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2011-01-23 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3316090

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
juneapple - 2011-01-23 9:23 AM
slow turtle - 2011-01-22 3:23 PM For the next 24 hours, I will have a 23 YO, a 20 YO, an 8 and a 4 year old living with me. My nephew is moving up from Tx, and moving in with us today. My daughter is here tonight, then goes back to school tomorrow. So, one leaves, and one comes in.

This weekend is turning out to be a wipe out for training. I'm having some significant pain in my foot at one of the old fracture sites. I think I went too much on the indoor track the other day, and I'm feeling the results. So, no run for me. Ice and elevate as much as possible. I'll try to work out tomorrow, if it is feeling better. I did finally go get the VFF today- hoping that helps with some of the stress related issues I have on my feet.

Our daughter heads out to school tomorrow too.  Is your nephew staying with you for the long haul?  Good to pay attention to the foot... ack.  Healing thoughts headed your way Heidi.

My nephew is staying with us for the long haul. He hasn't had much luck with things in Tx, and needs a fresh start. So, we hooked him up with a job, and he'll stay with us until he gets on his feet. We're looking forward to having him here.
My foot is feeling better, so I'm going to try to get a run in today. I'll bring my swim stuff, just incase my foot starts acting up.
Every one have a great day!


2011-01-23 11:22 AM
in reply to: #3316077

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Started the week off pretty good but crashed and burned, hard, at the end.  I took Friday off from my run thinking I could do a short run on Sat as a warm up to my bike.  Uh no, Sat I was going to run before getting my haircut but over slept til 8:30; got a new doo and washed the car.  That was it for the day, my body crashed hard and I was so weak the rest of the day.  I slept a lot! Didn't do homework, didn' train just could not move or eat.  I felt awful. 

Oh I forgot to mention my doc was estatic about my numbers;apparently I am very ill according to the docs but I just keep on popping the pills they give me and doing what I do.  You would not know it to look at me that I have to take 9 pills a day! Its all the bad stuff, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other problems associated with all of those.  Anyway my numbers are so good she was absolutely giddy!  Yeah! 

But since Christmas I have been battling some gastrointestinal problems that I attributed to eating soooo many treats during the holidays.  Now that I have been eating properly for a few weeks my problem seems to persist..ugh.  So I was hoping to not see the doc for 3 months but I may have to get in there again.  No new meds no new diet, just less fats and sugars, so not sure what is going on but this is driving me nuts!  And the weakness I felt yesterday was really odd.  

On my way  to get this week off to a better start and stronger finish!  I have an hour or so swim; not going to try to make up what I missed.  Last week is in the books, as is.  For me, this week is a new beginning!  Good Luck all!

Edited by SportzVision 2011-01-23 11:32 AM
2011-01-23 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3315357

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
slow turtle - 2011-01-22 2:23 PM For the next 24 hours, I will have a 23 YO, a 20 YO, an 8 and a 4 year old living with me. My nephew is moving up from Tx, and moving in with us today. My daughter is here tonight, then goes back to school tomorrow. So, one leaves, and one comes in.

This weekend is turning out to be a wipe out for training. I'm having some significant pain in my foot at one of the old fracture sites. I think I went too much on the indoor track the other day, and I'm feeling the results. So, no run for me. Ice and elevate as much as possible. I'll try to work out tomorrow, if it is feeling better. I did finally go get the VFF today- hoping that helps with some of the stress related issues I have on my feet.

That foot thing is always such a menace! Hope it feels better soon and good luck with, "the kid shuffle".  I have college age kids and they are always coming and going around here.
2011-01-23 3:26 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Well, after saying that this week was going to be a recovery week, yesterday was a recovery FAIL.  Went for a "gentle" mountain bike in the morning with husband and another friend.  16+ miles later it wasn't quite as gentle as we'd intended.  But it was really enjoyable, and we really didn't push the pace too hard.  Again it was really nice getting outside.  Was rather muddy, but that's what mountain bikes (and washing machines) are for.

I then went to the tri club swim session in the evening.  Usually we do somewhere around 1500m in the hour, in various drills.  Last night we did 2050m in just under an hour.  I know for a lot of you that's not much as you're much stronger swimmers than me, but for me that's a LOT.  So I was thoroughly tired by the end.

On the positive side I had my weekly weigh-in yesterday and I have continued to lose weight, despite feeling like I was getting fatter, so yay!

Today was a better recovery day.  I did absolutely no exercise.  I even got the husband to walk the dog!  The most I exerted myself was wandering round the quayside market this morning with my friend.

Tomorrow I'm planning a short run (probably 2 miles).  The weather has got rather warmer, so I'm hoping I'll manage cycling to work this week.

Cynthia - hope you feel better and don't have another bad day like that.  It's unpleasant when it comes out of nowhere like that...
2011-01-23 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
I finally got off the wait list and into one of the masters swim classes!!! My husband goes from 4-5 with the super good people; I got 5-6 with the intermediate people.

How is this for juggling? Mike leaves 3:30; babysitter arrives 4:30; I leave; Mike is out of the pool at 5 as I get in the pool; he comes home at 5:30, daughter gets picked up by carpool for soccer; I get out of the pool at 6, home by 6:30, dinner ready by 7:15.

Sounds good, right?

Two things- 1, the sitter we have for that ONE HOUR costs us $15. And that is negotiated down from $20.
2, Our driveway is a hill; I drive a truck; she parked on my side low on the hill and I could not see her car so I backed into it and of course now she will need a new bumper

That was the most expensive swim of MY LIFE.

But I had a blast. My coach fixed my stroke (finally) and I did a crapload of flip turns. I felt like I was 18 again. I will not be able to move tomorrow. I was the only smiling when I got out of the pool!!!!!!!
2011-01-23 5:54 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi all. I had a scary day yesterday. I went out to the garage and proceded to stumble over one of my son's friends' boots. He had a bunch of 18 year olds over to play in the snow. Yell I fell and bent my leg and foot undernearth me. I thought for sure I snapped my ankle........the only ankle I have. After screaming in pain for 5 minutes I was able to stand and spent most the day on crutches. I figured I save an emergency room visit and go to the doctor on Monday. I was amazed to wake this morning and 90% of the pain was gone. I guess just soft tissue damage.

Well I was able to get an hour on the trainer this afternoon with very little discomfort, I am suppose to run tomorrow. I will just have to wait to see how it feels. Over all not a bad week of training and a good start to this week.


2011-01-23 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Mill Creek, Washington
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi all,

Didn't quite make my goal of 5 runs this week, but managed to do 5 miles on Saturday, which is now the longest run of my life, and my knees aren't too bad.  I still plan on getting new shoes soon.

I also made it to tri-club today, but they ran out of bikes for the spinning class, and there's a few people training for an upcoming triathlon, so I gave mine up.  Took the kids to the park to feed the ducks.

I'll get back at it tomorrow, though probably a slightly shorter distance, to make sure I can keep it going, and hopefully there will be a bike available next Sunday, otherwise, I'll just let my wife know that I'd like to ride after swimming.  She's cool about that sort of thing.

Phil, sorry to hear about the ankle.  That sucks.  I sure hope it's a quick heal.
2011-01-23 6:27 PM
in reply to: #3316808

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
StlPhil - 2011-01-23 5:54 PM Hi all. I had a scary day yesterday. I went out to the garage and proceded to stumble over one of my son's friends' boots. He had a bunch of 18 year olds over to play in the snow. Yell I fell and bent my leg and foot undernearth me. I thought for sure I snapped my ankle........the only ankle I have. After screaming in pain for 5 minutes I was able to stand and spent most the day on crutches. I figured I save an emergency room visit and go to the doctor on Monday. I was amazed to wake this morning and 90% of the pain was gone. I guess just soft tissue damage.

Well I was able to get an hour on the trainer this afternoon with very little discomfort, I am suppose to run tomorrow. I will just have to wait to see how it feels. Over all not a bad week of training and a good start to this week.


Oh no! Thank goodness you seem to be ok. Ice and Ibuprofen are our best friends!
For our excellent swimmers out there, you all are so impressive! Granted today was only the 2nd time I've been in the pool since last August, and I'm not much of a swimmer anyway, but 30 mins non-stop today was a good workout for me. I'm just thrilled that I did it and didn't chicken out.
I'm no where near the point when I can join a group, but maybe that should be a goal for the end of this year.
Have a great Monday everyone.
2011-01-23 7:02 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Wow everyone's been busy. Phil, I hope your ankle doesn't cause you any problems.I ran today. I'm glad to have my treadmill this time of year.As for my goals, the weather has been interfering a bit. Only one swim last week instead of 3. Running has been ok. Weightloss is harder when the kitchen is too close, like when I'm forced to work from home. 204 is still within reach. A bit of a long reach is required, but it's possible that I could still reach this goal. I'm certainly going to try.
2011-01-23 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3316923

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
rustymom - 2011-01-23 7:02 PM Wow everyone's been busy. Phil, I hope your ankle doesn't cause you any problems.I ran today. I'm glad to have my treadmill this time of year.As for my goals, the weather has been interfering a bit. Only one swim last week instead of 3. Running has been ok. Weightloss is harder when the kitchen is too close, like when I'm forced to work from home. 204 is still within reach. A bit of a long reach is required, but it's possible that I could still reach this goal. I'm certainly going to try.

You'll reach your weight goal, it just may take a little longer.  I use to weigh 235 and its taken many years to get to 162; For me it was reallllllllly long.  You're doing the right things so don't beat yourself up too much! Take pride in your accomplishments and hang tough the goals will be reached, eventually.
2011-01-23 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3316851

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)

rlh98296 - 2011-01-23 6:17 PM Hi all,

Didn't quite make my goal of 5 runs this week, but managed to do 5 miles on Saturday, which is now the longest run of my life, and my knees aren't too bad.  I still plan on getting new shoes soon.

I also made it to tri-club today, but they ran out of bikes for the spinning class, and there's a few people training for an upcoming triathlon, so I gave mine up.  Took the kids to the park to feed the ducks.

I'll get back at it tomorrow, though probably a slightly shorter distance, to make sure I can keep it going, and hopefully there will be a bike available next Sunday, otherwise, I'll just let my wife know that I'd like to ride after swimming.  She's cool about that sort of thing.

Phil, sorry to hear about the ankle.  That sucks.  I sure hope it's a quick heal.

Wow five runs a week! Good luck getting it done and congrats on your 5 miler!  We are so fortunate to have such supportive spouses.  Mine does so much for me, including on his days off making all of my meals!  I have never been so spoiled but I am definetly liking it and appreciative.

2011-01-23 8:28 PM
in reply to: #3316276

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
SportzVision - 2011-01-23 12:22 PM Started the week off pretty good but crashed and burned, hard, at the end.  I took Friday off from my run thinking I could do a short run on Sat as a warm up to my bike.  Uh no, Sat I was going to run before getting my haircut but over slept til 8:30; got a new doo and washed the car.  That was it for the day, my body crashed hard and I was so weak the rest of the day.  I slept a lot! Didn't do homework, didn' train just could not move or eat.  I felt awful. 

Oh I forgot to mention my doc was estatic about my numbers;apparently I am very ill according to the docs but I just keep on popping the pills they give me and doing what I do.  You would not know it to look at me that I have to take 9 pills a day! Its all the bad stuff, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other problems associated with all of those.  Anyway my numbers are so good she was absolutely giddy!  Yeah! 

But since Christmas I have been battling some gastrointestinal problems that I attributed to eating soooo many treats during the holidays.  Now that I have been eating properly for a few weeks my problem seems to persist..ugh.  So I was hoping to not see the doc for 3 months but I may have to get in there again.  No new meds no new diet, just less fats and sugars, so not sure what is going on but this is driving me nuts!  And the weakness I felt yesterday was really odd.  

On my way  to get this week off to a better start and stronger finish!  I have an hour or so swim; not going to try to make up what I missed.  Last week is in the books, as is.  For me, this week is a new beginning!  Good Luck all!

Cynthia- It seems like you really needed a rest day. Good job listening to your body.And, great perspective on the new week. Is the eventual goal to reduce some of the medications? It seems like you might be moving in that direction.
2011-01-23 8:31 PM
in reply to: #3316568

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
chapfallen - 2011-01-23 4:26 PM Well, after saying that this week was going to be a recovery week, yesterday was a recovery FAIL.  Went for a "gentle" mountain bike in the morning with husband and another friend.  16+ miles later it wasn't quite as gentle as we'd intended.  But it was really enjoyable, and we really didn't push the pace too hard.  Again it was really nice getting outside.  Was rather muddy, but that's what mountain bikes (and washing machines) are for.

I then went to the tri club swim session in the evening.  Usually we do somewhere around 1500m in the hour, in various drills.  Last night we did 2050m in just under an hour.  I know for a lot of you that's not much as you're much stronger swimmers than me, but for me that's a LOT.  So I was thoroughly tired by the end.

On the positive side I had my weekly weigh-in yesterday and I have continued to lose weight, despite feeling like I was getting fatter, so yay!

Today was a better recovery day.  I did absolutely no exercise.  I even got the husband to walk the dog!  The most I exerted myself was wandering round the quayside market this morning with my friend.

Tomorrow I'm planning a short run (probably 2 miles).  The weather has got rather warmer, so I'm hoping I'll manage cycling to work this week.

Cynthia - hope you feel better and don't have another bad day like that.  It's unpleasant when it comes out of nowhere like that...

WhooHoo! Great job on the weight loss.
I love bike rides that turn into something unexpected- it's always fun when it ends up being longer or different than you expect. Good luck with cycling to work. How long is the ride? 
2011-01-23 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Anne- congrats getting into the swim class- that sounds like the most expensive swim class ever! I hope the sitters car can be fixed easily.

Phil-I'm glad your ankle is not as bad as you first thought.When I was reading what happened, all I could think, was "oh no- please don't let there be permanent damage to his good ankle!"  Give it time to heal fully.

Ron- Great job on the 5 mile run! Did you get out without the stroller?
2011-01-23 9:15 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi All,

Hope everyone had a great Sunday. We had very beautiful weather today, sun and blue skies. Perfect for being outdoors.  We tried to go snoeshoeing, I was hoping for a great workout, but the snow conditions were poor.  So needless to say we managed to find a place to eat.  I felt quite guilty while I was eating my grilled sandwich and sweet potato fries, when a cycle group stepped into the restaurant--to only fill their water bottles.  So, as I enjoyed lunch they enjoyed the great weather and a good ride.  Hopefully this week I will get myself back on track. I really have no excuses for not making my goals this week, but I didn't.  Tomorrow a new week starts and I will try again.    

Hope everyone has a great week ahead, and is able to make their Jan goals.
2011-01-23 10:43 PM
in reply to: #3317131

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi All,

Just finished up what turned out to be an unexpectedly long day of work, but did finally get things done for tomorrow.  I also managed to get in an excellent workout as a mid-day break to reach my 7 hour goal.  However, ate too much at dinner, so I think I will miss the weight goal when I get on the scale in the morning.

Speaking of the morning, it's almost here and we've got to get up early to take our daughter to the train.  Back to empty nest again.

I'll be back in touch on the other side... sweet dreams!


2011-01-24 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Good Morning Jugglers!

Just got my daughter off on the train back up to the cold northeast, so back to empty nest for us.  My week was a mixed result.  Training goal was met, but I blew the weight goal over the weekend.  So, this week I am going to limit myself to only snacks of fruit and see if I can turn that around.  Kind of discouraged with myself on that one.  I know better.  I do have two trouble points for the coming week though - office gathering where food is the main deal and a gig on Saturday.  So, refocus this week - keep the training, drop the snacks.

Biking at lunch today... maybe with a brickish run to follow.  Have a good one everyone and Phil, hope your good ankle continues its miraculous recovery.

2011-01-24 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
St. Louis
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Thanks for everyones good wishes. When I fell my "triathlon" life literally passed before my eyes. The ankle is improving, but still tender. I'll hit the bike trainer today and shoot for the run tomorrow. Plus, I REALLY need to get back into the pool. I think I'll do that following run tomorrow.

Stu, we are very close to being empty nesters. Our last one starts University of Missouri Journalism School in the fall. As difficult as it is raising teenagers my my first thought is I can't wait, but I think when it acually happens I will really miss not having the house full of them.

2011-01-24 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3317840

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
StlPhil - 2011-01-24 10:33 AM Thanks for everyones good wishes. When I fell my "triathlon" life literally passed before my eyes. The ankle is improving, but still tender. I'll hit the bike trainer today and shoot for the run tomorrow. Plus, I REALLY need to get back into the pool. I think I'll do that following run tomorrow.

Stu, we are very close to being empty nesters. Our last one starts University of Missouri Journalism School in the fall. As difficult as it is raising teenagers my my first thought is I can't wait, but I think when it acually happens I will really miss not having the house full of them.


When you start to really miss them, picture yourself tripping over their boots
That should help out a little.
In all honesty, I understand. My oldest is in college, and I miss her daily. Luckily, we have a huge age gap between her and the other two. It's hard to get melancholy with a 4 and 8 year old running around the house.
Here's an example: My 8 year old found a new loop hole in the swear word rules. She says "If OH ! Wasn't a bad word, this would be a good time to say it!" Makes me laugh every time.
2011-01-24 3:09 PM
in reply to: #3317063

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
slow turtle - 2011-01-24 2:31 AM
chapfallen - 2011-01-23 4:26 PM Tomorrow I'm planning a short run (probably 2 miles).  The weather has got rather warmer, so I'm hoping I'll manage cycling to work this week.

WhooHoo! Great job on the weight loss.
I love bike rides that turn into something unexpected- it's always fun when it ends up being longer or different than you expect. Good luck with cycling to work. How long is the ride? 

The ride to work is about 3.5miles, so not very far, but there's a fairly major hill in each direction, so it's enough to get my legs going.  Fingers crossed I'll be doing it in the morning.

I managed my 2 mile run this evening and was really pleased with how it went.  I did a really nice pace and felt good when I got home.  Now I just have to try to maintain that pace for the longer runs.

For those of you with empty nest issues, my mum has a fridge magnet which says "it's not an empty nest until their stuff is out of the garage".  I don't know about you guys, but at 34 my sister still seems to manage to have half her possessions at my parents house!

Phil - I hope your ankle is okay.  And I hope you've been icing it plenty.  Just remember to keep doing it, especially after you get back from your run.  In my experience it's not possible to ice an injury too much.
2011-01-24 7:26 PM
in reply to: #3260273

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Extreme Veteran
Sylvania, OH
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
unintentional day off....

went to the dermatologist to get a mole checked- I had one removed from my right arm when I was 18 and a tiny bit of it was growing back recently and scared me. Not the dermatologist- she was more concerned with a growth on my leg and took out a chunk. Also took out a mole that is right in my upper chest/close to armpit and told me not to lift anything, run, or swim for 72 hours.

I have a family history of basal cell carcinoma and melanoma, the leg they are thinking might be basal cell carcinoma, and I felt so dumb because I have always checked moles (i have tons, plus freckles) and had no idea what to look for the basal cell carcinoma, and while I was talking to the nurse I saw the poster on the wall and went hey, what is that, it looks like what is on my leg. GREAT.

stitches are all burny right now, 3-4 stitches in both areas. 8 year old got off the bus crying because her poetry book report is due tomorrow and we had done the 10 poems but not the BANNER. So I spent 2.5 hours making a banner with her out of felt, flour sacking, markers, beads, and embroidery floss and I hope her teacher makes some snide comment about "parent help" because I kept thinking life is too short. Not that I will die of basal cell carcinoma.....I keep teasing my husband that if it is bad enough that they even remotely suggest taking my leg I will start chanting "Kona Kona Kona" because that is the ONLY way I would ever get a spot there. Sick sense of humor. The husband said it's too bad it's not something deadly because he would use the insurance money to buy a new bike and he'd name it after me.

So. Today was supposed to be a bike, did not happen. I wallowed and read my pamphlets from my doctor and then did my- I mean, my daughters- visual aid for her monthly book report. I also made some AWESOME comfort food, sausage potato cheese waffles. Oh are they ever good. And not healthy. But sometimes that kind of food is just good for your soul.

Hoping for a slow spin tomorrow depending on how the stitches feel, then I get to drag my children to their dentist appointments, and I have to make a double batch of chicken noodle soup for two different friends who had surgery today.

This evening when my husband got home he gave me a big hug and I said, "I hope it isn't what they think because what if they have to take a big chunk out of my leg? My season would be over." Such a selfish thought, but totally a thought a triathlete would have. I just keep reminding myself how good I felt last night at the masters swim group and everything will be fine.

2011-01-24 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3319272

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
AKR18 - 2011-01-24 8:26 PM unintentional day off.... went to the dermatologist to get a mole checked- I had one removed from my right arm when I was 18 and a tiny bit of it was growing back recently and scared me. Not the dermatologist- she was more concerned with a growth on my leg and took out a chunk. Also took out a mole that is right in my upper chest/close to armpit and told me not to lift anything, run, or swim for 72 hours. I have a family history of basal cell carcinoma and melanoma, the leg they are thinking might be basal cell carcinoma, and I felt so dumb because I have always checked moles (i have tons, plus freckles) and had no idea what to look for the basal cell carcinoma, and while I was talking to the nurse I saw the poster on the wall and went hey, what is that, it looks like what is on my leg. GREAT. stitches are all burny right now, 3-4 stitches in both areas. 8 year old got off the bus crying because her poetry book report is due tomorrow and we had done the 10 poems but not the BANNER. So I spent 2.5 hours making a banner with her out of felt, flour sacking, markers, beads, and embroidery floss and I hope her teacher makes some snide comment about "parent help" because I kept thinking life is too short. Not that I will die of basal cell carcinoma.....I keep teasing my husband that if it is bad enough that they even remotely suggest taking my leg I will start chanting "Kona Kona Kona" because that is the ONLY way I would ever get a spot there. Sick sense of humor. The husband said it's too bad it's not something deadly because he would use the insurance money to buy a new bike and he'd name it after me. So. Today was supposed to be a bike, did not happen. I wallowed and read my pamphlets from my doctor and then did my- I mean, my daughters- visual aid for her monthly book report. I also made some AWESOME comfort food, sausage potato cheese waffles. Oh are they ever good. And not healthy. But sometimes that kind of food is just good for your soul. Hoping for a slow spin tomorrow depending on how the stitches feel, then I get to drag my children to their dentist appointments, and I have to make a double batch of chicken noodle soup for two different friends who had surgery today. This evening when my husband got home he gave me a big hug and I said, "I hope it isn't what they think because what if they have to take a big chunk out of my leg? My season would be over." Such a selfish thought, but totally a thought a triathlete would have. I just keep reminding myself how good I felt last night at the masters swim group and everything will be fine.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best results possible! Keep us posted. There's a reason why somethings are called "soul foods" I hope you enjoyed yours. 
2011-01-24 8:39 PM
in reply to: #3319272

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Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hi Everyone!

Was excited to finally get a few photos uploaded.  (Well my daughter did for me--ha, ha, ha)

Anne- well wishes to you! I will keep you in my thoughts.  The waiting can be a bit nerve racking, I know from experience, but try not to worry.  This past november, I had a mole resected (14 stitches on my back).  I never expected that incision site to be so painfu l(should have taken the dr. up on pain meds) and I had to try really hard to refrain from working out (9 days).  But thankful I took that time for the incision to heal proper.  My daughter had an incision dehiss, and now the scar is quite large and not pretty.  So give yourself the time to heal, its worth it. 

Yesterday our comfort food was roast with mashed potatos, gravy, and a coconut cream pie for desert.  (left overs tonight--yum!). Plus we ate out for lunch. Yikes! Glad I'm not recording my intake.

Two days off in a rowFrown, so tomorrow planning a brick workout so this week I can make my Jan goals. 

Good luck to all with your goals this week!-Yvette
2011-01-25 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3260273


Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Hey guys! Well I so wanted to report this last week but I finally got in the pool friday....and it is kind of like riding a bike....just a little slower after a year out of the pool....but I was so exvited....after that I went to run for about 15 min just to get the feel of moving from one sport to another and it def felt weird.....felt like I had sea legs....hahaha....sat I worked....sun....i felt bad like I was getting sick again so nada.....mon I workedSo far today i've gotten about 10 min of cardio in dancing in the luving room with my son to the theme of mickey mouse today I will be able to bike and run...although it will be inside due to rainy conditionsOne more side note.....phil and stu (i think) I promise that the empty nest will become better....although I have never been there I just recently got married and my three year old and I left my parents parents couldn.t talk about it for a while without getting upset and even though I was happy I srill hurt also because it was def a change. The point i'm trying to get to is that even if your loved ones don't show it they miss y just as much and this is also your opportunity to get out and try something new....(my dad actually started acting at a local theater.....def a SHOCKER!) Hope everyone has a great week!
2011-01-25 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3260273

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Destination MoP Group is FULL (of motivated life jugglers)
Good morning MoP Gang :-)

So with Phil and Anne's recent injury reports, it seemed like a good time to mention the latest tri/running motivational book I've been reading, called "Going Long", which is a collection of pieces from Runner's World (btw, there is a triathlon book with the same name which is what I was actually shopping for when this caught my eye).  I've been reading one piece each night before I go to sleep and I've really enjoyed them so far.  So, if you're inclined to read these kinds of things or if you're laid up icing an ankle or stitches and needing a "fix", I'd give this one a "thumbs up".

Anne... really glad you went in yesterday... good thing they caught that one.  You don't want to let that stuff go.  My Dad was constantly getting those things removed.  Which reminds me that his dermatologist's name was Dr. Skinner... I'm not making this up!

Here in Virginia, it looks like we're getting a brief respite from the cold today before some ice/snow/rain mess hits us tonight, so I think I will move some things around and try a outdoor run today.  The dreadmill workouts are getting old... how you all in the north can handle that, I'll never know!

Have a great day everyone... if you're healthy, get out there and take advantage of it... if you're not, healing thoughts headed your way :-)


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