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2010-02-21 6:03 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
oh MAN- you two just touched on this huge discussion we are having over on my blog.

I very very VERY strongly believe that we have a problem in this country with body image. Thin is NOT healthy. I've been stressing my belief that your shape and size has a lot to do with genetics, and that instead of striving to be a particular size or weight, you should be focusing on a balance of nutrition, exercise, and anything that makes your spirit HAPPY. I know seriously stressed out skinny women who do not exercise and I know I am healthier than them!

This came up on the blog because of a pair of jeans, and me not wanting to go buy a pair, but needing something to wear for this odd time- the transition from maternity/yoga pants back to the regular wardrobe.

Even when I was working out a ton- last Spring- right before I got pregnant, I was a solid 12 with low body fat, and the healthiest I have ever been (nutrition AND exercise-wise). That was when I learned that big lesson- the scale is not what is important to me, and that, at 6 foot tall and with all of my triathlon training, size 12 was my size.

Part of why I love this sport is that women of all shapes and sizes do it- and we are all HEALTHY and train hard to be there at the starting line.

(OKAY enough).
Lovey, I have to tell you I am jealous of all the time you have. The yoga is something I aspire to add in- unfortunately, the time to do a Yoga DVD would be the evenings when the kids are in bed. We have a DVD a friend loaned us- I just need to make us do it instead of vegging out and nursing the baby while we watch the Olympics.

Oh, and I did go buy the jeans yesterday. They fit nicely and I felt so much better!

2010-02-21 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Thanks for the tips on the magonese and the vitamins.  I'll do some research on it.  I didn't have all the symptoms of hypoglycemia but I definitely think my nutrition during the hard workouts needs balancing.  I have to find a way so that I don't feel like toast afterwards.  When I was racewalking (that was last year because of an injury), I met a woman who was 69 and could kick my and racewalk 9min/mile.  She took gel 15 min before the race, and then every 30 minutes during a race.  She had advised me to start using gel (I like Hammer brand, raspberry and apple-cinamon are my favorite.  I hate GU, it is like frosting, ick) or clif shot blocks (which I use but they stick to my teeth) regularly during my workouts.  I don't listen very well and have only tried it occasionally.  I totally know that I tanked during that ride last week and then by pushing through, my brain viewed it as torture.  My trainer was determined on Friday to break that thought and he worked right along side me, pushing me to work, letting my brain know that it was okay.  Yesterday, my run was awesome and I was so high afterwards.  That is the longest I've run since December and doing it with a group made me accountable, sort of like this group.

Lovey-you rock!  You are getting so healthy and I totally agree with Ann about the whole body image but it is SO unfair that with all that working out, you aren't a size 8.  I get frustrated too because I have worked out like a fiend, only to see all my measurements increase (increase muscle size pushes the fat out so actually you grow, so under the fat layer, I am probably a size 8 but I can't seem to shake my fat layer to let all that muscle show).  Its just not fair.  Love the body you are in.  You are strong and healthy. 

Ann, Ann, Ann, drink your liquids!!!  Girl, you know better.  You are the nutrition queen.  Maybe I need to start a thread on hydration and the effects on your body.  You know that hydration can cause headaches.  Just sayin'

Speaking of headaches, I had a massage on Thursday.  I always feel like crap the day after because of all the toxins that get released.  It was a neurotransmitter release massage that worked my shoulders only.  Next time it will only be my neck because my massage therapist was telling me that because of the ATP build up in my neck muscles it directly affects certain areas of my head.  He had asked me if I get frontal headaches because a certain muscle in my neck (and I don't remember which one) is super tight and would give me those.  He said he could tell that muscle was tight when I walked in the room, by the fact that I hold my head forward and your ears should be over your shoulders.  Interesting.  All he did was touch that muscle this time and I screamed.  I'll let you know if it helps. 

Ginny-any news on your daughter?

How is everyone doing with their challenge?  I have to convince myself to do the bike for an hour each day to complete.  I am still negotiating that with my brain.  I will be good on the swim (thanks to Ginny) and the run. 

2010-02-21 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I have dieted down to a size 8 and realized how much I hated it. I am not big boned nor fine boned just in the middle. The size 8 looked great but didn't feel great.

I was my most comfortable in a size 10/12. My chest is huge so sometimes I would have to wear a 12 and then tuck the waist. I wasn't focusing on just the size but the size I felt most comfortable and healthy at. If I weighed 170 and fit in a size 10, fine. As I reach each size, I try to assess how I feel in my clothes and how happy and comfortable I feel. If that happens at size 12 then I would go into maintenance.

It seems like I have a lot of time but with 2 super active boys and a full-time job, my schedule is tight and very precise. I schedule EVERYTHING around my family's schedule or it would never get done. I swim at 6am and back home by 7:30 so my husband can leave all while the kids are asleep. When my boys take martial arts, I use that hour to run two 2-mile loops in the industrial park nearby. I run at the crack of dawn on the weekends so I can be back in time for 8am basketball. When I am desparate, I jog around the football field in the fall when my boys are practicing. My 11 year old is in a kids raquetball league on Weds at the gym. Yes! I lift weights and take express spinning while he's playing and my younger one is in kidsspace. Wherever I can squeeze it in, that's what I do.

My hubby is very helpful too. I ran on part of my half marathon course early this morning and my husband stayed home, got the kids dressed and went to church. I need to take a nap now before they come home. Good thing I already cooked.

2010-02-21 7:03 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Jo, thanks for all your posts.  I've been having trouble with motivation lately too.  I'll skip two or three days of work out just because I don't feel like getting off the couch.  My job is also crazy, sometimes I work 6am-2pm other days 12pm-8pm.  So my body never gets to adjust to one wake up time.  I try to wake up and work out early on 12-8 days, but somedays this week my body has just refused.  I'm awake, but not at all functional.  I think all of you are amazing!!!!  Holding full time jobs, most of you have children too.  I'm almost 23 (my birthday is Wednesday), I work full time, but besides that all I have to do is maintain my trailer and train for this triathlon.  What has been hard for me is that I was planning on doing the April 25th Sprint Tri here in my hometown.  However, now it looks like I may (if I get into HSU for grad school) be moving or moved to California by this time.  There is very little keeping me here in Illinois aside from the triathlon, so I'm disappointed with that.  Guess I need to see if I can find a tri in Cali... maybe that would re up my motivation.  Not sure.

I'm still hoping to meet the IM distance this month.  I rode the stationary bike at the gym tonight for two hours and logged 28.5 miles.  Proud of that, takes a big chunk of the bike off my shoulders.  Now to catch up on the running.

On the stretching/nutrition side of things, I am terrible at both.  I don't really stretch at all.  I have started doing a few stretches after a long bike and run, but nothing consistent.  Nutrition: when I count calories or try to "watch" what I eat, I basically stop eating.  I just let myself eat what I want within reason.  I eat two meals a day at work (I work in a nursing home), they are not always the most healthy but its better than fast food.  My other meal of the day is usually late at night, which isn't good but it tends to be whatever my friends make or wherever we decide to go out to eat.  I'm not much of a cook (though I do hope to change this, I have a collection of recipes I want to try).  I also am an extreme penny pincher, so for me FREE food will win out everytime no matter how unhealthy.

On a good note, I finally found a plumber to come out to the trailer and I have a running water again.  After almost three months without this is a major bonus!  Never ever run out of propane, your pipes will freeze, and the results will not be pretty. Its also getting warmer here, which is good for me mentally.  I'm ready to start biking and running outside again.
2010-02-21 7:17 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hi, all!  I got back from Florida on Wednesday of this past week, and just had a chance to catch up on the blog.

Lots of great discussions going on! 

Nutrition-wise, I use on my phone, which is handy cuz I always have it with me.   I'm doing 1600 / day, but maybe that is too much?  I lost some when I first started, but nothing has budged much since.  I'm a little discouraged and REALLY want to drop a size.  I know I'm healthier now, which brings me solace, but it sure would be nice to feel better in my clothes.

As far as 'hitting a wall' is concerned, I am a wimp.  One thing that all this training has helped me with is getting over feeling sorry for myself.   I used to stop running or whatever as soon as I felt like I 'just couldn't go on' (which honestly wasn't all that much!)  But when I read about what you all are doing, it inspires me and I find myself saying "I WILL do this!" when I am training.  It makes me realize how much I have to learn and that I have MUCH work to do.   So, for me, the wall I hit is mostly mental. 

I have a question for anyone who wants to take it on:

Now that I can swim a mile without stopping, do you think that is enough distance to go for in a day, and (as far as getting ready for the spring tri is concerned) do you think I should now concentrate on increasing my speed, or improving technique, etc?  Or do I STILL need to build for distance?  The tri I in has a .62 mile swim.

Well, off to fold laundry and get the kids ready for the coming week of school. 



2010-02-22 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

If your endurance in the water is where you need to be, next work on TECHNIQUE. Good technique, proper, efficient technique, will improve your endurance and speed.

Taking a class would help- there are also lots of book and web resources, like total immersion swimming, triswim coach .com- check around. Drills are key to improving your technique- kick drills, stroke drills like fingertip or catch-up drills....

Definitely check around and focus on technique.

2010-02-22 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2685335

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks Anne.  I will look into the things you suggested.
2010-02-22 2:53 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Hay Ladies-

I'm back from vacation and (mostly) healthy.  I got a swim and bike in at the gym this morning and I sit here feeling my core a little - I guess being off the bike for so long got my middle a little soft!  We'll see how I feel tomorrow

I briefly skimmed messages since I've been gone.  Good to see a couple races!  I've been thinking I should find one for my calendar so I have a nearterm goal to work towards.

2010-02-23 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Welcome back Cynthia!

Oh a vacation.....I took a mini one, meaning I got an hour away from the baby last night to have a Margarita at a friend's house for National Margarita Day. Yes, that is a real holiday.

I just have to get in a good long swim on Thursday and I will be done with the Feb Challenge (HIM). How about everyone else? I'm sure you are all getting closer! It definitely kept me motivated this month to get to the pool.

This week I'm focusing on hydration since I got out of the habit. Water or Heed. That's it for me. I can't drink milk (makes the baby spit up a lot). Oh, and obviously, the occasional Margarita. How about everyone else? What are you drinking?
2010-02-23 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
drinking... in Hawaii it was a lot of fresh juices with dashes of rum  :-)

I find a go through phases of being good with daily hydration.  depends on where/what the kids and I are doing.  Sometimes I find it is late afternoon and I haven't had much more than my morning tea and a little water.  Then I gulp more water and try to make up for a weak morning.  I'm certainly better when I'm good with my liquids.

dinner sometimes includes an adult beverage, that too goes in phases.

Another good swim and bike... gotta get back to running tho'.

2010-02-23 4:55 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I could use an adult beverage right about now! It's almost 6 and I have been on my comp for work since 8.  As for hydrating, I'm doing better. I just have to pull myself away from work to get another glass of H20.   I always have tea in the AM and the occasional adult beverage.  It seems those come more on the weekends these days.

Am not doing well with the challenge, but may try to make up for it in the next couple of days as I have my motivation back and am finding a good oly plan. I also bought my iron and am TAKING it.  Amazing!  I've been anemic since I was in HS and you would think it'd be like second nature to take it.

Either way, I found it absorbs better with vitamin c and I can feel the difference after a couple of days.  All in all, things are well except that I ripped a pair of comfy "go-to" jeans today.  Le sigh.  I guess it's time to buy some more.

2010-02-23 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Arcata, CA
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
My im goals for the month are definately in site despite my laziness mid month. I am determined to make it. As for hydration I drink a lot of coffee at work like constantly. And i'd estimate i drink about half a gallon of regular water a day or at least i strive to. As far as adult drinks go... I indulge somewhat sporadically but am always careful not to drink too much. I know those empty calories and the dehydration seriously limit my work outs. So usually i dd for my friends and stop after a beer or two.
2010-02-23 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

I have decided to quit putting so much pressure on myself to complete my bike for the IM challenge.  I am going to a trainerfest (2 hours with 19 other crazy BT'ers) on Sunday and I might get some more in but I am not going to obsess and will celebrate what I have done instead of concentrating on what I haven't done. 

Adult beverages-love them, especially if they are red and aged in French oak.  Its Lent so I only indulge on Sundays.  Usually, I have a glass a night.  Empty calories, maybe, but they count as a fruit so only a few of those calories are empty. 

2010-02-23 8:06 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I hit my HIM swim and run distance goal already and may even make it the IM distances.
As for the bike, that's not going to happen with my knee but am going to test it tomorrow.

2010-02-24 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
I'm so proud of everyone and the work they have done on this month's challenge!

Don't hurt yourselves/stress out about getting the challenge finished. If you make it, great! If not, you tried! I bet you exercised more just this week than most of the people you see every day.

I'm having anxiety over my May 2nd race. It's the 4 person relay of the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon. First note- this is a notoriously tough marathon. It's almost all hills. My brother assigned the legs, and I'm first leg and slowest runner. He and my Uncle both run marathons and are planning a 7 minute/mile pace.

PANIC. And for me? And the anchor, who is my 23 year old single cousin Jessica, they want us to keep our pace at 10 minutes per mile.

PANIC. And my Uncle just broke the news that my leg, the first leg, ends half way up the biggest hill on the course. This is not a hill people, like a little slope. This is a steep mountain.

PANIC. panic. Get me a brown bag STAT.

Mike keeps telling me to relax. I had an 11:40 pace last night, my brother says if I can get my pace to 11 minutes per mile that would be good. At some point I am going to send them a nasty message reminding them that most women are not running 3 miles per run, 3 times per week, 10 weeks after having a baby, in order to prep for a marathon relay. TIME is not my goal. Finishing is, and just fitting in my runs. My Uncle offered to send me some speed-focused workouts. I offered to send him a box of dog poop.

(okay I feel better)
THIS is why I do not do relays. Ask Jo and Ginny- there is not a competitive bone in my body. If I'm part of a team or a relay, I fret the whole time that other people will be upset by my performance. I'm SLOW. My goals in any race are simple:
1- don't die
2- don't pee or poop myself

So- do any of you have stressful racers in your life? Do you race with them, or avoid them? What do you do if they are way into your training? Do you try to surround yourself with cheerleaders, or are most of your racing friends dragging you down? I'm more of a cheerleader- and I guess I need to find more of those.
2010-02-24 8:14 AM
in reply to: #2690031

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Today, I was supposed to do a 6am swim for day 2 of my Swim 0 to One mile in Six Weeks program. I have been having a hard time getting 7-8 hours of sleep consistently. Either I go to bed late and wake up early or fall asleep early and get up in the middle of the night. This morning, I skipped my swim and slept in so I could a full 7 ½ hour sleep that I knew my body needed.

Anne- my running group is supportive. You say you are slow, I run 13.5 min pace (no walking) now so I guess that makes me a turtle compared to you ? I was at 15.52 pace two years ago with walk breaks. I have had to avoid people who when I told them my 40+ 5K time, they gave me that “funny” look like “were you walking”. I avoid those people because if I don’t, I would have stopped running already. I try to focus on what I can do not what I can’t do. It is hard sometimes. There are times when I can’t keep the negativity out and self doubt creeps in and I get de-motivated and depressed.

I say run the best you can without injuring yourself. Get some hill training or do hill repeats on the course if you can. You let them know what your pace is and unless they withdraw they will have to live with it. You keep telling us not to push ourselves to the point of injury so I am giving you the same advice. Push yourself too hard, get injured, can’t do the race, then you’ll be yelling at yourself and they wouldn’t need to. We all will be rooting for you.


2010-02-24 9:37 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Thanks Lovey!

I knew if I could just get all of the anxiety OUT I would be better.

My Uncle and my brother also don't get that I am trying to train for 3 disciplines, not just running, and they just run all the time.

My 11:40 time is slow compared to THEM. For me, it's fast. And, considering when I started this whole tri thing I could not run a mile at all, I'm pretty happy with my time.

My toddler is driving me nuts. I'm off to swim.

Lovey, good job getting SLEEP. I never underestimate the power of a good, full, restful night of sleep.
2010-02-24 10:58 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Wellesley, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Anne- I agree- send them a large box of dog poop each. I am planning on joining a tri club locally and am looking forward to being among people who can push each other to do their best, not to do what others think they should.

My best friend has qualified for the Boston Marathon 3 times and is doing her 10th marathon this spring.  She touts her 7 min mile as an accomplishment.  I think doing tris and training & completing a marathon during my busiest travel season is an accomplishment.  We see it differently and leave it there. When I am competitive, it's with myself only and not others.

So go out and run your best- and remind those stinky men that they didn't just have a baby which didn't interrupt their training for months, never mind their bodies.  Fingers crossed you don't pee!
2010-02-25 5:58 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Troy, MI
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!

Anne, these men you are running with need a little schooling.  I say run at your 11:40 min/mile pace, which by the way is awesome and just be comfortable.  They knew who you were when they invited you to run with them.  They are not elite so tell them to quit acting like it.  Relays are meant to be fun.  If they wanted PR's then they should run the 10k as an individual.  Lets be realistic, marathon start position #1 is the slowest leg, not because of the person running but because of the crowd.  Realistically, you won't be able to even shake the crowd for 2 miles and then you will still be dodging some people.  The hills at Flying Pig are bad in some parts but they are not mountains, you can do it.  Run smart and blame it on the crowd.  Stupid testosterone filled men.  Stick with us girls. 

What relay do you and Ginny want to do this year?  I'm in.  Girls Rule, Boys Drool!

2010-02-25 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2600896

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Central Ohio
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
A relay?  Are we talking tri relay?  Do they do relays for anything less than HIM?  I'm definitely not up for doing anything of HIM distance...Olympic maybe.  But it would be fun to do one for sure.

Anne you are going to do great on the Flying Pig!  I'm jealous that you're getting to do it.  I hear it's an awesome race.  I'm still debating on doing the 10K the day before. I don't think I'm going to be able to do the HM here in Columbus that next day since I haven't hardly run at all.  But I think I still have time to build up to a 10K by then.

Edited by scubagrrl 2010-02-25 11:04 AM
2010-02-25 5:04 PM
in reply to: #2690031

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Your relay would stress me out TOO!  I laughed out loud at your post.  They need to take a 'chill pill'   I think it is AMAZING that you are running as much as you are AND mentoring all of us AND raising a baby.  I have waited 8 years to get moving! 

I really like your 3 goals, and have decided to adopt them as my own! 

I have never run in a relay, but I can understand how you feel the pressure for the rest of your team.  I like being challenged, but as soon as I think I'm going to fail, I fold up tent and go home.   I find giving up far too easy.  Part of all this training has been mental for me and teaching myself not to give up.   For some people a big challenge sparks them to push and finish even faster, but not me.

As far as the challenge goes, I have decided I'm not going to push myself to injury in order to achieve it.  Yesterday I ran/walked 5 mi, and cycled 15.  This morning my left knee felt a little 'tweaky'... after the kids left for school, I ended up going back to bed - zonked.  So I guess I needed the rest.  Tomorrow, I'll jump in again.  I did fine with the swimming part of the challenge and could get the cycling done with a little more effort, but the running would do me in.  Like you said, I did more than I would have if you didn't give us the challenge, so it's a 'win'....  

My first race is next month.... a flat and fast 5K in Bear, DE.  This is my second time running it, so it'll be nice to have a time to beat -

I have found the internet to be FULL of training video segments on swimming (and almost anything else you need to know!)  I really have enjoyed Ruth Kazez's site.

It's nice to catch up and read everyone's posts.... TTYL!

2010-02-25 5:09 PM
in reply to: #2690181

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Fair Hill, MD
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Lovey - If you're a turtle, then I'm a slug.  But I'm a slug who is moving, which is more than I was doing before. 
2010-02-25 6:10 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Let me tell you all a story....

You can't get anywhere if you're standing still.

After I had Sophie in June of 2007, I knew I needed to do SOMETHING to get moving. I was watching Mike at the Sylvania Triathlon, and I thought, I can do this. He was doing the duathlon because he was a horrible swimmer- and anytime we swam laps together he would say, "Anne, anyone can run. Anyone can bike. But the swim part is where most people freak out. And you already have that part mastered."

He was right. I have a natural endurance in the water, I had the advantage of years of high school swim team. But the running and biking?

You know the story of my first bike outside. I did not go faster than 7mph, and a squirrel tried to kill me.

But my first oustide run?

Mike told me to go out and do the 1 mile loop. A MILE? A whole mile? And it was March. COLD. Up to that point I had done treadmill work, and most of the time I did not run the whole time on the treadmill. I thought a 15 minute mile was pretty fast. Halfway through my run, I mentally fell apart. A mile was so LONG. Oh my GOD. SO LONG. And my neighbors? It was like every single one was out for some reason in their cars, or getting their mail, but they were so definitely all WATCHING ME and my jiggly butt waddle down the road. I was certainly not running. I was maybe a pace above a slow walk. Then I was past the halfway point, and then getting closer to my house- and I didn't die. I made it home. And my time was super slow, but you know what? It was faster than I thought it would be, faster than the 15 minute mile I was doing on the treadmill at the Y.

During my first tri, the all women's race, I was determined to run the whole thing. Walking was not an option, because I had people there watching me. Sometimes the people walking would run past me, and then I would catch up with them when they walked again. I was super slow. I'd catch up to a walker and say, "run with me, just run to that fence post, you can do it, LET'S BE TURTLES TOGETHER." Because I knew no matter what, I was going to get to that finish line- even if I was running as slow as a turtle.

The deal with my brother and my uncle is a PRIME EXAMPLE of women versus men in this sport. Yes, I know some competitive women, some who want to go faster and win win win. But truly, most of us just want to finish. Because there is nothing more fantastic than crossing the finish line.

GINNY- HFP racing does a lot of tris around ohio and most of them they offer sprint or oly relays. I'm doing a sprint relay at the Maumee Bay tri in June. HIM relay? Not a chance for me either. If you do the Pig, let me know! I'd love to try and come watch you do the 10k. Basically my leg of the Pig is a 10k; 4 person realy, mine is a little over 6.5 miles.

Oh there is the cutest, roundest, smiliest baby wiggling in my lap so my time is done. I took a mental health day today- so needed it. Did some retail therapy and used up some coupons at the mall on kids clothes.

I'll catch up on logs this weekend. JOYCE, you are smart to listen to your body and your knee. Good job resting.
2010-02-25 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Baltimore Area
Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
With the exception of the two days I swim with my coached group, I am following the Swim Zero to One Mile in Six Weeks program. I did week 1/day 1 workout on Tuesday.

I was planning to get to my swim calss early today so I can do week 1/day 2 before swim class started but my son woke up a lttle sick. By the time I got him re-settled and out the door, I got to class right on time.

Needless to say, I was happy I didn't get there early. Today was not the usual drill, intervals and sprints we do. She wanted to test what we learned so it was long swims. I felt like I did day 2 of my Swim Zero to One Mile program. I did 1000 yards!!

1x500 swim (I struggle and she made me put fins on for half of it)
2x50 kick only with fins
1x200 swim / no fins
1x50 kickboard / no fins
1x150 swim / no fins

Week 1-Day 2 of Zero to One Mile is (no fins):
4 x 100 for 12 breaths between 100s
4 x 50 for 8 breaths between 50s
4 x 25 for 4 breaths between 25s
total: 700 yards

Wasn't my workout equivalent to this? Can I count it? Swimming is so hard.

P.S. I not too long ago finished my evening run. It was a slow run due to cold, icy conditions but it felt so good to be outside though.


Edited by Lovey 2010-02-25 7:57 PM
2010-02-25 9:23 PM
in reply to: #2600896

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Subject: RE: FancyPants Group, Part 2- The Ladies Are FULL!
Sh*t yes, Lovey, you can count anything in the water that involves moving your arms or legs. I used to be addicted to flippers, too. Go ahead and use em. Eventually you won't need them anymore. If I could learn to swim at 40 (yep, took lessons) you can become a swim master!!

You are all doing great!

Anne, I've never run anything faster than 11:30 and my lungs almost heaved out of my chest after that. It's more fun to run with the 70 and 80 year olds who are faster than the walkers (some of them) and slower than the rest of the runners. I did a 5 mile walk last year and this lady had her baby on her back and was walking 2 dogs....she beat me, even though the dogs wanted to chase the ducks along the way. I still had fun

One more swim, a very long bike and a short run and I've met the goal this month.

Today I organized receipts for taxes. Been procrastinating on that. Believe me, I'd rather been running!
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