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2010-05-13 7:21 AM
in reply to: #2855261

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
outlawdave316 - 2010-05-12 8:21 PM Could my ITB issues be stemming from the new shoes?  It seems like the shoes came before the pain, I did not have this pain in my 10K and was using other shoes.  If the shoes are the culprit, I will pawn them off and just buy a pair of the same shoes I used for my 10K.  The Mizunos sure felt good in the store, but they have bothered me a little on my runs, and now this 'knee issue', I thought they were just going through a break-in period, but perhaps they are no good for me!

At any rate I believe I will run my next run and my race Saturday with the old Sauconys and rest assured that I will have no knee pain, then maybe continue breaking in my new shoes. 

Any thoughts?

Dave, it is hard to say if it directly the shoes or something that was lurking.
I know for myself, I had ITB pain when I started to ramp up distance and intensity, but after stretching and rolling and my body getting used to the new levels of training, it went away.
Try the old shoes and see how they feel. In the meantime, stretch and roll that sucker! 

2010-05-13 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2855644

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
eliwashere - 2010-05-12 8:21 PM
outlawdave316 - 2010-05-12 8:21 PM Could my ITB issues be stemming from the new shoes?  It seems like the shoes came before the pain, I did not have this pain in my 10K and was using other shoes.  If the shoes are the culprit, I will pawn them off and just buy a pair of the same shoes I used for my 10K.  The Mizunos sure felt good in the store, but they have bothered me a little on my runs, and now this 'knee issue', I thought they were just going through a break-in period, but perhaps they are no good for me!

At any rate I believe I will run my next run and my race Saturday with the old Sauconys and rest assured that I will have no knee pain, then maybe continue breaking in my new shoes. 

Any thoughts?

Dave, it is hard to say if it directly the shoes or something that was lurking.
I know for myself, I had ITB pain when I started to ramp up distance and intensity, but after stretching and rolling and my body getting used to the new levels of training, it went away.
Try the old shoes and see how they feel. In the meantime, stretch and roll that sucker! 

I agree with Eli...hard to say. Even if it isn't the shoes - stretching and rolling will help as you ramp up your distance...better to keep the IT Band loose now than suffer from an injury later.

Randi - glad to see you back - don't wear yourself out! Holy cow do you have a lot going on!

To Eli's question - yes, my mood improves significantly when I get to workout. I think that is one of my key points of negotiation when trying to fit things in to the family schedule. (the whole "if mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy" credo). Part of it is the physical aspect of it, but a big part for me is the mental aspect. It gives me a certain amount of time (depending on the schedule) where I don't have to think about anything specific and I can focus on whatever I need to focus on. That's critical for my mental health.

Hope all is well!
2010-05-13 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Eli - I definitely am a better person for all who come into contact with me when I've been training.  Doing anything seems to release tons of stress.

Randi - Just keep plugging away.  This is not a sprint, and it's not short term.  I tell all the people I counsel on nutrition that you're not going on a diet - that implies an end date.  I think training is the same.  If there's an end date I think you're doing something wrong, because it's not sustainable.  We're making lifestyle changes so just do what you can and keep after it.

Dave - Outside high knee pain is almost always ITB related.  I had that same pain when I ramped up, though new shoes seemed to help.  Were the shoes picked by a running store for your gait/body?  And as with Eli, stretching and rolling solved my pain.

Jenna - Good luck with that knee.  I hope whoever you see has an answer.

Jennifer - Take a day off, you're making me tired!
2010-05-14 12:01 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Noob Question for sure.

What do you guys mean by "rolling?
2010-05-14 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2859149

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
chmoore2 - 2010-05-14 1:01 PM Noob Question for sure.

What do you guys mean by "rolling?

Foam rollers.  They are magic!

This site has a lot on how to use them and do other self massaging on various body parts.  Lot's of these have the roller in use.
Home page or this is itb specific portion

Leigh likes this roller.

Edited by wbayek 2010-05-14 1:29 PM
2010-05-14 5:01 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Yes I was fitted for these shoes, and like I said, they felt great out of the box and for the first little bit.  I guess they still feel pretty good on the feet, perhaps a little lacking in arch support, but I think I have a chiropractor who is going to fit me for some orthotitic inserts here next week.  I will stick with the Sauconys for Sunday, and run like the wind to beat the pain (like I can outrun pain or something)!  It is only 3 miles, so I should be golden. 

Goal for Sunday, sub 1:15.
Swim 12:00                 587 yard swim.
T1-2:00 first with a wetsuit!
Bike 30 min                 11 mi.
Run 27 min.                 3 mi. run

There is a little wiggle room in there for exact measurements and such, but that is my goal!

2010-05-14 5:29 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Good Luck Dave!!  I can't wait for my first race kind of jealous of everybody right now. 

Go get 'em
2010-05-14 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Good luck Dave! Hope you have a great race and more importantly - HAVE FUN!
2010-05-16 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2859898

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
outlawdave316 - 2010-05-14 5:01 PM Yes I was fitted for these shoes, and like I said, they felt great out of the box and for the first little bit.  I guess they still feel pretty good on the feet, perhaps a little lacking in arch support, but I think I have a chiropractor who is going to fit me for some orthotitic inserts here next week.  I will stick with the Sauconys for Sunday, and run like the wind to beat the pain (like I can outrun pain or something)!  It is only 3 miles, so I should be golden. 

Goal for Sunday, sub 1:15.
Swim 12:00                 587 yard swim.
T1-2:00 first with a wetsuit!
Bike 30 min                 11 mi.
Run 27 min.                 3 mi. run

There is a little wiggle room in there for exact measurements and such, but that is my goal!

I hope the race is going good! Nice plan..Good luck with it!! 
2010-05-16 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I have been seeing all this discussion about getting your bike shoes on while actually riding (the shoes are clipped in as you are running your bike to the bike mount area). I decided to give it a try on Friday while I was adjusting my seat height because the bike was firmly on the! I wasn't going anywhere, and the trainer was holding the bike up and I still almost fell over. Holy cow! How do those people do that? I'm sticking to running in the bike shoes to the mount line.

Has anyone here mastered that art? Is it worth it?
2010-05-16 4:26 PM
in reply to: #2859898

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full

Goal for Sunday, sub 1:15.
Swim 12:00                 587 yard swim.
T1-2:00 first with a wetsuit!
Bike 30 min                 11 mi.
Run 27 min.                 3 mi. run

There is a little wiggle room in there for exact measurements and such, but that is my goal!

Here's the down and dirty!  The event was changed to a duathlon due to some poor water conditions and too much rain in the last few days.  It was raining at the event which was actually kind of fun.  I am not sure that turn into a good race report, but I will fill one out later.  I had a freakin' great time, besides sore knees!  I have decided to take the next week off of running and only bike and swim (but do so with a vengeance!).

1st Run (2mi.) 17:17 (8:30something average!)
t-1 1:48
bike (11.5mi) 39.35 (15.xxmph, I can get better here for sure)
t-2 2:03
2nd run 26:37 (8:53 average
ended up 112 out of 152, front of the BOP group.

I had the knee flare up on me, but pushed on.  The weather was junk, but that made it fun.  I really biked slow, but I will get way better at this.  I had a pretty bad transition spot, but that was o.k because it was not crowded at all.  I had my cyclocomputer stolen before the race while warming up, wtfreak ????!  I am very excited about my run times, but maybe the run times getting that much better is why my knee is boogered up!  There is no way to deny that these results are progress though.  I feel very good, just a little nervous about taking a week off from running and then thinking about doing an Olympic distance in mid June?!  May skip the mid June Oly, and shoot for one in July or so.  Problem is that July and a 10K in Missouri or Kansas could be a bad combination!!  Shoot me some opinions team-mates.  Thanks for the support, this is what this training is all about.  I feel more fit today than I felt yesterday because I have some hardware (all finishers got medals), some swag (pretty cool t-shirts), and some race results ( ) that prove that I am.  This is fun!

2010-05-17 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
That's an awesome race Dave, especially with 2 run legs!  Nice job fighting through the knee pain.  Those run times have to get you pumped up.

If you take a week off that Oly in June will come up quickly.  I guess it depends on your goals.  A July date would give you a some more time, but I assume you're worried about the heat.  That's valid, since heat really drains you.  But if your body is adapted I would guess it's manageable.

How long can you wait to sign up for the June race?  With ITB issues, you don't necessarily have to stop running, just go slow and stay up with the rehab.  When I had my huge bout over the winter, I ran through it with almost no fully down time.  I did see a guy who practices ART (active release technique) - if you can find a good one I would HIGHLY recommend trying it.  Hopefully you can get through the knee pain - get a roller and watch those videos at a minimum!

2010-05-17 11:39 AM
in reply to: #2861762

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Way to go. Those are nice times on the run!!!
As to taking time off. I would take 2 or 3 days off, but stretch and look into a roller or a stick.
Then try the treadmill or elliptical and see how it feels. You can keep your running muscles active bu walking on a treadmill at a 12 to 14 incline. It is WORK!

Of course, I just took 4 days off since I was in NY for a wedding and we were out an about every minute of every day, so I am dying to get out an run! 
2010-05-17 1:55 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Dave - that's a great race! What a good job. I'm with Eli here on the time off...and the active recovery. If the ITB bothers you too much, do a sport that doesn't aggravate it. For the next race, does it fill up quickly? Is there a registration cut off? If not - don't decide until a little closer seeing how you feel over the next couple of weeks.
2010-05-17 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2861762

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
outlawdave316 - 2010-05-16 5:26 PM

Goal for Sunday, sub 1:15.
Swim 12:00                 587 yard swim.
T1-2:00 first with a wetsuit!
Bike 30 min                 11 mi.
Run 27 min.                 3 mi. run

There is a little wiggle room in there for exact measurements and such, but that is my goal!

Here's the down and dirty!  The event was changed to a duathlon due to some poor water conditions and too much rain in the last few days.  It was raining at the event which was actually kind of fun.  I am not sure that turn into a good race report, but I will fill one out later.  I had a freakin' great time, besides sore knees!  I have decided to take the next week off of running and only bike and swim (but do so with a vengeance!).

1st Run (2mi.) 17:17 (8:30something average!)
t-1 1:48
bike (11.5mi) 39.35 (15.xxmph, I can get better here for sure)
t-2 2:03
2nd run 26:37 (8:53 average
ended up 112 out of 152, front of the BOP group.

I had the knee flare up on me, but pushed on.  The weather was junk, but that made it fun.  I really biked slow, but I will get way better at this.  I had a pretty bad transition spot, but that was o.k because it was not crowded at all.  I had my cyclocomputer stolen before the race while warming up, wtfreak ????!  I am very excited about my run times, but maybe the run times getting that much better is why my knee is boogered up!  There is no way to deny that these results are progress though.  I feel very good, just a little nervous about taking a week off from running and then thinking about doing an Olympic distance in mid June?!  May skip the mid June Oly, and shoot for one in July or so.  Problem is that July and a 10K in Missouri or Kansas could be a bad combination!!  Shoot me some opinions team-mates.  Thanks for the support, this is what this training is all about.  I feel more fit today than I felt yesterday because I have some hardware (all finishers got medals), some swag (pretty cool t-shirts), and some race results ( ) that prove that I am.  This is fun!

Congrats and glad you had such a good time!  Not sure I would have been happy with a tri turning into a duathlon.  In fact that would be my worst nightmare right now.

Good news is that I have been able to finish a mile on the treadmill  twice now without any pain during or after.  I am starting slow - walking 1:30 at 3.3mph and running :30 at 4mph with an incline of 1

Thanks to all of you for your support, suggestions and guidance in overcoming the shin splints.  I figured I will stay at this distance and speed for this week.  Now the question is do I work on increasing speed next week or go for increasing distance first?

2010-05-17 3:12 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I would say go for distance at that pace. At some point, you will switch off the treadmill and find a new "comfortable" pace. For now, I would say work up to 2 min of running, then switch it and try shorter faster intervals.
Congrats on starting back up again! 

2010-05-17 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2863995

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
eliwashere - 2010-05-17 4:12 PM Randi,
I would say go for distance at that pace. At some point, you will switch off the treadmill and find a new "comfortable" pace. For now, I would say work up to 2 min of running, then switch it and try shorter faster intervals.
Congrats on starting back up again! 

Thanks.  I think I might import the couch to 5k plan into my training so that I am doing this the right way.

ETA - never mind,  the couch to 5k does not offer more than just walk for set amount of time and run for a set amount of time - no guidance on how to progress.  I will have to dig out the training plan I used a couple years ago when I first started training.   If anyone has a plan I can use,  please feel free to share.


Edited by Fechter99 2010-05-17 3:39 PM
2010-05-17 4:00 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Great work, Dave!!

Thanks for checking up on me, everyone. My knee is not the reason I haven't been around all weekend, but it's also not helping me either! I hope to get a couple workouts in before my physio appointment on Friday and then assess the situation from there. I think the half-marathon is out of the question now though.

I guess the new plan is to run the Detroit half in October and then my first full in December at the Vegas Rock n Roll mary?!
2010-05-17 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2864050

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Fechter99 - 2010-05-17 4:33 PM
eliwashere - 2010-05-17 4:12 PM Randi,
I would say go for distance at that pace. At some point, you will switch off the treadmill and find a new "comfortable" pace. For now, I would say work up to 2 min of running, then switch it and try shorter faster intervals.
Congrats on starting back up again! 

Thanks.  I think I might import the couch to 5k plan into my training so that I am doing this the right way.

ETA - never mind,  the couch to 5k does not offer more than just walk for set amount of time and run for a set amount of time - no guidance on how to progress.  I will have to dig out the training plan I used a couple years ago when I first started training.   If anyone has a plan I can use,  please feel free to share.

Bobby McGee is the guy I always hear about when run/walk is mentioned.  I couldn't find much in terms of an exact plan, but he tries to get runners to a 10 minute run:1 minute walk routine.

I guess add a minute of running each week, but keep running pace the same?  You might want to to dig into his methods.  He even has elite athletes using this run/walk method, by the way.
2010-05-17 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Randi, way to go!  Great news.  I hope you get to a level that you want to be at soon!

I went to a sports specific chiropractor today and he did some serious metal to knee action that had me feeling like I could run a marathon!  I was told by him to take it real easy and avoid any running for a couple of weeks, but the bike, swimming and strength would be o.k. for now,

So the new plan is, Sprint at the Topeka Tinman in June, Sprint in the Tribute in July, and the real, true Olympic in late August in New Mexico (elephant man triathlon).  Cut the marathon in October back to a half marathon, and that is my year of training and racing outlined!

Half Ironman in '11 with the Marathon in October of '11, IM in '12  British Columbia or Cozumel, anyone care to join me?

Edited by outlawdave316 2010-05-17 4:30 PM
2010-05-17 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2864181

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Nice plan!
I am doing Cozumel this year, but I might be interested in BC. I have heard it is beautiful. 

2010-05-17 6:30 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Dave, I have either Cozumel or Beach2battleship as 2012 IM goals.  Cozumel might be an easy sell to my wife, though the Thanksgiving weekend might make a problem.

Late Oct/Early Nov is perfect for my life schedule, so the Beach2Battleship timeframe is great.  BC isn't really a possibility because I don't think I could sell a summer trip because we spend summer weekends and some weeks up at our lake cottage and it's my wife's favorite place in the world.

Jenna - we're sending some serious karma your way.  I really hope something simple is discovered Friday.

Eli - Take lots of notes on Cozumel, I expect a VERY detailed race report!
2010-05-17 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2864181

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Midcoast Maine
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Dave - that sounds GREAT! I have heard very good feedback about Elephant Man in NM (where I grew up)...the swim is in Elephant Butte which is a lovely will have a great time. One of the guys on Warren and my other mentor group is participating...I can hook you up with him if you are interested (I also think he might have done it last year).

HIM in 2011 and IM in 2012 sounds just like my schedule (injuries not withstanding)...I am actually really intrigued by Beach2Battleship...keep me in mind.

Randi - I am so glad the running doesn't hurt. I agree with Warren about SLOWLY adding run to your walk. You can always walk on a very high incline to keep moving without the pounding of running.

Jenna - sorry about the half. I hope all goes well at the appt.
2010-05-17 8:24 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Olathe, KS
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
I spent the last 2 years in Ruidoso NM growing in a golf course up in Alto.  My first tri, and the source of my addiction resides there.  I have some great friends there, but none of them are adventureous enough to do a triathlon.  I am all about a support group!  Let me know who these folks are!  I am pretty sold on doing the elephant man now.  I have only heard great things.

I am also sold on either Cozumel (self explanatory), Bridge to Battleship (sounds real fun), or B.C.  I have great people up in BC (actually Seattle area), and it could easily parlay into other events that I love to do (fishing, hiking, etc...).  I can not let my wife find out that there is an Ironman in Cozumel though because at that point, my mind will be made up for me! 

Maybe we need to figure out which one to do then start a two year long thread about our adventures!  Here's to much success on this great journey!
2010-05-17 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2772633

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Syracuse, NY
Subject: RE: Eliwashere's spring fling mentor group!-Full
Nice Race Dave!!!
Sounds like you have a pretty full schedule setup for yourself this summer.  I hope the knee recovers quickly.  I am also thinking about a HIM next year and an IM in 2012.

Although I may also start to train more aggressively for shorter distances as well.  Either way I have some time to make those decisions.  Right now I just want to make sure I keep this fun.

Had a pretty good swim and Bike today, seemed to feel much better than my workouts last week.

Jenna good luck with your knee as well.  Hopefully we all can get healthy and start kicking but.

Randi, you must be pretty excited about your progress. 
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