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2011-08-03 8:42 PM
in reply to: #3440446

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Well I forgot my goggles and decided to swim anyways.  You can always lose them in a race, so the show must go on.  I swam with eyes closed mostly, spotting was a little off, so I was slower than usual.

Jogged the down sides of the bridge, felt real good, not out of breath or sore.

I am tired now, but that is part of exercising.

2011-08-04 12:28 PM
in reply to: #3625710

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Los Alamos
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
gokat - 2011-08-02 12:12 PM

Hey thanks for the advice guys. I swam, didn't get sick, and had a FANTASTIC race woooooo!!! Laughing

Will put my times on in a minute in a race blog. Rough times were:

750m swim: 18 mins. 20km bike ride: 47 mins. 5km run: 30 mins.

Total time including transitions: 1hour 40mins.

My swim was a little slow, and the official time for my swim was 2 minutes out, as i missed my 'wave' and ended up starting with the Olympic swimmers instead, woops! But I really enjoyed the whole race, wasn't nervous at all, and had a blast! Was also 4th in age group yay!

Got another one next week, shorter swim (500m), slightly longer bike ride i think. Can't wait!

Great Job!  Good Luck this weekend. 

I want to hear how you feel after doing back to back weekends.  I am thinking about racing back to back in September.  I am spent for a couple of days after at least.  I can't imagine what I'd feel like after a full IM.

I'm racing this weekend too will post a report after the race.Surprised

2011-08-05 12:29 PM
in reply to: #3440446

Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
We made it to Missoula last night.  picking up race packet later today.  Oh boy!  bike ride has a bit of a climb early --531 ft over 2 mi.  husband and i are going to drive it soon so i can see what it is like! Getting nervous! I'm in the second heat tomorrow morning, starting at 7:30 am.  
2011-08-05 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3630735

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Los Alamos
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

colossians_33 - 2011-08-05 11:29 AM We made it to Missoula last night.  picking up race packet later today.  Oh boy!  bike ride has a bit of a climb early --531 ft over 2 mi.  husband and i are going to drive it soon so i can see what it is like! Getting nervous! I'm in the second heat tomorrow morning, starting at 7:30 am.  

Good idea to drive the course.  My first tri this year I didn't and a downhill corner caught me by suprise.

Good Luck tomorrow!Laughing  Let us know how you did.

2011-08-06 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3440446

Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
I did it! I did it! woot!  just under 15 min for the 500 yd swim; 1hr and I think 13 min for the 12.9 mi bike on my MOUNTAIN BIKE(only bike I own right now); right at 40min for the 3.3 mi. 'run'.  I was hoping for a little faster time on the bike ride but just over 10mph is good for an off-road bike for me and I could have pushed myself a little harder on foot, but I was happy to beat my time by over 3 minutes from the last 5K I ran.  Wow! Family was there to support me and I even did better than they thought I would.   Yep, ready to sign up for my  next one!  A great way to celebrate turning 49!
2011-08-06 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3631864

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

colossians_33 - 2011-08-06 1:03 PM I did it! I did it! woot!  just under 15 min for the 500 yd swim; 1hr and I think 13 min for the 12.9 mi bike on my MOUNTAIN BIKE(only bike I own right now); right at 40min for the 3.3 mi. 'run'.  I was hoping for a little faster time on the bike ride but just over 10mph is good for an off-road bike for me and I could have pushed myself a little harder on foot, but I was happy to beat my time by over 3 minutes from the last 5K I ran.  Wow! Family was there to support me and I even did better than they thought I would.   Yep, ready to sign up for my  next one!  A great way to celebrate turning 49!

Nicely done! Congrats on finishing your first tri and finishing better than you had anticipated. I know from my race, what a great feeling that is. 

Happy birthday! I hope you are going out to celebrate both occasions

2011-08-06 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3631864

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Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

colossians_33 - 2011-08-06 10:03 AM I did it! I did it! woot!  just under 15 min for the 500 yd swim; 1hr and I think 13 min for the 12.9 mi bike on my MOUNTAIN BIKE(only bike I own right now); right at 40min for the 3.3 mi. 'run'.  I was hoping for a little faster time on the bike ride but just over 10mph is good for an off-road bike for me and I could have pushed myself a little harder on foot, but I was happy to beat my time by over 3 minutes from the last 5K I ran.  Wow! Family was there to support me and I even did better than they thought I would.   Yep, ready to sign up for my  next one!  A great way to celebrate turning 49!

GOOD WORK!! What a feeling hey Laughing

And Happy Birthday too! Think you should have a well deserved piece of cake now!

2011-08-07 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3631864

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Los Alamos
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

colossians_33 - 2011-08-06 11:03 AM I did it! I did it! woot!  just under 15 min for the 500 yd swim; 1hr and I think 13 min for the 12.9 mi bike on my MOUNTAIN BIKE(only bike I own right now); right at 40min for the 3.3 mi. 'run'.  I was hoping for a little faster time on the bike ride but just over 10mph is good for an off-road bike for me and I could have pushed myself a little harder on foot, but I was happy to beat my time by over 3 minutes from the last 5K I ran.  Wow! Family was there to support me and I even did better than they thought I would.   Yep, ready to sign up for my  next one!  A great way to celebrate turning 49!

Congratulations and great job.  Maybe Road or Tri bike for a B-day present????

2011-08-07 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3440446

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Los Alamos
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Here's my race report.  I had a great race overall with some stomach issues on the run.  I think maybe too many endurolytes??  Have some long bricks in my future to figure this out.

2011-08-09 12:07 AM
in reply to: #3632486

Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
chsdaddy - 2011-08-07 7:01 AM

colossians_33 - 2011-08-06 11:03 AM I did it! I did it! woot!  just under 15 min for the 500 yd swim; 1hr and I think 13 min for the 12.9 mi bike on my MOUNTAIN BIKE(only bike I own right now); right at 40min for the 3.3 mi. 'run'.  I was hoping for a little faster time on the bike ride but just over 10mph is good for an off-road bike for me and I could have pushed myself a little harder on foot, but I was happy to beat my time by over 3 minutes from the last 5K I ran.  Wow! Family was there to support me and I even did better than they thought I would.   Yep, ready to sign up for my  next one!  A great way to celebrate turning 49!

Congratulations and great job.  Maybe Road or Tri bike for a B-day present????

That is a great idea!  My birthday is actually in September, but it is before the next triathlon that I want to sign up for, so that would be just right! Times posted on the race site are slower than I anticipated; no breakdown of transitions, but I still feel good about FINISHING!  Thanks everyone for your support!

2011-08-09 1:22 AM
in reply to: #3635194

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Congrats everyone!  Sorry I have been MIA.  Been super busy working on the house...  It's fantastic to hear about your races and results!  Glad to also see people out there training as well.

I had a rough few bike rides recently...  Been off my form.  BUT, the good news is, only the mind knows I'm slower than normal.  The body still thinks it's a good workout - it doesn't know anything about pace, just effort...  I only say that because the previous post reminded me (about walking instead of jog walk).

YES, we have it in our heads that jogging/running is faster, therefore "good", but if you are pushing your cardio and earobic system by just walking?  That's all the body knows in a way.  It got push and will get stronger.  It doesn't know if you are on a snails pace or an olympic pace - it's just work.

2011-08-12 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3440446

Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
Researching shoes that will not aggravate my plantar fascitis.  The ones I have now are super comfy but I am starting to wear through the foot bed after less than 200 miles.  It is hard to find something for high arches that has "good stability" but is flexible in the ball of the foot only.  Going to an athletic shoe store today, hoping for some ideas.  Feet still sore from Saturday even though I am stretching religiously.   Not sure about entering a race in September if this is what is going to happen.  Anybody have suggestions for me?  Thanks, Suzi
2011-08-13 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3440446

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Ran 5K this morning.  Well actually it was jog 1st mile 11:27.1 Walk/jog mile 2 13:04 Walk Jog last mile and 10th in 14:04.  Definitely was humid, sweated a ton.

Heart spiked pretty high, up to 179 for a 49 year old.

Still swimming and jogging on Wednesday.  Walk up bridge and jog down the other side, repeat going back and then walk to start line.

Thanks for the encouragement to keep jogging.  Weight is slowly coming off about 1/2 pound a week, but only exercising 1-2 times a week, so I am ok with the progress.

2011-08-16 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3642027

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Hello group.  Spent the morning watching XTERRA.  Whenever I lose motivation, I find that watching some racing (bike, running, triathlon), helps out...  Now I think I can get out there for my 2hr ride....  Or at least put the bike on the trainer and spin for a bit.

2011-08-16 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3440446

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New user
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Hi Guys! I forgot to give an update on my last triathlon! Got a new rescue dog a couple of weeks ago and he's taken over my life (in a good way!)....

Right, I need to fill in a few race reports i think, but here's the rough times (this was my 2nd triathlon in 1 week! And my 4th triathlon this year... yes, i'm hooked!).


500m lake swim: 11.30 mins... pretty slow for me but the fog on the lake made seeing the buoys pretty hard. So i was pretty pleased still!

T1: 3.45 mins. Wetsuit got stuck. I was pretty slow! This course had 2 transition areas too, so I had to put all my gear into a big plastic bag before setting off on my bike. It worked pretty well, although makes transition more complicated.

20km bike ride: 53 mins... tough tough tough course! The hugest, longest hill i have ever seen inmy life lol ;-) but i'm actually pretty good on hills (strong thighs ;-)) so nobody passed me, and i passed lots of other people, so was very happy, even though i know i could probably go faster if i used clipless pedals and aero bars (that's next years purchase).

T2: 1.30 mins. Had my first sip of Gatorade here. Should have tried to drink on the bike but there was no aid station and my bottle was wedged in my bike. As it was transition number 2, and i'd forgotten to find out where my place was before the race (oops!) it took me some time to find my spot, but it wasn't a huge deal.

5km run: 34 mins. More hills! And my legs were dead! So although this is slow for me (i'm down to a 27 min 5k in training, and was 30 min exactly on my last triathlon) i'm still ok with this time, as it was such a tough course and my legs were still pretty tired from the last triathlon i did.

Overall: 1h 44mins. Although that sounds pretty slow, I placed pretty high due to it being such a tough course!! Can't wait to try it again next year! Cool


So! Now i've finished all my triathlons that i'd signed up for... but i'm still wanting to do more! So may get one more in next month. If not, i'm continuing to train with my new club, doing their fall/winter maintenance program, then i'm going to do their 10 week Olympic clinic next spring, in prep for my first olympic race. I'm so excited! I'll practice mostly improving my running over the winter, and will sort out my bike some more, and get those clipless pedals.

Thanks for all the support on here Kido and everyone else on the team. Good luck with any up-coming triathlons!

Kat Laughing


2011-08-16 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3646250

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Kat - that's great news on the rescue dog! I wouldn't give up the stray I adopted for anything, there really is something special about strays/rescues. 

Also, nice job on tris! Two in one week, you are one brave woman! Laughing

I am in the same boat as you... definitely need to work on my running, that will be a big focus in the off-season. I also intend to move up to the Olympic distance next year and am excited for the extra challenge. Also have my eye on clipless shoes and aerobars. Actually bought used pedals at our local bike co-op. And will probably try to find used aerobars too. Will be buying the shoes new though. Tongue out

I have two more sprint tris this year (this Sunday and one in mid-September) to look forward to. I will also be walking a 5K with my mom - an annual outing event for us this Saturday - and running another 5K in mid-October. 

Hope everyone else is enjoying this journey as much as I am! 


2011-08-16 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3646486

Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Wow Kat--two tris in a week!  you go girl! Cool

Moving up to Olympic distance Kat and Michelle--kudos! 

The September sprint I wanted to do is already full, so I am continuing to train, mostly on the bike and in the pool until my feet are less sore from PF.  Bought some fancier Asics than the ones I had, hoping that will help,  but for now need to stay off my feet for awhile. Frown When they heal up a bit, I am hoping to get some help with my running  (Jogging/walking. . .i am so not a runner yet) in preparation for next year.   Looking at road bikes too--hoping to get dear husband one too!  Looking forward to the next part of the journey; glad to have shared this part with all of you!

Thanks Kido and everyone for your support this year!


2011-08-17 12:58 PM
in reply to: #3440446

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Los Alamos
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

Maybe we'll have to start an Olympic club next season.  My intention is to move up to the Oly distance as well.  My biggest challenge will be the OWS portion, thought about buying a wetsuit this year and getting in some practice before it gets too cold.  Last time I swam in a lake was when I was 19 and that was about that many years ago.

I have another race coming up Saturday.  The Los Alamos Sprint Tri, my hometown race!!! The race director sent an email saying that 2010 Iroman Canada Champion Viktor Zyemtsev will be competing in our race.  It will be interesting to see how our local club studs compare.  This race is the oldest in the state and is kind of goofy, it's a Bike-Swim-Run.  The swim is at 7290ft and the bike consists of a 2.7 mile CAT3 climb to almost 8000ft, which I ride the brakes on the way back down to keep it under 40mph!YellYellYell I can't imagine those guys in the TDF hitting mid 60's, that is insane.

2011-08-18 6:10 PM
in reply to: #3647542

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
chsdaddy - 2011-08-17 1:58 PM

Maybe we'll have to start an Olympic club next season.  My intention is to move up to the Oly distance as well.  My biggest challenge will be the OWS portion, thought about buying a wetsuit this year and getting in some practice before it gets too cold.  Last time I swam in a lake was when I was 19 and that was about that many years ago.

I have another race coming up Saturday.  The Los Alamos Sprint Tri, my hometown race!!! The race director sent an email saying that 2010 Iroman Canada Champion Viktor Zyemtsev will be competing in our race.  It will be interesting to see how our local club studs compare.  This race is the oldest in the state and is kind of goofy, it's a Bike-Swim-Run.  The swim is at 7290ft and the bike consists of a 2.7 mile CAT3 climb to almost 8000ft, which I ride the brakes on the way back down to keep it under 40mph!YellYellYell I can't imagine those guys in the TDF hitting mid 60's, that is insane.

I'm in for the Olympic club next year Smile

Good luck with your race on Saturday... particularly that nasty climb! I can't believe they let you swim after that... I have to imagine the lifeguards/race officials are fishing people out left and right for cramping up. 

2011-08-18 6:14 PM
in reply to: #3646605

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Cleveland area, OH
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
colossians_33 - 2011-08-16 9:50 PM

Wow Kat--two tris in a week!  you go girl! Cool

Moving up to Olympic distance Kat and Michelle--kudos! 

The September sprint I wanted to do is already full, so I am continuing to train, mostly on the bike and in the pool until my feet are less sore from PF.  Bought some fancier Asics than the ones I had, hoping that will help,  but for now need to stay off my feet for awhile. Frown When they heal up a bit, I am hoping to get some help with my running  (Jogging/walking. . .i am so not a runner yet) in preparation for next year.   Looking at road bikes too--hoping to get dear husband one too!  Looking forward to the next part of the journey; glad to have shared this part with all of you!

Thanks Kido and everyone for your support this year!


I have been struggling with PF pretty much all summer, and my running has suffered dramatically from having to go easy or just taking time off. Ice and stretching seem to help me the most. I am going to work on building strength and flexibility in my lower legs this off-season, as I think that is the source of my pain. Best of luck getting yours under control! 

2011-08-18 7:12 PM
in reply to: #3647542

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New user
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
chsdaddy - 2011-08-17 10:58 AM

Maybe we'll have to start an Olympic club next season.  My intention is to move up to the Oly distance as well.  My biggest challenge will be the OWS portion, thought about buying a wetsuit this year and getting in some practice before it gets too cold.  Last time I swam in a lake was when I was 19 and that was about that many years ago.

I have another race coming up Saturday.  The Los Alamos Sprint Tri, my hometown race!!! The race director sent an email saying that 2010 Iroman Canada Champion Viktor Zyemtsev will be competing in our race.  It will be interesting to see how our local club studs compare.  This race is the oldest in the state and is kind of goofy, it's a Bike-Swim-Run.  The swim is at 7290ft and the bike consists of a 2.7 mile CAT3 climb to almost 8000ft, which I ride the brakes on the way back down to keep it under 40mph!YellYellYell I can't imagine those guys in the TDF hitting mid 60's, that is insane.

yes i'm up for an Olympic club too! Laughing

GOOD LUCK for the weekend race!!!!! Sounds like a bit of 'interesting' one, better check your brakes first! Wink

2011-08-18 7:16 PM
in reply to: #3646486

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Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
arquillo - 2011-08-16 5:10 PM

Kat - that's great news on the rescue dog! I wouldn't give up the stray I adopted for anything, there really is something special about strays/rescues. 

Also, nice job on tris! Two in one week, you are one brave woman! Laughing

I am in the same boat as you... definitely need to work on my running, that will be a big focus in the off-season. I also intend to move up to the Olympic distance next year and am excited for the extra challenge. Also have my eye on clipless shoes and aerobars. Actually bought used pedals at our local bike co-op. And will probably try to find used aerobars too. Will be buying the shoes new though. Tongue out

I have two more sprint tris this year (this Sunday and one in mid-September) to look forward to. I will also be walking a 5K with my mom - an annual outing event for us this Saturday - and running another 5K in mid-October. 

Hope everyone else is enjoying this journey as much as I am! 


Yes we've only had Rex for a month but i already can't imagine living without him, he's a wonderful bundle of joy and... possibly the greatest dog in the world Smile

Good luck for your races on Saturday AND Sunday as well Michelle!! Go Go Go!!!!

2011-08-19 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3646486

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Los Alamos
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
arquillo - 2011-08-16 6:10 PM

I have two more sprint tris this year (this Sunday and one in mid-September) to look forward to. I will also be walking a 5K with my mom - an annual outing event for us this Saturday - and running another 5K in mid-October. 

Good luck this weekend, have a great race!!

2011-08-19 4:03 PM
in reply to: #3651197

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED

I'm glad to hear that most of you are still going strong (injuries aside!)...  And got the bug for racing.  There is something exciting about it for me.  Not the competition, but just being part of a big group and event.

As for ME, they don't offer too many races in the summer.  Too hot and dangerous.  So my season really hasn't begun yet.  I had a few this spring, but that's about it.  They don't start to pick up again until september.  There are two I might do late Sept, one in October, and of course IMAZ.  That's only if my travel plans and surgery plans don't get in the way.

Keep up the training, and for some of you, get a jump on that off season focus.

I think MY plan for next year is to do more XTERRA events (swim, MTB ride, and trail run).  THOSE are a whole different challange.


YAY! for rescue dogs!  We save one for a playmate for our dog we bought from a breeder.  He was pricey and we decided not to go that route again.  We found another just like him at the shelter and she was just about FREE!  We love them both.  My parents just lost their sweet rescue dog, so are looking to possibly get another (not that he could be "replaced")

Keep it up everyone.  I'm personnally strugling with the swim these days.  Not my form or speed...  Just getting to the pool.  It's so unenjoyable at the moment.  I would rather run or bike.


2011-08-19 4:04 PM
in reply to: #3646486

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kido's Summertime Shenanigan Group - CLOSED
arquillo - 2011-08-16 5:10 PM

Kat - that's great news on the rescue dog! I wouldn't give up the stray I adopted for anything, there really is something special about strays/rescues. 

Also, nice job on tris! Two in one week, you are one brave woman! Laughing

I am in the same boat as you... definitely need to work on my running, that will be a big focus in the off-season. I also intend to move up to the Olympic distance next year and am excited for the extra challenge. Also have my eye on clipless shoes and aerobars. Actually bought used pedals at our local bike co-op. And will probably try to find used aerobars too. Will be buying the shoes new though. Tongue out

I have two more sprint tris this year (this Sunday and one in mid-September) to look forward to. I will also be walking a 5K with my mom - an annual outing event for us this Saturday - and running another 5K in mid-October. 

Hope everyone else is enjoying this journey as much as I am! 


Good luck this weekend!

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