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2010-10-30 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I just came back from a tough ride on a hilly course. I haven't ridden it in over a year and I can tell!  Riding into the wind and wind gusts of 21-25 miles per hour didn't help. Much of the downhill was spent out of the aerobars and on the breaks as I kept getting blown into the street. A bit nerve wracking. I did get to take my brand new Garmin out on its first ride thoughTongue out   I have a lot to learn about that thing but it is fun.

After today's ride I have considered bringing my road bike instead of my tri bike to the Miami Man race in two weeks as the course is known to be windy. However, it is a flat course so perfect for the tri bike, at least in that regard. I was supposed to do the race last year but had to transfer it to this year. There were 30-40 mph winds last year due to some storms. I was so glad I dodged that bullet!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Ken, I am looking forward to tracking you next week. Best of luck!

Edited by Kath2163 2010-10-30 3:32 PM


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2010-10-30 4:57 PM
in reply to: #3186586

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Kath2163 - 2010-10-30 4:06 PM I just came back from a tough ride on a hilly course. I haven't ridden it in over a year and I can tell!  Riding into the wind and wind gusts of 21-25 miles per hour didn't help. Much of the downhill was spent out of the aerobars and on the breaks as I kept getting blown into the street. A bit nerve wracking. I did get to take my brand new Garmin out on its first ride thoughTongue out   I have a lot to learn about that thing but it is fun.

After today's ride I have considered bringing my road bike instead of my tri bike to the Miami Man race in two weeks as the course is known to be windy. However, it is a flat course so perfect for the tri bike, at least in that regard. I was supposed to do the race last year but had to transfer it to this year. There were 30-40 mph winds last year due to some storms. I was so glad I dodged that bullet!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Ken, I am looking forward to tracking you next week. Best of luck!

Thanks Kathleen!

Wind can be nerve wracking, but on a flat course you would be better off with the tri bike.

2010-11-01 9:23 AM
in reply to: #3181585

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Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
phxphotog - 2010-10-28 11:54 PM So I did my first spin class yesterday morning and now I can't move my legs. Walking upstairs isn't bad but I can barely walk down them. They should call them "standing" classes not "spin" classes because you spend more time standing than spinning. I'm guessing tomorrow will be worse. No running today.

I like spin classes for winter training.  Really what you are doing is interval training with motivation.  I like being in a large group as it helps to break up the boredom of riding a trainer by yourself.  The class can vary depending on the skill and knowledge of the instructor.  The two instuctors I typically use are both very experienced cyclists and do a great job.  I have heard stories of others who are basically clueless.  

Some of the standing is good as it helps to develop other muscles and build strength, but it can get over the top at times.  My instructors know that I am a triathlete and will blow off some of the standing depending on what I am trying to accomplish.  My club is also good on offering different spin classes.  In the winter we have 2 hour classes that help build both strength and endurance.  I guess it really comes down to your club and what your trying to accomplish.

Edited by GRB1 2010-11-01 9:32 AM
2010-11-01 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2769226

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Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I haven't been out on the bike since July.  I've been either on the trainer or spin bike and probably will stay that way for another week or 2.  The main reason being if I do reinjure myself (knock on wood)  I'm not 15 miles out in the middle of nowhere.  

Overall I have been getting alot stronger,  if you look at some of my logs the run times are inconsistent but I've had some really bad asthma attacks during my runs and had to walk.  Its that time of the year, but otherwise I've been getting it back.

This winter I'm not going over 18 mpw, and 60 on the bike.  My main goal is to shore up my leg strength for next years training.
2010-11-02 6:44 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-11-02 6:45 AM
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2010-11-02 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
The forums have gotten very 'established' lately and its even intimidating for me to ask some things now.  I rarely see any topics that are related to the complete beginner.

I haven't been on the forums as much, just because being here a year all the posts you've read have already been posted 2 or 3 times already.

2010-11-02 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
So I had a pretty big day yesterday, a team I've been following since 1979 finally won the World Series!  I'll be on cloud 9 the next few runs!

Oh, and GL Ken,  I know you'll do well!
2010-11-02 11:04 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Thanks all!  I appreciate you all hanging around here after your seasons have ended!

Packing this morning, then a short bike before packing that.  On the overnight flight tonight from San Diego to Panama City.  We get in fairly early tomorrow.  

Congrats to you on your team winning Chris.  I'm not much of a baseball fan but always good to see teams in it and winning that are not the same ol bought teams. 

2010-11-02 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Extreme Veteran
San Francisco CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Good luck this weekend Ken! Can't wait to follow along on the athlete tracker. Smile

Yeah, we are still having a Giants hangover here in San Francisco today. The city was nuts last night, I fell asleep to the sound of fireworks going off and people honking their horns. Really fun vibe. Tomorrow the victory parade goes right by my office so I'll be able to go out and watch.

Agree with you Fred on the forums. I've never really been an avid poster, I tend to lurk a lot on the main forums and participate more actively in mentor groups and sending PMs to people I've met on BT during the years I've been a member. I'll pipe up on the forums when I have something specific to contribute but I agree that there is a lot of noise out there to sift through.
2010-11-02 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I read some of the posts yesterday and was very disapointed. I can only imagine what a brand new person reading that thread would think. I am sure they would disappear. I sure would have.
It is nice to be able to come here and know it is safe to "think out loud"

Ken we will all be cheering you on!

2010-11-02 4:14 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Sun Prairie, WI
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Good luck with your travel and enjoy the next week leading up to your IM. Looking forward to hearing about your experience. You're ready for the challenge!

Edited by GRB1 2010-11-02 4:19 PM
2010-11-04 9:29 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-11-04 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-11-04 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Thanks everyone!!

I did a swim in the gulf with a bunch of the BT gang here this morning!  Kathy was with us Fred!!

Water was quite choppy as there are strong thunder storms and heavy rain coming through (we were out of the water before todays storms!).  Over 3 inches of rain yesterday and it is still coming!  Supposed to pass sometime this afternoon and get windy and cool but clear for tomorrow then Saturday the winds are supposed to die off some.  It is supposed to be in the upper 30's at race time.  Probably the biggest challenge will be getting dried off enough in T1 to put on some warmer cycling clothes as it isn't forcasted to be above 60 till afternoon. 

Cant control the weather, just adjust to it!!

2010-11-04 9:43 AM
in reply to: #3194720

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

PennState - 2010-11-04 10:35 AM I have a question? Do any of you folks ever read or post on slow twitch? I know that site gets a bad rap on BT, but I think most of you would benefit from reading some of the stuff there. You kind of have to know who the good posters are, but as you all progress in your triathlon experience you may find that there is lots ofnhelpful stuff there (despite the nonsense that goes on) I bring this up as I do post there from time to time and have really decided to stop posting here permanently, with the obvious exception being the mentor thread.I really think many of you folks could be excellent mentors in the next round. Kathleen or Margot, you should consider this as there is always a shortage of good, smart supportive female mentors. You could make a difference for a women thinking about their first long course triathlon. This is no shot against the guys here who could all do a great job too.I'm really serious about this as the one thing I still like about the BT forums is the concept of giving back to newer people. All of you have the knowledge to accomplish this.Thoughts?

I will read the forums, at least until they go negative.  Never have posted there, but most of my posts here have been in mentor threads or race reports.  I agree there can be good information there, especially for more experienced triathletes.

I agree that the mentor threads here have become the gem of the site. 

2010-11-04 10:03 AM
in reply to: #3194700

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-11-04 7:29 AM Two days for Ken and has big race. I have a very good friend kathyG doing the race as well. I will be tracking both all day. I am always excited for people I know doing a big IM race. Fun!

KathyG is great!  When I was hurt she's check up on me every few weeks to see if I was okay;  I'm going to have to wish her good luck!
2010-11-04 10:33 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Hey all!

Great discussions.  I went to an ortho surgeon this week and he's sending me to a general surgeon on Tuesday to get checked out for a sports hernia.  Looks like I can get back into the groove of being physically active!  Just nothing intense. =)

I've being going to a basic bike maintenance & repair class.  4 weeks x 2 hours for $75 is a heck of a deal-I highly suggest something like this to anyone! I'm learning so much.

As far as BT-I believe when I started using it 4 years ago that it was a little more user friendly back then.  Our tri club is starting a beginner triathlete "try a tri" program and the "newbies" have said that BT is intimidating to them.  It has been a great resource for me, but Fred is right to suggest seeing whats on the ST threads, just for kicks I'll try to start lurking over there.

Speaking of newbies... what did you guys find most useful when you were first breaking into triathlon?  Did you do a beginner program??  It's funny how I had internet articles and magazines to guide I have cool peeps like you all!!

I'm looking forward to tracking Ken this weekend.  I've got butterflies in my stomach for you!!

Also, anyone interested in mentoring a BT group-I highly recommend it!  I mentored last year and tried to focus on swimming and I met up with one of my former mentees in Lake Placid this year for a training trip-it was AWESOME!

Kathy-great picture BTW.  Makes me uber jealous.  We had a craptastic "fall" this year so I wasn't able to get any pictures of the leaves changing-a heavy rainstorm stripped the trees back in Sept.

OH, one last thing... has anyone in the group helped solicit sponsorships before?  Our club is in the process of organizing how to go about it, what to charge, where to put logos, etc and I thought we may have a veteran here.
2010-11-04 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2769226

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!

Ken - good luck.  I feel bad for ya because most of us are well past IM season and not as charged up for you as we should be (as we were in July).  Knock em dead brother!!!!!  Take some names!

Fred - I've been an avid BT participant for a few years now, and a big time ST lurker for about the same time.  Most of what I know about tri training I learned in those two places. 

I think just like ST, if you know what (who) to look for on BT you can still learn a ton.  If you have a thick skin, ST is much more efficient because for the most part if someone says something stupid they will be raked over the coals immediately over there.  Basically bad information doesn't pass as good information there, which is a huge problem with BT because the beginner-friendly moderation means people can get away with being ignorant.

I'd love to see a place where ST experience and knowlege exists with BT culture and friendliness, but I don't think that's likely once a group reaches critical mass.  In a way, mentor threads are THE place to find that on BT... you have someone with experience and knowledge and success (who is probably keeping their ear to the ground on ST too) who has made a committment to help some newbies out... and the newbies appreciate it and - I hope this doesn't sound bad - mind their place.  What I mean is they may ask a question or share an opinion but they aren't likely to pick a fight with someone who has established his/her credibility.

Bottom line - there's still a place for me on BT, I think... it's to offer ST-quality information with BT helpfulness.  I'm not going to get into huge debates... I'm just going to share (hopefully with clarity and credibility) and let the reader decide.  I've found that the race-specific threads are also great places to find that kind of blend.  I'm already an unofficial mentor of the IMCdA thread... I hope my posts there are what I'm describing in this paragraph.

Honestly, I think there might be a place on ST for me as well, as that forum has softened a bit in the last year (see threads lementing the lack of HTFU attitude over there), and every now and then shows itself to be made up of a pretty classy group of people who really aren't as mean and cruel as they pretend to be behind their screen names (heck, we've all got issues and I definitely have an on-line bravado that I lack in real life).

Bottom line recipe for best message board value:
1) knowledge and experience
2) sense of community

You have that in the mentor groups.  You have that in the "official" race threads.  And that's where you find your best bang for your buck on BT.  But it's really hard to have both of those things once a forum gets large enough.  On BT you have a sense of community that is so important that you can't call someone an idiot or a cheater even when they're caught red handed... and so bad information and even injustice occurs.  ON ST you have a bunch of very smart and very experienced athletes but frankly the "community" dynamic is disfunctional -- a lot of people with some clear social/pscyhological issues going on (maybe that's why I feel at home there

2010-11-05 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
Morning after clarification: By sense of community I do not mean 20 thousand users. I mean a dozen or two or maybe three.  That's why the mentor threads, and race-specific threads work so well.  We know and care about eeach other... enough to be kind but not enough to let mis-information go unchecked.  At least in my case, that same atmosphere also exists on the state-forum (go Maryland).
2010-11-05 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2769226

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
I'd agree Josh, but there are bad mentor groups as well.  I was in one where it was basically one guy bragging about how he is trying to qualify for Kona and it put everyone else off.  After a few pages everyone else was basically ignored and I stopped posting.  This hands down is the best group I've been in, and that's not only because Fred is awesome, but everyone here is as well.

The problem with any forum is the more popular it gets its harder to become a part of the core group.  So people work hard trying to get noticed; sometimes that's being productive, sometimes its posting alot, alot of times its trolling.  I've been active in about 6 forums for the last 10 years or so (I wish I could just stick to one) and this rule applies to them all.

Also, I've said it here before but I like ST; you can ask serious off the wall questions and get good answers.  BT is a great resource as well but ST has a ton of industry insider knowledge that's great to tap.  I just ignore the trolls.

Edited by furiousferret 2010-11-05 11:27 AM

2010-11-06 5:08 AM
in reply to: #2769226

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2010-11-06 5:09 AM
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2010-11-06 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3198132

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-11-06 4:08 AM Wow, great posts recently guys! This has been a really awesome group. A good mix of athletic abilities and backgrounds. I have learned a lot from this group. I also really appreciate the kind words toward me. I think the BT general forums have gone in a different direction than I would like, but this group has been a really positive BT experience for me. I did fail to mention that Sara would be an outstanding mentor as well. She along with Josh are two of the group I have actually metnin person. I probably will be pretty scarce around here after IMFL, but as always am available for PMs and inspires. Thanks ALL for a great group experience!

I feel very fortunate to have been a part of this group. I feel like I have gained new friendships and look forward to meeting a couple of  you  (Chris and Todd) in person in a couple of weeks. It has been really exciting following all of you through your big events and it have been nice sharing a piece of the race with you all.   Of course all of you have provided support, encouragement and knowledge that has helped me more then you can know. Thank you for that.
I will certainly consider being a mentor. I would certainly be helpful with new triathletes/and future triathletes but am not sure how effective I would be with seasoned triathletes. While I learn more and more each day, there is still so much to learn.  I will seriously consider this roll.
I hope we all "keep in touch".  I certainly will be following all of you.
Thanks again!
2010-11-06 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3198133

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Penn State's mentor group - CLOSED!
PennState - 2010-11-06 4:09 AM Now for today's event. Go Ken! Only a few hours. Also a really good friend of mine named Kathy Graves is racing today if interested in following her. I think she is going to PR today despite a very challenging year. Ken has a great chance at a PR today as well!

GO KEN GO!  The pros have started.  I have followed the FL thread and  am familiar with Kathy just from reading her posts.  She has had a challenging year. I hope that they both have a great race!
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