BT Development Mentor Program Archives » bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session) Rss Feed  
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2012-01-29 10:17 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Ok everyone I want everyone to post 3 ket workouts for this week. These key workouts should be 1 of each discipline, and be the workout that will benefit you the most, it can either be hard, easy, short, long, etc, but just be the one workout that you can gain the most from. Make sure these are the workouts that you do not skip (no matter what) and when you do them, you really kick it's butt! I want to try to get everyone to start doing this every week and start to make training a bit easier on focusing on a bit more. I'll post mine in the morning.


Anyone watch the aussie open final? Talk about endurance!

2012-01-29 11:40 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

3,450 in an hour... to me that's just awesome.

Well done!!!


2012-01-30 8:06 AM
in reply to: #4017917

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
marvintpa - 2012-01-30 12:40 AM

3,450 in an hour... to me that's just awesome.

Well done!!!


Thanks. Believe me, it was awesome for me as well. So much faster than I was even a year ago. When I started triathlons (in 2007-can't believe it has been 5 years) I would have struggled to swim that distance in two hours.

The problem with this sport is that it is never enough. I keep resetting my goals and now I will need to go even faster

Edited by wannabefaster 2012-01-30 8:07 AM
2012-01-30 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4017865

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
bcagle25 - 2012-01-30 8:17 PM

Ok everyone I want everyone to post 3 ket workouts for this week. These key workouts should be 1 of each discipline, and be the workout that will benefit you the most, it can either be hard, easy, short, long, etc, but just be the one workout that you can gain the most from. Make sure these are the workouts that you do not skip (no matter what) and when you do them, you really kick it's butt! I want to try to get everyone to start doing this every week and start to make training a bit easier on focusing on a bit more. I'll post mine in the morning.


Anyone watch the aussie open final? Talk about endurance!

This is going to be easy for me. Next weekends workouts will be key. I keep finding too many excuses to miss workouts on the weekend, which is when my longest workouts should be.

So Saturday am swim 1900yds, pm run 5.5 miles. Superbowl Sunday bike 25 miles.


Edited by BMiller71 2012-01-30 12:19 PM
2012-01-30 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Coach has me lined up for 10 hours this week divided among 3 sessions of each with 2 strength sessions as well.

Swim - R: Paddleset

Bike - W: Overgear workout for an hour in duration

Run - S: 60 min fartlek run w/ concentrated efforts

2012-01-31 9:49 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Crazy IM set done this morning in the pool, coach really dished out the pain for us today.

4x50 25 IM order, 25 free, all on 15sec rest all steady
Transition Set:
4x75 kick/drill of choice/IM rotation build to mod-fast.
4x25 on 15sec rest. #1 choice stroke, #2 free build, #3 easy, #4 fast
100 easy

Mainset 2x through.
4x25 IM order on 15sec rest
50 easy free on 15sec rest
4x50 reverse IM order on 15sec rest
50 kick on 15sec rest
4x25 IM order on 15sec rest
Easy cd after

2012-01-31 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4017865

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
bcagle25 - 2012-01-29 10:17 PM

Ok everyone I want everyone to post 3 ket workouts for this week. These key workouts should be 1 of each discipline, and be the workout that will benefit you the most, it can either be hard, easy, short, long, etc, but just be the one workout that you can gain the most from. Make sure these are the workouts that you do not skip (no matter what) and when you do them, you really kick it's butt! I want to try to get everyone to start doing this every week and start to make training a bit easier on focusing on a bit more. I'll post mine in the morning.


Anyone watch the aussie open final? Talk about endurance!

My key workouts for the week are: Swim(fri)-speed day, should take 30min, but will probably be 45-50min for me. So obviously I need to work on my speed. Bike(thurs)-90min, outside. Should be nice here, so time on the bike, outside is key, as I felt a little wobbly getting off after last weeks, almost 2hr ride. Run(sun)-8-10miles.
2012-01-31 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4018848

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
bcagle25 - 2012-01-30 1:05 PM

Coach has me lined up for 10 hours this week divided among 3 sessions of each with 2 strength sessions as well.

Swim - R: Paddleset

Bike - W: Overgear workout for an hour in duration

Run - S: 60 min fartlek run w/ concentrated efforts

Ben-forgive me for asking what may be an obvious question to some, but what do the "R", "W", "S" stand for? --Ali
2012-01-31 11:28 AM
in reply to: #4018747

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
BMiller71 - 2012-01-30 12:17 PM
bcagle25 - 2012-01-30 8:17 PM

Ok everyone I want everyone to post 3 ket workouts for this week. These key workouts should be 1 of each discipline, and be the workout that will benefit you the most, it can either be hard, easy, short, long, etc, but just be the one workout that you can gain the most from. Make sure these are the workouts that you do not skip (no matter what) and when you do them, you really kick it's butt! I want to try to get everyone to start doing this every week and start to make training a bit easier on focusing on a bit more. I'll post mine in the morning.


Anyone watch the aussie open final? Talk about endurance!

This is going to be easy for me. Next weekends workouts will be key. I keep finding too many excuses to miss workouts on the weekend, which is when my longest workouts should be.

So Saturday am swim 1900yds, pm run 5.5 miles. Superbowl Sunday bike 25 miles.


Brian--Weekends are hard for me too (that's why my day off is Saturday). If I don't get my Sunday workout done bright and early, I'm usually dragging my feet, making excuses in the afternoon, before I finally get it together and get it done!! --Ali
2012-01-31 12:59 PM
in reply to: #4020689

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Omahabritt - 2012-01-31 11:21 AM
bcagle25 - 2012-01-30 1:05 PM

Coach has me lined up for 10 hours this week divided among 3 sessions of each with 2 strength sessions as well.

Swim - R: Paddleset

Bike - W: Overgear workout for an hour in duration

Run - S: 60 min fartlek run w/ concentrated efforts

Ben-forgive me for asking what may be an obvious question to some, but what do the "R", "W", "S" stand for? --Ali

I guess if I made S Su instead it might give a better hint. R=Thursday, W=Weds, S=Su=Sunday

2012-01-31 1:01 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
It is probably gonna hit 50 degrees here today so that means not only can I run outside in shorts and shirt, but I should have a whole group with me as well. Easy aerobic run for me today for 40 mins total mostly in zone 1 keeping the cadence at 88-92 focusing on a good elbow swing, upright position and moving the hips forward. That is what coach wrote out for me. Suddenly with a coach I am thinking about so much more on my runs and bikes then I ever thought before. 

2012-01-31 5:19 PM
in reply to: #4020992

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
bcagle25 - 2012-01-31 12:59 PM
Omahabritt - 2012-01-31 11:21 AM
bcagle25 - 2012-01-30 1:05 PM

Coach has me lined up for 10 hours this week divided among 3 sessions of each with 2 strength sessions as well.

Swim - R: Paddleset

Bike - W: Overgear workout for an hour in duration

Run - S: 60 min fartlek run w/ concentrated efforts

Ben-forgive me for asking what may be an obvious question to some, but what do the "R", "W", "S" stand for? --Ali

I guess if I made S Su instead it might give a better hint. R=Thursday, W=Weds, S=Su=Sunday

Ahhh, actually it was the "R" that was throwing me off. Thanks!! 50 degrees?!? Thats great! Crazy winter this year, here it was 70 yesterday, 60 today and upper 50s the rest of the week. Yippee!!
2012-01-31 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Yes, that is helpful on the bike fit question.  I got my tri-bike last year and the lbs that sold it to me put me in way too aggressive position.  I was training for IM CDA and got headaches everytime I had a long ride.  I "thought" I just needed to get used to the position, but never did.  I did IM CDA bike in 7 hours and had a headache for about 6 hours due to my neck position, it was the only thing that wasn't right that day, but I was used to it, so it wasn't a surprise, but I never wanted to run a marathon so bad, it cleared up as soon as I got off the bike.  So, I went the local tri shop and had a fit done, he raised my bars up and widened the aero bars, headache went away and I feel alot more comfortable. 

My HR increases are a little higher than my road bike, so I was wondering if that is normal? If you have a reasonably comfortable fit on your road bike and tri bike (I've had a bike fit done on both by same guy that is locally recommended), do you experience a higher HR on tri bike due to the more aero position? 

I will need to do more testing on it, it was just a quick observation I thought I would bounce off everyone.

Regarding aerobars on road bike discussion, you definitely need to spend time in the aero position to get comfortable with them and your body to adapt to the new position.  And you need a good fit, otherwise, like my experience they can be counterproductive and you can lose all or most of the benefits, if not a negative with a very poor fit.  You will easily pick up 1 mph with them even if you not in an aggressive aero position.


My key workouts:

Swim tonight - first one since my shoulder impingement, went ok, a little sore.  Want to do postal swim really bad, but decided this was not the time, will do it in the coming weeks.

Long bike and long run on sat/sun are my other two key workouts.

Edited by mdfahy 2012-01-31 9:01 PM
2012-02-01 11:20 AM
in reply to: #4022147

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
mdfahy - 2012-01-31 8:56 PM

Yes, that is helpful on the bike fit question.  I got my tri-bike last year and the lbs that sold it to me put me in way too aggressive position.  I was training for IM CDA and got headaches everytime I had a long ride.  I "thought" I just needed to get used to the position, but never did.  I did IM CDA bike in 7 hours and had a headache for about 6 hours due to my neck position, it was the only thing that wasn't right that day, but I was used to it, so it wasn't a surprise, but I never wanted to run a marathon so bad, it cleared up as soon as I got off the bike.  So, I went the local tri shop and had a fit done, he raised my bars up and widened the aero bars, headache went away and I feel alot more comfortable. 

My HR increases are a little higher than my road bike, so I was wondering if that is normal? If you have a reasonably comfortable fit on your road bike and tri bike (I've had a bike fit done on both by same guy that is locally recommended), do you experience a higher HR on tri bike due to the more aero position? 

I will need to do more testing on it, it was just a quick observation I thought I would bounce off everyone.

Regarding aerobars on road bike discussion, you definitely need to spend time in the aero position to get comfortable with them and your body to adapt to the new position.  And you need a good fit, otherwise, like my experience they can be counterproductive and you can lose all or most of the benefits, if not a negative with a very poor fit.  You will easily pick up 1 mph with them even if you not in an aggressive aero position.


My key workouts:

Swim tonight - first one since my shoulder impingement, went ok, a little sore.  Want to do postal swim really bad, but decided this was not the time, will do it in the coming weeks.

Long bike and long run on sat/sun are my other two key workouts.

Matt, good thought into holding off on the postal swim, anything shoulder related with injuries and swimming should always take a back seat for awhile. That is one joint that can have some serious damage done if pushed too hard.

I have never heard of the headache problems that you experienced, but I can see how a poor fit with an overextended neck could contribute to the problems.

As for you HR IMO I think you need to space out your aero bars tad and open your lungs up some more. Get more oxygen into your lungs and muscles which in turn will decrease you HR at the same power output.

2012-02-01 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

What does everyone have on tap today?

I have an hour long big gear workout waiting for me when I get home with some tacos for recovery!

2012-02-01 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Easy, easy day for me...30 min (well probably 45min) race specific swim (week 2 of the beginner HIM program). Was also planning on going to the gym at 5:30am for some strength training, but scrapped it. Last night I was really tired and felt like I might be coming down with something, and thought the rest might help. It worked, I'm rested and not sick. Of course, working out for only 45 min in a day, doesn't feel like enough, but there's always tomorrow.

2012-02-01 3:41 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Today is mile repeats: 1 mile easy warm up, 4 x 1 mile at 6:30 pace (if I can hold it together) with 1/4 mile easy in between, 1 mile cool down. This may have to happen on the treadmill while my daughter does swim practice. Not ideal but you take what you can get.

45 minutes easy spin on the trainer to shake the legs out later.

In other news, three key workouts for this week.

Swim: tomorrow I will do a 500 warm up, followed by 15 x 100 leaving on 1:45, then 200 cool down.

Bike: main set of 10 x 2 minutes at 270+ watts with 1 min easy in between, 10 minutes easy spin then 12 x 1 minute at 260+ watts with 30 seconds easy in between, 10 minutes easy spin, then 2 x 15 minutes at 190+ watts with 5 minutes easy in between. Warm up before and cool down after. About two hours total. 20 min run off the bike if time allows. Confusing enough?

Run: 15 mile run with 8:00/mile as base pace. Three miles at 6:30 or faster pace interspersed throughout the run.

My legs are tired and I keep thinking the wheels are going to fall off at some point but I keep doing the workouts. Sometimes I fail to hit the goal numbers but more often than not it all seems to work out.
2012-02-01 6:25 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Trainer ride for me, 18 miles. I have been setting it up in the living room after the kids go to bed. That way I can chat with my wife which makes her happy and it helps on the boredom!
2012-02-02 6:28 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Sorry for being MIA for so long - I've been going through big job changes and then was away over the weekend.  I start a new job with a startup on Monday which will be just over 90mins in commuting each way so workouts are about to get interesting.  So here's to sticking as close to my plan as possible!
2012-02-02 10:19 PM
in reply to: #4026452

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Good luck with the new job and with squeezing the workouts in.

2012-02-02 10:33 PM
in reply to: #3949904

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Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

Good luck with those changes!!

Challenges are always a good thing.

2012-02-03 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Jess congrats on the new job, keep your running gear in your car at all times. Never know when some free time might pop up and you get head out for a run!
2012-02-03 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
Made a mistake yesterday on my run. Coach had me work on some downhill running (5-8% gradient) and after my warmup and drills I found a decent hill. Didn't think to check if the gradient was right so I just gave it a go. After my first downhill attempt it was obviously too steep (turned out to hit up to 10% at one point) but I just kept with it and finished the 6x60 sets. Well I am paying the price today, quads are shot, it band kills, and my ankles just plain hurt. I have a swim on tap and hope that helps with some active recovery, but other then that I might have to take the weekend real easy. Ooops.
2012-02-03 9:57 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)
I posted this in another forum and would like to hear anyones feedback or ideas. Let me know what you think would work.
2012-02-03 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3949904

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: bcagle25's Endurance Ninja's - Closed (Ninja school is in session)

I posted this in another forum and would like to hear anyones feedback or ideas. Let me know what you think would work.

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