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2013-12-18 8:49 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Jenn good job getting that 8 miler done even with tired legs. I know I did many, many workouts this past season feeling that way but always found a way to get it done. Those are the ones that you remember the most and I think they make the biggest difference because it's so easy to cut those runs short or not do them at all. You and Karl can send that 70 and 80 degree weather this way as well. I'm hating the cold and it's only December.

Dirk glad to see you being very patient in easing back into your running. Better safe then sorry and I am like you I have not been blessed with any patience at all.

Well, I'm off from work until Jan 2nd so I plan on taking advantage and getting outdoors to run and bike as much as I can. I'm tired of doing all my runs on the treadmill and I haven't even started the interval training on the bike trainer yet. It's going to be a long winter. Today I'm getting a MTN bike ride in the early afternoon. Last night I got another 7 miles in on the treadmill so I'm 28 miles away from the 1000 mile run club this year. I really want to hit that one so I'll be running as much as I can before the year is over.

2013-12-18 10:56 AM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Enjoy your time off, TONY!  It's nice to see how much you're happy going mtn biking.  Have fun getting those last 28 running miles in to join the 1000 club.  Impressive! 

Looks like we've been archived for the year.   You leaders promised to take the Junkies into another session so I'm holding you to it!


2013-12-18 5:13 PM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Brenda thanks and yes I will definitely enjoy the time off and I am very happy to get outdoors to get a few workouts in especially the MTN bike rides. They are a lot of fun and I do get a very good workout riding the hilly trails I've been riding.

I got one in today and probably against my better judgment. When I pulled into the parking lot it was like a sheet of ice. I didn't realize that they must have gotten more snow and less rain there so the trails were not just wet they were icy with a layer of snow that sort of turned to ice. Well against my better judgement I went for a ride anyway. I just took it slow today. I figured let me give it a try and if it was that bad I'd just turn around and head back before starting the 8 mile loop. It wasn't that bad, the trail was mostly that hard snow which slowed you down anyway. Some areas were just wet with no snow and there were a few places where there were patches of ice but I didn't have any problems. I figured even if I took it slow I could still work on my handling. It took me just over two hours to ride the course but I was riding very conservatively. The last thing I wanted to do was to be careless out there today. It was a good ride, I had fun and got a good workout in. Hopefully the warm weather tomorrow and the rain on Friday will clear the snow and ice out for the next ride on Saturday morning.
2013-12-18 9:15 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Archived?  No wonder my allergies kicked up

Tony, all the MTB talk makes me want to ride a dirt trail!  Too bad the closest thing I have to a dirt trail is a plowed corn field!   The park has a few trails but nothing major to talk about, probably have to do about 10 laps just to start the work out.

I think I found out what diet not to follow today, Burrito for lunch, fried appetizer (pickles, onions etc) and wings for dinner and then a slice of pizza for snack.  I feel like a pile of pooh!  I did manage to run between the wings and pizza, I think my mental toughness is going to come from not eating junk, if I ever make it there! 


2013-12-19 5:39 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Tony, great ride! Glad you were careful. Hey we are sinding you some warm weather this weekend, get out and enjoy it.

Matt, you are what! I bet it was good though.

Well today I'm going to my 1st Master's Swim program IF I don't chicken out like I have before.
Also 1 thing I have noticed about the really good swimmers is they have an amazing kick and they work a lot w/ kickboards.
2013-12-19 7:33 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by mambos

Archived?  No wonder my allergies kicked up

Tony, all the MTB talk makes me want to ride a dirt trail!  Too bad the closest thing I have to a dirt trail is a plowed corn field!   The park has a few trails but nothing major to talk about, probably have to do about 10 laps just to start the work out.

I think I found out what diet not to follow today, Burrito for lunch, fried appetizer (pickles, onions etc) and wings for dinner and then a slice of pizza for snack.  I feel like a pile of pooh!  I did manage to run between the wings and pizza, I think my mental toughness is going to come from not eating junk, if I ever make it there! 


Same here on the mountain bike fun! I inquired in the winter weather challenge group about riding my hybrid in the snow and the verdict was.....not a good idea. And I'm sure hubby is not going to jump on board for me to buy ANOTHER bike. At least not this year .

Matt I got a belly ache just reading about all that junk food! It is hard in a work environment though. I remember when I was a teacher all the Christmas party junk food. We had a party for the Pre-K staff, a party hosted by the district, a classroom party and then lots of the parents would give me sweet little gifts of fudge or cookies. Discipline Matt, you can do it. Just think how much faster you will run if you don't eat those wings!

2013-12-19 10:26 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Matt we are pretty fortunate here on Long Island there are a lot of great trails to ride on. You basically have beginner to expert trails. The group CLIMB takes care of a half dozen of these trails across LI. I'm lucky to be close enough to a couple to get out and ride but I really wish there was something a little closer where I could sneak out during the week to ride. I'd take some flat trails too as that beats the trainer. I can also sympathize with you on the diet, mine has not been stellar to say the least. It's like Dina said it's really all about discipline. I need to find some pretty soon because January is right around the corner and training for next season will begin.

Karl that warm weather can't come soon enough. I think we are going to be in the mid 60's by Sunday but they are predicting rain showers over the weekend. I just want a window Saturday morning so I can get an outdoor ride in on the MTN bike.

Dina if you can swing a MTN bike purchase you would not regret however I do understand with the recent purchase of the road bike and the holidays it may not be a good time. I'm still pretty shocked my wife gave me the go ahead to get it but I have to be honest it's been a great distraction for me and I've been getting as much use out of it as I can. I wasn't sure I'd enjoy riding it as much as I've been.
2013-12-19 4:23 PM
in reply to: strikyr

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

How'd the masters swim session go, KARL?   You better not have chickened out.    I wish we had a masters group at our Y so you have to go and kick for me.


2013-12-20 1:12 AM
in reply to: bswcpa

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Extreme Veteran
Racine, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Gosh I haven't been on here in a while and I see we have been archived..I a hoping to get to all the posts this weekend.....this is our crazy time at the salon So I have been pretty busy, throw in there someone hacked my computer at work and it makes for a joyous holiday season.....I haven't gotten in the training I had hoped for these past couple of weeks, either i really have to learn how to say no.
Hope everyone is good!
2013-12-20 5:54 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Welcome back Jo, we've missed U.

Tony enjoy gfhe warm weather.

Master's swim. I went and didn't chicken out, wish I would have...just kidding. I learned a lot and the progress and confidence II was making on my own is GONE!!!

First thing we did was warm up, then she came to me and basically told me my right arm was going in the water to soon, not a far enough reach but i did have a good high elbow w/ that arm. My left arm since I can't bi-lateral breathe was not getting the high elbow but going out to the side but I was getting reach on it. She wants me to work on bi-lateral breathing as that could work out both problems and also focus on breathing on the left side. I did it a lot during practice and i actually got a little better. Then came the kick board...I HATE a kickboard... We had to do 8 laps there and back in a 25 meter pool... I made 4 and my hams were cramping... I was kicking like a madman and hardly moving. Then when i couldn't do that she asked me to kick on my back..WHAT!!! I can't swim on my back..well I did a little real slow..more of like floating, barely moving..then she told me to put my arms out in front of me..I tried and went maybe 5 feet before my head went under and i started choking..and yes I was the slowest one there
2013-12-20 6:34 AM
in reply to: Jo63

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Similar to Matt, I have not even tried to control my eating habits AT ALL this week.  We have been doing a carry-in type of morning all week and yesterday was our crews' Christmas lunch.....I have taken in more calories this week than I probably take in in 2 weeks most of the time  I have just thrown any restraint out the window via buckets.  Honestly this is the first time I have been so uncontrolled about eating in a very long time.  I have had a day or 2 strung together in the past but not 7+ days without some kind of restraint for several years.  I'll begin to control some of my insanity today but I'll still allow some of the seasonal overeating for another week and then pull back on the reigns and slow the wagon down.

News for the Junkies and the upcoming mentor session:

I sent a PM to the group of mentors the other day to get a feel for the winter session beginning in a week or so.  I knew from recent inactivity that there could have been some burnout, busy schedules or general changes in interests.  I wanted to check with everyone to see if there was a continued interest in keeping the Junkies in the mentoring ranks or if we needed a hiatus.  Truth be told, sometimes the work of being a mentor is a distraction to personal training, time availability and even family.  Over the past few years, since Jeff began his group and we turned into what is now the Junkies, a substantial amount of time has been given to many athletes who have come, gone and struck around.  Many of whom have been around long enough to move from mentee's to friends.  Maybe this is a unique group of people that have assembled, all with similar purpose, to become better athletes, yet one that has become more than just about triathlon and more about friendship.  I am thankful, again, for the opportunity to have been a mentor to each and every person who has stepped into these groups.

.......So, after a lot of explanation, I have received commitments from Jeff and Warren for another session.  We will all be renewing to be Junkie mentors.  That said, I ask that each of you take into consideration the time we put into trying to be around to answer questions and provide general feedback as much as possible.  As I have stated in the past, being social may take somewhat of a backseat in our posts to allow us to focus on our personal training, work and family activities, so please understand.  Speaking only for myself, next year will be an insane year for me, IM training, HS graduation, and a wedding will be taking vast amounts of my schedule and time may be very short much of the summer months.

I would like to thank each of you for being involved with us, training hard, working hard and most of all being great people.

For the winter session I will only be allowing 2 more people into our group.  We seem to have lost several people from the group at the beginning of the summer session but they will not be replaced in full.  Currently we have, not including the mentors, about 10 people that are either active or somewhat active, so the new group numbers will reflect a very close number to what is currently in the group.

So, who would like to continue for the winter session?

2013-12-20 8:40 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Dirk I kinda feel like I can lay low in the group and leave an opening for someone who needs extra help. I'm really not doing anything right now, I don't have any big race plans I'm getting ready for. I can keep up in everyone's training blog, pop in here to see what is going on but save the mentor place for someone who really needs some extra help or encouragement getting started.

I can understand how time consuming running this group season after season can be! You handle the group with the same dedication you do your own training. In case I don't tell you all enough, I really appreciate your efforts keeping us all together and answering our questions!

So I'll be around but don't worry about me - how's that .

2013-12-20 11:22 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Dirk - As I began reading your post I got very, very worried. I am very excited to hear that you will mentor again in 2014. Part of the reason I signed up for an IM, is b/c of the amazing support I have got from this group. For me, training carries over into balancing family, life and work. Everyone in this group has been amazing at providing input and encouragement and I am grateful for the mentorship from you (Dirk), Warren, and Jeff, as well as all the Junkies that are here!


2013-12-20 11:29 AM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Cairo, GA
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Got a question.... I am 6 weeks out from the marathon. When I start tapering in 3 weeks, should I also back off of cycling at the same time? I will probably log more time in the pool (increase 3 -4 swims per week) leading up to the marathon.

Also, I really thought all this marathon training would make my legs look nice and lean and long.... not so much. My little tree trunks look even more like tree trunks than ever before and I cannot even wear some of the jeans I had been wearing. I ripped a fingernail off this morning just trying to pull my compression socks over my calves. I thought all this running would have the opposite effect. I am eating more, and have put on about 6 pounds.... I am truly envious of Matt's recent meal or was that meals, especially as I sit here and eat a fruit bowl with a protein bar.

2013-12-20 12:36 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Mastic Beach, NY
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk it goes without saying I'm in for another session with the Junkies and will always be as long as you guys are willing to keep the group going. I echo everyone else's sentiments and can't thank you, Jeff, Warren and Jonathan for taking the time out to help us all. It is very much appreciated and to be honest I'm not sure I'd ever gotten to Ironman status without all the help and support I've gotten from everyone who had been a part of the group. It's totally understood as well that your time will be at a premium for your Ironman journey but I think we all understand that and I for one am looking forward to taking that ride with you and the rest of the Junkies.

Dina there is no way you can bail on us and you don't realize how much you contribute to the group whether your actively training for some event or just staying active. It doesn't matter you can't leave us.

Karl I apologize I really wanted to wish you well at your Masters swim class in my last post. I'm glad you went and it sounds like you'll get plenty of help there. I think that is time very well spent. I wish they had one at my pool I think I'd defiinitely be on board for that.

JoAnne welcome back, sorry to see you so busy and sorry to hear about your computer being compromised. Outside of that I hope everything else is going well and that you can get back on the training bandwagon soon.

Jenn this may not be the right answer but I think I would probably cut back all my training as I taper down for the marathon. I think you'd be fine to swim as much as you want. I'd probably ride the bike but I don't think I'd put in any intense workouts there either. I think you'd want your legs to be as fresh as they can be as you get closer to the marathon. So I'd probably do less than you normally would on the bike and not over do it if it were me but I'll defer to the experts here.

It's finally warming up here almost 50 degrees today. I'm going to take advantage and get a run in now and try get myself a little closer to the 1000 mile mark.
2013-12-20 3:02 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Originally posted by jenbmosley

Got a question.... I am 6 weeks out from the marathon. When I start tapering in 3 weeks, should I also back off of cycling at the same time? I will probably log more time in the pool (increase 3 -4 swims per week) leading up to the marathon.

Also, I really thought all this marathon training would make my legs look nice and lean and long.... not so much. My little tree trunks look even more like tree trunks than ever before and I cannot even wear some of the jeans I had been wearing. I ripped a fingernail off this morning just trying to pull my compression socks over my calves. I thought all this running would have the opposite effect. I am eating more, and have put on about 6 pounds.... I am truly envious of Matt's recent meal or was that meals, especially as I sit here and eat a fruit bowl with a protein bar.

If you are really targeting the marathon as a relatively important race, you should definitely cut back on the biking. One of the main reasons to taper is to allow your body to heal and recover from all the minor "injuries" and "tears" training inflicts on the muscle system. The harder/longer the training you've been under, the longer/more complete the taper should be. So for sure cut way back on the biking and give your legs a chance to recover.

As far as what marathon training (or ANY type of training) will do for your body form - that's largely genetic. From my VERY short foray into heavy weightlifting I learned that different folks bodies respond very differently to the same training load, and that size/shape of muscles has little to do with their functionality.

Secondarily, and I don't want to march into creepy territory here, but don't get sucked into the American marketing idea of what is "desirable", especially for a woman's form. Work out hard, be healthy, and let the cards God dealt you determine what the results will be. I love my wife's amazing runners stumpy legs!

2013-12-20 6:00 PM
in reply to: wbayek

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Dirk, i would like you, the other mentors and the rest of the Junkies to decide on me. I have learned so much from this group but it seems as if most people are upping their goal to IM. As of right now, I have no desire to do an IM just because there are other things I would like to do. It may be better for you to fill the group w/ people all wanting to do IM and have an IM group. Right now I just can't dedicate that much time to the training as I can only get 12 - 14 hrs per week max. Also i would probably feel like I was a slacker the whole year w/ all ya'll doing so much training.

The sad thing is, I used to want to do an IM, that is why i started tri's in the 1st place, but gosh the Oly was hard enough for me..I crashed and burned on mile 6..thing what I'd do on mile 7 -

Actually I agree w/ Dina, and I can stalk and ask questions as needed. My feelings will not be hurt by ya'll saying for me to join another group.
2013-12-20 7:34 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Welcome back Jo, we've missed U. Tony enjoy gfhe warm weather. Master's swim. I went and didn't chicken out, wish I would have...just kidding. I learned a lot and the progress and confidence II was making on my own is GONE!!! First thing we did was warm up, then she came to me and basically told me my right arm was going in the water to soon, not a far enough reach but i did have a good high elbow w/ that arm. My left arm since I can't bi-lateral breathe was not getting the high elbow but going out to the side but I was getting reach on it. She wants me to work on bi-lateral breathing as that could work out both problems and also focus on breathing on the left side. I did it a lot during practice and i actually got a little better. Then came the kick board...I HATE a kickboard... We had to do 8 laps there and back in a 25 meter pool... I made 4 and my hams were cramping... I was kicking like a madman and hardly moving. Then when i couldn't do that she asked me to kick on my back..WHAT!!! I can't swim on my back..well I did a little real slow..more of like floating, barely moving..then she told me to put my arms out in front of me..I tried and went maybe 5 feet before my head went under and i started choking..and yes I was the slowest one there
So what you are saying is that you had a great time? 

2013-12-20 7:59 PM
in reply to: jenbmosley

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by jenbmosley

Got a question.... I am 6 weeks out from the marathon. When I start tapering in 3 weeks, should I also back off of cycling at the same time? I will probably log more time in the pool (increase 3 -4 swims per week) leading up to the marathon.

Also, I really thought all this marathon training would make my legs look nice and lean and long.... not so much. My little tree trunks look even more like tree trunks than ever before and I cannot even wear some of the jeans I had been wearing. I ripped a fingernail off this morning just trying to pull my compression socks over my calves. I thought all this running would have the opposite effect. I am eating more, and have put on about 6 pounds.... I am truly envious of Matt's recent meal or was that meals, especially as I sit here and eat a fruit bowl with a protein bar.

I will be the one with a slightly differing view than Warren on marathon tapering.  I personally felt a little stale leading into my first run toward a BQ after taking a 3 week taper.  I feel 2 weeks can be good enough (even beneficial) provided you feel very confident about your fitness.  If you have any doubts about whether you can recover completely in 2 weeks than keep to a 3 week taper.  As Warren stated, the idea is to completely recover from all of the training stresses incurred over the training cycle and if you fall short of a full recovery you will suffer.

If you chose to do a 3 week taper, I suggest you do a 3 week  run taper and a 2 weeks cycling taper.  The reduction in running will reduce the impact stresses and allow the running muscles to recover.  Allow an extra week of cycling with some intensity rides, as you would normally have done.  Do NOT add any intensity or any extra rides unless the extra ride is an easy type of recovery ride.  I wouldn't really add any swimming unless you haven't been doing any at all.  If you have done any for a while you could do a few swims but nothing intense with less than 2 weeks remaining.

The week (7 days) prior to the race should be very low key!  Absolutely NO intensity at all!  Keep things light and very easy.  I would even consider doing only 1 bike at a very easy effort.  And make sure to begin carb loading with about 4 days remaining.

Now, diet during marathon training.  It is extremely easy to justify eating copious amounts of food during marathon training.  After all "look at all of the miles I'm running."  - Those were my thoughts as I began training.  I just kept waiting for the pounds to fall away and they never did.  I had been subconsciously justifying my over eating habits because I was running so much.  I don't know if that's something you got caught up in or not but I did.  And, if I'm completely honest, I did the same thing this past season training for HIM's.  As the year was drawing to a close I was about 3-4 pounds heavier than I had targeted, all because I wasn't considering what I had been eating.

And, I agree 100% what Warren said about the way God created us.  You are who you are and you'll look like who you'll look like.  Regardless of the outside world's "suggestions" we are all beautiful in our own way.  Well, except for me!  There's no getting around my ugly!

2013-12-20 8:04 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Dirk, i would like you, the other mentors and the rest of the Junkies to decide on me. I have learned so much from this group but it seems as if most people are upping their goal to IM. As of right now, I have no desire to do an IM just because there are other things I would like to do. It may be better for you to fill the group w/ people all wanting to do IM and have an IM group. Right now I just can't dedicate that much time to the training as I can only get 12 - 14 hrs per week max. Also i would probably feel like I was a slacker the whole year w/ all ya'll doing so much training. The sad thing is, I used to want to do an IM, that is why i started tri's in the 1st place, but gosh the Oly was hard enough for me..I crashed and burned on mile 6..thing what I'd do on mile 7 - Actually I agree w/ Dina, and I can stalk and ask questions as needed. My feelings will not be hurt by ya'll saying for me to join another group.
If I have any input, you should stick around.  I have been a part of the junkies for a better part of 3 years or longer, and one of the best parts of this group is that we have always been diverse in the distances and goals that we have.  Plus I do not want to be the only sane person in the group while everyone else spends 20hrs a week running themselves in the ground.

2013-12-20 8:07 PM
in reply to: trigal38

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by trigal38

Dirk I kinda feel like I can lay low in the group and leave an opening for someone who needs extra help. I'm really not doing anything right now, I don't have any big race plans I'm getting ready for. I can keep up in everyone's training blog, pop in here to see what is going on but save the mentor place for someone who really needs some extra help or encouragement getting started.

I can understand how time consuming running this group season after season can be! You handle the group with the same dedication you do your own training. In case I don't tell you all enough, I really appreciate your efforts keeping us all together and answering our questions!

So I'll be around but don't worry about me - how's that .


You or no one else needs to lay low, AT ALL.  I know you well enough to know you aren't offended by the lack of social commentary by any of the mentors.  You have been far too much of a fixture in the Junkies to take a back seat.  You can post as you chose (as can everyone else) and communicate as frequently as you like.......

......That's how I would like it.

2013-12-20 8:10 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Fort Wayne
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Dirk, i would like you, the other mentors and the rest of the Junkies to decide on me. I have learned so much from this group but it seems as if most people are upping their goal to IM. As of right now, I have no desire to do an IM just because there are other things I would like to do. It may be better for you to fill the group w/ people all wanting to do IM and have an IM group. Right now I just can't dedicate that much time to the training as I can only get 12 - 14 hrs per week max. Also i would probably feel like I was a slacker the whole year w/ all ya'll doing so much training. The sad thing is, I used to want to do an IM, that is why i started tri's in the 1st place, but gosh the Oly was hard enough for me..I crashed and burned on mile 6..thing what I'd do on mile 7 - Actually I agree w/ Dina, and I can stalk and ask questions as needed. My feelings will not be hurt by ya'll saying for me to join another group.

Karl,  This group is for everyone!  There are no exclusions because the race distance you chose or chose not to do.  No race or athlete is any more or less important than anothers.  we are all here to become better at one aspect or another of racing and lifestyle.

You are very much welcome to stay in the group.

2013-12-21 7:40 AM
in reply to: DirkP

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Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED
Ya'll were talking about core strength, the ab exercise wheel is the best thing since sliced bread. This works your abs, arms, shoulders chest, hams, butt. I attached a link I hope but you can get them at most stores, like Sports Accademy, Dicks etc etc. Caution, start out by doing just a few because you will be sore!

Just got back from a 16 mile run.

2013-12-21 8:09 AM
in reply to: 0

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

Originally posted by KWDreamun Ya'll were talking about core strength, the ab exercise wheel is the best thing since sliced bread. This works your abs, arms, shoulders chest, hams, butt. I attached a link I hope but you can get them at most stores, like Sports Accademy, Dicks etc etc. Caution, start out by doing just a few because you will be sore! Just got back from a 16 mile run.

Nice run Karl! I didn't even wake up until 7:00 today! Are you getting ready for a marathon?

Edited by trigal38 2013-12-21 8:10 AM
2013-12-21 8:25 AM
in reply to: trigal38

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: ASPHALT JUNKIES Summer Bronzing Crew - CLOSED

I've actually finally accomplished a decent week for training this week. I'm taking a page from Dirk's training log and keeping my runs short - 1.5 miles or so with a warm up & cool down walk, foam roller before and light stretching after. It does not sound like much I know but it is really different than my typical - I feel good, go run 3 miles, no rolling, no stretching and now my hips (or whatever) hurt. I also managed 2 rides with intensity, 2 longer swims and my strength training session with the personal trainer which included squats and lunges which I never, ever do. And my groin is still doing well! One more short ride today - just 30 min warm up before another strength workout and that will round out my week.

I am finally feeling a little more encouraged that maybe this groin thing is healing after all.

I am going to try to keep the runs the same distance next week but work on running every other day. It is hard to stop the runs at that short of a distance but I finish wanting to more and not hurting anywhere which I think is a good thing.

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