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2012-04-27 8:18 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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New user
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Just got my FR60 bundle in the mail this afternoon. So looking forward to running some time this weekend. I hate to have to work this weekend lol.

2012-04-27 10:37 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Hello everyone.  Sorry I havent been on-line lately.  Things have been very hectic here.  Started our volleyball preseason, so I've been pretty busy.  Havent trained for awhile now, still have the pain in my foot.  Working 12hrs, on my feet the whole time doesnt help, then 2 1/2hrs volleyball practice.

My first race is tomorrow.  Real nervous.  So not ready.  Everyone tells me to just skip it because of the injury and not having time to train.  I can't quit...I have committed to this and even if the results are not how I expected it to be...THIS IS STILL MY FIRST RACE EVER!  39, over weight, out of shape and Im off the couch.  Only been training and working out since the end of January, took a few weeks off because of the foot, and still have lost 15lbs, feel better and things can only get better.

Well thanks to all of those that have encouraged me and supported me.  I love the accountability this group gives to us newbies.  Happy training everyone.  I will let you all know my results tomorrow.


2012-04-28 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4177699

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

garylandry - 2012-04-27 7:18 PM Just got my FR60 bundle in the mail this afternoon. So looking forward to running some time this weekend. I hate to have to work this weekend lol.

Whoohooo! I love my FR60. I get the biggest kick out of coming in from a workout and hearing the little chirp it makes as it syncs...I'm such a data nerd. Have fun with it!

2012-04-28 3:02 PM
in reply to: #4177884

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

oak73 - 2012-04-27 9:37 PM

My first race is tomorrow.  Real nervous.  So not ready.  Everyone tells me to just skip it because of the injury and not having time to train.  I can't quit...I have committed to this and even if the results are not how I expected it to be...THIS IS STILL MY FIRST RACE EVER!  39, over weight, out of shape and Im off the couch.  Only been training and working out since the end of January, took a few weeks off because of the foot, and still have lost 15lbs, feel better and things can only get better.

Well thanks to all of those that have encouraged me and supported me.  I love the accountability this group gives to us newbies.  Happy training everyone.  I will let you all know my results tomorrow.

How'd your race go? I hope you had a great time and good for you for doing it (and yay for 15lbs! That's no easy feat!).

2012-04-28 3:04 PM
in reply to: #4177522

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-04-27 4:47 PM

I know the feeling well!  I get rather cranky when I can't run and now I not only can't run, I can't bike either!  I'm coping well with the swimming, rowing and deep water running, but it's not the same.  The boot came off last Sat. and I began PT this week, but seems that removing boot cold turkey was not the best as I am unable to do the exercises without pain. So....I'm back in the boot but only part time.  I have to wear it half the day.  Part of the issue is that I am on my feet all day.  As a preschool teacher for children with special needs I'm constantly on the go.  

Something very cool though.  The clinic where I have my PT has a new machine.  I forget the actually name, but it is an anti-gravity treadmill! Not sure how the thing works but the PT said I would get to use it.  Woo hoo! 

An anti-gravity treadmill?! How cool! I want to go to PT just to try it (Ok, not really, but let us know how it goes). I hope you get to shed the boot soon...I can't even imagine. I woke up this morning (after dreaming about running) and just wanted to tie my shoes and pretend like my left foot is completely agreeable. I refrained, but man this stinks. I have a 5K in two weeks and a 10K in 4...

2012-04-28 5:12 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

2012-04-28 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4178584

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-28 5:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Congrats!! And well done!  How wonderful to finish your first race and surpass what you initially thought you were capable of doing.  As you will find out, there's something about a race atmosphere that can get you moving.  Way to go!

2012-04-28 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4178584

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-28 6:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

YES!!!!!!!!! I'm so so happy for you!! 44:01 is excellent. Think what you'll do healthy!
2012-04-28 6:41 PM
in reply to: #4177699

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
garylandry - 2012-04-27 9:18 PM

Just got my FR60 bundle in the mail this afternoon. So looking forward to running some time this weekend. I hate to have to work this weekend lol.

Gadgets!!!!!!!!!! Yay! I'll be running tomorrow rain or not, because I want to test my gadgets too.

Isn't this rain the pits? 3 weekends in a row. GAH! Tomorrow is the Key Biscayne half, my husband is running it, and I'm going to drop him off and then run with some friends from Alice Wainwright.

I hope you can catch a little skedaddle with your new toy!
2012-04-28 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4175954

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-04-26 11:17 PM

So on my run Tuesday, I injured my left foot...good ol plantar fasciitis, it turns out. So yesterday turned into an unplanned rest day and today I lifted. Tomorrow I'll swim, and maybe ride if it's better (pressure on it is rough and I don't want to antagonize it). But the real issue is that I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment! I've never felt like this before...I guess I really am hooked on triathlon, but if I end up like this for any length of time...well, I pity those that live with me!

I use those hot/cold gel things from walgreens. I heat it in the microwave and then put my foot on top of it to warm it up before I run. You have to learn ways to keep it warm and stretched (including lots of calf stretching) so it doesn't become a chronic thing.

It's a good obsession!
2012-04-28 6:47 PM
in reply to: #4177522

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-04-27 6:47 PM

amybecca - 2012-04-26 10:17 PM So on my run Tuesday, I injured my left foot...good ol plantar fasciitis, it turns out. So yesterday turned into an unplanned rest day and today I lifted. Tomorrow I'll swim, and maybe ride if it's better (pressure on it is rough and I don't want to antagonize it). But the real issue is that I'm like jittery and kind of angry about not being able to run/bike at the moment! I've never felt like this before...I guess I really am hooked on triathlon, but if I end up like this for any length of time...well, I pity those that live with me!

I know the feeling well!  I get rather cranky when I can't run and now I not only can't run, I can't bike either!  I'm coping well with the swimming, rowing and deep water running, but it's not the same.  The boot came off last Sat. and I began PT this week, but seems that removing boot cold turkey was not the best as I am unable to do the exercises without pain. So....I'm back in the boot but only part time.  I have to wear it half the day.  Part of the issue is that I am on my feet all day.  As a preschool teacher for children with special needs I'm constantly on the go.  

Something very cool though.  The clinic where I have my PT has a new machine.  I forget the actually name, but it is an anti-gravity treadmill! Not sure how the thing works but the PT said I would get to use it.  Woo hoo! 

Is it an Alter G? There are two here in Miami, and my running coach gets to do his rehab work on one with his PT when he hurts something. He says it's amazing!

I wish I could pool run here at home, but neither of our pools is deep enough.

2012-04-28 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4174951

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Lovey - 2012-04-26 2:10 PM

SWIM: I found a few swim plans I like.

-- 0-1650 Plan in 6 weeks. It doesn't really start at zero but at 700 yards.

-- ZERO TO 700 an Easy Preamble to the 0-1650 Plan to help start you off.

-- BT Beginner Swim Workouts: Endurance, Form and Speed:

-- BT Beginner Swim Program, A three month program designed to help beginning swimmers improve technique for a sprint distance race.

I think I am going to try swimming for time one week, then distances another week. I really don't know which one works best for me BUT I prefer to think in distances. The time can't be 12 mins because its too much work to get to the gym or pool and just swim for 12 mins. If a plan says 30 mins 1500 yards, knowing I can't swim that dist in 30 minutes, I could just swim for 30 mins regardless of distance and build up slowly OR I would swim the distance repeatedly until I can do it in 30 mins.

Can someone look at these swim plans tell me what they think?

I've never cared much for anyone's swim plans. I love to swim and I find it's the fitness I lose first. They say 3 times a week is minimum, but I don't know many people who can do that. 4 times a week is ideal. WTH? So anyway, I'm going to try to start doing 3 or 4. 2 with my team and 2 here at home.

That said, I think until you are comfortable, YOUR plan is perfect. Just swim. and swim and swim.
2012-04-28 7:02 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Minneapolis, Minnesota
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
Soggy here in Miami. Today I did nothing! I didn't sleep well Thursday night, and then my husband and went to the Marlins game and didn't get to bed until late. Of course he get's up crack of dawn to go running. I feel I may never get any sleep. I did have a short nap today. And tomorrow he has a race. Monday morning I take him to the airport at 5am.

I'm a morning person, and I get up early.... but this is beginning to take a toll.

Tomorrow is day one of my marathon training for the Goofy Challenge at Disney. I'm doing a month of base training and then 24 weeks of Chi-Marathon training. My Tri is 4th of July so I'm going to start doing the Saturday bricks soon also. And mid-week I hope to Spin/Run once a week. I find it's a good idea to get my training schedule sorted out. I print an Outlook Calendar month by month and try to anticipate any big potential issues. Like, my visit to my sister in MN in June, My husband is running the Chicago Marathon in October. I will also have a visit to see my parents later in the summer. Even with that and one other issue (you really need to bank a few) I will still have 2 weeks to taper. November 11 is my only other Tri, The Miami Man International. I have the option of signing up for one of our Trilogy races also.

Does everybody have a good idea of which races they are doing for the rest of the year? If you are just doing one (as I did my first year), that is just fine. I found that I swam well and bike well, and ran like an old lame horse. So I spent last summer and winter RUNNING. Now I'm ready to see if it has paid off for my 2nd Tri.



Do you need some help with this?
2012-04-28 7:22 PM
in reply to: #4128264

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Illinois _ Chicago area
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Alter G, that's it.  Thanks Steph.  Can't wait to try it.

As far as races go, I wasn't planning on doing anything this summer as I don't know how this ankle thing will play out and decided even if I can begin running again during the summer, I shouldn't race because I don't seem to know how not to race (meaning I can't just take it easy).  So today I had lunch with a couple of my tri buddies and we decided to do some races as a team.  I will swim, Robin will bike and Claudia will run. (and Claudia is wicked fast!)  Never done a tri as a team, so this will be fun.  We plan to do an Oly on June 24 in Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin.

And Steph, when you come to Chicago for the Marathon we should meet.


2012-04-28 9:37 PM
in reply to: #4178584

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Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-28 5:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Congratulations!! Enjoy the obsession! Wink


2012-04-28 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4178584

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New user

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-28 3:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Woo hoo! So happy for you! I know exactly how you feel! CONGRATULATIONS!!

2012-04-29 12:41 AM
in reply to: #4178632

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
suzimmer - 2012-04-28 6:16 PM
oak73 - 2012-04-28 5:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Congrats!! And well done!  How wonderful to finish your first race and surpass what you initially thought you were capable of doing.  As you will find out, there's something about a race atmosphere that can get you moving.  Way to go!


Thanks was all talk and dreams before its for real.  Im so proud and going to make every attempt to work harder and keep it up

2012-04-29 12:43 AM
in reply to: #4178468

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
amybecca - 2012-04-28 3:02 PM

oak73 - 2012-04-27 9:37 PM

My first race is tomorrow.  Real nervous.  So not ready.  Everyone tells me to just skip it because of the injury and not having time to train.  I can't quit...I have committed to this and even if the results are not how I expected it to be...THIS IS STILL MY FIRST RACE EVER!  39, over weight, out of shape and Im off the couch.  Only been training and working out since the end of January, took a few weeks off because of the foot, and still have lost 15lbs, feel better and things can only get better.

Well thanks to all of those that have encouraged me and supported me.  I love the accountability this group gives to us newbies.  Happy training everyone.  I will let you all know my results tomorrow.

How'd your race go? I hope you had a great time and good for you for doing it (and yay for 15lbs! That's no easy feat!).

The race went great...I did better then I planned on doing.  Cant wait for the next one.


2012-04-29 12:45 AM
in reply to: #4178651

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
stephsprint - 2012-04-28 6:36 PM
oak73 - 2012-04-28 6:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

YES!!!!!!!!! I'm so so happy for you!! 44:01 is excellent. Think what you'll do healthy!

Thanks Steph...Im so proud of my self and cant wait for my next race.  Again this is a great group.  Thanks for hosting this group and thanks to all the great members for all of your support.

2012-04-29 12:53 AM
in reply to: #4178686

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

stephsprint - 2012-04-28 7:02 PM Soggy here in Miami. Today I did nothing! I didn't sleep well Thursday night, and then my husband and went to the Marlins game and didn't get to bed until late. Of course he get's up crack of dawn to go running. I feel I may never get any sleep. I did have a short nap today. And tomorrow he has a race. Monday morning I take him to the airport at 5am. I'm a morning person, and I get up early.... but this is beginning to take a toll. Tomorrow is day one of my marathon training for the Goofy Challenge at Disney. I'm doing a month of base training and then 24 weeks of Chi-Marathon training. My Tri is 4th of July so I'm going to start doing the Saturday bricks soon also. And mid-week I hope to Spin/Run once a week. I find it's a good idea to get my training schedule sorted out. I print an Outlook Calendar month by month and try to anticipate any big potential issues. Like, my visit to my sister in MN in June, My husband is running the Chicago Marathon in October. I will also have a visit to see my parents later in the summer. Even with that and one other issue (you really need to bank a few) I will still have 2 weeks to taper. November 11 is my only other Tri, The Miami Man International. I have the option of signing up for one of our Trilogy races also. Does everybody have a good idea of which races they are doing for the rest of the year? If you are just doing one (as I did my first year), that is just fine. I found that I swam well and bike well, and ran like an old lame horse. So I spent last summer and winter RUNNING. Now I'm ready to see if it has paid off for my 2nd Tri. RACE PLANNING.... LOGGING YOUR WORKOUTS... KEEPING A DIARY OF HOW EACH DAY/WEEK IS GOING... HOW DO ALL OF YOU KEEP TRACK? AND PLAN? Do you need some help with this?

Well now that I have my first race under my belt I am all pump up for the future.  In my race pack I found another 5k in my town on Fathers Day, so Im going to plan on entering that.  Plus I have my big race which is a Sprit Tri in July.

As far as my workouts, Im going to sit down tomorrow and try to plan a schedual that I can stick too.  I cant let work, and my coaching be a crutch to my workouts and my plans.  So if its important, I should be able to find time somewhere to fit it in.  My gym doesnt have a pool yet, so swiming seems to be a big obsticle to try to deal with.

2012-04-29 12:56 AM
in reply to: #4178847

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LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
awk1987 - 2012-04-28 9:37 PM
oak73 - 2012-04-28 5:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Congratulations!! Enjoy the obsession! Wink


Thanks...its a great feeling

2012-04-29 12:57 AM
in reply to: #4178866

User image

LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
aeneah - 2012-04-28 10:03 PM
oak73 - 2012-04-28 3:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Woo hoo! So happy for you! I know exactly how you feel! CONGRATULATIONS!!

Thanks...the feeling is great.

2012-04-29 1:02 AM
in reply to: #4128264

User image

LaPorte, IN
Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!

Ok I have a question for everyone...

Did you do anything special to mark or remember your first race?

I am going out and buying a big frame and going to put my race shirt, my number, and a picture of me racing in the frame.  That way I can remember my first race that changed my life.

Would like to hear what everyone else did.

2012-04-29 1:41 AM
in reply to: #4178584

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-28 3:12 PM

OMG I DID IT!  I finished my first 5k.  What an accomplishment for me.

It was 43 degrees and raining was so cold and of course being new I didnt know what I should wear, and it kind of showed when I showed up to the race.  I wore compression pants under my shorts and a compression long sleeve shirt under my race shirt...most everyone else had sweatshirts or jackets, workout pants...but that turned out to be all the walkers in the group.  I was very cold at the start of the race, but once the race started turned out that was all I needed...could of used a hat or something to cover my ears, but other than that I was fine.

My original goal was to do it in under 50 minutes.  Was hoping for at least a 15min mile average.  That is what I have been doing when I train...running 2 minutes, walking 2 minutes.  But then I hurt my foot and couldnt run for a while...then found out I had planter fascitis and a fallen arch.  Then with that and work and my teams volleyball preseason starting I just havent found any time to the hopes of making that goal happen seemed to be to great to achieve.

Well to my amazement...I finished in 44:01.  I didnt get my place, I was just too amazed I even finished and got caught up in a world of excitement to go find out.  I just checked the race web site and they havent posted any results yet.  It doesnt realy matter what place I got...I could of came in dead last for all I care, just as long as I crossed the finish line.

Well Im hooked...thanks for all the engouragment and support.

Congratulations on a GREAT job!! Way to blow away your goal time!! Terrific!

2012-04-29 1:47 AM
in reply to: #4178955

Subject: RE: STEPH SPRINT FULL Let's do this thing! StephSprint group FULL!
oak73 - 2012-04-28 11:02 PM

Ok I have a question for everyone...

Did you do anything special to mark or remember your first race?

I am going out and buying a big frame and going to put my race shirt, my number, and a picture of me racing in the frame.  That way I can remember my first race that changed my life.

Would like to hear what everyone else did.

My husband saves every shirt and bib.  And he writes his time, place and notes about the race on the back of the bib.  I just packed up another box of his shirts this weekend.  The first race we did as a family (5 of us) we kept all the bibs and framed each one.  The kids' frames are hanging in their rooms with their own notes written on the back.  It's fun to have matching bibs and frames - lots of fun memories.

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