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2013-05-21 9:05 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by Asalzwed

I'm planning on doing the beer mile in a few weeks, for those of you that don't know ( the basics are: 

Start - Beer/Lap - Beer/Lap - Beer/Lap- Beer/Lap - Finish
The beer has to be a min of 5% and the bottle/can can't be modified (so no shot-gunning etc.)
Anyone have a recommendation for a beer that is 5% but a  tolerable to chug? Any other tips/tricks?


Mirror Pond Pale Ale from Deschutes. Crisp and smooth at 5.5%

2013-05-21 10:01 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by Ajokisch

Sam Adams Double Agent IPL: discuss.

never tried it, but it gets okay reviews here..

Andres - The Double Agent IPL was based on the IPL from my friends brewery. The place is called Jack's Abby and all their beers are lagers as they are all made with lager yeast. Jack's has gotten some good press and Jim Koch "stole" the recipe. Stole is a strong word since Jack's Abby tastes damn good and Sam Adam's tastes like crap. Just my opinion.

Interesting, I'll have to look for that one. I tried the Sam right behind an IPA (sorry, can't recall what that one was), was wondering what others thought.
2013-05-21 10:07 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by podemma

Pool Success!
I tried everyone's suggestions out on my last two trips to the pool. Apparently even thought I thought I was swimming slowly I was not. I really focused on slowing down and this helped a lot. The last two trips I have managed around 22mm in the pool where as before I was struggling to make 15. Even though I'm swimming slower I'm swimming further in the same time frame since I don't need to rest as much. Thanks for all the suggestions.

That's great to hear. One of my great motivators is making those little improvements, a little bit faster or a little bit longer each time. The sense that I'm improving keeps me excited about getting in that next workout. Happy swimming!
2013-05-21 10:12 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by Burd

What a nice solid group we have going here. Looks like everyone has been getting in some great workouts.

How's everyone doing on Thor's monthly challenge? 6/17 here

Can I count this weekend's Tough Mudder as a workout? If so, that's 3, behind the curve but working to catch it up.

Separate question: when you post your weekly goals, what's the norm: Mon-Sun? Sun-Sat?
2013-05-21 10:30 PM
in reply to: hoenninger

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by hoenninger

Originally posted by jlangene

Good day so far, got to the pool and tried to swim some laps. It's pretty obvious I need to get some more practice before doing a sprint! I also need to learn how to breathe when swimming freestyle. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Other than the swim, went to the Dr. and she sent me for x-rays of the knee. She said that she wants an MRI, but with insurance, they won't authorize a MRI unless there is an xray done first. She said riding and running are fine for now and will wait to see the results when they come in. With that news, I also went for a nice 40 min bike ride just to get out on the bike again was great! I really missed it for the last two weeks. Hope everyone else is well!


Best thing to do to improve your swimming and breathing techniques is to take a class with a good teacher. I took a 6 week group course and it has made a world of difference. I never realized how important technique is to swimming!!

What knee issue(s) are you battling?

I am currently delaying my 6th surgery on my left in order to try and compete this summer. When I have surgery, it will be to address 1 or 2 meniscus tears, 2 floating fragments, and a small cyst. :-(


Thanks for the advice. I wish I could find a trainer unfortunately it is difficult in the middle of nowhere Not really sure what the knee issue is just started hurting under the knee cap hopefully nothing too serious, but I guess the xrays and MRI will tell.

2013-05-21 10:33 PM
in reply to: thor67

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by jlangene

Good day so far, got to the pool and tried to swim some laps. It's pretty obvious I need to get some more practice before doing a sprint! I also need to learn how to breathe when swimming freestyle. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Other than the swim, went to the Dr. and she sent me for x-rays of the knee. She said that she wants an MRI, but with insurance, they won't authorize a MRI unless there is an xray done first. She said riding and running are fine for now and will wait to see the results when they come in. With that news, I also went for a nice 40 min bike ride just to get out on the bike again was great! I really missed it for the last two weeks. Hope everyone else is well!

A couple of breathing tips.
-one goggle breathe-only one goggle comes out of the water when breathing.
-take note where you are looking while should be looking straight down.
-breathe into your shoulder
take a kick board. stretch it out in front of you.kick and take a stroke, almost like a catchup drill. you can work on your stroke and concentrate on your breathing. Don't start next stroke until your hand is back on board.


Thanks Thor great advice, I will try it and let you know how it goes. I am planning on going back for some more tomorrow . . . after I hit the golf course though!

2013-05-22 1:39 AM
in reply to: jlangene

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
After getting my handed to me for 12hours in the ER, had a great early morning run right after work. Little humid, but felt great. i'm waaaaay behind on the challenge, only 2 workouts in the bag so far. Going to do a quick workout circuit in the morn then pool time!!!!
2013-05-22 12:57 PM
in reply to: josephje

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Just finished a nice but hilly lunch time ride. 42 min and I keep my cadence up on all but the steepest hills.
2013-05-22 12:58 PM
in reply to: podemma

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Awesome training you guys!

Also, thanks for the beer mile advice!!!! I'll keep you posted. 

2013-05-22 7:12 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
How do you know it's a hot training day? When you drop a gummy bear on the driveway and come back an hour later and it's a puddle of liquid. I'm gonna drop an egg next time and time it.

Got in my run today. Each run is helping loosen up my knee. On the bike I'm going real easy and the movement seems to be helping loosen the tendonitis as well.
2013-05-22 9:19 PM
in reply to: jlangene

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Boy do I feel stupid. Here I have been asking everyone online for advice on swimming and all this time, my wife has been telling me, "I can teach you how to swim honey". Well, we finally had an afternoon with nothing else going on and got to go to the pool together and you know what, she is a heck of a good swimmer!!! I never knew I would have my own personal swim coach sleeping right next to me

2013-05-22 10:57 PM
in reply to: jlangene

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San Diego, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by jlangene

Boy do I feel stupid. Here I have been asking everyone online for advice on swimming and all this time, my wife has been telling me, "I can teach you how to swim honey". Well, we finally had an afternoon with nothing else going on and got to go to the pool together and you know what, she is a heck of a good swimmer!!! I never knew I would have my own personal swim coach sleeping right next to me

You're a lucky man! My GF is a good swimmer but cannot teach me a thing, instead I'm taking lessons
2013-05-23 11:22 AM
in reply to: ockeme3

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
So, updates and updates.

We closed on our house, and we're all moved in, so that's a major, major source of stress down. I'm visiting family in Southern Illinois right now, but still managed to get a great ride in this morning.

Actually, I managed to get lost on roads I spent most of my high school years driving on, and what was supposed to be a 25 mile tune-up ride before my sprint triathlon on Saturday, instead became a 45 Tour de Southern Illinois, with 1,700 feet of climbing.

Feeling pretty good right now, and looking forward to my race on Saturday.
2013-05-23 11:32 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

So, updates and updates.

We closed on our house, and we're all moved in, so that's a major, major source of stress down. I'm visiting family in Southern Illinois right now, but still managed to get a great ride in this morning.

Actually, I managed to get lost on roads I spent most of my high school years driving on, and what was supposed to be a 25 mile tune-up ride before my sprint triathlon on Saturday, instead became a 45 Tour de Southern Illinois, with 1,700 feet of climbing.

Feeling pretty good right now, and looking forward to my race on Saturday.

Good luck on the Sprint Saturday!
2013-05-23 11:58 AM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Originally posted by mirthfuldragon So, updates and updates. We closed on our house, and we're all moved in, so that's a major, major source of stress down. I'm visiting family in Southern Illinois right now, but still managed to get a great ride in this morning. Actually, I managed to get lost on roads I spent most of my high school years driving on, and what was supposed to be a 25 mile tune-up ride before my sprint triathlon on Saturday, instead became a 45 Tour de Southern Illinois, with 1,700 feet of climbing. Feeling pretty good right now, and looking forward to my race on Saturday.

That is fantastic, congrats. On everything, ha!

Look forward to hearing how Saturday goes!

2013-05-23 12:00 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open

Ohh, I had a Burnside Sweet Heat last night:

 A wheat ale with an addition of 200 pounds of Apricot puree, then dry hopped with imported Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. 

2013-05-23 12:37 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

So, updates and updates.

We closed on our house, and we're all moved in, so that's a major, major source of stress down. I'm visiting family in Southern Illinois right now, but still managed to get a great ride in this morning.

Actually, I managed to get lost on roads I spent most of my high school years driving on, and what was supposed to be a 25 mile tune-up ride before my sprint triathlon on Saturday, instead became a 45 Tour de Southern Illinois, with 1,700 feet of climbing.

Feeling pretty good right now, and looking forward to my race on Saturday.

Have a great race this weekend!
2013-05-23 12:42 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Ohh, I had a Burnside Sweet Heat last night:

 A wheat ale with an addition of 200 pounds of Apricot puree, then dry hopped with imported Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. 

YUM! I miss living in that neck of the woods having access to a ton of crazy beers.
2013-05-23 2:02 PM
in reply to: Ajokisch

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by Ajokisch

Originally posted by Burd

What a nice solid group we have going here. Looks like everyone has been getting in some great workouts.

How's everyone doing on Thor's monthly challenge? 6/17 here

Can I count this weekend's Tough Mudder as a workout? If so, that's 3, behind the curve but working to catch it up.

Separate question: when you post your weekly goals, what's the norm: Mon-Sun? Sun-Sat?

Absolutely on the tough mudder.
Whatever works for you. M-S or Sun-Sat.!
2013-05-23 2:04 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by Asalzwed

Ohh, I had a Burnside Sweet Heat last night:

 A wheat ale with an addition of 200 pounds of Apricot puree, then dry hopped with imported Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. 

So how was it??
I have had a chili beer(had chili in bottle....sucked) and just had a apricot wheat beer...sorry David, did not like it either. Luckily, had some friends over last night and got rid of it on them....
2013-05-23 2:09 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

So, updates and updates.

We closed on our house, and we're all moved in, so that's a major, major source of stress down. I'm visiting family in Southern Illinois right now, but still managed to get a great ride in this morning.

Actually, I managed to get lost on roads I spent most of my high school years driving on, and what was supposed to be a 25 mile tune-up ride before my sprint triathlon on Saturday, instead became a 45 Tour de Southern Illinois, with 1,700 feet of climbing.

Feeling pretty good right now, and looking forward to my race on Saturday.

Good to hear! Kick butt in the race!!

2013-05-23 5:39 PM
in reply to: thor67

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New user
Auburn, AL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Ohh, I had a Burnside Sweet Heat last night:

 A wheat ale with an addition of 200 pounds of Apricot puree, then dry hopped with imported Jamaican Scotch Bonnet peppers. 

So how was it??
I have had a chili beer(had chili in bottle....sucked) and just had a apricot wheat beer...sorry David, did not like it either. Luckily, had some friends over last night and got rid of it on them....

Just drank a Bud Select at a friends house. Guess that was my punishment for not training today.
2013-05-23 8:04 PM
in reply to: podemma

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by podemma

Just drank a Bud Select at a friends house. Guess that was my punishment for not training today.

Wow!! That's cruel and unusual punishment!

2013-05-25 11:47 AM
in reply to: hoenninger

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Race report incoming, as soon as I get the photos sent to me.

Estimated time: 1:20:00, and I am happy with the result.

The swim was a serpentine pool swim, 400 yards total. I was expecting a 2:15/100 pace, so hopefully around 9:00min total. What I was not prepared for was the depth of the pool. All my previous swims were in shallow lap pools. This pool hit 15' in the deep end, and I have a fear of heights, so every time I looked down in the deep end, I panicked, badly. I did a few warmup laps, so at least I knew what was going to happen, but I was not ready for it at all, and my swim suffered for it greatly. After the first three laps, I stared to close my eyes over the deep end, and let the lane line guide me.

I have never been more relieved to get out of the water than today.

Both transitions went well, and were smooth.

The bike was excellent, with an average speed just north of 20mph. I didn't spend as much time in aero as I wanted to, but I've only had the aero bars on the road for about 4 hours of ride time, so that to be expected. Also, on Thursday my light 25 mile ride involved me getting lost and riding 45 miles, including 1,700 feet of climbing, so much more effort than I wanted to put in. Yesterday we rode the course as well, but my wife's bike got two flats in 7 miles due to the rim tape shifting over to expose about half a milimeter of spoke hole, which was pinching the tube, so I rode back to the car and came and got her, and rode back rather harder than I should have. I brought a bit of deep muscle fatigue into the race with me, which slowed down the bike a bit. I still passed 9 people (the pool was a time trial start).

The run went well, a little over 8:30 pace, and given the fatigue from the previous rides and my killer bike split, it was a good effort. Not quire a 5k PR, but a close second. Passed three people on the run as well.

I am also very proud of my wife, who had some panic issues pre-race; she did very well, finishing about 1:40, and she passed two people on the swim.

I am waiting on the official results, but it was a good first triathlon.
2013-05-25 12:01 PM
in reply to: mirthfuldragon

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society 2 - Open
Originally posted by mirthfuldragon

Race report incoming, as soon as I get the photos sent to me.

Estimated time: 1:20:00, and I am happy with the result.

The swim was a serpentine pool swim, 400 yards total. I was expecting a 2:15/100 pace, so hopefully around 9:00min total. What I was not prepared for was the depth of the pool. All my previous swims were in shallow lap pools. This pool hit 15' in the deep end, and I have a fear of heights, so every time I looked down in the deep end, I panicked, badly. I did a few warmup laps, so at least I knew what was going to happen, but I was not ready for it at all, and my swim suffered for it greatly. After the first three laps, I stared to close my eyes over the deep end, and let the lane line guide me.

I have never been more relieved to get out of the water than today.

Both transitions went well, and were smooth.

The bike was excellent, with an average speed just north of 20mph. I didn't spend as much time in aero as I wanted to, but I've only had the aero bars on the road for about 4 hours of ride time, so that to be expected. Also, on Thursday my light 25 mile ride involved me getting lost and riding 45 miles, including 1,700 feet of climbing, so much more effort than I wanted to put in. Yesterday we rode the course as well, but my wife's bike got two flats in 7 miles due to the rim tape shifting over to expose about half a milimeter of spoke hole, which was pinching the tube, so I rode back to the car and came and got her, and rode back rather harder than I should have. I brought a bit of deep muscle fatigue into the race with me, which slowed down the bike a bit. I still passed 9 people (the pool was a time trial start).

The run went well, a little over 8:30 pace, and given the fatigue from the previous rides and my killer bike split, it was a good effort. Not quire a 5k PR, but a close second. Passed three people on the run as well.

I am also very proud of my wife, who had some panic issues pre-race; she did very well, finishing about 1:40, and she passed two people on the swim.

I am waiting on the official results, but it was a good first triathlon.

Congrats! That sounds like you and the misses had a great race. Seems once you both started everything began to fall into place. Congrats again.
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