BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel" -On Tour!! Rss Feed  
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2012-04-29 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4178927

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-28 11:39 PM
ransick - 2012-04-28 9:32 PM

I'll join since I'll be doing the Door County HIM in July with Dave.

NAME:  (ransick) Mike, 46, St. Louis

STORY:   Casual jogger and mountain biker for years but continued to gain weight.  Decided I wanted to do a tri when I was 40, went to the pool twice and gave up after not being able to swim more than a lap without gasping for air.  A couple years later a friend talked me in to running a half marathon.  Having never run more than about 5 miles, it was a huge accomplishment and I immediately set my sites back on triathlons of April that year.  I figured I would be able to do a tri by late summer but underestimated how long it would take me to learn to swim.  It was 6 months before I had a breakthrough where I could swim more than 400 yards without stopping!  Having missed the season, I just kept on training, bought a road bike in January (didn't want to shell out the money if I never was able to pick up swimming), and did my first tri 13 months after setting out to do it.  

FAMILY STATUS:  Married  24 years with two children ages 20 and 15

CURRENT TRAINING:   Following Gale Bernhardt HIM plan 

2011 RACES  NOLA 70.3 and a couple Oly's

2012 RACES:   Effingham IL sprint, Carlyle IL Oly,  Cohasset MA sprint, Door County 70.3, RnR St. Louis half mary

WEIGHTLOSS:   I need to lose about 10 more pounds (probably 15).  I was doing really well (down 6) then traveled 4 of the last 6 weeks and put 5 of it back on. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I've done a few tri's and love to share my experience plus I still have plenty to learn (specially about fueling during longer races).  


Mike, Glad to see you here. I thought I was going crazy when I saw the last post was by ransick but it was for this group. I kept looking at it then I finally realized duh, he's joining this group too or commenting on one of our crazy posts- lol. We've got some awesome peeps here. Shelly

Sorry to make you do a double take :-).   

2012-04-29 9:30 PM
in reply to: #4179590

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-29 3:58 PM


I'm not dead yet!

Race report is up.  The ORCA LIVES TO TRI ANOTHER DAY.

Came in last.  But I finished.


Congrats!  Last is way ahead of the 99.9% of people that didn't start.  Nice job!  Headed over to your RR next. 

2012-04-30 7:37 AM
in reply to: #4180136

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
ransick - 2012-04-29 10:30 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-29 3:58 PM


I'm not dead yet!

Race report is up.  The ORCA LIVES TO TRI ANOTHER DAY.

Came in last.  But I finished.


Congrats!  Last is way ahead of the 99.9% of people that didn't start.  Nice job!  Headed over to your RR next. 

Welcome Mike, I look forward to your input.  Your comment parallel's the phrase that was on the back of my tri shirt I received yesterday.  I now use the last half as my signature.

2012-04-30 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4180067

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-04-29 9:51 PM
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-29 5:39 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-29 3:58 PM


I'm not dead yet!

Race report is up.  The ORCA LIVES TO TRI ANOTHER DAY.

Came in last.  But I finished.

AWESOMMMEEEE!!! So Glad you are alive as we really do love ya, even if we aren't sure who you are- lol. Going to read the race report now. Congrats on finishing the first. Shelly


Tom-  Now you are a tri veteran!!    Proud of ya big bro!    first of many???      WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?   Who, who, who, who, who?   ha!  

  Read your report.  But now tell us what you think.   Was it different  then you thought?    what would you tell another first timer?

Oh yeah and Tom  the contest which will be outlined tomorrow has already begun!!    Both you and Sarah are in the lead as you raced today! 

I actually think it was what I would hope for as a first tri. The pool was great and run very well.  With more swimming I know I will get much better.  I need to build up more stamina for OWS, especially a bay area or ocean.  I grew up swimming in lakes and not worried about the swim, just the chaos with people around me.  I did watch a few collisions with people passing in the pool. 

Bike; If it was a tad warmer, the headwind would not have bothered me as much.  Especially with my toes getting cold the last 3 miles.  Leg warmers helped, but kept sliding down and that slowed me down when I needed to pull them up. But I was still glad I had them yesterday.  I did take them off for the run!  Glad I had my winter cycling gloves too! 

Run; I think I transitioned well for my first time. Hanged up bike, removed helmet and cap and shoes.  I added speed laces to my Ghost's and I like them a lot.  It got my shoes on fast and snug.  I left my long sleeve jersey on until about half way, then tied it around my waist. ( I wanted that FULL ORCA EFFECT WHEN I CROSSED THE LINE - LOL)

Conclusion: I wish I pushed harder on the run, but when I look back at my pace I was exactly the same as my training has been. So I guess that was a good thing.  I think I was fairly well prepared: had a GU before I left transition for the run. I liked getting there early, especially as a first timer. I watched others set up and checked out some really cool bikes.

I am so looking forward to next race in May and registered for the NJ State Tri in July because an official told me it was getting close to selling out.  It's 10 miles from home and didn't want to miss it. 

Hot Dog

2012-04-30 10:38 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

2012-04-30 10:43 AM
in reply to: #4180592

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-30 9:21 AM
oriolepwr - 2012-04-29 9:51 PM
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-29 5:39 PM
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-29 3:58 PM


I'm not dead yet!

Race report is up.  The ORCA LIVES TO TRI ANOTHER DAY.

Came in last.  But I finished.

AWESOMMMEEEE!!! So Glad you are alive as we really do love ya, even if we aren't sure who you are- lol. Going to read the race report now. Congrats on finishing the first. Shelly


Tom-  Now you are a tri veteran!!    Proud of ya big bro!    first of many???      WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?   Who, who, who, who, who?   ha!  

  Read your report.  But now tell us what you think.   Was it different  then you thought?    what would you tell another first timer?

Oh yeah and Tom  the contest which will be outlined tomorrow has already begun!!    Both you and Sarah are in the lead as you raced today! 

I actually think it was what I would hope for as a first tri. The pool was great and run very well.  With more swimming I know I will get much better.  I need to build up more stamina for OWS, especially a bay area or ocean.  I grew up swimming in lakes and not worried about the swim, just the chaos with people around me.  I did watch a few collisions with people passing in the pool. 

Bike; If it was a tad warmer, the headwind would not have bothered me as much.  Especially with my toes getting cold the last 3 miles.  Leg warmers helped, but kept sliding down and that slowed me down when I needed to pull them up. But I was still glad I had them yesterday.  I did take them off for the run!  Glad I had my winter cycling gloves too! 

Run; I think I transitioned well for my first time. Hanged up bike, removed helmet and cap and shoes.  I added speed laces to my Ghost's and I like them a lot.  It got my shoes on fast and snug.  I left my long sleeve jersey on until about half way, then tied it around my waist. ( I wanted that FULL ORCA EFFECT WHEN I CROSSED THE LINE - LOL)

Conclusion: I wish I pushed harder on the run, but when I look back at my pace I was exactly the same as my training has been. So I guess that was a good thing.  I think I was fairly well prepared: had a GU before I left transition for the run. I liked getting there early, especially as a first timer. I watched others set up and checked out some really cool bikes.

I am so looking forward to next race in May and registered for the NJ State Tri in July because an official told me it was getting close to selling out.  It's 10 miles from home and didn't want to miss it. 

Hot Dog

Tom, Congrats!!!

I'm so happy that you enjoyed your race!! It feels so good when things go the way you planned. It's great that you're signing up for more, too. It means it must have been a good experience. Mine went pretty well, barring the swim and T1, but I'll get back in there!!


2012-04-30 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Tom - congrats you did it! Hope you had FUN most of all!

Dave - welcome to your new addition, I'm sure you're all going to love him!

Sarah - sorry about the swim, I haven't tried an ows yet for fear of all the thrashing Embarassed


I have been having some calf/shin pain in my right leg since that 5k on the 21st so I haven't really run at all.  I'm trying not to be  a hypochondriack (or however you spell that) but I am worried that a stress fracture is in my future.  I swam last week for the first time in awhile and it was pretty good....need to get back at that regularly since my next tri is May 20.  Still worried about the bike, the hills are so difficult, shifting is still a nightmare and I need to put way too much thought into it. I need to find a bike group but I'm just so nervous that I'll feel stupid/hold people back/crash/all of the above, that I just haven't done it yet.

I think I'll swim again this aft and then try a run tomorrow to see how everything feels.  If I have pain after/during the run, I think a visit to the ortho will be in my future.

Have a great day all!

2012-04-30 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4180987

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

First:  You did it!!!   feel great about that!  And you didn't quit after getting kicked in the face, and the panic attack.    Then you biked well (especially for someone with limited bike experience)  and ran well.   So feel good!

Second:   Before this event you were not experienced.   Now you know.  So now you can zone in on what you need to work on!   How cool is that?    So this is where all of this tri stuff becomes MORE interesting.     

Third:   Tri suits are supposed to be tight  but not restrict your breathing.   Absolutely its possible that some of your "panic" is justified a bit by not  being able to breathe fully.   

  I did my first OWS at Kansas 70.3  in a wetsuit that was too tight.  I had never worn one before so how could I know it was too tight?   I realized I was  at something like 75% of my breathing capacity.   How silly was it for me to try my first  OWS in my first wetsuit  at a 70.3??  lol   I always have to learn things the hard way I suppose.      Maybe its the "viking" way.      

I know I've mentioned this before.   I used to shy away from contact in a tri.    Its really different than pool swim where I was nearly always alone in the lane.    So I would start at the rear left side and "try" to avoid the contact.     It was not until in my mind I decided   "SCREW IT"   I will make contact  and not worry about it.  I will EXPECT it.  

if there will be contact  I will be the one to make it.   I began to aggressively "draft" in the swim.    Now when I see feet ahead of me in the water, I try and catch up and purposely touch their feet.   Yes I admit it.   So I'm trying to contact in my mind.  see?      I use my arms/shoulders to protect my head and swim more "catch up drill" and glide less in defense.    I mean I can't use my speed to avoid others as I'm slow in the water.     But now I don't feel like its triathlon unless I was hacked, kicked or whatever during the swim.    So its a mentality thing.   consult your inner viking.     Having a chronic achilles issue, I'm more afraid of getting whacked on it as its sort of in a defenseless position  than I am anything else. 

SO what to do?  

"consult inner viking and start liking contact"

in the pool hop in the BUSIEST lane.   Swim with your husband,  tell him to grab you and pass you in the lane.  ( I watch my girls swim team practice    EIGHT kids in the lane  EIGHT!  yeah bumped, kicked all the time.

try on another (bigger) wet suit.  

Some issues just cannot be resolved until you are forced to face them.    I was also like you in that I was always afraid that a Tri would not be wet suit legal  and I'd have to do it without one.  (seems like every race has that will it be or will it not be at the right water temp to make it legal)      Eventually  two of my events ended up not being legal and I had to race without the suit.    one was an oly the other was last year  Muncie 70.3    It was not that big of a deal to not have the suit.   So after that I was like  OK I'm over that   just tell me do i get to use it or not   I don't care either way.

Edited by oriolepwr 2012-04-30 12:36 PM
2012-04-30 12:30 PM
in reply to: #4180987

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


I feel bad for you, I will wonder how I will react in my first OWS?  Let alone one in the ocean!  I did mark a race in Delaware for mid October that is a 400 yd ocean.  I hope I'll be ready by then.

You really hammered the bike and run and that should make you feel better.  I'm already thinking of what to do different and I'm sure you are too.

My initial thinking is my first time I will wait a few seconds before jumping in behind everyone else.  I'm thinking: He/she who swims in less traffic, will keep foot out of mouth.


2012-04-30 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4180987

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


I feel bad for you, I will wonder how I will react in my first OWS?  Let alone one in the ocean!  I did mark a race in Delaware for mid October that is a 400 yd ocean.  I hope I'll be ready by then.

You really hammered the bike and run and that should make you feel better.  I'm already thinking of what to do different and I'm sure you are too.

My initial thinking is my first time I will wait a few seconds before jumping in behind everyone else.  I'm thinking: He/she who swims in less traffic, will keep foot out of mouth.

2012-04-30 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

I just signed up to volunteer for the NYC triathlon.  I think Dave mentioned this as a great way to watch others.  I also get to race in 2013, I still have to pay - but I skip the lottery process, so cool.

Today's question:  Preference on wetsuit, sleeves or no sleeves? and why / why not

2012-04-30 7:00 PM
in reply to: #4181282

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-04-30 1:24 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

First:  You did it!!!   feel great about that!  And you didn't quit after getting kicked in the face, and the panic attack.    Then you biked well (especially for someone with limited bike experience)  and ran well.   So feel good!

Thank you, Dave. The further out from the race I get, the better I feel about it.

Second:   Before this event you were not experienced.   Now you know.  So now you can zone in on what you need to work on!   How cool is that?    So this is where all of this tri stuff becomes MORE interesting.     

Third:   Tri suits are supposed to be tight  but not restrict your breathing.   Absolutely its possible that some of your "panic" is justified a bit by not  being able to breathe fully.  

I think you might be right about that. It might have been a bit too tight. 

  I did my first OWS at Kansas 70.3  in a wetsuit that was too tight.  I had never worn one before so how could I know it was too tight?   I realized I was  at something like 75% of my breathing capacity.   How silly was it for me to try my first  OWS in my first wetsuit  at a 70.3??  lol   I always have to learn things the hard way I suppose.      Maybe its the "viking" way.      

That is really amazing. I really don't know that I could have made it much further that 600 yards.

I know I've mentioned this before.   I used to shy away from contact in a tri.    Its really different than pool swim where I was nearly always alone in the lane.    So I would start at the rear left side and "try" to avoid the contact.     It was not until in my mind I decided   "SCREW IT"   I will make contact  and not worry about it.  I will EXPECT it.  

if there will be contact  I will be the one to make it.   I began to aggressively "draft" in the swim.    Now when I see feet ahead of me in the water, I try and catch up and purposely touch their feet.   Yes I admit it.   So I'm trying to contact in my mind.  see?      I use my arms/shoulders to protect my head and swim more "catch up drill" and glide less in defense.    I mean I can't use my speed to avoid others as I'm slow in the water.     But now I don't feel like its triathlon unless I was hacked, kicked or whatever during the swim.    So its a mentality thing.   consult your inner viking.     Having a chronic achilles issue, I'm more afraid of getting whacked on it as its sort of in a defenseless position  than I am anything else. 

SO what to do?  

"consult inner viking and start liking contact"

in the pool hop in the BUSIEST lane.   Swim with your husband,  tell him to grab you and pass you in the lane.  ( I watch my girls swim team practice    EIGHT kids in the lane  EIGHT!  yeah bumped, kicked all the time.

That's what my husband told me to do. He said he was going to swim in the lane next to me and jump on me unexpectedly to get me used to it! If he knows what's good for him...he won't do it!

try on another (bigger) wet suit.  

Some issues just cannot be resolved until you are forced to face them.    I was also like you in that I was always afraid that a Tri would not be wet suit legal  and I'd have to do it without one.  (seems like every race has that will it be or will it not be at the right water temp to make it legal)      Eventually  two of my events ended up not being legal and I had to race without the suit.    one was an oly the other was last year  Muncie 70.3    It was not that big of a deal to not have the suit.   So after that I was like  OK I'm over that   just tell me do i get to use it or not   I don't care either way.

I will get there!! I now know where my fears are, and I just have to face them and over 'em.

I really appreciate the advice and the encouragement. Sometimes I just need someone to lay it out in front of me. I might sign up for a mini sprint in a few weeks. The swim is 200-300 yards in a lake, which is probably a better lake distance for me at this point.

2012-04-30 7:02 PM
in reply to: #4181294

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-30 1:30 PM


I feel bad for you, I will wonder how I will react in my first OWS?  Let alone one in the ocean!  I did mark a race in Delaware for mid October that is a 400 yd ocean.  I hope I'll be ready by then.

You really hammered the bike and run and that should make you feel better.  I'm already thinking of what to do different and I'm sure you are too.

My initial thinking is my first time I will wait a few seconds before jumping in behind everyone else.  I'm thinking: He/she who swims in less traffic, will keep foot out of mouth.



I think that as long as you get some OWS practice (which it sounds like you already have), you should be OK. And, yes, definitely start in the back. I was really close to the back, and kind of to the side (away from the buoys), but somehow I still managed to get kicked!

2012-04-30 8:07 PM
in reply to: #4128570

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Hey everyone! I am bouncing over here to give a little update. For those of you that do not know me I was in the last group that Oriolepwr and Quincy did. Well this weekend I did my first duathlon. I do enjoy that I completed and did some awesomeness on the runs but blew up on the bike. My first run was 32:18 for the 5k, my 20 mile bike ride was 1:44 (I hated the hills!!!!), and then killed it on the next 5k at 29:32. I was afraid of finishing last so that motivated me. I just wanted to say thanks for Quincy and Oriolepwr assistance and guidance. Listen to them. Of course I need to work on the biking more. I want my time to be around 1 hr.


Thanks again guys and gals!

2012-04-30 8:10 PM
in reply to: #4180987

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!


Nice job continuing on after the panic attack!  That shows huge mental toughness which is more important than physical toughness when things don't go well.  

2012-04-30 9:04 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN


OK  I think it would be fun for us to combine a lot of stuff we are working on into "EL CONCURSO"  (The contest)

We will combine monitoring our resting heart rates with consistent training,  racing and weight loss.   We update the scoring weekly.   At the end of the mentoring period, we see who has the most points.    

The winner receives a package of semi-fabulous  prizes that you may treasure for the rest of your tri-life.   now keep in mind at a garage sale these items might be worth like $10-$15  so don't get TOO excited!  But the thrill of victory will be yours. 

The reality is I don't have this all worked out and am looking for help to complete how it goes.  we need to get it figured out by the end of this week I think.

Help me out here guys, it wont be completely fair, but it can be fun anyhow.   Hopefully its motivating, and we will track it weekly and post results.  At the end date   (end of July?)  we announce the winner.      I'm out of time tonight   but will add more to this over the next few days.   SO what should we add, adjust, modify, any thoughts are appreciated.

Resting heart rate.-  You monitor this every morning   5x per week = 1 point  

Why???   this tells you  where your body is in terms of recovery.   The more rested you are the lower your heart rate will go till it hits its low point.    We don't care WHAT your number is.   You are tracking this for your own info.    I'm just saying its part of the contest cause it tells you much about your recovery. 

I hope you will come to value RHR as a good tool in your training.        Best would be if this info was posted on your daily training blog.           

Take this before you get up in the AM.    I use a Blood pressure machine I got from Walgreen's  I used to log my BP every day along with the RHR  but you can just take your pulse however you want to do it.  just be sure its at a consistent time in the AM and before you drink your COFFEE!        it will get lower  the fitter you are.    That is fun to track.

Weight-  We all seem to want to lose weight.    Roughly  1 pound of excess fat loss = 2 seconds faster per mile on the run

We are all diff shapes and sizes in the group.   We will post our beginning weight and you gain points for every  1% of weight loss.  That is fair "enough"  right?

Training-  You get better via training.   still working this one out  as far as how to score it.   S/B/R  only  resistance training,  grass cutting etc  wont count.    there has to be some sort of minimum time with this I think.    More on this in the coming days.

Racing- you get big points for racing.  That's what we do, or are planning to do right??   (points to Tom and Sarah since it was just YESTERDAY that they raced)

Bonus points- stuff like volunteering for races etc.   Being active in the forum  (like 3 posts per week?)




Edited by oriolepwr 2012-05-01 8:22 AM

2012-04-30 10:28 PM
in reply to: #4180987

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

You did it - YAAAY! And if it makes you feel any better, my finishing time on my first tri was almost the exact same as yours except that I only had to swim 400m- lol.
You did awesome sticking it out and then hammered the bike and run and placed first in your age group to boot! That is fabulous. Just imagine how fast you'll be when you get your swim issues worked out.
I really think the biggest issue is just more OWS practice. My second tri was easier than my first and I was 30sec per 100 yds faster.
Next like Dave already said is making sure that the wetsuit isn't too tight. It may or may not be, but if it is, that will definitely make it harder to breath. If the fit is right, then it's just adjusting to swimming in it.

The biggest thing to me is that you've proven that you've the got the mental toughness to stick it out. That will get you much farther in your training and improvements than just about anything else.

2012-05-01 8:21 AM
in reply to: #4181335

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
TLakatos1259 - 2012-04-30 12:43 PM

I just signed up to volunteer for the NYC triathlon.  I think Dave mentioned this as a great way to watch others.  I also get to race in 2013, I still have to pay - but I skip the lottery process, so cool.

Today's question:  Preference on wetsuit, sleeves or no sleeves? and why / why not

Tom- Bonus points for volunteering!  the NYC Tri!  no less!  I would love to do that event!   You will totally enjoy this and get the perk for getting in next year.   So I  agree this is so cool.

Wetsuit-  I have both. 

BUT I only use the sleeveless.   And I've used the sleeveless in very cold water tri's and it was no biggie.     advantage to me to the sleeveless is that I don't feel any binding/restriction on my shoulders when swimming.   I can get in/out of it quicker then the full and it was CHEAPER!    in fact my full sleeve wetsuit  Xterra  was like $300   I got the sleeveless for like $100 

People say the full sleeve is faster, and that they can get out of it just as quick.   Some peeps are just really cold in the water and feel they need the full sleeve.       I do most of my OWS in Lake Michigan which is quite cold.      Admittedly, my full sleeve suit is too small for me, but I feel so comfortable/right in the sleeveless that  I don't want to go back to full sleeves.     So there ya go   thats one perspective.

2012-05-01 8:28 AM
in reply to: #4182446

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Gurnee, IL
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
peterflagg - 2012-04-30 8:07 PM

Hey everyone! I am bouncing over here to give a little update. For those of you that do not know me I was in the last group that Oriolepwr and Quincy did. Well this weekend I did my first duathlon. I do enjoy that I completed and did some awesomeness on the runs but blew up on the bike. My first run was 32:18 for the 5k, my 20 mile bike ride was 1:44 (I hated the hills!!!!), and then killed it on the next 5k at 29:32. I was afraid of finishing last so that motivated me. I just wanted to say thanks for Quincy and Oriolepwr assistance and guidance. Listen to them. Of course I need to work on the biking more. I want my time to be around 1 hr.


Thanks again guys and gals!

Peter!  thanks for checking in and letting us know how you are getting on its great to see you so fired up.    Awesome that you went faster on the second 5K!    Great work my gluco bro!   

2012-05-01 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4128570

SouthSide of Chicago
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

Just a quick question/point. 


Does anyone experience a heart rate spike when running outdoors vs treadmill?  I noticed last night while out for a little 10 mile run that my hear rate spiked and stayed a smooth 169 (and felt great so it was not bad) vs a normal rate on a treadmill around 150.  I wonder if it is the outdoor air quality (pollen, and other allergies) vs that of controlled HVAC units?

Any thoughts.

2012-05-01 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4182450

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
ransick - 2012-04-30 9:10 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!


Nice job continuing on after the panic attack!  That shows huge mental toughness which is more important than physical toughness when things don't go well.  

Thank you, Mike. I have to admit, though, I really thought about stopping. By the time I started the bike I was almost in last place, and I thought, well...there's really no where to go but up from here. It actually took some of the pressure off of me - feeling like I wasn't really 'racing' anyone. It was kind of nice, too, during the run. I didn't get passed by one person (it was definitely a first)!

2012-05-01 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4182711

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
fitmomma2010 - 2012-04-30 11:28 PM
Sarah73 - 2012-04-30 10:38 AM

Shelly was right! I had my first ever panic attack on the swim. As a psychiatrist I commonly treat people with panic attacks who always ask if I've ever experienced one. When I say no, they usually say, 'well, you just can't understand it unless you've been through it'. I have now!!

I even went out and swam about 100 yards right before the race, in the lake, to get used to it, and felt great! Then, when we started, and I got kicked in the face...I completely freaked out!! I started hyperventilating, my heart rate shot up, and I just layed on my back saying, out loud, 'calm down, you're not going to die, just calm down!" I almost called a boat over, but ended up doing some crazy combination of side stroke, doggie paddle, and back stroke. I just couldn't put my face back in the water! I ended going from about a 12 minute pool 600 yards to over 20 minutes in the lake. Then when I finally made it out, I couldn't walk straight! I was falling to the side, and couldn't even think about running to transition!! I don't know how I even made it not being able to walk a straight line!

I don't have a race report out, yet, as the official results aren't posted, but the rest of the race went pretty well. When I finally stopped falling over, and got on the bike, I did the 15 miles in about 17.5 MPH and the 5 K in about 8 minute miles. The whole thing lasted about 1:40 - and I felt pretty good at the end. I'm just soooo frustrated about the swim.

I feel like I need to get back in, but I am so nervous about going back into the lake!! Even just thinking about swimming in the lake again gives me butterflies, and I start to feel a little panicky again. I need some good advice from you seasoned triathletes!! Should I try swimming in the pool in the wetsuit? I think the wetsuit had a lot to do with my feeling that I couldn't breathe, but I also think if I didn't have it I still would have panicked, and I would not have been able to float, and would have had to quit. Help!!

Sarah, You did it - YAAAY! And if it makes you feel any better, my finishing time on my first tri was almost the exact same as yours except that I only had to swim 400m- lol. You did awesome sticking it out and then hammered the bike and run and placed first in your age group to boot! That is fabulous. Just imagine how fast you'll be when you get your swim issues worked out. I really think the biggest issue is just more OWS practice. My second tri was easier than my first and I was 30sec per 100 yds faster. Next like Dave already said is making sure that the wetsuit isn't too tight. It may or may not be, but if it is, that will definitely make it harder to breath. If the fit is right, then it's just adjusting to swimming in it. The biggest thing to me is that you've proven that you've the got the mental toughness to stick it out. That will get you much farther in your training and improvements than just about anything else. Anyways, GREAT JOB! Shelly

Thank you, Shelly. I kept thinking about you in the water. That story you told about the woman stripping her wetsuit off in the water just kept popping into my mind. If I didn't think I would drown, I might have tried to take mine off!

2012-05-01 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4182566

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Ocean Springs, MS
Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
oriolepwr - 2012-04-30 10:04 PM


OK  I think it would be fun for us to combine a lot of stuff we are working on into "EL CONCURSO"  (The contest)

We will combine monitoring our resting heart rates with consistent training,  racing and weight loss.   We update the scoring weekly.   At the end of the mentoring period, we see who has the most points.    

The winner receives a package of semi-fabulous  prizes that you may treasure for the rest of your tri-life.   now keep in mind at a garage sale these items might be worth like $10-$15  so don't get TOO excited!  But the thrill of victory will be yours. 

The reality is I don't have this all worked out and am looking for help to complete how it goes.  we need to get it figured out by the end of this week I think.

Help me out here guys, it wont be completely fair, but it can be fun anyhow.   Hopefully its motivating, and we will track it weekly and post results.  At the end date   (end of July?)  we announce the winner.      I'm out of time tonight   but will add more to this over the next few days.   SO what should we add, adjust, modify, any thoughts are appreciated.

Resting heart rate.-  You monitor this every morning   5x per week = 1 point  

Why???   this tells you  where your body is in terms of recovery.   The more rested you are the lower your heart rate will go till it hits its low point.    We don't care WHAT your number is.   You are tracking this for your own info.    I'm just saying its part of the contest cause it tells you much about your recovery. 

I hope you will come to value RHR as a good tool in your training.        Best would be if this info was posted on your daily training blog.           

Take this before you get up in the AM.    I use a Blood pressure machine I got from Walgreen's  I used to log my BP every day along with the RHR  but you can just take your pulse however you want to do it.  just be sure its at a consistent time in the AM and before you drink your COFFEE!        it will get lower  the fitter you are.    That is fun to track.

Weight-  We all seem to want to lose weight.    Roughly  1 pound of excess fat loss = 2 seconds faster per mile on the run

We are all diff shapes and sizes in the group.   We will post our beginning weight and you gain points for every  1% of weight loss.  That is fair "enough"  right?

Training-  You get better via training.   still working this one out  as far as how to score it.   S/B/R  only  resistance training,  grass cutting etc  wont count.    there has to be some sort of minimum time with this I think.    More on this in the coming days.

Racing- you get big points for racing.  That's what we do, or are planning to do right??   (points to Tom and Sarah since it was just YESTERDAY that they raced)

Bonus points- stuff like volunteering for races etc.   Being active in the forum  (like 3 posts per week?)




This sounds like fun, Dave. I am all in. I think remembering to take my pulse in the morning will be my biggest challenge!!

2012-05-01 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4128570

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Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN

OK, so now I'm really getting excited.  I just signed up for another tri. Officially set for 5/26 and 7/21!

Atleast I won't need leg warmers, LOL

Any thoughts on renting a wetsuit?  The May 26th is a lake swim, so it may be cold.

2012-05-01 12:32 PM
in reply to: #4183633

User image

Subject: RE: Oriolepwr and QuincyF's Magical Mys-tri Tour "The Sequel"-OPEN
mjh1975 - 2012-05-01 9:54 AM

Just a quick question/point. 


Does anyone experience a heart rate spike when running outdoors vs treadmill?  I noticed last night while out for a little 10 mile run that my hear rate spiked and stayed a smooth 169 (and felt great so it was not bad) vs a normal rate on a treadmill around 150.  I wonder if it is the outdoor air quality (pollen, and other allergies) vs that of controlled HVAC units?

Any thoughts.

Matt, My heart rate goes up when i'm on a treadmill, but mostly because of my raging hatred of treadmills.  

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