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2011-01-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3303244

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Finally caught up with my reading. Michael, thank you so much for all the information, so much good stuff. I really appreciate it. Especially the nutrition, I will be experimenting now that I am back at it. Good run, cycle, swim last 3 days, finally. Slow and not as long as I would like but that will come.

Can't remember who asked about running with kids-my kids both ran with my husband and I starting probably age 3 since one of us would run while the other held the kid and then we would switch so they just naturally joined in when they wanted to. My daughter, always insisting on wearing her patent leather mary jane's, was so fast, she could beat both of us. She got into dance and gymnastics and is now into yoga. My son is still running-he is 20-played high school and competitive soccer, lifts weights and is just an overall stud. He is a junior in college and still plays some pick up soccer games. We both ran in a recent race in our town-I ran the 10k and he did the 1/2 marathon-never did this before and he came in 4th in his age group and was pretty high up there overall-can't remember number.

So anyway, getting your kids involved with running early can have a great effect on their future fitness and health. And to me it was just easy to include them in our already active lifestyle-they were surprised when they got older and found out that not everyone's parents took them running!

Well, better get out there and run!
Take care everyone!

2011-01-18 11:47 AM
in reply to: #3306361

Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Jan, I'm the one who asked about running with our kids.  Thanks a bunch for sharing how your children have grown up active.  I was not a runner or into any organized sports in my youth but as adults my wife and I are both active and hopefully it rubs off on our son.  He was totally excited when I told him he could run with me over the weekend.  He had to wear the same color hat and sunglasses just like Dad.  We covered about a half mile and other than stopping to kick some mounds of snow he ran 99% of the time.  He is ready to go again.  Good times!

2011-01-18 1:03 PM
in reply to: #3306495

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Ha, just like Dad. That is so sweet. And that is why taking them to your activities helps-they want to do what their parents do. (at least at this age!)It can slow you down but make up for it later-this time is too important. I grew up running with my dad-a marathoner. We had to talk or sing to make sure we were running with the correct effort according to him. I loved the attention.
Good job encouraging your son to run!
2011-01-18 4:37 PM
in reply to: #3306717

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
My 12 year old daughter Beth is training for her first aquathon in April, I'm helping with swimming and running, really proud of her
2011-01-18 4:41 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Good session with the tri club in the gym tonight. Started with a 55 minute spin session working through blocks of intensity levels until we hit a 10 ie had to back it off, repeated 3 times. Followed by an easy 10 minute treadmill before a horrid 20 minute painful core session and 400 metre swim. These are good workouts, about 10 of us, good spirit, good bunch, really sharpens me up, do them nost tuesdays, family and work commitments permitting.

Hope you are all going well and having a great week.

2011-01-18 6:50 PM
in reply to: #3307286

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Sounds like an awesome workout Neil! Nice to have a group to workout with. Congrats on your daughter. What a wonderful experience for both of you.

2011-01-18 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
OK everyone let's hear a big round of cheers for Melanie's 5K this past weekend.  (Sorry I'm a bit belated with that -- it has been crazy in my house the past few days.)

Her race report is here:

And she won a door prize to boot!
2011-01-18 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3306361

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
I'm loving the stories of running with kids!

Neil, it looks like you've got a great group to train with.  I admit that I'm a bit of a loner in training, but I've enjoyed group bike rides.

Jan, it is really great to hear about how running with your Dad had such an influence on you.  Like Jeff, I did SQUAT (physically) as a child.  It turns out that my Dad was a runner for many years, and I didn't even realize it until last year...  The two times that I seem to bond most closely with my kids on a regular basis is running and playing video games (they get 90 minutes per week, and zero TV, so no they don't sit around staring at a video screen all the time!).
2011-01-18 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3307286

Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Good work Melanie!

And Neil that sounds like a real sufferfest. Awesome.
2011-01-18 8:19 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Alright folks, I'll suggest another topic or two for discussion in the next few days, but if anyone wants to preempt that and raise your own questions, please fire away!

Meanwhile, I thought I'd throw an idea out there.  In my previous mentor groups, we decided to do a monthly 'goal challenge'.  The only person you are challenging is yourself!  The idea is to post a challenge for the month, and then report back weekly (either by posting, or let me know), in hopes that if we all keep each other 'accountable', we will do better meeting our goals.

In the past, people have given themselves all sorts of different challenges, from weight loss goals ("I will lose 4 pounds this month"), to mileage (or yardage) goals ("I will swim at least 20,000 yards this month"), to frequency goals ("I will do a core workout at least 12 times this month").  It can be anything, really.  One of my goals last year was to do X amount of kick drills in the pool per week.  I failed miserably a few times (I HATE kick drills!), but the 'public' commitment to do them eventually won out and I'm glad to say that eventually I was able to hit the goal.  (Hmmm.  I think I might need to renew that commitment...)

If you are interested, let's hear some goals!  I'll post my own goals as well, and then we can have a weekly 'report'.  It isn't a contest!  The idea is to help keep us all motivated.  If you want to post two goals, that's good, but let's keep it to a maximum of two per person.

If there is interest, we can start in February, so you have some time to come up with realistic but challenging goals.  We'll start on Feb. 1.
2011-01-19 7:03 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Just to let everyone know, I was selected to serve on my local YMCA's board!  First meeting is this Friday.  My February goal is to get a Tri club started at my Y, how is that for a goal?

2011-01-19 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3308094

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Awesome, Melanie!! Cheers to you, what fun. Good job! Congrats on the door prize too. I love prizes.

Billy, that is more than a goal for you, that is a great opportunity for those who are members of your Y. They are lucky to have you to do this. That's a big goal! Great!

Ok, right away I know my goal- 3 swims, 3 runs and 3 cycle per week, those can be some bricks.
A second goal will come later-increase speed in all 3 but cycle-if I go any faster I will be flying but only because I have an awesome ride-trek madone female specific with upgraded cassette, I believe that is the correct term. When all you have ridden is banana seat as kid and mountain bike any road bike flies! And this one I am like whoa, Nellie!

2011-01-19 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Billy, that's really great.  I've toyed with the idea here, but I just have too much on my plate right now.  I'm thinking of trying to find a few people to do it together.

Anyway, keep us posted on your progress, victories, setbacks, etc..  That will be very interesting to hear.

Jan, those are great goals.  Also, I noticed your thread in the main forum -- glad you got some potentially helpful advice there.

2011-01-20 2:32 AM
in reply to: #3308094

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
elcaminobill - 2011-01-19 1:03 PM Just to let everyone know, I was selected to serve on my local YMCA's board!  First meeting is this Friday.  My February goal is to get a Tri club started at my Y, how is that for a goal?
Nice one Billy, helped to set up our club a couple of years ago, great fun
2011-01-20 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED

Thanks to everyone who commented on my race.  Next month will only be better, I hope!

Billy - congrats on becoming a board member and I hope you can get a tri group started.  That is a super idea and will benefit both you and others.  Bring more 'crazies' into the fold! Wink

Neil - wow, what a great group you have to work out with and to keep you motivated and challenged.  Fun, too!

Jan - those are great goals as well.  And I know what you mean about the difference in bikes.  I love the weird sensation of switching from my road bike, riding the roads to riding my full suspension mountain bike on the dirt/rock/rooty trails.  Night and day of useage and feel.  Road bike - be careful of that stone, you may get a flat!  MTB - stones?  We laugh at stones!  Give me some rocks!  Road bike - stiff, light, responsive in an instant.  MTB - like pedaling a couch (well, not really...but soft!), just keep grinding over the terrain! 

Just a little note for the members running with kids: at the race this past weekend, it was very heartwarming to see a new runner about 7 years old with his dad.  Dad was using a great attitude to keep his son at the proper pace but also letting him stop and walk when necessary.  Also saw a young teen doing the race with his mom.  The mom seemed to be a fairly new runner and the son patiently would stop and walk with her when she got winded and say supportive things, not a 'typical' teenage response!

2011-01-20 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3311643

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
melbo55 - 2011-01-20 7:48 PM

Thanks to everyone who commented on my race.  Next month will only be better, I hope!

Billy - congrats on becoming a board member and I hope you can get a tri group started.  That is a super idea and will benefit both you and others.  Bring more 'crazies' into the fold! Wink

Neil - wow, what a great group you have to work out with and to keep you motivated and challenged.  Fun, too!

Jan - those are great goals as well.  And I know what you mean about the difference in bikes.  I love the weird sensation of switching from my road bike, riding the roads to riding my full suspension mountain bike on the dirt/rock/rooty trails.  Night and day of useage and feel.  Road bike - be careful of that stone, you may get a flat!  MTB - stones?  We laugh at stones!  Give me some rocks!  Road bike - stiff, light, responsive in an instant.  MTB - like pedaling a couch (well, not really...but soft!), just keep grinding over the terrain! 

Just a little note for the members running with kids: at the race this past weekend, it was very heartwarming to see a new runner about 7 years old with his dad.  Dad was using a great attitude to keep his son at the proper pace but also letting him stop and walk when necessary.  Also saw a young teen doing the race with his mom.  The mom seemed to be a fairly new runner and the son patiently would stop and walk with her when she got winded and say supportive things, not a 'typical' teenage response!

I coach a group of juniors with friends, mainly when its warmer, aged from 6 -12 really enjoy it, so rewarding. We have couple of little aquathons for them in the summer they love it. Here's the gang at the lake last summer...bring back that sun!!

2011-01-21 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Griffin, Georgia
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Wow, it has been almost dead silent since Michael mentioned coming up with some goals for February.  Just sayin!  Anyway, I for one am still pondering that thought.   Once I set the goal to do the sprint tri in April, I never really gave any thought to smaller intermediate goals other than find a training plan and train as best as I can so that I can at least finish.  I guess weight loss would be my first goal because that will help make the training and the event easier.  I have set a goal of weighing 240 by 2/10 and 235 by the end of February.  My wife and I have a little get away planned for that weekend of the 10th and I want to feel good for that.  Then it seems reasonable that I could lose 5 more pounds by the end of the month.  Then 5 pounds in March and 5 pounds in April and I will be at 225 for the race.  That will be a whole 50 pounds lighter than when I started this thing.
2011-01-22 3:09 AM
in reply to: #3307678

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Experior - 2011-01-19 2:19 AM Alright folks, I'll suggest another topic or two for discussion in the next few days, but if anyone wants to preempt that and raise your own questions, please fire away!

Meanwhile, I thought I'd throw an idea out there.  In my previous mentor groups, we decided to do a monthly 'goal challenge'.  The only person you are challenging is yourself!  The idea is to post a challenge for the month, and then report back weekly (either by posting, or let me know), in hopes that if we all keep each other 'accountable', we will do better meeting our goals.

In the past, people have given themselves all sorts of different challenges, from weight loss goals ("I will lose 4 pounds this month"), to mileage (or yardage) goals ("I will swim at least 20,000 yards this month"), to frequency goals ("I will do a core workout at least 12 times this month").  It can be anything, really.  One of my goals last year was to do X amount of kick drills in the pool per week.  I failed miserably a few times (I HATE kick drills!), but the 'public' commitment to do them eventually won out and I'm glad to say that eventually I was able to hit the goal.  (Hmmm.  I think I might need to renew that commitment...)

If you are interested, let's hear some goals!  I'll post my own goals as well, and then we can have a weekly 'report'.  It isn't a contest!  The idea is to help keep us all motivated.  If you want to post two goals, that's good, but let's keep it to a maximum of two per person.

If there is interest, we can start in February, so you have some time to come up with realistic but challenging goals.  We'll start on Feb. 1.
Not a great week training, had a cold and dhin splints so backed off, picking up again tomorrow. My goal is swim based, my least favourite discipline. I commit to swim 3 times each week, 2 of which will be lunchtime 1000 metre sessions and the 3rd will be 2 weeks of 1500m for my long swim and then 2 weeks of 1800m to build up the endurance.
2011-01-22 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Dude, I love the pictures of the kids.  Thats what i am talking about. 

Does anyone know how to link my Garmin connect to my log on BT?
2011-01-22 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3315095

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
elcaminobill - 2011-01-22 4:27 PM Dude, I love the pictures of the kids.  Thats what i am talking about. 

Does anyone know how to link my Garmin connect to my log on BT?
Thanks Bill, they are agood bunch, pleasure to work with.

Try installing this should make the connection
2011-01-22 10:09 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Thanks, it worked.

2011-01-23 2:33 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Griffin, Georgia
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Feeling pretty good today.  Swam 850 continuous with a mix of free, breast and elementary back.  Finished in 23:47, under 3:00 per 100.  Then did a yoga class for an hour.  Came home and ran/walked a personal best of 18:21 on my 1.42 mile loop.  First time under 13:00 mile.  Now it is not that far but when I started it took me a little over 24 minutes to complete.  So seeing progress and feeling good.
2011-01-23 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3316499

New user
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
billeckert - 2011-01-23 8:33 PM Feeling pretty good today.  Swam 850 continuous with a mix of free, breast and elementary back.  Finished in 23:47, under 3:00 per 100.  Then did a yoga class for an hour.  Came home and ran/walked a personal best of 18:21 on my 1.42 mile loop.  First time under 13:00 mile.  Now it is not that far but when I started it took me a little over 24 minutes to complete.  So seeing progress and feeling good.
well done mate - good progress!
2011-01-23 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3256073

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Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
Baby steps or huge bounds, its all about no quitting and always moving forward.  Pleased to see the progress.
2011-01-23 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3316499

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east hampton
Subject: RE: Experior's Mentor Group - CLOSED
congrads on the great work out day and getting under a 13 minute mile. What an acomplishment!

I joined team in training today, part of the leukemia and lymphoma society.  has anyone else be apart of this group?

I'm really excited, we get to work closely with two coaches, a nutritionist, get lots of training help and and i get to help a great organizations an be apart of of something bigger then myself.  My swim coach is actually the tri coach.

the program starts in feb., in the meantime, i've been getting in some good swims and have started running on the treadmill, playing as many mind games as possible to get through the indoor workout until the ice melts a bit more.  started spin back up this week too.  actually swam for an houra nd half and ran 3.5 miles with out stopping on the same morning, great to feel I could do it, but def. took a rest day the following day.

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