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2010-04-09 3:30 PM
in reply to: #2770589

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2010-04-09 3:50 PM
in reply to: #2780990

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
onevette80 - 2010-04-09 1:24 PM I just talked to my brother about the significant HR drop when I drop into aero position.  He said that Tri bikes are setup to use the same muscles you use when you run as opposed to typical cycling position.  That way, when you transition to run there is little to no shock on your legs.  He said that since I was ALOT stronger runner than cyclist, he pushed my seat forward to take even more advantage of this.  Last year I was doing easy 20min/5k after a 15 mile bike.  He said 20bpm wasn't typical, but very posible. 
Essentialy, under developed cycling muscles being used when sitting up vs developed running muscles down on bars.  Makes sense I guess......... 
This may all be common sense to you guys, but helps me out alot!
And I think Im so uncomfortable bc my shoulders are so tired from all the swimming Ive been doing.  Plus, Ive got a big head to hold up!

It makes sense that engaging your "running" muscles would drop your HR since you're such a strong runner. I forget from the first time you brought this up - was this HR drop on a trainer or the road? I don't have a tri-bike, but I imagine that riding in a more aerodynamic position also takes a lot of the stress and toll off of your legs and HR.
2010-04-09 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2781061

cabot, Arkansas
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full

iowagander - 2010-04-09 3:50 PM
onevette80 - 2010-04-09 1:24 PM I just talked to my brother about the significant HR drop when I drop into aero position.  He said that Tri bikes are setup to use the same muscles you use when you run as opposed to typical cycling position.  That way, when you transition to run there is little to no shock on your legs.  He said that since I was ALOT stronger runner than cyclist, he pushed my seat forward to take even more advantage of this.  Last year I was doing easy 20min/5k after a 15 mile bike.  He said 20bpm wasn't typical, but very posible. 
Essentialy, under developed cycling muscles being used when sitting up vs developed running muscles down on bars.  Makes sense I guess......... 
This may all be common sense to you guys, but helps me out alot!
And I think Im so uncomfortable bc my shoulders are so tired from all the swimming Ive been doing.  Plus, Ive got a big head to hold up!

It makes sense that engaging your "running" muscles would drop your HR since you're such a strong runner. I forget from the first time you brought this up - was this HR drop on a trainer or the road? I don't have a tri-bike, but I imagine that riding in a more aerodynamic position also takes a lot of the stress and toll off of your legs and HR.


Although, I don't think he was saying Im a strong runner as much as he was saying Im a weak cyclist............   But when we ride together he thinks 26mph is a good "warm up speed" and he constantly nags me to "spin faster" when Im already cranking 90+, "do i need to get the tether out?",  "Here, Ill puch you for a min."    Older bros are great arent they!  lol

2010-04-09 6:20 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Extreme Veteran
metro DC
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
wow. an hour + without email from y'all...i had to check & see if i still had internet access.....

...heading to the pool soon: have a swell evening, & good luck in the weekend races.....!

2010-04-09 7:39 PM
in reply to: #2780921

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
nichip - 2010-04-09 4:02 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 9:04 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-04-09 7:58 AM Here is my bike.

She's a 2008, but I just got her 2 weeks ago.

That bike is swoon worthy!

That's my counter and my floor and my cabinets from my old house!!!!  NICE BIKE!!!
Did you pick out the countertop? 

I picked that out over 10 years ago. I think it's called Colorado Slate if I remember correctly.
2010-04-09 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2770589

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full

Thanks for all the well wishes for my race Sunday.  Last year was my first half marathon and really the thing that pushed me in to endurance sports.  I need to make sure to thank my friend that talked me in to it.

Day off training today and tomorrow.  Picked up my race packet today.  12,500 people doing the 1/2 Sunday in St. Louis.  Weather is supposed to be good.  I think I'm going to do it without tunes.  Might bring my shuffle just in case

Started carbo loading tonight with Taco Bell and a couple beers.  Maybe I could break two hours if I ate better :-).

2010-04-09 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2779432

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ironannekidd - 2010-04-09 7:58 AM Here is my bike.

She's a 2008, but I just got her 2 weeks ago.

wow, beautiful bike!
2010-04-09 8:20 PM
in reply to: #2779348

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Good luck tomorrow Robin and have fun!
2010-04-09 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2779359


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
wgraves7582 - 2010-04-09 7:40 AM Morning Mentees.

I had the hardest run workout this morning and it felt great!

I started off warming up (treadmill) and then once I got 1 mile I started to do 2 minute speed intervals.

6.0 - 2 min
7.0 - 2 min
8.0 - 2 min

then drop to 5.0 to recover for a second and restart

I did this 3 times and ever ramped up to 9.0 a couple of times.

The last one instead of pushing the speed I increased the grade on the machine - ouch!

I was a sweating fool when I got done with that!!!

I will have to try that...I am always looking for new things to do on the treadmill!!
2010-04-09 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2779724


Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
abake - 2010-04-09 9:21 AM OK, I guess I should post some stats about myself now that we're on page 10!

Name: Anne

Story: Age 48, never played sports, no exercise, NOTHING until my mid 30s when I started jogging up and down the road a little bit hoping to lose some weight. From there joined a beginner running group and started running little 5 and 10ks. I'm not fast but I finish! A stress fracture in 2007 set me back from running, so I dusted off my old road bike that my BF had bought for me.  Tried a duathlon (run/bike) and liked it enough to think that maybe a triathlon would be even better.  Only issue was I never learned to swim. In 2008 I signed up for a swim class geared toward triathletes as our local Y. The first night the instructor had us swim 25 yards across the pool to gauge what level we were at. I thought I would drown and had to flip over on my back a couple of times.  Swimming is still my weakest sport although it is getting better.

Last year I did a couple of triathlons and enjoyed them. Best was Tri Shark, since we could wear a wetsuit! 

Family Status: Live with my sweetie of 7 years, collectively we have three kids, all out of the house. We belong to three cats.

Current training: Run 3 of 4x a week, trying to get to the pool 3x a week and ride 2 or 3x.  It's hard to squeeze it all in.  Most of my riding has been in the basement on the drainer but now the weather's breaking and things are looking up.

This year's races:  Sullivan, IL sprint (4/25), Tri Shark in June, Capital City Biathlon in May, possibly an Xterra in late June in Booneville, Indiana (depends how my mtbiking goes). Lake Springfield sprint or oly (not sure yet), Railsplitter Triathlon in Petersburg in August, possibly a late season tri

Weight Loss: I am an Athena and probably always will be since I'm 5'8" and "sturdy". Could stand to lose about 8 lbs, mostly around my middle, the result of my love for food in general

Why I Will Make a Good Ghoulie Mentee: For me, half the fun of triathlon is the people that you meet!

LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 
2010-04-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2780990

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
onevette80 - 2010-04-09 2:24 PM I just talked to my brother about the significant HR drop when I drop into aero position.  He said that Tri bikes are setup to use the same muscles you use when you run as opposed to typical cycling position.  That way, when you transition to run there is little to no shock on your legs.  He said that since I was ALOT stronger runner than cyclist, he pushed my seat forward to take even more advantage of this.  Last year I was doing easy 20min/5k after a 15 mile bike.  He said 20bpm wasn't typical, but very posible. 
Essentialy, under developed cycling muscles being used when sitting up vs developed running muscles down on bars.  Makes sense I guess......... 
This may all be common sense to you guys, but helps me out alot!
And I think Im so uncomfortable bc my shoulders are so tired from all the swimming Ive been doing.  Plus, Ive got a big head to hold up!

Hmm...It definately makes sense that using better trained muscles would lower your HR...I'm thinking aero position itself outside of leg muscles would also have an effect on decreasing HR. When you are upright your postural muscles are constantly working to maintain when on a road bike, even though your arms are bracing some of your weight, the big postural muscles in your back are contracted (i think they are called the erector muscles--I'd have to look for sure). But when you are in aero these muscles are not engaged because your body weight is being ideally balanced by your skeleton. I think you would even see a change in HR between sitting up and lying down...(I just did a really quick test of this)...I dunno, maybe? This is me thinking out loud..

2010-04-09 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Thinking out loud toppage!
2010-04-09 8:50 PM
in reply to: #2781527

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
kali0824 - 2010-04-09 8:36 PM  
LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 

See, that is what I am talking about!  
2010-04-09 8:59 PM
in reply to: #2781556

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
abake - 2010-04-09 8:50 PM
kali0824 - 2010-04-09 8:36 PM  
LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 

See, that is what I am talking about!  

I tried to start this tri thing once before about 4 years ago and gave up after trying to swim for about a week.  It was so humiliating to stop every length gasping for air when the 60 year old next to me iwa clicking off the laps effortlessly.  I didn't give up when I restarted last year, but I was tempted on several occasions.
2010-04-09 9:06 PM
in reply to: #2781568

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-04-09 8:59 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 8:50 PM
kali0824 - 2010-04-09 8:36 PM  
LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 

See, that is what I am talking about!  

I tried to start this tri thing once before about 4 years ago and gave up after trying to swim for about a week.  It was so humiliating to stop every length gasping for air when the 60 year old next to me iwa clicking off the laps effortlessly.  I didn't give up when I restarted last year, but I was tempted on several occasions.

Don't get me started on those effortless swimmer types. Yell 
2010-04-09 9:32 PM
in reply to: #2781576

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
abake - 2010-04-09 9:06 PM
ransick - 2010-04-09 8:59 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 8:50 PM
kali0824 - 2010-04-09 8:36 PM  
LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 

See, that is what I am talking about!  

I tried to start this tri thing once before about 4 years ago and gave up after trying to swim for about a week.  It was so humiliating to stop every length gasping for air when the 60 year old next to me iwa clicking off the laps effortlessly.  I didn't give up when I restarted last year, but I was tempted on several occasions.

Don't get me started on those effortless swimmer types. Yell 

Me neither :-).  I don't think I was ever humbled as much in my whole life as I was when I learned to swim (in my forties).  To make matters worse, when I got a coach, she had me switch to jammers.  So a middle aged, out of shape guy in jammers that can't put together more than two laps swimming next to basically anyone else was pretty funny for everyone.  I'm still not fast, but I'm not that guy that should have given up anymore either.

2010-04-09 9:41 PM
in reply to: #2781611

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-04-09 8:32 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 9:06 PM
ransick - 2010-04-09 8:59 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 8:50 PM
kali0824 - 2010-04-09 8:36 PM  
LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 

See, that is what I am talking about!  

I tried to start this tri thing once before about 4 years ago and gave up after trying to swim for about a week.  It was so humiliating to stop every length gasping for air when the 60 year old next to me iwa clicking off the laps effortlessly.  I didn't give up when I restarted last year, but I was tempted on several occasions.

Don't get me started on those effortless swimmer types. Yell 

Me neither :-).  I don't think I was ever humbled as much in my whole life as I was when I learned to swim (in my forties).  To make matters worse, when I got a coach, she had me switch to jammers.  So a middle aged, out of shape guy in jammers that can't put together more than two laps swimming next to basically anyone else was pretty funny for everyone.  I'm still not fast, but I'm not that guy that should have given up anymore either.

Swimming was all I had for a really long time...10+ yrs competitive club and varsity...I used to absolutely SUCK at running...eventually it came too with your swimming... Always room for improvement though! haha
2010-04-09 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2770589

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
I love the sig line I saw on BT, "why suck at one sport when you can suck at three".
2010-04-09 11:21 PM
in reply to: #2781611

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-04-09 7:32 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 9:06 PM
ransick - 2010-04-09 8:59 PM
abake - 2010-04-09 8:50 PM
kali0824 - 2010-04-09 8:36 PM  
LOL!!  When I joined a swimming class to learn how to swim, the coach also told me to swim 25 yards.  I couldn't swim freestyle so I started doing the froggy.  It was so embarassing!! 

See, that is what I am talking about!  

I tried to start this tri thing once before about 4 years ago and gave up after trying to swim for about a week.  It was so humiliating to stop every length gasping for air when the 60 year old next to me iwa clicking off the laps effortlessly.  I didn't give up when I restarted last year, but I was tempted on several occasions.

Don't get me started on those effortless swimmer types. Yell 

Me neither :-).  I don't think I was ever humbled as much in my whole life as I was when I learned to swim (in my forties).  To make matters worse, when I got a coach, she had me switch to jammers.  So a middle aged, out of shape guy in jammers that can't put together more than two laps swimming next to basically anyone else was pretty funny for everyone.  I'm still not fast, but I'm not that guy that should have given up anymore either.

I'm with you guys. I never did any form of competitive swimming growing up but I was fortunate enough to take lessons as a kid. I figured when I started trying to swim last summer that my "knowledge" of the swimming stroke would be enough for me to get started. The first time I tried doing laps I was flopping around like crazy and had to switch between freestyle, side stroke, and back stroke. Even then I had to stop to breathe after each 50. It did come eventually though - I just needed to be patient (and forget any illusions about me ever being fast in the water). If you can take lessons then all the better!
2010-04-09 11:58 PM
in reply to: #2770589

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Well helllooooo Gouhlie Mentees! (and mentors!) i'm a little late to the game, but I like to make a grand entrance anyway, tiara and all. Wink (Queenie, could you make sure my tiara IS on its way? That UPS guy must be holding onto it...

: Amy--I have been a Goulie since the beginning of the Gouhlies--and I thought I'd lend Ann a hand with mentoring this month. 

Story: I started training for tris in November 2007 at the suggestion of a friend. I only did one tri my first season (May 2008), and 2 in my second season, but I also did a half marathon and a metric century bike event that second year. I was a competitive swimer from age 7 to 13, then again in high school for a year or two, until I started springboard diving. College and kids got the better of me, and I found myself out of shape and slowly gaining weight . 
Family Status: I am married with 2 kids, ages 13 and 7 (going on 8). My hubby travels alot for work, and I work part time as a nurse in the evenings, so I am a sorta-stay-at-home, pseudo-single mom.

Current training: Yeah, I am kinda flying by the seat of my pants right now. I haven't really been following a plan lately. And I have had a few things going on with my health and my kids, which haven't exactly made it easy to get back on track. My first tri of the year is May 22nd, and I am doing a 100-mile cycling event June 5th. After that, there are just too many tris I want to do, and several of them are on the same dates. 

Weight Loss: Well, I'll just say that my doctor did recently diagnose me with a vitamin defficiency, so the trend is soon to reverse itself.

Triathlon has been such a positive thing in my life, I just want to keep paying it forward, and showing others how good it can feel to set goals, meet the challenges, and if you're as lucky as I have been, make a few friends along the way. 
2010-04-10 12:02 AM
in reply to: #2770589

St. Louis
Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
Welcome Amy :-)

2010-04-10 12:51 AM
in reply to: #2781746

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-04-09 11:02 PM Welcome Amy :-)

Thanks! I have been lurking since the thread opened up, but every time I went to post my bio something happened. You know, two kids in the house, sharing the love... 
2010-04-10 12:52 AM
in reply to: #2781649

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
ransick - 2010-04-09 9:06 PM I love the sig line I saw on BT, "why suck at one sport when you can suck at three".

I love that quote, too. LOL. You must have an appreciation of sarcasm and/or a dark sense of humor like mine. 
2010-04-10 12:56 AM
in reply to: #2779353

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
MarlaS - 2010-04-09 6:39 AM Good Luck Robin!!!!

jeez, that sounds like a lot of running....we haven't even worked our way up to a solid mile yet!

i'm still waiting to talk to the speedplay tech support guy about my pedals - maybe will get in a ride today, and definitely swimming for an hour tonight.

running to the bus stop.....y'all have a swell day!

I have speedplays. What kind of issues were you having? (sorry if I missed it--we gouhls tend to be a little chatty, and well, it's kinda late where I am at right now...
2010-04-10 1:15 AM
in reply to: #2781773

Subject: RE: The Ghoulie Mentor Group - Full
givemashot - 2010-04-09 11:56 PM
MarlaS - 2010-04-09 6:39 AM Good Luck Robin!!!!

jeez, that sounds like a lot of running....we haven't even worked our way up to a solid mile yet!

i'm still waiting to talk to the speedplay tech support guy about my pedals - maybe will get in a ride today, and definitely swimming for an hour tonight.

running to the bus stop.....y'all have a swell day!

I have speedplays. What kind of issues were you having? (sorry if I missed it--we gouhls tend to be a little chatty, and well, it's kinda late where I am at right now...

Ahhh..I caught up to it. Definitely let us know how it goes now that you've fixed them up. Which kind are they? Light action? X series? Zero? I use the light actions--just got a new pink pair for my new road bike. I have been working on getting my hubby into tri's, and just convinced him to get a road bike (hence me getting a new road bike too. Somehow he felt better about buying himself one if i go tone too. SWEET!). He has speedplay X2's on it, and has done well so far. His only fall to date has been when he ran into the curb in front of the local convenience store. I on the other hand still occasionally fall over--generally in my driveway, after I have stopped, with all my neighbors watching. *blush*
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