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2013-05-27 4:32 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I tried to go on a bike ride today.  The inevitable has come to fruition.  I need to change out my cassette.  My chain kept jumping ship!  Apparently, it was acting as my bike coach because it thought I needed to ride a hell of a lot harder! Tongue out  Anyway, I took it into my friendly bike shop.  They are going to hook me up with a new cassette that will help me climb our steep hills.  I'm getting a 12/28 put on!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!

Are your rear gears jumping forward while your climbing? If so this could be due to stretched cables and dirty cable line. The flexing in the bike frame pulls on the cable and the grime holds it in place eventually causing your gear to change. Just a thought if this problem continues after your cassette is changed.

2013-05-27 7:20 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Jeff, take care hopefully it is nothing, just dehydration.
Will sounds like you are on your way to that IM with swims like that!
Dirk &Tony nice rides!
Welcome back Karl hope your son has some great games!
Last week we had 3 days of business education which put me behind at work, i felt a little frazzled but I was able to do all but 1 short run and a swim so I feel pretty good about that. Had a really good bike to run on Saturday I am thinking it is all the wall sits my trainer has me doing then a good run yesterday followed by an ok swim, for whatever reason iam just not feeling smooth with my swimming hopefully it will come together for the race, I can't believe we are only 4 weeks out from the HIM.
2013-05-27 7:40 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Today, in the USA, we observe a day of remembrance.  Please take some time today to consider all the cost's of the freedom we are afforded and who has willingly paid that price.  But when today is complete I would ask that you live a life that would never dishonor the bravery and self sacrifice of those men and women that have gone before.  Live each day as if a hero were standing next to you, counting on you to remain faithful, just as they have been.
2013-05-27 10:02 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I tried to go on a bike ride today.  The inevitable has come to fruition.  I need to change out my cassette.  My chain kept jumping ship!  Apparently, it was acting as my bike coach because it thought I needed to ride a hell of a lot harder! Tongue out  Anyway, I took it into my friendly bike shop.  They are going to hook me up with a new cassette that will help me climb our steep hills.  I'm getting a 12/28 put on!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!

Tracy I did the same recently, I picked up an 11/28 cassette for IMWI. Now I just need to get the bike over to the LBS so I can have they swap it out and do some other work that needs to be done. Let us know how you like it and how much difference it makes on your rides.
2013-05-27 10:23 AM
in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by BigDaddyD79
Originally posted by RunningYogini

I tried to go on a bike ride today.  The inevitable has come to fruition.  I need to change out my cassette.  My chain kept jumping ship!  Apparently, it was acting as my bike coach because it thought I needed to ride a hell of a lot harder! Tongue out  Anyway, I took it into my friendly bike shop.  They are going to hook me up with a new cassette that will help me climb our steep hills.  I'm getting a 12/28 put on!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!

Are your rear gears jumping forward while your climbing? If so this could be due to stretched cables and dirty cable line. The flexing in the bike frame pulls on the cable and the grime holds it in place eventually causing your gear to change. Just a thought if this problem continues after your cassette is changed.

A couple months ago, I took the bike in for jumping gears.  They ended up taking out one whole link in the chain.  The cassette has a million miles on it and is totally worn down.  This time, the chain was jumping gears while I was riding the flats.  No amount of lube and cleaning can fix the problem.

I'm looking forward to the 12/28.  That's what most of the cyclists around here run for the hills.  No sense in suffering a climb when you're still looking at a couple more hours in the saddle after said climb!

2013-05-27 2:00 PM
in reply to: 0

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Huntertown, IN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I’m catching up on BT while the baby naps.

Warren, I appreciate your comments on recovering from races.  I’ve always tried running again right away, and it’s always felt so off and probably delayed my recovery.  I’ll definitely try out your strategy next time.

Jen, congrats on your Tough Mudder race.  Looks like a fun time!  Great pic too!

Jonathan, I hope you are all back to normal after your Lasik procedure.  Way to keep up with your training!

Dirk, if you want to try some new beer, come over to our house for dinner.  Ryan makes his own!  Seriously, you and Brenda and your spouses should come over sometime.

Tony, I generally plan to wear my shoes for about 500 miles, but I try to be very aware of when things start feeling off.  I have one pair that I could tell had worn out its lifespan at just under 500 miles, but another pair made it to a solid 700 miles until that point.  I am trying to break in one pair of shoes while I still have some mileage left in another pair so that I don’t have to do all of my runs in new shoes.

Feel better, Jeff!  We are all worried about you.

Nice swim, Will!  It sounds like you are definitely on track to do an IM.

Does anyone know what the latest is on the mobile site or the BT app?  I haven’t been able to log any of my workouts from my phone like I used to be able to. 

It’s been raining here all day, and the Y is closed.  I’m trying to figure out how to get in a decent workout without being miserable. 


Edited by abergdol 2013-05-27 2:01 PM

2013-05-27 4:09 PM
in reply to: abergdol

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Got in another 60 mile ride this morning followed by a 2.1 mile run... still not as many bike miles as Dirk, but 0.1 further run than his brick... take that! jk!

2013-05-27 6:16 PM
in reply to: pistuo

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by pistuo

Got in another 60 mile ride this morning followed by a 2.1 mile run... still not as many bike miles as Dirk, but 0.1 further run than his brick... take that! jk!

Will nice workout, keep getting those long rides in there and stretch those miles out.

So I was supposed to meet the gang for an early morning swim at the lake and then a 45 mile ride but I just could not get myself moving this morning. I felt like such a slacker for missing the group swim and ride but I think I redeemed myself with a solid 46 mile ride in a lot of wind. I don't think I could have gone back to back with a 63 miler and then follow it up with a 46 miler last year. I believe I'm making some progress. The best thing about all this is I feel good. Now I just gotta get into the lake next weekend, I'm dying to do my first OWS of the season.
2013-05-27 6:30 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, I also had difficulties getting motivated today. Like Allison i could not swim due to the YMCA being closed and after yesterdays run i really wasnt intersted! So unlike you I called it a day and tried to finish up a few of the projects I started this weekend. Of course that didn't work either and now next weekend is already filling up. Oh well, there is always tomorrow!
2013-05-27 6:30 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Well no day off for us Canucks, ours was last week. Still managed to get in a 47m swim. (400WU, 5x50, 2x750, 3x75CD) and the weather was in ally nice enough to get out on the bike. Got in a nice 52k ride. Planing on a 30k ride tomorrow morning with a 5k brick. Weather looks great for my race this weekend might get warm calling for mid to high 70s. The swim is a wave pool start based on projected time. Based on last years times looks like I will be in one of the first waves, 7am start. Hopefully it's not too cold out over night. Enjoy the day off guys!
2013-05-27 6:40 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Hope everyone had a great Memorial day.

I'm having trouble finding a place to swim and still struggling with it. The pools are full with children enjoying the hot temps when i get off from work. I normally do not see a lifeguard at the lake I swim but I guess during the holiday, they hired one. I swam out past the buoys because the swim area is small and there must have been 100 children playing in it so no way of actually swimming. If I can get past the first 200 - 300 yards I'm ok but those are like i'm running a 100 yard sprint up a hill.

I went early to a pool today 6:30 and had a good 40 min swim, then rode my bike for 4 hr and 15 minutes but that is cheating because I stopped to potty etc. When i got home I was exhausted and took a nap. I finished up the ride and the temp was 89, and sunny. Do ya'll just get exhausted from your long rides and runs? I mean where you just have to sleep?

2013-05-27 8:23 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Matt I hear you I was very tempted to take the day off but I figured extra days off are rare so I better get out there and do something.

Derek nice job getting that swim and bike workout even without the benefit of the holiday. Good to hear you guys are starting to get some warmer weather as well.

Karl I can relate to the swim time issues. Pretty soon I'll have the same problem with my pool once the end of June rolls around. They do a summer camp thing there and it is almost impossible to swim during the day there. Hopefully I'll be doing most of my swimming in the lake starting in the next week or so. There is no cheating if you ride 4:15 regardless of whether you stop or not it's still 4:15. That's some pretty good ride time. As far as being tired I have been in a perpetual state of tiredness since I started all this triathlon training stuff last year! All kidding aside though on some of the long rides where the efforts are hard and there's lot's of hills or on the very long runs I'm usually wiped out when I finish.
2013-05-27 11:54 PM
in reply to: DirkP

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far northern CA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Bad day around here.  My husband went abalone diving about 3.5 hours south of home.  He picked up a friend on the way down there this morning.  He did pretty good, although, the waves took some of his gear.  They were gone.  Then, on the way home, the truck had no go.  He parked it in a fairly decent place and (amazingly) had a cell phone signal.  (It's pretty remote.)  He called our insurance for tow info and they told him that we have 19 miles of covered towing.  He wasn't happy and told them...."it's way further to get to a freaking potty (expressed in expletives) than 19 miles!"  Yeah, it was a long day for them.  Good thing he packs toilet paper because his friend needed to find a "potty". ~sigh~

I got my run done late.

2013-05-28 4:19 AM
in reply to: abergdol

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by abergdol

Dirk, if you want to try some new beer, come over to our house for dinner.  Ryan makes his own!  Seriously, you and Brenda and your spouses should come over sometime.

Tony, I generally plan to wear my shoes for about 500 miles, but I try to be very aware of when things start feeling off.  I have one pair that I could tell had worn out its lifespan at just under 500 miles, but another pair made it to a solid 700 miles until that point.  I am trying to break in one pair of shoes while I still have some mileage left in another pair so that I don’t have to do all of my runs in new shoes.

Does anyone know what the latest is on the mobile site or the BT app?  I haven’t been able to log any of my workouts from my phone like I used to be able to. 

It’s been raining here all day, and the Y is closed.  I’m trying to figure out how to get in a decent workout without being miserable. 


Ryan is a brew-master huh?  I am by no means a connoisseur but I like to try things occasionally.  I think it would be great to for all of us to get together sometime.

And you brought up Tony's question about shoe mileage and I don't remember anyone answering that right now, so here it is.  With the knee surgeries I've had my body tells me when it's time to get the shoes replaced.  That said, I have pretty much learned that 350 miles in them is about all I can take.  I can stretch them out to 400 but the joint pain begins to develop enough that I sometimes will alter my gait.....BAD idea!  I was pushing my Brooks Adrenalines out to 400 miles and I seemed to be relatively successful but I have switched back to Mizuno Wave Inspires for my normal training shoes.  I will probably try to push them out to 400 and see what happens.

But more directly the shoe manufacturers seem to design them for 500 miles +/-.  But Just as Allison points out, allow your body to determine just how far you can go.

BT app?  I have never logged any workouts using it, so I cannot answer that one.

I also missed my ride and run yesterday and my pool was not opened at all.  It was killing me to ride but it was raining most of the day with periodic downpours so I skipped out and hoped to get a run in.  There was never an opportunity to get the run in either.  Lis and I did head to the gym together and I was able to get 25 minutes on the elliptical and some light weight training too, so the day wasn't a total loss.

2013-05-28 4:24 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

May has been quite a busy month and Iam taking the morning to catch up here. Looks like you guys have been busy, busy, busy....

Jeff- Wow. I hope you alright, that the stress test goes well, and that if there is anything going on, that your doc can figure it out. If I were one of your daughters, I would be scared and mad at you!

Sounds like lots of you are got in some long bike rides over the holiday weekend - I'm a little jealous, but glad to hear that everyone had great weather and have been able to log some miles.

I was in California for the weekend (Thurs - Sun) and was able to get in one long run and was on the go non-stop, the whole month of May has actually felt that way. I tried to log in some time ont he bike trainer last night, but I am exhausted from all the travelling. I'm hoping that June slows down just a little bit and that I will be able to get back into my training rhythm. I signed up for my first Olympic Triathlon - August 10th, Chattachoochee Challenge in Columbus, GA.

2013-05-28 5:50 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Last week I told ya'll I rode to Cairo and ran a 10K run. It was a PR for me, by 20 seconds..yeah..and that is after riding 30+ miles.

2013-05-28 7:05 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Nova Scotia, Canada
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by abergdol

Dirk, if you want to try some new beer, come over to our house for dinner.  Ryan makes his own!  Seriously, you and Brenda and your spouses should come over sometime.

Tony, I generally plan to wear my shoes for about 500 miles, but I try to be very aware of when things start feeling off.  I have one pair that I could tell had worn out its lifespan at just under 500 miles, but another pair made it to a solid 700 miles until that point.  I am trying to break in one pair of shoes while I still have some mileage left in another pair so that I don’t have to do all of my runs in new shoes.

Does anyone know what the latest is on the mobile site or the BT app?  I haven’t been able to log any of my workouts from my phone like I used to be able to. 

It’s been raining here all day, and the Y is closed.  I’m trying to figure out how to get in a decent workout without being miserable. 


Ryan is a brew-master huh?  I am by no means a connoisseur but I like to try things occasionally.  I think it would be great to for all of us to get together sometime.

And you brought up Tony's question about shoe mileage and I don't remember anyone answering that right now, so here it is.  With the knee surgeries I've had my body tells me when it's time to get the shoes replaced.  That said, I have pretty much learned that 350 miles in them is about all I can take.  I can stretch them out to 400 but the joint pain begins to develop enough that I sometimes will alter my gait.....BAD idea!  I was pushing my Brooks Adrenalines out to 400 miles and I seemed to be relatively successful but I have switched back to Mizuno Wave Inspires for my normal training shoes.  I will probably try to push them out to 400 and see what happens.

But more directly the shoe manufacturers seem to design them for 500 miles +/-.  But Just as Allison points out, allow your body to determine just how far you can go.

BT app?  I have never logged any workouts using it, so I cannot answer that one.

I also missed my ride and run yesterday and my pool was not opened at all.  It was killing me to ride but it was raining most of the day with periodic downpours so I skipped out and hoped to get a run in.  There was never an opportunity to get the run in either.  Lis and I did head to the gym together and I was able to get 25 minutes on the elliptical and some light weight training too, so the day wasn't a total loss.

How do you like the Wave Inspires? I've always used Mizuno for longer runs, whenever I switch brands it seems to cause me nothing but trouble. Im currently running the Wave Nexus. They are pretty good but they are almost due for replacement in the lineup so I was thinking of trying the Inspires,
2013-05-28 10:20 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by DirkP

Originally posted by JeffY My Doc called me last night to say that all of my blood work looks good. Next up is a stress test on Wednesday. I'm not going to let them do the test as they usually do. I'm going to ask them to let me take it to my limits and see if I can induce a recurrence. I trained today and felt good. If the cardiac test is all good then I will have to assume that I became severely dehydrated. Dirk, to answer your question...they were able to find veins, but my usual over-the-top vascularity was nowhere to be seen. That doesn't necessarily support the dehydration theory because with a BP of 80/60 there wouldn't be many veins to see either. As for my being tough to finish...I want to tell of some other people....both women. One was Meiling Yee from California. She made the podium in the 50-54 age group. She had a spectacular sounding crash where the bike came over the top and landed on her puncturing her calf with the chain ring. After she finished the race she was in the medic tent getting cleaned up and was told she needed to go to the ER for irrigation, stitches and antibiotics. But that pales in comparison to another woman who came in to get her broken collar bone packed in ice and ace bandaged in to a sling. She did this on the bike and finished the bike and then the run before getting help!

I suppose the BP should have begun to come back up immediately after you went supine.  At least that's what should have occurred unless there was some other traumatic injury or life threatening condition.  Since you weren't carted away in an ambulance I'll suppose that wasn't the case.  That said, your BP would not have returned to normal within a few seconds, nor would your veins have begun to regain their normal "rigidity" quickly.  I am certainly hoping they find nothing through any of the testing they do and everyone can deduce that it was nothing more than dehydration.

(BTW, I tried texting you to let you know my concerns the other day and the message was undeliverable.)

It sounds like there were a couple of tough women down that way.  I suppose that is somewhat the nature of Xterra racing.  I guess if it were easy I'd be doing it.

As I was swimming this afternoon, with my face in the water, I began considering another possibility from last weekend.  Have you been checked for a concussion?  The concussion would not necessarily cause the low BP but if there were something else going on it could include that condition (low BP).

I have also been trying to remember what went on last season.  I know you had something going on a while ago that seemed to indicate other issues as well.  I believe they were checking you for some over training issues and maybe something to do with thyroid?  I know how hard core you are into your training and you've come off some heavy miles with Jordan as she was getting ready for the mary, could this be part of the issue?

Dirk, thanks for the ideas. Yes, last season (on the same weekend!) I had a similarly sucky race that robbed me of all my mojo. It was hot and I didn't really get faint, but the sensations were similar. That WAS a warm day though and I chalked it up to the heat.
Maybe it's just my heavy winter base building leaving me overtrained about this time of the season. Could be adrenal fatigue brought on by long-term overtraining combined with lack of sleep. (training might not have been 'over'training if I slept well, but I don't...think I probably have apnea).
My cortisol levels were good, that's one form adrenal fatigue takes...but other hormones are involved in the regulation of HR and BP too.

After that race 2 Saturdays ago, I took the following Sunday off. Then took Tues, Wed, Thurs off...even missing work on that Wed. Friday I felt OK doing my workouts. Saturday I felt normal doing a brick and spending 2.5 hours on my TT bike. I took this Sunday off again. Yesterday I felt good, doing a road ride, a run, a mtn bike ride.

So I have to say that I feel pretty much normal now. But I'm interested in having my stress test done on Wednesday.
2013-05-28 10:20 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

Hey everyone, just wanted to share a new record in the pool for me yesterday - 4000 meters straight main set and 4600 total. I still havent pulled the trigger on signing up for the IM (waiting on vacation approval and wife to sign off). But I feel like there's about an 80% chance I'm going to get to go for it... and swims like this really help calm my nerves about even signing up... ha! Now I gotta get a lot stronger on the bike!

I've never even swam an entire workout of 4000 meters.

Hey, maybe that's why I'm a weak swimmer!
2013-05-28 10:25 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Columbia, TN
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by DirkP

Ha!  Maybe I'll think about that.  But it wouldn't be right for me to help you that much.  I think it's against the rules to provide assistance to athletes.  so, I'll just stand next to you when you bonk and scream at you for not taking your nutrition when you should have.

I've never heard of using vinegar to remove the stench.  I use Tide Sport.  It seems to do a decent ob most of the time.  the only issue I've had is that on some of the garments it doesn't seem to remove it completely or something.  Sometimes once I've begun to sweat the smell returns pretty quickly, but this only occurs with a couple of the items.  The rest of my clothes are fine.  I have one shirt that I like to wear that I really can't plan to wear it all day (not workouts) that will develop odor.  Maybe I should try to use the vinegar for a load that includes that shirt and see if it removes the remaining bacteria.  How much vinegar do you add?

Dirk, I had some clothes with that stank on them well as some towels I left sit in the washer too long. Thought I was going to have to throw them all away. Then I found a way to get rid of the stink (after which you can treat them like normal again until you 'restink' them by letting them sit wet).

Start your washer with the stinky clothes in there...I assume hot water would work best, but feel free to use cold if that's what the fabrics/colors call for. Put in your detergent, put in baking soda, put in white vinegar, also add half cup of lemon juice and half cup of borax. Let the washer fill with the lid open. When it's full it won't start washing because the lid is open. Leave it that way so the clothes sit there soaking for 2+ hours. Then close the lid and let the cycle run.
Not sure which of those ingredients was the magic one, but the stank was gone when I did it.

2013-05-28 10:41 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
I honestly never thought about the heat aspect of a race helmet. It seems like all the races up here are freezing as opposed to hot, even in August. At the Timberman two years ago, for instance, the temp was 28 when I pulled into transition, and that was on August 18th. I can definitely see those aero helmets being quite hot if it’s a warm afternoon. Give us a run down how it goes.

Tony, I get a lot less miles from running shoes that everyone is mentioning here. I also use Dirk’s method of just letting my body tell me when it’s time to change. At somewhere between 300 and 350 miles I always start to get pains in my knees, calves, ankles, etc., and new shoes always solves it. I do keep 2-3 pairs of shoes going at a time. Maybe it’s weight since I’m a little heavier than most of you, or maybe it’s my running form. But don’t blindly use a pair until you hit a specific mileage. Listen to your body.

On the clothes front, I’ll have to try some of these ideas. I have tons of skin allergies, so it’s tough for me to use strong detergents without looking like a pack of bees attacked me when I wear things washed in “real” detergents, so my stuff tends to get pretty nasty. I have started rinsing my clothes in the shower immediately after my workouts to get some of the sweat and whatever other scary stuff is on there off, then wash them normally. Seems to be helping.

Jeff, let us know how that stress test goes. Hopefully you’re on the right path with the overtraining. But if that is the case, in severe instances it can be a long time before you are truly recovered, even though you will feel good from day to day. Sleeping well is obviously a huge deal, and it becomes bigger and bigger as we age.

2013-05-28 10:47 AM
in reply to: RunningYogini

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by RunningYogini
I'm looking forward to the 12/28.  That's what most of the cyclists around here run for the hills.  No sense in suffering a climb when you're still looking at a couple more hours in the saddle after said climb!

I use a 11/28 with a 50/34 compact for the hills up at the lake. You're right on in that there's no sense pushing a 23 or a 25 around when you could gear down and at least spin a little. Even with a 12 you'll be able to pedal out into the mid 30's depending what you have on the front. I spin out around 40 mph, which I hit at about 115 RPM. At those speeds, I don't see the point at pedaling anymore anyway, so I think it's smart to use this type of gearing for a triathlete. I know there some holes in the gearing options, but overall it doesn't seem like there's a lot of downside to an 11/28 or a 12/28.
2013-05-28 10:48 AM
in reply to: JeffY

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by DirkP

Ha!  Maybe I'll think about that.  But it wouldn't be right for me to help you that much.  I think it's against the rules to provide assistance to athletes.  so, I'll just stand next to you when you bonk and scream at you for not taking your nutrition when you should have.

I've never heard of using vinegar to remove the stench.  I use Tide Sport.  It seems to do a decent ob most of the time.  the only issue I've had is that on some of the garments it doesn't seem to remove it completely or something.  Sometimes once I've begun to sweat the smell returns pretty quickly, but this only occurs with a couple of the items.  The rest of my clothes are fine.  I have one shirt that I like to wear that I really can't plan to wear it all day (not workouts) that will develop odor.  Maybe I should try to use the vinegar for a load that includes that shirt and see if it removes the remaining bacteria.  How much vinegar do you add?

Dirk, I had some clothes with that stank on them well as some towels I left sit in the washer too long. Thought I was going to have to throw them all away. Then I found a way to get rid of the stink (after which you can treat them like normal again until you 'restink' them by letting them sit wet).

Start your washer with the stinky clothes in there...I assume hot water would work best, but feel free to use cold if that's what the fabrics/colors call for. Put in your detergent, put in baking soda, put in white vinegar, also add half cup of lemon juice and half cup of borax. Let the washer fill with the lid open. When it's full it won't start washing because the lid is open. Leave it that way so the clothes sit there soaking for 2+ hours. Then close the lid and let the cycle run.
Not sure which of those ingredients was the magic one, but the stank was gone when I did it.

Vinegar is the magic maker... great idea to let them soak in the washer. I let one of my jerseys that was really bad soak in straight vinegar once, but never thought of letting the whole load soak in the washer.
2013-05-28 10:51 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
As long as everyone is talking about shoes... can everyone tell the shoes (brand, name, etc) that they use and what type of gait they have (netural, pronate, etc)?

I've tried to go to the shoe stores that can tell you the perfect shoe for you, but not had any luck. I have to drive to a bigger city to find one of these stores and the 2 times I've tried it, I think I've ended up w/ employees that didnt really know what they were talking about b/c they didnt help me out much.

I'm interested in what everyone here is trying...
2013-05-28 11:06 AM
in reply to: pistuo

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - OPENED
Originally posted by pistuo

As long as everyone is talking about shoes... can everyone tell the shoes (brand, name, etc) that they use and what type of gait they have (netural, pronate, etc)?

I've tried to go to the shoe stores that can tell you the perfect shoe for you, but not had any luck. I have to drive to a bigger city to find one of these stores and the 2 times I've tried it, I think I've ended up w/ employees that didnt really know what they were talking about b/c they didnt help me out much.

I'm interested in what everyone here is trying...

Pronator. Mid-foot/heel striker (but under my center of gravity - thanks Jeff!). Super fat feet - 4E. I use New Balance 870 V2. I started with the 760, but they keep discontinuing the shoes I wear.
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