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2007-07-06 11:25 AM
in reply to: #870208

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
GEEZ, Rob. Way to finish under those conditions. I am quite sure that I would have quit. The cold, the vision.... awesome job!!

Marathon training is going well. We are at 14 miles tomorrow. I'm not that crazy about training for a fall race...last time I did a spring marathon and ALL of the long runs were in the cooler weather. In fact, my first 20 mile run started at 35 degrees, but ended around 65. Now I'm having to do all the long runs in July, August, and September. Even at 5am the humidity and the heat are nasty.

But its going well

2007-07-06 1:28 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi I feel for you, this heat/humidity is brutal. Keep it up you will be glad when fall rolls around. How do you like using the HR monitor?
2007-07-06 1:29 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi I feel for you, this heat/humidity is brutal. Keep it up you will be glad when fall rolls around. How do you like using the HR monitor?
2007-07-06 2:21 PM
in reply to: #870208

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
You got me all wrong, Rob. Even though I train in the cold, I don't love it. In fact I hate cold water, when I’m diving I’m always cold, even in a drysuit. But I will remember this, when I do my first full Ironman. If you could complete after what you went through, so can I! Not that I have planned an ironman yet, but I will get there someday.

We are having autumn here right now, lots of rain. We had the wettest June in a hundred years. But between the clouds there is sun. Jette and I was out on a bike trip today, she just got at race bike and this was her first trip. 36 km @ 26 km/h – quite good for a beginner. She has also started swimming in the club, so maybe next year she will become a triathlete as well.

I will attend some sprint triathlons over the summer, before my ¼ ironman In August. I guess that I will skip my marathon this autumn, and concentrate on ½ marathon instead. I very focused on a ½ ironman next year.

Happy training to you all. And Mandy, send a little sun this way, we need it!


Edited by DDTech 2007-07-06 2:26 PM
2007-07-06 4:09 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hey guys,

Just getting back from 2 weeks vacation. I was planning on doing the Pacific Open water Challenge Aquathlon in Long Beach but messed up my shoulder rock climbing in Yosemite (more like rock scrambling). I ended up doing the 5K.
Other than that haven't been doing much training. I have a 10 mile race coming up in August and a few Sprint Tris in September. I was going to try and shoot for a Fall marathon but I should have started that training about 3 weeks ago.
I have to get motivated again, especially to lose the 8-10 pounds I gained on vacation.


Great job on the Ironman. I agree with the others. I KNOW that I wouldn't have been able to finish under those conditions.
2007-07-09 3:57 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

Happy birthday!

Congratulations Mandy

As always I was looking over the training logs and saw your comment.
What a nice way to spend your day, 14 miles – more than a ½ marathon.
Keep it up in the heat

Best regards

2007-07-09 5:35 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Thanks for the heads up Hans. Happy birthday Mandi!!! Hope you had a great weekend.
2007-07-09 9:41 PM
in reply to: #876842

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
So my secret's out!

Thanks guys

I was actually happy that my birthday fell on a long run day. It was fun!! I guess now that I know folks are looking at my logs, I need to step it up a little bit during the week! I need to anyway now that the mileage is getting up there.

I think I talked my mom into doing a half marathon with me. She's quite sedentary, so she will only be able to walk it, but I'm thinking maybe my fitness is rubbing off!? So I get to add the Breast Cancer Half Marathon in February in Jacksonville, FL to my list of events.

Edited by mlbwalk 2007-07-09 9:42 PM
2007-07-15 11:11 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Mandi did you run in altamonte sat? You should have messaged me I would have come out and ran with you. Hans looks like you have been hitting the pool, how is it coming? Everyone have a great week.
2007-07-15 1:50 PM
in reply to: #886338

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi everyone

This has been a great weekend here in Denmark. Yesterday I did a sprint tri, 1/10 Ironman. The weather was perfect. After it has been raining for ages, it was dry and warm.
Hopefully I will have the race report finished tonight.

I have been swimming a lot lately, and it's starting to pay off. Last Wednesday in the pool I had the success feeling of swimming 100m freestyle slowly, without drowning. I still have a long way to mastering freestyle, but I have made great progress in the last few months.

Tuesday I will attend a "bi-athlon", some of my friends and I are going to mountain bike, cross-country run and shooting with an airgun. If you fail to hit the targets, you will have to do a penalty lap. A different kind of training.

I let you know how it goes.

Regards from Denmark
2007-07-15 2:03 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Great job guys.
I haven't been able to run for about 2 weeks. I'm starting to think it's a stress fracture. Going to make an appointment this week.
If that's what it turns out to be I'll be working on my swimming for a few weeks. :-)


2007-07-15 2:04 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
On another note.

Have any of you checked out
It's a site that will track all your races and results. It's my new addiction.
2007-07-15 4:08 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Steve sorry to hear about your leg. That sucks! Hans congrats on the race. I have not been able to get myself to do much since my race I guess I need to get off my butt. Steve thanks for the heads up.
2007-07-15 7:14 PM
in reply to: #886536

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Rob--I ran on what I think is called the Seminole-Wekiva trail. I ran from Gum St and 434 (my parents house) down Montgomery to Central Parkway...picked up the trail and ran on it to Burger King and then went back down 434 to their house. I was only out there for about 40 minutes. I definitely wish I would have asked you about that trail!! With some better planning, I could have taken advantage of the fact that it runs (I think!?) from Westmonte Park all the way past Heathrow. What a cool trail though. Lots of shade on the part that I ran on.

NOTE TO EVERYONE---I saw my 12 year old cousin this weekend, and she went on and on about her favorite (female) teacher who she described as an "Ironman ." She is now totally obsessed with the whole triathlon I told her that if she signed up for a tri that had a kids and an adult division.....I would do it with her. I introduced her to, and I'm quite sure that I'll have a sprint tri back on my schedule within the next few months...
2007-07-19 3:52 PM
in reply to: #886702

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Nice to hear, Mandy. Sometimes we need a push to get started.

Better late than never - my race report from Saturday is uploaded. And a breif description on my "Bi-athlon" Tuesday, are in my training blog.

2007-07-23 5:46 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Sorry I have been out of the loop. Was in Las vegas for a class and did no training. I really am feeling lazy. Hans the bi sounds like it was a fun event. Mandi that train is nice and the stretch down markham woods road is a great run. Message me next time and I will come out and try to run with you. Steve how is the leg? Have a great week everyone.

2007-07-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
hey guys,

The leg is doing a little better. I'm icing and taking some anti-inflammatories. Having it checked again after 2 weeks. I've been doing some easy swimming and jogging. I'm going to attempt a spin class tonight.
I would like to get in another Sprint Tri before the end of the season. I've had to scrap a 10 Mile race at the end of August.
I need to keep doing something because I've gained about 5 pounds in the last couple of weeks.
2007-08-01 11:51 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans don't you have a race coming up? Good luck. Steve how is the leg?
2007-08-06 3:18 AM
in reply to: #909717

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Yes, I did have a race, but I was a bit sick. The "summer" in Denmark has been very windy, rainy and cold, so I ended up with the flu. Now I'm back at work, the weather is nice (of cause, my holidays are over) and I’m feeling fine.

In fact I had two races yesterday, either a ½ marathon or a 30km time trail, but I stayed home and took a ride on the bike, with Jette.

Next weekend we are organizing a sprint triathlon, so I’ve been busy with sponsors and planning. Unfortunately the weather forecast is not what we have hoped for, so we are having our fingers crossed.

Regards Hans
2007-08-11 8:43 AM
in reply to: #914292

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi again

My 3rd tri and I finished as #10 in 1:03:55 (400 m - 18 km - 4.2 km)
The swim was indoor in a pool. Hilly bike route and the same goes for the run.

Had a good race and was 3rd in my agegroup

Quiet streesful as I had to help organize and race, but everything went smoothly.

2 weekes to my 1/4 Ironman - I can't wait!

Full report in some days


Edited by DDTech 2007-08-11 8:43 AM
2007-08-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans nice job on the race. Look forward to you rr, they are always good to read. Have a good weak.

2007-08-15 6:07 AM
in reply to: #922598

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi all

I have up loaded the race report; pictures will follow in a day or two.

Yesterday I attended the DHL 5x5 km relay with the company. We were 3 run teams, but a colleague was sick, so I had to run his shift. I was to start as first runner in second start group, 500 runners in each start group so I had quiet a struggle to zigzag in and out between all the slower runners. But it was an ok race, new PB with 10 sec. It's a hilly route, with one very long hill. After a break I had to run 4th shift, about an hour after the first.

The evening ended with a huge firework. More than 8000 runners were participating


Edited by DDTech 2007-08-15 6:13 AM
2007-08-15 7:58 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Way to go on the PR. Sounds like it was a great event. Keep up all the hard work Hans.
2007-08-25 5:54 PM
in reply to: #926362

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I know my logs look like I've dropped off the face of the planet, but I haven't been keeping track of my training online.

I'm still in for the NYC marathon on November 4th. Did 18 miles today, only 2 long runs left!

I hope everyone else's training is going well!
2007-08-27 2:42 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

I did it again - 1/4 Ironman in 2:55:57

Not the time I had hoped for, but the conditions were difficult, Heavy wind!

But I'm satisfied with my performance.

Full race report in a couple of days

This was my last triathlon of the season, now it's "only" training and some ½ marathon races.
Jette will attend her first triathlon in 2 weeks, a women’s only sprint (200m/10km/2km)

How is everybody doing?

Regards Hans
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