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2011-05-09 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Oh man do I hurt today!

Time for kalamazzo marathon 4:45:19  Overall place 767 /1196

I felt great for the first 10, running well below 10min mile.  At 15 miles at high 10 min mile. At  18 miles I had eaten everything I brought and sucked down all my goos and kept taking them whenever they where handed out.  Everything hurt, after 20 miles I was no longer sweating, breathing easy and no matter how much i trained, it would not matter.  It was nothing but a struggle to keep my feet moving.   

 I wore my tri shirt, which was so smart for the pockets in the back, that was a excellent choice and I'll always waer one when running long distances,  next time however I will tape my nipples 1st!  Nice white tri shirt has little blood spots!  Very embarrasing, but I wasn't the only one.  lol   It kept my mind busy during the last hour wondering if eveyone was looking at me or the spots!!!!  to funny.  So at finish line I was shirtless, evan funnier.

Today i have a hard time walking, standing up, sitting down moving in general and walking down the stairs - forget it!  I look like a very old man!  

On the other hand I feel great!  I've still got that "high" and don't plan on taking off my race shirt  ( the nice new clean one) for a few days!

Glad to see the other race reports from everyone else. Congrats to you all!  All we have to do is keep moving!



2011-05-09 4:46 PM
in reply to: #3488090

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
yolandamcp - 2011-05-08 5:33 PM

Completed my first tri of the season! It went well, I say well because I totally choked in the swim. Literally!! I have done tri's before and never had this problem but today I jumped in and the water was cold, took in a deep breath and came up choking. It was only a 200 but I think I may have used an actual stroke for 50 of the 200, the rest was doggie paddling to catch my breath!! Yikes, won't do that again!

Bike and run went good. I need to train more for the next one that is in June, had a bit of an issue with the transition and heavy legs after the bike.

Congrats to all that have completed their first races/tri's. Keep up the good work!


Congrats for completing your first tri of the season! I'm still tri-ing to finish my first Tri! Heh.

The swim part is hard for a lot of people, so don't be so hard on yourself. It's really tough. At least you got through it.

Hang in there. The Tris get easier, I've heard.

2011-05-09 4:48 PM
in reply to: #3488471

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-05-08 10:00 PM
goofee girl - 2011-05-08 3:27 PM

Congratulations, Katie! I'm sorry you were sick, but it sounds like you were doing ok this morning. Your speed is amazing! I'm a lot slower than you on a 5K! Good for you! Be a proud 5K'er!

As for me, I'm thrilled to be filling out my training log on here! It feels great to be exercising daily and posting my progress. Now to remember to post notes with my workouts so that I can follow my own thoughts. Today was running and I REALLY need to follow the C25K program. I tried to run the measly 0.8 miles and couldn't do it. How I ran a 5K for the Duathlon in April is beyond me. Probably just peer pressure. So it's time to dig out that program and start following it so that I'm ready in August to race the Sprint Tri. I know I'll be walking most of the 6 miles in next week's Tri. I feel bad that I didn't put enough effort into my training to be up to par for this event. But I found excuses and didn't follow through. Now I'll be more prepared for the next Tri.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


Try warming up at something else first.  I cannot just jump on the treadmill and start running.  I tried it the other night and it just turns into a run/walk series. Now yesterday, I spent an hour on the cross trainer and worked it hard.  I was able to run a sub 24:30 for a 5k right after that because my legs were warmed up.  I know I can do a Tri much easier than running a simple 1/2 or full marathon.  Give that a try (tri).....

Thanks. I just jumped on that thing and ran. It was awful. But that's how my training plan has it set out. Regardless, I still need to do the C25K because I'm so out of shape and need the extra support. Thanks for the suggestion!

2011-05-09 4:54 PM
in reply to: #3488791

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-05-09 9:01 AM

Oh man do I hurt today!

Time for kalamazzo marathon 4:45:19  Overall place 767 /1196

I felt great for the first 10, running well below 10min mile.  At 15 miles at high 10 min mile. At  18 miles I had eaten everything I brought and sucked down all my goos and kept taking them whenever they where handed out.  Everything hurt, after 20 miles I was no longer sweating, breathing easy and no matter how much i trained, it would not matter.  It was nothing but a struggle to keep my feet moving.   

 I wore my tri shirt, which was so smart for the pockets in the back, that was a excellent choice and I'll always waer one when running long distances,  next time however I will tape my nipples 1st!  Nice white tri shirt has little blood spots!  Very embarrasing, but I wasn't the only one.  lol   It kept my mind busy during the last hour wondering if eveyone was looking at me or the spots!!!!  to funny.  So at finish line I was shirtless, evan funnier.

Today i have a hard time walking, standing up, sitting down moving in general and walking down the stairs - forget it!  I look like a very old man!  

On the other hand I feel great!  I've still got that "high" and don't plan on taking off my race shirt  ( the nice new clean one) for a few days!

Glad to see the other race reports from everyone else. Congrats to you all!  All we have to do is keep moving!


Congratulations!!!!  That's a great first marathon time!!  20 miles was also the point I was ready to be done.  It's tough to make it through after that.

Oh, and my husband uses nip guards during long runs.  Apparently they work well.

2011-05-10 7:19 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

How's everyone's week going?  What's been a recent success of yours in relation to you "tri-ing"?  What's been a recent struggle?

As for me, my week is going pretty well.  I got started on a new whey protein supplement by the owner of the gym and it is the best tasting whey protein I've ever tried!  It mixes so smoothly and does not have the texture I have always hated in the past!  I would say this has been my recent success because with the added protein I am able to continue to build muscle while working on the weight loss.

As for a struggle, I would still have to go with swimming.  Today my first lap felt great, but then it felt as though my legs were sinking.  I have downloaded the Mr.SmoothSwim man and hopefully by just reading some more and watching others I'll be able to continue working on my form.  I just need to continue reminding myself where I was back at the end of March... I couldn't even do a single lap of freestyle!  I'm trying to repeat to myself, "Progress is what's important, not perfection."

2011-05-10 8:10 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

Whoa. I met with the personal trainer today. I told him how I wanted to strengthen my core, abs, quads, and upper arms. He sat with me for half an hour and talked to me about goals. Then he worked my arse off for half an hour. I am SO WEAK! My legs, abs, you name it and I'm weak! I have good cardiovascular strength, but the rest stinks. So I signed up for personal training once a week and will pursue it as I train for this Sprint Tri.

Tomorrow I start a new diet in preparation for surgery. I'm looking forward to it.

2011-05-10 8:22 PM
in reply to: #3492535

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Desert of Mexico
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-10 8:10 PM

Whoa. I met with the personal trainer today. I told him how I wanted to strengthen my core, abs, quads, and upper arms. He sat with me for half an hour and talked to me about goals. Then he worked my arse off for half an hour. I am SO WEAK! My legs, abs, you name it and I'm weak! I have good cardiovascular strength, but the rest stinks. So I signed up for personal training once a week and will pursue it as I train for this Sprint Tri.

Tomorrow I start a new diet in preparation for surgery. I'm looking forward to it.

That's great!  The gym I go to has free weights, cardio machines, and a circuit that works abs, arms, chest, back, legs, etc.  There is always a trainer who motivates and pushes you during the circuit.  It's basically like having a person trainer everyday!  I especially like it because if I skip a day at the gym the next day the trainer will give me a hard time about not going.  I look forward to hearing how it goes for you with the new personal trainer! 

Edited by spaceyg02 2011-05-10 8:23 PM
2011-05-11 10:56 AM
in reply to: #3492554

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

My week is going sore, my legs and left foot really hurt 3 days after marathon.   They improve each day but I've never hurt like this before.

On the good side - Back on bike this morning and felt great - looking forward to more Biking Thursday.

You always read that you use different muscle groups for running and riding.  It is so true!  I didn't have any problems riding and whatever was hurting when walking went away while riding.  So recovery from marathon takes 4 to 5 days i bet. (At least for me)

How long will recovery take after a Ironman????  That is making me re-think things. 

2011-05-11 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3493537

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-05-11 10:56 AM

My week is going sore, my legs and left foot really hurt 3 days after marathon.   They improve each day but I've never hurt like this before.

On the good side - Back on bike this morning and felt great - looking forward to more Biking Thursday.

You always read that you use different muscle groups for running and riding.  It is so true!  I didn't have any problems riding and whatever was hurting when walking went away while riding.  So recovery from marathon takes 4 to 5 days i bet. (At least for me)

How long will recovery take after a Ironman????  That is making me re-think things. 



2011-05-11 3:53 PM
in reply to: #3492468

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La Crosse
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
spaceyg02 - 2011-05-10 7:19 PM

How's everyone's week going?  What's been a recent success of yours in relation to you "tri-ing"?  What's been a recent struggle?

As for me, my week is going pretty well.  I got started on a new whey protein supplement by the owner of the gym and it is the best tasting whey protein I've ever tried!  It mixes so smoothly and does not have the texture I have always hated in the past!  I would say this has been my recent success because with the added protein I am able to continue to build muscle while working on the weight loss.

As for a struggle, I would still have to go with swimming.  Today my first lap felt great, but then it felt as though my legs were sinking.  I have downloaded the Mr.SmoothSwim man and hopefully by just reading some more and watching others I'll be able to continue working on my form.  I just need to continue reminding myself where I was back at the end of March... I couldn't even do a single lap of freestyle!  I'm trying to repeat to myself, "Progress is what's important, not perfection."


I still hate swimming.


Yesterday...1400yd Swim, 50+ min spin class, 5k Run (walk too) before work and then a 15+ Mile ride outside with my son after work.  Needed a nap....Never got one.

Today.......2000yd Swim and 30+ mins cardio on cross trainer afterwards........Sill looking for nap.....

2011-05-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3492554

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
spaceyg02 - 2011-05-10 8:22 PM
goofee girl - 2011-05-10 8:10 PM

Whoa. I met with the personal trainer today. I told him how I wanted to strengthen my core, abs, quads, and upper arms. He sat with me for half an hour and talked to me about goals. Then he worked my arse off for half an hour. I am SO WEAK! My legs, abs, you name it and I'm weak! I have good cardiovascular strength, but the rest stinks. So I signed up for personal training once a week and will pursue it as I train for this Sprint Tri.

Tomorrow I start a new diet in preparation for surgery. I'm looking forward to it.

That's great!  The gym I go to has free weights, cardio machines, and a circuit that works abs, arms, chest, back, legs, etc.  There is always a trainer who motivates and pushes you during the circuit.  It's basically like having a person trainer everyday!  I especially like it because if I skip a day at the gym the next day the trainer will give me a hard time about not going.  I look forward to hearing how it goes for you with the new personal trainer! 

Thanks! I'm looking forward to building up those areas of my body that aren't so strong. I can't believe how I've decompensated in the last 10 years. Ugh. I know I'm faster when stronger in those areas.

2011-05-11 6:49 PM
in reply to: #3493537

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-05-11 10:56 AM

My week is going sore, my legs and left foot really hurt 3 days after marathon.   They improve each day but I've never hurt like this before.

On the good side - Back on bike this morning and felt great - looking forward to more Biking Thursday.

You always read that you use different muscle groups for running and riding.  It is so true!  I didn't have any problems riding and whatever was hurting when walking went away while riding.  So recovery from marathon takes 4 to 5 days i bet. (At least for me)

How long will recovery take after a Ironman????  That is making me re-think things. 


Wait, what? You're doing an Ironman? How advanced are you?

I'm sorry you're hurting after the marathon!

2011-05-11 6:51 PM
in reply to: #3494260

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Monsterman96 - 2011-05-11 3:53 PM
spaceyg02 - 2011-05-10 7:19 PM

How's everyone's week going?  What's been a recent success of yours in relation to you "tri-ing"?  What's been a recent struggle?

As for me, my week is going pretty well.  I got started on a new whey protein supplement by the owner of the gym and it is the best tasting whey protein I've ever tried!  It mixes so smoothly and does not have the texture I have always hated in the past!  I would say this has been my recent success because with the added protein I am able to continue to build muscle while working on the weight loss.

As for a struggle, I would still have to go with swimming.  Today my first lap felt great, but then it felt as though my legs were sinking.  I have downloaded the Mr.SmoothSwim man and hopefully by just reading some more and watching others I'll be able to continue working on my form.  I just need to continue reminding myself where I was back at the end of March... I couldn't even do a single lap of freestyle!  I'm trying to repeat to myself, "Progress is what's important, not perfection."


I still hate swimming.


Yesterday...1400yd Swim, 50+ min spin class, 5k Run (walk too) before work and then a 15+ Mile ride outside with my son after work.  Needed a nap....Never got one.

Today.......2000yd Swim and 30+ mins cardio on cross trainer afterwards........Sill looking for nap.....

Damn, you're a machine! I can't do that much workout in one day. That's why I spread it out over 6 days. Good for you!

Did you get your nap in?

2011-05-11 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

So I started the C25K today. It was a lot of walking and running and I pretty much walked at 3 mph and ran at 4 mph. Not fast, but enough for me right now. If I can run a 5K by August at an 18 mph then I'm happy because I'm so big right now.

Started my pre-surgical diet and am surprisingly not hungry. Have to go with it for 3 months. I hope the nutritionist agrees with it.

Saw a 700+ lb patient today. I'm amazed at her state. She's bed bound and her 9 children feed her food. I have an issue with that as an athlete, but I don't know what to say because I'm fat, too. Any suggestions?

2011-05-11 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3271134

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
I just registered for the July 10th Hospitality Highway Century ride. I registered for the 60 mile ride and just hope I don't hold anybody up. It's a fully supported ride, so if I bonk I can get a ride back to the start. I can't wait!!! Plus, if I ride an extra 2 miles, I will have done a full metric century that day!!! We'll see!!!
2011-05-11 10:47 PM
in reply to: #3493537

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Bishtaw - 2011-05-11 11:56 AM

My week is going sore, my legs and left foot really hurt 3 days after marathon.   They improve each day but I've never hurt like this before.

On the good side - Back on bike this morning and felt great - looking forward to more Biking Thursday.

You always read that you use different muscle groups for running and riding.  It is so true!  I didn't have any problems riding and whatever was hurting when walking went away while riding.  So recovery from marathon takes 4 to 5 days i bet. (At least for me)

How long will recovery take after a Ironman????  That is making me re-think things. 

Recovery can take awhile!  I actually find that swimming is the best recovery.  I recover faster when I'm swimming than when I rest or try other things.

2011-05-11 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3494541

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-11 7:55 PM

Saw a 700+ lb patient today. I'm amazed at her state. She's bed bound and her 9 children feed her food. I have an issue with that as an athlete, but I don't know what to say because I'm fat, too. Any suggestions?

In what capacity are you seeing the patient?  That makes a big difference.

And, while you may consider yourself fat, you are NOT bed bound and are actively working to change your situation, which is HUGE!!

2011-05-11 10:50 PM
in reply to: #3494629

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

goofee girl - 2011-05-11 8:58 PM I just registered for the July 10th Hospitality Highway Century ride. I registered for the 60 mile ride and just hope I don't hold anybody up. It's a fully supported ride, so if I bonk I can get a ride back to the start. I can't wait!!! Plus, if I ride an extra 2 miles, I will have done a full metric century that day!!! We'll see!!!

Rides like that are great!  Chances are you will easily get the 2 extra miles in.  Most "60 mile rides" end up being 62 - 65 by the time you are done.  (We'll ignore the one where I took a wrong turn and added on an extra 5 miles at the end.  I was so hungry by the time I finished!!)

2011-05-12 3:54 AM
in reply to: #3271134

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Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL

@Bishtaw: I will try and look up a rule of thumb on that one in the marathonguide I have at home.
@Monsterman96: You are at an inspiring level of fitness and training rythm. Also great to see how you can combine it with family life. Did you find your nap already
@Goofee girl: In talking to other people with the urge to show the alternative life I feel being pedantic is the main pittfall. Coming of a significant overweight myself (Used to be 300lbs. Currently at 240lbs and aiming for sub 200) I feel that when people chat with me curious about my magical trick I have the best conversation when being completely honost and interested in the story of the other.
I try to understand what they are dealing whit and what issues they have. I just try to tell on how I cope with some of those situation. And as I agree with Artemis that you are in a very different situation. However I still feel that everyone who had to deal with major weight or eating issues have a lot in comon. And that we can learn a lot from each other.
@Katiepony: congrats on your race. Good to hear you were able to start. Not sure though what drugs makes you want to do one right after it ;o) Hope it is the endorfine
@spaceyg02: My main achievement is that I consider myself 100% ready for my first tri ever next week on saturday. Thinking back to december I'm already very proud of the progress I made. Back then I was running from light post to light post and started drwoning after 25m of freestyle swimming (with freestyle having a totally different meaning as it should ;o)). My weak spot however is the swim I think. I still have a hard time keeping a solid technique during the whole distance. It doesn't take much to get me out of my concentration and rythm.
@Artemis: It is still great to see your enthousiasm in leading this thread and supporting us all to way to our goals. Though I was wondering how your progress is going..?

@All: sorry as I haven't been around to much lately. A bit bit hectic real life last week sadely enough with some bad news as well as we lost a very good co worker. The funeral of her is tomorrow. I'm glad to say I have been able to keep the training rythm. Below some main updates:
- Saturday: Bought myself my first tri suit. Fits nicely though in no way a great fashion statement. I can still lose some weight ;o)
- Tuesday: Did a 10K race instead of regular run training. Goal finish and set a base time to work with. Till then longest distance in training 7.5K. Finished in 55m03s.
- Yesterday: Did a full brick training: 500m swim, 12K bike, 2K run inclding racepace transition with all the details like putting on a belt with racenumber. Very pleased on how the training went. This was also my first OWS
- Overall May: Peachy on every day so far!!

Have fun training!!!

2011-05-12 4:46 AM
in reply to: #3494859

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis - 2011-05-11 10:49 PM
goofee girl - 2011-05-11 7:55 PM

Saw a 700+ lb patient today. I'm amazed at her state. She's bed bound and her 9 children feed her food. I have an issue with that as an athlete, but I don't know what to say because I'm fat, too. Any suggestions?

In what capacity are you seeing the patient?  That makes a big difference.

And, while you may consider yourself fat, you are NOT bed bound and are actively working to change your situation, which is HUGE!!

I'm a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Neurology. Not quite the position to say anything. I just feel bad for the patient but at the same time know that her condition is beyond the basic weight loss issues. It's got to be deeper than anything I can attack.

2011-05-12 4:47 AM
in reply to: #3494861

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Bartow County, GA
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Artemis - 2011-05-11 10:50 PM

goofee girl - 2011-05-11 8:58 PM I just registered for the July 10th Hospitality Highway Century ride. I registered for the 60 mile ride and just hope I don't hold anybody up. It's a fully supported ride, so if I bonk I can get a ride back to the start. I can't wait!!! Plus, if I ride an extra 2 miles, I will have done a full metric century that day!!! We'll see!!!

Rides like that are great!  Chances are you will easily get the 2 extra miles in.  Most "60 mile rides" end up being 62 - 65 by the time you are done.  (We'll ignore the one where I took a wrong turn and added on an extra 5 miles at the end.  I was so hungry by the time I finished!!)

LOL. That's so funny! I'm sorry you got lost, but it gave me a good giggle this morning.

2011-05-12 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3494536

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-11 7:49 PM
Bishtaw - 2011-05-11 10:56 AM

My week is going sore, my legs and left foot really hurt 3 days after marathon.   They improve each day but I've never hurt like this before.

On the good side - Back on bike this morning and felt great - looking forward to more Biking Thursday.

You always read that you use different muscle groups for running and riding.  It is so true!  I didn't have any problems riding and whatever was hurting when walking went away while riding.  So recovery from marathon takes 4 to 5 days i bet. (At least for me)

How long will recovery take after a Ironman????  That is making me re-think things. 


Wait, what? You're doing an Ironman? How advanced are you?

I'm sorry you're hurting after the marathon!

No, long term plan is to complete one in 2015.  I'm working on 1 event per year w/ some tri's along the way.  I just now know I can run a maratrhon.

2011-05-12 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3494937

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
Niezels - 2011-05-12 4:54 AM

@Artemis: It is still great to see your enthousiasm in leading this thread and supporting us all to way to our goals. Though I was wondering how your progress is going..?

It's going ok.  I haven't been logging my training, but I am doing things. 

Mostly, I have been super busy at work.  I leave for a conference on Sunday and am trying to finish up my PhD, so I spend some long hours in the lab. 

2011-05-12 10:14 AM
in reply to: #3494955

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-12 5:47 AM
Artemis - 2011-05-11 10:50 PM

goofee girl - 2011-05-11 8:58 PM I just registered for the July 10th Hospitality Highway Century ride. I registered for the 60 mile ride and just hope I don't hold anybody up. It's a fully supported ride, so if I bonk I can get a ride back to the start. I can't wait!!! Plus, if I ride an extra 2 miles, I will have done a full metric century that day!!! We'll see!!!

Rides like that are great!  Chances are you will easily get the 2 extra miles in.  Most "60 mile rides" end up being 62 - 65 by the time you are done.  (We'll ignore the one where I took a wrong turn and added on an extra 5 miles at the end.  I was so hungry by the time I finished!!)

LOL. That's so funny! I'm sorry you got lost, but it gave me a good giggle this morning.

Feel free to laugh!  It's funny now even though it was not at the time.

2011-05-12 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3494954

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis' "WE CAN DO IT!" Mentor Group - FULL
goofee girl - 2011-05-12 5:46 AM
Artemis - 2011-05-11 10:49 PM
goofee girl - 2011-05-11 7:55 PM

Saw a 700+ lb patient today. I'm amazed at her state. She's bed bound and her 9 children feed her food. I have an issue with that as an athlete, but I don't know what to say because I'm fat, too. Any suggestions?

In what capacity are you seeing the patient?  That makes a big difference.

And, while you may consider yourself fat, you are NOT bed bound and are actively working to change your situation, which is HUGE!!

I'm a Nurse Practitioner specializing in Neurology. Not quite the position to say anything. I just feel bad for the patient but at the same time know that her condition is beyond the basic weight loss issues. It's got to be deeper than anything I can attack.

That's a tough position.  I think you're right that it is more than you can attack.  I know the nurses I work with (I do clinical research working with the MDs and RNs in pulmonary) struggle with some of the same things.  Unfortunately, I don't know what the right answer is.

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