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2007-03-21 10:31 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Didn't have a lot of time today to get my whole swim workout in but did as much as I could. Kind of slow today. Not sure why. Felt really good while swimming.

Going biking tomorrow for the first time outside with the new Tri group I just joined. Looking forward to it but a little worried about the distance so early in the season. Hope I can do the whole 33 miles. Also looking forward to getting my bike fit on Sat. Hopefully this will get me a little more comfortable in the seat.

2007-03-23 9:20 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Got out on my first bike ride of the season today. Went for 30 miles. We were at an easy pace so felt pretty good. Was really windy due to the rainy weather that was around.
2007-03-23 10:40 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Glad to see the weather is starting to warm up for you guys.  I'm on a rest day per my coach.  Tomorrow is a long ride 3.5 hrs and a run 40 mins.  So I'm home recovering and resting.  Ugh. 

It's hard to believe 1/4 of the year is over already.  I hope everyone is doing well and staying motivated.   I hope that I have done what I cold to "mentor" you and help out.  I think those dvd's helped.  Sorry they haven't made the full rounds yet.

Go ahead a re-post your years first objective and/or race you have planned.  I think that will help keep us on track. 

I'm going to a 70.3 in California called Wildflower with my team mates from  Wish me luck.  It's supposed to be a gruely course.   I have been having some back and neck pain from the swimming and am a little worried about it.  It's a re-occuring injury that keeps popping up. It goes from the right side of my upper neck all the way down to the right side of my back.  All movement seems to agrevate it.  Could thing Kelley (a PTA) is here to help out. 

I just clicked on a great podcast audip clip at BT of my Coach Mike Ricci.  Some good stuff.  Here's the link





Edited by tydarby 2007-03-23 10:41 AM

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2007-03-23 12:07 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I sent the DVDs to Police today. Sorry it took so long to get through them, there are so many and they are just too good to not watch! Thanks again Tyler, they were a huge motivation booster during the long treadmill, trainer hours.

Well, I had a session of A.R.T. on Tuesday and am still recovering. It was painful!!! My husband was with me and I told him that it reminded me of labor pain (it seriously hurt and I have three kids!), but he told me he didn't have much sympathy since he wasn't responsible for my shin splints. He does however take responsibility for the kids we have :0)
I ran just a couple of hours after the session (short 2 miler) and then ran again yesterday for an hour. So far things are feeling pretty good. The muscles in my calves and shins are sore and feel really bruised, but having said that I can apply pressure to my shin with out being in excrusiating pain. The soreness is slowly wearing off. My Dr. told me that I am an over pronator which was causing the tightness in my shin. I got some shoe inserts today at a running store and am interested in how they will feel on a run. I have a half marathon coming up at the beginning of June and REALLY need to be running pain free soon!

While I was in Grand Rapids I looked at some new bikes. I am considering a new Giant orc 2. It's an 06 model and in my price range on sale (cheaper than everything else). The fit was really, we'll see.

Now that the weather is finally warming up it is nice to be getting outside again.
I am thinking about doing as many of the small local 5K races that I can. I think it will be fun and keep me in the racing spirit/mood through the rest of the spring season.

What does eveyone else have planned for the next quarter?

Take care, Kim
2007-03-24 12:44 PM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I just got through with a 26 mi MS training ride. Last big workout before my first sprint triathlon of the year next week. It's 81 degrees in sunny NC.
2007-03-24 5:39 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Just got done getting fit tested for my bike. Pretty interesting. My bike wasn't that far off just some minor adjustments. Taking her for a test ride tomorrow for another 30 mile ride. We'll see how it feels


2007-03-24 6:41 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I just learned the value of keeping a log.

Today I went on a 31 mile bike ride. After it was over I was looking over some old entries and found I did the exact same ride almost exactly a year ago. When I did the ride then I listed it as a time trial, so that means I was pushing for a good time. This time I was taking it easy and trying to keep my heart rate down. The ride this year took 25 seconds longer than the ride last year and my heart rate average was 9 bpm lower. I guess that means I'm getting stronger. Also swam 1.25 miles today.

2007-03-30 8:16 AM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Had a nice group ride last night. A 30 mile ride turned into a 37 mile ride after missing a couple turns on a new route. Felt really good. Might go on a 55 mile ride this weekend if the weather holds.
2007-03-30 2:16 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Supposed to rain here all weekend, might not be able to get the bike out or run.

2007-03-30 2:53 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I'll bet you all have heard of Team Hoyt. Here's just a reminder:
I read Dick's book "It's Only a Mountain" several years before I ever considered triathlon. I can remember thinking that there was no way I could ever do anything like that (Ironman), but now I finally grew into that "I Can" mindset that Rick has. I can and will be an Ironman.
2007-03-30 9:38 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Weight....stalled; attitude.....slipping; went for a run anyway because I'm fat and really needed to run. Did wonders for my attitude, never in a million years did I think I would ever enjoy a run or have such a boost in my attitude from one.

BTW Tyler I won't use up valuable voice mail space but the strangest thing I found on the trail....A slightly thinner and slightly fitter version of the old me.


2007-03-31 6:59 AM
in reply to: #743756

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Buddaha1964 - 2007-03-30 10:38 PM Weight....stalled; attitude.....slipping; went for a run anyway because I'm fat and really needed to run. Did wonders for my attitude, never in a million years did I think I would ever enjoy a run or have such a boost in my attitude from one. BTW Tyler I won't use up valuable voice mail space but the strangest thing I found on the trail....A slightly thinner and slightly fitter version of the old me. George.



You better call in and tell me about that!  (727) ALL-LEAN.  Not sure if you others listen to the podcast I do but I now have a call in line.  CAll me please.  Tell me something (3 min voice mail) and I'll play it on my next podcasts.


They Hoyts are amazing.  Kelley and I met them last August at a 70.3 in NH. Pciture below.


Take care guys. Train safe.




2007-03-31 5:53 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey Tyler, Nice picture.

fyi, here's an article that I just ran across on salt consumption during a race.
I have a really hard time eating while I'm on my bike, not to mention while running. I have been working on eating GU, Cliff bars and bananas and am getting better, but I really don't think that I will ever get down a bunch of pretzels or crackers. It looks like I will need to start thinking about taking salt tablets especially once I am riding again in the sun and heat. Does anyone have any experience here with these? I don't even know where to buy them at.
2007-03-31 9:49 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

I'll call it in tomorrow.

2007-04-01 7:11 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
First for me today. Rode over the half century mark today. 58 miles to be exact. Wasn't much of a speed ride. First 35 miles were in the 18mph range  naf last 20 miles or so were on some crowded dance path which brought our speed down. Felt pretty good afterwards. Hope all is good with everyone else.
2007-04-01 7:25 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Last day of my recovery week and I'm coming off a funk I've been in. I'll be filling out my log more this week.

Just signed up for a sprint distance in July just north of Chicago.

Bigguytri - where in NC are you? Maybe next time I get down that way we'll have to hook up for a skip.


2007-04-02 5:49 AM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I'm in Apex(close to Raleigh). That would be great. I am going to focus more on the run in my training for my next tri. I did my first sprint tri of the year this past Saturday and sprained my arch coming out of the transition area and basically had to walk the 5k, but I finished which was my goal for the first one.
2007-04-02 1:23 PM
in reply to: #640010

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Hey Buddaha, come and do the Firecracker sprint in July too. I am definately there and Police is thinking about it too. check it out at:

Last week was a "lite" week for me. This week is shaping up to be fairly intense though. I have long rides on the bike all week and some good runs too...not to mention all the swimming.

I have another session of ART tomorrow. I had an excellent long (hour plus) run last week with very little pain. After a day my shins were pretty sore, but they seemed to have recovered faster than before. I am still hopeful that this treatment is working....we'll see.

Have a great training week everyone!

2007-04-02 1:25 PM
in reply to: #744770

Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
PGilger - 2007-04-01 8:11 PM

First for me today. Rode over the half century mark today. 58 miles to be exact. Wasn't much of a speed ride. First 35 miles were in the 18mph rangeĀ  naf last 20 miles or so were on some crowded dance path which brought our speed down. Felt pretty good afterwards. Hope all is good with everyone else.

2007-04-02 1:55 PM
in reply to: #745782

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Extreme Veteran
Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Let's talk Buddaha into doing this. I was thinking about driving up and doing the race. We could get together before or after and all meet.
2007-04-03 3:28 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Looks like a good time. I'm working on Mrs. Buddaha, she wants to go to Alabama around that time. I'll let you guys know.


2007-04-03 8:57 PM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
Good swim class tonight. Working on flip turns. Before class I was able to do some swimming my 100 time is down to 2 minutes 20 seconds. Hopefully I'll be able to build on this for next years IM.

2007-04-03 9:02 PM
in reply to: #640010

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Back of the pack breathing hard
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

Just back from small vaca in NJ.  Scouting wedding locations for me and my gal.  Went to a wedding too.

 Today rode my first 75 miler ever.  4:20:00.  Had blast. Rode with a 240 pounder Clydedale named Marc Taylor.  Cool guy.

Kim, thanks for the article.  Budda, did you call in yet? 


PS- Who's got the DVD's now? 


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2007-04-04 6:54 AM
in reply to: #640010

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New Lenox, IL
Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL

It should be in your v-mail. If it didn't take let me know I'll call it in again.


Edited by Buddaha1964 2007-04-04 6:54 AM
2007-04-04 8:59 AM
in reply to: #640010


Subject: RE: Jetpack's Group - FULL
I have the dvd's and am ready to pass them on, DEFINITELY inspiring. Pulled a muscle in my back/neck this past week so been resting a bit. Back at it today, slowly.
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