BT Development Mentor Program Archives » T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-02-19 6:47 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Was able to catch a short run today, had to cut it short for Dr.s appointment, been sick as a dog. Planned to go back tonight for swim class, but my ear infection & fever (not to mention my loving wife) are telling me to pass on tonight. Hope the dual antibiotics do their magic quick! I definitely need to bump my training time up! Sorry for the downer folks. Hope tomorrow is better! Tim

2013-02-19 10:35 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I hope you get to feeling better.  I have had some ear trouble for a few weeks but have been reluctant to use my drops because its not a feel blown infection and I get ear infections a lot.  I have been using silocone ear plugs though while swimming so that helps a lot and they dont fall out. 


If your running a fever rest up its better to miss two or three days to get well vs. a week if your bullheaded and make yourself worse. 

2013-02-20 4:16 AM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I agree Firemedic.  Tim you gotta let the body recover, training can wait, take it as recovery. Good luck.

Forgot to say thanks Fire for the running link I really enjoyed it and they had stuff on tri training as well.

Great day today my shins are better.  I have been really looking after them and it has paid off.  I think my problem was going from spin bike to treadmill.  Tonight I finally got on my bike.  Brick sess 10km bike and 1.4km run.  Only small but no pain yahhh. 

Hope all is well with everyone. 

2013-02-20 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4629208

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

BigAirT   Take the recovery day.  NO training is better than Bad training.    Your body wont perform well when sick and it just prolongs bad performances.   Get feeling better then get back on it.  

Alright it looks like nutrition is a good topic:  

I normally do not start taking any items besides water or a gatorade blend with me until I am running or biking over about 1hr 15 mins.   

I personally like Accelgel.   It sits well in my stomach and is easy to get down.   I will use GU sometimes but it is a little thick for my taste.   

When I start looking at brick work I like to ride for an hour then run.   That is a good time to start monitoring water intake and calorie intake.   To much water and your belly will feel sloshy when running.   NOt enough water you might start cramping.   I also like to take in about 150 calories and hour when going over an hour.   If I am planning 3 hours or more then I look to gain about 200 to 250 calories per hour.   

2013-02-20 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4630095

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
todays run training. 

(sledding feb. 2013.jpg)

sledding feb. 2013.jpg (59KB - 10 downloads)
2013-02-20 11:22 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Haha cute!  Beautiful dogs man, thanks for sharing!


2013-02-21 3:39 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
What an awesome pic cute.
2013-02-21 8:19 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Awesome! How much snow did you end up with? They are saying we will get 8-12, Yuck! I like to visit snow in Colorado. Planning to hit the gym today, going to keep it light, not up to much yet, my equilibrium is still way off. I'm thinking some easy swim drills & maybe zone 1 treadmill. I have to do something to celebrate #41 today, I've been feeling all of it the last few days. If I'm up for it I'm thinking some planks, any other core work would probably not be good with the whole equilibrium thing. Hope you all are having a good week!!! Keep up the good work! Tim
2013-02-21 10:00 AM
in reply to: #4631338

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

We got about 2 inches then things started turning to rain and it started going away.   I was not sure who had more fun the dogs or kids.  

Going to do some stretching and get things ready for saturdays race.  

2013-02-21 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Good luck with your race hammer!  


I had a massive workout today however, it was not a brick because I had a meeting to attend for work.  I ran to the meeting then came home and had some quick digesting nutrition then biked.  Oh and I got a core workout in ... I feel great today.


On a seprate note... Please tell me my legs will get used to the bike ><!  They burn during most of my ride.  I am enjoying the riding but hoping it gets easier / smoother.


My bike time includes two rest periods.  One almost 6 minutes where I stretched some and a 2 minute break.  


My run was pretty good had to walk a minimal amount and I am so close to hitting 5 miles that I am pretty excited.

2013-02-21 4:46 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Happy Birthday BigAir have a good one and do an extra 10 push ups for me....he he

Good luck with the cycling Firemedic....I'm still triing as well.

Good Luck Hammer I can't wait to read your race report.

Recovery day for me....yahhh 

2013-02-21 8:35 PM
in reply to: #4632281

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

My upcoming race is a really short sprint but I am laying out some goals for this rust buster and lets see how I hold up.  

Swim is 440yrds.    Goal swim is 7min.    I know I will have to exit the pool and get across a timing mat.  

Transition: goal 1 min or less.    run to hallway get shoes on and up stairs to the bike area.  

Bike: 6.5 mile spin bike.   Goal 10 mins.    this is a bit unknown being a spin bike.   

Run Indoor track 1.5miles.   Goal 10 mins.   Need to run about 6:30 mile pace.  

Total   28mins.   

That is going to be a really fast time for me.   I will post up on saturday how I do.   Also found out that Isaac and I are in the same heat that will add some great competition to push us both.  


2013-02-21 10:50 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Thanks Run! Good luck Dave, go get em!!! Swam a real slow & careful 1.25 miles today, took an hour (I need to try real slow more often), I did a few planks but they were really messing with my head so I shelved the core work for another day. I'm getting better, not fast enough though, but tomorrow will be better!!! Tim
2013-02-22 4:33 PM
in reply to: #4548156

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Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I had a great workout today although I had some trouble out of my planar fascia / medial arch.  I stopped by and talked to my PT though and got some exercises to help ease the inflammation.  I got a short bike ride in after my swimming and it was rough as usual but I am pushing ahead. 


I increased my max nonstop distance today to 1000m ... I had to stop for may be 10 seconds to massage my arch but other than that nonstop.


Happy belated bday Bigair .. and GL tomorrow Hammer.

2013-02-22 4:34 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

BikeHere is a picture of my bike.


Edited by Firemedic623 2013-02-22 4:38 PM
2013-02-22 4:43 PM
in reply to: #4633708

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

very pretty!! 


2013-02-22 6:26 PM
in reply to: #4633708

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Nice bike Firemedic!! She's beautiful.


As for me, I've been struggling with knee pain. I'm not sure what happened.  But because of it, my training has been sporadic at best.  Tomorrow morning I'm thinking of doing a indoor sprint triathlon at the ymca.  It's free for members.  Afterwards I'll do my usual 1-1/2 hour saturday swim.  Hopefully the knee holds out for the run & bike portions. 

2013-02-22 6:35 PM
in reply to: #4633819

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Oh yeah,  I'm now the proud owner of a HUUB Aerious wetsuit.  I called them up a couple of weeks ago and they gave me 50% off.  I guess the Brownlee brothers have decided to use this brand. I can't wait to take it out for some open water swims in a couple of months. 
2013-02-22 8:40 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Gold Coast
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

Woo Hoo Very nice bike looks fast!!

Hope the knee gets better littlewj take care.

Had an awesome training session today.  4.3km run a little stiff in the calves and shins half way through (have my skins on now) and then a salt water lake swim about 130m wide so practiced running in swimming across and running out and back in and across again.  Really enjoyed it.

Good luck Hammer!!! Boy those times sound fast, can't wait to see how you go.

2013-02-23 5:49 AM
in reply to: #4548156

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Sharp looking bike there firemedic!
2013-02-23 1:07 PM
in reply to: #4632531

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

  Name             400m.   T1   Bike 6.2   1.6mile   Total  

Isaac                6:30     1:17   12:27     10:28     30:50

Dave                 6:56      :40      13:18    10:00    31:16   

We both had a great race.     the spin bike was a bit different and I had trouble holding a high cadence I am just a gear head and need to mash my pedals.    Swim felt good I could have gone just a bit harder but it felt great.    T1 I flew through here running Isaac over.   Bike was a bit wierd.   Run was great I held a good pace and blistered my last two laps.    ran a 6:26 pace off the bike.   

2013-02-23 2:34 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
Good job hammer.  That pace is crazy fast.
2013-02-23 2:37 PM
in reply to: #4548156

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
I plan on doing a hefty brick workout tomorrow depending on how my medial arches feel and this stupid earache.  I plan on doing 8-10 miles on the bike then running 5k directly after. 
2013-02-23 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4634363

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Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed

I have an arch problem from a previous injury.  Anytime I am running really hard on it or over 4 miles I tape my foot.   I started that about a year ago and it really helps.   If I do not tape I am limping the next day and scrubbing a workout because of if.   You might look into that.  


2013-02-23 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4634365

New user
Outside Nashville
Subject: RE: T3 Spring training 2013 - Closed
handyhammer - 2013-02-23 2:39 PM

I have an arch problem from a previous injury.  Anytime I am running really hard on it or over 4 miles I tape my foot.   I started that about a year ago and it really helps.   If I do not tape I am limping the next day and scrubbing a workout because of if.   You might look into that.  



It's ironic you mention that.  My PT has me rolling a bottle of ice to see if that helps and also told me if it did not help they would teach me how to tape my feet. 


Do you tape your foot for swimming also?  I have minor cramps when swimming for prolonged periods but prolong runs are the worst ... anything over 4 miles as you stated is when it really gets me too.

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