you can tough your way through the bike. If I were you, I'd really concentrate on the swim, 4 swims per week and make it your goal to increase your weekly yards right up to your taper. Don't worry about being fast. Worry about increasing your distances between rests. Can you do breast stroke? It's an easy stroke to maintain for long periods especially in open water. If you get tired in open water, it's nice to know you could just do breast stroke for a few minutes to rest.
2008-01-31 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1185969

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
The best part is that its not even slightly used, its new. According to the sellers store I new means showroom test rides only with no scratches. Scratches would indicate mint, not new.

Again, sweet!!!
2008-01-31 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
very, very cool about the bike, Kim, good for you!!!!!!!!!! Bet you can't wait for all that snow to melt! (or did the wind take care of that?
2008-01-31 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
We don't have any snow, but they say we are getting 'a big storm'. I've learned in Detroit that means everyone freaks out, buys bread and milk, keeps their kids home from school and we get an inch. The prediction right now is 10 inches (right!) over a 19 hour period. Hardly a storm by the Syracuse standards!!

But, I'd really like it not to be 7 degrees anymore. I have a load of laundry to do everytime I finish a run!!

2008-01-31 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I'm ready for a bunch more snow or really green grass, leaves on the trees and 65 degree temps. There's really not much in the middle for me.

 I think even here, in the Adirondacks, people are staring to get panicked and wacky over 6 inches of snow, so I know what you mean. We actually get weather warnings from the County 911 coordinator over our fax when it's going to snow FOUR TO SIX INCHES. C'mon , ya fools. You live in the mountains. Stop the panic already.

 I guess we are just tougher than most, huh? Cool

2008-01-31 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1186444

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
aquinn - 2008-01-31 9:54 AM

 I think even here, in the Adirondacks, people are staring to get panicked and wacky over 6 inches of snow, so I know what you mean. We actually get weather warnings from the County 911 coordinator over our fax when it's going to snow FOUR TO SIX INCHES. C'mon , ya fools. You live in the mountains. Stop the panic already.

Well, we got a snow day last January when it snowed .25 - .5 of an inch here in Tucson!  Of course we have no snow removal equipment, loads of local people who have never driven on ice, plus all those snowbirds whose driving abilities are suspect at best.  Better just to wait for the sun to melt it in a couple of hours.  No snow this year, but we've had a fair amount of rain, and the river has been running on and off all month.  (Yes, we have "dry" rivers - they occasionally run.)

2008-01-31 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1098772

Extreme Veteran
Seoul Expat Community
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
As a teacher, I LONG for a good snow day.....and we haven't had one in three years. Korea used to get hammered by heavy snow (you'll see in video of the Korean War in wintertime, it was brutal for those guys). Having grown up in Michigan myself, I love the "big storms"! We used to get a lot of snow there, too, but my dad says it's nothing like that nowadays. I guess Al Gore is right.

Kim, that is waaaay cool on the bike deal! Hey, bring it to Korea, and we can take a 100-miler on the Seoul riverfront!

John, hang in there, man!! I lost motivation almost daily over the past few weeks as this bronchial virus just kept nailing me down day after day. But I just kept doing what I could do, and though I'm not 100% physically, I'm 100% mentally ready to go. I have an appointment with a 10K PR at the Seoul Marathon on March 2nd, and then a 5k-40K-10K Duathlon a month later. Being a foreigner, to come in at or near last would be extremely embarrassing. I may be the only foreigner in the event, and though I'll be welcomed, NO Korean guy will want to be beaten by the foreigner. Seriously. It would be a huge loss of face/pride. On the other hand, that motivates the hell out of me to do my absolute best.

My son has been accepted into Trinity University of San Antonio, Tejas. He was the top recruit for the baseball team and the coach shepherded his app thru admissions and it all worked out!! My wife is already planning to run the inaugural San Antonio Marathon next November! I'll fly in in April to watch baseball for a week. I guess we'll all be dropping him off and all that sad stuff in August sometime, so maybe we can meet and do a run or something.


Edited by Krakatoa 2008-01-31 2:12 PM
2008-01-31 3:24 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Effect Snow Country
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
Thanks on the bike, I'm a little shocked at my quick purchase, but have been looking at my price range for months so kind felt that I knew what I was getting in to. And its new!! Would love to bring it to Korea, but they have me booked from sun up to sundown!! Hmmm, maybe they'd pay...

I'm heading out for 9 cold miles now, not happy about it, I'm tired of being cold all the time! Or sweaty and cold at the same time!

2008-01-31 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

I"m just sitting down to eat my dinner or I would have inspired you all by now .  Tomorrow!!  My kids have been cranking out some serious school work this week, so the teacher is cranking out some serious lessons!  yikes.  I so look forward to summer, when we'll continue schooling, but on a much less intense basis!

Great news on the bike Kim   My husband got my bike on ebay as well.  Well, the frame, and then we built it up.  Ok, he built it up.  I just want something to ride, can't tell you what components I have, don't really care...but I can say that going from my road bike, which is a great bike, to my tri bike, which is an even greater bike, I can really tell a difference!'s the advice I give to people - but only when they ask!!  don't try to think in an all or none way...if you can do a 15 min run, but don't feel you have time for the 45 min. scheduled run, just do the 15 min.  Chances are, you'll get out there and think "oh, what the hell, I can spare an extra 15 min." and you'll end up going a bit further."   And I agree-get to the pool a bunch.  At least 3X per week.  Drills and form.  Make peace with the water.    As far as motivation?  That has to come from within, but you could find some people to train with.  Ask around.  Ride with your LBS.  Hook up with other BTers or the local running club at 4 in the morning for a run.  There are plenty of insane people doing this.  Find someone to keep you accountable.   

Check this out...there's a woman that did IMFL on this website.  her "name" escapes me right now, but she has 3?  little ones and works...she did most of her training on a trainer at 4am...and ran up and down her long driveway for hours with a baby monitor for hre runs.  That impressed the heck out of me!!!  Where there is a will, there is a way.    Movitvation will come and go - that's normal.  Life ebbs and flows.   Get past it and get back on the horse.

Those are my only pearls for today   Not very enlightening, I know.  But, my stir fry tastes good, so that outta count for something.

2008-01-31 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

A quick Hi to the group.  I'm on my way to bed but promise to inspire each of you tomorrow.  It's been a heck of a week but hubby left tonight for a weekend retreat so I've finally settled down.  I'll miss him but he's one less person needing something from me this weekend which is good since I'm about tapped out with my Grandpa business.  Stupid banks are killing me.  We are trying to get me on one of his accounts and they are insisting that he be there in person. HELLO.....what part of in a "nursing home" don't they understand.  You would think that they have a paper he can sign and get notorized or something.  Grr...sorry for the rant.  I've had it.  To top it off my legs have taken a MAJOR set back for no apparant reason.  I tried my thirty minute run yesterday and stopped after 8 minutes and walked home.  I'm trying to stay positive and just go with the options that I know will help and work.  I just keep thinking of the half mary in three weeks that I still want to do and everyday it looks a little more impossible. On the other hand it's not the goal so I'll let go and do what I need to.

Look for more from me tomorrow...I promise

2008-02-01 4:40 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
keep your chin up Kelly...sounds like your stress level is a constant HIGH right now   It also sounds like your leg may take a while to heal, but if the half mary is just a "would like to do", skip it and let thy leg have an ironman to be in tip top shape for and don't want some nagging injury through your training.  I know you know that though  
2008-02-01 8:17 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Kelly- I know just what you are going through as far as dealing with health care issues. It is draining and exhausting. Think of the poor souls that don't have a good advocate like your grandfather does.  I have been trying to help my dad with some health insurance issues and it is like a bad joke. I bet you will find time to regroup with one less person "needing you" (I KNOW THE LANGUAGE YOU SPEAK- IT IS THAT OF BUSY WORKING MOTHERS WITH OUTSIDE INTERESTS!!) And I am sorry about your leg, but it is what it is.  Have you read "Eat, Pray, Love"? Great read. Somewhat spirtual if one is not, so I do mention that.  But the best part of the book is where they talk about the only thing that we can control -- our reactions.  And this is my main theme for '08- I can't control it all (though, boy, would I like to) - BUT I CAN CONTROL MY REACTIONS. So the leg, the nursing home- you can't control it, but when you slow down this weekend and take a load off, you will again see that you CAN control your reactions to it all. 

 And in a stark contrast to my post about Bratwurst and breast size two days ago, I leave you all with that deep thought. Just to cement that point that I AM NUTS. Laughing

2008-02-01 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Hey all,

Hope that the reason we were getting dangerously close to pg 2 again means that we were all busy training.  Anyone got any great plans?  I'm going to aim for sticking to my plan and maybe working in an extra swim.

 Have a great weekend!

2008-02-02 5:48 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
um, yeah, that's it...busy training   Have a great weekend everyone!!  Hear the weather up north is a little short of dreadful.  Be safe, stay warm and train smart

2008-02-02 6:49 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Snow, I can handle. Cold, I can handle. 40-50 mph wind gusts? Not so much. Hoping it will die down by afternoon so I can get out a run. A girl can only handle so much indoor exercise.

2008-02-02 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1190809

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME
aquinn - 2008-02-02 7:49 AM

 A girl can only handle so much indoor exercise.


I AGREE!!!  Don't get blown away, we'd miss ya

2008-02-02 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1098772

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Hope everyone got their training in today!   Mine is done and I'm enjoying the ache in my legs that say I had a good ride. Nothing too strenous but it was longer than what I've been doing.  Glad to see I was able to keep it up for longer than a sprint.

Another incredible weekend here weather wise (sorry about the wind gusts up North). I enjoyed being outside so much I actually degreased and washed my bike.  Trust me when I say...That's saying somethin.   Poor thing, it's been a while since she got some TLC. 

Have a good one!


Edited by tri-chic 2008-02-02 4:28 PM
2008-02-03 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1098772

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Subject: RE: Mimir98's group-CLOSED AGAIN...FOR REAL THIS TIME

Hey all - thanks for the advice & inspires -  it really helps! Sorry I am not the best at returning the favor but I will try & do better as I know now how much it helps. Anyone else joined in the Feb challenge? I am doing it and am going to swim - figured it was another motivator for me to work on my weakest link.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend - Go Giants! Thats hard for me to say - I am a Cowboy fan thru & thru but I just can't pull for the Pats ........either love 'em or not.......and with them for me its alotta NOT!

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