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2007-02-08 12:09 PM
in reply to: #684057

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I'm not sure what to do with spin class miles.  I was having the same conversation with my husband last night after his first spin class.  Maybe change your goal to be in time rather than miles.  It's probably the most accurate way.

As far as my goals, so far I have run  5.45 miles (13.625% of goal) and swam 2000 meters (11.8% of goal) and I've kept on track with my core workouts.  My abs have been sore, but I think it's really going to help once I start getting back on the bike.

We've been quiet this month.  Hope that means everyone is getting in good workouts!   

jcdenton2000 - 2007-02-08 12:58 PM Hey all! Well, we're 8 days in to February! How is everyone doing on their goals? I'm looking good so far, though I do have a question about my cycling miles vs. spin class. Since our spin class bikes do not track rpm/distance/force, etc, can I even count that as part of my bike mileage, and if I can count it, do I just pull a random number like 15 miles? I know my cadence is faster than when I ride the other stationary bikes, so I figure I'm going farther in class. Any suggestions?

2007-02-08 1:25 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I like the idea of time rather than distance for my bike workouts.  Thanks!

My excuse for being quite is that we've been busier at work, so I don't get to post as often, and my evenings are full of working out/spending time with my wife.

edited to add: I think I will go ahead and change my February bike goal to be a time goal, rather than distance, thanks to my spin class.  I think I'll make a goal of 10 hours on the bike (including spin class).  That's just shy of double my time in January.

Edited by jcdenton2000 2007-02-08 1:31 PM
2007-02-08 3:01 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I need to get rolling on my goals, I've fallen behind.  I don't like making excuses, but my last swim workout was canceled because the pool was closed for maintainence.  It has also been very cold up here, which has caused me to lose my running motivation.

Note:  I log spin classes as 15 bike miles, I think I read that suggestion somewhere on this site.

Edited by stbrrn 2007-02-08 3:03 PM
2007-02-09 5:07 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Well, unfortunately I have been fighting a nagging and resiliant virus over the past week which has sidelined me for several days. I am feeling near 100% today, so I am looking to get in a good run today and train both days this weekend.

I am not doing that well on my goals, but there is still some time to go, right?

Bike: 23%
Run: 0%
Swim: Basically complete - I am feeling very good about my swimming after my last few lessons.

2007-02-11 8:38 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Well, as you probably will see or have seen in my logs, I did not train yesterday.  I should have, but I desperately wanted to get the cabinet project done!  It's not 100% complete - we still have to hang the doors on the upper set of cabinets, but all the messy work (staining, plumbing, etc) is complete.  We've already got our next project lined up, too - in May we're remodeling our bathroom.  I can't wait.  Oh yeah - we're calling in professionals for that one!
2007-02-12 8:26 AM
in reply to: #686716

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I didn't get any training done this weekend, either.  I was working all weekend at my part-time gig and when I wasn't working I was sleeping.  I really needed to catch up on sleep and I did that.  I think I slept about 12 hours yesterday.  Hopefully that'll help me have more energy this week.

2007-02-12 11:57 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Well, it's Monday.    I did get in 500 yards yesterday afternoon, but with all the kids (it was open swim - no lanes) I felt like I was in an OWS!

I have an equipment question: my swim goggles consistently fog up after about 400-500 yards.  I have heard of an anti-fog solution - is that what I need to get?  I've tried making the goggles fit even tighter (perhaps there's a tiny leak?), but that didn't help either - just made my head hurt.  Any suggestions?

2007-02-12 1:11 PM
in reply to: #687967

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I usually spit in my goggles, rub in around, and rinse it off.  Sounds gross, but it works really well for preventing them from fogging up.  You can use the anti-fog stuff too, but you'll have to plan ahead for that.  I've used both and they both seem to work equally well, so I use the cheaper solution. 

jcdenton2000 - 2007-02-12 12:57 PM

Well, it's Monday. I did get in 500 yards yesterday afternoon, but with all the kids (it was open swim - no lanes) I felt like I was in an OWS!

I have an equipment question: my swim goggles consistently fog up after about 400-500 yards. I have heard of an anti-fog solution - is that what I need to get? I've tried making the goggles fit even tighter (perhaps there's a tiny leak?), but that didn't help either - just made my head hurt. Any suggestions?

2007-02-12 4:08 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
LOL!  Thanks for the advice, Jen. 
2007-02-13 1:48 PM
in reply to: #684366

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
stbrrn - 2007-02-08 3:01 PM

I need to get rolling on my goals, I've fallen behind. I don't like making excuses, but my last swim workout was canceled because the pool was closed for maintainence. It has also been very cold up here, which has caused me to lose my running motivation.

Note: I log spin classes as 15 bike miles, I think I read that suggestion somewhere on this site.

As you have probably noticed, I log my spin and treadmill time and miles onto my log. It is a bit of artificial inflation in some ways because doing the real thing is so different in many ways. In our Spin Classes, our bikes do have computers on them. So I can see the distance and cadence. The average mileage for 45 min.s is about 10 miles if you are spinning at a fairly good rate and have some 'hill' workouts in there. 15 miles is probably safe to put down for a full hour workout.

My biggest suggestion, from personal experience, the sooner you can get out and do the real thing the better you are in the race. Treadmill runners aren't as good in the race as the ones that logged time outside. This is probably the same for spin class riders and actual bikers. You are keeping your muscles engaged in the same areas but there are too many other factors that can throw you off from the real time.

Hope everyone is well. We are experiencing our first snow storm is a few years here in PA. Just when I got used to being without the stuff it comes. I had to actually buy a shovel as I lost my last one. The conf. ended early because no one wanted to be snowed in at Hershey. Oh well. Take care.
2007-02-13 4:13 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Thanks for the advice on logging spin class miles.  :-)

I would appreciate some prayers/good vibes/karma/etc. as I applied for a new position at work.  It's a Project Specialist position and I feel I really am a good candidate.  I hope to meet with HR by the end of the week for the initial interview/discussion.  I know the HR rep really well, so I'm not at all nervous about it.  My biggest concern is finding a position that pays what I want to make now ($34-$36k).  Thanks!

2007-02-14 9:57 AM
in reply to: #689673

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Good luck with the job!  I'm sending lots of good thoughts your way.   

jcdenton2000 - 2007-02-13 5:13 PM

Thanks for the advice on logging spin class miles. :-)

I would appreciate some prayers/good vibes/karma/etc. as I applied for a new position at work. It's a Project Specialist position and I feel I really am a good candidate. I hope to meet with HR by the end of the week for the initial interview/discussion. I know the HR rep really well, so I'm not at all nervous about it. My biggest concern is finding a position that pays what I want to make now ($34-$36k). Thanks!

2007-02-15 1:29 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hey Gang;

How's everyone doing on their goals? 
I am going try and complete all, but am kinda behind so far on my progress.  

What are you guys doing this weekend? 
Monday is a holiday, so I'm going away for a hockey tournament, which means 3-4 hockey games and lots of food and beer.  So this week, I've really hit the gym in preparation for my weekend of missing workouts. 

2007-02-15 9:12 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
My goals are coming along.  I have no doubt I'll hit my swim goal, and possibly the bike goal, but the run goal is going to come up short, I think.  Tonight was a great swim workout, though - 1000 yards straight - felt great!  I don't have any big plans for the weekend - we get our taxes done on Monday and we're going to see Ghost Rider.  I work Saturday afternoon at the store, so that'll be cool.  I love working at the store, b/c I get to talk "running" with people who actually like to talk "running" too. 
2007-02-16 6:11 AM
in reply to: #691973

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Eh, I am not doing too well on my goals. With a nagging virus that went around work (and our house), nonstandard days (annoying weather, long work days, etc), and a dip in motivation, I have been missing a lot of workouts over the last two weeks.

I am getting back on the wagon, though, starting with yesterday. I am planning on hitting up the gym at least twice in the next three days and then start following the training plan starting again on Monday.

2007-02-16 10:03 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

I'm not as far along on my goals as I would like for halfway through the month.  I've had a sinus infection for about a week, so it's been keeping me from getting in as many workouts.  I've been doing a lot better over the past few days and even made it back in the pool yesterday.  I think I can make my swim goal - I just have to make sure to get in the pool and get in longer distance workouts.  I'm not so sure about my run goal.  A lot of that depends on how running goes this weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! 

2007-02-17 1:04 PM
in reply to: #625443

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Weekend is fine. The week though wasn't as good. First the conference. I worked out only one day of the three that I was there. I figured I was due for some time off. Then the snow hit. Boy did it clear out the conference quick on the last day. They canceled the last sessions and everyone hit the road. Tuesday the storm started. Wednesday we were snowed and iced in. NO workout except shoveling. Thursday and Friday went to work. Many roads were still pretty messed up. The major highways around here are still closed in parts. I can't believe that this area isn't better at these storms. However, we did have 10 hours of rain and sleet between the snow. So the ice is really what killed it.

Today I went back to working out so I felt much better and not as lazy. My daughter's birthday was this week, so I have been 'saving calories' for the dessert!!! Yipee!!!

Hope you all are well. Remember February is just 4 months from Triathlon season (if May starts yours). Time flies quickly until the race is here.

Talk to you all later.
2007-02-19 6:36 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hey guys, how was your weekend? I hope everyone was able to get in some workouts over the weekend or at least rest and take it easy to recover.

I wasn't feeling that great over the weekend, so I took it easy and rested a lot.  I was able to do a 3 mile run today, which is the longest run I was able to do in awhile.  I'm a little worried about getting in enough training before my half marathon (about a month away now), but I think I'll be okay if I can get in some long runs over the weekend.

Hope everyone has a great week! 

2007-02-19 9:15 PM
in reply to: #696203

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Artemis - 2007-02-19 6:36 PM

Hey guys, how was your weekend? I hope everyone was able to get in some workouts over the weekend or at least rest and take it easy to recover.

I wasn't feeling that great over the weekend, so I took it easy and rested a lot. I was able to do a 3 mile run today, which is the longest run I was able to do in awhile. I'm a little worried about getting in enough training before my half marathon (about a month away now), but I think I'll be okay if I can get in some long runs over the weekend.

Hope everyone has a great week!

The weekend was something. I hope you feel better. It is really tough during the winter months to get all the workouts in. You just have to keep in mind that the race will be so much better if you get the workouts in. Kind of like when you were in school and your parents told you to study constantly all the time... and then you try to pass the big test by cramming because you didn't study all the time. (at least I tried it a few times). Works much better with the constantly input rather than many workouts late in the game.

3 miles is a great start! Keep going.

I have decided to do the Army 10 miler in DC in October. Looks like great fun. Any VA.s want to join me???

Have a good week.
2007-02-20 7:00 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
We had a great 3-day (holiday) weekend.  It was nice to get a few things done.  We got our taxes done yesterday and we get some $ back!    I got in a swim yesterday (Monday), but I have not had time to log it.  Well, I gotta get ready for work.  I hope everyone has a great day!
2007-02-20 10:01 AM
in reply to: #696395

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
I'm planning on doing the Marine Corps Marathon in DC this year.  I think it's the same weekend as the 10 miler.

2007-02-20 5:55 PM
in reply to: #696769

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Artemis - 2007-02-20 10:01 AM

I'm planning on doing the Marine Corps Marathon in DC this year. I think it's the same weekend as the 10 miler.

I don't know if DC could handle two in the same weekend. I just looked it up, they are a couple of weeks apart. The Army one is Oct. 7 and the Marines are the 28th. I don't think I would be up to a full marathon this season. I am putting it on my list for next year though. I would come and cheer you on, but I heard you can't find anyone in the crowds.

My sister stated that she always wanted to do the Army 10 miler. So I looked it up and have challenged her to do it with me. She was surprised I remembered. I am hoping she doesn't wimp out on me, but I will do it anyway. Once I put it on the list, no stopping me.

How are your workouts coming this week? Still dragging?
2007-02-20 6:05 PM
in reply to: #697405

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

celticblde05 - 2007-02-20 6:55 PM
Artemis - 2007-02-20 10:01 AM I'm planning on doing the Marine Corps Marathon in DC this year. I think it's the same weekend as the 10 miler.
I don't know if DC could handle two in the same weekend. I just looked it up, they are a couple of weeks apart. The Army one is Oct. 7 and the Marines are the 28th. I don't think I would be up to a full marathon this season. I am putting it on my list for next year though. I would come and cheer you on, but I heard you can't find anyone in the crowds. My sister stated that she always wanted to do the Army 10 miler. So I looked it up and have challenged her to do it with me. She was surprised I remembered. I am hoping she doesn't wimp out on me, but I will do it anyway. Once I put it on the list, no stopping me. How are your workouts coming this week? Still dragging?

That makes sense.  Two race in the same weekend would indeed be crazy.  I've heard that during MCM it is really hard to find any one, too.  I think it would be a nice first marathon just because there is such a huge crowd and I hear that it is a really fun race.  I'll have to keep the Army 10 miler in mind as a training race.

My workouts this week are going a lot better.  I did a 3 mile run and a long swim (3300 m) today.  I'm feeling tons better, although I'm still tired.  Getting out and doing something seems to be the key.  Once I get started, it's a lot easier to keep going.  

How are you doing so far this week? 

2007-02-21 7:05 AM
in reply to: #625443

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL
Monday's workout (1100 yards in the pool) was good.  I took yesterday off as a rest day b/c I was really tired all day.  I feel great day, but since we have church tonight, I won't get a workout in.  Tomorrow I'll get in the swing of things.
2007-02-26 1:48 PM
in reply to: #625443

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Subject: RE: Artemis's Group - FULL

Hey Everyone;

I think I'm going to post some March goals, only this time I'll be more realistic and set out weekly checkpoints for each goal.  Does anyone want to give it another go?


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