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2009-01-15 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1909198

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

esc - 2009-01-15 9:08 AM Yeah.  It's about -10 here with windchills in the -30 range.  I'm dreading having to walk around campus today.  I am ready for winter to be over!

 Hell people, I live in the deep south and woke up to 30 ish degree weather and it is supposed to be even colder tomorrow...what the, is hell freezing over?  It isn't supposed to be this cold!

2009-01-15 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Same here in NC ... was like mid 20's this morning, getting up to low 40's this afternoon, back down to 20's tonight, teen's tomorrow ... and into the single digits by the end of the week ...

... I have tomorrow off ... so I will try to get in a good long bike ride during the afternoon when hopefully it will be somewhat warm ... was going to wait till Sat or Sun after I have the LBS check my seat setup once more ... but it may be too cold this weekend to get in a ride ...


2009-01-15 4:00 PM
in reply to: #1909315

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-15 10:36 AM

esc - 2009-01-15 9:08 AM Yeah.  It's about -10 here with windchills in the -30 range.  I'm dreading having to walk around campus today.  I am ready for winter to be over!

 Hell people, I live in the deep south and woke up to 30 ish degree weather and it is supposed to be even colder tomorrow...what the, is hell freezing over?  It isn't supposed to be this cold!

You know what -10 degree weather does?  It makes you long for 30ish degree weather.  You may be chilly but I'm jealous!

In related news...I saw a hardcore runner out today.  He inspired me for about 2 seconds.  I thought, "I can do that.  It won't be too cold as long as I cover up and keep moving."  Then I realized I'm not that dedicated to being in the great outdoors.  I will suffer the treadmill when the weatherman says things like, "Only go outside if you have to."  No arguments from me.  Treadmill it is!

2009-01-15 7:02 PM
in reply to: #1910534

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
esc - 2009-01-15 5:00 PM
msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-15 10:36 AM

esc - 2009-01-15 9:08 AM Yeah.  It's about -10 here with windchills in the -30 range.  I'm dreading having to walk around campus today.  I am ready for winter to be over!

 Hell people, I live in the deep south and woke up to 30 ish degree weather and it is supposed to be even colder tomorrow...what the, is hell freezing over?  It isn't supposed to be this cold!

You know what -10 degree weather does?  It makes you long for 30ish degree weather.  You may be chilly but I'm jealous!

In related news...I saw a hardcore runner out today.  He inspired me for about 2 seconds.  I thought, "I can do that.  It won't be too cold as long as I cover up and keep moving."  Then I realized I'm not that dedicated to being in the great outdoors.  I will suffer the treadmill when the weatherman says things like, "Only go outside if you have to."  No arguments from me.  Treadmill it is!

At least you are doing better than me tonight!!

I was going to go for a Dreadmill run tonight as well, but when I got home and got out of the car, rolled the trash can down to the road, checked the mail, and finally got inside ... I was chilled to the bone ... so tonight will end up being a recovery night for me.

(gotta get my rest for the long bike rode tomorrow, right?Wink


Edited by klowman 2009-01-15 7:03 PM
2009-01-16 7:55 AM
in reply to: #1909315

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-15 10:36 AM

esc - 2009-01-15 9:08 AM Yeah.  It's about -10 here with windchills in the -30 range.  I'm dreading having to walk around campus today.  I am ready for winter to be over!

 Hell people, I live in the deep south and woke up to 30 ish degree weather and it is supposed to be even colder tomorrow...what the, is hell freezing over?  It isn't supposed to be this cold!

I know what you mean about the cold in the south.  Currently 14 degrees in SC.  I'm sure it is even colder where Kevin is.  Probably single digits.  I guess I did not drive far enough when making my move!  Today is a scheduled run day, but, maybe not.  I think I might hit the pool instead. 

Just thought of something~  How jealous are we of Pam right now.  Probably 60-70. 

2009-01-16 8:13 AM
in reply to: #1911536

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

As I am sure you are aware, just as there is a difference in the "heat" in the south and everywhere else, there is also a difference in the cold.  I have traveled all over the world and been in places that were in the negative degrees, however, it always seems colder here in the southern US, I guess it's the humidity!

How jealous are we of Pam, man, the weather there is probably like springtime.

Anyway, how's everyone doing on their training?  I blew off my run yesterday because it was so dang cold....I am going to try and make it up today and do a run/swim brick (indoors)!  I really really want to go out for a long bike ride tomorrow, but the temps are supposed to be in the teens.  Supposed to be in the lower 40's by noo, maybe I can get out and ride.

2009-01-16 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Yeah.  I think Pam should have invited us all along on her trip.  Clearly, warm weather would help our training.  And maybe the Magical Kingdom would have imbued me with magical speed.  Now we'll never know.  I'm probably doomed to be slow forever and it's all Pam's fault. 

Not much excitement on the training front.  I've got a run planned tonight.  Bike and swim on Saturday.  Run on Sunday.  I'm guessing I'll be stuck indoors for that Sunday run but I'm still hoping the snow will hold off and I'll get clear roads.

2009-01-16 10:53 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

I wimped out on the bike tide today... just too cold for me ... I went to the YMCA and got in a little of each S/B/R

Swam 2100 yds, stationary bike for 50 minnutes, and a 1 mile treadmill brick run after hopping off the stationary bike.


2009-01-17 7:38 AM
in reply to: #1913493

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Nice workout klowman! I'm actually out of town right now in warmer weather, but I don't have access to a bike or pool. I'm trying to run as much as possible, but I can't seem to get motivated enough to run for longer than 30-35 minutes. Hope everyone has good weekends!
2009-01-17 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

I finally dropped the dough and pulled the trigger and committed myself to the Augusta 70.3 Half Ironman race!!!

So right now I'm real motivated to get out and train ... don't want to think I'm just throwing money down the drain ...

Anyhow, got in a 7 mile run today and that's about it.

Hope the weather warms up tomorrow and I can finally get out on the bike.


2009-01-18 7:08 AM
in reply to: #1914221

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
klowman - 2009-01-17 7:41 PM

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

I finally dropped the dough and pulled the trigger and committed myself to the Augusta 70.3 Half Ironman race!!!

So right now I'm real motivated to get out and train ... don't want to think I'm just throwing money down the drain ...

Anyhow, got in a 7 mile run today and that's about it.

Hope the weather warms up tomorrow and I can finally get out on the bike.


Man, that's exciting news about the 70.3.  I still have yet to sign up, but will soon.  I monitor the entries every couple days.  Training looks great.  Nice brick and 7 miler.

2009-01-18 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I just found out some very good and informative news while reading an ITBS thread.  - My pain is not ITBS.  Someone told me that is was located more towards the rear of your leg, but I found it is closer to the side / top.  I feel much better now.  My wife was looking for something for my birthday on Monday and I told her a foam roller so I don't develop any issues.  I can't wait to start using it to prevent injuries  - not heal them!
2009-01-18 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1914638

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-01-18 8:49 AM I just found out some very good and informative news while reading an ITBS thread.  - My pain is not ITBS.  Someone told me that is was located more towards the rear of your leg, but I found it is closer to the side / top.  I feel much better now.  My wife was looking for something for my birthday on Monday and I told her a foam roller so I don't develop any issues.  I can't wait to start using it to prevent injuries  - not heal them!

Great news on the ITBS ... I hear the foam rollers are good, I need to get one myself and maybe I won't have to visit the MT as much ... far as the Augusta 70.3, they update the list only every 2 weeks ... this is why I got nervous and went ahead and registered yesterday - I didn't want to wait too long and then miss out.

They updated the list Jan 6th I think, and since the last 2 week update the number on the list increased from 841 to 958, or by 117 names.  I figure that as word gets out it will start to fill even faster.


Edited by klowman 2009-01-18 8:46 AM
2009-01-18 6:34 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Finally got in another bike ride today, took a slightly different route but oddly enough it was almost exactly the same distance ... I thought I may had gone further.

Did 18.3 miles, but took 70 minutes, for a 15.6 mph average ... I'm disappointed with that.  Last ride I only guestimated how long it took as I wasn't really sure, so figured an hour and thought I average 18.2 mph ... but today I clocked it ...

Also bought bike shorts and wore those today, and that made a pretty big difference, but still got sore and can tell I need lots more conditioning sitting on the saddle for long periods of time.

2009-01-18 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1914638

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-01-18 8:49 AM I just found out some very good and informative news while reading an ITBS thread.  - My pain is not ITBS.  Someone told me that is was located more towards the rear of your leg, but I found it is closer to the side / top.  I feel much better now.  My wife was looking for something for my birthday on Monday and I told her a foam roller so I don't develop any issues.  I can't wait to start using it to prevent injuries  - not heal them!

Unfortunately I spoke to soon.  I did my long run today - 9.36 miles.  Legs felt good.  Stopped and stretched as I felt my right hamstring tighten up just a little.  No big deal.  Then I got home,  took a shower, stretched,  grabbed some lunch and sat down.  After about 45 minutes, I started feeling this pain on the right side of my leg.  Unfortunately it is the exact spot everyone had mentioned before regarding ITBS.  I got out the ice and popped down the Advil.  Not at all happy about this.  I don't know what the deal is.  I have never felt any pain at all in this area before, during, or after any runs of any length.

2009-01-18 7:33 PM
in reply to: #1914665

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
klowman - 2009-01-18 9:46 AM

Jeepguy2358 - 2009-01-18 8:49 AM I just found out some very good and informative news while reading an ITBS thread.  - My pain is not ITBS.  Someone told me that is was located more towards the rear of your leg, but I found it is closer to the side / top.  I feel much better now.  My wife was looking for something for my birthday on Monday and I told her a foam roller so I don't develop any issues.  I can't wait to start using it to prevent injuries  - not heal them!

Great news on the ITBS ... I hear the foam rollers are good, I need to get one myself and maybe I won't have to visit the MT as much ... far as the Augusta 70.3, they update the list only every 2 weeks ... this is why I got nervous and went ahead and registered yesterday - I didn't want to wait too long and then miss out.

They updated the list Jan 6th I think, and since the last 2 week update the number on the list increased from 841 to 958, or by 117 names.  I figure that as word gets out it will start to fill even faster.


Thanks for the update Kevin.

2009-01-19 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Everyone is kind of quiet today....anyone training?
2009-01-19 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Hello, everyone! Finally made it back home after a 2 hour delay in Charlotte. So y'all enjoyed the winter weather, huh It was chilly for Florida on Friday (56) but really nice on Sat and Sun. So what did I do? Walked my butt off at the theme parks. I never ran once even though I brought my shoes and stuff. I was so freakin' sore on Thursday and stiff on Friday. Then I was just plain pooped at the parks on Sat and Sun. My coach is going to kill me! Seriously though, my ankle feels so much better. I think I made the right choice. I have so much run training left to do, there is no point in pushing into an injury in January.

Sorry to hear about the ITBS, Chris. The foam roller does help. Also change up your running routes to avoid "crowned" roads. If it worsens, consider aqua jogging or elliptical training until the pain subsides. Sometimes you have to get creative.

We shall see if it snows here tomorrow. On one hand, I am hoping for snow because it would give me and the kids a chance to sleep in and recover from the trip. On the other hand, I hope it doesn't as I have double workouts, lots of laundry and no food in the house!
2009-01-19 9:37 PM
in reply to: #1916614

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-19 3:53 PM Everyone is kind of quiet today....anyone training?

I finally got out and did something.  Was just being a total couch potato today and just catching up on all the unread threads here on the BT forums ... then got to reading some good run advice ... and got kinda motivated ...

... so I headed out at 4:00 pm today and did my favorite 7 mile run around Salem Lake.

Then headed to the YMCA to stretch out some and use the jacuzzi and steam room.

I'm really sore, my quads are screaming at me ... 7 mile run Sat, then 18 mile bike Sun, and then back to another 7 mile run today ...

2009-01-20 5:44 AM
in reply to: #1917382

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Welcome home Pam, glad to hear the ankle is better.  Bet the kids had a blast!

Kevin,  Good workout on the 7 miler.  I am in the process of adding mileage, of course it's 10 % at a

2009-01-20 6:13 AM
in reply to: #1917548

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Welcome back Pam! I also returned from a vacation yesterday. I couldn't find the motivation to workout after the plane ride and then driving all over Maryland in the snow to pick up the dog, visit the in-laws, etc. Today I woke up early and used my trainer to bike. Tomorrow I've gotta get back to the pool...

2009-01-20 8:37 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Good to have you back Pam.  Sounds like you had a good time.  Completely understand about needing a vacation from your vacation.

I took the day off yesterday to let my legs rest.  I will be back in the pool today.  I got a little encouragement from a thread I started regarding first time with ITBS.  One of the coaches suggested that it could be from tight glutes.  Hopefully this is the case since I sat on my trainer for just over an hour maintaining a fairly high cadence the night before.  I am sure this left my muscles tight.  I have never experienced anything like this at all in the past, so it could just be a fluke thing.  I'm going to try a short run tomorrow and see how it feels.  I should have my roller on Monday, but plan on doing a little strength training at the gym today and will use theirs.

Edited by Jeepguy2358 2009-01-20 9:44 AM
2009-01-20 9:24 AM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Welcome back Pam, Sounds like the family had a great time. Were finally warming up single digits here coming off a week of - 35 air temps and -50 windchill. I am not sure why I live here . As a former millitary wife we have lived all over including overseas and I wouldn't miss the snow and cold for a second . I guess thats what happens, when your spouse loves to hunt fish and all the winter stuff. You end up in timbucktoo!! I guess were even for he doesn't get the tri stuff. I have been getting some good workouts in . Mainly just trying to build my base up slowly for all sports. My run fitness has dropped. I can't belive how slow I have gotten but I have learned over time to be patience and I will get my level of fitness back. I don't have any races untill April. I do have a heavey race schedule this year. We won't lose the snow untill end of March, April and ice dosen't come off lake untill first part of May. Our race season is short. I do race the southern part of the state and some in Iowa . A race for me is always a 3-4 day thing. I have to drive 4 hours drop kids off at grams and head to race site, usally a good drive, but I love the sport and it's been fun. It make it worth the effort.
2009-01-20 12:02 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Welcome back Pam!

Glad you enjoyed your vacation - I'd like to go back to Disney one day myself as a big kid.

Probably not much training going on tonight ... snow and slush all over the roads right now and it will most likely turn to ice later this evening and/or overnight.

Had to come to work today, at 10:30 ... then when we get here they tell us the offices will close at 1:30 pm today ... so pretty much a wasted day ... especially since I commute 1 hr 10 min each way ... and that is on good roads ... took more like 1:45 this moring ... so I will have spent more time driving back and forth to work than actually working ... hehehe


2009-01-20 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Well since the snow skipped us, I got back on the workout wagon. Ran for 45 minutes on the dreadmill and did another cadence/gearing ladder on the trainer for an hour. Workouts are complete. Wish I could say the same about the laundry!

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