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2010-01-23 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

So any big workouts planned this weekend?

2010-01-23 3:21 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
The problem with treadmills occurs when you are stretching out your stride so your knee strikes in front of your body.  On ground, you actually stop an instant and then pull yourself forward with the next stride.  Unlike the ground, a treadmill is constantly moving so in that moment that you're aren't moving, it is.  That small movement over and over against your knee is what they say causes the problems.   The key is to keep your stride so that your knee doesn't reach beyond your body.  Chi running teaches to stretch and "run tall" which causes your body to lean slightly forward into your stride so your knee is striking the ground beneath you and not in front of you.  As you lean, gravity actually becomes your friend and pulls you forward.  Your legs are moving to keep you from falling.  It is a very cool sensation.  But, don't actually try to lean forward.  You will lean too much.  The natural way is to stretch yourself out, reach your arms above your head before you run, keep your head up while you run.  You'll lean perfectly as a result.

Big workouts - bike today was SEs, which are high power, low cadence 50-60 rpms.  Had to hit 85% FTP or 240 watts in my case for 4 miles with 3 high power pops each interval...pops at 110% or 313 watts each. They lasted 90 seconds each. Did three sets of those.  Then changed and ran an hour including a climb up the local parking garage.  Good feeling to do it right.  Tomorrow is a recovery ride, 2 hours at a tempo pace to burn calories.     There's cyclocross, but the course is half mud when it it is above freezing.  I'm thinking about heading out on the bike if it's not too foggy.  I'll stay in town on the trail if the fog won't lift.  Mom still in the hospital an hour away with the last stages of pneumonia so will head there for a visit.

Have a great weekend! 

2010-01-23 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Sounds like a weekend of good strong workouts Iceman!  Thanks for the info on the t-mill, good stuff.  Best wishes to your mom!

2010-01-24 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Recovery- I had a question about recovery. Does it hurt progress to let your body adjust to program by taking an extra day off? For instance my workouts on Friday and Saturday were not great for my jogging element, but they were good in other ways. I want to make sure that my body is keeping up with the program and my last two jog attempts were pretty bad lol. Bike and weight training was fine but I think the pounding of the jog is just catching up. On the same note of recovery what are some things you do in order to recover. Now I saw Scott was doing a 2 hour recovery ride, which I will get too soon but what do you do when your body just need that extra recovery time? Any nutrients or supplements recommended? And besides something like massage what other methods do you use?
2010-01-24 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2631648

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

selonimes - 2010-01-24 1:21 PM Recovery- I had a question about recovery. Does it hurt progress to let your body adjust to program by taking an extra day off? For instance my workouts on Friday and Saturday were not great for my jogging element, but they were good in other ways. I want to make sure that my body is keeping up with the program and my last two jog attempts were pretty bad lol. Bike and weight training was fine but I think the pounding of the jog is just catching up. On the same note of recovery what are some things you do in order to recover. Now I saw Scott was doing a 2 hour recovery ride, which I will get too soon but what do you do when your body just need that extra recovery time? Any nutrients or supplements recommended? And besides something like massage what other methods do you use?

For me, when it comes to recovery days I take very few.   I will plan my workouts so that the legs get a rest day (or sometimes 2) a week.  For instance, I would not run or bike on Fridays, but an easy evening swim on the way home from work would be scheduled.  There are also different effort levels, like what you refer too in Scott's log.  A recovery run may be only 65% of the effort of a race pace run.  In my last marathon plan, I would be scheduled to run at least 5 and some weeks 6 days, but less than 10 - 15 % of it was at a hard effort.  But to answer your question, if you feel the need physically (or mentally) to take an extra day, take the day!

As far as nutricien, a balanced diet will generally be all you need.  Maybe a multi vitamin, but I take nothing else.  Where you live, you may be experiencing some dehydration.  Heat and humidity are tough elements to adjust too.

Stick with it, you will reach your goals!!!

2010-01-26 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: Workouts

You folks getting your workouts in????


Its not going to get done sitting here reading this message.

2010-01-26 12:23 PM
in reply to: #2635401

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Workouts

DougJ - 2010-01-26 1:17 PM YO,

You folks getting your workouts in????


Its not going to get done sitting here reading this message.

Good post!!!

2010-01-26 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

My coach drilled into me the need for rest. The tendency for us is to think we have to be doing something every day or we will lose strength and set back progress.  That is not true at all.  One day has to be an off day.  Nothing but easy stretching and watch even that.  Go to a movie.  Take your wife to dinner.  Chill.  Your body uses those days to repair your muscles stronger than they were before.  Naps are great!  There is a healing hormone (please don't ask me to name it, it will not be on the test) that is released when you sleep.  If you take a nap, you get a double dose that day. 

Rest days are also great for your mental game.  If you over train, you get surly, nasty, hard to get along with and we all want a sunshine personality, don't we?  Rest to stay fresh.  This is fun after all.  As Ken said, if your body says rest, listen to it.  Otherwise you risk injury and burn-out.

Also as Ken said, on other days the idea is to mix up what you do.  No hard bike rides two days in a row, for example.  One long run a week, shorter runs in between are fine.  Vary the intensity.  Fartleks make us faster.  Same in the water.  Vary your speed on some swims and drills, do a longer endurance swim once a week. 

I take a bunch of vitamins.  As I learn about them in triathlete magazines, I've added them.  I do a multi vitamin, then C, D, calcium, fish oil and one other CoQ10.   I haven't been sick once yet this winter.

Thanks for all your input. It is helping me loads.


2010-01-26 2:48 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Good points Scott,

There has been a lot of articles lately on vitamin D and how many endurance athletes are deficient in this. 

One thing that Iceman mentions and I think a lot of people (myself included) under estimate is the value of sleep.  We all have jobs, families, other draws on our times, and many of us added fitness at the expense of our sleep.  But we all need to get more than we usually do.  Besides helping the healing process of our workouts, it has also been suggested (and maybe proven) that lack of sleep is a contributing factor in weight struggles. 

2010-01-26 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
So a change in my schedule switched some things around on me which are going to make me travel for business on Mondays and Tuesdays, which is good, but pushed my schedule off a little. The cool thing though was when I got him on my desk was my Triathlete's Training Bible I just ordered. I am very excited about jumping into that and getting going. Should be fun!
2010-01-27 6:39 AM
in reply to: #2636394

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

selonimes - 2010-01-26 9:49 PM So a change in my schedule switched some things around on me which are going to make me travel for business on Mondays and Tuesdays, which is good, but pushed my schedule off a little. The cool thing though was when I got him on my desk was my Triathlete's Training Bible I just ordered. I am very excited about jumping into that and getting going. Should be fun!

Sometimes we have to adjust as life throws us curves!!!

Enjoy the book!!  Give us some of your thoughts on it!

2010-01-27 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2578675

Subject: Did it anyhow
Was going to blow off today as a training day as my schedule took a turn for the busy today. However, I had about 40 minutes of time between appointments and I was only a few miles from the pool so I did my swim.Point being,,, you got to get it in where you can, just blowing it off is the easy way out.I'm sure there will be a time in the near future, I'll need to fall back on this post just to remind myself of what I just mentioned.
2010-01-27 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I was gonna try to workout in the car while I was doing my 3 hours of driving on Monday to get back and forth between the job, but I think that might be a little odd looking doing wind curls LOL!
2010-01-27 4:49 PM
in reply to: #2637887

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Did it anyhow

DougJ - 2010-01-27 2:22 PM Was going to blow off today as a training day as my schedule took a turn for the busy today. However, I had about 40 minutes of time between appointments and I was only a few miles from the pool so I did my swim.Point being,,, you got to get it in where you can, just blowing it off is the easy way out.I'm sure there will be a time in the near future, I'll need to fall back on this post just to remind myself of what I just mentioned.

It has always felt to me like the best workouts were the ones that were the toughest to get in or the ones I want to blow off!  I always think about that when the thought of skipping crosses my mind!

2010-01-28 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I agree Ken!  If I REALLY don't want to work out I always force myself to complete the workout.  If I really want to work out, but get busy I'll let myself skip it sometimes.  I've found the workouts I didn't want to do at the beginning have always been the best physically and mentally for creating momentum towards my goals.
2010-01-28 8:34 AM
in reply to: #2639386

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

geoffgm - 2010-01-28 9:14 AM I agree Ken!  If I REALLY don't want to work out I always force myself to complete the workout.  If I really want to work out, but get busy I'll let myself skip it sometimes.  I've found the workouts I didn't want to do at the beginning have always been the best physically and mentally for creating momentum towards my goals.

Absolutely Geoff!  Good to see you stopping by!  Still can't get to your logs to inspire though!

2010-01-28 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
I was wondering what people have done initially for a weight loss program. Currently I am trying to find a good balance between the carb and protein ratio so that I have enough energy for workouts yet continue to lose at a good pace and keep recovery going. The tri book incidentally is pretty great thus far.
2010-01-29 7:28 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Rather than "forcing" ourselves to finish workouts and risk injury or burnout, why not spend the time finishing the workout thinking about why our willingness is lagging.  Are our long-term goals asking too much of ourselves?  Can we honestly devote the time necessary to reach them?   If we were thinking about a long race like a half IM but we can't seem to get motivated to put in the time needed, should we consider thinking about an Olympic or sprint distance first and then build on that success to go longer?   After all, this should be about fun and changing lifestyles, not the old style "no pain no gain" crap the crappy coaches used to sell us in high school.    At the same time, if I really want it, then I can find other ways to motivate myself.  Workout, run or ride with friends or a club once in a while helps a lot.  Find a workout partner to meet for a run or a ride or a swim once a week.  Set specific goals.  Enter a race. That will get me going out to run even on cold days knowing there is a day coming in September when I have to run 13.1 miles after a 56 miles bike race and a 1.2 mile swim.  I'm signed up for three triathlons and will enter a moderate 20K run this weekend for a day in May.  My calendar keeps me moving.      Also, I'm told unwillingness can be a sign of over training.  maybe we just need to catch up on sleep.  Rest can change our perspective.   Only we know which is the case, not enough or too much. Having a coach poan my workouts and listen to my feedback helps keep me on track.  He usually has to slow me down. 

As for weight loss, there is no one-size fits all completely diet, which I prefer to call an eating plan.  Depends totally on where you are starting.   I was grossly obese.  I chose to hit it hard with high protein and low carbs.  I rode 3000 miles, 20-40 miles at a time on no extra food for workouts that first year.  7500 and beat cancer the next.  Longer than that the 3rd year.  6,000 the fourth after adding swimming and running.  5,000 last year after devoting more time to running and swimming.  Rarely did I feel weak.   Pounds literally melted off. 

But listen to your body.  Eat a balanced diet.  There are many on the web sites.  Lean meat, vegetables, fruit, some fiber.  A recovery drink like low fat chocolate milk.  Reach for fruit instead of processed carbs.  Read the labels on your nutrition bars.  A couple of those carry enough calories for an entire meal and the meal is better for you.  Eat smaller portions and eat more times a day.    Keep a food log religiously.  Weight and measure and log everything that goes into your mouth.  You'll be surprised at how much we over eat without thinking about it.  Athletes with weight problems have to be especially on guard. We tend to eat too much and use the workouts as an excuse for eating more.  Easy does it.  We don't honestly need that much.  Often, when you think you're hungry, you are thirsty.  Drink lots of water. Stay hydrated all day every day.  Your hunger will decrease.

If you are eating 2000 calories a day and you are a normal guy, you probably burn 2500 to 3500 daily just staying a live.  Add a workout and you are up to 3500-4000.  If you eat 2000 you are in a 1500 calorie deficit.  Do that a week and you are down 1-2 pounds even with the heavier muscle gain.  Shoot for a gradual loss of 1-2 pounds a week.  I've averaged that over a long time and I've had the energy to race and workout 6/7 days.  One key is to avoid letting your body go into a starvation mode.  If you overwork it without enough fuel, it will stop losing weight and conserve every calorie it can because it thinks you are trying to kill it.  You have to eat to lose weight.  But, watch what you are eating.  Dooes that help?  Weight loss is a very very sensitive topic to me.  This lifestyle can change your life.  But it is a lifestyle.  Not a diet.  See the difference?  Once a diet is done and you reach your goal weight, you return to your former habits, the weight comes back.  This is an overhaul and I'm in it for the long haul. 

Great topics here.  Thanks.

Edited by IceManScott 2010-01-29 7:30 AM
2010-01-29 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2578675

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
As luck would have it, today at, this came on my FB.  It speaks directly to the issue of dropping weight while not losing performance.  Tricky balance, but doable:
2010-01-29 12:29 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

 In late 2005 I figured I had enough of my weight!  I was playing in a competitive adult hockey league and although my skills were still pretty good, I was slow and not so competitive any more.  I am also a long time Steelers fan, so at the beginning of 2006 I ordered nutrisystem.  I told my wife I would start the Monday after the Steelers lost in the playoffs!  Of course that was the year they won the Super Bowl for the 5th time (for those of you keeping track).  So I didn't get started until February of that year.  My starting weight was 285 to 290.  Other than a sanity night for my wife every other Saturday, when we would go out, I stuck with the program religiously.  As part of the program I also started walking on the treadmill.  When spring arrived I was able to get outside, I started adding a little running to my daily walks and before long I was running 3 to 4 miles several days a week.  By August I was close to 200 and was struggling a bit with some achilles issues, so I bought a road bike so I could ride some and cut back a bit on the running.  I ran my first 5K in early September that year. 

After that I was hooked on racing!  Started searching the internet for other running/biking activities and races and somehow stumbled upon Beginner Triathlete.  Posted in the NY forum, hooked up with some folks for a ride and have been training and racing with them ever since. 

Anyhow, back to the weight loss.  I reached my goal of 185 in October of 2006, which coincidentally was the same time Nutri System was having a contest to submit your weight loss story along with before and after pictures.  The winner got an all expense paid trip to the Super Bowl in Miami, plus a chance to meet Dan Marino, and an autographed football and jersey.  I was fortunate enough to win that!!! Other than the rain it was an awesome time!!!

I know now that if I had to do it over again I could do it without Nutri System.  That said, I did learn a lot about myself during the process.  I learned what an appropriate portion size is.  I learned that smaller meals more often is better than one or 2 large meals I had been eating.  I learned I can run/bike/swim and not only that I like to run/bike/swim!  That said, I don't think I would change a thing as to how I got here from the couch as I have enjoyed the journey!!!

As a side note, I was taking pills for cholestoral, blood pressure, triglycerides, and acid reflux at the time I started the weight loss!  The doctor took me off them all at my first physical after the weight loss!!!

Finally, weight will probably always be something I have to watch closely.  I have put some back on during the winters, but I have been able to take it back off once the training hours ramp up and I start paying attention to what I eat. 

No matter how you lose the weight, losing it is just the start of the process.  It is a lifestyle change that has to be maintained.  Quite frankly, I at times forget this.  If it wasn't for the training I could easily slip back into bad habits!  But my wife and my race schedule keep me straight!  I am fortunate to have a strong support from my wife and the rest of my family!  I think this is important also!!

2010-01-29 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Ken you rock!  Great story.  Very cool.   Did you have any issues with too little fuel to accomplish workouts?  I've never bonked myself.  I hydrate lots.  Longer rides of 3 to 4 hours, I'll take an endurance drink and/or gels, maybe an orange.

I started with a 50 inch waist, nearly 375.  Took me 5 years to make it to today's weight, 214-something.   Much came off faster, then slowed to the rate it should be.   Shooting for 200 by 1st race day on the first Saturday in June.

Great stuff here!

2010-01-29 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

Thanks Scott!! 

As far as bonking, while I was on Nutri System I never really had training sessions that went over an hour at a time so it was never a big issue.  One of the things that is preached heavily with Nutri System is the water consumption.  They provide a monthly diary and it has a place to mark off the water as you drink over the course of the day.  Their goal was 64 ounces, but I always made it that plus what ever I drank while working out.

Training for marathons and Ironman races, to confess a bit, burned enough calories that I really didn't have to watch what I ate as much.  Which is why taper and recovery can be a bear if I am not carefull!  But one thing that I have really gotten better at is portion size and cutting out junk.  I very rarely eat fast food, or chips or what most would consider junk food.  I have only 2 dietary weakness, buffalo wings and a good wine (not together)!

One thing that I read the other day, and I have practiced in my training but probably bears repeating here!  Sports drinks, like Gatorade, are sometimes necessary but we need to be carefull when.  I generally use Gatorade Endurance because a lot of the longer events that I do serve it on the course.  But, it has a fairly high calorie count per serving (I beleive it is in the 80 -90 range, but I don't have it here to check).  So until the training takes over an hour to 90 minutes, I use only water.  Up to that point electrolyte replacement is really not a necessity and neither are the calories.  If you prefer the sports drinks to water, there are suger free versions like G2. 

2010-01-30 5:48 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!

I copied this from my log today!  Thought I would share with you guys!

What a day!!!  Started off by getting up early and driving down to San Diego for the group run the San Diego Tri Club put on as part of the expo.  Along with about 80 or 90 other folks, Michellie Jones (chatted briefly with her as she ran by), Josh Cox (world 50k record holder and also on the Bachlerette a few years ago), Kara Goucher (3rd place woman at NYC Marathon) and her husband Adam, and Dean Karnazes the ultra marathon man!  Ran chatting with Dean for a mile or better! 

The expo was smaller than I expected, lots of nutrition people, tri shops, and a lot of bikes!  Didn't see any great deals so my check book was safe!!!

Attended 3 clinics, well 1 clinic and 2 discussions.  The Gouchers talked about their carreers and how they got to where they are and where they are heading.  Chris Carmichael talked about his cycling career, coaching Lance Armstrong, his newest book.  His stories about being on the tour both when he was there and with Lance was interesting.  Then Kristen Armstrong (gold medalist in the time trial in Bejing) discussed becoming a better time trialer.  She spoke of aero dynamics, the mental aspect (staying focused was the key point there), cadence.  It was pretty good and she was a good speaker!

All in all a great day!!

2010-01-30 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Loving the Triathlete's Training Bible and thought I would share something for some motivation I marked in the book. "Most of us go through life never coming close to our limits and living only on wishes. Wishes are important;they're the start of great feats. Wishes grow into dreams when you are able to mentally "see" yourself accomplish the wish. Dreams turn into goals when a plan for attaining them is defined. Goals become a mission when unwavering self-belief and purposeful zeal are realized. Big challenges require mission status. The difference between a goal and a mission is attitude. Passionate commitment is self-evident in successful missions. With the proper attitude, almost anything is possible. What you believe, you will achieve."
2010-01-30 10:58 PM
in reply to: #2578675

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Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj's group - closed with a great bunch of triathletes in training!!!
Nearest Tri Expo to me is Toledo Ohio, I think.  Not likely.

I agree with the goal/mission relationship.  Got to feel the goal way down deep, imagine myself getting it done, living a realistic plan day by day.  Becomes a lifestyle and a very good one.  I liked that book.

I got Carmichael's Time Crunched Cyclist.  His plan mirrors some of the stuff my coach does but it departs in that The Vision Quest training is good for the long haul while Carmichael admits his hurry up and get it done approach doesn't guarantee endurance for longer races. 
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