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2011-01-29 7:46 AM
in reply to: #3327222

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-28 2:12 PM

D001 -  Does anyone have tips for how to achieve balance in their lives????

Yes. Time management and self-care.

Self-care means having a plan for what you're going to do to care of yourself. As in, once a week I'm going to take a bath with candles and bubbles and red wine and the door locked. Or once a day I'm going to go for a walk by myself for 15 min and spend the time not thinking about kids and laundry and job stuff, but just enjoying nature and being outside.

Time management can be done lots of ways, but making and keeping a schedule is the best. When you think of it as a guide or a map instead of a prison, a schedule empowers you to achieve what you want to and come to peace with what you can not. Time Maps, an idea from Julie Morgenstern is something that I have found to be very helpful. 


 A time map is a powerful tool for becoming proactive amid the swirl of demands that come your way. Simply put, a Time Map is a budget of your day, week, or month that carves out distinct times for each of the key departments of your life. Instead of feeling that you have to act on every request the minute it crosses your path, your Time Map guides you, helping you determine whether you have time to handle an unexpected task, how much time you will devote to it and when you will do it. When you don’t have a Time Map, you have no idea what to do when. Every day is a total free-for-all. You just say yes to whatever screams loudest, with no perspective on how to prioritize incoming requests, and when you should be doing things. Of course, this is what leads to multi-tasking...just doing things as they come at you. 

A Time Map provides structure to your day -- carving out regular time for what is most essential to you. Rest assured that a Time map can be adapted to your personal style, whether you thrive on routine or variety, whether you have complete or only partial control over your day. Built around your own custom set of priorities and personal style, your Time Map reflects who you are and what is important to you. 

Hope that helps! I've got tons more material on both if  they would be helpful.

Thanks for the great information! If you have more material you find valuable, post away. I love learning new ways to support personal development.

2011-01-29 7:49 AM
in reply to: #3327393

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
purpleshoes2 - 2011-01-28 3:28 PM Hi, end of January and I've found an open one - I was away at the begining of the year (Went to Auz to visit my sister) and then found out my husband is being posted in 60 days so was all action go to find a job, sort out the house etc. Anways here is a bit about me:

Name: Real name Sam (Never  Sammy haha)

Story: I have some health issues, but the main thing holding me back is that I keep getting injured. When I "run" (if you can call it that), I developed PF and knee problems. When I swim, I get rotator cuff issues, etc. The result is that my 2010 training totals were well below my 2009 totals. Instead of increasing my training, I *decreased* it. I'm hoping to reverse this situation in 2011. This means, I have to learn how to train without injuring myself.

I also tend to work too much, and exercise too little. I need to make 'training' a higher priority in my life, so that it gets done.

Why I'd like to join this group: your first post just made me smile, and that is always important

Races: This year I have a Sprint Triathlon in September, and a 5 km run in July - both which I'm brand new to.

Current training: Before I went to Australia mid-Dec I got into a habit and really started to enjoy myself - my first proper taste of exercise which was a bit of a shock. I've yet to get back into the system of things but I didn't loose too much fitness in Auz did a lot of walk!

Weightloss: I lost the weight last year with the Wii Fit and healthy eating, Wii Fit doesn't do anything bar flexability for me now but still eat healthy. I don't mind if I gain or lose weight I am more than happy in my body at the moment

What will make me a good mentee: I spend far too much time on BT but I love reading all the stories - although I'm rubbish with my training log on here, I keep up a blog at least 2 or 3 times a week - if not more.

Welcome to the team! Making training a higher priority will come with time. Build slowly and it will become part of your lifestyle again, like before you went to Australia by the sounds of it. No such thing as too much time on BT.
2011-01-29 7:52 AM
in reply to: #3327972

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kkvane - 2011-01-28 9:51 PM
mbasta - 2011-01-27 8:40 AM
kkvane - 2011-01-26 10:39 PM My training has been going pretty well this week. Today was a good day here to have indoor options. I backed off some more on the speed today, and it was great! Still worked up a decent sweat, HR was up, came away with a nice little high, and wasn't totally dead afterward. Thanks again for the advice to slow down. It seems to be hard for that to sink into my head. ;-)I found out there's going to be a tri-a-tri at the Y, so thinking of signing up for that as a shorter-term goal. I think the goal-setting is great, though I haven't had time to do it yet. Always nice to have a carrot dangling out there....

Good to hear that your training is coming along well! I say go for the try-a-try! It's a great way to get your feet wet and begin the journey. Don't worry about being 100% ready. When is it? Is the event all indoors?

Yeah, it's all indoors. It's a Y-Tri (I'm a Y member). They have several dates, and I'm thinking of the latest one, March, 6. No distance measurements, all by time. 10 min swim/20 min bike/20 min run. I'm thinking I can do it...I have a month still to get ready!

That sounds like fun! Go for it! Worst case scenerio you don't go as far per time limit as expected. That will be a great opportunity to practice before your first regular triathlon.
2011-01-29 7:55 AM
in reply to: #3328040

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kkvane - 2011-01-28 10:40 PM Gonna "tri" this had a hissy....

Today was a running(wogging)/swim workout. Slowing up on the running is working out great. I'm trying really hard to focus on endurance rather than speed. I'm almost to the end of week 3 out of 6 on this plan, so feeling pretty good about that. No days missed so far....

On the swimming. I have questions again. Are there rules about the kind of stroke/the legality of the stroke that you use? I was flutter kicking today with a kickboard and honestly did not go anywhere. I do much better doing the frog legs. Can I float on my back for part of it? I'm working on my freestyle, but just wondering if I have options.  As usual, thank y'all for your support and patience....

It's supposed to be in the 50s here this weekend...thinking the running workout will be outside. Yay!!

During the events you can swim whichever way suits you and you can choose to float. The only thing you can't do it use outside assistance such as pool toys or catch a lift on a kayak.
2011-01-29 7:57 AM
in reply to: #3328131

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
harlequinduck - 2011-01-29 2:21 AM
kwynnc - 2011-01-27 5:41 PM Nice to see a couple of new people! Jeff, we were in Anchorage for 4.5 years and miss Alaska quite a bit. Unfortunately, between 2 deployments, 3 moves, and a pregnancy, we never made it to Fairbanks. Camped outside Denali for 3 nights, but that was as far as we got. Swam today. 40 minutes, went well but was tired. Will post the details in my training log. Did 250 yd non-stop distance, though, so I'm happy with that. I struggled though, my arms are sore from the last couple of days. Great news - new bike today!! Went to our bike shop and bought a women's Trek! I LOVE it! Getting it set up on the trainer as we speak. (Well, I'm not, my husband is!)

Quite a few  folks in this blog living or have lived above the 48. 
Congrads on the new Trek. My wife and son are getting new Treks this year. I will resign to do my Tri's  on the mountain bike again this year. 
My run was 29 minutes and pushed the speed to develop form. Sill building a base, but felt the need to open up today. 
 Since I'm new to the sight I'm reviewing old blogs mbasta noted planning weekly topics. Scanning blogs I think it would be beneficial to have a discussion on training recovery.

We can talk about training recovery. What specifically about training recovery would you like to know?

Does anyone else have any ideas for topics we can touch on?
2011-01-29 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3256872

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New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Hi team;

Just a quick note to say I'm still alive...I've come down with a massive cold and I've been out of commission for a few days. But I went for a run today and I have my Tri class tomorrow Oh, and a personal trainer at my gym caught me doing yoga in the cardio loft and asked me to go to her flexibility class so I could be an example for the rest of the class? I'm flattered -- didn't think I was that decent at yoga haha.

I have a few assignments due in the next few days, but by Tuesday I'll have hopefully caught up on the thread.

Good to hear the success stories, everyone!

Keep 'em coming!!


HI NEW PEOPLE :D Looking forward to sharing workout info and goals with you!!

Edited by northernorchid 2011-01-29 4:29 PM

2011-01-29 8:45 PM
in reply to: #3313468

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
Calf raises - 35
Squats - 20
Lunges - 20 each side
Crunches - 30
Push-ups - 7
Back extensions - 10

13 weeks exactly until the triathlon. I am committing to doing something every day. I've been feeling overconfident and virtuous just by getting into the pool, but that's not the whole deal, is it?! Putting the boys to bed, then first ride on the bike trainer tonight. I anticipate it will be painful and tedious. I'm hoping to do 30 minutes tonight. Will be back to post after. Hope everyone else is having a good training weekend.
2011-01-29 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3328236

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-29 5:46 AM
bumbbles21 - 2011-01-28 2:12 PM

D001 -  Does anyone have tips for how to achieve balance in their lives????

Yes. Time management and self-care.

Self-care means having a plan for what you're going to do to care of yourself. As in, once a week I'm going to take a bath with candles and bubbles and red wine and the door locked. Or once a day I'm going to go for a walk by myself for 15 min and spend the time not thinking about kids and laundry and job stuff, but just enjoying nature and being outside.

Time management can be done lots of ways, but making and keeping a schedule is the best. When you think of it as a guide or a map instead of a prison, a schedule empowers you to achieve what you want to and come to peace with what you can not. Time Maps, an idea from Julie Morgenstern is something that I have found to be very helpful. 


 A time map is a powerful tool for becoming proactive amid the swirl of demands that come your way. Simply put, a Time Map is a budget of your day, week, or month that carves out distinct times for each of the key departments of your life. Instead of feeling that you have to act on every request the minute it crosses your path, your Time Map guides you, helping you determine whether you have time to handle an unexpected task, how much time you will devote to it and when you will do it. When you don’t have a Time Map, you have no idea what to do when. Every day is a total free-for-all. You just say yes to whatever screams loudest, with no perspective on how to prioritize incoming requests, and when you should be doing things. Of course, this is what leads to multi-tasking...just doing things as they come at you. 

A Time Map provides structure to your day -- carving out regular time for what is most essential to you. Rest assured that a Time map can be adapted to your personal style, whether you thrive on routine or variety, whether you have complete or only partial control over your day. Built around your own custom set of priorities and personal style, your Time Map reflects who you are and what is important to you. 

Hope that helps! I've got tons more material on both if  they would be helpful.

Thanks for the great information! If you have more material you find valuable, post away. I love learning new ways to support personal development.

I checked out the link.  So helpful!  I fall into the category of saying yes to whatever screams the loudest.  I think a time map will be very beneficial.  Thanks for the info!  I am very interested in any other material you may have....

2011-01-29 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3328243

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
During the events you can swim whichever way suits you and you can choose to float. The only thing you can't do it use outside assistance such as pool toys or catch a lift on a kayak.

There goes my Plan B  Better call my brother in law and tell him he has to leave the kayak at home!
2011-01-29 10:22 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN

Brought Chester along today.  Turned out to be an interesting workout.  We were fine together the first 30 minutes of the walk/run but then he found a ball and started to lose focus.  Then he noticed just how many birds, gulls and ducks were around him and both of us lost our focus.  As a springer, he wanted to chase everything with feathers so I ended up having to practically drag him back to the car.  You know, I bet that could probably count as my upper body workout today, too!

So the work out was cut short but he definitely entertained everyone!

2011-01-29 11:08 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
30 minute bike. Just went easy, didn't worry about tracking RPMs or anything. B put the sensor on the bike and it links to my garmin, but I'm not sure how to use it. He'll have to show me when he's home. Crap, my butt hurts though. I don't know if I just need to get used to it or need to actively look at trying different seats.

2011-01-30 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3328248

New user
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-29 7:57 AM
harlequinduck - 2011-01-29 2:21 AM
kwynnc - 2011-01-27 5:41 PM Nice to see a couple of new people! Jeff, we were in Anchorage for 4.5 years and miss Alaska quite a bit. Unfortunately, between 2 deployments, 3 moves, and a pregnancy, we never made it to Fairbanks. Camped outside Denali for 3 nights, but that was as far as we got. Swam today. 40 minutes, went well but was tired. Will post the details in my training log. Did 250 yd non-stop distance, though, so I'm happy with that. I struggled though, my arms are sore from the last couple of days. Great news - new bike today!! Went to our bike shop and bought a women's Trek! I LOVE it! Getting it set up on the trainer as we speak. (Well, I'm not, my husband is!)

Quite a few  folks in this blog living or have lived above the 48. 
Congrads on the new Trek. My wife and son are getting new Treks this year. I will resign to do my Tri's  on the mountain bike again this year. 
My run was 29 minutes and pushed the speed to develop form. Sill building a base, but felt the need to open up today. 
 Since I'm new to the sight I'm reviewing old blogs mbasta noted planning weekly topics. Scanning blogs I think it would be beneficial to have a discussion on training recovery.

We can talk about training recovery. What specifically about training recovery would you like to know?

Does anyone else have any ideas for topics we can touch on?

Just wanted to open up the topic. I know from my own experiences as well as others--recover often is sacrificed in our training plans when shortfalls occur. Besides having a couscous effort to not sacrifice recovery days, what would be ways to optimize or improve recovery?
2011-01-30 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3328243

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
mbasta - 2011-01-29 8:55 AM
kkvane - 2011-01-28 10:40 PM Gonna "tri" this had a hissy....

Today was a running(wogging)/swim workout. Slowing up on the running is working out great. I'm trying really hard to focus on endurance rather than speed. I'm almost to the end of week 3 out of 6 on this plan, so feeling pretty good about that. No days missed so far....

On the swimming. I have questions again. Are there rules about the kind of stroke/the legality of the stroke that you use? I was flutter kicking today with a kickboard and honestly did not go anywhere. I do much better doing the frog legs. Can I float on my back for part of it? I'm working on my freestyle, but just wondering if I have options.  As usual, thank y'all for your support and patience....

It's supposed to be in the 50s here this weekend...thinking the running workout will be outside. Yay!!

During the events you can swim whichever way suits you and you can choose to float. The only thing you can't do it use outside assistance such as pool toys or catch a lift on a kayak.

Awesome!! Not know anything about triathlons or knowing anyone that does them, I had the impression that I had to do everything as fast as I could and in perfect form. Sooooo nice to know I can run/walk, swim willy-nilly, and ride my heavy hybird. Just keep moving and git 'er done. I'm feeling more confident that the form and speed will come with time. I'm so glad I found this board....
2011-01-30 1:32 PM
in reply to: #3329010

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-29 11:22 PM

Brought Chester along today.  Turned out to be an interesting workout.  We were fine together the first 30 minutes of the walk/run but then he found a ball and started to lose focus.  Then he noticed just how many birds, gulls and ducks were around him and both of us lost our focus.  As a springer, he wanted to chase everything with feathers so I ended up having to practically drag him back to the car.  You know, I bet that could probably count as my upper body workout today, too!

So the work out was cut short but he definitely entertained everyone!

Haha! Yeah, always more interesting (and entertaining) with the four-leggers along. Mine cut in front of me today and I darn near tripped head first over the leash. Whew. And I do agree, the reining them in does have to count for something on the upper body.
2011-01-30 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3329039

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kwynnc - 2011-01-30 12:08 AM 30 minute bike. Just went easy, didn't worry about tracking RPMs or anything. B put the sensor on the bike and it links to my garmin, but I'm not sure how to use it. He'll have to show me when he's home. Crap, my butt hurts though. I don't know if I just need to get used to it or need to actively look at trying different seats.

Yeah for getting your 30 minutes in - and at the end of the day, too! I hate first-of-the season tender butt. I have plenty of padding back there, so why does it always seem to move out of the way when I mount a bike seat? Yell 
2011-01-30 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3329509

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kkvane - 2011-01-30 1:36 PM

kwynnc - 2011-01-30 12:08 AM 30 minute bike. Just went easy, didn't worry about tracking RPMs or anything. B put the sensor on the bike and it links to my garmin, but I'm not sure how to use it. He'll have to show me when he's home. Crap, my butt hurts though. I don't know if I just need to get used to it or need to actively look at trying different seats.

Yeah for getting your 30 minutes in - and at the end of the day, too! I hate first-of-the season tender butt. I have plenty of padding back there, so why does it always seem to move out of the way when I mount a bike seat? Yell 

Thanks, I have the same question about my padding! There's enough of it, you'd think it would do some good.

32 minutes on the treadmill - started the running program. 2 minute run in the middle. Felt pretty good, no heel pain!! We'll see how it is in the morning - it's always pretty bad getting out of bed. Was nice to be back running - I've run on and off for a lot of years and it's definitely my favourite.

I'm trying this program with steadily increasing time to see how it goes. When I've done the couch to 5k in the past, I've felt like it didn't really help me progress too quickly. When I first started running years ago, I would make it a point to run further each time I was out and pick out different goals (bridge, house, mailbox, etc). I'm hoping to do the same thing with time.

Feels good to get even an infinitesimal amount of running in! Yay!

Edited by kwynnc 2011-01-30 2:47 PM

2011-01-30 2:50 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
I also want to say that it's so bittersweet right now. I'm really happy that I'm finally getting some sleep and alone time, but at the same time, it's hard to see my boys growing up so quickly. It was so much about them for so many years (my kids are notoriously bad sleepers as babies and toddlers) that it's great to focus a little more on myself, but still a little hard to come to terms with as well.
2011-01-30 3:08 PM
in reply to: #3329568

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kwynnc - 2011-01-30 12:50 PM I also want to say that it's so bittersweet right now. I'm really happy that I'm finally getting some sleep and alone time, but at the same time, it's hard to see my boys growing up so quickly. It was so much about them for so many years (my kids are notoriously bad sleepers as babies and toddlers) that it's great to focus a little more on myself, but still a little hard to come to terms with as well.

They are so much fun at this age!  Then they become teenagers and you start to lose sleep all over again!
2011-01-30 3:10 PM
in reply to: #3256872

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?
2011-01-30 3:16 PM
in reply to: #3329568

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
kwynnc - 2011-01-30 3:50 PMI also want to say that it's so bittersweet right now. I'm really happy that I'm finally getting some sleep and alone time, but at the same time, it's hard to see my boys growing up so quickly. It was so much about them for so many years (my kids are notoriously bad sleepers as babies and toddlers) that it's great to focus a little more on myself, but still a little hard to come to terms with as well.
I can totally identify, though I'm a bit further down the path (mine are 23 and 19). When they were young, I was a SAHM, and sometimes the days seemed endless. But now it seems like it happened overnight that they are that old and I have time for me again. I don't have high-maintenance kids, but it is strange to plan my day without taking them into account as well. As much as I miss having them around, I'm starting to get into doing *my* thing.
2011-01-30 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3256872

New user

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Hi Melissa -- if you're group is still open I'd like to join.  Could really use the direction and also having a group to belong to certainly helps keep me accountable Smile


On again, off again exerciser for the past 20 years (mostly off again).  Finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired last year.  Started training in May and completed a sprint tri in October.  Was really slow time but I finished.

Races: Hoping to do another sprint in May or June and then an Olympic in the fall. 

Current training: Working out at least 3 times a week since completing the Tri in Oct and realize I really need to get back to the 6 times a week I did leading up to the race last year.  No real plan, usually one or two spin classes and a couple jogs on the treadmill. 

Issues:  I'm having a hard time boosting my run endurance.  Usually have ankle and shin pain start about 10 minutes into it and I'm not sure if I should just push through it since I really don't want to get injured. 

  I'm 5'8", 205lb - ultimately figure I'd like to be around 175.  Lost 20 lbs while training for the sprint last year and have maintained since.

2011-01-30 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3329582

Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-30 3:10 PM

I am looking for some advice on purchasing a good tri suit.  Does anyone have any first hand experience they can share with me?

I didn't use a tri suit. I wore a sports bra and tri shorts under my wetsuit, then took off the wetsuit and threw on a t-shirt in T1. I should have just stayed in the wetsuit, since it poured during the entire thing.
2011-01-31 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3328733

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Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
northernorchid - 2011-01-29 5:27 PM Hi team;

Just a quick note to say I'm still alive...I've come down with a massive cold and I've been out of commission for a few days. But I went for a run today and I have my Tri class tomorrow Oh, and a personal trainer at my gym caught me doing yoga in the cardio loft and asked me to go to her flexibility class so I could be an example for the rest of the class? I'm flattered -- didn't think I was that decent at yoga haha.

I have a few assignments due in the next few days, but by Tuesday I'll have hopefully caught up on the thread.

Good to hear the success stories, everyone!

Keep 'em coming!!


HI NEW PEOPLE :D Looking forward to sharing workout info and goals with you!!

Hopefully you're feeling better soon! Let us know how the yoga class goes.
2011-01-31 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3328948

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - CLOSED
kwynnc - 2011-01-29 9:45 PM Calf raises - 35 Squats - 20 Lunges - 20 each side Crunches - 30 Push-ups - 7 Back extensions - 10 13 weeks exactly until the triathlon. I am committing to doing something every day. I've been feeling overconfident and virtuous just by getting into the pool, but that's not the whole deal, is it?! Putting the boys to bed, then first ride on the bike trainer tonight. I anticipate it will be painful and tedious. I'm hoping to do 30 minutes tonight. Will be back to post after. Hope everyone else is having a good training weekend.

Make sure you're getting some rest days in there too. Make 1 or 2 days a week gentle yoga or some kind of similar training so that your body has time to rebuild.

Your strength numbers are coming along nicely. Try one leg squats and calf raises to increase the challenge (fingers on a piece of furniture to start for balance).
2011-01-31 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3329001

User image

Ontario, Canada
Subject: RE: Tri Curious - OPEN
Threejs - 2011-01-29 11:11 PM During the events you can swim whichever way suits you and you can choose to float. The only thing you can't do it use outside assistance such as pool toys or catch a lift on a kayak.

There goes my Plan B  Better call my brother in law and tell him he has to leave the kayak at home!

Homework: develop invisible flippers. Send me a copy too please.
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