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Moderators: the bear, kaqphin, tinkerbeth, D001, k9car363, alicefoeller Reply
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2007-11-10 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

Actually posted by Amy.... I think she hit the wrong button when she went to post.... You really aren't with it today are ya   I guess that workout did more to her than I thought.  It was an decent workout.

Per Amy...

Yowza. not gonna try and finish catching up--last night my DH (hubby) accused me of looking at "porn"--all those naked legs!! He didn't even see the one of Scott rockin out...
Got in an OK workout this morning--ran/walked, biked, and did a weight session. I think I'm getting shin splints. Any ideas other than strecthing to get rid of 'em, or avoid making them worse? Heather, I guess I'm gonna have to do more of those frog jumps, I can't even stay on the ball, and you know how it'll just frustrate me until I give up if I don't master it. I'm tired today, my wonderful hubby (that was sarcastic) let my 5 yr old son watch ghost whisperer and part of moonlight last night. I intervened when I realised what he was doing, but he still came into our bed twice last night. Oh, and I fixed my blog last night so beth can see it now (hopefully). I'm off to work now, and tomorrow, and the next day, so I won't be around much the next couple days...hopefully the thread doesn't go kaboom before I get back (although at this rate we'll be at page 30 of a new thread... )
Go Nibbs!

2007-11-10 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1047042

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Happy Saturday!

Tomorrow is SUNDAY, the day when you report your achievements for the beginning of November! While posting your “progress report” on your team thread, feel free to brag about how great your workouts have been! This challenge is about achieving your goals -- so let's hear how you've done!

And now, here’s a quick update on what all our teams have been up to….

The Moscateers – Team1
The youngsters are showing up their parents! Comet_the_dog ran with his daughter, Dani – and lost. Congratulations to Dani, who did a 5k in just over 38 minutes! And 1for1’s daughter, Gidgetintraining, is already at 41% of her running goal and 50% of her workout goal! Go kids!

The Vigilantes – Team2
This team has a lot of “firsts” planned for this weekend! ScotinSeattle and Medusa_Ann are doing a 10k trail run this weekend! It’s their first 10k. And Fielding will be doing her very first race this weekend! Unfortunately, they had to cancel the swim portion, due to an oil spill. Good luck everyone! You’ll do great!

Turkey Terrors – Team3
Running is the topic of the day for this team. Some of it is even being done barefoot! Gygyhawk had a fantastic response to her trainer’s comment that her metabolism was low. But you’ll have to stop by this team’s thread to read it!

5 For Fighting – Team5
After training hard, this team likes to kick back with a glass of wine. Or beer. Or maybe even both…. To make sure there is no confusion as to which beverage is preferred, this team posts pics of their favorite post-workout cocktail. Someday, they hope to start a wine mail-order business.

They Who Shall Not Be Named (Twisnibbins) – Team6
This group posts so much that their team leader, LastCall2003 (Beth) must now post daily updates to summarize the discussion! Believe it or not, this group actually discussed running AND swimming this week! (Who knows, maybe cycling is next?) HCS5QA (Hector) will be running his first Half Marathon on Sunday! Run, Hector, run! To help inspire Hector, team leader Beth will be waving her pom poms!

Wild Hippos – Team7
Several members of the Hippos have been benched due to illness. Owl_girl wants to know if puking time counts as “ab work.” (We now know more about her illness than we really wanted to!) Team Leader Cat received a penalty flag for inappropriate language, and had to state three positive things about herself. Is Lyssa-gator slacking off? We’ll find out soon, depending upon whether she accepts Baowolf’s challenge of doing a 34 mile bike ride with him.

Hard Core Tri Corps – Team8
Zipp1 ran an awesome 8k race today. ACGRAY22 joined the team, becoming the 102nd person in the challenge. TriAya (Yanti) told us about her progress to date – including details of her 100+ pound weight loss, and posting some absolutely incredible pics of her HOT TRI BODY! If you want to be inspired, you need to stop by this team’s thread and see Yanti’s transformation into a “tri hottie”! Amazing!

From BT News Headquarters, this has been your weekly Challenge update.


Edited by D001 2007-11-10 2:04 PM
2007-11-10 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1046822

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 10:35 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-09 11:27 PM
D001 - 2007-11-10 10:59 AM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-09 1:49 PM Thanks Sparko, Stretching has really become such a major part of my training. More so then i ever thought it would be, so thanks for the additional info.


OK.... As someone who doesn't stretch at all.... Why stretch? Does it help with post workout soreness? (That's the only thing I can think of. So maybe I've never worked out hard enough to need to do this. LOL)

Stretching: When you work out and muscles get put under stress one of their reactions is to tigthen... after awhile they dont loosen up as much and stay tight....

This will pull body parts out of alignment and cause injuries.... because other muscles will start to compensate for the tight muscles and it will affect how you move.

Also if muscles are held in a certain position (ie high heels) over time they will tighten to fit the position they are used to...

Stretching keeps the muscles supple and your body in good alignement (among other things) and Im sure someone who understands all this better than me will explain it beter

That's an excellent explanation Cat. One thing I will add is to be careful not to overstretch. Overstretching is just as bad as not stretching at all. I had to skip two workouts this week because I was trying to stretch my body to places it's never been and made my muscles VERY unhappy. Stretching is important, but it's supposed to feel good, not hurt.

I know. duh.

haha well you should FEEL it so it should feel like you are working against the pressure of the muscle but itshouldnt hurt...

Each stretch shoulkd be held for a minimum of 20-30 seconds if the muscle starts to loosen before then breath in and when you breathe out stretch it a little further... 

2007-11-10 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1046836

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 11:45 PM
kaqphin - 2007-11-08 8:01 PM

D001 - 2007-11-09 12:00 PM Ahhhhhhhhhhkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk It happened again! All my little stars disappeared! I have ONE. Just ONE.

Relax Dee... I know you.,... youll have hundreds of twinklies in NO TIME AT ALL!

Yeah, check out all of Cat's stars! Could I have star envy?

Aaaw Im sure they will all disappear soon enough! 

2007-11-10 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1047058

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
D001 - 2007-11-11 4:43 AM
kaqphin - 2007-11-09 11:27 PM Stretching: When you work out and muscles get put under stress one of their reactions is to tigthen... after awhile they dont loosen up as much and stay tight....


This will pull body parts out of alignment and cause injuries.... because other muscles will start to compensate for the tight muscles and it will affect how you move.

Also if muscles are held in a certain position (ie high heels) over time they will tighten to fit the position they are used to...

Stretching keeps the muscles supple and your body in good alignement (among other things) and Im sure someone who understands all this better than me will explain it beter

In other words.... I need to learn how to stretch my shoulder muscles.

And the surrounding muscles becuase the original pain might not be caused by the shoulder but another muscle that is tight and not functioning properly... 

2007-11-10 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Good Morning all!!! Its 8am here and I got taken out for dinner last night... since I didnt get home to bed until well after midnight Im going to be a lazy girl today

2007-11-10 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1047190

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-10 4:13 PM Good Morning all!!! Its 8am here and I got taken out for dinner last night... since I didnt get home to bed until well after midnight Im going to be a lazy girl today
Morning Cat!  Lazy is good.  Enjoy your day!
2007-11-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #1046999

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 10:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.

Hector, I hope you had a great day! 

Here is a little pre- race motivation ;-)

front    side


other side    calves


2007-11-10 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1047190

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

kaqphin - 2007-11-10 3:13 PM Good Morning all!!! Its 8am here and I got taken out for dinner last night... since I didnt get home to bed until well after midnight Im going to be a lazy girl today

now, that sounds like fun!

2007-11-10 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1046866

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 7:27 AM

This seems like a good time to cut out and actually go swim.  I'm sitting here talkin' to
myself anyway.....

How was the swim?

Mine was great - and actually was a perfect drill after the discussion on swimming yesterday

2007-11-10 5:35 PM
in reply to: #1047226

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 5:26 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 10:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.

Hector, I hope you had a great day! 

Here is a little pre- race motivation ;-)

front    side


other side    calves


Yowza!!!  Them is some might FINE legs you got there girl!!!!  

2007-11-10 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1047249

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Granvile, Ohio
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 6:05 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 7:27 AM

This seems like a good time to cut out and actually go swim.  I'm sitting here talkin' to
myself anyway.....

How was the swim?

Mine was great - and actually was a perfect drill after the discussion on swimming yesterday

Glad you had a good swim today.  Love it when things start coming together. Mine, not so great.  Had a tough time relaxing, and that is key for me.  Several clients and lots of kids in the pool area distracted me.  If I'm tense and stiff, can't seem to get a flow going.  Someone taught me a trick to relax, but I didn't think of it until I was almost finished.  Instead of trying to think of everything at once, focus on one arm at a time.  Stretching the arm out until you feel your lats stretch out.  It's a great way to not get overwhelmed and really allow yourself to balance and rotate in the pool like you should.

2007-11-10 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1047228

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-11 9:27 AM

kaqphin - 2007-11-10 3:13 PM Good Morning all!!! Its 8am here and I got taken out for dinner last night... since I didnt get home to bed until well after midnight Im going to be a lazy girl today

now, that sounds like fun!

hehe not bad 11am and I just had a shower Gonna go watch a chick flick at the movies I think and maybe some dress shopping as I have the work christmas part in about 2ish weeks... eek!

The weather is still gross so I dont feel at all bad about spending the time indoors either I know time to get back on the horse soon! 

2007-11-10 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1047226

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 2:26 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 10:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.

Hector, I hope you had a great day!

Here is a little pre- race motivation ;-)

front side


other side calves


Everyone wonders why i hang out at BT. Beth you truly are a great motivator with those hot and sexy legs of yours. 

I just got in for a while after being out all day at the expo and a little shopping on the side but I did pick up some cool stuff.

I'm leaving again to pick up my son who being the awesome kid that he is is going to fix me a pasta dinner tonight. We have to go buy all the fixin's (17 year old chef and darn good at it). He's so cool he's dropping me off at the start and meeting me at the finish we're we'll both celebrate tomorrow.

Ok I'll talk to you all soon and thanks for all the inspires you guys give, that's what makes this place so cool. 

2007-11-10 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1047312

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 11:31 AM
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 2:26 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 10:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.

Hector, I hope you had a great day!

Here is a little pre- race motivation ;-)





Everyone wonders why i hang out at BT. Beth you truly are a great motivator with those hot and sexy legs of yours.

I just got in for a while after being out all day at the expo and a little shopping on the side but I did pick up some cool stuff.

I'm leaving again to pick up my son who being the awesome kid that he is is going to fix me a pasta dinner tonight. We have to go buy all the fixin's (17 year old chef and darn good at it). He's so cool he's dropping me off at the start and meeting me at the finish we're we'll both celebrate tomorrow.

Ok I'll talk to you all soon and thanks for all the inspires you guys give, that's what makes this place so cool.

Hector!!! Im outta here for a bit so wanted to say have a GREAT race tomorrow   

2007-11-10 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1047296

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-10 4:06 PM
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-11 9:27 AM

kaqphin - 2007-11-10 3:13 PM Good Morning all!!! Its 8am here and I got taken out for dinner last night... since I didnt get home to bed until well after midnight Im going to be a lazy girl today

now, that sounds like fun!

hehe not bad 11am and I just had a shower Gonna go watch a chick flick at the movies I think and maybe some dress shopping as I have the work christmas part in about 2ish weeks... eek!

The weather is still gross so I dont feel at all bad about spending the time indoors either I know time to get back on the horse soon!

Sounds like you had fun last night and you plan on going out and having some more. Sometimes it's what we need in crappy weather to make us feel good. With that said i won't tell you that the sun was shinning here today in Sunny San Diego, oh I just did. LOL have fun. 

2007-11-10 6:36 PM
in reply to: #1047313

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
kaqphin - 2007-11-10 4:32 PM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-11 11:31 AM
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 2:26 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 10:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.

Hector, I hope you had a great day!

Here is a little pre- race motivation ;-)





Everyone wonders why i hang out at BT. Beth you truly are a great motivator with those hot and sexy legs of yours.

I just got in for a while after being out all day at the expo and a little shopping on the side but I did pick up some cool stuff.

I'm leaving again to pick up my son who being the awesome kid that he is is going to fix me a pasta dinner tonight. We have to go buy all the fixin's (17 year old chef and darn good at it). He's so cool he's dropping me off at the start and meeting me at the finish we're we'll both celebrate tomorrow.

Ok I'll talk to you all soon and thanks for all the inspires you guys give, that's what makes this place so cool.

Hector!!! Im outta here for a bit so wanted to say have a GREAT race tomorrow

Thank you, I'll be thinking about you hot ladies. 

2007-11-10 6:38 PM
in reply to: #1047072

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

D001 - 2007-11-10 9:51 AM
HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 11:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.
Race pack! Ooh, how exciting! Remember - run REALLY fast tomorrow, so Beth can wave her pom poms! Or, how about this? They have pom poms, too!

That's what i love about you guys, you look out for my best interests. LOL

Talk to you later. 

2007-11-10 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
been out of it for a few days nibbs, but i'm back.
go hector go!! i'm cheering for you tomorrow-(sans pompoms-don't wanna take beth's job)
everyone else, well, i'm just not going to read the last 20 pages that i missed. i read the cliff notes, and i scanned for the photos of scott and the guitar. (very nice eye candy-but WHO takes your photos??) and beth--NICE legs!! FINALLY!!! LOL
ok. so i'm back. i missed you guys
2007-11-10 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Hector- Have an awesome race tomorrow!
2007-11-10 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1032449

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
Hola twisnibbins!

I'm back! Wow, 84 pages! Where were we when I left? I have obviously missed out on a lot. May take me all day to catch up.

Good luck with the race tomorrow Hector.

2007-11-10 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1047285

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 5:48 PM
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 6:05 PM
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 7:27 AM

This seems like a good time to cut out and actually go swim.  I'm sitting here talkin' to
myself anyway.....

How was the swim?

Mine was great - and actually was a perfect drill after the discussion on swimming yesterday

Glad you had a good swim today.  Love it when things start coming together. Mine, not so great.  Had a tough time relaxing, and that is key for me.  Several clients and lots of kids in the pool area distracted me.  If I'm tense and stiff, can't seem to get a flow going.  Someone taught me a trick to relax, but I didn't think of it until I was almost finished.  Instead of trying to think of everything at once, focus on one arm at a time.  Stretching the arm out until you feel your lats stretch out.  It's a great way to not get overwhelmed and really allow yourself to balance and rotate in the pool like you should.

I love that feeling of stretching -

and, totally get how it would not be easy to get into the groove with lots of kids and distractions

i pretty much had the pool to myself, with a few amusing distractions

my workout was  great drill - not a lot of yardage, but a lot of focus on technique - which is a very good thing!

2007-11-10 7:19 PM
in reply to: #1047356

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!

kns57 - 2007-11-10 7:17 PM Hola twisnibbins! I'm back! Wow, 84 pages! Where were we when I left? I have obviously missed out on a lot. May take me all day to catch up. Good luck with the race tomorrow Hector.


how was your trip?!

fabulous, I am sure - you must tell us all about it Cool

2007-11-10 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1047277

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
tnickerson - 2007-11-10 5:35 PM
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 5:26 PM

HCS5QA - 2007-11-10 10:39 AM I'll be gone for a bit today myself. I'm going to the expo at REI to pick up my race pack as well as just get out and do something.

Hector, I hope you had a great day! 

Here is a little pre- race motivation ;-)

front    side


other side    calves


Yowza!!!  Them is some might FINE legs you got there girl!!!!  


why thank you

2007-11-10 7:25 PM
in reply to: #1047359

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Subject: RE: They Who Shall Not be Named!
lastcall2003 - 2007-11-10 7:19 PM

kns57 - 2007-11-10 7:17 PM Hola twisnibbins! I'm back! Wow, 84 pages! Where were we when I left? I have obviously missed out on a lot. May take me all day to catch up. Good luck with the race tomorrow Hector.


how was your trip?!

fabulous, I am sure - you must tell us all about it Cool

The trip was fabulous. Got all my swimming in for the month and even did a little running so I'm not too far behind there.

The weather was beautiful. A little on the cool side, but sunny and way warmer than home. Snorkeled, sat by the beach, tried to run on the beach and felt like I was running in slow motion. Once I download my pictures, I'll post a couple. I feel fabulously relaxed. It was a much needed vacation.
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