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2013-11-28 3:37 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Happy Thanksgiving Junkies! Heres a big thanks to the greatest group of triathletes ever! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Dina yes I did all the cooking except for the pies, I made the crust and my hubby did the pumpkin filling and my daughter in law made a chocolate bourbon pecan pie that was delicious!

Thanks everyone for the anniversary posts we had a really good dinner and are hoping to book a vacation in Jan or feb to somewhere warm to celebrate!

Dang Dirk 5 days in a row on the bike! Way to put in some miles. I was hoping to get a ride in this morning but time ran out so I will postpone it until tomorrow.

2013-11-28 5:27 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Happy Thanksgiving, Junkies. Well I felt good enough after my 5 mile run last Saturday to go ahead and run the 6 mile Turkey Trot this morning. I just went really easy for the first 2 miles and then gradually increased the pace to the finish. I did have some shin pain between 1.5 and 2 miles, but after 2 miles it was gone. The rest of the run went great. There were about 1000 runners in the 6 mile plus several hundred more doing the 2 mile run/walk, that started 15 minutes after the 6 mile. So there were lots of folks there. My wife came along to cheer me and some of her friends on and she brought the dog to keep her company. We saw lots of folks who we knew and chatted with many of them. Now are waiting on my son and his girlfriend to show up and have some dinner and pies with us.

Have a great day everyone!

2013-11-30 6:39 AM
in reply to: JonnyVero

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I am sure by now everyone is feeling the guilt and shame of grossly over indulging in all the goodness of a Thanksgiving feast.  I for one and still over indulging after Lis made some of her famous apple dumplings.  Of course they wouldn't be complete without a huge mountain of ice cream covering them.  I hope to keep from gaining more than 10 pounds after all of those are gone.

I ended my cycling week with a full 7 day stretch of riding.  I only had one really intense ride through the week and that was because I only had a short time to ride before heading to the pool.  But the ride was insanity for a guy with 5 previous days riding at 85% FTP on long intervals.  The hardest ride was shorter intervals of 2 minutes @ 125% FTP with 1 minute rest intervals.  I had built up enough fatigue over the previous days riding that I was unable to hold the last 3 intervals.  I was complete toast by the 4th one and by the 6th I was 24 points lower than the target power.  "..........Blown up sir!!"

In great news; I am likely to go pick up my new KK Road Machine today.  My team's store (Human Motor Works) has one sitting on the floor and with the 15% discount for being a team member I can grab it for $298.........As long as they allow the discount.  When I have looked at the KK items online and tried to apply discounts from online stores have found discounts don't apply to KK and CycleOps (and most other trainers).  I have found the KK raod machine on Ebay for less than I would be buying for but I would like to support the local small business and my team store if I can.

(The price I have found for a KK road machine on Ebay is 284.99 with free shipping, in case anyone has thoughts about making a purchase of a new trainer.)


2013-11-30 6:56 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I forgot to mention:

Lis and I did the Galloping Gobbler on Thanksgiving morning and we walked it together.  It was fun to have walked with her and supported her during this race.  I kept the pace at a higher speed walk, at least that's what she told me, and we finished the 4 miles in under an hour.  The hills throughout this course made for a few slowdowns but she chose to jog up some of them, making for a slightly more challenging race. 

While it was fun to have completed this event with Lis it was also extremely odd seeing my placement.  Last year I was 1/124 AG and 81/3248 OA. This year I was 112/132 AG and 2400/3458 OA.  Wow!! is about all I can say. 

It was fun though.  Lis and I hadn't committed to the race in the weeks prior, but we had discussed it.  Then, after she had an extremely long day at work on Wednesday, I asked her what her thoughts were when she got home and she was definitely NOT in favor of doing the race.  Finally when we both awoke at 6AM Thursday she sat in front of the fireplace contemplating doing the race.  She had asked me if I wanted to do it.  I mentioned that I hadn't missed this race since I started doing it about 5 years ago.  She him-hawed around finally she said she wanted to do it.  Who knows, maybe next year we can get both of the girls to jump into the event and make it a family affair.

2013-11-30 1:20 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Help needed Iam looking at getting a power meter for my new Kenetics trainer is this what Iam looking for? I hope so cuz this is the cheapest I have seen one for if not what do I need ????
2013-11-30 2:24 PM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Help needed Iam looking at getting a power meter for my new Kenetics trainer is this what Iam looking for? I hope so cuz this is the cheapest I have seen one for if not what do I need ????

JoAnne I have this and used it last season to do all my interval training. It is a cheap alternative to a real power meter. It uses virtual power so it really just takes a few variables and makes a calculation on them to come up with the power numbers. It's similiar to trainer road but instead of using the ANT+ device and a computer you have a bike computer instead. What I think is great about this is it has a HR monitor so you get Power and HR as well. Definitely worth the investment, I will use this again once I start my interval training on the KK trainer. I am going to do what Warren did and invest in a real power meter come spring time. The KK bike computer is great for the price plus it is sooooooooo much easier to train with power over HR when doing the interval training. Just my two cents.

2013-11-30 2:36 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

I am sure by now everyone is feeling the guilt and shame of grossly over indulging in all the goodness of a Thanksgiving feast.  I for one and still over indulging after Lis made some of her famous apple dumplings.  Of course they wouldn't be complete without a huge mountain of ice cream covering them.  I hope to keep from gaining more than 10 pounds after all of those are gone.

I ended my cycling week with a full 7 day stretch of riding.  I only had one really intense ride through the week and that was because I only had a short time to ride before heading to the pool.  But the ride was insanity for a guy with 5 previous days riding at 85% FTP on long intervals.  The hardest ride was shorter intervals of 2 minutes @ 125% FTP with 1 minute rest intervals.  I had built up enough fatigue over the previous days riding that I was unable to hold the last 3 intervals.  I was complete toast by the 4th one and by the 6th I was 24 points lower than the target power.  "..........Blown up sir!!"

In great news; I am likely to go pick up my new KK Road Machine today.  My team's store (Human Motor Works) has one sitting on the floor and with the 15% discount for being a team member I can grab it for $298.........As long as they allow the discount.  When I have looked at the KK items online and tried to apply discounts from online stores have found discounts don't apply to KK and CycleOps (and most other trainers).  I have found the KK raod machine on Ebay for less than I would be buying for but I would like to support the local small business and my team store if I can.

(The price I have found for a KK road machine on Ebay is 284.99 with free shipping, in case anyone has thoughts about making a purchase of a new trainer.)


Dirk x2 on the Thanksgiving gluttony. I can't remember the last time I ate like that, I filled up my plate 3 times and went for dessert twice. We have so much left over dessert I know I'll be eating it all weekend into next week. Not good. Great job on the bike workouts and the interval work. The last on sounds like it was killer especially with the fatigue factor of the previous rides. It's good to ride to failure on occasions and it sounds like you got some seriously good work in on the bike. Congrats on the KK road machine, you'll love it. I have one and love it. I think Sunrise Tri the local triathlon bike shop here on LI was running a sale on them here and I think they were around the price range you listed.Lastly congrats to you and Lisa for doing the 4 miler together on Thanksgiving.
2013-11-30 2:45 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day. I had a nice day with my family and enjoyed and big dinner and was happy to see the Cowboys actually win a game that they looked like they were bound to lose. I also got back on the horse after 3 days of inactivity I got an 8 mile run in on Thanksgiving day and a MTN bike ride both yesterday and today over at Manorville Hills.

It was nice to go out there without the crowds. I've been try to ride a little slower and work on my handling and my anticipation of the hills and getting myself in the right gear before I hit the hills. Mixed results with that on the two rides but I am working on it. I've definitely been riding way too hard and with way too much effort. The last two days I defintely feel like I did much better, usually after a ride I'm totally crushed. After two consecutive days I feel pretty good and I am planning to go again tomorrow for 3 rides in row. We'll see how it goes but hoping to keep the effort down and improve my overall riding.
2013-11-30 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4726455

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
I spent the 1st half of the OSU vs Meatchicken game on my trainer for a 1.5hr sufferfest, and with a combination of the intervals and the defense OSU was playing it was definitely a painful experience. In the not so distant past this game would of involved the 1st beer being opened around 11am and the drinking would of continued through the majority of the afternoon.

Of course the outcome was the same, me sitting on the couch at half time wasted!
2013-11-30 3:49 PM
in reply to: mambos

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Hey Junkies!

Like you all, I ate way too much and drank too much on Thanksgiving.... my Friday morning long run was cancelled as a result. I hope everyone has been doing well.

After 3 months on the new job, I am still struggling to find balance, except for that 6 lbs that seems to have taken up residence on my hips. Marathon training is still in the progress.. I seem to have a great week, which is usually followed by a dismal week  and I can't seem to get the long run completed. I have been running 3x a week instead of 4 and get in two road cycling sessions in and I feel like I have a decent routine. My longest run to date was about a week ago when I logged 15 miles. Besides feeling tired and slow, my body and knees felt great. I have noticed as the runs get longer, my passion to get out there and tackle the run is not as strong, normally I live for those long, slow runs. Part of me worries that as I attempt each long run, my IT band will flare up and I will be done, another part of me just dreads the last couple of miles. (Dirk- I know you're going to look at my training log which I have been horrible about keeping updated).

Dirk- I understand how you feel about placement, I have stepped away form all short distances racing so that I won't aggravate my IT band and it felt strange to watch my friends have amazing times at the Turkey Trot this year. I opted for a mountain biking session Thursday morning with a friend. It was completely empty, and I took a fall trying to cross over a bridge. Both my pedals banged into my upper legs and now I have two beautiful softball size bruises on my legs.



2013-12-01 5:47 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Just a quick check in,
I really hope everyone had a GREAT and safe Thanksgiving. Yes, it looks like most of us ate way to much...that just gives us reason to get more training in.
Well I've got to go out of town for work, leaving today for the week.
Ya'll continue to train hard and burn the excess calories

2013-12-01 7:25 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by Jo63 Help needed Iam looking at getting a power meter for my new Kenetics trainer is this what Iam looking for? I hope so cuz this is the cheapest I have seen one for if not what do I need ????

If you are looking for something to provide some data other than power off the trainer this unit will work fine but it won't provide power number while on the road.  On the road it will only provide cadence, speed, etc.  If you have a a Garmin speed/cadence sensor already on your bike then that will provide you the same information using trainer road while in front of a computer. 

The above aside, I think it would be a great tool on your bike all of the time, provided you don't already have a cycling computer on your bike already.  The bundle you have linked appears to be a decent price when I did a quick check for myself.  If nothing else it should provide some very useful data while on the road in speed and a cadence information as well as HR.  However, do you already have a Garmin with HR?  If so, which Garmin do you have?

2013-12-01 7:47 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by mambos I spent the 1st half of the OSU vs Meatchicken game on my trainer for a 1.5hr sufferfest, and with a combination of the intervals and the defense OSU was playing it was definitely a painful experience. In the not so distant past this game would of involved the 1st beer being opened around 11am and the drinking would of continued through the majority of the afternoon. Of course the outcome was the same, me sitting on the couch at half time wasted!

That was a heck of a game Matt!!  Finally!!!  Michigan seemed to show up to a game.  I had been saying all season long Michigan had been WAY overrated and I proved correct.  Gardner was a better QB than Robinson in a general sense but he had the same propensity to throw the ball up for grabs.  If he had just thrown the ball away half of the times he threw it up for grabs Michigan probably would have won 2 more games.

What were your thoughts on the ejections?  Personally, I am tired of these kids getting away with this sort of behavior and I believe they should be kicked off the teams......for good!  Lose their scholarships and have to wait until next year to look for another college to attend.  A strong message needs to be sent and until it is there will be little anyone can do about the escalation of stupidity (violence) in sports.

2013-12-01 8:14 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by Jo63 Help needed Iam looking at getting a power meter for my new Kenetics trainer is this what Iam looking for? I hope so cuz this is the cheapest I have seen one for if not what do I need ????

If you are looking for something to provide some data other than power off the trainer this unit will work fine but it won't provide power number while on the road.  On the road it will only provide cadence, speed, etc.  If you have a a Garmin speed/cadence sensor already on your bike then that will provide you the same information using trainer road while in front of a computer. 

The above aside, I think it would be a great tool on your bike all of the time, provided you don't already have a cycling computer on your bike already.  The bundle you have linked appears to be a decent price when I did a quick check for myself.  If nothing else it should provide some very useful data while on the road in speed and a cadence information as well as HR.  However, do you already have a Garmin with HR?  If so, which Garmin do you have?

I do not have a Garmin I have a timex ironman I also have a computer that gives me speed cadence etc on my bike I have been looking around and am now thoroughly confused I just want to make sure Iam getting everything I need with no added parts/ cost I figure if I get what I really need now it will just save me later so I have been looking at this one and there is only 1 left in stock... Any thoughts
2013-12-01 8:33 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Hey Junkies!

 (Dirk- I know you're going to look at my training log which I have been horrible about keeping updated).

Dirk- I understand how you feel about placement, I have stepped away form all short distances racing so that I won't aggravate my IT band and it felt strange to watch my friends have amazing times at the Turkey Trot this year. I opted for a mountain biking session Thursday morning with a friend. It was completely empty, and I took a fall trying to cross over a bridge. Both my pedals banged into my upper legs and now I have two beautiful softball size bruises on my legs.

Glad to see you checking in and keeping us up to date on what's going on for you. 

And yes......I checked up on your logs.........and found very little.  I know the job change was going to be a challenge for you.  All of the added hours you had been working right after you took the job seemed as though you might have some training conflicts, especially with young children.

Running 3 days a week for marathon training would seem a little scarce to me.  Getting that 4th run in every week might not be super hard depending on what distance you need to get in.  The 4th run should be short, for the most part.  Depending on where you're at in your training it may get harder toward the end because even the short runs can be 5+ miles.

Be careful on that mountain bike!  We've heard a few stories of mountain bike crashes in the past year or so.  So far everyone has had minor injuries but we don't need to start anything more anytime soon.

2013-12-01 9:02 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by mambos I spent the 1st half of the OSU vs Meatchicken game on my trainer for a 1.5hr sufferfest, and with a combination of the intervals and the defense OSU was playing it was definitely a painful experience. In the not so distant past this game would of involved the 1st beer being opened around 11am and the drinking would of continued through the majority of the afternoon. Of course the outcome was the same, me sitting on the couch at half time wasted!

That was a heck of a game Matt!!  Finally!!!  Michigan seemed to show up to a game.  I had been saying all season long Michigan had been WAY overrated and I proved correct.  Gardner was a better QB than Robinson in a general sense but he had the same propensity to throw the ball up for grabs.  If he had just thrown the ball away half of the times he threw it up for grabs Michigan probably would have won 2 more games.

What were your thoughts on the ejections?  Personally, I am tired of these kids getting away with this sort of behavior and I believe they should be kicked off the teams......for good!  Lose their scholarships and have to wait until next year to look for another college to attend.  A strong message needs to be sent and until it is there will be little anyone can do about the escalation of stupidity (violence) in sports.

I agree that something more should be done with these kids. Maybe another game suspended or something along those lines. I also think you have to take the situation into account, the emotion and intensity of OSU vs Michigan can cause abnormal behavior! Does that make it acceptable, no but it should play a factor. Well except for the idiot that walked out of the stadium flying the bird, now that is just stupidity and probably deserves something more severe!

the bigger part of yesterday was Auburn knocking off Alabama, that opened the door for OSU to go to the National Championship game. Now in my opinion OSU does not belong their, and this coming from a guy that bleeds Scarlet and Grey. The defense is not championship caliber, probably doesn't belong in the MAC, plus the BIG 10 is so far down that it is almost a mid-major conference right now. But you know I will be screaming conspiracy if they don't make it, after running off 24 straight wins!

2013-12-01 9:03 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Joanne,  I can't really comment on whether the unit you are looking at has any quality to it or not.  I have not heard of them at all.  Also not being into power (other than Trainer Road) I have not done much research on power meters at all.  My suggestion would be to take some time and make sure you get what you need after some really good research.  If you are trying to get something quick it will most likely result in frustration and more purchases to make things work correctly.  I know it is the right time of year to mask some purchases to save money but it's only beneficial if they are made with the right information.

I am a Garmin guy too.  If you purchase a 310 or a 910 you can get s few other things, such as a speed/cadence sensor, for minimal cost and get a lot of benefit from them.

2013-12-01 9:09 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by Jo63

Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by Jo63 Help needed Iam looking at getting a power meter for my new Kenetics trainer is this what Iam looking for? I hope so cuz this is the cheapest I have seen one for if not what do I need ????

If you are looking for something to provide some data other than power off the trainer this unit will work fine but it won't provide power number while on the road.  On the road it will only provide cadence, speed, etc.  If you have a a Garmin speed/cadence sensor already on your bike then that will provide you the same information using trainer road while in front of a computer. 

The above aside, I think it would be a great tool on your bike all of the time, provided you don't already have a cycling computer on your bike already.  The bundle you have linked appears to be a decent price when I did a quick check for myself.  If nothing else it should provide some very useful data while on the road in speed and a cadence information as well as HR.  However, do you already have a Garmin with HR?  If so, which Garmin do you have?

I do not have a Garmin I have a timex ironman I also have a computer that gives me speed cadence etc on my bike I have been looking around and am now thoroughly confused I just want to make sure Iam getting everything I need with no added parts/ cost I figure if I get what I really need now it will just save me later so I have been looking at this one and there is only 1 left in stock... Any thoughts

JoAnne, Dirk is right about the KK bike computer. I neglected to mention that the power reading only works when you ride it on the KK trainer. It will not give you an accurate reading outdoors. The iBike iSport looks like an entry level power meter. Since I've not done my homework yet on this I could not tell you the differences between how the more costly power meters and the iBike measure power. From doing a little reading on the iBike web site I take it they do the power measurement a little differently from the traditional power meter but they do claim to be accurate. One thing with this model you would be able to replace your bike computer with this model and you would get a power readings for both indoor and outdoor riding.
2013-12-01 9:13 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by strikyr

Originally posted by Jo63

Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by Jo63 Help needed Iam looking at getting a power meter for my new Kenetics trainer is this what Iam looking for? I hope so cuz this is the cheapest I have seen one for if not what do I need ????

If you are looking for something to provide some data other than power off the trainer this unit will work fine but it won't provide power number while on the road.  On the road it will only provide cadence, speed, etc.  If you have a a Garmin speed/cadence sensor already on your bike then that will provide you the same information using trainer road while in front of a computer. 

The above aside, I think it would be a great tool on your bike all of the time, provided you don't already have a cycling computer on your bike already.  The bundle you have linked appears to be a decent price when I did a quick check for myself.  If nothing else it should provide some very useful data while on the road in speed and a cadence information as well as HR.  However, do you already have a Garmin with HR?  If so, which Garmin do you have?

I do not have a Garmin I have a timex ironman I also have a computer that gives me speed cadence etc on my bike I have been looking around and am now thoroughly confused I just want to make sure Iam getting everything I need with no added parts/ cost I figure if I get what I really need now it will just save me later so I have been looking at this one and there is only 1 left in stock... Any thoughts

JoAnne, Dirk is right about the KK bike computer. I neglected to mention that the power reading only works when you ride it on the KK trainer. It will not give you an accurate reading outdoors. The iBike iSport looks like an entry level power meter. Since I've not done my homework yet on this I could not tell you the differences between how the more costly power meters and the iBike measure power. From doing a little reading on the iBike web site I take it they do the power measurement a little differently from the traditional power meter but they do claim to be accurate. One thing with this model you would be able to replace your bike computer with this model and you would get a power readings for both indoor and outdoor riding.

Thanks guys!!! I will do some more research and visit the local bike store. I defefnitly do not want to make a purchase I won't be happy with, been there done that
2013-12-01 9:14 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Joanne,  I can't really comment on whether the unit you are looking at has any quality to it or not.  I have not heard of them at all.  Also not being into power (other than Trainer Road) I have not done much research on power meters at all.  My suggestion would be to take some time and make sure you get what you need after some really good research.  If you are trying to get something quick it will most likely result in frustration and more purchases to make things work correctly.  I know it is the right time of year to mask some purchases to save money but it's only beneficial if they are made with the right information.

I am a Garmin guy too.  If you purchase a 310 or a 910 you can get s few other things, such as a speed/cadence sensor, for minimal cost and get a lot of benefit from them.

if I remember correctly I think Warren purchased an entry level power meter last year? But I think it was something like $600. My memory is poor though, and he would need to give input.

are you looking to have power outside on the road? If you are then that is going to be expensive, but if you are looking to have something for the trainer, Dirks suggestion is best. I use a garmin speed sensor, HR monitor to get virtual power on trainer road, and it works well. Plus if you use trainer road you do not need the watch, just the cadence, hr monitor and USB stick. So for about $100 you could have virtual power. But as said earlier, it is only on the trainer and not out on the road.

2013-12-01 9:55 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
JoAnne I was going to recommend the same, do some research and homework on the iBike product. I know I looked at it last year just because of the price. If you go forward with it and get more info on it let us know. If really measures power and is accurate then you can't beat that price and it would be worth it since you can use it for all your bike riding.

2013-12-01 11:58 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by mambos

Originally posted by DirkP

Joanne,  I can't really comment on whether the unit you are looking at has any quality to it or not.  I have not heard of them at all.  Also not being into power (other than Trainer Road) I have not done much research on power meters at all.  My suggestion would be to take some time and make sure you get what you need after some really good research.  If you are trying to get something quick it will most likely result in frustration and more purchases to make things work correctly.  I know it is the right time of year to mask some purchases to save money but it's only beneficial if they are made with the right information.

I am a Garmin guy too.  If you purchase a 310 or a 910 you can get s few other things, such as a speed/cadence sensor, for minimal cost and get a lot of benefit from them.

if I remember correctly I think Warren purchased an entry level power meter last year? But I think it was something like $600. My memory is poor though, and he would need to give input.

are you looking to have power outside on the road? If you are then that is going to be expensive, but if you are looking to have something for the trainer, Dirks suggestion is best. I use a garmin speed sensor, HR monitor to get virtual power on trainer road, and it works well. Plus if you use trainer road you do not need the watch, just the cadence, hr monitor and USB stick. So for about $100 you could have virtual power. But as said earlier, it is only on the trainer and not out on the road.

Yah, I bought a Stages power meter for the Shimano 105 crank. The power meter is a crank arm, so if you have the same crank on your bikes you can swap it out between TT and road bike in about 30 seconds. I love it. Training with with power is a game changer.

Great game for the Boys on T-day, and I was watching Ohio State-Michigan thinking about Matt and Dirk. What a great finish and even though it didn't work, I really love the attitude to go for the win.

I'm having a really tough issue to deal with. Thanksgiving night, I had intense pain, in my ... um .. groin area. It was take your breath away, can't think type pain. For you boys out there, very similar to what it feels like just as the ball hits you in that sensitive area, but constant. Well, after a full day of poking, prodding, fluid analysis, etc., the best diagnosis is that i have an ilioinguinal nerve entrapment. If I sit completely still it's not **too** bad, but when I move around I am debilitated for 10-20 minutes while the pains subsides. NSAIDs would help, but I have a severe allergic reaction to them so i can't take them.

I hate complaining, but I'm just letting you guys know since you're my support group, so say a prayer for me and I really hope it goes away soon so I can get back to training!!!!!
2013-12-01 5:22 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Warren all I can say is oh man that is not the place to be hurting. I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing and I hope that it subsides quickly and that you're feeling better soon. I'll definitely say a prayer for you and hope you can get back to training soon.

Well I didn't get my MTN bike ride in today and settled for a ride on the trainer instead. The long story is the dog has not been feeling well the last two days. My wife got up with her early yesterday and she got up at 3 am last night with her. Needless to say I got up as well and really didn't sleep much. I got up early again to take her out and it was wet and overcast so I didn't think I'd get out there to MTN bike early like I planned. But then it would up clearing out and it was beautiful and warm today. So my wife slept in and I didn't want to bother her. By the time I could have gotten out there it was already early afternoon and I really didn't want to get back late so I passed. I wavered back and forth on whether to go or not and just didn't pull the trigger. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't make better use of my time this past week and that I only got two rides in but I still have two weeks vacation coming up at the end of December which I can take advantage of and get some more time in on the MTN bike.
2013-12-01 7:12 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Hey Jen give it a little time it's only been 3 months and you have got a lot going on but I know how it goes trying to find balance. And I think all of us have put on at least 6 pounds so your right there with the rest of us

Warren ( I hope you feel better soon!!

Tony what's going on with your dog? Hope she's feeling better soon too.

Brenda I believe you said you got the book swim speed secrets how is it??

Karl have a good trip/ work week!!

I have not been feeling 100% lately either I don't feel sick but have been really tired. I actually slept 12 hrs Friday night and 10 hours last night then I tried to ride today and just felt weak, I did get in I think about 40 minutes but it was a struggle. I am starting tomorrow to get back on track with my eatting and hopefully can bounce back in a couple days.
2013-12-01 9:35 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Hey Junkies!

 (Dirk- I know you're going to look at my training log which I have been horrible about keeping updated).

Dirk- I understand how you feel about placement, I have stepped away form all short distances racing so that I won't aggravate my IT band and it felt strange to watch my friends have amazing times at the Turkey Trot this year. I opted for a mountain biking session Thursday morning with a friend. It was completely empty, and I took a fall trying to cross over a bridge. Both my pedals banged into my upper legs and now I have two beautiful softball size bruises on my legs.

Glad to see you checking in and keeping us up to date on what's going on for you. 

And yes......I checked up on your logs.........and found very little.  I know the job change was going to be a challenge for you.  All of the added hours you had been working right after you took the job seemed as though you might have some training conflicts, especially with young children.

Running 3 days a week for marathon training would seem a little scarce to me.  Getting that 4th run in every week might not be super hard depending on what distance you need to get in.  The 4th run should be short, for the most part.  Depending on where you're at in your training it may get harder toward the end because even the short runs can be 5+ miles.

Be careful on that mountain bike!  We've heard a few stories of mountain bike crashes in the past year or so.  So far everyone has had minor injuries but we don't need to start anything more anytime soon.

Okay Dirk -- I'm penciling in the 4th run for each week. We shall see what happens. I hate pressing my luck with my IT band, but as of now, I am in uncharted waters (pun intended). I am dropping a bike ride so that I can get an extra run in.

Mon: Run - 4 miles, Bike-35 miles

Tues: Run - 8 miles

Wed:  Run - 4 miles, Swim??

Thurs: Bike -25 miles

Fri: Run - 17 miles (if this gets cancelled, I will run this on Saturday). Swim??

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