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2009-05-13 2:18 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I've got a question that I've been working on for a bit, and some professional mentor advice is definately appropriate.  For me, and my training, the biggest hurdle isn't time or weather, or any of that nonsense, it's my weight.  When I totally focus on S-B-R, I don't lose as much weight as I do when I only do a little SBR, and add more aerobics classes (body combat/jam).  Now I still lose weight with only SBR stuff, but I lose more with aerobic classes.  And to clarify, I keep my time working out consistant, so it's not like I run for 30 minutes, but do an hour class.

So what do you think will benefit me more, losing as much weight as I can, while only trying to maintain what SBR ability I have, or try to put all my energy into SBR, and race at a heavier weight?

I am only doing a couple sprints this year, and I can definately do the distances, so I'm not worried about finishing, or my times so much this season, as my goal is to have fun and lose weight in the process.

2009-05-13 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I signed up for my Try-a Tri in Welland on June 28th. Am now deciding what two sprints I will enter for the rest of the season. May wait to talk to the local triathlon club training weekend I'm going on next weekend (24th) to find out more inside info on each.

I'm also trying to loose weight and it has just now started to come off but not as much as I'd like.

2009-05-13 4:54 PM
in reply to: #2148808

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Chaderbox - 2009-05-13 12:18 PM I've got a question that I've been working on for a bit, and some professional mentor advice is definately appropriate.  For me, and my training, the biggest hurdle isn't time or weather, or any of that nonsense, it's my weight.  When I totally focus on S-B-R, I don't lose as much weight as I do when I only do a little SBR, and add more aerobics classes (body combat/jam).  Now I still lose weight with only SBR stuff, but I lose more with aerobic classes.  And to clarify, I keep my time working out consistant, so it's not like I run for 30 minutes, but do an hour class.

So what do you think will benefit me more, losing as much weight as I can, while only trying to maintain what SBR ability I have, or try to put all my energy into SBR, and race at a heavier weight?

I am only doing a couple sprints this year, and I can definately do the distances, so I'm not worried about finishing, or my times so much this season, as my goal is to have fun and lose weight in the process.

How much water do you drink during the body combat class vs. the same time on a bike/run? That might be part of it, in addition, the body combat won't build the muscle and won't promote the water retention/muscle swelling that a really hard run or bike will. I find that if I have a couple extra lbs just "appear", I'm training really hard and need a bit of a break.

And, the answer to your "which one" question is simple, and you already have it.

What is more important to you right this minute, losing the weight, or doing triathlon?

If it is losing the weight, I'd keep doing the body combat classes, maintain the S/B/R so that you can still do the sprints comfortably. If it is triathlon, drop the body combat and deal with a slightly slower weight loss. From what it sounds like, you'd rather have the weight loss right now, but that's a choice YOU have to make.

2009-05-13 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2148408

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

tkd.teacher - 2009-05-13 11:48 AM
CGunz - 2009-05-13 8:21 AM

Question about swimming... I feel like my swimming is not really improving.  I can swim 2 minutes / 100 yards, but after the 100 yards I'm so out of breathe I nearly die in the water.  And I try to swim more slowly, but that doesn't seem to help either.  What can I do to gain endurance in the swim?

Oddly enough, swimming is a sport where going slower can be counter productive.

One question, when your face is in the water, are you breathing out continuously? Or do you hold your breath for a stroke and then let it all out and gasp in? I'm betting the latter, whether you realize it or not. It's common among newer swimmers to do that.


I breathe out and in only when my head is turned.  I haven't been able to get the timing right to breathe out continuously.  Should I try harder to do that, I take it?  Any other tips?

2009-05-13 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2149228

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
tkd.teacher - 2009-05-13 5:54 PM
How much water do you drink during the body combat class vs. the same time on a bike/run? That might be part of it, in addition, the body combat won't build the muscle and won't promote the water retention/muscle swelling that a really hard run or bike will. I find that if I have a couple extra lbs just "appear", I'm training really hard and need a bit of a break.

And, the answer to your "which one" question is simple, and you already have it.

What is more important to you right this minute, losing the weight, or doing triathlon?

If it is losing the weight, I'd keep doing the body combat classes, maintain the S/B/R so that you can still do the sprints comfortably. If it is triathlon, drop the body combat and deal with a slightly slower weight loss. From what it sounds like, you'd rather have the weight loss right now, but that's a choice YOU have to make.


I would drink the same amount for either activity, one bottle of water. 

What I think is the case more, is that I stay in more of an anaerobic heart rate zone when I bike and run.  My running, while I do it at a pace that I feel comfortable with and can maintain for 45+ minutes (which is way long for me, having only been able to run for 10 mins in January), my HR will still be around 160-170.  And on the bike, I'll be in that same range as well for an hour easily.  But when I do an aerobic class, I'll not get over 160.  So would that be more of the issue? 

Should I gear back on my intensity when I run and bike? 

As far as what's more important to me, I know that I'll lose the weight either way.  I was just debating which would make me faster overall really.  If I can lose more weight before race time, then I could be a bit quicker.  BUT if I'm just generally better at bike/run, would I be equally as fast, faster, or slower because of my heavier weight still.
2009-05-13 11:17 PM
in reply to: #2149359

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
CGunz - 2009-05-13 4:28 PM

tkd.teacher - 2009-05-13 11:48 AM
CGunz - 2009-05-13 8:21 AM

Question about swimming... I feel like my swimming is not really improving.  I can swim 2 minutes / 100 yards, but after the 100 yards I'm so out of breathe I nearly die in the water.  And I try to swim more slowly, but that doesn't seem to help either.  What can I do to gain endurance in the swim?

Oddly enough, swimming is a sport where going slower can be counter productive.

One question, when your face is in the water, are you breathing out continuously? Or do you hold your breath for a stroke and then let it all out and gasp in? I'm betting the latter, whether you realize it or not. It's common among newer swimmers to do that.


I breathe out and in only when my head is turned.  I haven't been able to get the timing right to breathe out continuously.  Should I try harder to do that, I take it?  Any other tips?

Definitely this is your problem. you're basically hyperventilating yourself.

go to the deep end or other completely open spot. Take a breath, and push away from the wall in a streamlined position. With your head in the water, just glide and breath out at a slow, steady pace. This will get you used to breathing out with your face underwater. (You should be at or near the surface so you don't run out of breath 10 feet down. )

Once you have that down to where you can continuously breath out for 2-5 seconds before you need to roll over and breathe, work on a slow swimming where you just breath out while you do three or four strokes. If the timing is off, just roll on your back and breath. Do it again, and either breath out just a little slower or a little quicker to time it with your stroke.

You can also work on this with a kickboard. Hold onto the kickboard with your arms extended and start kicking down the pool. Put your face in the water and breathe out. Whenever you feel you need a breath, take a stroke with your arm (either one, start with the one that feels comfortable) and take a breath like you would in normal swimming. Face back in the water, keep breathing out.

It's just like running and biking. You don't gasp/hold/gasp/hold when doing those, you don't when swimming. It just takes a bit to work on the timing.


2009-05-13 11:27 PM
in reply to: #2149590

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Chaderbox - 2009-05-13 7:11 PM
I would drink the same amount for either activity, one bottle of water. 

What I think is the case more, is that I stay in more of an anaerobic heart rate zone when I bike and run.  My running, while I do it at a pace that I feel comfortable with and can maintain for 45+ minutes (which is way long for me, having only been able to run for 10 mins in January), my HR will still be around 160-170.  And on the bike, I'll be in that same range as well for an hour easily.  But when I do an aerobic class, I'll not get over 160.  So would that be more of the issue? 

Should I gear back on my intensity when I run and bike? 

As far as what's more important to me, I know that I'll lose the weight either way.  I was just debating which would make me faster overall really.  If I can lose more weight before race time, then I could be a bit quicker.  BUT if I'm just generally better at bike/run, would I be equally as fast, faster, or slower because of my heavier weight still.

It's possible. You burn calories from different sources depending on whether you are in an aerobic or anaerobic zone. If you are going 45+ minutes though, you aren't anaerobic. The metabolic pathways that provide fuel for anaerobic activity don't last more than a few minutes. (Without getting too technical, there is short burst anaerobic metabolism, that's what gets used when you do a 100m sprint. Lasts no more than 10-15 seconds. The anaerobic glycolysis pathway lasts for up to 10 minutes.) Anything past that limit you either can't go any more or you really aren't in anaerobic mode.

Training intensity in all sports should vary some. You need a good base of distance, and add to that tempo and intervals in each sport. (I think I outlined the difference between tempo and interval somewhere in here, if not I can repost it.) You will actually spend a small portion of your overall time going at your 90% or higher rate.

The 160-170 bpm may be perfectly in your range. You can't really tell your max HR without a monitored test (The 220-age is a bad myth).

And, your perception of the weight loss changes my opinion. I'd concentrate on the S/B/R, and an occasional combat class as a diversion, and let the weight come off as it will. I'm afraid that if you concentrate on losing weight as a priority, you won't be getting the nutrition you need for proper recovery, and/or you won't be properly fueled for quality workouts. Shoot for 1-2 lbs a week, thats a decent, sustainable rate of loss, and shouldn't negatively impact your training.


Edited by tkd.teacher 2009-05-13 11:31 PM
2009-05-14 7:15 AM
in reply to: #2149757

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

I understand about the anaerobic metabolism mechanisms/pathways etc from my medicine background.  However, I'm just starting to understand it in terms of endurance training, and how it impacts weight loss and ability to perform/sustain exercise.  Add to that, the fact that I don't use a HR monitor, I just manually check it randomly throughout my workouts just so I can get an idea what's going on, and mostly for curiosity's sake.  I just like to be able to see what gets my HR to where, how long it stays high, etc. 

So you've pretty much agreed with my personal thought that better SBR would be better overall than current SBR at a lower weight.  It was just an idea that I got thinking maybe getting lighter would translate into faster times because I would be lugging around less of me.  Although I could probably drop the same amount of weight just by getting my back waxed. 

My nutrition is definately the part that I'm having the hardest time with.  Being a football guy, and a lineman on top of it, nutrition was always "eat as much of whatever you want" so I've never had to think about it too much.  At my peak, I could run 1 mile at just under 7mins, but only 1.  To try and do 2 miles took me over 20.  But football is all high intensity for brief spurts, you always get rests.  And if you get too tired as a lineman, you could always just cut people and get a nice break laying down.  So endurance training is a totally new concept for me.  I'm enjoying it, it's just pretty much the opposite of all I ever knew.

In conclusion, thanks for all the advice, it really is a help to have a great mentoring person.


2009-05-14 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Thanks, and you are a great group to be working with! (If I could keep y'all out of the docs office long enough to train!! )

I'm a bit pressed for a long post, but I'll be posting a bit about nutrition and food labels, etc. in the next day or so.

2009-05-15 11:52 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
So, finally I managed to get back training since being sick with the flu on Sunday. It felt great to be biking today!

I would love some info on nutrition. I always get worried about what I need to eat to help me perform better but always get worried I will gain weight if I take into too much of the wrong thing.
2009-05-15 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

Ok, I learned to breathe out constantly when I swim.  It seems to help, but I still can barely get past 100 yards.  Any other magic bullets?

And I echo the thanks for all the advice John!

2009-05-15 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2154334

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
CGunz - 2009-05-15 9:08 PM

Ok, I learned to breathe out constantly when I swim.  It seems to help, but I still can barely get past 100 yards.  Any other magic bullets?

And I echo the thanks for all the advice John!

I can manage the breathe out all the time, but I have a difficult time breathing out through both my nose and mouth.  I'm trying to get better at it, but I still do at best 50/50.  I'll start out at first through my nose, then realize that I'm only doing that, then try to mouth breathe.  It's a slow progression.
2009-05-16 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
So it's official. I entered my 2 sprint races. Bracebridge on Aug 8th and Guelph on Sept

2009-05-16 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I thought Guelph was June 21st? Because it's the same day as Leamington, otherwise I would do Guelph instead of the Michigan Tri.
2009-05-16 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

Oh wow, I just realized there are two Guelph weekends! The June 20/21st and then the Sep 5 as well. I would totally do Guelph in September if there was an OLY option. Too bad!

Edited by trysprintolympic 2009-05-16 11:21 AM
2009-05-16 2:27 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Just wanted to give John a shout out and wish you good luck with your tri tomorrow.  Let us know how it went.

2009-05-16 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

What a difference a 25 m pool makes. Swam 1000m. Did 100s in under 1:30.

Good luck with the tri John.




2009-05-16 8:55 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Good luck to John and to Emily too!! Kick @$$, you two!
2009-05-17 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2155407

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

trysprintolympic - 2009-05-16 9:55 PM Good luck to John and to Emily too!! Kick @$$, you two!

Thanks!  I survived but had a disappointing race.  It was a much tougher course that I thought it would be.  Cold water, rain and wind on the bike, muddy and hilly trail run.

Sign that triathlon is actually a sickness: I can't wait to do it again next year!

Official results won't be up until this evening.  I'll post a race report once I have all my splits.

2009-05-17 10:29 AM
in reply to: #2155692

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
esc - 2009-05-17 9:16 AM

trysprintolympic - 2009-05-16 9:55 PM Good luck to John and to Emily too!! Kick @$$, you two!

Thanks!  I survived but had a disappointing race.  It was a much tougher course that I thought it would be.  Cold water, rain and wind on the bike, muddy and hilly trail run.

Sign that triathlon is actually a sickness: I can't wait to do it again next year!

Official results won't be up until this evening.  I'll post a race report once I have all my splits.

Congrats on surviving the race, even in those conditions.  Just gives you some incentive for next year. 
2009-05-17 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Sorry to hear the weather sucked, but at least it sucked for everyone, right?? Hopefully when you see your times you will be pleasantly surprised!

I am so excited for my first race in two weeks! There's no way I'll come close to my original 45 minute goal (the swim is going to drag me down) but I just want to finally be able to say that I did one!

2009-05-17 6:49 PM
in reply to: #2155842

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Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
I had a pretty good race. 400m swim, 12.4 mile bike, 5k run. Hit my pace on the bike, but wasted a minute due to poor course marking and took a wrong turn, and did the same on the run.

Still ended up with a 1:12 (I think, if it wasn't adjusted on the posting for the wave start, might be a 1:09), which was much better than last year, but I placed worse. There were some WICKED fast people today!

Soon as I see my splits, but for the main racing section (I started my computer after the mount line), I held 21mph for the bike, which is 2mph up from last year.

Fitness is there, endurance isn't. I felt like I had more, but just couldn't kick the pace up on the run. Still, I hit my pacings, so we'll see what my splits say.

2009-05-17 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL

Race report is up:

I aplogize in advance - it's a bit wordy - but it was my first oly and it was a doozy.  I want to make sure I remember all those things I need to improve upon for my next race.

2009-05-17 9:26 PM
in reply to: #2068595

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On your right
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Great job to both of you on your races.  I'll have my first tri coming up shortly as well, and can't wait to officially join the club.

In other news, I had my longest run ever today.  It was only 4 miles, BUT that's long for me.  Until I started training for tri's I had never done farther than 1 mile.  The best part was that I felt great, and took it easy.  The first time i tried to do 3 miles on the treadmill in mid February, I took 2 mintues longer.  So to go a mile farther, in less time, in the rain, and outisde with hills, and to not feel dead is awesome.  I might be able to start enjoying running afterall.  If I didn't need to go to sleep for work again tonight (well, I'm working now, actually) I felt like I could have kept going.  Well that and I knew I was getting a blister from going sockless.

I hope all had an enjoyable weekend, and has a great week of training!
2009-05-18 7:46 AM
in reply to: #2068595

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Hudsonville, MI
Subject: RE: Team No DNF - FULL
Congrats out to John, Emily and Chad for their accomplishments this weekend.  It looks like this weekend was full of a variety of accomplishments.  I finally hit the open road on the bike, hitting a little under 17 miles, and then followed that up with a 1.5 mile run. 

This was my first brick during my training and I can see that I will need a few more.  WOW!!!  I did not have anything for the run.  Could be I busted my a$$ too much on the bike.  My guess is that I need to do more bricks, possibly with a shorter ride next time. 

Anyway, just thought I would share.  How was everyone's weekend?

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