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2013-03-21 3:11 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: I Need Oxygen

Ran on the hotel treadmill here in Denver this morning.  I'm used to running among the cotton fields in the Mississippi River delta not this air with no moisture and no oxygen.  I was really needing some air and hope the problem was due to the higher altitude and not a sudden drop in fitness.

This is a recovery week and it times well with my business trip which would have messed up my training during any other week.

2013-03-22 10:00 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Well winter just does not want to quit up here this year! We got pounded with a snow storm and cold temperatures with lots of wind!! Training has been coming along well, just stuck to the indoors for a bit yet though. Got in a full week of training and tomorrow doing a two hour spin class...I hope I am up to the task!
2013-03-23 12:52 AM
in reply to: #4671173

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
I was just thinking that about summer here! Its been very humid and hot here today.I managed to get back into some exercise this week, just gradually testing the back.Did a run on the tready about 5ks, with the pace increasing, and managed to cope. The spin class was more challenging, and I could feel it in my back, but did some ab work to stretch and build core strength.Today managed a 1k swim and 5k jog with my daughter. It was actually very nice to be running at a slower pace and dare I say enjoying it!
2013-03-24 4:22 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Hey everyone ... had a ridiculously busy week at work and didn't get a chance to check in! Sleep was the most important thing in my life last week!! Just one of those weeks ... meals weren't planned like they should be and training just didn't happen.

Meh. It happens sometimes. Life gets in the way!

Felicity: I'd never heard of Parkrun ... but I just Googled it. There is apparently one in Launceston. About an hour away from me. One day I may make it up there for a run ... but probably not!! What a great concept though ... hopefully it makes it to my area! Sorry to hear your back's no good. I'd be getting that treated pronto, if you can. I came out of my 5km run with a minor injury ... really sore left leg. Luckily, I had my monthly massage booked for last week ... my massage therapist fixed me right up and I'm like a whole new girl!

Okay ... I want to share my plan for next week (just 'cause I can) ... hope you all don't mind. I've got two runs, two bikes and three weights sessions down on my schedule. All nice and easy. And very short. Easing into things. Hoping to do a couple of walks in the mornings too. I know it's very un-triathlete-like, but I love to start the day with a walk. They will serve as my warm-ups to the weights sessions.

I hope everyone had an ace weekend. I spent a great deal of time today on the laptop following IM Melbourne!!

Have a great week, everyone.


2013-03-24 6:11 AM
in reply to: #4671914

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Subject: RE: IM Melbourne
Em, you are not the only one thats modifying training, after getting the back sorted I have noe caught my daughters cold, so training will be affected again! might try some strength sessions.Pity parkrun is so far away, its only 5mins from here...As for IM Melbourne, wasn't it a fantastic race. We streamed it live all day and watched our friend cross the line. Its pretty inspiring.
2013-03-24 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4544153


Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Hi, my name is Katie and I was wondering if you take new members?

2013-03-24 9:00 AM
in reply to: #4544153


Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Here is a little more detail.I am 42 and a married mother of two! I've been running for the last few years and worked myself up to running a couple HM and a 15 miler last year. I grew up in Germany and was a swimmer in school but really have not done any swim training in years. At the beginning of this year I decided to run the Pittburgh marathon in may and started training. A little over 3 weeks ago, after a 15 mile run, I had some pain in my right foot and was diagnosed with posterial tibial tendonitis. After a week of no training at all ( getting pretty depressed at this point!) I started some swimming and cycling cross training. So here I am! I changed my Marathon plan to a HM, because I won't be able to get the miles in training that I need, since my foot is still not 100%, and found a local sprint Triathlon in August in my area.I'm currently looking at a new bike and am trying to get about 2 sessions of 2500-3000 yards swim in per week. I don't have a plan yet and would love some advice on where to go from here!!Thanks for reading this!Katie
2013-03-25 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: Ate Some "Humble Pie"

Did a sprint (super sprint?) yesterday in the cold rain; 300m pool swim-10.5 mile bike-3.1 mile run.  Final results have not been posted online and I suspect that the run was closer to 2.5 miles but have not seen any updates on this yet.

Came in second in my family as my daughter beat me again...

I don't think I pushed hard enough on the bike as I tried to figure out a proper effort level but my legs still didn't feel great on the run; it took about 15 minutes of running before I felt like I was starting to get any kind of a stride going.  I thought I would be moving towards the middle of the pack with my biking but I still fell towards (or at) the bottom of my age group.  Preliminary results that were posted on the board at the race had me FOP swimming, BOP biking, and MOP running (I think).  FOP swimming does little good in a 300M swim.  I had to slow and pass people in the pool as well; folks were not sticking to the race numbers which were assigned based on swim estimates.

Anyway, it was a good experience and training aid.  It tells me that in order to finish my Oly in May without having to walk, I will need to stay at a leisurely bike pace; maybe I will put some tassles on my handle bars.

2013-03-25 7:55 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Well unfortunately my recovery week ended Saturday and on Sunday it was balls to the wall again. Started out with a 2.5 hour ride 3x30 minutes at Oly pace. Felt good but by #3 my legs were hurting. Then when I woke up this morning I was greeted to 3 inches of snow! Its almost April, what is this crap?! Toyed with the idea of doing my run on the dreadmill but ultimately decided to take my chances this evening. 1.5 hours broken out as follows. 30 min easy, 40 min @ slightly slower than Oly pace (6:43/mile), and 20 easy. Ended up with about 12.5 miles and almost 1000ft of climbing ugh. Legs are killing me right now. You can understand why I didn't want to do that on a treadmill, I probably would have hung myself haha. Putting in about 5000 yards in the pool in the am.
2013-03-26 9:41 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

haha the tread mill is soooo boring!! Jason I just can't get over the distances/time you put in for training!! I put in about 375 minutes last week and it was one of my best weeks! I can totally relate to the snow though! Tongue out We are FINALLY getting a little taste of spring here this week! We actually got above 0 celcius here yesterday and maybe double digits by the weekend! YAY!

David looks like you got off to a good start to the season! I am still hemming and hawing about which races to squeeze in yet this year. Turns out that one of the races I wanted to particpate in I had a previous engagement. So it has been back to the drawing board.

Felicity glad to see you taking it a little easier and letting your back heal up...that is so important!

Emily sounds like you have an ambitious week ahead...good luck with that!

Happy training all!       Howard

2013-03-26 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Jason, really enjoying the blog!! I had no idea that bike racing was a contact sport! I can't believe you kept your cool through that ordeal, I am sure I would have lost it! Way to fight back just the same!

Hey I looked at those You Tube vids and found them to be interesting but Bobby doesn't say, or at least I didn't hear him say, anything in regards to distance or time for any of his drills. How have you put that together or is there another vid where he explains that? 

Thanks,    Howard

2013-03-27 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4674722

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
hwkirby - 2013-03-26 9:41 AM


David looks like you got off to a good start to the season! I am still hemming and hawing about which races to squeeze in yet this year. Turns out that one of the races I wanted to particpate in I had a previous engagement. So it has been back to the drawing board.

...       Howard

The race fit in well with my goal of the Olympic Tri in May.  After getting some more information and updates on the results, I don't feel quite so bad about my times.  I wasn't completely down at the bottom of the bike leg and finished in the middle overall.  I have to remind myself that some of these racers have been doing this for a while and I am just a beginner.

Winter will not go away; we are running about 15F below normal outside this past week.  I need a little warmer weather in order to work some bike/run bricks into my training.  This is what I felt the most from Sunday's race; also changing shoes with numb fingers a little quicker and improving my transition times

My daughter and I both started tri training the middle of last summer and she had no biking or swimming experience but still usually finishes top one or two in her age group.  She missed out this race because she struggled with her clothes in the rain; even though she beat #2 and #3 in race times her transition times were longer and knocked her down to 4.  There are always one or two people that finish ahead of me due solely to transition times.


2013-03-27 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Finished my last spin class this morning. The classes have been tough but I certainly feel stronger on the bike. They fire up  again in two weeks but I am not sure if I will sign up for another session or not. I may only because the interval training is so good. I am in hopes that spring has finally arrived and I can get outside for a much desired change of scenery! So the past couple of weeks I have pushed myself in the pool and upped my distance to 2000 meters. Yesterday I felt strong going into my training and knocked a full 8 minutes off my time and finished in 58 min. I was gassed when finished but in the end it will be worth it! It is a mix of drills, interval training and just swimming. Jason your probably splitting a gut about nowLaughing but for a guy who started just over a year ago and couldn't hardly do two lengths back to back, I've come a long way baby!!!Cool
2013-03-27 9:38 AM
in reply to: #4676329

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Day-Day - 2013-03-27 8:28 AM
hwkirby - 2013-03-26 9:41 AM


David looks like you got off to a good start to the season! I am still hemming and hawing about which races to squeeze in yet this year. Turns out that one of the races I wanted to particpate in I had a previous engagement. So it has been back to the drawing board.

...       Howard

The race fit in well with my goal of the Olympic Tri in May.  After getting some more information and updates on the results, I don't feel quite so bad about my times.  I wasn't completely down at the bottom of the bike leg and finished in the middle overall.  I have to remind myself that some of these racers have been doing this for a while and I am just a beginner.

Winter will not go away; we are running about 15F below normal outside this past week.  I need a little warmer weather in order to work some bike/run bricks into my training.  This is what I felt the most from Sunday's race; also changing shoes with numb fingers a little quicker and improving my transition times

My daughter and I both started tri training the middle of last summer and she had no biking or swimming experience but still usually finishes top one or two in her age group.  She missed out this race because she struggled with her clothes in the rain; even though she beat #2 and #3 in race times her transition times were longer and knocked her down to 4.  There are always one or two people that finish ahead of me due solely to transition times.


David I hear you! I have never trained like this in my life and am just into my second year. Us rookies have been on a steep learning curve since starting and tons more to learn yet! One training session, day and race at a time! Slow but sure it will come together!  Always nice to see the stats come out and see that you did better than you thought! That's sweet!      Howard 

2013-03-27 12:58 PM
in reply to: #4674766

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
hwkirby - 2013-03-26 10:55 AM

Jason, really enjoying the blog!! I had no idea that bike racing was a contact sport! I can't believe you kept your cool through that ordeal, I am sure I would have lost it! Way to fight back just the same!

Hey I looked at those You Tube vids and found them to be interesting but Bobby doesn't say, or at least I didn't hear him say, anything in regards to distance or time for any of his drills. How have you put that together or is there another vid where he explains that? 

Thanks,    Howard


Glad your enjoying the blog, I will try to keep updated at least once a week if not more. Especially now since there are a lot of races in the future. As far as the drills go, I've been trying to do maybe once a week or so and I usually don't do then for a long amount of time or distance. Maybe 15-20 yards at a time and 3-4x through each drill just to work on some muscle memory.

Keep up with the swimming and it will continue to get better. Before you know it you will be putting out 4000 meters in no time!

As for me rolled my ankle VERY bad yesterday morning while trying to bring in the trash. I was getting ready to go to the pool and part of our driveway drops off a  little and since it was pitch black. BAMM! Could have sworn I heard a snap and I am already sensitive to that ankle cause I have broken it before. I got up and limped around for a little but was able to walk on it. Went to the pool but it hurt when I would kick. I just swam through the pain and when I got to work made sure I put ice on it. First time I have rolled an ankle this bad where it actually hurt for so long. It was swelled but no bruising so I knew it wasn't to bad. Feels better today so we will see how it feels when I test it out at tonight training crit ride. I'm sure there will be a lot more riders out today which only means for a faster ride. Thinking of trying to establish a breakaway and see what happens.

2013-03-27 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4676364

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Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Howard and David,you guys sound like you are on track and having your daughter compete with you would be great fun! Mine are a bit young for that yet as my eldest is 11. I am doing the regular 5k parkruns with her on a sat wondering where all the girls have gone, and what they are up to? Haven't heard much in a while.My disastrous time is continuing after getting over the sprained lower back, I have spent this week battling a cold/ viral sinusitis. It is going around at the moment and two of my kids have had it....Since started to exercise for tris about a year ago, I regularly get sick (last year every 4-6weeks). This is due in part to having Hashimotos disease which is a thyroid autoimunne condition. It means each time I ramp up a little I get sick. At this rate I will be doing a HIM when I turn 50 ( in 8 years). I always feel like it is 2 steps forward one back, but I do know that if I try to exercise through it, I get worse and need antibugs, so I rested up lied on the lounge watched a bit of lifestyle TV, oh and started some readings for my Masters that I am finishing this year.I have a 10k fun run a week Sunday, so have wound back expectations to doing the event without stopping or walking, even if I shuffle....and hopefully bettering last years time.Not sure about my Oly in June 2nd. I really am not prepared for the bike/run bit and had a look at the course maps last night. Apparently the run is on sand......the entire run! Surely that can't be true. I may downsize to the sprint, as I don't want to injure myself and want to make sure I finish....although I really want to do the swim, it is the only thing I am confident at!My husband has suggested I make the decision when we get there, so I don't regret it.Its only about 8 weeks away.

2013-03-27 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN


Getting sick so often has to be frustrating.  I'm sure the kids are bringing stuff home all the time especially during school season.  I used to battle strep throat with my kids; seems like I'd get it and it would take extra time for me to get rid of it though it didn't bother me once I was on the anti-biotics; I'd just keep testing positive for it.  Do you think the regular exercise helps (as long as you don't get too fatigued)?  I think it helps keep me healthy but I don't know about Hashimoto's.

Training with my daughter is fun but occasionally it gets tough to fit out schedules.  We usually swim at the same time and bike outside together; we run together every once in a while.  We have one trainer that we share for biking indoors.

If that tri run is all on the sand they are nuts!  Maybe the biking is on the sand too!  June 2 is still a ways off if you can get some solid training time without too many interuptions; if not, nothing wrong with the sprint and you should be better prepared for it.  I definitely need more bike riding before May 19.


Edited by Day-Day 2013-03-27 8:46 PM
2013-03-28 9:20 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Anybody here done a triathlon where the swim was done in a pool? One of the bigger organizers of tri's here in Alberta has very recently switched one of their races to the facility I train in. It is mid May so earlier than I would like but thought I should be able to do the sprint distance okay. They are going to put 4 people in per lane and I wonder how that has worked with others, it seems a little crowded to be able to pass or get passed etc. The bike and run are flat so I like that!  

Felicity good on ya, for working through your trials! Running in the sand???! That is just nasty, I hope that is not the case!

Jason to bad about the ankle! A little to close to your racing season to have something like that set you back, especially after all that training! So the running drills thing is that! Thanks for that I wasn't sure how to proceed with those drills. I will give them a try here before long.

Well we have a long weekend coming up here and am looking forward to it! Happy training everyone!           Howard 

Edited by hwkirby 2013-03-28 9:22 AM
2013-03-28 9:32 AM
in reply to: #4544153

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Well how about an update/report. Caution: this will be lengthy! So last night was our Wednesday Worlds bike training race! Just a reminder tonight was 5 laps on a 3 mile loop but the catch, 20 mph winds!!!! Finishing stretch was a headwind, first stretch crosswind, second tailwind and 3rd crosswind. Keep in mind finishing stretch is also slightly uphill, double whammy. We went in two groups Cat 1 and 2 in first and rest in second group. We had about 18-20 people in our group. My plan is normally to try different strategy to see what works and go from there. Tonight was try and break away on last lap at first crosswind section. First lap was easy pace nothing crazy. Start ofsecond lap and iI am at the front drilling into headwind. I hit the crosswindsection look back and 7 of us have a gap to the group, one of them is my teammate. We start rotating through and quickly lose 1 guy, down to six. Hit the finishing stretch on lap 2 and shell 2 more out the back, only 4 remain. My teammate puts in a little effort and gets a gap one guy follows and I sit on the wheel of the guy in front, catch my breath and bridge up. Now only 3 remain. We exchange pulls for the whole 3rd lap and little happens. We hit the cross wind section on lap 4 and I give it more effort, hit the turn, look back and just me and my teammate. We decide to drill it and not let the guy reattach. +30mph on the tailwind section and ~28mph into second crosswind and he is gone. Only me and my teammate are left and we have completely blew apart the race. Last lap we talk and exchange pulls, no one is within sight as we keep going further up the road. Final turn is about 3/4 of a mile from finish. I know my teammate is a much stronger rider (this is a cycling team so that's all they train) so I decide to be a jerk and just sit on his wheel hoping I can just save energy and out sprint him. He opens up his sprint about 500m from line and I sit on his wheel about 200m from line I go past and he is done. Nice little win but one hell of a training ride. Even with the strong wind we averaged +22mph.

This morning my legs were still a little sore from all the hard training early this week. But woke up and did a quick 2800 yards in the pool then hit up the track for some speed work. Did 8x400m on1:20 I actually felt pretty good but legs need some rest now! Hope everyone is having a good day!
2013-03-28 9:35 AM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: Pool


The sprint I did on Sunday had the swim in a pool but was only 300 yards.  The race uses the timing chips so participants started about 10 seconds apart (was supposed to be 5 seconds apart).  The distance is limited based on the width/length of the pool and the number of lanes because the swim is up lane #1, cross under the rope and back down lane #2, cross under the next rope and up lane #3 and so forth in a zigzag fashion.

The race numbers are distributed based on the estimated swim times submitted by each particpant when they sign up for the race with the hope that the swimmers don't get too bunched up.  Passing swimmers can be difficult especially as you are approaching the wall.

What is the swimming distance for the pool swim?  Sharing the lanes sounds interesting; how do they keep count?


Edited by Day-Day 2013-03-28 9:36 AM
2013-03-28 3:12 PM
in reply to: #4677718

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Pool
Day-Day - 2013-03-28 8:35 AM


The sprint I did on Sunday had the swim in a pool but was only 300 yards.  The race uses the timing chips so participants started about 10 seconds apart (was supposed to be 5 seconds apart).  The distance is limited based on the width/length of the pool and the number of lanes because the swim is up lane #1, cross under the rope and back down lane #2, cross under the next rope and up lane #3 and so forth in a zigzag fashion.

The race numbers are distributed based on the estimated swim times submitted by each particpant when they sign up for the race with the hope that the swimmers don't get too bunched up.  Passing swimmers can be difficult especially as you are approaching the wall.

What is the swimming distance for the pool swim?  Sharing the lanes sounds interesting; how do they keep count?


Interesting! So were you able to flip off the wall and scoot under the rope or did you have to stop/slow down to skip under the rope into the next lane? They say that it is a 'continuous feed' and when you are done in your lane another person starts.  So that doesn't make any sense to me??? especially when we have to do a full 750 metres. Unless when we empty out of our designated lane they fill the gap with another warm body. They also state that there are volunteers on hand to count your lengths and when you have two remaining they stick a flutter board in the water to indicate you have 2 lengths left. I guess that would be okay if we each wear a different coloured head covering. Other wise it could be a little tricky I would think. They do base your group on swim times so I guess you will be pretty much on par with others in your group. i am going to see if I can't email the organizer and get the specific details.

2013-03-28 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4544153

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East of the Rockies
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN
Way to go Jason!!! whoot whoot!! Sounded very exciting! Congratulations!!
2013-03-28 7:30 PM
in reply to: #4544153

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN


Flip turns were allowed but when I was in the mix I didn't feel safe doing them not knowing what is behind me.  Also, there were a number of turns where I had to kinda wait for the person in front of me to get out of the way or I had to slip through an opening to jump around them.  I would get to the wall turn and push off hard at a slight angle to move into the other lane.  The problem with these setups is that the swim distance is limited.

I wonder if you will have numbers on your swim caps to help identify.  750 is a pretty good distance.  I hope you don't get a counter who misses a lap or two and makes you do extra!


2013-03-29 12:44 PM
in reply to: #4676924

Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

flossybach - 2013-03-27 2:48 PM wondering where all the girls have gone, and what they are up to? Haven't heard much in a while.....

Haven't heard from several members lately...

2013-03-29 6:00 PM
in reply to: #4672017

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Extreme Veteran
Mount Joy
Subject: RE: Swimmer's Group (Olympic Distance Animals) - OPEN

Kat42 - 2013-03-24 10:00 AM Here is a little more detail.I am 42 and a married mother of two! I've been running for the last few years and worked myself up to running a couple HM and a 15 miler last year. I grew up in Germany and was a swimmer in school but really have not done any swim training in years. At the beginning of this year I decided to run the Pittburgh marathon in may and started training. A little over 3 weeks ago, after a 15 mile run, I had some pain in my right foot and was diagnosed with posterial tibial tendonitis. After a week of no training at all ( getting pretty depressed at this point!) I started some swimming and cycling cross training. So here I am! I changed my Marathon plan to a HM, because I won't be able to get the miles in training that I need, since my foot is still not 100%, and found a local sprint Triathlon in August in my area.I'm currently looking at a new bike and am trying to get about 2 sessions of 2500-3000 yards swim in per week. I don't have a plan yet and would love some advice on where to go from here!!Thanks for reading this!Katie


Katie the more the merrier!!! Welcome to the group! Hopefully the tendonitis gets better! Gives you a great opportunity to really put in some time into swimming and biking!

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