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2009-01-22 2:01 PM
in reply to: #1922156

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

craftyazgal - 2009-01-22 10:21 AM I just went back to look at what I've done so far this month. I'm glad I committed to following my training schedule this week. This is week 3 of the 20 week training. I had 4 rest days week 1 and 4 on week 2. I'm only supposed to have 2 rest days each week with the schedule. I am going to say it out loud to you guys so that I feel committed. I know that for me to lose I need to track my food points as well as exercise. I have not been tracking my points and that will get me no where. I have my weigh in tonight and Fridays are when my new tracking starts each week. So I have my journal printed out and I commit to writing down everything that goes in my mouth even if I don't know what the point value is for the next week starting with tomorrow. Keep me accountable! The support here is great. Micro-you have been having awesome workouts.

Don't worry, we will Laughing

2009-01-22 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1922442

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

microspawn - 2009-01-22 12:04 PM I am with you on the accountability - I yell my successes (and failures). It keeps me on track. I'm trying to lose some weight also - How's that for accountability - all my friends, family, co-workers, etc let me know about it!

Great job and cool blog. Down a 10k already, impressive!

2009-01-22 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Well I started this NO-S diet for the new year. For many years (5 +) I have been eating:

breakfast - 1/2 cup oatmeal with protein powder
second breakfast - 1/2 cup oatmeal with protein powder
lunch - 1/2 cup oatmeal with protein powder / grilled chicken or tuna
second lunch - 1/2 cup oatmeal with protein powder
dinner - grilled chicken with steamed vegetables
snack - yogurt with soy milk and fiber one

Yeah - I go heavy on the oatmeal - it is easy, cheap and not too bad for you. However, I got to the point that I was never satiated. I would (and still do sometimes) crave food. So I have switched it up - for the the NO-S is really about no sugar. If I want a treat then I plan the treat. None of this oppertunistic eating - that is where I get in trouble.

Now I have been eating:

breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal with protein powder
lunch - 1/2 cup oatmeal with protein powder / grilled chicken or tuna / post-exercise meal replacement shake
dinner - grilled chicken with steamed begetables

and I am thinking of adding a second dinner to the list -

I am completely open to any and all suggestions - food is an issue for me - years ago I was sedintary, smoked, bad diet and no exercise - also about 75 pounds heavier.
2009-01-22 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-I'll try to get you some WW info. It's really a good plan and nothing is off limits. You just have to count it.

I'll give you a quiz and then that will tell us how many points you are allowed each day.

I really need to get through the deadlines before I can do much else besides train, work, sleep but if I don't get to it before 1/31 for sure after.

As much as I don't like running I think that is my choice tonight because I just encountered a hiccup with my deadline and that is the least of the time committment activity. I'm so glad I am accountable because tonight is for sure a night I would say too heck with the training.
2009-01-22 8:10 PM
in reply to: #1866775

Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Jill -- I think that is awesome on your "sweat run!"  That is pretty much exactly how I started 1.5 yrs ago when I started to run.  I could not run 1/4 without stopping.  So, I started by walking/jogging. A lot more walking than jogging, but slowly/surely I increased the jog and decreased the walk.  All of sudden I could jog a lot more than I could walk and I made it a mile.  Then I found people to encourage me.  I remember a turnin point where I seemed to be stuck on 1.5 miles and a friend challenged me and said I could do 2 miles if I put my mind to it. In other words, if I am mentally tough I could do it. He was right -- I ran 2 miles nonstop that night.  I was so excited and proud.  Then I adopted the "once you conquer the monster, then you can no longer fear the monster" attitude.  You will be running without needing to walk before you know it.  Keep working -- ypu have inspired me. So thanks for the success story!

As for an update...I am on track to make my workouts this week.  Saturday will be the key with having class all day.  My run tonight felt pretty good.  My legs were a little tired after riding the bike a little earlier (not a brick), but after I ran a ways and I looked at my time was really good.  I kept a 10 min/mile pace.  The first time I had been in that range in quite a while!

2009-01-22 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

I am having a really good week. Got in a 4 mi run today and an hour tri swim class at the Y

Looking like my 10 hours of training goal this week should be very achievable.


2009-01-22 11:23 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Jon & Michael great job with sticking with your goals and achieving them. Jon-thanks for saying I was an inspiration.

I decided tonight to push even more just to see how it went. I pushed the wrong button on the TM so it gave me a different workout but I wanted the reading so I stuck with it. It was giving me inclines. I never do inclines so that was uh fun. Here's what I did.

5 min wu around 3 MPH
4 min R (yes 4 min)
1 min W
4 min R
1 min W
4 min R
1 min W
at that point I was at 20 min so I then did
2 min R
1 min W
2 min R
1 min W
2 min R
1 min W
Then I kept it at a 3.0 MPH walk but it was giving me inclines of up to 13 or something like that. I finished out that for the remaining 48 minutes. I hit the cooldown too late so I actually went for 49 minutes I did 2.73 miles.

I'm really excited that I (yes me) actually was able to run for three 4 minute stretches. Keep in mind running for me is only at about 4.5 - 4.8 MPH but again you all have to start somewhere. I'm tired so I'll log my workout in the a.m.

Again if I had not committed I would have skipped my workout. I chose to do it and be 15 minutes late to my TOPS meeting to get it in. Thanks to all of you I'm sticking with my commitment.
2009-01-23 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Great workout CrazyAZgal!

I had a good work out this morning. The swimming is coming easier. I followed the plan to the T. It had me do a lot of easy 300 yard sets with the 4th of the 6th laps at a hard pace. This require the next two laps to be at active recovery (also 10 x 100 yards with the first 25 yards hard the next 75 yards easy). This was a really good workout for me. I remember getting winded in races and not being able to settle down and 'catch' my breath. These drills really stressed the recovery from the hard exertion.

My times are getting faster with the same effort in the pool. I will be starting swim class next month and I am looking forward to getting the time down even more.

Last January my swim times for 100 yards (SLOW - self taught swimmer here) would have been very close to 2 minutes. Now at a comfortable pace they are low 1:40's!!! - that should shave quite a few minutes off of the 1.2 mile swim time in my up coming 1/2 ironman - that is huge to me!

I'm excited!
2009-01-23 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

First of all...I am so impressed/envious with what you all are doing. As I sit here with my leg iced and elevated I can honestly say I am a little jealous! I had my knee scope yesterday. Come to find out, I have some "design flaws" with my knees. I wont bore you with the details, but the Dr. removed nearly 80% of my right meniscus. He seems optimistc that I can return to full physical activity in the next four weeks. I am feeling pretty good this morning. I am able to put weight on my leg and will attempt some extension exercises later today.  

My sweet hubby bought me a bike trainer (CycleOps) and my goal is take it for a spin tomorrow Might as well use my bike for therapy. So that is my measely goal for the week. If any of you need motivation I am iT. At least you can get out and run/bike/ or swim!

2009-01-23 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Aw you guys are an inspiration. I'm having a crazy week, slammed with work meetings and I'm doing a special winter training karate boot camp thing from 6-7am Mon-Sat this week in addition to regular karate from 11-12:30 on Tues/Thurs so I'm just fried. Sore everywhere (and eating like a horse, I'm so hungry). I've been skipping my tri workouts, but I managed to swim 24 min/bike 24 min on Weds and I will try to do that again today. My bum ACL surgery knee is aching and instable from the karate stuff (lots of lunges, squats, jumping) so I'm laying off the running this week (I think I had a bad ACL surgery because it's been 5 years and my knee aches off and on). So my goal for this week is to swim 2x outside of my Master's class. Then I will try to get back to my tri workouts next week. My goal next week is to run 3 times. My 20 week training plan doesn't start until Feb.

Oh I'm loving swimming, have built up to 2 50's without stopping after my first week and I'm actually enjoying it.

Jill - yay, yay, yay for your run/walking intervals. I started there and last week I ran for 24 minutes straight. Good job starting somewhere.

Microspawn - okay, totally scary username and now you're throwing axes and running 6 min miles, wow. Just kidding, I love your posts, motivates me because I have weanie excuses.

I'm gaining weight because I'm sooooo hungry from training have to eat more fruit/veggies.
2009-01-23 11:57 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Micro - I checked out your 13 reso. What an inspiration. You are amazing. Congrats on your journey so far and it sounds like you will go far in 2009.

2009-01-23 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Thanks Trudie - FYI - micro... = James

I had a good run at lunch. Some co-workers and I did a 7 mile run in the sunshine (wonderful day) in just under an hour. I love nice group runs - the pace was a little fast - just a little - A nice end to the week - 3100 yard swim and 7 mile run - the weather will be nice tomorrow and I will get a good bike ride in - for the total as a week it has been good - one day was a little too hard and I knew when to call it ! I'm learning.

Don't make fun - but ballroom dancing tonight!

2009-01-23 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Ballroom dancing sounds fun.

I would love to go for a bike ride but I must make further progress on the deadline so today is a rest day.

I hope the sun will come back out tomorrow so I can do an outside ride. I left both of my longer days until the end I should have done one of them earlier this week.

Eating is going well today.
2009-01-24 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Light rain here in Mississippi this morning. I am already dragging - I had hoped to be out on the bike about 30 minutes ago. It is hard for me to start a bike ride in the rain but almost equally as hard to do a session on the trainer. I had wanted to do a 50 mile ride but will settle for a more intense 1 hour ride on the trainer. Low cadence intervals to build strength - not fun for me - I like to spin at 95 - 100 RPMS. I'm not a masher but the strength will help with the hills of Louisville in August.
2009-01-24 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-I understand getting out there when it's raining. At least you have the trainer to use though.

Change in plans for last night. I know myself and if I left both of my long days until Sat & Sun that I would regret it. I made this commitment and I was going to follow through so I did it.

I was burned out at work so I left and went and did my long ride on the stationary bike at the gym. They have new bikes and TM with individual tvs on them so that was a lot easier than either having to watch sports or politics on the big tv.

I had to play mind games with myself plus the bike only lets you program in 60 minutes. So
here's what I did:

38:00 8 miles 211 calories-set it for cardio. I tried to keep it between 75-100 RPM. Most of the time I was around 88-91 sometimes went over 100. This is on the bike that has you sit more upright

Stayed on the upright bike and did 35:00 6.56 miles 180 calories-set it for hills but it didn't seem to do much. Did drop below 75 RPM a few times but still tried to keep around 85-90 most of the time.

After being on the bike for 73 minutes I really just wanted to go home but I wanted to get the full session in so I switched to the bike that has a back and you are more horizontal when you sit than upright. I set it for fat burn and did 25:00 8.55 miles 112 calories. I don't really remember how I did for RPM but around the 19-20 minute mark I pushed myself to keep it at 100 for a minute.

I'm wondering why I can cover more miles in less time on the sitting back bike. Any thoughts?
2009-01-24 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-Here are the questions I need you to answer so I can tell you how many Weight Watcher Points you can have in a day.

1.) Male/Female/Nursing Mom (ok, that one is obvious)
2.) How old are you?
3.) What do you weigh?
4.) How tall are you? (under 5'1", 5'1"-5'10" or over 5'10")
5.) Do you spend most of your day: (don't include training this is your professional work)
a.) Sitting down, (e.g. receptionist, bus or cab driver)
b.) occassionally sitting but mainly standing (e.g. sales person, housewife, cook, teacher)
c.) Walking most of the time? (e.g. waiter, mailman)
d.) Doing physically hard work most of the time? (e.g. nurse, gardener, construction worker)

I have some questions about your typical menu:
breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal with protein powder
1.) is that 1 cup cooked oatmeal
2.) do you use milk or sugar on it
3.) look up the calories/fat/fiber for the amount of protein powder you put in

lunch - 1/2 cup oatmeal with protein powder / grilled chicken or tuna / post-exercise meal replacement shake
1.) is that 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal
2.) do you use milk or sugar on it
3.) look up the calories/fat/fiber for the amount of protein powder you put in
4.) how much grilled chicken or tuna and do you use any oil/butter when you cook it
5.) look up the calories/fat/fiber for the meal replacement shake

dinner - grilled chicken with steamed begetables
1.) how much grilled chicken do you use any oil/butter when you cook it
2.) quantity of steamed veggies and do you use any oil/butter when you cook it

I decided to take a guess on your quiz answers and also on the points in your typical day. If I'm correct no wonder you are starved. Let's figure it out and get you fueled dude.

Tell me foods you absolutely hate or can't/won't eat and what you really like. I don't see fruit in your typical day is it because you don't like it or is there another reason? I can give you a typical menu for your alloted points.

Tammy is a WW person too so chime in Tammy if you have further suggestions. Tammy I'm guessing he s/b at 30 and getting about 18. What do you think? I'd be killing someone if that were the case.

I know this isn't a WW thread so if anyone wants us to do it off the thread tell me and we can take it to email.

2009-01-24 10:51 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-where is your swim plan? Is it something on the BT site? That's impressive w/your swim times. You'll rock at the 1/2 ironman. Keep it up.

Rebecca-Sending healing vibs your way. Have fun with your new trainer.

Trudee-You are so active. I'm sure all of that can make up for some of the training you are supposed to be doing. It's fun when you finally feel better in the pool. I still remember the feeling. Still have some bad days though. I just realized next week is my drop by 40% week. My short run is only 17 minutes. I think I might try my 5 minute WU and do a 3 minute cool down and see if I can run for 9 minutes.

Jon-I know it isn't exciting but you could march in place in front of the TV to get in a "run" workout after class today. I feel for you though with a crazy schedule it's hard to make time for you. I liked your attitude "once you conquer the monster, then you can no longer fear the monster". Can I borrow it
2009-01-24 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
I was proud of myself for getting on the trainer. I rode it for an hour. The time passes much quicker if I have a plan. I did a warm up for 10 minutes and then 20 x 1 minutes intervals with 1 minute rest then a 10 minute cool down. My trainer has a 'power' meter gauge. I believe it to be consistant and do not really care about the accuracy. So my warm up, rest intervals and cool down were at 160 watts and the intervals were at 260 watts. I prefer to spin at a high cadence so the times at 160 watts were at 90 - 100 RPM and the 260 watts were at 75 RPM. Take the power numbers with a grain of salt - they only relate to me on my trainer. Who knows 260 watts could really be 100 watts (or even 500 watts - dreaming). I really can't go much lower than that - this was supposed to help build leg strength. The time went by quick.

Just for fun I did an EASY, SLOW 3 mile run - the rain was light. This was the first 'BRICK' that I have done in a while. With the slow pace the brick was super easy and I felt strong - I could have ran much faster, much longer, and much harder - but I didn't.

Pretty good day so far.
2009-01-24 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1866775

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
got in a nice 2.5 hr trainer ride this morning, now I need to work on taxes Frown
2009-01-24 11:15 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Okay James it is, that's much better than microspawn, ha.

I did a half hour swim yesterday, no bike, hot tub instead Did my swim drills then 4x50's and 1x75, yay, proud of myself (improvement from being able to do only 25's last Sunday). Felt like I could do a 100 too, so I'm going to try that tomorrow. Had fun and made a new friend at the pool, an older lady who was totally an inspiration, stopped doing marathons and is doing tri's for fun. Last day of crazy 6-day karate camp today, woohoo. All of my muscles feel so thick and heavy, stiff and sore. Can't jump 100% into tri training until Feb have a big karate test on Jan 31st to get out of the way first.

So I'm still having a hard time being too hungry. The more I work out the more I eat. Any suggestions? James - oatmeal doesn't fill me up for long. Does the protein powder help? How do you add it? If I mix it with milk it gets all foamy, is that how you do it?

Okay, this is pathetic, but I'm afraid to ride my bike outside, I don't know how to change a flat and I don't have a bike pump yet. I guess the bike pump is on my list if I get a tax refund.

Jill - I'm praying it helps a little for the tri training I missed, thanks for the encouragement, you are sooo positive.

Rebecca - I had an ACL surgery and then later a little meniscus trim (not as extensive as yours sounds). That's when I got my trainer too! Wishes for a speedy recovery.

2009-01-24 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
My diet:

1.) Male/Female/Nursing Mom (ok, that one is obvious)
2.) How old are you?
3.) What do you weigh?
4.) How tall are you? (under 5'1", 5'1"-5'10" or over 5'10")
5.) Do you spend most of your day: (don't include training this is your professional work)
a.) Sitting down, (e.g. receptionist, bus or cab driver)
b.) occassionally sitting but mainly standing (e.g. sales person, housewife, cook, teacher)
c.) Walking most of the time? (e.g. waiter, mailman)
d.) Doing physically hard work most of the time? (e.g. nurse, gardener, construction worker)

1. Male
2. 36
3. 163
4. 5'9"
5. a. desk job

I do well with clearly define portions and a schedule. It is much easier for me to eat 'by the clock'. I know that sounds strange but that is what has worked for me in the past. You are correct in that I do not get enough calories most of the time without 'cheating'. It is something that I am working on. I have taken this basic diet and tweaked it several times over the years by adding a meal here and there. I would like to slowly increase the number of calories but it seems that as soon as I do this I put on fat. In a calendar year I will drop to about 155 pounds in the summer and then climb back up to 170 by January first. I do not like being that heavy.

I do not use any butter or oils with my oatmeal and the quanitities are for dry ingredients. Also I am pretty good at recording everything but miss things sometimes - I recently started to add an oz of low fat soy milk in my morning coffee (x2) and I use a spray butter alternative on my steamed vegetables. The grilled chicken is without oil - just with dry spice rubs - lots of pepper and stuff to add a little heat. Just about everything else is included. I do not use it very often but I have all of 'my foods' in fit day. Here is a typical day:

2009-01-24 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1866775

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
The swim workouts are part of the BT training plan that I am doing. The plans are more detailed with higher levels of membership (bronze / silver). I just recently did the silver membership since I am training for a 1/2 and full ironman. I did not just want to 'wing it' this time. I really like the swim workouts because I used to just go to the pool and do what ever. I like the structure - without it I feel like I can quit at anytime and it does not matter - when it is written and expected then i know that I can do it - and ususally do.

I like my oatmeal thick - I just microwave the oatmeal with water and mix in the dry powder. It makes it kind of pasty. With food I am not picky at all - I'll eat most anything. That makes it easier to eat better things.

I do not eat much fruit right now because of a convenience issue. I like to keep dry ingredients at my desk and fruit tends to go bad. I should start bring in apples and oranges again. I used to eat one of each everyday at work. That was a good habit that I got out of.
2009-01-24 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
James-I'll work some things up for you.

I would suggest you might want to stop drining your protein shakes. I'm not sure what the ingredients are but are there a lot of words you can't pronounce?

Your shake is 8 points and since you are only allowed 28 that is a lot of points on a liquid. I know it's convenient but just something to think about.

For 8 points you could have a lot of filing food.

Here is one of my typical snacks:
1 cup plain non-fat yogurt (2)
1 cup berries or other fruit (1)
1 T nuts (1)
1 T honey (1)

The above is only 5 points and filling. I actually just ate some now after my bike workout. I was tempted to stop by McDonalds for a 3 point ice cream cone but decided that I would feel better and better about my choice with the above.
2009-01-24 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1866775

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim
Okay, it's 3:45 and I have done NO work.

I got in a swim workout this am. It was supposed to be 29 minutes but it ended up being 50 because I was working with someone. I found a swim fitness class. I can pay $2 when I go. I pay $2 just to go to the pool and swim so why not get someone to give me advice for the same price.

He had me push myself more than I would have myself. He also worked with me on bilateral breathing which he said puts less strain on your shoulders and also will help with my open water swim. I had him write down what I did. I need to go get the paper so I can post it on my log.

I just got back from a bike. I did 12 miles. It took me about 1 hour 10 minutes. Dang computer. I must figure it out. Fortunately I looked at my cell phone before I started. I forgot to look when I stopped but was able to estimate that w/in probably 5 minutes or less.

So yeah me. I got in all of my workouts this week. I can have a rest day tomorrow and then next week is my 40% back off. That will be nice. I think my body needs some rest.

I am tracking my food and doing well with that. In fact I didn't eat breakfast because I thought swim started at either 11 or 12 (my choice) but on Saturday it starts at 10 and it was 9:45 when I realized this so I threw on my suit grabbed a towel and ran out the door. I figured getting in my workout was more important.

I'm so pleased with myself for all workouts done and a few of them were even longer than required and I did running this week on top of it. I was going to stop at one loop on the bike but I committed to you guys to get in all workouts and I could have justified it and said that I did longer workouts on other days but I would know in my heart that I didn't give it my all so I to push to do that last loop. The hill is a killer. I had to get off the second time.

So how is everyone else doing with their commitments. There are a few people we have not seen in a while should we send them a shoutout?
2009-01-25 9:22 AM
in reply to: #1866775

New user
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Full to the brim

Good Mornign everybody,

It looks like everybody had pretty good weeks with their goals.  I got in every work out this week.  Felt good on all of them.  The swim on Friday was alot easier.  I starting to get more laps with out stopping and when I do stop I don't feel like I am dying anymore.  I have hard time keeping count of the laps I total.  I usually just swim to a time (30 min ect..)  Any suggestions???

Today I have a 45 min bike ride planned.  Still cold  here in Indiana, will be at the gym.  I got in alot more wieght training this week and fell stronger than I have in a while.  With all the training that we do when is a good day to do leg work outs with weights.  the best I can figure is the day before a bike ride.  I do not want to over do it and have to sit out a week for doing something stupid.  Any suggestions.

Next weeks plans:

I want to lose about 10 lbs.  I am not good tracking food and don'tplan on getting better at that.  I do well when I keep my fat gram intake under 40 for the day.  I usually have a fruit/nuture grain bars for breakfast- 11 grams.  Lunch- I will have ham sandwich and an apple or something similiar- 10-15 grams.  And for dinner what ever we cook, but we cook healthy and do not use alot oils and fatty ingredients.  Snacks- I like trail mix, green apples and peanut butter, almonds, beef jerky.  This will usually keep me full during the day.  I travel everyday so I drink a ton water, usually 4-5 large bottles.

Today- 45 bike-wieght training

Monday- Swim 20 min/run 25- Brick- did not do this good last week-want to improve this week

Tuesday- off

Wedn- 30 min bike- core workout

Thurs- 25 min run- wieght training

Friday- swim 35 min- wieght training

Evrybody keep up the hard work.  I can't wait for spring!!!!

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