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2008-02-27 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1103805

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Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
WEEK 7#: It's been a crazy week outside of my exercise regimen. I started a new job 1 week ago and the time commitment has been demanding thus far. I've had to adjust my schedule and really hone in on my time management. It's a good thing because I'd rather be busy than not. On the days where my schedule is free, the more I think about working out, the more my mind tells me to blow it off. I missed one day and I'm kicking myself for letting life try to throw me off with what I want to accomplish. Anyway, things are better now that I have a grip on things when it comes to my new routine. I've been setting time to run, but I feel that I'm in a plateau. I'm really careful about what my body is telling me. Today, I was ready to push myself and to see if I could cover more distance in the same amount of time. All of a sudden, my left foot begins to ache and I'm limping to the running site. It has to be pyschosomatic because it's just too conveniant to all of a sudden have an injury. Needless to say, I relented on pushing my body because I don't want to have any permenant injury. I instead walked the course as best as I could and when it got to painful, I had to stop.
As a fun thing I did on the weekend, I went to check out some bikes for me to start training on. I had a real great experience with a shop that was recommended to me. These guys really helped me figure out what I needed and to how to go about training. I was really impressed with their service and they weren't trying to screw me over with a overpriced piece of carbon fiber. I haven't bought any yet But with their knowledge, I know what to look for.
I also recently started to go back to the gym again. Now that I lost 20 lbs. I feel more flexible and wanted to compound my efforts by incorporating a weight training program. I took it easy on Wednesday and I feel great. I plan to lift 3 days a week and build my cardio on the alternating days. That's what's going on with me so far.

Welcome to those who just joined this mentor group. THESE PEOPLE ARE AWESOME...They've gotten me out of a moment of weakness and I'm sure they can help you to. I'll be there if you need anything!! Stay on your target and adhere to the advice from these experienced athletes: YES, THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!!

2008-02-27 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1103805

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth...I am back for just a few minutes anyway

The knee recovery has been a little longer than the last one, but I am back at work skiing which has been good for the psyche if nothing else. It doesn't actually hurt while I am skiing, just if I am hiking around with skis on (which I actually do quite a bit of at work)

I hope to get back to running here soon and see what it feels like so I can decide if I will be able to do any tris or runs this summer.

Still doing lots of hiking with the dogs and yoga now with what my work schedule allows. But mostly its just skiing.

Sabrina...welcome to this group. I have been rather lame as far as contributing...but I noticed that you have three girls very close in age to mine. Mine are 13, 10 and almost 7. Pretty funny...

anywhoo...Waterdogg, I appreciate your leadership and your dedication to this group.

Take care all

2008-02-27 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1103805


Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. I will be starting a new job March 10 and just returned from a multiday house hunting trip. I found a place in a rural area with great roads for running and the place I will be working has a discounted membership to a gym with an Olympic sized pool! Next step relocating. So my training has not been too consistent lately. I certainly hope to get back into my routine once my life returns to "normal". Best of luck to all and I'll be hoping to participate more actively in the not too distant future!
2008-02-28 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1103805

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Hey, all.  It's also an appropriate question of the week for me (as you can tell by my scarce posting and brief workout descriptions)!  Work has been somewhat demanding lately, and I am trying really, really hard not to get sick again with one of those nasty bugs.   That means doing away with two-a-days for a time and focusing on my health.  I can't SBR, after all, if I'm sick.  So, I've been fitting in things while I can.  It's easier to bike and run since I've got the trainer and treadmill at home.  Swimming takes more time since I have to account for travel and locker room time, as well as my slow swimming!  I guess I reschedule the best I can depending on the workout I missed.  I don't stress the recovery sessions, but do try to do my best to reschedule speed workouts and longer endurance sessions.  For instance, tonight I had to miss my run because of a late night at work, but I will do the speed session tomorrow.

 I officially start a 27 week half-ironman training plan on Monday, so I'll need to be more disciplined starting then!

As for how last week went, overall it was pretty decent.  I had a few highlights (both running related): I ran my longest run (almost 10 miles) in a while and also had an excellent speed session of mile repeats.  I really feel like I am making progress to set the PR I am aiming for at my 10k the first weekend of April.

 I hope you all have had a great week so far and next week I'll try to check back in sooner!

2008-02-28 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1103805

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
So, I'll throw something else out there . . . I've been starting to have crazy thoughts of running another marathon next fall.  It's been about 4-5 years since I've done one, and I've learned a lot since then.  I figure I'll be well on my way after training for the half ironman I am doing in early September.  After the half ironman I would have a couple of months to dedicate my training to a mid-November marathon and to increase my long run distance.  Part of me is thinking that this is the life stage when I will have the most time to train, and I have dreams of running a BQ time someday and this may be the time to go for it (of course, I could wait for the BQ times to come down as I get older - it's 3:40 for me now).  On the other hand I wonder if I should give myself a physical and mental break after the half ironman?  I've never done one, so I don't know how I'll feel afterwards.  The marathon I am eyeing does not fill, so I can make the decision after the half-ironman.  But I've still got thoughts of a marathon in the back of my mind.  Am I nuts?
2008-02-29 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1242755

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Douglas County
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

jgz_tarheel - 2008-02-28 8:31 PM   Am I nuts?

 Well, this I can't answer , but I wanted to share my stay healthy secret because this year, I think we can all use as much help as we can get to fight the crud!  The first time I feel like I have a tickle in my throat, a cough, an ache that might be fever, or just feel "down,"I take Zicam.  Either the nasal swabs or the nasal gel....every 4 hours.  I have never, ever gotten sick when I have taken it at the first onset of symptoms.  Now, if I wait 1/2 a day to get the Zicam started, I will oftentimes still get sick.  But now I just carry it with me everywhere and I am a fan like no other.  I know that one day I'll have to eat my Zicam-loving words, but until then, I have to share...

 As to your HIM training followed by a marathon, I don't see why you couldn't do it and feel just fine.  Especially since you are going on a 27-week HIM plan.  Rather than wreck your body, it'll slowly prepare you for the race and hopefully it won't take too much out of you.  I'm sure it'd work out quite well. 

2008-02-29 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1242755

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

jgz_tarheel - 2008-02-28 6:31 PM But I've still got thoughts of a marathon in the back of my mind.  Am I nuts?

I am probably the not qualified to proclaim you Nuts or Sane. I ran a Full Ironman less than 2 months after an HIM, and did 3 marathons in 8 weeks last fall. (3 Months after my full IM) Like you, I was chasing a BQ Time and managed to pull it off in the 3rd race.

But I am also the idiot that went sailing the day after my Ironman and Dislocated my shoulder so common sense about rest and recovery is obviously not a strong suit.

the only thing I might suggest is to do what I did when I ran my triple. Keep your options open. Don't register for the marathon until you are sure your recovered enough to actually run it.

This could be an issue if the race sells out but better to be safe than lose the entry fees.

Good luck and I am very interested in seeing how it goes. A friend of mine swears that followup races are a great way to crank big PB Times. Just depends on how well you can recover in the allotted period I guess.

2008-03-01 4:13 PM
in reply to: #1103805

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
Hope everyone is having a great weekend
2008-03-02 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1246004

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Douglas County
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Hey everyone--

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.  I did my first long bike ride this weekend, and after a few small collisions, I have a question for the group.

 How do you fuel on the bike?  Do you stop, get off, and eat?  Do you drink your calories?  I ask because apparently I cannot multitask while riding my bike.  Every time I reached somewhere I shouldn't (shoe velcro, pull short legs down, drink) I ran into something!  Seriously, I will kill myself if I continue to do this on the bike.  I'm curious how everyone else does it.  Aside from filling loose Sharkies into my bento box, which I am pretty sure I could reach for without diving into a chain link fence (maybe), I'm totally unsure of how I'm going to get my nutrition straight for a race.



2008-03-03 7:39 AM
in reply to: #1246850

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Are you in aerobars?  I do get out of my aerobars before attempting all of that type of stuff, mostly, just because the steering is so twitchy.  Otherwise, it's just practice.  Practice taking one hand off and waving it around under you while still continuing to look forward and steer forward.  Then do the same with the other hand.  Do Not look at what your hand is doing.  You're better off dropping a bottle while trying to put it back in place than running into fences.

If I'm on a long training ride, I'll usually just throw a gel in my jersey pocket and stop to eat it.  For races, I'll use electrical tape to stick it to the bike stem so it rips off easily.  I don't take more than a gel and water for sprints - you don't even really need that.

2008-03-03 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1243787

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
mtngirlincali - 2008-02-29 10:51 AM

jgz_tarheel - 2008-02-28 8:31 PM   Am I nuts?

 Well, this I can't answer , but I wanted to share my stay healthy secret because this year, I think we can all use as much help as we can get to fight the crud!  The first time I feel like I have a tickle in my throat, a cough, an ache that might be fever, or just feel "down,"I take Zicam.  Either the nasal swabs or the nasal gel....every 4 hours.  I have never, ever gotten sick when I have taken it at the first onset of symptoms.  Now, if I wait 1/2 a day to get the Zicam started, I will oftentimes still get sick.  But now I just carry it with me everywhere and I am a fan like no other.  I know that one day I'll have to eat my Zicam-loving words, but until then, I have to share...


I hate to rain on the Zicam parade, but my mom had a really bad experience with those - basically it started a nosebleed that she couldn't get to stop, and had to go to the ER for.  It is one of the things they warn you about in the fine print, but after having it happen to somebody in my immediate family (and after I'd suggested the stuff ) you can feel a little titchy about it.

I now swear by Airborne.  They're these little fizzy tablets you drop in water and drink, and they're pretty effective, in my experience.

2008-03-03 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1248402

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
kanders - 2008-03-03 8:43 AM

I hate to rain on the Zicam parade, but my mom had a really bad experience with those - basically it started a nosebleed that she couldn't get to stop, and had to go to the ER for.  It is one of the things they warn you about in the fine print, but after having it happen to somebody in my immediate family (and after I'd suggested the stuff ) you can feel a little titchy about it.

I now swear by Airborne.  They're these little fizzy tablets you drop in water and drink, and they're pretty effective, in my experience.

I'm a fan of Emergen-C (which is similar) and take a packet morning and night.  They are packets you dissolve in water and drink.  They seem to work, but it might be psychosomatic!  I'm feeling better this week, so I'm going to try to ramp my workouts back up.  I'm hoping taking it easier last week will pay off since I (hopefully) avoided getting sick again.

2008-03-03 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1246850

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
mtngirlincali - 2008-03-02 10:49 AM 

How do you fuel on the bike? 

For me it was practice.  I would open a packet or two of Clif Bloks and put them in my back jersey pocket. It was easy to reach back and grab one.  Got a bento box for Christmas, which may make things easier, too.  As for drinking, I just practiced grabbing the bottle and drinking like Kristen said.  And, I always get out of aero before fueling (unless I am taking a sip from my aero bottle that is between my handlebars).  Just like riding in aero, it takes a bit of practice.

2008-03-03 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1103805

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
Just practice... as with everything. I stay in aero to eat and drink. Was not easy at first but I dont even think about it now.
2008-03-03 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1103805

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Yeah, gotta go with the practice idea.

When I am futzing with nutrition, I am in the Aerobars and keeping things stable with my forearms in down on the pads. It does take a bit of getting used to; I had a bit of a problem in my HIM last year when I dropped my last Cliff Bar 20 miles from the finish of the bike.

Luckily there was some food on the bike course otherwise the run was going to get really ugly. Since then, I always cut the tops off of my clif bars so that I can take it out of my pocket and eat it with one hand. (I also now carry an extra for races)

Am actually thinking to removing Gel from my nutrition plan. I found during training over the Winter that Clif Bars seem to work better for some reason.

2008-03-03 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1103805

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: Week 9: 2008

Looks like a few of us are getting ready for some Spring Races.  I know that many others are in the middle of training plans for some good Summer racing. For the question of the week: Do you do any races in individual disciplines or just Triathlons. (Bike Races, Open Running Races, Marathoning, Masters Swim Events etc.)

Oh, and for the good of the group, please tell us how your week of training went and maybe a bit about your upcoming race. (Goal or Tuneup)

2008-03-03 10:34 AM
in reply to: #1248667

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Week 9: 2008

I'm still waiting with bated breath to find out whether I got into the half-mary I wanted (the Grandma's Half) or will have to do my second choice race, which is a month earlier.  The lottery for Grandma's is today, so if they charge my c.c., then I'll know.  I'd like to improve my half-mary time this year, but should probably be realistic and expect that I'll run about the same as last year - especially since I'm not doing a great job of getting my run training going.

I'm considering doing an indoor tri this weekend.  I'm going to call them to get some details.  I've never done one before, so it might be interesting to try, but I'm not sure how the timing will work out.  We'll see! I despise running on treadmills, so that might be the end of me, but ...

Other than that my first race of the year will either be my half-mary (mid-May) or an early June triathlon.  I don't get to have the springtime fun that you guys have - it's not really warm enough to lake swim until Memorial Day!  I should probably be breaking in my hiking boots - my mom and I are going hiking in Death Valley in April - I'm interested to see how my fitness will translate.  We'll be doing 6-10 miles a day, with scrambles and some good verticals. 

2008-03-03 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1103805

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New user
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
Hi all....My name is Ryan, I would love to be a part of the group!

I have been involved with triathlon for about a year now. I am married with a 2 year old boy(lucky me!). I live in South Orange County, Rancho Santa Margarita to be exact. At this time last year i couldn't run more that a 1/4 mile without being doubled over in pain, mostly from the excess cargo I was carrying around the midsection. It is safe to say that cycling and triathlon "racing" and training have really made a difference in my life. I was pushing about 260 when my son was born and I knew it was time to get with it. Since then I have lost about 35 lbs but would like to lose about 20 more (dont want to jeopardize my clydesdale reputation). I have done about 10 sprint and a couple of olympic distance races. My big target is Cali 70.3 at the end of the month. I have no clue what to expect but I am happy just to have the opportunity to do it. After that I really don't have any other target races. I am a member of the OC tri club and the Tri Club of San Diego. I try to do the TCSD races every month so that will be the majority of my race calendar. I would like to add the Camp Pendleton Intl and the OC intl towards the end of summer.

I really want to be a part of the group so that I can have some people to bounce ideas off and to help keep my motivation up. I do have a fear that I will lose some of that motivation after the 70.3 but I am sure I will have help getting my butt in gear.

2008-03-03 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1248656

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
Yeah that would have been bad to have nothing the last 20 miles.... ugh. I like the cliff bar idea and they are easy to carry in your back pockets or taped to the bike. The thickness of gels just gross me out and If i am not feeling the best that could be a bad combo
2008-03-03 1:15 PM
in reply to: #1103805

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Douglas County
Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
Thanks for the tips on bike nutrition.  I've never really practiced because I've always been training for sprints.  Saturday was my first long ride....ever....and I think towards the end I just lost all of my coordination skills.  (Never mind the fact it poured at the start and my extremities were all frozen!)   I have the Bento box, so I may just try and keep the Shot Blox and Sports Bean bags open so that all I have to do is blindly reach.  And perhaps that aero bottle will encourage me to hydrate better.  All these things you never think about when you've only ever biked for 45 minutes at a time.
Last week went great training-wise.  I hit all my prescribed workouts, and aside from being sore all over my body, I'm feeling great!  It's peak weak this week, so I'm struggling to figure out how and when I'll get all my training in.....but if I did it last week, then I can figure it out this week.
My first race of the season is the Iron Girl Olympic in Lake Las Vegas on April 12th.  It's my 1st Olympic, so there's been a lot of "firsts" going on in my training lately.  I did my first 6-mile run this week, which I'm still bouncing off the walls about because last June, when I first started triathlon training, I couldn't even run 1 mile without feeling like I was dying.  I'm finally convinced that I will make the distance for the race, so now I've just got to stay focused, keep my knees healthy, and follow the plan. 
Anyway, thanks again for the nutrition pointers. 
2008-03-03 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1246850


Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
I always open whatever my nutrition is beforehand.  I am a fan of ClifBlocks, so they are easy to grab a few at a time from my jersey or my Bento box.  I also fuel with Accelerade which has the carbs and protein in it, so I don't do a lot of gels, especially on shorter races.  Practice, practice, practice.  Also, I find that getting out of my aerobars to fuel gives me a rest, but once I put it in my mouth, I get back into my aerobars, and chew.  Laughing

2008-03-03 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1103805


Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

In response to other races, I do at least a few 1/2 marathons per year, a run series, and some open swim events.  I did the swim from Alcatraz in September of '06, and am considering doing The Fat Salmon 3.2mile swim this July.  I also the RSVP 186mile bike ride last August.  The first day was 100 miles, and I rode it fast in preparation for my Ironman, then went out for an hour run.  Then I rode the second day, 86miles easier.  I have a 1/2 marathon this coming weekend, and then a 20k run on March 22.  I consider these training runs though.  I don't go easy, but I also don't RACE them. 

As for last weeks training, it went pretty well.  I am putting more hours in then my schedule calls for, but it is a little thrown together.  Friday I was feeling pretty yucky, and knew what a busy weekend I would have, so I ran an easy 10 miles on the indoor track at the Y (160 laps around the indoor track).  It was a good thing though, because I slept a lot over the weekend, and did not train. 

2008-03-03 2:46 PM
in reply to: #1103805


Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Kristin, as far as the indoor tri, I hope you decide to do it.  I did one last year (I think it was in April), but it really help get me motivated for the upcoming season.  Sure, you have nothing to compare it to, but it just gets those juices flowing.

Have a great hiking trip inDeath Valley.  That sounds like a blast.  Our daughter is a big rock climber, and would be jealous.  That will be a good workout!

2008-03-03 2:51 PM
in reply to: #1103805


Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More

Erin, it sounds like you had a nice long ride.  Keep it up!  You will be able to complete your first Olympic Tri if you keep up with your training.  That is fantastic that you have come so far with your running in just one year.  Keep up the good work!

2008-03-03 6:48 PM
in reply to: #1103805


Subject: RE: Waterdog's Group - Open For a Few More
HI, is the group still open.

Name: James

Story: I have run on and off most of my life but have gotten serious in the last couple years. Did my first marathon last fall and ready for another half in april with plenty more races this year. Decided over the winter that I would like more of a challenege and would like to get into Tri's. I got my first roadbike last week and am ready to get out and do some cycling. I have no real formal swim training and this will probably be the toughest part for me. My first tri is going to be the IronAbe (oly) and am hoping to be IM ready in a couple of years.

I looked through a few of the groups that said they were open and this seemed like a good fir for me if you'll take me.

Thanks, James.

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