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2010-01-26 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Oh, if you are doing shoe try-ons...make sure you go to a good running shop...get them to fit you and let you try stuff don't have to stick with that shop as far as purchasing(but alot of shops will do pricematching, too) -- but gather lots of info....ask lots of questions...use the sox you will run in and ask some more questions. Most running shops will let you go outside and have a wee run in the shoe you are really liking. Sport stores won't let you do pays to take the time to go to specialty store to find the shoe/shoes that are good for your needs/feet/mileage/ etc.

2010-01-26 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2635412

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
holt1997 - 2010-01-26 12:24 PM
nichip - 2010-01-26 8:40 AM
holt1997 - 2010-01-25 10:36 PM
nichip - 2010-01-25  5:46 PMQuestion:I am realizing that my knee pain may be related to the bike, rather than the running.  What should I do differently on the bike to prevent knee pain?

The last two times I have biked-knee pain has followed.  May just be general overuse...
not really my knee, but behind my knee.

Thanks for any ideas.

Have you had your bike with shoes fitted to you? Another thing that it could be is a little technique. How much biking have you done?

I didn't have any trouble with knees last summer.  I just use my running shoes and am using a bike at the wellness center.  I have not had my bike fitted to me.  I haven't done a lot of biking.  Last summer I probably did 16 miles as my longest ride(my race was only 10).  I use a mountain bike with slicks.  Does this info give you any ideas?  My 3 year old's head happened to collide(slam into was more like it!) with my OTHER knee this morning-so I might be on the injured list....

p.s. probably won't be able to bike outside until April.
Well if you want one thing you can try is to decrease your work load when you pedal and concentrate on rpm. Try to keep a cadence in the 90 range but keep the level of difficulty down. This will allow muscles to climatize without the stress of load. Then gradually load back up as you feel able. All the while though keeping your rpm up. This should help in a small way, make you better on the bike andalso help with your knee prob.
  LaughingTHANKS!!!  I will try that!
2010-01-26 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2634018

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
holt1997 - 2010-01-25 5:25 PM Well at this point we have talked about what our goals are, how much time we have to train,what ourtentative race schedule is along with A races etc. Does anyone have any specific training questions??? What to do when or how or if??? How is everyone feeling about training thus far, frustrated, happy, burned out, pleased, encouraged????? What else do you want or need from this group to help you out??

 very frustrated with my ITB issue but i am gonna cross train with the bowflex and some yoga

trying to stay positive
2010-01-27 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2636240

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
mdslngr - 2010-01-26 5:30 PM

holt1997 - 2010-01-25 5:25 PM Well at this point we have talked about what our goals are, how much time we have to train,what ourtentative race schedule is along with A races etc. Does anyone have any specific training questions??? What to do when or how or if??? How is everyone feeling about training thus far, frustrated, happy, burned out, pleased, encouraged????? What else do you want or need from this group to help you out??

 very frustrated with my ITB issue but i am gonna cross train with the bowflex and some yoga

trying to stay positive

Probably not what you want to hear but you might have to check in with a doc or at the least give it some time off. Maybe this is a great time to concentrate on the swim for a couple of weeks.
2010-01-27 10:44 AM
in reply to: #2636240

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

I applaud you for staying positive.  It's hard being injuried but this too shall pass and will make you a stronger person.  Does swimming hurt your IT band?   Yoga has done wonders for me and at first I really didn't like it.  Now I really enjoy it.  I started doing Yoga when I tore my calf muscle and couldn't run for months.  I never would have gotten to experience yoga if I wasn't sidelined. 

Actually, my wife and I are going to try "Hot Yoga".  This is where you do yoga in a room that is between 90-100 degrees.  It's suppose to really increase your flexibility and draw out the toxins.  I don't know if it really does but it sounds good. 

Good luck and keep up the fight, I mean training. 

2010-01-27 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
been to the doc, itb was my intial complaint when i went but they found the piriformis issue so i went to PT for a month (Dec 09) so now i'm here taking time off stretching

gonna work on swim and bike

2010-01-28 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2637415

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
mdslngr - 2010-01-27 8:59 AM

been to the doc, itb was my intial complaint when i went but they found the piriformis issue so i went to PT for a month (Dec 09) so now i'm here taking time off stretching

gonna work on swim and bike

Its good you know the issue now instead of in july.It sucks but keepat it and it will get better.
2010-01-28 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Time for another question.

What is your "it" What is your motivation when things get tough? When you are in a race and you wanna quit or give up, how do you keep going? What gets you out of bed in the morning when you would rather hit snooze?

Next we will look at some fun time saving tips during a triathlon that you can practice now. Have a great day everyone! Its almost Friday!!!
2010-01-28 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
so i have hit my first tough week to get training in....starting to get a cold and i have been really tired all week!  i was hoping to get a run today, but it did not work out.  i have tomorrow off, so I am planning to do a big day....a swim, bike and maybe a run - we will see how i feel!

2010-01-28 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2640380

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
The "IT" for me is time.  I am fighting the effects of it.  I found myself moving up a waist size in my Levi's.  That is how I got into running then Tri's.

Time just keeps marching on and as I get ilder, I want to fight it even harder.  Setting new goals and pushing farther and faster gets me up early. 
2010-01-28 10:45 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

HI Team,

I had a repeat mammogram done this morning and a biopsy this afternoon, will know results sometime tomorrow.  Good knews, my knees will get a rest!  No running or swimming until Monday-doc's orders. 

The "it" for me, is that I know when I don't exercise, I don't feel as good.  I have made a commitment to myself and I have learned that when I break commitments to myself, I lose my self respect and it can become a quick spiral downward.  Also, I am on an anti-depressant and would like to someday not be on it.  Every day that I exercise, I move closer to that day.

I will be able to bike, so I will go to the wellness center, if I am feeling well.  Today, I was in a lot of pain until I got some heavier medication that finally hit it.

I believe that God is in control and will be with me wherever I need to go.


2010-01-29 12:04 AM
in reply to: #2641593

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Hope all goes well for you tomorrow, Nichi.  I will keep you in my prayers.  

As for my "it" ... I used to run past a cemetery as part of my route everyday and I would think about all those people who can no longer run and how short life really is in the grand scheme of things.  If nothing else, it kept my wandering mind busy long enough to complete the rest of the run.  As for what gets me out of bed on those tough mornings; that would be my wife if I let the alarm clock wake her up twice that early.  

Hope ya'll have a great training day tomorrow!

David (who still needs to come up with a signature
2010-01-29 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2641647

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
thanks, david!  Welcome to our group!

2010-01-29 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
In light of the Superbowl coming up, how about a nice friendly competition? 

My idea:
To keep everyone motivated, I thought we could have our own Superbowl using our Training as scoring.  Two teams and points are scored like a Touchdown.  Competition can start Feb 1 and go until Feb 15. 

Because we are Triathletes, we should using swimming, biking, and running.  For every 1.2 mile swim your team does, you get 7 points.  For every 56 miles your team bikes, you score 7 points, for every 13 miles your team runs, you score 7 points.  For every 1 hour of other sports you do, you get 1 point for your team. 

For example, your team runs 57 miles in the two weeks.  Your team gets 4 touchdowns or 28 points.  Now if your team would have ran 65 miles you would have gotten 5 Touchdowns.  Might make us all swim, bike, and run a bit more especially towards the end of the competition. 

People that have been active on the website are as follows:
Jonathan Swift

I have looked at everyone's training and would like to propose the following teams

Team 1

Team 2
Jonathan Swift

I am open to any suggestions though. 

What does everyone say?  We can always add more people if there are more on this thread I am not aware of. 
2010-01-29 2:56 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Sounds fun! I am really not a numbers/stats person, though. I can barely count my laps, so keeping track of total training could be tricky...just keep loggin
2010-01-29 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Nichi- You're definitely in my thoughts. That has got to be so hard not knowing what is going on.

Slacker - I pity the team that gets stuck with me - I hope there's a marathoner on my team! But that would definitely motivate me... except my workouts will still be baby steps.

I'm planning on a trainer ride tomorrow. I got one in last week. The temps are frigid here, so I don't think I'll be running outside anytime too soon.

To answer the earlier question, how do you feel about your training, I'm feeling good, but slightly frustrated. I'm realizing I have so little fitness that it doesn't seem like I'm really ready to tackle one of the packaged training plans. I have probably less than a dozen workouts since starting back at training since last fall. But with that being said, the baby workouts I've been doing haven't totally broken me, so I'm doing all right. Just not sure where to go from here. It feels like I should get a few more starter workouts in before tackling a rigid plan. But time is still an issue, so I feel like I should come up with a "pre" training plan.

I'm rambling now.

2010-01-29 7:20 PM
in reply to: #2642541

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Count me in!!!
2010-01-29 9:08 PM
in reply to: #2587664

Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!  Praise God, no cancer!  I didn't even tell my mom because I didn't want her to worry needlessly. 

I am disappointed that I won't be able to complete my goals for the month, but am extremely thankful for my health and my family who has been taking good care of me.

I am in on the challenge-here I am in 3 challenges for February! 

It means a lot to have all of your support. 
Thank you!

2010-01-29 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2587664

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frozen north till Spring
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
i'm in!

i'll do my best with my ITB issues

my it is knowing how far i've come and how far i can go!
2010-01-29 10:16 PM
in reply to: #2643940

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

I'm not sure how much I'll be contributing, but I'm in!

2010-01-30 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Extreme Veteran
Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed

You don't need to ride an IRONMAN distance to contribute.  I think the teams are evenly matched. CHeer on others and help keep everyone motivated.

2010-01-30 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2587664

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Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
Nichi  great news!

I am in for the competiton.  I was supposed to do a "long" run (8-10miles)  on 1/31, but in the spirit of competition I will save it until Monday.  Also, I will try to get in as many Trainer sessions as possible to help out.

Let the games begin!
2010-01-30 10:35 PM
in reply to: #2641476

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
davidson3 - 2010-01-28 7:24 PM

The "IT" for me is time.  I am fighting the effects of it.  I found myself moving up a waist size in my Levi's.  That is how I got into running then Tri's.

Time just keeps marching on and as I get ilder, I want to fight it even harder.  Setting new goals and pushing farther and faster gets me up early. 
Time is mean to us all. Way to fight!
2010-01-30 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2641593

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
nichip - 2010-01-28 8:45 PM

HI Team,

I had a repeat mammogram done this morning and a biopsy this afternoon, will know results sometime tomorrow.  Good knews, my knees will get a rest!  No running or swimming until Monday-doc's orders. 

The "it" for me, is that I know when I don't exercise, I don't feel as good.  I have made a commitment to myself and I have learned that when I break commitments to myself, I lose my self respect and it can become a quick spiral downward.  Also, I am on an anti-depressant and would like to someday not be on it.  Every day that I exercise, I move closer to that day.

I will be able to bike, so I will go to the wellness center, if I am feeling well.  Today, I was in a lot of pain until I got some heavier medication that finally hit it.

I believe that God is in control and will be with me wherever I need to go.


You're in my prayers. It is amazing how much better we feel when we are in shape. Weird that something that makes us feels so good is so hard to get motivated to do.
2010-01-30 10:40 PM
in reply to: #2642541

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Extreme Veteran
Ellensburg, WA
Subject: RE: Tri for fun - Full up, closed
jslacker - 2010-01-29 9:11 AM

In light of the Superbowl coming up, how about a nice friendly competition? 

My idea:
To keep everyone motivated, I thought we could have our own Superbowl using our Training as scoring.  Two teams and points are scored like a Touchdown.  Competition can start Feb 1 and go until Feb 15. 

Because we are Triathletes, we should using swimming, biking, and running.  For every 1.2 mile swim your team does, you get 7 points.  For every 56 miles your team bikes, you score 7 points, for every 13 miles your team runs, you score 7 points.  For every 1 hour of other sports you do, you get 1 point for your team. 

For example, your team runs 57 miles in the two weeks.  Your team gets 4 touchdowns or 28 points.  Now if your team would have ran 65 miles you would have gotten 5 Touchdowns.  Might make us all swim, bike, and run a bit more especially towards the end of the competition. 

People that have been active on the website are as follows:
Jonathan Swift

I have looked at everyone's training and would like to propose the following teams

Team 1

Team 2
Jonathan Swift

I am open to any suggestions though. 

What does everyone say?  We can always add more people if there are more on this thread I am not aware of. 

All I have to say is BRING IT!!!!
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