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2011-02-06 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
I am soo excited. I get to pick up my bike tomorrow and I absolutely can't wait. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve!

Now I need help naming her. I am taking suggestions. My 8 yo suggested Pinkalicious- of course that's her favorite book right now- lol. There's actually very little pink on the bike and it's more fuschia.

The suggestions I have gotten so far are :

the silver streak
the silver shadow
the pink lady
house note ( that would be dh's lovely suggestion- I think not)
high maintenance chick ( this is my fave so far although that's my 8 yo's nickname already)

I just can't come up with any that have hit home yet.

So any ideas?


Athleta Iron Girl- sprint - May 22

2011-02-06 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: Have more questions- this time about swimming..m
So I am totally new to all of this and have just started a 12 week training plan as my tri is about 4 mos. away. The swim is going to be my most difficult as I expected it to be. So I have gone to the pool twice and swam laps and all I can say is - I'm going to drown-lol.

Now let me say that I consider myself a swimmer. We join a pool every summer and I swim a few times a week all summer long. I love to swim, but OMG there is a big difference in just leisurely tooling around the pool and swimming for a race.

Anyhow, it hit me the other day when I reading some posts here about swimming, that I know nothing about community swimming etiquette. So far the two times I've gone to the pool there has only been 3-4 other people there and there has been empty lanes so I just get a lane and do my thing.

My question though is what if there aren't any empty lanes? I read something about someone sharing a lane. What is the proper etiquette on this? What if everyone there swims much faster, better than I do? The pool I have to go to only has six lanes, so far I've been lucky but I don't want to do something offensive without even knowing it.

So I was just wondering what are the rules of pool etiquette?



Athleta Iron Girl- sprint- May 22
2011-02-07 7:06 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Morning all!
All is right in the world with the Packers winning the Superbowl.  Before moving to Louisiana we lived in WI for 10 yrs and are Packer fans.  Very good game, especially for the Superbowl.  Some good commercials with my favorite being the Chevy commercial about the rescues "I didn't even know the town had a volcano"

Shelly - as for the pool.  First if there is a life guard I would ask them.  I swim in a private swim club so things are a little different but what I know is.  If not marked, look for a swimmer close to your speed.  Never just jump in, make eye contact, dangle feet in the lane, etc until the other swimmer acknowledges you.  For us, if it is 2 swimmers in a lane we each have a side of the lane.  Three swimmers and we circle swim.  If you are in the lane and someone wants in, pick a side and signal them to join.

Nice 5 miler last night around the LSU lakes and today is a swim and a ride.   How is everyone doing on their challenge?
2011-02-07 7:14 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
I swim at the Y and I was the in same situation you were in when i started.  First time i swam all the lanes (4) had someone in them so i jumped in a lane and started swimming (or as my brother called it "i looked like you were having an aquatic seisure"), after I finished one lap I got a good tongue lashing from the 167 year old lady who i was sharing the lane with. So now anytime i am in that situation i wait at the end of the lane then ask the person in that lane if it's okay to share the lane with them. Each of us gets half of the lane so you don't have to worry about one swimming faster or 'passing' each other.

The challenge is going decent. Last week was a light week for me so this week it will rev up.

Speaking of challenges there are 4 YMCA's in Lincoln and they are having a Y to Y swim challenge. Basically it's swimming the distance (in laps) from each Y. It started Feb 1 and ends March 31. It's a total of 30.6 miles or 986(ish) laps. It's gonna be a tough one.

Edited by jpfeife 2011-02-07 7:32 AM
2011-02-07 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3342317

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Subject: RE: Have more questions- this time about swimming..m
morning all and happy monday- it's a blustery 40 degrees in boston today which is a godsend! i'm having a minor surgical thing tmrw so i'll be off the training for a couple of days but hoping to run bike swim later in the week. allegedly more snow wednesday here- but i'm hoping they're wrong so i can get off the friggin treadmill.

as for pool etiquette and drowning- i say go for splitting the lane and you won't have to worry at all about your speed. it's awkward for everybody at first- i was terrified of insulting other swimmers or messing up protocol when i first started too- totally normal

as for drowning, which is a big fear of mine- get a wetsuit! they make ya float so it's much easier to retrieve your body. at least that's how i feel. also, if i can not drown (survived 2 tris last year) so can you! good luck at the pool and most of all, have fun Laughing
2011-02-07 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
One thing I forgot to ask was: You are going to get lessons?  Swimming is hugely about technique.  Simply swimming laps will help and reading books/websites also helps.  But having someone watch you swim and tell you what you are doing wrong is invaluable.

Dang cold here!  Whomever sent the cold weather down to Louisiana needs to take it back!

2011-02-07 12:05 PM
in reply to: #3340070

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: New Bike drama....m
fitmomma2010 - 2011-02-04 9:47 PM Well,
I am so frustrated. Thought my bike wasn't here yet and I want it like yesterday- lol. So I call the LBS just to check and actually the bike was in, they just hadn't gotten around to calling me yet. Of course by the time I found out it was too late to go pick it up and get fitted today. I have to work tomorrow so now I have to wait until Monday. Not good for my February challenge.

Then I started doing some more research on the bike I purchased and I find out that what the salesman told me about the bike was not true ... 

Thankfully though, this store really does have great customer service and stands behind their word and bikes. The manager called and offered me the upgrade to the Shimano 105 components for their cost.  

Shelly, my only comment here is with the many, many options out there to purchase bikes, the biggest 'draw' a local store can have is integrity and customer service.  For a LBS to offer 1 thing, provide lesser quality instead and offer to make it up at 'their cost' would pretty much do it for me ... It'd be a looong time before I'd do business again.  Again, there are just too many avenues out there to pick up exactly what you want without having to plead your case, argue, etc.

This comes a bit late, so if you were able to work this out - hope it worked out well for u.

2011-02-07 11:27 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: She's finally home.....
And I can't wait to ride. I am so excited about my new bike. I was able to come to a mutual agreement with the LBS and I picked up my bike today. They changed all the components to what I wanted and pretty much made the bike equivalent to the Trek Ion Pro but my total cost was several hundred dollars less than the Ion Pro. And I was supposed to be getting a full Shimano 105 set for the upgrade but when I got there, he had actually put Shimano Ultegra brakes which is even better. He didn't have 105 brakes and he wanted to keep his end of the deal so he went even better.

They really are a great bike shop. I know it seemed like they were trying to pull one over on me, but they truly weren't and didn't. They offered me many different options and truly went above and beyond what many stores would have, to make me a happy customer. And I am.

Now if I can figure out how to post a pic, I'll show her to you guys. Although she is still nameless-
any ideas?


Athleta Iron Girl- May 22- sprint

(new bike.jpg)

new bike.jpg (68KB - 7 downloads)
2011-02-07 11:47 PM
in reply to: #3343172

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Subject: RE: New Bike drama....m

Shelly, my only comment here is with the many, many options out there to purchase bikes, the biggest 'draw' a local store can have is integrity and customer service.  For a LBS to offer 1 thing, provide lesser quality instead and offer to make it up at 'their cost' would pretty much do it for me ... It'd be a looong time before I'd do business again.  Again, there are just too many avenues out there to pick up exactly what you want without having to plead your case, argue, etc.

This comes a bit late, so if you were able to work this out - hope it worked out well for u.

It did work out great for me actually. And I know it sounds exactly like you said but there really was more to the whole story. The store employee was a young kid who truly made an honest mistake and the manager really worked hard to correct it. I ended up on the better end of the deal and am thrilled with my bike. I am like you though, if it had gone down like you thought, I too would have walked away from the bike and not looked back. I am very funny about honesty, integrity and where I spend my money. But there really was much more involved and they really did work with me. It ended up being a great experience and I truly would recommend this bike shop to anyone.

thanks for trying to help,

2011-02-08 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Morning all!
Yesterday turned into a rest day and hoping for a ride today.  Once again it is cold here for Louisiana and can't wait for temps to get better to get out on the bike.

Shelly - Nice bike!!!! Congrats!  Glad it all worked out.  I am actually heading over to Capital next week to try out that P1.  Not excited about it and all they are offering is to ride it on the trainer as it is not cabled. 

How is everyone doing on the challenge?
2011-02-08 9:23 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: Getting very stressed...m
Ok, so this triathlon quest of mine is really becoming very stressful. First had all the issues with the bike, although that did work out well thankfully.
But then I go to the pool to swim and there is a note on the door that says- We are sorry for the inconvenience- but the pool will be closed until the end of the spring semester. So I am totally panicking because I now don't have anywhere to swim train. I have spent all day trying to find a solution without much luck. What the heck am I going to do? Drown seems to be a likely option.

I did find a solution for the month of February but unfortunately it's going to cost me 163.00 that I really don't have at the moment- remember that new bike- lol. I had to sign up for a glide class at a health club 30 minutes away from me. I am excited about the class though. It is taught by a master swim coach who has great credentials on paper. He seemed very excited about the class and was thrilled that I am a beginner triathlete. His excitement was contagious. However, the cost is stressing me cause my budget is way overtapped for this sport, and then what do I do when this class is over?

So I'm excited, stressed and depressed all at the same time. I truly can't afford to keep paying that much just to get in a pool and the classes are only for three  1/2 weeks. I have to try and find another pool to swim in, but there are none in my city. I've got three 1/2 weeks to find a solution or this May tri just might not be in my future- cause I really don't want to drown.

I did get to ride the new bike today and it was awesome. Only did 2 miles cause kids needed me unexpectedly, but it was an awesome 2 miles. Not doing great on the challenge - only at 12 miles for the month. Have 100 more to go- Sheesh what the heck was I thinking- lol.


Athleta Iron Girl - May 22- maybe :-(

2011-02-08 9:53 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hey all!
Just swinging by.  Rode the trainer tonight but my knee wasn't thrilled so bagged it after an hour.  Hoping to swim and run tomorrow.  Son has soccer practice so I will run while he is at practice (assuming practice doesn't get cancelled due to rain).

JPF - we just had something similar where it was the distance from Baton Rouge to New Orleans.  I don't think I made it.

Luna - hope the minor surgery went well!

Shelly - check out the Louisiana forum and post there.  There are several NO folks that might be able to help on the pool situation.

Randy - how did the 3 miler go?

Bert - hopefully the weather is cooperating.

Marty - how are the workouts?

Dorm - how are the ribs?
2011-02-09 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Shelly, calm down.  There is a simple solution,.........get another job!  The average income for an Ironman Triathlete is only 160,000 dollars a year so there is hope, quit worring about the money, just get out the credit card and let er rip!

Just kidding, I feel your pain.  No one tells you how expensive this sport is until it is to late.  I can attest to the fact that,  it has been worth every penny I've spent and every hiccup I've had to endure to make it work, both financially and physically.
2011-02-09 7:07 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
People who are elite triathletes center their lives around triathlon. Those are the people that get endorsements and workout 8 hrs a day. For the rest of us, it's a hobby. Some may more serious and spend more time in it than others but ultimately it's a hobby. Triathlons are supposed to be fun and challenging, they are not suppose to cause unneccessary stress. If there aren't a lot of options for swimming in your area skip the triathlon in May. I don't know where you are located but I'm sure there are others later on in the year. Now would be a good time to enjoy your new bike (for some reason 'Flashdance' comes to mind for a name) and focus on running. That's just my opinion.
2011-02-09 7:43 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Morning all!

Shelly - great advice above.  One more thing.  Have you checked out the GNO Tri club?  It's my understanding that they are a large/active club and chances are they will have some leads on a pool.   But I would head over to the Louisiana forum and post there.  Good chance someone will have a recommendation.

Link to forum:

2011-02-09 8:21 AM
in reply to: #3346195

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Traveled to the West Coast yesterday, so lost some time...30 minute run on the treadmill this morning though...

2011-02-09 10:54 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Bill- You figured out my problem in a nutshell. Dh and I don't make anywhere near 160,000.00 a year. But since I have to do so much training- I think dh should get the second job- that might work. Oh wait- I forgot he and I both already have one- haha. I'm in deep doo doo.

Ok so I'm really half playing and half being serious. We don't really make that kind of money and we really do have side businesses but I'm nowhere near in deep doo doo, and I totally agree that it is worth every penny I've spent so far, and will spend. It will be even more so when I cross that finish line.

Thanks for your encouragement. Your post made me laugh.

JPF- you are right this is a hobby and it certainly shouldn't bring tons of stress. The thing I hate about email is that you can't hear the tone of the message. I really was half playing and half being serious in my last post as well. I really don't have a pool to swim in and the budget really is about tapped out for triathlon expenses but I'm not really that stressed over it. I am a survivor and a problem solver by nature and I will get this figured out. I have been through cancer three times and lost a child so there really is very little that actually stresses me. It's got to be a threat to life and limb of myself or my family.Which technically drowning could be considered that - huh- LOL. Other than that, I've learned there isn't much else worth getting stressed over, life is too short and meant to be fun.  And I LOVE, LOVE your name suggestion for the bike. It's going to top of my list. I'm going to let my kids/family/friends vote. So far, I like flashdance and  the pampered princess. Thanks for the suggestion. And I will take your advice and focus on my riding and running until the pool problem is solved.

Gary- I will post on the Louisiana forum, but I'm in Hammond not New Orleans so New Orleans would be a bit far for me. Baton Rouge is actually closer. I have several avenues to pursue and I'm certain one of them will work because quitting is not an option for me. I will be an Iron Girl on May 22, come heck or high water. Which I could use the high water- LOL.

thanks again guys, and I'm sorry if I sounded truly stressed. I really was half playing. I do have a pool problem to solve, but that's minor in the grand scheme of things.


whose determined to solve her pool problem and not drown- lol

Athleta Iron Girl New Orleans- May 22

2011-02-09 11:15 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: Had an awesome workout night..m
So I figure JPF's advice to focus on my riding and running until the pool issue is solved was pretty good advice. With that in mind I headed to the gym to put some miles in on the spin bike. My plan was just to put in the 12 miles that my race is and see how long it took me. I did that in 51:10 which was faster than I expected. I actually ended up riding 15 miles total- maybe I wasn't as crazy as I thought with this month's challenge -LOL.

Then I still felt good so I went to the indoor track and jogged/walked 2 miles. I did them faster than I've ever done.  I actually did a 10.5 minute mile and my fastest has been 11.5.
Now I know these times are pitiful compared to some. But for me they are great. I averaged 14 miles per hour on the bike and that was with resistances up to 9. I just did the random cross country program. I don't think that's too bad considering that was only my second time on the spin bike and until last week the only time I ever rode a bike was if we were camping and only to get around the campgrounds.

So I figure with actual training it can only get better.

Up to 27 miles on the challenge- I think.

2011-02-10 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
That is the unfortunate thing about email. You can't hear/interpret the 'tone'. Congratulations on your good workout.

Had a great workout today. Got a good amount of (Time In The Saddle)   Sorry, I know this should be a 'clean' forum but I heard that acronym and it kinda stuck
2011-02-10 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hey all!
Ran last night but it was a lousy run.  Over dressed so I heated up, rainy, and I just could not get into a stride.  Really thought I pushed hard but my final garmin pace was miserable.  Not sure if it was the rain, my garmin under my jacket, or I just sucked last night.  Either way next run will be good as most of my really good runs have followed a bad run.

Shelly - Yep, the LA group should provide some clues.  I am hoping I may be able to volunteer at your race.  Will see.

JPF - LOL, I use that acronym all the time.  I am not as PC as I should be sometimes I figure this is a Latex wearing group that regularly talks about chafing, peeing in wetsuits/bikes, etc.  Hard to get too worked up.

Marty - where on the west Coast?  I grew up in So. Calif, lived in various parts of mid/northern Calif and have relatives in OR.
2011-02-10 4:39 PM
in reply to: #3346195

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
GaryRM - 2011-02-08 10:53 PM Hey all!
Just swinging by ...

Dorm - how are the ribs?

I rode very hard last Friday and paid the price over the weekend, so pretty much had to rest all week.  I did some stationary bike yesterday morning and plan to get back in the saddle over the weekend. 

Thanks for checking in ...

2011-02-10 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3348371

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Personally, I like the in the saddle term. It makes it seem harder, more physical than just bike riding- lol. Like I'm doing something more challenging. Crazy I know, but anyway, I think it's a great way to describe riding. I don't hear anything offensive in it. Of course I am a Labor and Delivery nurse and we can be a pretty down and dirty bunch so I may not be the most objective judge- lol.


Athleta Iron Girl- May 22- sprint
2011-02-11 9:10 AM
in reply to: #3257002

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Lincoln, NE
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!

Had a good training week.  Half done with the Ironman bike portion (all indoors though). Hoping to get outside at least twice this month. It's suppose to be in the 40's for the next 5 days. Hoping the weatherman is right 

2011-02-11 6:46 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Baton Rouge area
Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
Hey all!

Crazy past two days.  Thursday night tried to hit the evening masters class.  First time and it was a zoo with all of the kids swim teams, younger swim lessons, masters, etc.  Four people to a lane, couldn't hear the coach.  Got about 900 meter warmup and got another 500 or so as part of class and gave up.  Spent more time floating on my back waiting for those in front of me to finish.  Today went at lunch, a lane to myself, etc.  Very nice.

Ran tonight and had a good run.  Okay is okay to use in the group.  Shelly, some time when the nurses head out for drinks I want to go.  Sounds like it could be a fun group.

JPF - congrast on the half iron, may be consider the full?

Dorm - take it easy.  You will get there.

Luna - how are you doing?

Bert - ?

Marty - keep it going!

Later all!
2011-02-11 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3257002

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Subject: RE: Gary's Mentor Group - Closed!
JPF- glad you got some good workouts in. It's pretty funny to me- you are hoping for 40's and I'm praying for them to go away-lol. I'm a spoiled southern girl and like my warmer temps. Also, you've got to slow down on the riding. I'm only at 38 miles so nowhere near halfway on the Ironman bike distance and I want to win- lol. Some motivator I am.

Gary- we definitely know how to have a good time. If it tells you anything, there is two of us doing Iron Girl in May. A third has been cycling for a while now and her brother is an extreme cyclist. She gave the two of us newbies several good ride options, all set up where either the stopping or halfway point has a great pub or restaurant - lol. We told her that wouldn't be good for our training- she said so what- you'll get a good beer out of it ;-).

Dorm- anti inflammatory meds worked wonders for my rib injury. Of course mine weren't actually broken. I just tore cartilage but I suffered for almost three weeks until I finally went to MD. Three days on meds and I hardly even noticed it hurt. Today made a week and I feel perfectly normal. I just wish I had gone to MD sooner. Nurses are bad about trying to fix it themselves-lol.

Going to first swim class at 10:30 in the morning, in an outdoor pool. Am I a masochist or what? The pool is supposed to be heated but hello it's outside. I think I might be certifiably insane. I'll decide after tomorrow. Wish me warm vibes- lol.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Athleta Iron Girl - May 22- sprint

Crazy girl whose going to freeze her derrier off  ;-)
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