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2013-03-23 7:05 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
The 20 week HIM plan I'm doing had a prerequisite of being able to swim for 45 minutes, running and biking for an hour before starting. If you weren't at that level it was too much and you should take a longer plan. At first when I looked at the later weeks of the plan I was a bit scared, but now that I'm 7 weeks in I'm pretty confident. Obviously there's the physical part you need. I really think that the mental part is possibly just as important!! I've quickly acclimated to the longer far, lol. But where its tough is knowing that you're going to be working out 6 days a week for 5 months. Some days you just don't wanna get in the pool or run. Those are the days the me tall aspect comes in. You need to push through, and I think that those end up being some of my best workouts. Its something that ultimately you need to answer for yourself. I certainly don't feel there's a one size fits all pattern to say you're ready. I just remember what one of my old coaches used to say.."You can't make the shot, if you don't take the shot!""

2013-03-23 11:20 PM
in reply to: #4671044

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
PoleyPower - 2013-03-22 7:21 PMQuestion: I have a friend that is really "encouraging" me to do a HIM with him next year, probably in late august/september. Considering I've only really started exercising on January of this year, is next year too soon to commit to a HIM? There is a lot of sites that mention spending 3 years of Olympic or sprints before doing a HIM. What do y'all think?
Here is my 2 cents. Ironman and HIM obviously requires a measured amount of physical conditioning. But I personally believe that endurance races are 20% physical and 80% mental. I could not swim 2 laps in a 25 yard pool when I signed up for my first IM, and 8 months later I was crossing the finish line. I think to say you need to have 3 years of Olympic distance experience is ridiculous. It is all about your personal drive. The reason most people in this world will never do an Ironman is because they lack the drive. But if you have the mental drive to do a full or a half and you decide to dedicate the time required for the training, you are physically capable of training for and completing a half or even a full 140.6 within the first year. It is not easy, but it is possible. You might like to read this when you have time... It may just motivate you.
2013-03-25 1:52 PM
in reply to: #4671876

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

So follow up question:

I've got a friend that is really encouraging me to do a HIM with him in september. I'm considering it. I'd like to try/do it but got some other factors that I have to consider (pregnant wife with a dislocate pelvis, new kid in May, we're broke anyways blah blah blah excuse excuse excuse etc.).
The only equipment I have is my wife's road bike, 2 piece trisuit, goggles, a gym membership and my Iphone.

What are something y'all would consider must haves in order to be prepared for a HIM? (body glide? Perfect Shoes?)
What items/gear helps a lot and would be good to have if I can swing it? (Speedos? Swim cap? Clips for the bike or will a cage do? Dignity?

He's also encouraging me to do a IM with him next year in Pensacola which I'm also thinking about longer than I need to. I'm nervous about committing considering I haven't even done a sprint yet.

2013-03-25 3:56 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Poley, while I encourage everyone to push themselves and do believe in the the whole "you don't know what you can do until you try" thing there are boundaries.  It is starting to sound as if you are putting way to much into this way to fast (decision wise / pressure).  What I mean is that you first need to see if this is something you are even going to enjoy doing.  I doubt you are pursuing a career in triathlon, so there is no need to treat it as such.  You also have a lot on your plate and a lot of it will and should consume a large portion of your time.  Half Ironman training may be workable in this schedule, but Full Ironman might not, or neither.  You can do it, but remember our children have but one childhood, and a marriage can only take so much.  I'm not trying to discourage you but instead trying to get you to enter the sport and stay with it becuase you enjoy it.  You do not have to do a Half or Full Ironman during this year or any other to validate yourself as an triathlete or Ironman.  You may chose to get healthy, stay healthy, enjoy the sport, get your family and others involved, and be an Ironman to your family.  I remind myself all the time that I should not do or purchase anything that puts my family at a lose.  I guess my point is that if you are only capable time / money / family / equipment wise to do two sprints this year, then do those two sprints to the best of your ability and enjoy them.  Don't try to force the square peg through the round hole.  

To answer your main question - shoes that are comfortable, a bike, clothing, and your desire are all you have to have.  The fancy bikes, tri suits, HR monitors, expensive shoes, high dollar helmets, and so fourth are things we desire but do not have to have. 

If you need a helmet I would be more than happy to send you the Bell one size fits all helmet that I had before purchasing a new one.  I also have a size large cycling jersey that I would be more than happy to give you.

2013-03-25 4:05 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Ok so let's recap my events from yesterday.  Woke up and got everything together for the Bluebonnet Express Bike Ride.  I had made up my mind that I would drop down to the 25 Mile route to put less on my back for the day.  Drove to the location and it was extremely wind, steady 20 mph gusting to over 30 mph.  I thought about it and debated not doing it becuase I knew the wind would make it more difficult and add more strain on my back.Undecided  I decided I would go sign in and think about it for the hour I had until the 8:30 start.  I got out my truck and had to fight just to push the door open, well it slammed shut behind me.  To my suprise I had hit the lock and now my phone, keys, and bicycle were all locked inside the truck. Yell I went to check in, used someones phone, and got my brother-in-law on his way to me with a key.  I got my key around 9:05 a.m. and made the decision that to start now with no one around was not the best decision for me / my back.  I headed home thinking how it just really seemed that the good Lord did not want me to do this race.  I pull into the driveway and see my cycling shoes on the drivewaySurprised (set them down when I was loading the bike).  I took this as another sign that this ride was not meant to be because even if all the other stuff had not happened I still could not have done the ride without my shoes.  I guess I'll never know why all this happened, but I am sure it happened for a reason. Things that make you go HUM

2013-03-26 6:53 AM
in reply to: #4673974

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

I was hoping to get an idea of how much of a money commitment this would be to see if it's realistic.

I don't know, the more I read the more this feels like it's a silly dream to move ahead with. Maybe it was the rough night with the kid but not feeling as committed to the idea.

Sorry your race didn't go as planned. But I like your outlook that perhaps there are reasons so many factors preventing you from moving forward on it. God works in mysterious ways. At least thats how I see it.

2013-03-26 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4674438

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
PoleyPower - 2013-03-26 6:53 AM

I was hoping to get an idea of how much of a money commitment this would be to see if it's realistic.

A. - Half Ironman Fee w/ tax roughly $267.00, Full Ironman roughly $650.00; Entry level road / tri bike $900 - 1300, Wetsuit $150 - 300, Shoes $100, Tri Suit or Top and Bottom $120, 1 or 2 prep races $150.00, Calf Sleeves $50, Hotel Fees and Food if race is not in your back yard.  There are more expensive options and much less expense items, but what I just gave you was basically mine w/ limited money.  (I bought and upgrades things over the past few years as I could afford them)

I don't know, the more I read the more this feels like it's a silly dream to move ahead with. Maybe it was the rough night with the kid but not feeling as committed to the idea.

A. It is not a silly dream or an unrealistic one. What I was trying to say is that you should not make doing a Full or Half the be all end all of triathlon.  I think sometimes we think to big to quick (world's worse here) and it makes it easy for us to get frustrated and to lose committment.  I think of it like this, when I quit smoking I told myself to make it one day then two and so on.  I did not tell myself today is it and I will never smoke again.  I did end up quitting for good but did it a day at a time for three years and now I can say I'm done forever.  Once again I went the long way around to say this, Train, Learn the Sport, Participate in a few Events, and then started formulating plans for the loftier goals, which you can do! 

Sorry your race didn't go as planned. But I like your outlook that perhaps there are reasons so many factors preventing you from moving forward on it. God works in mysterious ways. At least thats how I see it.

A. - That is the way I took it.  My wife felt the same but added that I did a pour job of preparing, and was an idiot for locking myself out.

2013-03-26 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4674438

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Co Louth, Ireland
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

My first HIM was in my second yr of tri - after 4 or 5 sprints and 2 oly races - my HIM was while my wife was pregnant and the race was 7wks before due date - saying that it was our first child. I'm now training for a full distance with an 18mth old so both can be done. You definately need your wife to agree to it as I see it as a team event. You'll sacrifice some of your free time but what else would you be doing?!! Smile

In terms of time I'd say I averaged about 6hrs/wk of training for my HIM over a 7mth period to finish in 6hrs - just trained on feel and not to a plan - wish I had worked to a plan for it now!

Cost wise it can get as expensive as you want! Essentials in my eyes:

Swim - a wetsuit (I race in Ireland where all races are wetsuit essential!) Swim cap and goggles.

Bike -  If your wife's bike is a good fit then there's no reson you can't use that. Helmet is obligatory in all races.  You have a tri suit. I think bike shoes are a good investment long term but you can get away without them easily. Some sort of bike compute is useful and can be picked up for about €20-30

Run - a good pair of trainers.

Thats it - the rest are luxuries and can be added to as your addiction grows!.

The key is balancing everything and a supportive family.

Just from my pesonal experience!

2013-03-28 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
I hope everyone has a great holiday and takes a little time to get some outdoor exercise. Looks like it is finally warming up a bit.
2013-03-28 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Going to be out of commission for a little while. Was told I have a MCL injury. Not sure how bad yet. So upset but I know it happens.
2013-03-28 8:26 PM
in reply to: #4678659

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Sal Hontiveros - 2013-03-28 8:23 PMGoing to be out of commission for a little while. Was told I have a MCL injury. Not sure how bad yet. So upset but I know it happens.
I'm no doctor, so I'm not sure what you can and cannot do, but I'm guessing if you ask your doc he will tell you some things you can still do to stay active during recovery. Keep your chin up, we are human... We heal.

2013-03-29 11:51 AM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Thanks. I will. Plan on swimming more and riding the stationary bike didn't hurt. I'll be back.
2013-03-29 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4679251

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Sal Hontiveros - 2013-03-29 11:51 AM Thanks. I will. Plan on swimming more and riding the stationary bike didn't hurt. I'll be back.

Stay with the group, and keep logging your workouts even if you are not running, please.

2013-03-29 5:17 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Took in the Good Friday Morning OFF with a 21.5 mile bike ride.  I really enjoyed the ride, my back caused me no issues and I got to help give some confidence to a friend who is doing a Half next weekend.  I found a ride that would most closely resemble what he would ride and just took a steady ride with him.  We had good conversation and I got to help him out a bit with his pacing, hydration, and fueling.  I know some will say how can I help with that stuff not having done one, but my friend is one of those with great cardio and ability but he does not pay attention to the other details, so I think this was good for him.  While I do enjoy riding by myself for the most part it was nice to ride with someone else. Everyone have a great Easter Weekend, I'm going to try to do a nice 3+ mile run tomorrow.
2013-03-30 4:25 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
I decided to run the race. Wore a knee brace. I finished. Great race.
2013-03-30 6:16 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Way to push through Sal, and it sounds like you came out no worse for the wear!

2013-03-30 7:24 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Thanks. I think I could have broken the 1:00 mark but didn't want to push it.
2013-04-01 8:12 AM
in reply to: #4680333

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed

Sal Hontiveros - 2013-03-30 7:24 PM Thanks. I think I could have broken the 1:00 mark but didn't want to push it.

You know this made we think of what I always tell myself before and after and event.  I want to do / did my best for the conditions and my current physical condition on this day.

Edited by Hunting Triathlete 2013-04-01 8:13 AM
2013-04-01 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
After a 2.5hr bike ride (on the trainer still) on Saturday, the left ball of my foot started to hurt. It wasn't hurting on the bike at all, but started shortly after. At first I thought it was the boots I had on, but then I recognized the pain as I had dealt with this a couple years ago in my right foot - metatarsalgia. The bones in the ball of my foot are inflamed, basically.

Great I had to skip my long run yesterday, which I had been looking forward to and it was such a nice day out it was a shame (by shame I mean I was in a horrible mood for several hours over it). I've been RICE-ing, and skipping today's scheduled 1.5hr bike and likely won't be able to do tomorrow's 45min run and Wednesday's 2hr ride + 10min brick is pretty iffy too. I went to yoga this morning instead, though had to limit myself from all those one legged moves.

I'm just hoping this won't sideline me for very long. It's so frustrating. I'm already dealing with shin splints and don't need to throw another injury on top of it!!
2013-04-01 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Keep your head up, just do what you can do. Who knows it might not be that bad this time, but if it is I'm sure you'll get through it.
2013-04-01 9:58 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Injuries are a part of racing for a lot of people. I have been very fortunate in the fact that I am not at all prone to injuries. I have, however started to recognize a bit of a pattern in my friends that seem to be on the IR list perpetually. It seems that many times, and of course not ALWAYS, but often, injuries seem to occur when athletes do too much, too fast, without the slow build that our bodies need to become acclimated the intensity and durations of the stress that we try to put them through. Endurance sports are just that, endurance. So I always try to tell people to ease into the training. If you are injured, be sure to take the time off to heal yourself properly. Fortunately in multisport racing you can usually still keep your cardio endurance in good condition even if nursing an injury. If your foot is hurt, swim more.. If your elbow is jacked, maybe you run more, etc. injuries are very discouraging, but they are a part of this sport that most people deal with, so keep your head up. The human body is amazingly resilient in its ability to heal, and it usually doesn't take all that long if you let it heal.

2013-04-02 8:43 PM
in reply to: #4559726

Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
A doctor friend of the family said I just had a bruised knee. MCL is fine. One more week of rest than full speed ahead.
2013-04-02 9:01 PM
in reply to: #4684343

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Angola, IN
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Sal Hontiveros - 2013-04-02 8:43 PMA doctor friend of the family said I just had a bruised knee. MCL is fine. One more week of rest than full speed ahead.
Great news!
2013-04-03 6:44 AM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Great to hear Sal.
2013-04-04 12:13 PM
in reply to: #4559726

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Iron Aardvark group - Closed
Doug, good luck with your sprint this weekend, I'm sure you'll kill it.Cool
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