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2009-04-27 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2113395

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Oklahoma City
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-27 1:49 PM Yeah Kathleen!  Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.  You'll get better!


Good job, Kathleen.

2009-04-28 2:02 AM
in reply to: #2068561

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Ran 11K on Saturday. Swam 1800 yards + 30 minutes of weight lifting this morning. Running 15K tomorrow morning. 55K bike ride scheduled for Wednesday. Feeling good about exercise, but cannot keep diet under any sort of control. I understand that the amount of fuel I'm using needs to get replaced, but I feel permanently famished and pretty much eat my way across the city and back. On the bright side, it's mostly fruit, vegetables, and fish, but an inordinate amount of chocolate seems to be getting in there, also.
2009-04-28 6:08 AM
in reply to: #2114624

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

sage - 2009-04-28 3:02 AM Ran 11K on Saturday. Swam 1800 yards + 30 minutes of weight lifting this morning. Running 15K tomorrow morning. 55K bike ride scheduled for Wednesday. Feeling good about exercise, but cannot keep diet under any sort of control. I understand that the amount of fuel I'm using needs to get replaced, but I feel permanently famished and pretty much eat my way across the city and back. On the bright side, it's mostly fruit, vegetables, and fish, but an inordinate amount of chocolate seems to be getting in there, also.

Nice! Those workouts sound great Trying to figure out what to eat has been a struggle for me lately. I am ALWAYS hungry, even though I'm not exactly training at crazy high volumes. But if I eat as much as my stomach craves, I start to gain weight. If I eat less, I want to chew my hand off. I've tried eating more protein, less protein, more carbs, less carbs, etc. It's annoying. Have you tried doing the 6 smaller meals a day plan? I used to that in college/grad school, when I wasn't chained to a desk, and it seemed to work. With a 9-5 job, it's hard because you have to bring all of it with you (prep it all at home) and the remember to eat it! If you're busy, it's super-easy to forget.

2009-04-28 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2114624

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
sage - 2009-04-28 3:02 AM Ran 11K on Saturday. Swam 1800 yards + 30 minutes of weight lifting this morning. Running 15K tomorrow morning. 55K bike ride scheduled for Wednesday. Feeling good about exercise, but cannot keep diet under any sort of control. I understand that the amount of fuel I'm using needs to get replaced, but I feel permanently famished and pretty much eat my way across the city and back. On the bright side, it's mostly fruit, vegetables, and fish, but an inordinate amount of chocolate seems to be getting in there, also.

Wow!!!  You are doing a great job!!!  It looks like you're eating well & you're on vacation!!!! (right?!?)  I like the snacks all day approach.  My latest favorites are almonds and cashews, protein bars, an apple and yogurt.  They usually keep me pretty full, along with a salad or turkey on wheat...but I am not doing anywhere near the amount of work you are doing.  I was dating my husband when I was training for my first marathon, and I would eat like crazy, and his Dad always loved it because I would eat more than everyone!!! 

You are doing a great job!!  And give yourself a break on the chocolate, it's full of antioxidants!!
2009-04-28 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Wow Sage, that's great.  It's funny to read this post this AM and Chrissy and Kathleen's replies because just last night and this AM I was thinking about this also.  I haven't really lost the weight I thought I would with the training schedule.  My downfall is wine not chocolate.  I know it is bad but I love it.  Supposedly it is also full of antioxidants (red) but it dehydrates me and slows my fat loss.    I am going to try to make it from now to the tri without it.  I think it will increase my fat loss.
I came home from swimming last night FAMISHED.  I didn't eat though because it was 9:30 and I don't like to eat before bed so I just went to bed.  I ate off plan this AM because I was so hungry I stopped and got a breakfast sandwich at Panera.  Protein without carbs did not sound good.

Now I have some questions.  I read somewhere that there is a way to counter the effects of alcohol on your hydration.  I know I shouldn't have anything, but if I do have a glass of red wine once and a while what else do I have to do to make sure it doesnt dehydrate me.  I read somewhere once "Emergen-C" can help this?  Does anyone know?

Next question, I think I need some tough love or reassurance.  I have a bad knee.  I have to really watch it so that it doesnt get aggrivated and inflamed, when that happens I can barely walk let alone train.  I have been managing it well and the celebrex is really helping me a lot.
Here's the question.  I ran/walked yesterday AM, then swam last night. I sprinted and kicked more than usual and about 1/2 way through the practice I could really feel the knee.  I was careful and finished practice, went home and set my alarm to get up at 4:45 for my 5:45 spin class this AM.  I felt it a couple times during the night, and got up and started getting ready for spin but could tell it was tender.   I went back to bed.   I am currently doing an Anthony Robbins series and he would probably call this a rationalization.  I didnt really want to get out of bed (I didn't) so I used my knee as an excuse.  But the part of me that wants to actually FINISH this triathlon was petrified that I would get injured so I also think I was being cautious.

Be brutally honest, should I go to spin class and STOP if it is tender, (I think I know the answer) or feel confident that I am pushing myself and get rest and do something else when I think I am stressing it?

I can take it.
2009-04-28 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2115057

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-28 10:02 AM Wow Sage, that's great.  It's funny to read this post this AM and Chrissy and Kathleen's replies because just last night and this AM I was thinking about this also.  I haven't really lost the weight I thought I would with the training schedule.  My downfall is wine not chocolate.  I know it is bad but I love it.  Supposedly it is also full of antioxidants (red) but it dehydrates me and slows my fat loss.    I am going to try to make it from now to the tri without it.  I think it will increase my fat loss.
I came home from swimming last night FAMISHED.  I didn't eat though because it was 9:30 and I don't like to eat before bed so I just went to bed.  I ate off plan this AM because I was so hungry I stopped and got a breakfast sandwich at Panera.  Protein without carbs did not sound good.

Now I have some questions.  I read somewhere that there is a way to counter the effects of alcohol on your hydration.  I know I shouldn't have anything, but if I do have a glass of red wine once and a while what else do I have to do to make sure it doesnt dehydrate me.  I read somewhere once "Emergen-C" can help this?  Does anyone know?

I don't know of anything clinically proven, but if you jst have one glass of wine with a meal, it shouldn't affect you THAT much, and if it does, hydration is not your problem, it may be the wine itself (the level of tannins in red wine can mess with some people). I try to counter a glass or two of wine with a full glass of water and a small snack. Emergen-C is just a huge shot of vitamin C, most of which gets processed and pee'd out. There are some big debates on here about about supplements and the general consensus is that most of it is bunk. UNLESS your doc tells you that you need it for specific deficiencies, etc. Perhaps ask your doc the next time you're there and see if they have any suggestions.

Next question, I think I need some tough love or reassurance.  I have a bad knee.  I have to really watch it so that it doesnt get aggrivated and inflamed, when that happens I can barely walk let alone train.  I have been managing it well and the celebrex is really helping me a lot.
Here's the question.  I ran/walked yesterday AM, then swam last night. I sprinted and kicked more than usual and about 1/2 way through the practice I could really feel the knee.  I was careful and finished practice, went home and set my alarm to get up at 4:45 for my 5:45 spin class this AM.  I felt it a couple times during the night, and got up and started getting ready for spin but could tell it was tender.   I went back to bed.   I am currently doing an Anthony Robbins series and he would probably call this a rationalization.  I didnt really want to get out of bed (I didn't) so I used my knee as an excuse.  But the part of me that wants to actually FINISH this triathlon was petrified that I would get injured so I also think I was being cautious.

Be brutally honest, should I go to spin class and STOP if it is tender, (I think I know the answer) or feel confident that I am pushing myself and get rest and do something else when I think I am stressing it?

I can take it.

Your knee shouldn't hurt when you swim - at least, you shouldn't be using your knees. For your bad knee, have you been to a specialist, or a PT to see about the causes and the long-term solutions to this, in conjunction with training (as most GPs will just tell you to "stop running")?  If your knee is that bad, I would be very careful about doing anything that aggravates it THAT much. So no, I wouldn't necessarily say you were making an excuse by not going to spin. If it causes your knee to become so inflamed that you can't walk, that's serious, and you should definitely NOT go!

2009-04-28 10:15 AM
in reply to: #2115235

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-28 9:49 A

I can take it.

Your knee shouldn't hurt when you swim - at least, you shouldn't be using your knees. For your bad knee, have you been to a specialist, or a PT to see about the causes and the long-term solutions to this, in conjunction with training (as most GPs will just tell you to "stop running")?  If your knee is that bad, I would be very careful about doing anything that aggravates it THAT much. So no, I wouldn't necessarily say you were making an excuse by not going to spin. If it causes your knee to become so inflamed that you can't walk, that's serious, and you should definitely NOT go!

Ok, thanks.  I will just watch it.  I know what the issues are and the Orthopedic surgeon and I are managing it with Celebrex.  The patella is most painful when it "floats freely" which happens in the pool, so while it seems weird that swimming aggravates it, it always has.  He explained why to me, but he also wants to cut it open, which I am trying to avoid.  I have had 6 opinions and they are all the same.  I am convinced that I can do this in a careful way to prove them all wrong about surgery and using it.  So far I am having luck listening to it. I am glad I skipped spinning.  I will walk today and get ready to hit the treadmill in the am with it being rested a day.  It does well rested.   Spinnning has never bothered it, but I also never went to spinning when it was already "talking" to me (what I call it).  thanks for the tips.  50 pounds lighter, it can handle a lot more, the trouble is doing enough to lose the pounds so I can do more!!!!!!!
2009-04-28 10:24 AM
in reply to: #2115326

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-28 11:15 AM
Ok, thanks.  I will just watch it.  I know what the issues are and the Orthopedic surgeon and I are managing it with Celebrex.  The patella is most painful when it "floats freely" which happens in the pool, so while it seems weird that swimming aggravates it, it always has.  He explained why to me, but he also wants to cut it open, which I am trying to avoid.  I have had 6 opinions and they are all the same.  I am convinced that I can do this in a careful way to prove them all wrong about surgery and using it.  So far I am having luck listening to it. I am glad I skipped spinning.  I will walk today and get ready to hit the treadmill in the am with it being rested a day.  It does well rested.   Spinnning has never bothered it, but I also never went to spinning when it was already "talking" to me (what I call it).  thanks for the tips.  50 pounds lighter, it can handle a lot more, the trouble is doing enough to lose the pounds so I can do more!!!!!!!

Orthopedic surgeons always want to cut, which depending on what is wrong, may or may not be the best option. However, if it truly IS the best option, don't try to "prove them wrong" and make it worse. Have you talked to a doc about the non-cutting options and tried any? If you have and those options haven't worked, then I guess the decision you need to make is either do you want to be able to do more physically, in which case, surgery might be the option to choose, long-term, or are you happy with just "listening" to it, if that means not doing as much as you'd like, ya know?

2009-04-28 10:43 AM
in reply to: #2115367

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-28 10:24 AM

Orthopedic surgeons always want to cut, which depending on what is wrong, may or may not be the best option. However, if it truly IS the best option, don't try to "prove them wrong" and make it worse. Have you talked to a doc about the non-cutting options and tried any? If you have and those options haven't worked, then I guess the decision you need to make is either do you want to be able to do more physically, in which case, surgery might be the option to choose, long-term, or are you happy with just "listening" to it, if that means not doing as much as you'd like, ya know?

Yes this has been going on since I dropped out of College swimming in 1987 with toe drop from it.  I had one operated on and just don't want to do the other.  That was sheer hell.  I am happy listen to it.  I know I will never be an ironman triathlete or some major runner.  My goal is to be fit and have fun.  I just also have a tendency to wimp out and I really want to change that about my life.  I don't want to wimp out.  I think my answer is get my butt out of bed and go to spin. If I don't spin I go do something else (I really should have done pilates this am, that doesnt hurt my knee)  so I think this talking about it has shown me that I may not have needed to spin this AM, but I still should have gotten out of bed and done something if I want to change the old habits.  I didn't mean to take up a page on the forum with this, it is my own struggle between using my knee as a crutch or needing a crutch for my knee LOL!
2009-04-28 10:52 AM
in reply to: #2115431

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-28 11:43 AM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-28 10:24 AM

Orthopedic surgeons always want to cut, which depending on what is wrong, may or may not be the best option. However, if it truly IS the best option, don't try to "prove them wrong" and make it worse. Have you talked to a doc about the non-cutting options and tried any? If you have and those options haven't worked, then I guess the decision you need to make is either do you want to be able to do more physically, in which case, surgery might be the option to choose, long-term, or are you happy with just "listening" to it, if that means not doing as much as you'd like, ya know?

Yes this has been going on since I dropped out of College swimming in 1987 with toe drop from it.  I had one operated on and just don't want to do the other.  That was sheer hell.  I am happy listen to it.  I know I will never be an ironman triathlete or some major runner.  My goal is to be fit and have fun.  I just also have a tendency to wimp out and I really want to change that about my life.  I don't want to wimp out.  I think my answer is get my butt out of bed and go to spin. If I don't spin I go do something else (I really should have done pilates this am, that doesnt hurt my knee)  so I think this talking about it has shown me that I may not have needed to spin this AM, but I still should have gotten out of bed and done something if I want to change the old habits.  I didn't mean to take up a page on the forum with this, it is my own struggle between using my knee as a crutch or needing a crutch for my knee LOL!

Oh, no worries, it's fine! Discussion is good - since this group tends to be pretty quiet.

2009-04-28 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Hi, I was just catching up and thought I'd chime in...Amy, when your knee is bothering you, you need to slow down, so not wanting to get out of bed for spinning is not a bad thing.  Maybe there's a better lighter option for you to do today, and give yourself a few days til it's not bothering you at all...from what I've seen, you are doign a lot of work, and should be pretty fit...therefore taking a few days to let your knee chill should not bother your ability to reach your goal of completing the triathlon.  I have a rheumatoid disease, so I have to walk the run part; I understand your wanting to "prove" things...I've been there... (I guess I'm still there!! )  Just make sure you're smart about it, and don't overdo when your knee is bothering can do anything you put your mind to, I am totally positive about that, but if some things bother your knee more, maybe you need to switch your schedule around a bit, and make sure you don't skip your "rest" days...

As for wine, which I love, and beer, I usually pair it with a huge glass of water...I am a huge water drinker, and usually have a full glass with me at all times throughout the day, and I have some sort of "adult beverage" every night...but it doesn't seem to bother me as far as hydration...I def. don't have more than one glass the night before a big workouot however, and probably none before a raceday...unless I'm nervous & won't sleep

Now, speaking of knees...I've had a bit of a bother on the outside of my right knee, should I ice it?  Or is there a rub that's good?? 

2009-04-28 11:24 AM
in reply to: #2068561

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Near Lake Tahoe, NV
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Amy, good call on backing off with knee pain. Missing one workout because of pain is better than pushing yourself to injury and missing 20 workouts. You just have to try to be honest with yourself (I am not so good at this sometimes) about whether you are really hurting or trying to make excuses. Easier said than done.

I had a frustrating night at the pool last night, not because of my swimming but because of the circumstances. I will paste from my log:

Went around 7 pm and the pool was almost empty, which was great at first... lane to myself, no worries about anyone having to join, etc. For reference, the pool closes at 8 pm. Then, the lifeguards started to gather about two feet from my lane (around 7:20). I was doing a set of 600, so I didn't want to stop, but I did sort of pause on my turn and look to see if they wanted my attention to tell me something, but they did not say anything. Soon enough, the guy from the front desk comes out and stands with them. I finish my set and take off my goggles and ear plugs to see if they need to tell me something and again, no acknowledgment. It was about 7:25, so nowhere near closing time, but it was obvious by looking at their body language that they were waiting for me to leave. So I did my cool down and left the pool and heard one of them say "Oh look, now that there are no swimmers in the pool we can go home". I was halfway into the lockerroom and for a split second considered going out there to remind them what time the pool closes and that I could stay until 7:59:59 if I wanted, but I didn't. Instead I was frustrated because I shortened my workout trying to be nice and instead got sh*t from the lifeguards. Oh well I will get over it.

I should have just ignored them and stayed in the pool, but I am way too self conscious at times and don't like to feel like I am making people angry.
2009-04-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2115326

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
amkaz - 2009-04-28 8:15 AM

Ok, thanks.    I have had 6 opinions and they are all the same.  I am convinced that I can do this in a careful way to prove them all wrong about surgery and using it.

not that i am a doctor or play on tv...but i was in the same situation as you last summer. my doctor wanted to surgrey-very invasive surgery, but i was under the impression that i can swim bike and run my way out of this. i had a couple of mri's, other state of the art tests, cortisone injections. but my knee wasnt getting better. i ended up having a partial knee replacement-a nice large piece of titanium is now embedded permanently between my femur and tibia. i didnt want to do surgery, and even after surgery i second guessed myself. today i am not even three months post surgery and i experience so much less pain than prior to surgery. the physical therapy was tough, but the results came at first day to day, and then week to week. i started swimming six week after surgery, and biking about eight weeks post surgery.
bottom line is you know what will be the best for you and your body.
2009-04-28 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2115506

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-04-28 12:06 PM
As for wine, which I love, and beer, I usually pair it with a huge glass of water...I am a huge water drinker, and usually have a full glass with me at all times throughout the day, and I have some sort of "adult beverage" every night...but it doesn't seem to bother me as far as hydration...I def. don't have more than one glass the night before a big workouot however, and probably none before a raceday...unless I'm nervous & won't sleep

Now, speaking of knees...I've had a bit of a bother on the outside of my right knee, should I ice it?  Or is there a rub that's good?? 

I never drink the night before a race.

Your knee - could be IT Band problems. Did you run longer than normal? Do your shoes need replacing? How long has it been going on? Icing is fine, but make sure you stretch too - look u p "IT Band stretches" on Google - they're kind of hard to explain, but there are several good ones out there. You should also make sure you are stretching all of your lower body - hams, glutes, quads, calves, hip flexors, etc. It's all connected. I love The Stick for post-run on top of stretching. I also have a foam roller, that is very for targeting your IT Band. But see if just stretching helps. If not, the foam roller is your friend It will hurt like a btitch, just to warn you, but it helps over time.

2009-04-28 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

That STINKS about the lifeguards!  Bad lifeguards.  I wish that hadn't happened to you when you finally were better and was able to go out and work out after taking care of your family!!!!!! 

Steven ( I think, I don't have my username/real name cheat sheet)  if I qualified for a replacement I would get one, I requested it.  My patellar tendon (sp) connects on the anterior side of my shin bone instead of the center.  The surgery I need on the left I had on the right.  They saw off the piece of bone where the tendon connects, move it over, and bolt it in in the center, then go in and clean up all the loose cartilage.  Post surgury I would have to be non-weight bearing for 6-8 weeks while the bolt takes, weight on the bone could allow the bolt to dislodge and the surgery repeated.  Then it is a race to break up all the scar tissue and get the knee to bend again.  Honesly it was the worst 5 months of my life and I will only have the surgery if I stop walking.  I have been able to, now that I understand what aggrivates it, manage it.  No dancing in heels.  No walking up and down steps in heels.  No breaststroke, minimal pool kicking, no squats or lunges (lunges are a guarantee problem so I just dont do them), and I watch the running.  DR said bike is good unless it is aggrivated.  SO, alas I can do this if I am careful.  My right knee is perfect and I love it, and if both were bad like they were I wouldnt have a choice... I would do the surgery, but knowing the pain free right knee still isnt enough yet to get me to do the left.  I just have to get my fat skinny again (it is way better then) and cope.

As I walk around work today it is just  "reminding" me to be careful, so Chrissy I think I just listen and let it be the priority over the "Training Schedule"  I do what my knee lets me.  I will still finish the tri, I can do so pain free.  It may take me over 2 hours, but I will still finish, be proud, and lose more weight in the process which makes training and the next tri easier. 

This is a lifestyle after all, not a a sprint race to one destination.    I was envious of a couple people at masters swimming last night with their tri bodies and their triathlon swim caps and just want to get to where I wake up and want to train, am fit, even if it is only at my current knee level. 

Hell, I'd like to swim a 300 without my heartrate monitor beeping!!!!
2009-04-28 12:38 PM
in reply to: #2115723

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-28 12:10 PM

I also have a foam roller, that is very for targeting your IT Band. But see if just stretching helps. If not, the foam roller is your friend It will hurt like a btitch, just to warn you, but it helps over time.

Ok, I have a foam roller, used it once for one roll.  is an understatement!  How often do you roll on it, do you do it pre or post workout?  I guess I should get over my wimpiness and use that too!

2009-04-28 12:41 PM
in reply to: #2115572

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

JJackson07 - 2009-04-28 12:24 PM Amy, good call on backing off with knee pain. Missing one workout because of pain is better than pushing yourself to injury and missing 20 workouts. You just have to try to be honest with yourself (I am not so good at this sometimes) about whether you are really hurting or trying to make excuses. Easier said than done. I had a frustrating night at the pool last night, not because of my swimming but because of the circumstances. I will paste from my log: Went around 7 pm and the pool was almost empty, which was great at first... lane to myself, no worries about anyone having to join, etc. For reference, the pool closes at 8 pm. Then, the lifeguards started to gather about two feet from my lane (around 7:20). I was doing a set of 600, so I didn't want to stop, but I did sort of pause on my turn and look to see if they wanted my attention to tell me something, but they did not say anything. Soon enough, the guy from the front desk comes out and stands with them. I finish my set and take off my goggles and ear plugs to see if they need to tell me something and again, no acknowledgment. It was about 7:25, so nowhere near closing time, but it was obvious by looking at their body language that they were waiting for me to leave. So I did my cool down and left the pool and heard one of them say "Oh look, now that there are no swimmers in the pool we can go home". I was halfway into the lockerroom and for a split second considered going out there to remind them what time the pool closes and that I could stay until 7:59:59 if I wanted, but I didn't. Instead I was frustrated because I shortened my workout trying to be nice and instead got sh*t from the lifeguards. Oh well I will get over it. I should have just ignored them and stayed in the pool, but I am way too self conscious at times and don't like to feel like I am making people angry.

That's a load of crap. Too bad if the lazy little sh*ts want to go home early!!! I'd report them to the management, seriously. If it happens again, tell them no, and get out at 8 pm. Then, go up to the front desk, DEMAND to speak to the manager, and tell him/her what happened. I have found that gyms and pools are often staffed by cocky teenagers and young 20-somethings who don't really want to be there. I had that happen to me once at the pool at my old apartment complex. Unfortunately, the management office closes at 5, so there was no one to speak to. And since I never normally swam in the pool that late, it wasn't worth the effort.

2009-04-28 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2115839

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

amkaz - 2009-04-28 1:38 PM
wurkit_gurl - 2009-04-28 12:10 PM

I also have a foam roller, that is very for targeting your IT Band. But see if just stretching helps. If not, the foam roller is your friend It will hurt like a btitch, just to warn you, but it helps over time.

Ok, I have a foam roller, used it once for one roll.  is an understatement!  How often do you roll on it, do you do it pre or post workout?  I guess I should get over my wimpiness and use that too!

Usually post-workout. As often as I remember, because rolling consistently seems to work. At the very least, try to do it after every run.

2009-04-28 12:44 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
thats useless :\
Where i'm from the teenagesrs would want you to stay because they need the money and thy are getting paid to sit aroudn watching one person

I seem to have kicked the cold now i'm just ttired. I will get to the gym today though, try and run a bit and do some strength. i ahve a spin class signed up for tomorrow and i'm going to be back training again
2009-04-28 12:46 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Davenport, IA
Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

Just swinging by to say Hi, and to tell SteveyD that we do, in fact, have 16.9oz cans of redbull available for purchase in the United States.  Land of the Free, home of the jittery-as-sh$t.

2009-04-28 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
Feel better Steven!

2009-04-28 12:57 PM
in reply to: #2115857

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

SteveyD - 2009-04-28 1:44 PM thats useless :\
Where i'm from the teenagesrs would want you to stay because they need the money and thy are getting paid to sit aroudn watching one person

I seem to have kicked the cold now i'm just ttired. I will get to the gym today though, try and run a bit and do some strength. i ahve a spin class signed up for tomorrow and i'm going to be back training again

Quality sleep. Even if that means putting down the GUitar Hero and going to bed a little early. I know you're in school, so I understand having to stay up to study more or finish a paper. But otherwise, get a good night's sleep even if it means being a bit lame

2009-04-28 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
I can't remember if I asked this before: has anyone used a neoprene cap in really cold water?  Would it be a good idea to get one??
2009-04-28 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2115934

Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)

kmbhoya2000 - 2009-04-28 2:07 PM I can't remember if I asked this before: has anyone used a neoprene cap in really cold water?  Would it be a good idea to get one??

How cold are you talking? I didn't use one in my race 2 weekends ago, when the water was 62 and although I felt fine in the water once I got going, the cold water really messed with my head (I mean, my equilibrium out of the water, not mentally), so I don't know if it would have helped with that. If you can get a chance to practice with it, do so.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2009-04-28 1:25 PM
2009-04-28 3:38 PM
in reply to: #2068561

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Subject: RE: Wurkit_Gurl's Group - CLOSED (sssh...we're training)
they say temp range can be from 55-70, last two years about mid 60s...
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