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2012-06-06 9:59 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I use my iPhone GPS unit to keep track of my miles, routes, and basic descriptions if said routes. I keep my phone in my back jersey pocket.

I do have a bike computer mounted on the stem. I use that for current speed time on the bike and current miles completed. It also has a cadence monitor and stop watch that I use when the desire hits.


2012-06-08 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4248447

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

I am so unmotivated this week.  I let a buddy of mine back in SC talk me into buying a new video game, so their have been a few late nights this week staying up and playing the PS3 online.  Not the best idea while I get ready for some bigger races, but its nice to get a couple hours of mindless activity here and there.  Fortunatley we are too old to play every night, so I get some recovery sleep.

Went to the pool this am, and will head home for a run tonight.  I am supposed to do a 2.5 hr ride tomorrow, but my wife is heading to New Orleans in the morning for a four day conference, so I will be on dad duty for the weekend.  I am not really sure how I will fit the ride in- maybe on the trainer after she goes to bed on Saturday night?  Pop-on a movie, and hope that I hear her if she starts crying.

Hope everyone has had a good week. 



2012-06-09 5:47 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone! This week has been rough. Assuming all goes well tomorrow, I'm looking at a 12 hour training week. Went on a 60M ride today. The weather was beautiful, which was nice after all the rain we've been getting. I'm still not happy with my pace, but I at least kept it steady this time, whereas other recent rides have had me going out too hard, then fading in the second half. Tomorrow it's off to Walden in the morning for an OWS, followed by a run. After, I get to go to brunch at an awesome sandwich place that's having a brewer visiting for the event. Definitely will be well deserved at that point!

Scott - I forget that it's winter elsewhere in the world. I don't use my iPhone for tracking on my bike, so unfortunately, no input there. As for swimming, I wouldn't wear new tri shorts. They're not designed for prolonged chlorine exposure, so if people use them in the pool, it's generally only when they're old ones they don't care about anymore. Meanwhile, what are "budgie smugglers"? I know my boyfriend and others generally wear jammers, so you could Google those and look into them.

Will - I feel like I've been unmotivated all year, so I feel your pain. So you're going to attempt a 2.5 hour training ride? Good luck! I'm so impressed with all of you who juggle kids and training. I can't even handle having my dog around at this time of year, which is why she gets shipped up to stay with my mom in the summer!

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!

2012-06-10 2:26 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Opps sorry. Budgie smugglers is australian slang for speedo style swimmers for men.

1 hour on the bike for me today, the longest i have done for some time. Unfortunatly winter has brought with it a cold and infected sinuses, so no pool for a bit.

Have a great week all
2012-06-11 6:51 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Well yesterday was race day and what a race!! 4000 women all running/jogging/walking to raise money for Cancer Research UK!! The atmosphere was awesome as always. And although I didn't beat my PB it still felt good to run this instead of walk it (which is what I've done for the past 7 years). And the best part of the race? Having my gorgeous honey there cheering me on and helping get through the last part of the race....... I cant thank him enough for all the love and support he has shown me not only on race day but also throughout my training!!Race report:
2012-06-11 7:11 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Happy Monday everyone.  This weekend was busy for me.  Started on Friday with a 10mile race.  It was great.  Being former military any excuse to run with soldiers gets me fired up.  Had one of my best races ever.  Finished 2nd in my age group.  Felt awesome.  

Saturday, ran with a couple of friends in the Komen 5k.  Again a totally awesome day.  Its so encouraging to hear stories from Cancer survivors.  I am incredibly thankful and fortunate to be blessed with great health.  Something I hope I never take for granted. 

After the 5k, I still had a free morning so I caught up with my normal Saturday riding buddies and rode 50 miles.  It was great.  

Sunday was filled with supporting other friends competing in their first half iron-man.  They all did outstanding.  I am was excited as they crossed the finish line.  I felt like I was competing as well.  I have to admit I was a little jealous that I didn't toe the line for the event but my time will come.  

Sorry for the long post, just a wee bit excited still.  

2012-06-11 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4124586


Parachute, Co
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

I apologise or my absence! Sunday was my first race, Strides for Epilepsy 5K
in Denver, CO. I finished somewhere in the middle at 37:49. The weather was
gorgeous and there wasn't much smoke from the wildfire yet so air quality wasn't
bad. (There's a HUGE wildfire about 45 minutes outside of Denver). I had no
seizures and was able to keep a steady pace, most of the time. I recently had
pneumonia and was a little worried I'd end up walking. I think I ran about 3/4
of the race.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support! I raised $1051.00 for the
Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado! Overall $120,000+ was raised and this was the largest attendance of the & races they have held to date!


2012-06-11 12:21 PM
in reply to: #4253351

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
KiterChick - 2012-06-09 6:47 PM

Will - I feel like I've been unmotivated all year, so I feel your pain. So you're going to attempt a 2.5 hour training ride? Good luck! I'm so impressed with all of you who juggle kids and training. I can't even handle having my dog around at this time of year, which is why she gets shipped up to stay with my mom in the summer!

Yeah- the long 2.5 hr ride never happened- I was pretty knackered by the time I got my daughter into bed on Saturday night.  That little girl wore me out!  My sister-in-law came over for an hour on Saturday and an hour on Sunday to give me a break each day and I used it to run.  Nothing fast, or very long, but enough to get out and enjoy a bit of the day.

Ken- sounds like you had a fun weekend!

2012-06-11 2:14 PM
in reply to: #4124586


Parachute, Co
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
2012-06-12 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4124586


Parachute, Co
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Lucylou - Great job! You made a really good time for your first race. I'm doin a Komen for the Cure as well, on 7/14 in Aspen, CO!!! Good job girl!
2012-06-12 7:44 AM
in reply to: #4124586


Parachute, Co
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Will - Its great that you have both time with your kids and a supportive extended family to help you train!

2012-06-12 8:07 AM
in reply to: #4124586


Parachute, Co
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Sarah- U ROCK!!! Good job!
2012-06-12 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4257145

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
missmona - 2012-06-12 1:43 PMLucylou - Great job! You made a really good time for your first race. I'm doin a Komen for the Cure as well, on 7/14 in Aspen, CO!!! Good job girl!
Thanks Heather!! It felt really great to have ran this event this year instead of walking it as in previous years....... You did really well on your race too!! Next race for me is another 5K in August which I really want to do quicker than this one..... We'll soon see I suppose!! Lol...... Keep us the great work!! Amanda xx
2012-06-12 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4242939

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
KiterChick - 2012-06-04 10:29 AM

Eddie - Sorry you're still feeling sluggish after your HIM, it seems odd that you would still be dealing with issues a month out from the race. Hopefully the massage will help!

Finally at a point where I feel like I can ride strong and push the pedals. It was strange to feel so weak for so long. The only lingering effect I feel is a little pain outside my ankle which hurst very little when I run. I have been taking it easy on the run giving it time to heal up so I can start building up again. Definitely do not regret doing the race, but I believe I need more base build up before I tackle a long distance event. More specifically, need lots of running miles.

2012-06-12 1:53 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone! After a busy week last week, I took Monday off, but it's off to the pool after work tonight. Relatively laid back week overall though, since my first HIM of the season is this Saturday. Not really feeling ready to race it, but it will serve as a long training day at least!

Amanda - Congratulations on running most of your 5K, sounds like you had a great time. Sorry you didn't set another PB, but I'm sure you will again soon!

Ken - Awesome pace for your 10M race, and congratulations on placing 2nd in your AG! Sounds like a busy weekend overall, and yes, you'll definitely have your own long distance tri coming up sometime in the future too.

Heather - Congratulations on finishing your 5K, and of course I was thrilled to hear it was seizure free!

Will - Sorry you couldn't fit the bike in this weekend, but honestly, 2.5 hours on the trainer would have been brutal! That's great you had help with your daughter for some of the weekend though, at least enough to get out and run for a bit.

Eddie - Nice to hear you're feeling strong on the bike again!

2012-06-12 5:33 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Good luck for the HIM. Just to finish one of those is a dream for me (one day).

2012-06-12 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Well the past two days have not been good to me on the training front. I went out for a run yeserday, I had planned on six miles but called it quits at mile three. The heat was so oppresive and with little to  no wind I was miserable out there. I need to find a way to bring hydration with me while running. I have a hydration belt but I can't stand the feeling of it riding on my hips and moving with me, I feel like its really getting in the way. Tried to take some of the small bottles from the hydration belt and put them in the back pocket of my tri jersey but it felt like the bottles were going to bounce out. I ended up spening more time obsessing over the bottles then I did making forward progress.

My knee and hip have also been acting up again. My knee is back to popping and grinding with running and now even with walking. It really dosn't swell up but its painful after just a few easy miles. My hip is no better, I am having the same problems with it that I did at the Drake Games Half Marathon.

I have an appoitment with a sports medicine doctor tomorrow, I hope he can help me get over this. With three more races this season I want to be able to finish strong. I'd be fine having a very light season next year to recover and do physical therapy if needed, but I would like to be able to finish my remaining season strong.

Hope all is well for everyone, have a great day!


2012-06-13 3:09 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Got my bike back today, new tyres, fitted properly, new saddle etc etc. Wow what a differance. Did 20km, wished I could have stayed out longer (a first for me, I have put the least time into riding ever!).


Now if i can just convince myself that sub freezing weather is GREAT to go for a ride in, I am set!

2012-06-13 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I have had a decent week training wise so far.  Not exerting much energy trying to prepare for a tri this weekend.  This is my anniversary tri so I want to do well. 
2012-06-13 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4255871

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

missmona - 2012-06-11 3:14 PM Here is the link to my race result! I am #111[/QUOTE]


Great job!  Hope you had fun.


2012-06-13 9:34 PM
in reply to: #4258021

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Davis Square, Somerville, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
I got a swim in at Walden between rain showers and an hour ride on the trainer this evening and both felt good.  I think I am getting back on track again. Now, time to watch some Dallas!

2012-06-14 6:50 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Great swim this morning even though I am not feeling 100%.  Worked on breathing and technique.

2012-06-15 9:06 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Raleigh, NC
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Tomorrow's my anniversary Tri.  I am excited and worried at the same time.  I know the race and enjoy it, but the field has exploded.  My pre-season goal was to crack the top 5 in my AG since I have made improvements in my swim.  Now with this field I will be happy with a top 10 finish.   

2012-06-15 9:48 AM
in reply to: #4124586

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED

Hi everyone! It's been a pretty lax training week for me since my HIM is tomorrow. It's not an A race for me, but I wasn't about to push myself too much heading into it either. I'll be doing a short pool workout and run this afternoon, then will try to get a good night of sleep and see how things go tomorrow. As an added bonus, Mike has decided to come along too. It's definitely motivating knowing someone is waiting for me at the finish.

Scott - Thanks for the good luck wishes! If doing a HIM is a dream of yours, I'm sure you can get there. In the meantime, bundle up and get out on that bike!

Beth - Running in heat is brutal for me too, so don't feel too bad about cutting your run short the other day. As for hydration, you could look into a handheld system such as this ( I also don't like Fuel Belts and this is what I use. It's nice since you don't have to actively grip the bottle because of the strap for your hand. You can also stick keys and money into the little pouch. Hope your knee checked out okay the other day too!

Ken - Good luck with your anniversary race this weekend!

2012-06-15 12:35 PM
in reply to: #4124586

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Nottingham, England
Subject: RE: Team KiterChick - CLOSED
Good luck in your HIM tomorrow Sarah!!!
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