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2007-12-26 4:57 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
How is everyone doing this day after Christmas? Hope you had time just to get outside or to the gym for a workout. I did not want to but feel better now that I did.

Dee - do you think my swimming 4000 is whimpy for the challenge? Should I push myself to do more? I can swim a long time, just not fast.

Edited by amy mutz 2007-12-26 5:01 PM

2007-12-26 5:36 PM
in reply to: #1117590

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
The voices in my head tell me that I am extremely funny!  I'm supposed to be in heart rate jail until Jan 1.  I haven't been doing any structured workouts this month, but I put in a really hard 90 min spin class last Sat plus some other trainer workouts a few times during the month.  Looking forward to getting my new training plan soon from my coach.
2007-12-26 6:11 PM
in reply to: #1117590

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
amy mutz - 2007-12-26 5:57 PM
Dee - do you think my swimming 4000 is whimpy for the challenge? Should I push myself to do more? I can swim a long time, just not fast.

I took a quick look at your logs, and I think 4000 is a good distance for you. (Or, you can set a goal by time, if you like that better.)

Also, you can always RAISE your goal. So if you find that you've hit 4000 before the end of the month, you can always set a higher goal.

P.S. No such thing as a wimpy goal. My opinion on the challenges is that they're there to push us and keep us motivated and focused. But everyone's goals are individual. During the October challenge, I set a goal of 10 miles of running.... That's it - 10 miles for the month. No one laughed. (Or if they did, they didn't tell me about it!)

Edited by D001 2007-12-26 6:11 PM
2007-12-26 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1117590

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS


I don't think that is a wimpy goal...  My goal is 7 hours of running because I sucked last month on running and I really need to just get consistent again...especially if that HIM is in my future ie July schedule. 

Christmas was good but I got back in the saddle today....felt good but now I am tired. 

2007-12-27 10:55 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Good job Pam on getting back on your bike!

Amy - you are by no means being wimpy! You have at least committed to something! Much more than I have done at this point and time!

I am still working on my January Challenge goals. This is my first time to compete in this challenge stuff...I know that I can use the added push so I will get my schedule out by this weekend.

Chris, - - good to see that you have new shoes and are putting them to good use.

Emerson - won't be long til you are back in Arizona...hang in there! My husband and I would love to come and cheer you on in the Big Sur race....please give us the exact specifics and we will be there! with lots of cow bells! ;o)

Dee - glad that your dad is back...hope things are well with you. It is not half as fun to read the blogs if you have not participated in the are quite the hoot! Look forward to all the future funny reads! and watching the crazy amount of distance you swim in a pool! I swear you are part mermaid!

Eric - it will be good to see you in action. I know this time off can be grueling and sometimes takes more out of you then if you were out there running/biking and swimming! We look forward to our fearless leader back in training!

Amy (San Diego)....hope you had a good run with or without your kiddos....remember that a work out is a work out with or with out the kiddos! I admire anyone with small kids that is able to stick to a plan...and you seem to be one of those people! Don't let me down! ;o)

Nathan - are you out there? I would love to hear more from you and what you are doing! Hope you are home getting your goals written down for the January Challenge! Look forward to hearing more about you and your future goals.

Hope everyone got what they want for Christmas! and then some! Happy almost New Years!

2007-12-27 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS


Hope you are having a nice Christmas Holiday!

Have not heard much from you lately. Hopefully you are traveling for the holidays and are out running, biking or swimming wherever you are!

Let us know what motivates you and I will do my best to try and help you!

Hope to hear from you....


2007-12-27 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Hope everyone is having a great week.  I'm under the weather so I've been out of the loop some.  I'm trying to get well before New Year's Eve.  We have paramedic bike teams covering the uptown New Year's celebrations so I'll be out in the weather all night. I'd like to be well before then.  I'll probably ride 20 miles or so on the mtn bike with a 26 lb pack of medical gear that night.  Actually, it will weigh more than normal since we're having to carry our gas masks with us.  Two years ago, the cops had to use pepper spray to break up the crowds that got out of hand.  Last year, I was sick and didn't work, but our crews witnessed some guy getting shot 4 times.  He was standing on a street corner about 100 feet from them when somebody administered an acute case of lead poisoning.  Sounds like fun doesn't it?
2007-12-27 5:51 PM
in reply to: #1119262

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Auburn, Wa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
As long as you're not the one being shot at it's a good time. Starting a 9 day stretch at work myself. I'm doing a double shift on Saturday 1100-0300. I hear it's been real ugly in the ER. We've been boarding every night. I post when I can between now and Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!! Chris
2007-12-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1119307

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Wow -

Chris sounds like a marathon within itself! Take care and thanks for saving those lives!

Eric please make sure to wear your bullet proof vest! we need our fearless leader! mountain biking always sounds like fun to me until you talk about gunfire! be careful..and feel better.

2007-12-27 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1119432

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Julie -- so good of you to be so observant of all of us!!!  You are being a good friend and none of us have ever even met you... 

As the holiday's pass, all  of us are heading back to a more normal routine.  It will make for engaging discussions of our accomplishments instead of our cookie obsessions.  I fly to AZ tomorrow and will run somewhere around 12 - 18 on Saturday come rain, shine or whatever.  I cannot wait for normal to return.  After signing off in a few minutes, I will not be on-line again until settled back in AZ.  Best to everyone...  Emerson

2007-12-27 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1088860

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

I am also doing the Jan challenge. 30 miles running for me.

I hope everyone had a great holiday. We had dinner on the 26th. My hubby was working for Christmas.

Just stopping in to say hi. He will be back to work on Sat. I will be on more then.

2007-12-27 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Wow guys!  I want to be out on the streets or in the ER with you!  That would be a much more exciting New Year's than what I have planned which is pretty much nothing.  Everyone have fun or be safe depending on what your activity of choice is.

I'm looking forward to the Jan challenge.  Actually looking forward to Jan in general...except new homework.

2007-12-28 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Hey guys---we've got a really unusual problem.  We've had yet another request to join our group despite the closed status.  As mentors, we are asked to start out with about 5 folks and then it's up to our discretion. This is your group, so I want input on whether or not we should allow any additional folks.  The latest requestor (I've turned down at least 5 others already) was signed up for another group but hasn't had any contact from them.  She thought our group seemed really inspiring.
2007-12-28 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1119589

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
crea0029 - 2007-12-27 8:34 PM

Wow guys!  I want to be out on the streets or in the ER with you!  That would be a much more exciting New Year's than what I have planned which is pretty much nothing.  Everyone have fun or be safe depending on what your activity of choice is.

I'm looking forward to the Jan challenge.  Actually looking forward to Jan in general...except new homework.


be careful about wishing to be "on the streets" with know the BT crowd.  That conjures up a whole different image than us EMS types usually mean when we say that.

2007-12-28 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1120403

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

Hey guys/gals - - I say the more the merrier. Hate that anyone would be in a group that is not corresponding. Nice to see she picked us...there are a lot of other groups out there!

If we as a group decide otherwise, I am fine with that too! There are many other "closed" groups that have many lurkers who hop in to ask questions and give encouragement....Lurking is very much encouraged.

So as you can see...I am ok with a new member, but will go with the flow of the entire group.

On an added note: I hope everyone is getting into the January challenge that Dee is organizing. Looks like a good group and great for that added inspiration to get out and do your thing - no matter if it swimming, biking or running. Not sure what I am planning to do, but I know it should be swimming! but will probably be running (distance). Not quite ready to sprint and worry about times. I am doing good to finish at a snails pace! ;o9

2007-12-28 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1120403

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
medic0020 - 2007-12-28 12:13 PM
Hey guys---we've got a really unusual problem. We've had yet another request to join our group despite the closed status. As mentors, we are asked to start out with about 5 folks and then it's up to our discretion. This is your group, so I want input on whether or not we should allow any additional folks. The latest requestor (I've turned down at least 5 others already) was signed up for another group but hasn't had any contact from them. She thought our group seemed really inspiring.

Yes - I'm ok with it, but I do have some questions....

Did she give the other group a chance? Some of the groups seem to start slowly, then take off. If she's the first or second person to join, then it might be in a "still quiet" phase.

Why did she decide to join that other group? There are several groups with openings right now. Yet she selected that particular group . Why us - versus switching to another group that's still open? (I just counted 5 groups that are currently open.)

So yes, I'm ok with it. (I agree with the "more the merrier" sentiment.)

After all, I understand why she wants to join us. We're a motivated, chatty, colorful, glittery bunch. (Eric, you may stop choking now. )

Hope she doesn't read this and take it the wrong way. I'm just curious if she has specific reasons for her request.

And, as a final comment, if you (Eric) have already turned down about 5 others, but have NOT turned her down. Well, there must be a reason. So based upon that, I say "Welcome to our new member."


Edited by D001 2007-12-28 12:12 PM

2007-12-28 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
I knew Dee was the Atty of the group. I love it! We have so many personalities here, that is why it is so intriging...

Ok, here are my thoughts. I joined a group last year and was in it from Jan thru August for inspiration and knowledge. I only really received encouragement from one maybe two of the members and that was few and far between. I was on my own to find some local groups here to help me out. I had one friend from that group her name is breezy aka:April, she is in my friend list if you ever want to encourage her, she helped me through my newbie year. So that being said I don't want any new person to have a group like I had, so let her in, but tell her she better be up for the challenge!

Julie is definately the sweetie of the group

Eric do what you think is best for the group. No Pressure.

Amy in Indiana
2007-12-28 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1120515

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
amy mutz - 2007-12-28 1:13 PM
I knew Dee was the Atty of the group. I love it! We have so many personalities here, that is why it is so intriging...


As in chatty? Or batty? :P

2007-12-28 5:14 PM
in reply to: #1088860

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Atty? Attorney maybe?

I also have no problem with new members. More to post, more to read.

2007-12-28 5:23 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
Attorney as in evaluate the information given make an assessment and then go to trial Your a thinker, that's a good thing.

2007-12-28 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1121154

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
amy mutz - 2007-12-28 6:23 PM

Attorney as in evaluate the information given make an assessment and then go to trial Your a thinker, that's a good thing.

Oooo. OK. Thanks! That's very nice of you!

My family just calls it "stubborn."


2007-12-28 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1088860

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS

I am going with the group on this one...but I am also wondering why her.  Can you clue us in a little bit?  But hey, I like the inspirational messages I get from everyone and getting them from one more person is fine by me

So thanks for all the little messages guys!! 

2007-12-28 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1088860

Desmoines Iowa
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
I'm for another member. This method of staying in touch is fairly new to me. All I know my head is spinning trying to keep up with everyone. Still thinking about the challenge, trying to decide if I should commit. Sounds good. Enjoyed the Holidays ate to much junk but, now time to get down to work. ''Carpe Diem'' Mike
2007-12-28 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1121473

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Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
stilltri-ing - 2007-12-28 10:27 PM
Still thinking about the challenge, trying to decide if I should commit.

Well, what did you have in mind for January training plans? Do you have anything specific planned for swimming, running or biking? If so, you could go with one of those.

I see in your log that you have a yoga goal, too. This month, there's a Yoga "challenge." Saph said it's going to be very laid back. Basically, you just state how often you're going to do it, and you post to the group for support. There are no teams, penalties, etc.... It's also posted in the Challenge forum.

Not that I'm trying to push you into any challenges, by the way! I'm just trying to be helpful. (Not pushy!) It's all completely up to you.

Edited by D001 2007-12-28 10:05 PM
2007-12-29 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1088860

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Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: medic0020's Group - CLOSED--BUSTIN AT THE SEAMS
I think the only reason I asked about this particular person was because of the fact that they had not had a successful experience with another group where most of the others have been just shopping for their first group.  I'm still torn on the whole idea.  We seem to have a great group going and I don't want to mess up the dynamic.
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