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2009-01-20 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1857070

Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Okay swam today. I pretty much suck at this part. It's so frustating when the big and I mean really really big lady next to me can swim faster . She is doing a one arm stroke and laps me time and time again and I am swimming with both arms. She could even do her back stroke faster then my front crawl. I would love to be able to swim like that. I think I would have to grow gills!!! One thing I have learned from my marathon days is nerver under estimate ones ability due to one size. Its good to be humbled and to get a kick in the but!!!

2009-01-20 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1919114

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Hey Tania, I felt the same way.  I hired a swim trainer, it cost me about 145 bucks for 4 lessons.  After the first lesson, I was more frustrated than before I began....but I trusted the coach, put in my time on the drills and it is all coming together.  I cut my 50 time in half after 3 lessons.  Swimming is all about technique, and I am not suggesting that everyone can just run out and hire a coach.  I am just saying, don't let it get you down.  If you can afford hiring a coach, it is money well spent.  I could have swam for years and not learned what I have in just 3 weeks.  Also, search Youtube, they have some really good drills (the same ones the coaches use), learn one new drill a week (practice it until you get it) and in no time you will notice improvement.  Stay focused and don't get discouraged!

Edited by msfugitivehunter 2009-01-20 7:24 PM
2009-01-20 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1919114

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

tri4mom - 2009-01-20 8:09 PM Okay swam today. I pretty much suck at this part. It's so frustating when the big and I mean really really big lady next to me can swim faster . She is doing a one arm stroke and laps me time and time again and I am swimming with both arms. She could even do her back stroke faster then my front crawl. I would love to be able to swim like that. I think I would have to grow gills!!! One thing I have learned from my marathon days is nerver under estimate ones ability due to one size. Its good to be humbled and to get a kick in the but!!!

I feel the same way many days.  Some times when I go swim there is no one else there and so I feel like I'm doing good, then some days others are there and just leave me in the dust.

I did a swim workout tonight and in the next 2 lanes to my left, a coach had some of her girls from a swim team out doing drills.  They were like 11, 12, maybe as old as 14 ... and they were leaving me in the dust ... even when they were just doing their drills and I was doing my main swim and trying to kick it in a little and have a decent pace.

The drills I'm doing, I'm probably doing them all wrong.  I should check out some of the YouTube videos as well.  Eventually I'll try to hire a coach as well or join a Masters swim club - it's just that after dropping some dough on my bike I have spent all my tri funds for the time being.

Edited by klowman 2009-01-20 8:02 PM
2009-01-21 7:29 AM
in reply to: #1919114

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Tania~  Don't be discouraged in your swimming ability.  It is something that takes alot of time, effort and patience to master.  Being competative (as most triathletes are), do your best not to compare yourself to others.  Who knows, they may have been swimming since they could walk and since swimming is more about technique than strength, it is next to impossible to correctly measure two people against each other.  As you were mentioning the bigger lady next to you, I will again echo Kevin's comments about the younger girls.  I am sure he and I are both bigger and stronger than them, but I would put my money on them any day!  - No offense Kevin.  Keep it all in perspective.  You'll get there.

2009-01-21 7:44 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL


After thinking about things and listening to what you and many others say, I have a question for you regarding training.  I probably should have asked this several weeks ago, but figured it's never too late.  Regarding run training, what would you recommend as proper training distances?  How much is too much?  When should I increase my mileage and by how much?  I will say for me personally, I think my ego get's in the way.  If I am supposed to run 3 miles today, I ask why?  I can run six without any trouble.  ~ That is the way I think (which obviously is incorrect).  Should I wait to increase my mileage during the actually training sessions as opposed to base training?  Just a few things to get me on track. 

As I said before, my brother is a college track coach and has offered to put together a training program for me.  Should I take him up on it or do you think that will affect my other training areas?  He trains almost strictly on HR.  I was thinking he could give me a base training workout.  What do you think about that?

Also, if I kind of have the same questions about biking too.  Given my training so far, what do you recommend for distances and at what pace should I progress?

2009-01-21 8:06 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I would definitely have your brother set you up a training plan for running. If you find it overkill (in that you are running every day with little time for swimming and biking), you can cut out some of the less important runs.

Looking at your logs for January, you are currently running about 16 miles per week. If you have experienced no problems, you should be able to increase your mileage this week to 17.6 miles. You can do this by adding short runs more frequently or by keeping your short runs the same and increasing your distance for your long run. The long run should be done at an easy pace. The following week, you can up your weekly distance to 19 miles. The week after that, back it down to 16 miles for recovery.

Ideally, you should shoot for 20-30 miles per week for HIM. Your body may have other ideas.

Cycling is a bit more forgiving, so you can increase distance quicker than with running. You can do two short rides (or spin classes) and one long ride. 2 hours should be plenty of time for a long ride at this stage of the season.

2009-01-21 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
BUMP! I don't like being on Page 2

I got my swimmy done. It felt sooo good to get back in the pool even if it was crowded with home-schoolers. I guess I feel about swimming what some of you feel about running. It is comforting and I don't have to think. I just have to count.
2009-01-21 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1919661

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-01-21 8:29 AM

Tania~  Don't be discouraged in your swimming ability.  It is something that takes alot of time, effort and patience to master.  Being competative (as most triathletes are), do your best not to compare yourself to others.  Who knows, they may have been swimming since they could walk and since swimming is more about technique than strength, it is next to impossible to correctly measure two people against each other.  As you were mentioning the bigger lady next to you, I will again echo Kevin's comments about the younger girls.  I am sure he and I are both bigger and stronger than them, but I would put my money on them any day!  - No offense Kevin.  Keep it all in perspective.  You'll get there.

Yeah, they came up laughing and giggling at the end of each of their drill sets .... as for me ... I could've sworn I was sweating underwater halfway through my workout ...Smile


2009-01-21 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1920864

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
klowman - 2009-01-21 4:41 PM
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-01-21 8:29 AM

Tania~  Don't be discouraged in your swimming ability.  It is something that takes alot of time, effort and patience to master.  Being competative (as most triathletes are), do your best not to compare yourself to others.  Who knows, they may have been swimming since they could walk and since swimming is more about technique than strength, it is next to impossible to correctly measure two people against each other.  As you were mentioning the bigger lady next to you, I will again echo Kevin's comments about the younger girls.  I am sure he and I are both bigger and stronger than them, but I would put my money on them any day!  - No offense Kevin.  Keep it all in perspective.  You'll get there.

Yeah, they came up laughing and giggling at the end of each of their drill sets .... as for me ... I could've sworn I was sweating underwater halfway through my workout ...Smile


I am right there with you! Usually I'm looking for the O2 tank after I finish a set!
2009-01-21 10:50 PM
in reply to: #1920660

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-01-21 3:18 PM BUMP! I don't like being on Page 2 I got my swimmy done. It felt sooo good to get back in the pool even if it was crowded with home-schoolers. I guess I feel about swimming what some of you feel about running. It is comforting and I don't have to think. I just have to count.

Counting is the hardest part!

I'm another lucky one who comes from a swimming background.  It is nice to be able to concentrate on bike and run training - which are more highly volume driven when it comes to seeing improvements.  It's also a big confidence booster to be comfortable in the water.  The only open water swimming I did last year was in my races.  I was certainly slower than I was in the pool but at least I didn't have to deal with panic when I was getting jostled around by other racers or when I turned to breathe and got a gulp of water instead of air.

Now if only I were faster on the bike I wouldn't have to listen to all those slower swimmers shouting "on the left" as they zoom past on their fancy wheels!  

2009-01-22 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
So how was everyone's day? I actually got all 3 workouts complete. I'm feeling a bit tired, but not too bad. What about you?

2009-01-22 5:28 PM
in reply to: #1923438

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-01-22 5:41 PM So how was everyone's day? I actually got all 3 workouts complete. I'm feeling a bit tired, but not too bad. What about you?

3 workouts?  That is awesome.

Short 3 mile run and strength training for me.  No IT Band issues.  Real happy about that.  I'm thinking I was just real tight from the ride the night before when I experienced the pain a few days ago.  It felt good.  Excluding warm up and cool down, I did 3 miles in 26 minutes.  It was on a tm.  I wanted to keep the run flat since I was just testing my leg.  Swim tomorrow, trainer Saturday.  ~No shoulder pain, no leg pain~  I'm getting myself put back together again.  (Currently knocking on wood.)

2009-01-22 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Pam~  Any chance you're available for a ride on Mondays?  That is typically my day off.  I'd like to check out the route you mentioned.  We just had a new guy join at my club who does tris.  He's got a great attitude.  He just does them for the exercise and doesn't care about where he finishes.  We talked about getting out to ride sometime too.
2009-01-22 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1923438

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-01-22 5:41 PM So how was everyone's day? I actually got all 3 workouts complete. I'm feeling a bit tired, but not too bad. What about you?

I barely managed to fit in a few minutes on the trainer.  It's a good thing this was scheduled to be a low volume week.  All that "real life" stuff has been keeping me pretty busy.

2009-01-22 6:37 PM
in reply to: #1923511

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-01-22 6:32 PM

Pam~  Any chance you're available for a ride on Mondays?  That is typically my day off.  I'd like to check out the route you mentioned.  We just had a new guy join at my club who does tris.  He's got a great attitude.  He just does them for the exercise and doesn't care about where he finishes.  We talked about getting out to ride sometime too.

Since I'm not working during IM training, I'm pretty flexible. Planning on riding Saturday afternoon this week. First time I'll be outdoors since Jan. 1st!

Great news on the IT band.
2009-01-22 6:40 PM
in reply to: #1923634

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
esc - 2009-01-22 7:28 PM

barqhead - 2009-01-22 5:41 PM So how was everyone's day? I actually got all 3 workouts complete. I'm feeling a bit tired, but not too bad. What about you?

I barely managed to fit in a few minutes on the trainer.  It's a good thing this was scheduled to be a low volume week.  All that "real life" stuff has been keeping me pretty busy.

I hear ya. That's the way it goes sometimes. Through June, training is number 2 on my list of priorities. My family is the only thing more important. I'm a lucky, lucky girl.

2009-01-22 10:51 PM
in reply to: #1923438

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

barqhead - 2009-01-22 5:41 PM So how was everyone's day? I actually got all 3 workouts complete. I'm feeling a bit tired, but not too bad. What about you?

As usual, I'm late in posting my workouts because I don't get done till 09:30 pm or so, then by the time I get home and have some dinner ... it's like 10:30, 11:00 pm or later ...

But I swam a total of 2000 yds, 5x100 warmups, 1000 yd main, then 5x100 warmdown... and then a short 30 minute session on the stationary bike.

2009-01-23 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1857070

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Richland, MS
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
No workouts for me...I have been laid up since Wednesday night with fever over 103 most of the time.  Went to doc and got a few shots, fever is down but feel like holy crap!  Would love to get on my feet for a ride Saturday, since the weather is going to range on the upper 60's.
2009-01-23 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1924792

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-23 11:27 AM

No workouts for me...I have been laid up since Wednesday night with fever over 103 most of the time.  Went to doc and got a few shots, fever is down but feel like holy crap!  Would love to get on my feet for a ride Saturday, since the weather is going to range on the upper 60's.

Oh that sux! Make sure you are fever-free before working out again. Would hate for you to relapse.
2009-01-23 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1924916

New user
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
feel better soon msfugitivehunter!

as for me, i went for a longish swim today...2000 yards! i tried to time myself during the core of my workout and tried to swim sets of 4 x 100 yd in 2:00 min or less/100 yd. whew! i felt worn out. i was able to do it, but i really felt like i was sprinting. guess i need to spend more time in the pool. at least my shoulder didn't start bothering me until the end of my workout. i've been trying to add in the bilateral breathing more often and i really think it's helping.

anyway, hope everyone has a good weekend!
2009-01-23 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL


I can't really afford a swim coach or Masters class right now, so instead I upgraded to Silver and watched some of the swim drill videos.

I'm off to the pool now to try some out!

2009-01-23 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1924792

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-23 11:27 AM No workouts for me...I have been laid up since Wednesday night with fever over 103 most of the time.  Went to doc and got a few shots, fever is down but feel like holy crap!  Would love to get on my feet for a ride Saturday, since the weather is going to range on the upper 60's.

Over 103?  That's horrible.  Sorry, man.  Hope you feel better soon.  My wife has had a really bad cough, chest congestion, severe headaches and a really bad sore throat for the past three weeks.  Docs can't figure it out.   Needless to say, I'm staying away from her.  Good luck to you.  Hope you shake it soon.


2009-01-24 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1924792

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

msfugitivehunter - 2009-01-23 11:27 AM No workouts for me...I have been laid up since Wednesday night with fever over 103 most of the time.  Went to doc and got a few shots, fever is down but feel like holy crap!  Would love to get on my feet for a ride Saturday, since the weather is going to range on the upper 60's.

Holy Fever, Batman!  That is no fun at all.  Get plenty of rest and plenty of fluids.  Hope you feel better soon.

2009-01-24 12:29 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL

Happy weekend, everyone!  And boy, was I ready for the weekend.  I had a crazy week at work and was just as busy with school work.  It was nice to wake up with no real obligations for a few days. 

I've been dealing with some shin pain which was at least obliging enough to concur with an easy week.  So it's no running for me for at least a few days.  I'm getting ready to trek over to the pool for a swim then I'm thinking I'm going to cap off my Saturday with a nap, dinner, and a movie.  Sunday I'm taking a ride to nowhere on the trainer then meeting up with a friend for Purdue Women's Basketball.  Go Boilers!  Beat those Buckeyes!

What do y'all have planned for the weekend?

2009-01-24 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1857070

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: Barqhead's Group - FULL
I've been fighting shin pain, too. Didn't run at Disney to give my shins a break. I've got a 2 hour ride planned for today. Rolling out in about a half an hour. Tomorrow is a 14 mile run. I'm meeting up with a group at Furman U. to do the majority of it on a smooth, packed-dirt trail.
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