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2010-02-12 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2670653

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Southern Oregon
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Scottt - 2010-02-12 2:39 PM

Any big plans for the weekend?  I'm doing a big training weekend in Palm Springs with a century ride on Sat. and a 1/2 marathon on Sunday.

Train safe!

Sounds like a great time. Have fun. Will try to get in a couple of double work outs this weekend and monday then off to new zealand for the next few weeks. Plan on running lots there with a few swims.

2010-02-15 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2558214

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

Great weather for both events.  Great training weekend!

How did everybody do with their training this weekend?

Jay should be getting ready for his big trip to NZ!


2010-02-17 4:17 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
How is everyone doing?  So quiet after valentines day/new years. My gf made us steak and potatoes.  We already did the romantic stuff while on vacation so it was kinda nice. Plus roses were only $10 last week instead of $50. 

I went for a walk on the dreadmill today. Fun stuff!  I was also waking up with really tight quads and hamstrings so I got warmer house/pajama pants and being warm makes it much easier to move around.

2010-02-18 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Hey everyone!  Today feels like hump day.  Monday was a holiday here - Family Day.  I think this tends to be a time when - despite the longer days - people start burning out so they created a holiday for the sake of a holiday.  Works for me!

Went on a mini holiday - nothing as exciting as Vegas!!  Squeezed in a few workouts... all is well in Marcia's world.  Just having trouble getting up in the mornings.  I did not even HEAR my alarm this morning so have to juggle and fit it in tonight.

I take it J is in NZ, Jason is on holidays... what's everyone else have planned for the weekend?
At this point my goal is just to get the workouts done.  That's challenge enough for me!!  Also trying to firm up a bit.  I figure now is the time to do it... we'll see.  Hope everyone has a good day!!
2010-02-19 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Have a great weekend everybody!! A little cycle class and hopefully a swim on Saturday for me and then relax the rest of the weekend.
2010-02-19 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Weekend plans are a long run Sat and a short bike/run Sunday.  I think this week is my lazy week but given I skip workouts all the time it looks like just an average week ha ha

Question:  My plan says that for my swim tonight I should do a TT - time trial.  1000m.  Is this the same as a test for max heart rate?  Basically I'm supposed to swim 1000m at hard effort and then divide my time by 10 and I'll have my race pace or something to that effect.  I'm thinking you'd go at a pace you know you could sustain for the full 1000m.  Maybe a little harder.  But ya... I could go all out and would likely sink after a couple hundred metres.  There's no way I could sustain it for 1000m.  But where does the heart rate monitoring come in to effect with this?  I measure it for the last 20 of the full 30 minutes?  And what does that tell me?  I'm still not sure that would be my maximum heart rate... it would be hard but not maximum.

If it wasn't for the fact the pool is generally DEAD on a Friday night (everyone else has an exciting life!) I'd *totally* bail but ya... too good not to go.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!  Hubby is taking child to auto show so I have the FULL day to myself... what to do?  what to do?

2010-02-21 10:04 AM
in reply to: #2558214

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
ooh I ♥♥♥ the car show!!  some of my fav childhood memories are going there w/ my dad & uncle.

2010-02-22 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2682797

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

kimmax - 2010-02-19 4:49 PM Weekend plans are a long run Sat and a short bike/run Sunday.  I think this week is my lazy week but given I skip workouts all the time it looks like just an average week ha ha

Question:  My plan says that for my swim tonight I should do a TT - time trial.  1000m.  Is this the same as a test for max heart rate?  Basically I'm supposed to swim 1000m at hard effort and then divide my time by 10 and I'll have my race pace or something to that effect.  I'm thinking you'd go at a pace you know you could sustain for the full 1000m.  Maybe a little harder.  But ya... I could go all out and would likely sink after a couple hundred metres.  There's no way I could sustain it for 1000m.  But where does the heart rate monitoring come in to effect with this?  I measure it for the last 20 of the full 30 minutes?  And what does that tell me?  I'm still not sure that would be my maximum heart rate... it would be hard but not maximum.

If it wasn't for the fact the pool is generally DEAD on a Friday night (everyone else has an exciting life!) I'd *totally* bail but ya... too good not to go.  Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!  Hubby is taking child to auto show so I have the FULL day to myself... what to do?  what to do?

Sorry I did not see this before your swim.

You swim your TT as fast as you can (i.e. the max sustainable speed for the entire 1,000m).  You will not reach you MAX HR on this effort.  Most likely, you would not measure HR in the pool, but if you do, the Avg. HR for the last 2/3 of the effort would be a good approximation of your Lactate Threshold (for the swim only), not your MAX HR.  Your Lactate Threshold is the point at which your body cannot process the lactate your muscles produce as fast as it is produced and the level in your muscles builds exponentially.  Long (30+ min.) efforts are achievable as long as you stay below this threshold.

If you are able to measure your LT, Max HR does not really factor in to the equation anymore, as HR zones and such would be based upon LT instead of Max HR.  This is much more accurate.  There really is no way to "test" for your Max HR without putting someone in potential danger and great distress.  You should never (ever) reach your MAX HR in endurance sports.  All Zone 5 efforts (on the Friel scale) are less than (but may approach) your Max HR.

I hope this helps.  If not, please ask.  This is great discussion.

Edited by Scottt 2010-02-22 11:47 AM
2010-02-22 4:35 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
New start to a new week I hope everybody had a good weekend.
2010-02-23 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I am back from Disneyworld. Only went running once. Got a cold for 3 days. Feel like crap. Back on the horse today!
2010-02-24 1:49 AM
in reply to: #2687592

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
zexx9 - 2010-02-23 7:01 AM I am back from Disneyworld. Only went running once. Got a cold for 3 days. Feel like crap. Back on the horse today!

The USA one in Florida? How was the weather?

2010-02-24 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
So I was doing a little run at lunch today and it dawned on me that running is as much a mental thing as it is physical. My legs were tired and it would have felt good to just walk a little bit but I wasn't dieing or gasping for air so I just kept pushing on. I'm sure it the longer distances are even more so. So what do you all think about while you're running. For me its mostly you can do this only x more or cool I've gone x far can I pick up the pace a little kind of thing.
2010-02-24 8:01 PM
in reply to: #2691763

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Hey Everyone!  Hope all are well.  Sorry to hear about your getting sick on your holiday Jason... never fun.

Thanks for the info on the swim TT Scott.  In the end I went to bed early and skipped swimming.  Just took on a lot more responsibility at work and it's been a bit of a challenge getting everything in.  Hoping I'll be caught up soon and won't have to put in so many hours.

ckallpoints - 2010-02-24 6:15 PM So I was doing a little run at lunch today and it dawned on me that running is as much a mental thing as it is physical. ...So what do you all think about while you're running. For me its mostly you can do this only x more or cool I've gone x far can I pick up the pace a little kind of thing.

Running has never been my strong point.  On a good run I daydream and drift... next vacation... oh that's a nice house... I should commune with nature more....  On a rough run I basically negotiate with myself the entire time.  This past weekend I was like "If I can make it to 8 miles I'll hop in a taxi and ride it home" then "that's silly - if I get to 8 miles I can run the next 2" "ya but I'm tired and I *know* I can do it - I don't need to prove it to myself" etc etc  It's ridiculous.  Sometimes I try to visualize myself running in the tri because then I know I wouldn't quit.  I think I have a quitter's heart - I rarely do quit but I think about it ALL the time!  Sometimes I hum the theme song from "Vision Quest"  I find it motivating ha ha  I picture Louden in his rubber suit pushing himself or skipping... goofy I know.  Ohhhh I just realized it's hump day!!!  Two more days left for the weekend.  Big plans for everyone?
2010-02-25 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2691763

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

ckallpoints - 2010-02-24 3:15 PM So I was doing a little run at lunch today and it dawned on me that running is as much a mental thing as it is physical. My legs were tired and it would have felt good to just walk a little bit but I wasn't dieing or gasping for air so I just kept pushing on. I'm sure it the longer distances are even more so. So what do you all think about while you're running. For me its mostly you can do this only x more or cool I've gone x far can I pick up the pace a little kind of thing.

I often struggle with the mental side of running.  Being an analytical type, I typically pay attention to pace and hr too much.  I very rarely reach that "place" where you are just running and loose track of time/miles.  It has happened only a couple of times and it is quite enjoyable and rewarding.  I sometimes force myself to think "good thoughts" in an attempt to make running more enjoyable.

Your body has amazing capabilities, if you give it time to adapt.  It is your mind that most often holds you back.

Having now done my first marathon, I can attest to the fact that the last 6 miles is 98% mental.  The body was ready and able, I just had to convince my mind it could do it.

Edited by Scottt 2010-02-25 4:21 PM
2010-02-26 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2691763

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
ckallpoints - 2010-02-24 5:15 PM So I was doing a little run at lunch today and it dawned on me that running is as much a mental thing as it is physical. My legs were tired and it would have felt good to just walk a little bit but I wasn't dieing or gasping for air so I just kept pushing on. I'm sure it the longer distances are even more so. So what do you all think about while you're running. For me its mostly you can do this only x more or cool I've gone x far can I pick up the pace a little kind of thing.

Good job on pushing yourself.  I agree that running also takes mental focus.  Somtimes I dont think about anything.  I run with my IPOD and listen to podrunner from I Tunes.  Then other times I think about how far I have came (243lbs to 196 lbs).
2010-02-26 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I'am 12 weeks out from my first tri and I havs also started my tri plan.  I began the week off with a good upper body work out and it went down hill from there.  I found myself waking up the next day a little stiff.  As the day wore on I began to seek the comfort of my bed.  I soon realized that I needed my bed.  I began to feel light headed and discovered that I had a temp. of 101.  I stayed in bed for two days and began to feel somewhat better.  So, today I went and attempted a run.  A mile into my run I discovered that the run was not one of my better choices of the week.  I began to get sick so Iam home for another day.  I will see what tomorrow brings.  I hope everyone had a good week.

2010-02-26 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2695775

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Central Point
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
srichards428 - 2010-02-26 12:04 PM I'am 12 weeks out from my first tri and I havs also started my tri plan.  I began the week off with a good upper body work out and it went down hill from there.  I found myself waking up the next day a little stiff.  As the day wore on I began to seek the comfort of my bed.  I soon realized that I needed my bed.  I began to feel light headed and discovered that I had a temp. of 101.  I stayed in bed for two days and began to feel somewhat better.  So, today I went and attempted a run.  A mile into my run I discovered that the run was not one of my better choices of the week.  I began to get sick so Iam home for another day.  I will see what tomorrow brings.  I hope everyone had a good week.

I hope you feel better soon. Don't over do it if you're sick, I hope you have a good weekend.
2010-02-26 6:59 PM
in reply to: #2695775

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
srichards428 - 2010-02-26 3:04 PM I'am 12 weeks out from my first tri and I havs also started my tri plan.  I began the week off with a good upper body work out and it went down hill from there.  I found myself waking up the next day a little stiff.  As the day wore on I began to seek the comfort of my bed.  I soon realized that I needed my bed.  I began to feel light headed and discovered that I had a temp. of 101.  I stayed in bed for two days and began to feel somewhat better.  So, today I went and attempted a run.  A mile into my run I discovered that the run was not one of my better choices of the week.  I began to get sick so Iam home for another day.  I will see what tomorrow brings.  I hope everyone had a good week.

I don't think it's a good idea to workout if ill - your body is weak and fighting something and exercise just takes that extra bit of energy and will delay your recovery.  I'd rest up and then go strong when feeling stronger.  Just my .02

Hope everyone has a good weekend!!  Hubby is negotiating with me - his proposed terms:  if I skip tonight's swim and watch child so he can watch hockey game, he will let me workout longer tomorrow afternoon.  The fine art of negotiation!  I'm going to agree but not before I get chick flick added in to my terms.  Wink I'm not sure if he has yet figured out that child goes to bed at 9pm and game doesn't start til 9:30pm hee hee  Far be it for me to bring it to his attention!
2010-02-27 1:53 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I woke up this morning and felt rested and healed up.  My temp. broke two days ago and I thought I was ready yesterday to get back with it.  Like I wrote early I wasnt ready.  I went for a easy swim today and felt great.  It didn't hurt that the SUN finally came back to Illinos!  Time to get ready for work and fight crime....have a great weekend everybody.
2010-02-28 1:49 AM
in reply to: #2697051

Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
excellent!  its no fun being sick! I hope its a nice day tomorrow here too..
2010-03-01 7:38 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
Sorry for being so quiet over the last three weeks. I just got home, worked a couple of days and then had to travel out of town for a three day hockey tournament with my 12 years old daughter. Now it is back to work for two days and then I can train again. I can't train on work days as I work two 16 hour shifts. I think the rest was good anyway and I am anxious to get back at it. The weather is still cold here, but the pool and my basement are warm.

2010-03-02 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
I was just wandering if anybody is using a carb and electrolyte replacement drinks.  If you are what brand seems to be better for taste etc.
2010-03-02 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

I used Accellerade for a long time, but recently switched to Infinit and like it alot.  The flavor is pretty light and can be customized.

If you are starting from scratch I would try Gatorade Endurance first, since that is what is most often served at races.

Edited by Scottt 2010-03-02 4:28 PM
2010-03-05 5:45 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed
It's been a good week so far.  I have two more days of swiming and running before my day off. 

I'am signing up for a class next week to learn how to change a flat on my tri bike.  I would hate to be out riding and get a flat and not be able to fix it myself.  That brings me to a question.  Can anybody recommend a good bike computer that is wireless and displays cadence?

I hope everybody has a good weekend.
2010-03-07 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2558214

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Subject: RE: Scottt's Group - Closed

Anybody still here?

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