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2008-04-22 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
The Smartfeet inserts are awesome. My wife and I have done some long-distance backpacking (on the Appalachian Trail) and we both use Smartfeet in our boots. They have saved us several times.

2008-04-22 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1354458

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
kleinrider - 2008-04-22 12:30 PM

erjewels32 - 2008-04-16 6:50 PM I have been checking out the website and thinking about possibly trying some of the workouts, but I have some questions...Maybe someone will know the answers. 1. Is the IM always fly, backstroke, and breaststroke in that order or can it be changed up? I don't know how to 'fly' so I would have to skip that, I guess. 2. An example in the workout says 3x50 free (Kick). Is that with a kickboard and face out of the water just to work on kick? 3. When the workout states something like this 1x4x100 free on 1:55...does it mean to start on 1:55? So if I finish 100 in 1:50, I would have 5 seconds until I start the next 100? I tried looking up the answers online, but wasn't successful.

1.i don't think the order really matter.. i don't do the IM when it says i just swim free. 

2.  yes you kick using a kickboard.. it it says fins you use your kick board and fins... face out of water..

3.  I am not 100% sure on this one, but i think you got it right.... if you need a few more seconds take them, cause i sure...

this is a great website, i use it for all my swim workouts..

Thanks so much John!!!! You mentioned the website to me a while back and I never did anything with it. I think it would give me some structure to my swims.

Are you ready for your 1/2 Mary this weekend? You're going to do awesome
2008-04-22 12:57 PM
in reply to: #1354716

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
merrymound - 2008-04-22 1:45 PM

The Smartfeet inserts are awesome. My wife and I have done some long-distance backpacking (on the Appalachian Trail) and we both use Smartfeet in our boots. They have saved us several times.

Where can you purchase the Smartfeet inserts?
2008-04-22 1:02 PM
in reply to: #1354756

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I bought mine at a local running store.  They are a bit stiffer than what you generally get with your shoe.  I really have appreciated the extra support the past few days I have worn them.  Takes some getting used to.  I think they're about $35.
2008-04-22 1:33 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

did my 5k on Sat... overall it was a slow 5k, there was no high school or college kids running... the first place guy was 20 mins or something...

i finished in 23:02... which got me 3rd place in my AG... this is my first ever AG award.   I was feeling pretty good until about 1.5.  I still felt good, but i was afraid to push myself to go all out.  I've had this fear since i've been doing tri's.  I can't get past it, i know it really doesn't matter if i blow up in a 5k, and by pushing myself during training will help my fear, but i just don't do it... If i had to work on one thing this year, this is the thing...

2008-04-22 1:42 PM
in reply to: #1354872

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
kleinrider - 2008-04-22 1:33 PM

did my 5k on Sat... overall it was a slow 5k, there was no high school or college kids running... the first place guy was 20 mins or something...

i finished in 23:02... which got me 3rd place in my AG... this is my first ever AG award.   I was feeling pretty good until about 1.5.  I still felt good, but i was afraid to push myself to go all out.  I've had this fear since i've been doing tri's.  I can't get past it, i know it really doesn't matter if i blow up in a 5k, and by pushing myself during training will help my fear, but i just don't do it... If i had to work on one thing this year, this is the thing...

I don't think 23:02 is anything to sneeze at.  And CONGRATS on the hardware!!!!!!

I'm with you on that all out thing.  I blew up at my first Oly distance and have had some hesitation ever since.  I've been toying with the idea of a mental training book I saw at Amazon.

My other thought was to do my first tri this season all out ... what's the worst that could happen?  I blow up on the run? 

I read in Runner's World this month that if you have the legs to sprint at the end, you didn't leave enough out on the course.  Food for thought ...

2008-04-22 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1354899

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

thanks for the book... sounds like a good read...

here is some advice for my mentees.  Get over this fear early in your triathlon life...  do yourself a favor do some training (running) all out, about 95% of your max, not a full out sprint, but as fast as you can hold for 3 miles. In fact blowing up would be a good thing. This training will help you know what it feels like to go all out and blow up, this way when you are racing you'll know when to back off a little bit so you don't blow up...  this is the training that i lack and i need to work on...

with that being said do as i say not as i do...

Of course you don't have to do this for your 1st triathlon, but it's something to think about in the future...

2008-04-22 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

John that's great advice ... I never really thought about that aspect of the race.  Great suggestion that I think I will have to think about where I might be able to do that prior to my June 15th race.

For the swim questions (sorry a touch late on this one).  IM order is always Fly, Back, Breat, Free if you are swimming individually (order changes if it is a relay).

3x50 (Kick) would mean a Kick set ... with a kick board is typically the case unless you have a hard a** coach like I did and made us do our kick sets in streamline position without fins.

100's on 1:55 you are correct ... you are trying to stay consistant with the pace ... if you come back on 1:50 then you have 5 secs before going again.

Hope the week has started great for everyone! 

2008-04-23 6:45 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I got my Superfeet at a backpacking store. They range from about $35-$55.

That is awesome that you finished 3rd in your AG, John! I need to find a race with a primarily geriatric set of participants to finish in my AG.

I think that the mental training book that was recommended looks good. I am currently taking a number of psychology classes and the new hot book about mental improvement is called "Mindset" by Carol Dweck. This is not necessarily for athletes but for a more general audience. It discusses how you can use your mind to overcome any obstacle. It is definitely worth reading.

2008-04-24 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

doing another race this weekend...   I am doing a 1/2 marathon on Sunday.  I am going to do my best.  my PR for this race is 1:52 and change, needless to say i hope to beat this time. 

I'll keep you posted.

Edited by kleinrider 2008-04-24 8:35 AM
2008-04-24 10:46 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Good luck with your upcoming events. I am going to try to do a 5k on May 3. I have to look into it, though.

2008-04-24 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1358929

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
kleinrider - 2008-04-24 9:31 AM

doing another race this weekend...   I am doing a 1/2 marathon on Sunday.  I am going to do my best.  my PR for this race is 1:52 and change, needless to say i hope to beat this time. 

I'll keep you posted.

Good luck this weekend, John!!! I hope you'll be able to reach your goal.

2008-04-27 8:08 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Here are the weekly totals as of 4/27:

Name Goal Completed % to Goal

Josh 60 mi 40.1 66.9%

John 85 mi 52.3 61.5%

Erin 510 min 435 min. 85.3%

Jennie's numbers were taken off of the tally due to unfortunate medical circumstances but I am confident she will return to superb health and continue her training.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Good luck hitting your training goals! Only 3 days left in April!

Edited by merrymound 2008-04-27 8:09 PM
2008-04-28 7:08 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

You'll be happy to know i did PR that 1/2 this weekend.   Like i said before my PR WAS 1:52, yesterday i ran 1:48.  Needless to say i was very pleased. 

This 1/2 marathon like some other 1/2 marys have pace groups.  So i put myself in the 1:50 group.  I started the race in front of the 1:50 group, hoping i could stay in front of the group, if not then i would hope just to finish with them.  1st few miles i was doing well i was keeping a 8:09 pace, i mean mile 2, 3 and 4 were all 8:09s.  Mile 5 and 6 were a little slower (8:16 & 8:11).  On the way to mile 7 two girls asked if i was keeping my 1:50 pace, i said "I am a little ahead of the group, but i make no promises" so i could hear them talking saying they wanted to stay with me.  I don't know if this got my ego all pumped up but i ended up putting in a 7:49 mile.  And i have no business putting in a 7:49 mile.  Now we were in the park, the park is so nice to run in, but i don't like running on the trail it seems my foot slips from under me and i feel like i run slower. Mile 8 was 8:31, mile 9, 8:00. I knew i had to pick my pace up, so mile 10 (semi-hilly) 8:57, where did that 8:57 come from??  Finally got my pace back at mile 11 with a 8:00.  Then it went back down to a 9:00 at mile 12, not really sure why, i didn't feel like i slowed down at all.  The last mile i knew i had to pick up the pace so i could get under 1:50.  I started to pick up the pace i entered the track made the last turn, saw the race clock and knew i had it.  I got my PR 1:48:46!!   Oh yeah my last mile .1 was 8:57 

I knew i wanted to PR the race, i didn't put any pressure on myself, i just wanted to run as steady as i could and that is exactly what i did.  Hooray for me!!!!!   Thanks to my training partner Kevin for pushing my on those Thurs and Sat runs.

2008-04-28 12:53 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Very nice run, John. You should be pleased. Congratulations.
2008-04-30 9:25 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

2008-04-30 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
Well, I am going to miss my April training goal. I was planning on making a hard push at the end of the month but my night classes took precedence and I ended up not being able to run at all this week. I still feel like I improved this month and ran more than I have ever done. So, even though I missed the goal, I'm not too depressed by it. May 1st begins my "official" training for my August race. I am doing the 12 week plan laid out in the triathlon book I have (the name of which escapes me.) I hope everyone is doing well and training hard.
2008-04-30 1:06 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

When are the first tri's?  I've got my first one on the 18th of May.  Nice and chilly for the Midwest.  Last year it was 45 degrees out when I got out of the pool and ran to transition.  That was one frosty bike ride!  I started to feel sorry for myself but then I figured everyone else was dealing with the cold too.  And honestly, I'd rather be cold than hot.  Makes me run faster.

Hope everyone is well!!

2008-04-30 2:24 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I, too, missed my goal for the month. I could go out today and run the last 38 minutes, but I have a workout already planned and a run planned for tomorrow. If I hadn't missed my run this past Sunday I would have made my goal.

My first tri is also on May 18th. It will be my 2nd triathlon and first Olympic distance. I'm getting excited, but definitely nervous. I hear the bike and run are all hills and the lake water is going to be freezing. I don't feel that I have trained as much as I would have liked on the bike, but it'll be a learning experience. Any suggestions?

I'm also running in a 10-mile run this Sunday. I ran it 2 years ago when I was very early in my pregnancy and had a great time. Wish you were able to run this year, John!!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!
2008-04-30 8:30 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
2008-05-02 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
I am only running one tri this summer. It didn't even occur to me to run more than one. It is on August 3. Only thing I am worried about right now is that I'll be swimming in Lake Erie by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame which is a particularly polluted piece of lake. Hope everyone is doing well.

2008-05-06 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1372999

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

erjewels32 - 2008-04-30 3:24 PM I, too, missed my goal for the month. I could go out today and run the last 38 minutes, but I have a workout already planned and a run planned for tomorrow. If I hadn't missed my run this past Sunday I would have made my goal. My first tri is also on May 18th. It will be my 2nd triathlon and first Olympic distance. I'm getting excited, but definitely nervous. I hear the bike and run are all hills and the lake water is going to be freezing. I don't feel that I have trained as much as I would have liked on the bike, but it'll be a learning experience. Any suggestions? I'm also running in a 10-mile run this Sunday. I ran it 2 years ago when I was very early in my pregnancy and had a great time. Wish you were able to run this year, John!!!! Happy Wednesday!!!

The bike really isn't that bad with a ton of hills, if i remember a handful of the hills you go up after coming down, so it's not bad.... Now the run is a different story.  The run is hilly, no doubt about it.. The run for some reason does go fast, i guess cause you focus on the hills so much next thing you know the run is over.... The water may not be that cold, we've had a lot of sunshine the past few weeks, so that might warm up the lake....   it's very very normal to feel you haven't trained enough, but trust me you have.  Look back at your logs, you have done a ton of quaility training.  You are ready and you are going to do GREAT...   And kick your sisters a$$.... 

How did you do on the run???     I can do Broad St next year, may work thing is in June...

Edited by kleinrider 2008-05-06 7:53 AM
2008-05-06 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full
my 1st race is on June 22nd, philly tri.  2nd time doing this race, first time they canceled the swim due to rain, i hope it doesn't happen again, i am looking forward to the swim... You swim with the current.
2008-05-06 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

I was wondering where the swim was in Philly but wow ... sounds like it should be fun.  My brother lived in Philly for about 12 years.  Was a chef at Le Bec Fin.  I miss visiting there.  Maybe I'll need to do an out of town race next season .....

2008-05-06 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1107835

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Montgomery County, PA
Subject: RE: kleinrider - Full

Thanks so much for the boost of confidence!!!! It makes me feel good to hear you say I've had some solid training. I am so excited to have come this far over the past few months. I can now swim a mile and I'm running better than I have in a long time. Joining this mentor group was the best thing I could have done. Thank you !

I would LOVE to kick my sister's a**, but she has years of experience on me and she'll never in a million years let me get close to her. LOL!! She has been an awesome training partner/ coach and has really pushed me on the run.

Broad Street was awesome! I heard 23,000 signed up this year; only 19,111 finishers. The subway was super crowded as always and it was a parking lot trying to leave. I think we tried to get out of the parking lot for an hour. I finished in 1:22:45. Overall, I was happy with my time. I think I would have done better if I hadn't have dressed so warm! I think Meg finished in 1:17. Her chip didn't work so there isn't any record of her even running. She wasn't too happy about that!

Good luck with the Philly tri!!!! I'm not sure I have it in me to swim in that River.

Edited by erjewels32 2008-05-06 8:57 AM
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