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2007-08-28 5:49 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Good to here from both of you. Mandi it sounds like you are on track for a great race. What kind of time are you shooting for? Someday I hope to get the chance to run one of the large marathon's. Hans I thought you had a marathon planned for sept. Glad to here that Jette is going to do a race. You should be able to do some training together. Not much going for me. With no races on the schedule I feel a bit lost. Enjoy the training!

2007-08-28 2:14 PM
in reply to: #943374

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Yes I did have a marathon scheduled for September, but I decided to train for triathlon instead. I could not deal with the swim, bike and all the running for a marathon at one time. That is for the moment. I eventually have to deal with all 3 disciplines at one time if I want to do a full ironman. But that is not imminent, next year it's a half. I’m still hoping to come to Florida in May, then I will attend the 70.3 in Orlando. But the trip has not been planned yet.

Right now I'm off training, due to a bad shoulder. Got it Sunday evening. Don’t know what caused it, maybe the 45 km in the bars? Will see the doctor tomorrow, can't lift my arm without pain.

Jette is a bit nervous about her first tri. There is a men’s tri at the same time, but I’m not going to do that. Instead I will help her, so she can get a good start in her new “career”.

This was my first season and I’m pleased with my performance so far. I can say that I’m hooked, so hooked that I will get a new bike on Friday. Just got a new wetsuit, so it has been an expensive time lately.

Sunday I have a 12Km race with my company, Jette is going to race as well.

All the best from Denmark
2007-08-28 4:00 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans let me know what bike you get. I am a bike junky!! If you sign up for the 70.3 let me know and I will try and do this to.
2007-08-29 2:31 AM
in reply to: #944655

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
My new bike is a Vision C-1100. It's a full carbon frame. I had it mounted with Campagnolo Centaur 2007, Fulcrum 5 evolution wheels, Ritchey pro stem, handle bar and seat post. Fizik arione saddle. It's a road bike, as I will keep my Trek Hilo 2000 Tribike until next year.

I have already looked at a new tribike, an aeroblade from, but that won’t be until spring next year

I will take some pictures of the bikes an post the here at BT in my photo album


visionc1100rod.jpg (33KB - 120 downloads)
2007-08-29 8:38 PM
in reply to: #945220

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans that bike looks sweet, make sure and post a picture once you have it built up.
2007-09-10 3:24 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi there

I’ve been away from my computer for some days now, so a lot has happened here in Denmark. It’s now Monday morning and I’m back at work - time to update my BT blog.

Jette went to her first triathlon Saturday. It was a female triathlon (200m, 10Km, 2Km). The swimming was in a 25m pool, and she did a very good swim coming out of the water as third. After a short run to her bike, she got into her running shoes and off she went. She had a 30 second lead to #4. The bike route was 3 laps, and she maintained her position. As Jette is not a fast runner, she was passed about halfway on the run, and finished as #4. But she was very happy with her performance in her first triathlon. Her time was 38:10.

Early in 2007 I planned to do a second marathon in the autumn, but as I did focus more on swimming and biking, I dropped it. Instead I was thinking to do the ½ marathon in Viborg. But as Jette was going to her first tri, and my company was participating in a charity event, I decided to drop the run in Viborg and do a ½ marathon at the charity run instead. I was scheduled to run in the night, from 1 to 3am. My plan was to run 40 laps (24 km) or 2 hours, but as the route was 625m instead of 600m, I ended up with 37 laps (23.125Km) in 2:00:57. This was my first long run since my marathon in April, so I’m pleased with my time (½ marathon in 1:49:45). Jette and I will participate in Vejle ½ marathon October 21st. It will be Jette’s first, and I have a goal to set new PB (current PB is 1:43:03 from 2005) so I have a bit of training to accomplish this.

My new bike has arrived and I will post some pictures soon. Unfortunately the bike had some issues, with wrong components, badly adjusted brakes/gears and other minor things. So I have to get it back to the shop to get it sorted out. But it’s nice and rides well.

That’s all for now – back to work


2007-09-11 5:41 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans good to hear that you are hitting the run hard. You have given me some inspiration to ramp up the miles on the run once it gets a little cooler. Sounds like Jette did great! That must be nice to be able to do some training together. Look forward to seeing some pics of the new bike. Have a good week.
2007-09-25 4:02 AM
in reply to: #959456

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full

It has been almost a month since I finished in my 1/4 ironman, so it's about time to finish my race report. Just up loaded it with a photo of the team from my club.

I also up loaded some pictures of my new road bike to my album.

Here in Denmark we have rain, leafs are falling, autumn is coming. But no need to relax, I have set some goals for my winter training and will participate in some ½ marathons. I hope to set PB in Vejle, October 21st, as this is a flat route.

How is everybody doing? Steve, Mandy - are you still here?

Wednesday afternoon I will go on a trip to Norway to do some diving. So no tri-training for the next week.

Best regards
2007-09-25 5:02 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Still here. Just starting to rehab my knee and losing the 12 pounds I've gained. Right now my goal is to be lean with a nice base when serious training starts in January.
I just finished a 3mile run at a 10:30 pace. That's pretty much my limit right now.
2007-09-27 4:39 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Glad to you all are doing well. Steve sorry to here about your knee. Hans I check out the pictures of the bike, very nice. Are you going to do the 70.3 at Disney next year? If you do the race I will sign up and do it also. It will be nice to meet you. Both of you keep up the training!
2007-10-01 4:04 AM
in reply to: #981997

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Steve, good to hear that you are still around. Just take it easy and you’ll be back in no time.

I’m still very eager to do the 70.3 in the Disney resort next May. We haven’t got around to plan our trip yet, we have been to busy lately. I’ve been reading a bit on their website and I’m ready to register, I just need the final confirmation from the “Minister of finance” (read Jette) and that shouldn’t take more than a couple of years to achieve :-)

I just got back from my diving trip to Norway. Nice place, nice weather and nice diving. Luckily I got back alive – was almost eaten by an anglerfish. Now I’m going to eat him instead – very tasty fish.
5 days without training - I gained almost 4 pounds :-( and only 3 weeks to our ½ marathon. Next Sunday we are going to the local “hill climb” race, 3 rounds (9.75km) of up and down, in and out in the woods.

I’ll get back to you about the Florida 70.3 this week. Do you know when this event is normally sold out?

Best regards from Denmark


Anglerfish6.jpg (82KB - 106 downloads)

2007-10-07 8:56 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans that is a fish! How did you catch that thing? Sorry I have been absent, but I have been going through some medical test and found out I have a congenital medical problem and this has me a bit of course. Hans I don't think that race sold out quick last year. Have a great week to all of you!

Edited by robmw2 2007-10-07 8:57 AM
2007-11-02 3:16 AM
in reply to: #995194

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi Robert

I didn't bring my spear gun at that dive, so I took it with my knife and stabbed it right between the eyes. I'm going back to Norway in 2 weeks, same place.

I did fail my last race, had a target time of 1:45, but the last 4 kms were hard and I dropped 1 min each km. The race report is finished. Jette did an Okay race and finished in 2:09:28 in her first ½ marathon, but she was very used and cold at the finish. Had to sit indoor in a chair with blankets and drinking hot soup. But after 2 days she was talking about her next ½ marathon.

Planning of our trip to Florida next year is in full progress, trying to find plane tickets, arrange with work and persuade my ex wife to bring my son for the 3-4 weeks. When the tickets have been ordered, I will register to the race.

Here in Denmark it's getting colder, and I've been busy at work. Training has been at bit slow lately. The bike trainer is set up again, so I hope for some long trips this winter. In December/January I will go to a spin class, the instructor is a guy from the tri club. I need to train on the bike as I'm still dead slow.

Best regards

Edited by DDTech 2007-11-04 11:59 PM
2007-11-02 3:20 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi Mandy

Are you still around?

How is your training coming? Still up for NYC marathon?

If so, then good luck.

All the best

2007-11-04 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1034572

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hans sorry you did not make your goal time. I am confident with your level of dedication you will take out the 1:45. Florida weather is just getting nice. I look forward to ramping up training in december. I will have to miss some time for a surgery and a vacation. Good to hear that Jet is ready to go after it again. Keep up the training.
2007-11-11 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1037656

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I am indeed still around! I ran New York last weekend with a time of 6:05:23. Much slower than I would have liked, but I was still pretty happy with the race. NYC is an amazing place with some very steep bridges! The HUGE numbers of people (and the lines for the porta-potties during the race!!) are a pretty big reason for my slower time.

Rob--I hope the surgery goes well and that you recover quickly!

My next goal is to start getting faster. I'm really not sure how, but I'm going to work on it!


2007-11-11 3:14 PM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Nice job in NY. I bet that you had a great time. Did you get to watch to olympic trials? Right now I am unable to do any training and am about to go out of my mind. My training fix will come from listening to all of you, so keep it coming. Mandi what kind of milage are you putting in?
2007-12-13 6:18 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi everyone

I've been away some quite some time now. It's been a month since my last training session - way to long. No excuses! But – I’ve been very busy lately. Heavy work load, a long dive trip to Norway, graduated from commercial dive school and had a very close friend who died in a diving accident. I had to cut down on training, but I managed to cut down to zero for a whole month.

Now its pay back time; went to the pool yesterday and tonight its spinning class. Luckily I haven’t gained weight, but I’m certainly not in shape for the moment. The weather here in Denmark is quite mild for the season, so no excuse for not running outside. I just need a kick in the butt. Jette has been training all the time, so I’m way behind her. And that’s motivation with Christmas coming up.

Rob - I can see you a doing a steady training to get back. Good to see, hope you are back to your full potential soon. I’ve been following your blogs, and reading about others peoples training gave me a bad conscience.

I did manager to get something good out of last month. I had a super dive trip to Norway, graduated with 3 times A from commercial diving school and I’m almost finished with a big project at work. Now we are looking forward to the holidays.

Enough excuses, it’s time to hit the road. As I read here at BT “my best training intentions, won’t get me through race day”

Best regards from Denmark
2007-12-13 8:53 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Glen Burnie, Maryland
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Great to hear form you Hans.

I've been doing some weight training and some sllloooowwwww running. I have my first race in about about 6 months this weekend. It's a 5 mile run. I still take it slow but it will be nice to get out and "race" again. Really looking forward to next season. I've already signed up for an Olympic in May. Other than that I might do a few sprints, a couple 10 mile races and maybe a Marathon. I've been getting an itch to try and Ultra (maybe a 50 miler) but haven't scratched it yet.

I hope everyone has a great holiday,

2007-12-16 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1099498

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Tampa Bay Area, FL
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
I keep dropping off the face of the planet....

I haven't exercised since Thanksgiving day!? I am so stressed out with work that I have really negelected my body and spirit. I have started some soul-seaching, and I am starting to realize that I may not be doing exactly what I am here on this Earth to do. My job is no longer emtionally or mentally fulfilling, and I don't feel like I'm doing good for anyone, including myself. Teaching just doesn't give me the same sense of purpose that it used to. That said, I'm still looking for the courage to do something about it!

Once school is out this Friday, I'll be able to focus on ME for 16 days. Well, focus on ME and the bowl games. I am going to set up a running program and a strength training program for myself and see if I can get myself back on track physically. I am quite sure that the other stuff will flow from there. It's amazing what being healthy will do to the other aspects of your life.
2007-12-16 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1104604

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
All of you kick butt!(I am being non offensive).
Sounds like all of us have had a tough couple of months. Hans sorry to hear about your friend. It is good to hear that you have finished school and getting back in the saddle. Jett is probably glad to have a bit of a head start.
It is nice to have Steve and Mandi back! Steve let me know if you scratch that itch. The ultra's seem to have some cosmic draw on me, but I just have been unable to give up the bike long enough to take the plunge. Mandi enjoy YOUR 16 days and for goodness sake make them yours. Sounds like you need it. The tough decision never seem to be easy, but I am sure you will do what is right for you. You only live once.
All of you are awesome. I was going to check my e-mail and then sit down with a big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. After reading all of your stuff i'm peeling myself off the couch and going for a run. Thanks! All of you have a good week.

2007-12-31 6:19 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Happy New Year, Let's all have a great training year
2008-01-02 8:31 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Happy new year to all of you

This is the end of my first tri season. I had to go back and look in some of my old papers to find my goals, which I defined a year ago.

1. To complete Hamburg marathon in less than 4 hours – Yes I did it.
2. To complete a second marathon in the autumn – No I didn’t do that
3. To get started in triathlon and participate in a race – Yes I did 4 tri’s
4. To run a ½ marathon in less than 1:45 – No I didn’t do that

Even though I only managed to fulfill two of my goals, I’m still pretty satisfied with my first season.
I’m hooked and will continue to train and race triathlon. And now when Jette is on to it as well, I think it’s a bit easier. Jette did manage to run a ½ marathon and do a sprint triathlon this year.
This winter I had put up some goals for my off-season training, and to keep my self on track I wrote them down in my BT blog. Well – I’m glad the winter isn’t over yet, because I haven’t reached my goals in any sport yet. I don’t think I was too ambitious, but as always there are so many things to do all the time. This year I better plan more carefully.

This year’s goals are:
1. To keep up my training and stay motivated
2. To complete Florida ½ Ironman
3. To complete DM Long Triathlon (National championship, ½ Ironman distance)
4. To run a ½ marathon in less than 1:45
This must be enough for my second season. As you can see no marathons are planned, they are put on ice until I’m ready for a full Ironman. And when I’m ready? Maybe in 2009

New Years Greetings
2008-01-22 8:29 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Randers, Denmark
Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Hi there

Now it's official - I'm registered for the Florida 70.3 May 18th.

The flight tickets are booked and right now I’m looking for hotel, car and 10000000 other things.
Luckily it has been arranged so that I have 18 days to acclimate before the race. I’m looking forward to train and race in the heat. I hope to “survive” the ½ marathon.

The list is getting longer and longer, so many things to do and see while we are there. 3½ weeks seems not enough.

It has been quiet here lately - how is everybody doing?
Training here in Denmark is coming along just fine. The weather is still quite mild for the season. Today I started with a morning run, just 5 km, but still I was out. The temperature was just above 32°F. Not much wind either. A good way to start the day, I hope it can become a habit. Well – it has to, that’s the only way I can squeeze in all my planned training.

I might have a lot of questions for you Rob, about the race itself. I’ll bee glad if you could help me out. Maybe you are participating as well?

That all for now, had to bring you the latest news.

Best regards
Hans Eriksen
2008-01-24 6:15 AM
in reply to: #669112

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Subject: RE: Robmw2's Group--Full
Ah! be ready for the heat and humidity. The race is a good one and you should enjoy yourself, but it will be HOT! Good plan on coming a few days early, it will take a few days to get used to the humidity. I am not sure if I am going to be in town that weekend so I am going to hold off on signing up for now. I will help you out any way that I can. Maybe we can get together for some riding/running before the race. Just let me know what you need.
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