BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-02-03 1:17 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Redding, CA
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED

Way to go, Jenn! Someday, when I grow up,  I might try a marathon but until then I get to live vicariously through the Junkies. You did great and finishing that marathon will help a lot in your confidence for the Ironman in September.


2014-02-03 3:08 PM
in reply to: JeffY

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
Originally posted by JeffY

Originally posted by strikyr

  • ..

  • Jeff what about training for hills on the treadmill? Is that not as good as what you have suggested or are those ways that you've mentioned just better?

    Ha! Why didn't I think of that? That's a great alternative. But I wouldn't do it like intervals. I would go to a given incline (determined by the profile of the target course) and hold it at a steady, even pace for 1/4 at a time...The reason for pacing like that is so that you will end up having far more time on the 'hill' than if they were anaerobic intervals... thereby giving you more muscular adaptation by race day.

    I'm thinking about this specific race she's training for...hence my recommendation not including efforts faster than target race pace.

    Jeff thanks and I now realize after the fact that you were in fact trying to be more specific to Jayne's upcoming race that she is training for but as always I appreciate the feedback. I have been doing all my running on the treadmill lately and I am almost starting to like it, well not really lol but I find that it's much easier to do my run intervals in a controled environment where I can sort of measure the results. I like your suggestion and will incorporate that into my run training.
    2014-02-03 3:10 PM
    in reply to: pistuo

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by pistuo

    Well friends, I've come down with the stomach bug... the baby and wife had it and I thought I was going to come out unscathed... but I caught it right as they were getting over it. Needless to say, it is very unpleasant... hopefully I can shake it soon. What's really tearing me up is that I had a really big week planned for WO's. Got a 65 mile bike in Saturday and now I'm sidelined. I dont think my stomach is going to let me run or bike today, but I may try swimming later today... arg!

    Will sorry to hear it, I hope you are feeling better and soon. It sucks when your training gets derailed by illness.
    2014-02-03 3:33 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Ft. Lauderdale
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Congratulations Jenn on the marathon.

    I have been doing all my running on the treadmill lately and I am almost starting to like it, well not really lol but I find that it's much easier to do my run intervals in a controled environment where I can sort of measure the results. I like your suggestion and will incorporate that into my run training.

    I don't like treadmills much either, but agree that doing intervals in a controlled environment is actually very good for me. I began running to my gym (2 miles) and then doing a few miles on the treadmill at uphill and downhill settings to get ready for the NYC Tri last year and then run home. But a few weeks ago it was raining out and i decided to run on the treadmill and do speed work and it's nice to be able to measure distances without looking at the Garmin all the time. I've been incorporating it into my training nicely and so far i like the results.

    2014-02-03 5:56 PM
    in reply to: 0

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    Nova Scotia, Canada
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Sorry for the format, I'm on my iPad! Jen congrats on the marathon. Way farther then I could dream of running right now. Here's my Jan Totals:Swim: 6h 09m 41s - 19517.08 MBike: 24h 37m 37s - 735.93 KMRun: 9h 55m 13s - 104.75 KMMy swim and run were a lot lower than I would gave like but the Tour of Sufferlandia made me miss two long runs. Which is ok because I can now do a 4-5 week build back up to my plan a work in a recovery week when I'm down in Mexico. As for the tour, that was a lot of riding, and hard riding. My knees are definitely feeling all the high force work. Violator was pretty hard on them. But my riding has gotten slot stronger. I actually rode the final stage with my physio and a local cat 1 rider. We are planning to try and set up a weekly group ride using either trainerroad or perfpro. Should be fun as it seems a little easier to push a little harder in a group.Hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things.

    Edited by BigDaddyD79 2014-02-03 5:58 PM
    2014-02-04 12:05 PM
    in reply to: BigDaddyD79

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    I can't take winter anymore. Sunday it was 50 degrees and nearly all the snow melted. We got another 6 inches or so yesterday and we are getting another 2 to 4 tonight and they are talking about a big Nor'easter possibly on Sunday. Damn where is spring already!

    2014-02-04 4:52 PM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Redding, CA
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Originally posted by strikyr I can't take winter anymore. Sunday it was 50 degrees and nearly all the snow melted. We got another 6 inches or so yesterday and we are getting another 2 to 4 tonight and they are talking about a big Nor'easter possibly on Sunday. Damn where is spring already!


    Sorry, I think your spring got stuck here in sunny northern California. It's 30 degrees in the morning but most afternoons it is up above 50, and sometimes into the 70's. The weather is great for training, but it is going to leave us high and dry this summer. We've only had the one day of rain since mid December. At this point we'll take any precipitation we can get over here.  

    The lake where I had planned to do my first sprint this year is at 20% capacity on water. If there is even a lake left in April, the run up to transition could be more than half a mile.

    2014-02-04 7:59 PM
    in reply to: JonnyVero

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    CONGRATULATIONS Jenn!!!!! Love your finishline pic

    And congrats to you too John on your run!! Ive seen alot about the drought Are you having to limit your water usage where you live?

    Will sorry to hear you are sick, seems there's a lot of that going around, feel better soon!

    We are supposed to get some snow tonight also 3-6 but honestly Iam still waiting for that huge snowfall say 20 inches or more ??
    2014-02-05 7:58 AM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Extreme Veteran
    Racine, Wisconsin
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Trainer road question.....
    My IM 30 week plan starts Monday. for the bike i start out at 2 hrs a week and gradually add to 5 hrs a week at week 10 and they are all easy rides After seeing my HR compared to the rest of yours I feel I am dong something wrong? So, I am looking at doing The Intermediate Base 1 plan. For those of you on TR if you get a chance could you look and see if that a good plan for me to use or would you recommend something else?
    2014-02-05 10:07 AM
    in reply to: JonnyVero

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by JonnyVero

    Originally posted by strikyr I can't take winter anymore. Sunday it was 50 degrees and nearly all the snow melted. We got another 6 inches or so yesterday and we are getting another 2 to 4 tonight and they are talking about a big Nor'easter possibly on Sunday. Damn where is spring already!


    Sorry, I think your spring got stuck here in sunny northern California. It's 30 degrees in the morning but most afternoons it is up above 50, and sometimes into the 70's. The weather is great for training, but it is going to leave us high and dry this summer. We've only had the one day of rain since mid December. At this point we'll take any precipitation we can get over here.  

    The lake where I had planned to do my first sprint this year is at 20% capacity on water. If there is even a lake left in April, the run up to transition could be more than half a mile.

    John I've heard about what's going on in CA and I know it's not good at all. I wish I could send you some of the weather we've been having out that way. This morning was a big mess when I drove my daughter to work. Snow, rain, sleet, freezing rain and anything else that you could think of. Thankfully we left early enough and a lot of people decided to stay home so it wasn't that bad, slow yes but not too bad. I think we are getting more come Sunday but not as big as they were orginally predicting.
    2014-02-05 10:10 AM
    in reply to: strikyr

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    Brevard, North Carolina
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Originally posted by strikyr I can't take winter anymore. Sunday it was 50 degrees and nearly all the snow melted. We got another 6 inches or so yesterday and we are getting another 2 to 4 tonight and they are talking about a big Nor'easter possibly on Sunday. Damn where is spring already!

    Ditto, except I haven't seen any temps above freezing in FOREVER.  We've got snow on snow, and more snow on top of that.  Running outside is now nearly impossible anywhere.  If any of you hear me complain about the heat this summer, smack me!


    Congrats on your marathon.  I love the joy/relief on your face at the finish line. 

    2014-02-05 10:14 AM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by Jo63

    Trainer road question.....
    My IM 30 week plan starts Monday. for the bike i start out at 2 hrs a week and gradually add to 5 hrs a week at week 10 and they are all easy rides After seeing my HR compared to the rest of yours I feel I am dong something wrong? So, I am looking at doing The Intermediate Base 1 plan. For those of you on TR if you get a chance could you look and see if that a good plan for me to use or would you recommend something else?

    JoAnne I am not on Trainer road so can't comment about that but I'd be riding 3 times a week minimum and if you can do 4 rides a week even better. The hours for the bike sound low to me. Right now I'd be riding at least 3 hours, three 1 hour sessions doing some type of interval work. If you can get a 4th ride in I'd do a longer ride and make that one a lower intensity ride. I don't care what anybody says IM is all about the bike the more you can ride the better off you'll be. Just my two cents
    2014-02-05 10:20 AM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Redding, CA
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    They haven't started water rationing here yet, but I know the folks in Sacramento (about 160 miles south of me) have had to cut water usage by at least 20%. Ours should be coming soon. We are already doing our part to try and reduce what we use, but I worry most about agriculture. When the farmers don't have enough water the California central valley will be a dust bowl this summer.


    Last night was physical fitness testing at the Kung Fu school so I skipped my normal run. 1 hour and 40 minutes of Super Burpies, jumping jacks, pushups, pull ups, squat - kicks, etc. I was a mess afterward and I could barely get out of bed this morning, but it was one of those workouts where I had a partner and we kept pushing each other until pretty much complete muscle failure. It feels great to have done it, but I'll be paying for it in soreness for days.

    2014-02-06 4:46 AM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Originally posted by Jo63 Trainer road question..... My IM 30 week plan starts Monday. for the bike i start out at 2 hrs a week and gradually add to 5 hrs a week at week 10 and they are all easy rides After seeing my HR compared to the rest of yours I feel I am dong something wrong? So, I am looking at doing The Intermediate Base 1 plan. For those of you on TR if you get a chance could you look and see if that a good plan for me to use or would you recommend something else?

    On HR:  Are you concerned that you aren't working hard enough based on what you see in mine and other's workouts?  Each person has a very individualized HR so it's not something to compare to any one else.  If you're worried about whether you're working hard enough then you have to gauge that a little on your own.  Another way to see if you are doing some hard work is by checking the TSS (Training Stress Score) for the individual workouts you have done vs. others.  When looking at the workouts you've completed this far, excluding the 20 minute test, you are in the moderate TSS range over all.  But how did they feel?  That's a bigger question.

    Intermediate Base 1:  I think this plan would be a much better plan to work up to where you can begin to pick up hours later.  I don't know what IM plan you're using but increasing the time on the bike now will support a better bike later, thereby giving you a stronger, more solid bike fitness overall for IM.  Given that both the Intermediate plans are of similar time per week, you could give plan 2 a look to develop a stronger bike early.  But it will be a little harder when looking only at the TSS.  Don't be afraid to suffer.  If you're going to suffer and develop a stronger cycling ability I suggest you make the worst of the suffering early as opposed to later in the training.

    2014-02-06 4:49 AM
    in reply to: jfought

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    Fort Wayne
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Originally posted by jfought

    Originally posted by strikyr I can't take winter anymore. Sunday it was 50 degrees and nearly all the snow melted. We got another 6 inches or so yesterday and we are getting another 2 to 4 tonight and they are talking about a big Nor'easter possibly on Sunday. Damn where is spring already!

    Ditto, except I haven't seen any temps above freezing in FOREVER.  We've got snow on snow, and more snow on top of that.  Running outside is now nearly impossible anywhere.  If any of you hear me complain about the heat this summer, smack me!


    Congrats on your marathon.  I love the joy/relief on your face at the finish line. 

    After working outside for over 26 years in my field I feel, and have for years, that I would rather work in the heat than the cold anytime.  All of the clothes that must be worn to keep my body warm are exhausting.  Then add all the snow we've gotten this year and fighting through it makes things even worse.  I think many of you have seen a pic on my FB page with the snow mountain as tall as me................YES!!!  I am ready to see some asphalt and grass again!!

    2014-02-06 9:09 AM
    in reply to: JonnyVero

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    Columbia, TN
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by JonnyVero

    They haven't started water rationing here yet, but I know the folks in Sacramento (about 160 miles south of me) have had to cut water usage by at least 20%. Ours should be coming soon. We are already doing our part to try and reduce what we use, but I worry most about agriculture. When the farmers don't have enough water the California central valley will be a dust bowl this summer.


    Last night was physical fitness testing at the Kung Fu school so I skipped my normal run. 1 hour and 40 minutes of Super Burpies, jumping jacks, pushups, pull ups, squat - kicks, etc. I was a mess afterward and I could barely get out of bed this morning, but it was one of those workouts where I had a partner and we kept pushing each other until pretty much complete muscle failure. It feels great to have done it, but I'll be paying for it in soreness for days.

    Way to go Kung Fu master!
    That old-school conditioning stuff can be brutal. Plus most of that is a type of conditioning that triathletes don't have.

    2014-02-06 10:39 AM
    in reply to: Jo63

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by Jo63

    Trainer road question.....
    My IM 30 week plan starts Monday. for the bike i start out at 2 hrs a week and gradually add to 5 hrs a week at week 10 and they are all easy rides After seeing my HR compared to the rest of yours I feel I am dong something wrong? So, I am looking at doing The Intermediate Base 1 plan. For those of you on TR if you get a chance could you look and see if that a good plan for me to use or would you recommend something else?

    I'll add to Dirk's comments. I'm not sure what you're concerned about in regards to your HR. HR is extremely personal, and for a given individual it tends to lower as we age. So we "older" folks **** in general **** have lower HRs. But, Dirk is right that HR is just a measure of effort and it's always a good idea to use several methods, ie RPE (perceived effort), pace (for running and pool swimming), and power (for the bike, if available). Maybe if you describe your session from the plan's perspective, what you feel and what your HR is, what your threshold HR is, we can help out some more.

    As far as using TR with your plan. I would be cautious changing a plan you're on. It's easy enough to create your own TR workouts which would be the rides your plan is specifying. We can help with that. However, I'm with Tony and Dirk that 2-5 hours sounds pretty light for riding for IM training. Are those weekly totals or long ride durations.
    2014-02-06 10:50 AM
    in reply to: wbayek

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    By the way, my year has taken on a little bit of a different slant. For years my kid brother/cousin has been trying to get me to do one of those Spartan-type events with him. Well, we finally found one that seems crazy enough, and I signed up. It's called the bonefrog challenge, and it's put on by Navy SEALs. I guess the Bone Frog is the unofficial mascot for the current generation of Navy SEALs. Anyway, it's a stupid event with 36 obstacles over 9+ miles on a ski mountain. The best part is I'm signed up for a 100 mile bike even the very next day! So that should be a fun day as well.

    All that to say that my training is taking on a little different flavor, and I'm going to be spending a lot more sessions doing strength and balancing training. The dates are May 17th for the bonefrog and May 18th for the ride. After that, I have my normal tri season. We'll see how all this goes, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

    It's good to be back on the Junkie page and I'm catching up on the posts right now.

    2014-02-06 11:33 AM
    in reply to: JeffY

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by JeffY

    Originally posted by JonnyVero

    They haven't started water rationing here yet, but I know the folks in Sacramento (about 160 miles south of me) have had to cut water usage by at least 20%. Ours should be coming soon. We are already doing our part to try and reduce what we use, but I worry most about agriculture. When the farmers don't have enough water the California central valley will be a dust bowl this summer.


    Last night was physical fitness testing at the Kung Fu school so I skipped my normal run. 1 hour and 40 minutes of Super Burpies, jumping jacks, pushups, pull ups, squat - kicks, etc. I was a mess afterward and I could barely get out of bed this morning, but it was one of those workouts where I had a partner and we kept pushing each other until pretty much complete muscle failure. It feels great to have done it, but I'll be paying for it in soreness for days.

    Way to go Kung Fu master!
    That old-school conditioning stuff can be brutal. Plus most of that is a type of conditioning that triathletes don't have.

    Great work Jonny! This is exactly the type of workout I'm working up to for the bone frog. These are brutal.
    2014-02-06 12:41 PM
    in reply to: wbayek

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    Ft. Lauderdale
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by wbayek

    Originally posted by Jo63

    As far as using TR with your plan. I would be cautious changing a plan you're on. It's easy enough to create your own TR workouts which would be the rides your plan is specifying. We can help with that. However, I'm with Tony and Dirk that 2-5 hours sounds pretty light for riding for IM training. Are those weekly totals or long ride durations.

    I agree with Warren, Dirk and Tony..., hybrid plans are problematic.... stick to the program. I also agree that 2-5 hours on the bike is pretty light. By December I was about 9-11 hours on the bike per week getting ready for my IM.. and.... it probably should have been more.....

    Jonny - I do wing chun kung fu ... what form to you practice?

    Tonight is the package pick up for the Miami-Key West Ragnar Relay that begins tomorrow.....
    not to rub it in a bit .... BUT... it's currenty 82.6 and cloudy. we'll average 80 with lows in the 70s at night and a 20% chance of rain. It's a lot warmer that we anticipated so hydration is very important....
    2014-02-06 1:06 PM
    in reply to: 0

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Originally posted by tmoons

    Originally posted by wbayek

    Originally posted by Jo63

    As far as using TR with your plan. I would be cautious changing a plan you're on. It's easy enough to create your own TR workouts which would be the rides your plan is specifying. We can help with that. However, I'm with Tony and Dirk that 2-5 hours sounds pretty light for riding for IM training. Are those weekly totals or long ride durations.

    I agree with Warren, Dirk and Tony..., hybrid plans are problematic.... stick to the program. I also agree that 2-5 hours on the bike is pretty light. By December I was about 9-11 hours on the bike per week getting ready for my IM.. and.... it probably should have been more.....

    Jonny - I do wing chun kung fu ... what form to you practice?

    Tonight is the package pick up for the Miami-Key West Ragnar Relay that begins tomorrow.....
    not to rub it in a bit ;) .... BUT... it's currenty 82.6 and cloudy. we'll average 80 with lows in the 70s at night and a 20% chance of rain. It's a lot warmer that we anticipated so hydration is very important....

    It's 80 here too ... if you total the high temps for the next week! Those temps actually sound like heat will be the more difficult thing to deal with. Stay healthy.

    Edited by wbayek 2014-02-06 2:38 PM

    2014-02-06 1:24 PM
    in reply to: tmoons

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    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Have a great time on the Ragnar relay, TERRY!   Are you doing it with a bunch of friends or just random people?   Either way, it sounds like a blast.

    Happy to see you checking in, WARREN.   That May weekend is going to hurt.   What a fun challenge, though!

    2014-02-06 3:31 PM
    in reply to: bswcpa

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    Mastic Beach, NY
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN
    Terry good luck and have fun doing the Ragnar relay. Be careful with that heat, stay hydrated.

    Warren good to see you checking in. Sounds like that is going to be a heck of a weekend doing that spartan race and then the century ride. Those spartan races are no joke one of my friends did a series of them last year and they look very challenging. It sounds like a good way to change it up and do something different before the Tri season kicks off.

    I finally went ahead and purchased the EN 20 week intermediate IM training plan. I'll look it over this week in more detail but I've drank the EN kool aid and am committed to following it for IMMT. I wanted to try something different from what I did last year so we'll see what kind of results I get. I'm 5 weeks into the EN outseason program and that's going pretty well. I'll transition from the outseason into the IM training around April. Hopefully I'll attain the results I'm shooting for this season with their plan.
    2014-02-06 4:19 PM
    in reply to: tmoons

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    Redding, CA
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Originally posted by tmoons  Jonny - I do wing chun kung fu ... what form to you practice?

    Tonight is the package pick up for the Miami-Key West Ragnar Relay that begins tomorrow..... not to rub it in a bit .... BUT... it's currenty 82.6 and cloudy. we'll average 80 with lows in the 70s at night and a 20% chance of rain. It's a lot warmer that we anticipated so hydration is very important....


    I study Kung Fu San Soo. I've only been practicing Kung Fu for about a year and a half, so I'm really still a baby in the art. My daughter and 2 of my nieces have been studying for about the last 6 moonths too. The other students at the school are like extended family now, and my Kung Fu master and I have become very close friends.

    Those Ragnar races sound cool. That's another of those "maybe someday" kind of races for me.

    2014-02-06 4:23 PM
    in reply to: wbayek

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    Redding, CA
    Subject: RE: Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - OPEN

    Originally posted by wbayek
    Originally posted by JeffY
    Originally posted by JonnyVero

    They haven't started water rationing here yet, but I know the folks in Sacramento (about 160 miles south of me) have had to cut water usage by at least 20%. Ours should be coming soon. We are already doing our part to try and reduce what we use, but I worry most about agriculture. When the farmers don't have enough water the California central valley will be a dust bowl this summer.


    Last night was physical fitness testing at the Kung Fu school so I skipped my normal run. 1 hour and 40 minutes of Super Burpies, jumping jacks, pushups, pull ups, squat - kicks, etc. I was a mess afterward and I could barely get out of bed this morning, but it was one of those workouts where I had a partner and we kept pushing each other until pretty much complete muscle failure. It feels great to have done it, but I'll be paying for it in soreness for days.

    Way to go Kung Fu master! That old-school conditioning stuff can be brutal. Plus most of that is a type of conditioning that triathletes don't have.
    Great work Jonny! This is exactly the type of workout I'm working up to for the bone frog. These are brutal.

    Funny coincidence. I was chatting with a couple of other students from Kung Fu at last weekend's Frosty Fun Run and one of them sugested that I join them for a Spartan race in November. I haven't decided to do it or not. The training for it would definetly be all encompasing.


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    BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Asphalt Junkies Winter Edition - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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